TELEPORT | The Cursed Worldbuilding of Teleport - Spell A Day D&D 5E +2

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @thefaz3744
    @thefaz3744 Год назад +37

    Pro tip, don't get misplaced by this spell in a spelljammer campaign

    • @thegayerest
      @thegayerest Год назад +7

      Teleport can, canonically, be used to move between Material Planes. It absolutely shouldn't though

  • @vadaritis
    @vadaritis Год назад +8

    Not to even mention that the place you are specifically trying to teleport to is secured in some way.
    My players decided to teleport into a military base who used lots of wizards. They knew the teleportation circle. But the room was filled completely with acid to stop unwanted visitors.
    The acid in the room could be contolled by a mechanism to fill or drain the room. The security protocol was to use sending to get the room drained, teleport in. Then fill the room again.

  • @isaacgraff8288
    @isaacgraff8288 Год назад +26

    An old fantastic book called Talion: Revenant discusses why Teleportation magic is actually bad for a nation. There are a lot of towns between point A and point B. A lot of these small towns rely on travelers stopping by to keep them afloat/informed. With Teleportation, these towns die out. Now if you have to travel long distances, without magic, there are no longer rest stops in between locations. Imagine driving from Las Vegas to New York City and your closest rest stop is Denver.
    Which actually gives some fun ideas for a campaign setting.

    • @Zaktact
      @Zaktact  Год назад +6

      The wild lands in-between the bastions. I can see it now.

    • @Goatbeez
      @Goatbeez Год назад +1

      An anti-urbanization proponent in a spell discussion... Curious

    • @nyanbrox5418
      @nyanbrox5418 2 месяца назад +1

      This would change where tolls happen, even things like roads, historically, were well maintained by lords hoping travellers would come through so they could tax them for passage, but if you have teleportation, the roads will never be maintained, or even built in the first place
      It would create a system where if you have cheap goods to transport, you would be effed, completely effed, as the only important taxes are on expensive goods, and those people can afford a private mage to teleport them, but for those without teleportation? They are completely stuffed, and local buisness would become nigh impossible without roads to suppirt transport of local goods, this also means individuals wouldn't be able to travel from one town to another, without safe roads, they would be eaten by wolves or robbed by goblins

    • @Andrewtr6
      @Andrewtr6 Месяц назад +2

      I literally just had the same thought today and I actually want to incorporate it into my fantasy world. My story has a theme of exploration, but travel would be counter to this because the more people travel the more mapped out an area is. Once everything is discovered, there's no real reason to explore. However, if teleportation is widely accessible, it would become the main mode of transportation between major cities and, as you point out, routes and small towns would disappear. Eventually, the maps for large areas of land would become outdated because no one has traveled them in decades or even centuries (unless there's some reason, I'm not aware of) especially in my story where magic can change the landscape.
      Around cities, there will be towns and hamlets within a few miles (mostly a few days of travel at most) that are connected by roads. Teleportation portals are too costly to have them in every single town. A lot of these towns provide crops and meat for their parent cities. So, foot travel still exists for short distances. If there was a reason people couldn't travel via teleportation, they could fly even though it's slower and dangerous. This does mean that I'll have to answer why the land isn't just mapped from the sky. It could be uncommon, but even one flight could map a large area. I guess this depends how close they are too the ground.

    • @isaacgraff8288
      @isaacgraff8288 Месяц назад

      @@Andrewtr6 That is awesome

  • @RobKinneySouthpaw
    @RobKinneySouthpaw Год назад +17

    Rare magic item. A map of the known world, major cities, points of interest, etc, with Minor Illusion "Street view" pop-ups of landmarks. So you point with your wand and boom, familiar with the location. Or better yet Silent Image or Major Image, depending how much detail you need for a VR tour to satisfy the GM.

  • @Tomeroche
    @Tomeroche Год назад +10

    Imagine if you use teleport and screw it up, you get bounced back 100% in the same direction. Party wonders why they suddenly just moved 3 feet to the left instead of to the otherside of the continent.

  • @agsilverradio2225
    @agsilverradio2225 Год назад +4

    The first thing that came to my mind when you mentioned "simmular location," is that you teliport to the wrong alchemest's lab, start using it, and you don't notice that it's not your own untill the owner comes home, and is all like, "Who are you, what are you doing in *my* lab!?"

  • @seeinred
    @seeinred Год назад +4

    "In the Underdark"
    Oh my god. This is something i didn't even considered. Jesus, that's terrifying.

  • @donovanmarks1865
    @donovanmarks1865 Год назад +4

    What I always say about this version of teleport is that it only reliably lets the party return to old locations. Far from skipping adventures, casting teleport is a quick way to start another adventure.
    There's also the magic item version, Helm of Teleportation with 3 charges and 1d3 recharge per day. That makes me imagine a lucky low level criminal who becomes a recurring antagonist. Or that merchant with the pack mules might be of any or no class. They can use circles and items bought from travelers to avoid any complications, and now somehow the same merchant meets the party in every town or townlike area they visit. Add a crystal ball to know when they should travel to a given area.

  • @RandomGuy331
    @RandomGuy331 Год назад +4

    I remember a party i was in being granted a helm of teleport for completing a dungeon rated higher than our current level as a reward. Every time I used it (as I had the highest int) I would teleport the party somewhere that happened to advance and accelerate the plot to unprecedented levels, completing what was supposed to be a several year long campaign in a few months. We would call that pro gamer move WrongWarping and speesrunning the campaign

  • @aetherwolf9288
    @aetherwolf9288 Год назад +6

    This gonna be a long one. So buckle up:
    Lets start with the worldbuilding you get from this spell alone.
    Out of all the books there are 12 creatures that are capable of casting this spell. 4 are setting specific. 1 is from the MM. The lowest CR is 10 (except the setting specific ones).
    There is only two who can cast this spell multiple times a day (one of them at will).
    5 of them are named specifically so they are one of a kind. Leaving only 3 creatures that can cast the spell completely freely. Those creatures are Archmages, enlightened Githzerai and Ancient Sapphire Dragons.
    So I expect no more than 18 creatures to cast this spell ( 7 Archmages, 4 Githzerai, the 5 named creatures [all of them are Demonlords and both of the creatures that can cast it multiple times a day are under them] and 2 Ancient Dragons).
    Because this spell is closely related to plane shift, teleportation circle, etherealness and gate here is a list of creatures that can cast each of those spells as well:
    Teleportation circle: -
    Plane shift: 48 creatures (starting at CR 2) 1 of them (named) knows teleport.
    Etherealness: 4 creatures, one (named) knows teleport.
    Gate: 2 named creature, one knows teleport (setting specific).
    From this list alone (without knowing the creatures associated with the spells) you realize that teleport a very rare spell is.
    So lets analyze why:
    If you compare each spell relative to each other you notice following differences:
    Teleport is the only spell that has the ability to move objects.
    Teleport is the only spell where mishaps can occur.
    Teleport is the only spell that allows you to get to places you don’t know.
    So why is this interesting?
    1. The ability to transfer just objects allows to bypass a lot of restrictions like forbiddance as the spell only checks for creatures. This allows for infiltrations through objects like a sphere of Annihilation.
    2. This makes the spell interesting and we get to it when we analyze the chart itself.
    3. The ability to just describe (or visualize a place through illusions) means this is a potential way to get infinite gold or really anything else. To insure that you land there you can true polymorph into a helmed horror (the only creature with a CR of 20 or below with force damage immunity).
    But what does this mean worldbuildingwise?
    1. Private Sanctum and Forbiddance are everywhere. This includes a class-divide between those who can and those who can’t protect their homes with one of those spells. Also the location where those spells originate from absolutely need to be protected (so Modify memory and Detect thoughts are infinitely more useful).
    2. The ability to YOLO locations would mean that there are no secrets anymore (infinite library and teleport combined with illusions and then just explore). With the plethora of save spells (like feather fall, contingency, water breathing, invulnerability and so on) and enough time a court of high mages can explore the hole plane they are living on (after that they need plane shift first).
    What if I don’t wanna deal with this?
    Especially for new Dms this spell is a nightmare. So here are some easy fixes so the worldbuilding can ignore this spell.
    1. Remove false location.
    2. Say that teleportation is still new in your world (this would mean that the only creature that can use the spell are limited to the abyss [for the demon lords], are to old to care [Ancient dragons] or living in a plane where they can’t relay on this spell [Githzerai]). This would reduce the number of people that are capable to cast the spell down to one. And this one is just lazy.
    But if we already talking about planes lets look at the planes where this might be useful (if you haven’t an associated object or higher):
    The material plane (obviously)
    Ysgard (its just a copy of the material plane).
    The nine hells (however be careful as the plane can change rapidly).
    Carceri (if you in here you have bigger problems because everything is trying to kill you).
    The “good“ planes.
    The shadow fell.
    The rest of the planes have to many moving parts if you don’t know where your going (as similar area means death in those planes).
    Now lets talk about the chart itself and the implications it has:
    1. Permanent circle: You can get sequences from either studying teleportation circles or you learn the teleportation circle spell where you get 2 sequences from. This implies you get teleportation circle beforehand (as you need the spell so that you can learn more sequences).
    2. Associated object: The wording implies that the object just needed to be there within the last 6 months. So you can prove that someone was in an area within 6 month. It basically means that you can create port keys like in Harry Potter. This means that the upper class can prove at anytime where they were and can return to those locations at any time. This could also be the reason why wind walk doesn’t allow you to get objects with you. Finally it is an rather expensive way to tell time and plane your on (as you can get a stone from each major location you’ve been on and can then determine where on which plane you are).
    3. Very familiar: This has two implications and one question. The question being whats “very often“. I think this means spending a majority of time (within the 6 months window from the associated object clause) in the area. The other implications are the following: illusion spells and books have tremendous value. The other being that this spell can be a “sight” spell and as such it is very strong with divination magic.
    4. Seen casually: This implies that you need to visit a place at least twice to be able to cast this spell as a coin toss (as it reduces the randomness of the spell by 20 points).
    5. Seen once: This confirms that magic can influence your knowledge. So dream becomes a very good option to transfer locations known (so minimum after two days you can teleport to the area of the dream spell).
    6. Description: This implies that illusions you create are more powerful than words you read in the library. So mages would have a room where they can cast mirage arcane to further perpetrate themselves before they cast the spell.
    7. False destination: This implies that the spell has no fail clause. The only fail clause being spells that prevent creatures from teleporting. So wizards that explore the world using this spell would first scribe a paper with a glyph of warding having either a major image or programmed illusion from them inscribed on them, setting the trigger to “if a person with the sending spell reads the glyph this glyph triggers“. Now you have set a one way communication system so you can check for potential forbiddances so you don’t waste a spellslot and it is save (check with your Dm if magic is unambiguous).
    8. On target: This is straightforward.
    9. Off target: This makes teleport riskier the larger the distance is you try to skip. On average you land somewhere 30.25% away from your desired location. Also its most likely north from your location (so keen mind becomes essentially especially when you are traveling on other planes). You have also the potential to vanish from existence RAW as planes where there is no north or south have no valid targets where you come out.
    10. Similar area: This implies that you need to focus your description on either thematic or visual (so either you use only illusions or just the written word). If this isn’t possible you shouldn’t cast the spell as long as there is the potential to fail.
    11. Mishap: This implies that you only sending creatures if your uncertain if the spell fails. It also implies that you can cheat it with helmed horrors. Also it question how mishaps look like: I personally would say that the creature is teared apart until the spell finds a way to release you. Then it teleports you or parts of the spell (if your the only target and you died you are teleported. If you try to bring creatures with you and one of them other than you died it teleports you and those closest to you. If you died and tried to bring others with you, you teleport and the others don’t). Damages of the spell includes unnatural cuts and cracks all over your body.

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад +3

      Thats great. Are you still reading? Great. Now lets talk about players and rating. The rating first.
      This is an fantastically broken spell.
      The worldbuilding this implies is tremendous (+1).
      The combos you can use are good (+1).
      The creativity, range and targets are very potent (+3).
      Now the question becomes: Is this a player spell?
      To analyze this final part we need to look at the two other spells that have a similar effect as this spell. Plane shift and Dream of the blue Vally.
      All of those spells allow for dramatic scene changes.
      Dream of the Blue Vally allows for setting changes.
      Plane shift allows for plane changes.
      Teleport for location changes.
      Dream of the Blue Vally is a Dm spell: The reason being the cost of the spell is controlled by the Dm. Also it removes the characters from the story.
      Plane shift is a player spell, as the Dm can react to the casting of the spell in a magnitude of ways. The reason being its a save or suck spell which can backfire (transporting the Bbeg to the feywild where they have all the time they need to plot against the party). Also the Dm is in control to which planes the players have access to.
      I think teleport is a player spell. However this spell should only picked up if your Dm knows how to deal with this spell.
      What the Dm needs to communicate about this spell:
      1. How do you roll the d100.
      2. How common are Private Sanctum or Forbiddance.
      3. How do you determine wether visual or thematic are used when similar terrain comes up.
      4. Are you telling your players how far they are of their desired location.
      5. Do you use teleport yourself and if yes how common is it.
      You are finished reading this essay.
      As usual if you have questions or corrections, own interpretations or creative ideas, please let me know.
      This took over 2 hours to make so please leave a like (under this comment as well as under Zaktacts video).
      Keep up the great work and
      Have a nice day

  • @michaelchaddock1467
    @michaelchaddock1467 Год назад +6

    Cut to party materializing in a "Throne Room" and Strahd is suddenly very irritated.

  • @gortab
    @gortab Год назад +9

    For the "similar theme", maybe a bad guy could build intentional traps where they build fake versions of popular places like temples, libraries, mages workshops, etc and place a bunch of traps, undead, or poisonous gas to kill hapless teleporters who accidentally target them. They could scry on a good guy's base, make a similar copy or ten, and then fill it with lethal traps for the small chance someone accidentally teleports there. So adventures can go through dungeons and find these weird random rooms that look like they came from a totally different place.
    They could also make a point of placing their wizard towers or workshop in the air or on a floating island or cave somewhere to maximize the effect of a miscast, and then build a decoy copy of their base nearby where the heroes could find it while trying to get there.
    So the players try to target a bad guy's workshop, get a few miles off course, see a prominent wizards tower to head to, but it's a fake and the real one is underground. Bonus if the wizard used one of the "untill dispelled" illusion spells to make dozens of copies of their tower so the players jusy see this big forest of wizard towers and have to deduce that the real one is hidden underground.
    Or, I dunno, they create a fast food frachise all around the world (or universe) and put their stuff under one specifically and the similarities of the buildings messes with the spell. Unless they added a teleportation circle to one specifically.

    • @ashtonpeterson4618
      @ashtonpeterson4618 Год назад

      The copies of real places idea it's great! It would be most effective copying a major city or somewhere people capable of 7th level spells to travel to.

  • @RobKinneySouthpaw
    @RobKinneySouthpaw Год назад +7

    One thing maps might have on them is teleportation circles, with notes on who owns them. Fees and bans. "No teleportation before 10 on Saturdays. 1000gp fine." "Hobgoblin warlord keeps massive stone over the circle. Unauthorized access causes sudden death."

    • @ashtonpeterson4618
      @ashtonpeterson4618 Год назад

      Critical Role used the Teleportation Circle ownership idea in Campaign 2. They both got access to and then lost access to at least 1 circle due to shenanigans.

  • @jameshutchinson2472
    @jameshutchinson2472 Год назад +5

    A DM once allowed me to teleport to the moon on the theory that i had, in fact, seen it.

  • @frantisekvrana3902
    @frantisekvrana3902 Год назад +3

    For me, the associated object must not have moved or been altered for at least a year. But I also didn't read the description properly and have it last a year rather than 6 months. (Though to be fair, the plane in question has 3 moons and one of them orbits mere 7 times per year.)
    I have it place the travellers at the nearest valid position to where the object was before you picked it up. If there isn't enough space to plave them all in a 30ft sphere, it is a false destination.
    9:53 Have a Teleportation Circle in your base. Use a Major Image at 6th level to put a fake Teleportation Circle on top of it. If anybody Scries on your TC, they will see the illusion. Then they try to Teleport there and fail utterly.
    13:25 The party that I DM for managed to capture a Helm of Teleportation off a guy that was supposed to be a reccuring villain. They use it for fasttravel, but only to T-Circles or with Associated Objects.
    About grounding: I'd say that a missed Teleport (One that is not On Target) will never place the teleportees in an area that is imminently fatal *_to the caster._* That means it will not place a non-flier in midair, it will not place someone that would drown underwater, and it will not place someone not immune to fire onto lava.
    It can place them in a temporarily survivable position though, such as a place right in front of a (natural) tsunami, in the middle of a tundra when it is currently warm enough for them to survive, but it won't be in an hour, and so on.
    Thanks for the Bomb-a-port idea. It shall be used!
    I think that the wounds from a Mishap would be like getting hit, but all over your body, including the insides. It is Force, after all.
    One more thought: Spells that block teleportation (Forbiddance, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum,...) should turn anything aimed at them into a False Destination

  • @NoahSimon-l5s
    @NoahSimon-l5s Год назад +4

    Ok, so someone much smarter than me is probably going to explain why I'm wrong in a moment here, but I feel the need to say this.
    The "false destination" familiarity allows for only two options: mishap or similar destination, and since mishap means that you reroll, in theory, if you are attempting to teleport to a false destination, you will keep rerolling until you eventually get somewhere, specifically, somewhere similar to the location you have in mind.
    Here's my question: does that mean that you can use teleport essentially as a really, really dangerous "location search" spell? Let me explain. False destination says that you are teleporting to a destination that does not exist, but does that specifically mean that you have to have been deceived? Can you willingly teleport to a location that you know doesn't exist with the intention of just getting somewhere similar?
    For example, if the party wanted to talk to a wizard, but didn't have any particular wizard in mind, could the spellcaster with teleport just create a mental image of a wizard's tower that they know doesn't exist, and then use the spell with the intention of just getting to some wizard somewhere?
    Believe me, I understand that this is a terrible idea. You're basically asking the DM to just absolutely destroy you, and there's always the chance that a series of consecutive mishaps just straight up kill you. But I'm not asking if it's a good idea, I'm asking if it's possible.

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад +1

      Yes you absolutely can do this. And you can even force this to happen if you true polymorph into a creature with force damage immunity (Helmed Horror is your only pick). However if the place you try to reach has no equal you are forever trapped (unless someone else cast wish to end your teleport or the Dm allows dispel magic on the location you vanished from)

  • @crowsenpai5625
    @crowsenpai5625 Год назад +3

    For the “Similar looking or themed area” not having a distance limit more than “same plane” gets more and more consequential the larger your setting is, ESPECIALLY if your setting has multiple inhabited planets. This is potentially campaign altering in a Spelljammer campaign for example.

  • @icecrystal7965
    @icecrystal7965 Год назад +2

    I wonder if bored wizards get together on occasion to teleport from pole to pole in the hopes that they go off target and land somewhere random to explore lol

  • @brandond2768
    @brandond2768 Год назад +2

    Cutting it close!
    Ok, so this is one of the better written spells 5th ed put out, let's see why...oh, I see, they did what they should have done for arguably all of the spells they imported from 3.5! They took all of the text from the older edition and didn't muck with it too much!!! They did squish the lower and higher level one together and just made it 7th with some minor adjustments instead of making two or an upcast condition. Which is fine. It works.
    And as I typed that up, listening to the video while checking the different versions, I see where they messed it up. It's still a decently written spell but they had to muck with the percentage chances in the table. The original table was much more reliable and even at the worst out come, False destination, the Mishap chance is only 8%. In the new version the Mishap chance is already up to 5% at Very Familiar, 33% at Seen Casually, and at the worst 50%. Did you have to let your irrespresible need to muck around taint this spell too, 5th ed designers? You were so close to not messing it up! Sigh.
    This spell is going to have a heavy impact for both players and world building. If your world does have a decent number of high level casters running around thing would be seeing some serious use from armies, merchants, and even tourists.
    Players are going to rely on it as a staple to address the larger scale challenges across nations and continents they will most likely be facing at these levels. It will also see some use when escaping or attempting a more risky teleport to an important location in a hurry. These options will be only taken in moments of great need though as the much higher chance of mishap and chained mishaps are potentially a heavy risk.
    9/10 - yes, i am taking a point because i am mad about what they did to the chart.
    (Also, I am of the dm/player style that dice rolls are NEVER fudged. Concealed, perhaps, but never altered. Deceipt between dm/players taints the relationship and ruins the game)

  • @milesmatheson1142
    @milesmatheson1142 Год назад +1

    "physical objects"
    So, it's a Harry Potter-style portcullis to that exact spot.

    • @Zaktact
      @Zaktact  Год назад +1

      I... I don't know how I missed that.

  • @crowsenpai5625
    @crowsenpai5625 Год назад +4

    In regards to tele-nuking, that’s just more reason in a realistic setting that anyone important, like a king, would have their important locations, like their throne room or entire castle, completely coated in Forbiddance.

    • @frantisekvrana3902
      @frantisekvrana3902 Год назад +1

      I'd do 1 Forbiddance on the whole place (Except the room with my private T-Circle, which would be instead lined with steel and have good guards in it at all times). But I'd also have magi set up a Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum in every 5ft cube of the castle. It would take years to set them all up, but there is no way anybody is dispelling all those MPSs in a reasonable time either.
      Each MPS would stop divination sensors, divination targetting creatures, teleportation, and planar travel. There would be MPSs in the T-Circle room, but they would not stop Teleportation, just the other 3.

    • @crowsenpai5625
      @crowsenpai5625 Год назад +1

      @@frantisekvrana3902 exactly. Having a opening in your Forbiddance for a secret teleport slot works, but only if said chamber can be completely locked down in the case it’s discovered. That room needs to be a vault.

  • @luka2784
    @luka2784 Год назад +2

    I don't really like the idea of fudging to make a specific spell worse, especially if you have not told the player with that spell you are doing that. That player has used a very limited 7th level spell selection and slot to cast teleport, and they should get a fair chance at using it. If you think that it is too strong or should be more dangerous, the be upfront about that and modify the spell, so that the player knows what their getting into. It would be like if you thought hypnotic patter was too strong, so you just had every enemy always succeed their save. The player casting it would just get very frustrated that the spell they chose and the resources they were using were always being wasted.

  • @RobKinneySouthpaw
    @RobKinneySouthpaw Год назад +1

    Off-target has a decent chance of dropping you on a giant rubbish pile of everything a magician has done a vanish on and couldn't get back. "Lucky this pile of playing cards and silk flowers broke our fall"

    @WEIRDxGRIM Год назад +1

    Imagine an enemy casting a illusion of a place that exist, like bandits have occupied a small town but cast a illusion that it looks like a castle that exist, but the actual castle that exist is overrun by demons.

  • @jaceg810
    @jaceg810 Год назад

    The scatter rules mention the 4 cardinal directions and 45 degrees off, there is no up option there, if you wanted to go to a mountain tower, you could conceivably wind up in the air, however if there are no big elevation changes, it should be fine (also feather fall is a 1st level spell, and works for the entire party, probably good to have that prepared together with dimension door and a scroll of water breathing).
    Its dangerous yes, however as an adventurer, its quite survivable, if you immediate surroundings are not great, dimension door out of there, if you land in water, do a water breathing + magnificent mansion, teleport, tiny hut or whatever spell lets you catch your breath, if you end up in the air its the easiest to avoid, with just one single level spell.
    Also, even if not going for the teleportation circle made every participant spontaneously combust. Its still great as a one action full party escape option, and since you are most likely a wizard, your retreat is even covered with a counterspell. Imagine being anywhere on the prime material plane, for example in the dark lord's throne room, the fight is not going great and going: "nope, im out". This allows you to scoop up your 2 dying companions, the barbarian and yourself, and safely deposit them back at a place where you hopefully have allies.
    How I run teleport failures is how I run dimension door failures: the mage and friends crash into/become one with something solid, taking a hit to their basic structure as they are effectively overlapping in the same space as most likely rock.

  • @enPersonne42
    @enPersonne42 Год назад +1

    How do you define the familiarity of someone with keen mind within the 3 months period? Like they pathed through a village two months ago, what is the level of familiarity of a person perfectly remembering the place?

  • @adjsmith
    @adjsmith Год назад

    BBEG making an exact replica of somewhere that the Mage He Wants to Kidnap regularly visits via Teleport (but hasn't bothered to inscribe a Circle for uyet)

  • @3personal5me8
    @3personal5me8 Год назад

    A high security magic place could have security teams that use divination spells to observe and patrol the interior of the building, and immediately teleport security forces to wherever they need to be in that building

  • @seeinred
    @seeinred Год назад +1

    26 minutes?
    Oh. Oh my fucking god, it's a teleport.
    Yeah, i'm gonna watch this tomorrow, it's a bit too much for 5 a.m. watch.

  • @RobKinneySouthpaw
    @RobKinneySouthpaw Год назад +1

    12:16 if you can cast Teleport you can cast feather fall. I probably wouldn't do it to the players. Maybe on a 1

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 Год назад

    I can see some shenanigans with Magic Jar, Simulacrum, or Clone. Like you want to explore some random area on the plane you are on. You Teleport just based off a description and go. If the mishaps keep happening then just move back the the Jar or get downloaded into your clone. Or just have you Sim report back to you that they made it.

  • @Andrewtr6
    @Andrewtr6 Месяц назад

    As a fantasy writer, I do find teleportation and absolute pain to worldbuild. One character having it as a power is easy, but any sorcerer being able to teleport or create a portal would quickly become OP. I want my magic system to allow for flashy battles and having characters that can teleport around the area would be fun. But I don't want teleportation to be so easy that people don't need to travel. I've been watching RUclips videos about teleportation to help me think of ways it can be balanced. So far, I've mostly come up with ways to balance star gate portal style teleportation or in other words, permanent portals that take you between two points. Personal teleportation is going to even more of a pain to worldbuild.
    Luckily, anti-teleportation wards are an easy explanation for why teleporters can't break into a bank. It will also be limited with distance. Teleporting somewhere you can't see is possible, but you risk injury or death for a number of reasons. If anyone reads this, share some ideas or anything else I should consider.

  • @fred-lol
    @fred-lol Год назад

    30min video??? lets go! i will watch this while breakfast

  • @nyanbrox5418
    @nyanbrox5418 2 месяца назад

    I rule the force damage as you partially clipping into the destination
    If you take enough damage then your arm clipped into a tree or something, and the magic tried forcibly removing you from it, maybe leaving some of you stuck in said tree

  • @ErraticPlatypus
    @ErraticPlatypus Год назад +3

    You can't just be giving out great ideas like Pack Mule Merchant for free like that.

  • @Slonkert
    @Slonkert Год назад +4

    The DM screen is so that they can LIE?!? Be a little scoundrel and CHEAT?!? A little trickster and be DECEITFUL?!? I’m going to cry.

    • @adriel8498
      @adriel8498 Год назад +2

      Not really, the dm screen is suposed to be there to hide things, like important rules, minis, and roll hidden dices to determine some event results. And some DMs use it to cheat.

    • @brandond2768
      @brandond2768 Год назад

      @@adriel8498 *and some bad DMs use it to cheat

    • @Julia________
      @Julia________ Год назад +1

      ​@@brandond2768eh there can be valid reasons to fudge rolls. Roll a crit on a PC right before an important dialogue and they have no healing left? Maybe the encounter was supposed to be super easy but the dice gods were being mean. Maybe a combat is dragging on and the second wave of enemies no longer makes sense. Unless you plan for absolutely everything possible, or are an improv god, some things will have to be changed or faked

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад +1

      @@Julia________Then you don’t fudge the dice but the damage. Like the Dm is super happy to crit and then looks at the party and says: That would be 4 damage.
      If an easy encounter turns out to be difficult you can do so much before you fudge dices. This should be your last option or you weren’t paying attention to the encounter (as there are excellent ways in the MM and the DMG to tell if an encounter is to strong).

    • @brandond2768
      @brandond2768 Год назад

      @@Julia________ none of those are a "valid" reason to cheat your players out of death. there is no excuse for "fudging"(aka lying) about a roll

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 Год назад

    For the appearing in the ocean? Is it surface level? Deep ocean?
    If you are on the surface and you have Shape Water you can make 3 five foot cubes of water. I read somewhere that one such cube could support 650 pounds.

  • @EvelynNdenial
    @EvelynNdenial 4 месяца назад +2

    teleport is a trap for dumb casters. plane shift is the same level and rope trick exists.

    • @EvelynNdenial
      @EvelynNdenial 4 месяца назад +1

      also, pack mules? you're not gaming this hard enough. get a few of the many massive animals of dnd worlds to use as pack animals. the amount of goods you could move every day would make it worth it. they don't even need to be able to move, so load them down until they cant even stand up then teleport. use some of your wealth from doing that to buy 8 gargantuan rugs of smothering, CR2 constructs with 17 strength. thats over 32 thousand pounds moved by just wheeling the stuff onto a big rug. hire a bunch of local casters to cast enhance ability strength on the rugs, 65k lbs. have some wizards cast enlarge on the rugs 130k lbs. start buying gauntlets of ogre power and belts of hill giant strength and stitching them to the rugs to get a little bit more moved, 161k pounds.

  • @davidpaikins3172
    @davidpaikins3172 Год назад

    A reason to have teleport circle also on spell list.... u get the wrong place and then just go home and try again tomorrow

  • @carlosvillanueva8530
    @carlosvillanueva8530 Год назад +1

    If you end up at sea, Leomund's tiny hut can be cast and you can get your long rest.

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад

      Tiny Hut requires one minute of uninterrupted casting. Drowning interrupts the casting.
      So its very unlikely that you can rest there.

    • @carlosvillanueva8530
      @carlosvillanueva8530 Год назад

      @@aetherwolf9288 You can tread water just using your legs if you know how to swim. You did know swimming is a thing? There is also fly and levitate, that can be cast prior.

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад +1

      @@carlosvillanueva8530 DnD Chars can’t swim. Inside the ocean you need to fight the current. Also levitate needs concentration. Spell like tiny hut (with a casting time of more than an action) require concentration to be cast.
      So either you need swimming speed or your screwed. Even then your in the middle of an ocean. The chance that a storm giant, or kraken visits you is high enough.
      But with waterwalk or waterbreathing you should be able to cast tiny hut.

    • @carlosvillanueva8530
      @carlosvillanueva8530 Год назад

      @@aetherwolf9288So basically you went through all of that to say, " If you end up at sea, Leomund's tiny hut can be cast and you can get your long rest." Gee thanks for the waste of time.

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад

      @@carlosvillanueva8530 its just more difficult than you said it would be. And even then you may need cold resistance to pull this of.

  • @michaelchaddock1467
    @michaelchaddock1467 Год назад

    Teleporting in a dozen or so zombies to a city center act as a bio weapon...

  • @Unicronsupreme
    @Unicronsupreme Год назад

    I still think that you should be able to teleport an unwilling creature. Maybe cast at 9th for that.

  • @nathanegnew1923
    @nathanegnew1923 Год назад

    Associated object doesn't need to be in place for 6 months, just has to be taken from the place in the past 6 months. Presumably this would require that the caster is the one to take it i.e. they have been there in person recently.

    • @Zaktact
      @Zaktact  Год назад +1

      The 6 month standing still is a house rule on my end. Though the reading that the spellcaster has to be other one that took it is interesting and makes a bit more sense.

  • @targetdreamer257
    @targetdreamer257 Год назад

    Just think about Teleporting a 10' cubic block of rock into space just at the point where gravity would pull it back to earth?

  • @michaelsandy2869
    @michaelsandy2869 Год назад +2

    Imagine the party is attempting a decap strike on an enemy wizard tower, and the GM secretly fudges to "similar location". So they end up in a similar tower owned by a FRIENDLY wizard tower. And the GM can actually justify it by it being a Destiny or Wish type effect affect making unfortunate mishaps guaranteed if there is any possibility of it. Imagine the players in a kill anything that moves mindset, and don't realize at first that they are in the wrong place... Campaign implications!

  • @juliankalugin2073
    @juliankalugin2073 Год назад +1

    Yay a long one!

  • @saucierspoon6375
    @saucierspoon6375 Год назад +1

    Day 279 of waiting for him to cover Zone Of Truth

  • @BigBrain05
    @BigBrain05 Год назад

    How many in your world have teleport

    • @aetherwolf9288
      @aetherwolf9288 Год назад

      Presumably not a single one (except demi gods and similar entities). Remember that Planar Ally is the same lvl as teleport and it breaks the game. Teleport is on a similar power and breaks the game anyway. Teleportation circle is more likely but still incredibly rare as it has also insane implications for worldbuilding.

    • @Zaktact
      @Zaktact  Год назад

      Few actually remember how to cast it. One small group uses it almost liberally while another "vanishes" from the material realm 6/10 times, but they still use it (mostly with scrolls).

  • @spoon1710
    @spoon1710 Год назад

    Oh wow

    @OKiHEDDA Год назад
