Huawei Watch Fit (Special Edition) 2023 : Would You Buy It?🇵🇭

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 138

  • @arturoliveira2009
    @arturoliveira2009 5 дней назад +1

    Are the faces of Huawei original Fit watch direct compatible wit this Special Edition version ? Thank You

  • @tolgadurgut
    @tolgadurgut 11 месяцев назад +4

    Dude, I can't find the answer anywhere. Is there a display theme on this watch that shows the second or does it only show the minute and hour

  • @amirularifyusof
    @amirularifyusof Год назад +9

    Hi! I can't find much more info about the built in GPS they use in this SE version. Are the QZSS , BEIDOU , GALILEO , and GLONASS navigation system are also included ? Or it's purely just using GPS navigation system?

    • @astrocity891
      @astrocity891 Год назад +2

      bro did you found the gps info? its gps accurate? im plan to get this

    • @TheRedSatan10
      @TheRedSatan10 10 месяцев назад

      Amik GT 3 SE je lah. Ada barometer, mic & speaker. Tapi masih guna GPS je. Dia tak pakai dualband. Paling elok untuk bersukan ialah GT RUNNER tapi dah off the rack. Reseller jual benda tu mahal nak m@ti.😂

  • @ВолодимирОлександрович-п2л

    better this watch than band 8

  • @thiyagumoorthy
    @thiyagumoorthy Год назад +4

    Can you use this watch effectively with an iPhone? Expecially for tracking runs and workout?

    • @Ahmi247Fn
      @Ahmi247Fn Месяц назад

      @thiyagumoorthy yes I think you can

    • @AloneIceWolf1
      @AloneIceWolf1 27 дней назад

      Apple are designed to give a ton of problems with other brands so you have to buy only Apple. it's compatible? maybe, but it will certainly not work as expected

  • @alibilal2728
    @alibilal2728 Год назад +7

    Is the sensor better than watch fit 2?

    • @ucat4818
      @ucat4818 Год назад +1

      I think it is not. watch fit SE is a upgraded version of watch fit new.

  • @mrsbiancapearman1157
    @mrsbiancapearman1157 10 месяцев назад +3

    Hi there, just watching your review for the Huawei Fit SE edition. Im expecting this watch for my birthday next week, very excited. Anyways was surprised to hear you reckon the straps cannot be swapped. Why is that? I thought if you can slot them in surely they can be removed? I did a quick search and can see replacement straps, supposedly for this watch, available to buy. Are you 100% certain straps cannot be swapped? Thank you

    • @PersonManManManMan
      @PersonManManManMan 8 месяцев назад

      According to different review, yes you can, there is buttons underneath the watch that you click with nail to release straps

  • @IanSolidum
    @IanSolidum 4 месяца назад

    What strap is compatible to huawei se is it watch fit 1 or 2? Thanks

  • @bjoernfischer
    @bjoernfischer Месяц назад

    kann man die uhr eigentlich auch mit einem herzfrequenz-brustgurt verbinden?

  • @MrKambuna
    @MrKambuna Год назад +3

    Is that true this version can't syncronize with Strava?
    I'm using Huawei Band 6 with Huawei App, it can sync with Strava App
    And any other app too, like Amazfit App, etc.

    • @jankarstentan1730
      @jankarstentan1730 7 месяцев назад

      Hello, How did you sync it with the strava app? I've been having a hard time syncing it. I also have the band 6. even thou it says on the app that it is linked, The workout still doesn't sync on the strava app

  • @zyrilnicolerendal8155
    @zyrilnicolerendal8155 Год назад +1

    Sir what's the difference between watch fit 2 yda-b09s and yda-b19s? I tried to find lcd for my watch. The available model is b19s but my watch model is b09s. Is it compatible? Thank you

  • @mrsbiancapearman1157
    @mrsbiancapearman1157 10 месяцев назад +1

    Also, apologies if someone below has already commented on this, has the syncing issues for IOS been stabilised yet? Has anyone got this watch and an iPhone?

  • @santiagovillarreal7806
    @santiagovillarreal7806 9 месяцев назад +1

    Whats the best low budget Strava compatible

    • @evailifx217
      @evailifx217 8 месяцев назад

      i think it's garmin forerunner 55 / 45 but it doesn't have some features huawei fit 2 has, like music storage and map export

  • @seanreyrubite9661
    @seanreyrubite9661 21 день назад

    Watchfit SE or Huawei band 9 ???

  • @Sha-i4m
    @Sha-i4m Год назад +1

    Can i change the strap? Pls answer

    • @trebronlibrand
      @trebronlibrand 10 месяцев назад +1

      The guy is totally wrong... you can change the strap. My sister used this watch and she's changing strap every week...

  • @jamesmarak9204
    @jamesmarak9204 5 месяцев назад

    Can have bluetooth calling?

  • @lucijasluganovic3437
    @lucijasluganovic3437 Год назад +2

    Can you see on the watch messages notifications (for example, from whatsapp) that came on your phone ?

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад +1

      yes u can receive notification

  • @levithavillar5900
    @levithavillar5900 5 месяцев назад

    Is this compatible with Strava?

  • @individuo7618
    @individuo7618 Год назад +3

    Which is better huawei watch fit se or amazfit 4 mini? I've heard that amazfit tracker is not optimal and that heart tracker is +-wrong, but he have alexa...

  • @chuchay488
    @chuchay488 Год назад +3

    What’s the difference between Band 8?

  • @TabakNeKumar
    @TabakNeKumar Год назад +1

    Скажите, а какая версия Harmony os стоит в них?

  • @kNiVes298
    @kNiVes298 Год назад +12

    you can actually swap the straps for this model

    • @oaza1948
      @oaza1948 6 месяцев назад

      Black straps

  •  9 месяцев назад

    When always connected to smartphone, how long battery life?

    • @alexredplayz4079
      @alexredplayz4079 9 месяцев назад +1

      In order for the data to be synced with the phone it needs to be connected always, the battery should last about 9 days with moderate usage

    •  9 месяцев назад

      @@alexredplayz4079 Really, my watch fit SE with 30% brigthness, AOD off, all sensors ON, connected to smartphone the battery about 2 days, I think i have bad product

  • @PersonManManManMan
    @PersonManManManMan 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great review

  • @didierdomingue213
    @didierdomingue213 Год назад +2

    Can you change its strap?

    •  9 месяцев назад

      Yes you can, but only strap for huawei fit

  • @mjrafanan2405
    @mjrafanan2405 4 месяца назад

    It will ring if you have abnormal heart rate?

  • @fayecabural3108
    @fayecabural3108 Год назад +2

    how do you store music in this device?'

  • @Petit-Marseillais
    @Petit-Marseillais 8 месяцев назад +1

    Merci pour votre critique.

  • @gamerdstroyer
    @gamerdstroyer 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this info. so the only difference between FIT (SE) vs Band 8 is
    SE : bigger screen , GPS. and for the price. i think i would just stick with BAND 8 or go for FIT 2.
    thank you for the info

  • @oaza1948
    @oaza1948 6 месяцев назад +1

    for the price it is very good watch

  • @Musicmanjp60
    @Musicmanjp60 Год назад +2

    Compatible to samsung phones?

    • @mvbbofd
      @mvbbofd Год назад

      Yeah,with Huawei Health app

  • @NazFamVlog
    @NazFamVlog 7 месяцев назад

    Is the WATCH FIT 2 have GPS?

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  7 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, Huawei Watch Fit 2 does have built-in GPS. This allows you to track your outdoor workouts precisely, including your distance, pace, and route, without needing to carry your phone with you

  • @juliantekkengod9187
    @juliantekkengod9187 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'd stick to my watch fit 2

  • @TheSheriffCyclery
    @TheSheriffCyclery Год назад +1

    Hi, please help. Fit 2 or SE? why? Thanks!

    • @alexredplayz4079
      @alexredplayz4079 9 месяцев назад

      If you are on a tight budget and don't care about premium features go with the SE, if you want built in speaker, microfone, nfc, music storage, bigger battery and display and also better sensors go with the Fit 2

  • @DrAmrCactus
    @DrAmrCactus 6 месяцев назад +1

    Can i make and receive calls through it

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  6 месяцев назад

      No, you cannot directly make or receive calls through the Huawei Watch Fit (Special Edition). The watch can only display notifications of incoming calls and allows you to reject them or silence the ringer

  • @geno8079
    @geno8079 Год назад

    auto brightness?

    •  9 месяцев назад

      No auto brightness, still manual brightness

  • @thuongnguyenngoc1418
    @thuongnguyenngoc1418 10 месяцев назад

    Can I sync this watch with Strava app

    • @ariansulej4031
      @ariansulej4031 10 месяцев назад

      Yes you can, if I remember correctly it's under privacy management and data or something like that, you don't need 3rd party apps for that, it will sync to strava just using huawei app.

  • @PreeteeRamruttun-gd8vu
    @PreeteeRamruttun-gd8vu Год назад +2

    Can you make a call in this watch please. I really need the answer

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад

      this watch support incoming call notifications from phones and third-party apps.

  • @rolins3279
    @rolins3279 Год назад +14

    🤔It's much better to buy a Huawei Fit 2 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @individuo7618
      @individuo7618 Год назад +2


    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад +6

      cuz it's more on features

    • @rolins3279
      @rolins3279 Год назад

      @@individuo7618 Because it is better in every way 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @mikecar52
      @mikecar52 Год назад +5

      How would you know? The special edition has updated sensors.

    • @rolins3279
      @rolins3279 Год назад +2

      @@mikecar52 No, it's not an update, it's even more of a downgrade.

  • @jin-zs8ih
    @jin-zs8ih Год назад +1

    Would you recommend this po over Xiaomi Band Pro 7?? I use Xiaomi 12T Pro po and I'm unsure kung mas better ba na gumamit ng xiaomi brand smartwatch. This is my first smartwatch purchase po if ever..

    • @zuludeltanovember
      @zuludeltanovember Год назад +2

      huawei has better and more accurate HR sensor. aside from that, parehas lang sila china.

    • @itsmebryceee
      @itsmebryceee Год назад

      mas accurate ang sensors ng huawei bands/watches compare sa xiaomi, i own xiaomi band 4, 5 and redmi watch 2 before, and switched to huawei watches

    • @tortangtalong261
      @tortangtalong261 Год назад

      Huawei is Second in terms of Sensors, mas better pa siya sa Samsung at Garmin, Maliit lang difference ni apple watch.

  • @TN7.
    @TN7. Год назад +5

    Fit 2 is better

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад


    • @user-ji1vj2zc6x
      @user-ji1vj2zc6x Год назад +1

      UK currency is not dollars 😂

    • @TN7.
      @TN7. Год назад +3

      @@gadgetpinoy has a microphone bigger screen and better battery life

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад +1

      yeah....i know....when i read my script i said dollar instead of pounds....😄😄😄

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад

      I assumed that u r a Fitbit fan....

  • @dariosimonepalmiotti2739
    @dariosimonepalmiotti2739 Год назад

    what are the different features of this "special edition"?

  • @MakuRandamu
    @MakuRandamu Год назад +3

    huawei band 6 can sync workout to strava via health app. this is newer model. hmm

  • @GkTriesToBeOk
    @GkTriesToBeOk Год назад

    Is it better or worse than the fit 2?

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад

      better than fit 2

    • @GkTriesToBeOk
      @GkTriesToBeOk Год назад +1

      @@gadgetpinoy would you recommend i get the fit 2 or the band 8?

    • @Mukatutu
      @Mukatutu Год назад

      @@GkTriesToBeOk I think fit 2 IF you have the budget, seems like the overall better product, hence higher price.

    • @maryJaeJ
      @maryJaeJ Год назад +2

      ​@@gadgetpinoyhow is it better if you can't answer phone calls on fit SE?
      On fit 2 you can at least answear calls.

  • @kerwin2323
    @kerwin2323 4 месяца назад

    I wore this and I’m pretty sure I have a light sleep (half awake). It detected that I’m on deep sleep. I think sleep features are fake.

    • @SelfBooster10x
      @SelfBooster10x 2 месяца назад

      How did you know that you are half awake the entire time?

  • @haval6687
    @haval6687 Год назад

    سوپاس بو تە خوداێ من بو نەهێلانا نڤستنا من🤪 ژ کێفا و making my day!, night😊

  • @mrheru8627
    @mrheru8627 Год назад

    This is huawei band 8 with larger display 😊

    • @fatahma66
      @fatahma66 Год назад

      But Huawei Band 8 didn't have GPS built-in

  • @misakiayuzawa2229
    @misakiayuzawa2229 Год назад

    Huawei Fit 2 is much better than this. Too late for me. 😂

  • @ImJzsh
    @ImJzsh 2 месяца назад

    Can I reply to texts on this?

  • @SelfBooster10x
    @SelfBooster10x 2 месяца назад

    Strap are swappable lol

  • @joeyrezur
    @joeyrezur Год назад +1

    No strava... 😪

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад

      yes strava

    •  Год назад +1

      Strava push available in app

  • @dyriten
    @dyriten 11 месяцев назад +3

    I fucking hate every smartwatch or fitness band ever. How hard is it just to make a smartwatch that tell you the time, day and date. And also has features like a stopwatch, alarms, calculator.
    I dont need features that track all of my bowel movements i just want a fucking watch with a calculator

    • @juliantekkengod9187
      @juliantekkengod9187 8 месяцев назад

      Believe it or not everything in your fvcking house is made in China even your phone😂😂😂😂

  • @PersonManManManMan
    @PersonManManManMan 8 месяцев назад


  • @CalixAbellera
    @CalixAbellera Год назад +1


    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад +4

      hahahaha..... seems like u don't know what american slang is...

    • @anonymous-lq2tp
      @anonymous-lq2tp Год назад

      you can't be more wrong

  • @GeezEU
    @GeezEU Год назад +1

    too big and too thick

  • @MattH-l3i
    @MattH-l3i Год назад +2

    I'd rather not have a tracking device made by the chinese on my wrist.

    • @gadgetpinoy
      @gadgetpinoy  Год назад


    • @MattH-l3i
      @MattH-l3i Год назад +2

      Because of how influential the CCP is with chinese owned companies. Huawei is Chinas' main telecommunications company. They have complete control and access to all information gathered by that company. Meaning china has the right to use any and all information the way they see fit. And yea, the US does that as well, but out of the two evils, i dislike communists the most.

    • @smjfm14
      @smjfm14 Год назад +19

      Yeah because they care how many calories you didn't burned during the day😂😅

    • @MattH-l3i
      @MattH-l3i Год назад

      @smjfm14 gps data, personal information, key stroke data, gyroscope, inclinometer, all data associated with the phone it's connected to, messaging, calls. If you use a voice assistant, the recordings that voice assistant records.

    • @michamaecki5678
      @michamaecki5678 Год назад +9

      ​@@smjfm14they will send him a Chinese personal coach to watch him workout 😂

  • @Sha-i4m
    @Sha-i4m Год назад +1

    Can i change the strap? Pls answer