I dont know what it is about this bag ive bought sold and given away many different bags from budget to pricey and i find myself going back to my goruck backpacks, i dont care about how tough it is lets face it most of us will use this day to day and not do anything crazy in em. It's just the way it fits for me.
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of kislux . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the kislux high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry kislux fake bags.
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at kislux , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
To each his own! I love this bag, and to me, I'm paying for durability, made in the USA, and a tried and true design that works for me and my carry. I agree with you though, there are definitely plenty of cheaper bags out there that have more features.
@@MrWesQ I get that but to me this seems like a paid promo by a company more concerned w margin that the customer. I appreciate the looks for sure. But evergoods is miles ahead of these guys.
@@werb24I have an Evergoods and a Goruck. Evergoods stays at home, Goruck is with me, and travel with me abroad. Regarding Quality and Durability, that's no brainer.
@@ivanov9693 I have a heritage, I wear it bc I like how it looks. But is it well made? No. Are the fabrics of the same quality as say a wingback or trakke? Not close. Is the construction in the same class and a Brown Buffalo? No. Is the organization or design as good as Evergoods? Nope. It’s a basic bag. My issue isn’t how it looks it’s the value they provide the customer for the huge price they charge.
Innovation comes from CT tactical. They aren’t quite GoRuck pricing, but they don’t say stupid things like bombproof laptop compartment that is irrelevant, they line the interiors, and they don’t do fomo limited releases at ridiculous prices.
Watching this while waiting for the 21L I ordered to be shipped lol 😂
I just picked up a osprey tropos it's one of the better edc packs I seen
Gr1 26 is one of my all time favorites.
Love my GR1 21L Dyneema! I'm Traveling with it now!
Nice flannel
A classic.
I’ve always contemplated getting a Goruck pack, but think I’ve found my grail with the ULA dragonfly.
Did you ever review an Eberlestock switchblade pack? Thank you!
Yes Sir!
I dont know what it is about this bag ive bought sold and given away many different bags from budget to pricey and i find myself going back to my goruck backpacks, i dont care about how tough it is lets face it most of us will use this day to day and not do anything crazy in em. It's just the way it fits for me.
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of kislux . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
Am i the only one who prefer 1000C on the back panel and straps? I never had any problems with my shirt
yes you are the only one. 500d though would be dope. samurai did it write there...
@GeorgeDEFINED ❤️
@supercrazpianomanaic hehehe 🤪
why do you even need 1000c on your straps? You're not jumping off from space with the pack
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the kislux high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry kislux fake bags.
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at kislux , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
This bag kind of sucks. It looks great and won’t get destroyed but honestly, for the price the customer deserves more innovation.
To each his own! I love this bag, and to me, I'm paying for durability, made in the USA, and a tried and true design that works for me and my carry. I agree with you though, there are definitely plenty of cheaper bags out there that have more features.
@@MrWesQ I get that but to me this seems like a paid promo by a company more concerned w margin that the customer. I appreciate the looks for sure. But evergoods is miles ahead of these guys.
@@werb24I have an Evergoods and a Goruck.
Evergoods stays at home, Goruck is with me, and travel with me abroad.
Regarding Quality and Durability, that's no brainer.
@@ivanov9693 I have a heritage, I wear it bc I like how it looks. But is it well made? No. Are the fabrics of the same quality as say a wingback or trakke? Not close. Is the construction in the same class and a Brown Buffalo? No. Is the organization or design as good as Evergoods? Nope. It’s a basic bag. My issue isn’t how it looks it’s the value they provide the customer for the huge price they charge.
Innovation comes from CT tactical. They aren’t quite GoRuck pricing, but they don’t say stupid things like bombproof laptop compartment that is irrelevant, they line the interiors, and they don’t do fomo limited releases at ridiculous prices.