I hope this guy will be more famous,this guy has it all, he has a nice personality, hes an off meta pick player (sometimes) has the balls to speak whats in his mind, he's good, he's funny! He's my fav player atm, thanks Dutchmash for this Montage, he deserves some spotlight :)
I never really watched Likkrit play, nor ever watched an Albus Nox game. But I have massive respect for this player for his sportsmanship. His speech was genuine and it really sounded like it came from his heart. He's one of my favorite players now, that speech alone showed me how passionate of a player this man really is. Good on you Likkrit
anyоnе lоoking for wooоorking looool haaacks, this is thе onеe i usе more then уеartwitter.com/8b3601a0f9b60b08c/status/719100417246961665 disccccover it yyyoursеlf Best of Likkrit The Motivаtiоnal Suрport Leаgue of Legends
anyone looking for working lol haсks, this is the one i usе more then yeartwitter.com/da26538f280090414/status/719100417246961665 discover it yourseеlf Best of Likkrit Тhe Motivational Support Leagueе of Legends
When every1 hates and no1 believes that you deserve to represent a region, they found strength inside to keep on. Some strength and a lot of money as salary)
Jo Dutchmash, I asked you on stream if you maybe wanted to update your playlist which you add songs onto which you have used in your videos. Could you please update it, ty in advance ;)
heyyyy I love your videos
1:30 looks like a funeral poster
I hope this guy will be more famous,this guy has it all, he has a nice personality, hes an off meta pick player (sometimes) has the balls to speak whats in his mind, he's good, he's funny! He's my fav player atm, thanks Dutchmash for this Montage, he deserves some spotlight :)
He might have a different personality in real life, but ingame he will often just int feed and is pretty toxic. I never met him irl tho
I bet you never met him ingame either.
I ve heard he did not shake a guy´s hand? ... only when you mentioned his nice personality...
he later publicly apologised for it
well he is from Russia right? explains a lot :)
I never really watched Likkrit play, nor ever watched an Albus Nox game. But I have massive respect for this player for his sportsmanship. His speech was genuine and it really sounded like it came from his heart. He's one of my favorite players now, that speech alone showed me how passionate of a player this man really is. Good on you Likkrit
That's the only player I have seen that actually looks like a real human being.
Never heard of this guy before, but fucking hell he is awesome. New favorite pro support found.
He was the supporter for Albus Nox Luna. A Wildcard Team from Russia (not sure)
he's really toxic
likkrit a name to be remembered
SIC as always
I even cried during Likkrit speach. So inspiring ♥ ♥ ♥
This guy has skill ingame just as much as he does with words.
If League community needs anything, its more people like this dude. My full respect.
Legends say that if you come here early that Dutchmash will fart in your face
Migg pls
^that's racist.
That motivational speech even made Na cry
Just had Likkrit in my ranked game. "9x Varus please, tryhard wintrading, ff please, open this game"
DutchMash Revolta
Another sick vid. Do hauntzer please.
Vizicsacsi. He really deserves it! Best top laner in EU!
maybe a ssg Member :D they deserve a good Montage After this Final
It felt like that ryze q was still gonna miss him
Richard Xiong الهامةخح
Deonade music = dutchmash music
1:05 Is this scene from braveheart?
I hope we will see him in all-stars
Amazing! Thank you, DutchMash! Likkrit is russian hero
my azir is bad, my ryze is worse, you guessed it right, im G2 perkz
that did not rhyme...
Unfortunate that he ended up becoming one of, if not the best player in the world.
Bruv, what makes great your channel is the music and the edition!, honestly that shit is superb, just awesome!
A very respectable player. (And a talented support)
Dudddde , Am Addicted To Your Channel !
anyоnе lоoking for wooоorking looool haaacks, this is thе onеe i usе more then уеartwitter.com/8b3601a0f9b60b08c/status/719100417246961665 disccccover it yyyoursеlf Best of Likkrit The Motivаtiоnal Suрport Leаgue of Legends
watching him play my 2 mains is so amazing
I feel likkrit and Robbie Rotten memes are exactly what we needed at this dark time in history.
Can`t wait next year to see him again! HUGE RESPECT FOR ANX!
Шел 2020 год, СНГ команды больше так не могут
I love him so much
I like it how Likkrit not even needed at 0:10 to block cause Perkz misses that Q too like all the other Q's lol
it was going to hit elise , it's in the range and also his hitbox is kinda shitty
ProPing Perkz missed one q because he mistimed, second one got juked/missed, third one got blocked by Likkrit, those are the facts.
With missing I also mean getting juked, and if you put it on 0.25 speed there you can see that ryze Q already missed before braum came
I got clear screenshot of that but unfortunetly photos cant be posted on youtube comments
Song at 2:42? Thanks, it is not on the description^^
А вы ведь тоже не ожидали увидеть тут Ликкрита?
ещё как ожидал увидеть тут ликкрита
Абсолютно с тобой согласен!
сам в шоке
Очень жаль что его забанили, хочу его ещё раз увидеть в континентальной лиге, прям рил слёзы наворачиваются(
это что, тот самый ликкрит? а за что забанили?
по голосу все же узнал, нихуя себе
Motivational speech intensifies
Please, Best of Peanut. PLEASE!
Skuzio check deonades Channel, it was uploaded the Same second this video was published and it has the Same music xD
Haha LOL You're right
So this is the guy that made Brand an actual support?
That game they had against rox was the most hype shit I ever seen live
5 years later this guy is running down games in D1 soloQ
Likkrit is really awesome. Cool video xD
the title is so ironic nowadays
I love your work
ANX is LOVE! I will now root for them every year man they are so awesome. Got their Plat icon, even after Worlds was over
the legend
Que grande Dross
Capitan Intriga XDD
We need a Peanut Best of
Aaaaand, hes banned.
i love this guy
i love harambe
I would of shot Harambe myself.
best of barbakhan
Best support of 2016 !
as a support main, never been so proud :'(
salute boss
btw, did u guys do biofrost and wolf?
Umm 1 view and 6 likes OK RUclips btw I love you Dutch senpai notice me or I go to your house and clean your windows
anyone looking for working lol haсks, this is the one i usе more then yeartwitter.com/da26538f280090414/status/719100417246961665 discover it yourseеlf Best of Likkrit Тhe Motivational Support Leagueе of Legends
Taric is probably his spirit animal
How did DutchMash make those annotations in the outro? :O
They are so cool
RUclips rolled this out for premium creators several weeks back. Should be available to the public sometime soon.
LoL I have it too, didn't notice
Thanks DutchMash
What a speech!
me encanta! la mejor sorpresa de este mundial
I didn't know that Ronnie Winter from The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus plays league of legends competitive
That motivational speech tho
o my goodness. I wish you did more dank montages. I would like to see the montage, which shows the best plays on worlds. Greetins
Can you do one on Bunny Fufuu now that hes a full time streamer and has alot more funny moments?
pretty pretty good montage
Where was the first speech from? with sjokz.. pls send a link :)
RUclips and rito has something in common.
They make the worst April Fool's Jokes.
I've never clicked like so fast before
When every1 hates and no1 believes that you deserve to represent a region, they found strength inside to keep on. Some strength and a lot of money as salary)
best of revolta plssssss and peanut (well, deonade added a best of peanut today so i just want revolta ok?)
Риоты должны извиниться перед Ликритом.
He slept on Nami Karma Nami Karma xD
what's the song it started on 2:42?
Gabriel Villarroel zedd - ignite
zedd - Ignite - the official worlds 2016 theme
1st girl I see playing in LCS
1. he doesn't play LCS
2. what about remilia?
xX Xx Remilia didnt Play? XD
Cocky Harambe
she was transgender.
Best of Peanut ❤
Vincent the best Draven in history
Jo Dutchmash, I asked you on stream if you maybe wanted to update your playlist which you add songs onto which you have used in your videos. Could you please update it, ty in advance ;)
Putting it on my to-do-list. Should be done somewhere next week, kinda busy xd
DutchMash thanks, appreciate it a lot :)
Likkrit | The Motivational Support ...
Not at all...
a really nice person
Best of Dumbledoge pls
un genio el tipo!!!!
this dude is legit the male version of scarlett johansson, no homo
what a motivation for women
Sad that you didn't put enough stuff from his time in VP in starladder, I thought you would add a bit more from the older days!
pls do a best of joe miller and deman
hahahah i laughed my ass of when i saw the speech
someone knows the name of the beginings song? ty
Neck furthermore piece ah God itself
Best of Revolta pleaseeee!
Please do a video
Good looking bastard Kreygasm
Plleeeeaassseeee make a Nukeduck one c:
Best of Siv HD
music at 2:43 ?
Ignite 2016 song!
Best of Revolta please!
here's after his announce about ban and retire
What a nice guy :D
whats your favourite drink? like water or a smoothie or smth?
there is too much of Likkrit there
dutchmash, u here?
+DutchMash ayyy :D
Same song DeoNade just used lmaooo
make one for Odoamne please
Best of Vizicsacsi for the hungarians ;)
He actually looks a bit like Scarlet Johansson...3:31
So at which seasons was Ryze not worlds meta?