Why Millions of "Christians" Can't Go to Heaven | Dr. Gene Kim

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Pastor Gene Kim preaches against fake Christians who have not truly received Christ by faith for salvation. His sermon mentions the real meaning of faith without works, the serious crime of sin, the assurance of knowing, and the urgent immediacy of salvation.

Комментарии • 154

  • @ginaidoma4368
    @ginaidoma4368 4 года назад +149

    Saved by GRACE, through faith.

  • @ttall6136
    @ttall6136 6 лет назад +444

    Thank you..my son excepted Jesus as his lord and savior while he sat in jail to pay off some fines ..I will never forget the day I picked him up and he told me with his bright blue eyes shinning." Guess what mom I excepted Jesus" I started to cry..He said..your sapose to be happy..I said I am that's why I'm crying..then a few months later he died in a home fire..its been eating me up that he never was able to be baptized.. I worried worried worked that I would not be able to be with him. Now I know I really will...Thank you..I love you Most High

  • @roscoebcoe
    @roscoebcoe 5 лет назад +96

    Dr. Gene. I usually don’t agree with your sermons, but this one touched my heart; however, as I re-listen to your sermons everything starts making more sense. I do believe Jesus is proud to have a pastor like you on his team. This video message brought great meaning with a great inspiration I usually don’t find. For years my wife will not listen, as you said many people think we’re shoving down their throats, but hey we’re trying to save lives. I’ve tried just about everything to convince her, especially teaching my kids about Jesus when she’s around. She gets angry when I try to inform her. Please say a prayer for our family. If you have any suggestions it would be a great honor.

  • @carocaro5425
    @carocaro5425 7 лет назад +460

    Jesus bore our sins. He took upon himself all the sins of the world... we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • @perrypecoul2342
    @perrypecoul2342 7 лет назад +438

    Man im really impressed by what Jesus has done in you brother. God bless you.

  • @gRAx_4k
    @gRAx_4k 7 лет назад +463

    This message saved me... thank you pastor Kim

  • @sandramccormick9801
    @sandramccormick9801 7 лет назад +80

    I excepted jesus as my savour many years ago,then i broke away,but still believe jesus died for my past present and future sins,and have God,Jesus in my heart,and know he is with me everyday

  • @daysharose1687
    @daysharose1687 7 лет назад +303

    I can't believe that I stumbled across your page I grew up in a Baptist family but I always never wanted to go to church my Grandparents were so strict on me I couldn't cut my hair I had to wear clothes like the Bible said no makeup well I was considered the black sheep I was the one that wanted to do what I wanted to do and they put a lot of pressure on me they told me that if I had any sin. that I was Unholy and I would not be able to go to heaven they told me every time I sin I had to repent and if I died before I was able to repent for my sin I would go to hell that heaven is Holy and that if I have sin I am Unholy and they spoke of a new cloth can't mix with a new cloth and a bunch of different Parables from the Bible basically saying that if I was of sin I could not go with the Holy I started thinking about it and I realize that everything I do was sin. thinking about men, cussing wanting to wear makeup and look pretty, arguing with my parents, back talking,lies .I even started stealing and then went to prison I tried many times to give myself to God and I always felt like as soon as I got so close to him to where I could feel the holy spirit with me 24/7 and I would sing to him all day long and I was so happy I would come to a point where I started having doubts saying to myself that there's no way I can continue to live a perfect life without any sin.so finally I came to the conclusion that it was impossible for me to live an entire life without sin and then the saying being a lukewarm Christian kept popping in my head and I decided that it would be best for me to stop talking to God and stop reading the Bible because I was also taught that the sinner's prayer falls on deaf ears so I started feeling like he wasn't listening to me at all and he was tired of me apologizing so I just stopped talking to him completely because I felt like I could never add up I spent more time beating myself down every day about how I would slip up and do something I knew was a sin and then I would repent and I felt like I spent all day long apologizing to God for all my wrongdoings I was so miserable and so unhappy because every day I had to go to God and ask for forgiveness for my sins so finally like I said I gave up I know that God is real I believe everything in the Bible and I fear him so much and I know that from what I've been taught I will never add up to his standards even when I tried with all my might even in my dreams I have. Sinned by dreaming of being with a male and if you know what I'm talking about I have had an abortion when I was 18 or 17 years old and then I had two other children out of wedlock my daughter died that I had when I was 17 and there's lots of things that have always made me feel like I'm not going to get to go to heaven and when I was a teenager going through depression and sexual abuse at 12 years old I had hung myself and I was saved and after that I started saying that there was no God that if there was a God that he would not have let those things happen to me I'm so afraid now that he will never let me go into heaven because I said those things when I was struggling through my abuse I was taught by my parents and grandparents that the only unforgivable sin is to blasphemy the Lord it took me a long time and I finally realized why did God die on the cross for my sins so that I can go to heaven if he's just going to send me to hell for my sins anyways so I started thinking maybe I stand a chance and if I just keep talking to him everyday and tell him how I feel and trying to do right and telling everyone I know that there is a God and that he did die for us maybe he'll let me in heaven I don't know if he will or not but I'm glad I found your Channel I hope it find some answers that I've been looking for so far I already feel a lot better but I still have a lot of unanswered questions God bless you

  • @AndoStyle
    @AndoStyle 7 лет назад +209

    Wow, so rare to hear the Truth anywhere, especially from 'Christians'. I'm 46 and only realised the Truth a year ago. Thank you!

  • @slantsix6344
    @slantsix6344 7 лет назад +201

    We probably sin much more than we realize. Many good works and endeavors are built on our selfishness and pride. Our good works can be tainted by sins that we are not conscious of.

  • @Cocobutterhoney78
    @Cocobutterhoney78 7 лет назад +159

    Tonight our Messenger taught us a lesson on St. Luke chapter 23:31-43 what faith and trust in Jesus it took for that one thief to get saved and it was at the cross he saw his KING and he confessed and asked to be with Jesus when he went to his Kingdom. Think about it the thief had little to go on (we assume) and yet right before he dies with Jesus he asks the Master to not forget him! Jesus was saving souls even in His very dying hour and last breath. Oh, what a GOD we serve!

  • @henrymartinez9882
    @henrymartinez9882 7 лет назад +155

    Thank You Jesus for Pastors like Gene Kim!

  • @excatholic6392
    @excatholic6392 7 лет назад +116

    Pastor Kim, around the 15th minute you defined catholism because that false cult preaches salvation by works. By God s Grace, I became an ex catholic about 4 years ago and got baptised at a local Bble Baptist church. I offer my thanks and pray for you and your ministry, including your online one. God bless you!

  • @r0xjo0
    @r0xjo0 7 лет назад +269

    Excellent message pastor Kim. I really wish there were more pastors like you. These days, men just want their ears tickled.

  • @songkim3638
    @songkim3638 7 лет назад +97

    I am getting over now.
    I believe Jesus's blood and His love, but always I do not do enough for him.
    Now, I am so clear.
    Thank you pastor Kim.

  • @ladyofthewoods2448
    @ladyofthewoods2448 7 лет назад +22

    I've found the guilt of not being perfect yet trying, asking forgiveness, for small things that probably aren't so significant since that can consume me, taking away .. yet will always be diligent to please God . Asking forgiveness each day, guidance strength ...I've let guilt at times be more of a focus than I needed I think ? Which takes away from the more important things for my Christian life... I'm thinking now? We've all sinned. I'll pray and study this.....Jesus Christ, Paid our way Praise God ...Thank you, Pastor

    @SPEAK.LiKE.FiRE. 7 лет назад +105

    Yes I never heard something like this sermon. I start to realise how stupid I am that I question my faith when He delivered me from one of my biggest sins porn drugs smoke etc. When I RICIEVED His Spirit it was uncontrollably emotional and felt it on my belly but for a year I am doubtful faithless disobedient complain, felling down and isolated. I'm being honest brother Not lying .love u all especially pastor Schreib on "in Christ " sermon.

  • @HD-dn1rc
    @HD-dn1rc 6 лет назад +18

    I was ranting on my Snapchat to the born again Christian's about this!!! The self righteousness that's taking place in today Christian's life. This pastor is soo me. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. It's solely in Jesus Christ Actions. Through what he did. Nothing that you've done. Not being in church 3 times a week. Bless you Sir

  • @tygress66
    @tygress66 7 лет назад +37

    The only "effort" required is the acceptance of Jesus as our Lord and Savior, for his burden is easy, and his yoke is light. Everything else is icing on the cake. The biggest effort at this point is getting people to wake up to the truth and put their faith in Jesus. Thank you for this uplifting message.

  • @sativadva
    @sativadva 7 лет назад +42

    I binge watch this channel and this is possibly the most important video I've ever watched, not just on this channel but ever. I'm recently born again and trying to grasp what it means to be Christian, and wow have I been stressing about sin. Would I bet my soul on my works? Not on my best day, EVER. you are so so so right Dr Kim. Thank you so very much for this upload from the bottom of my heart

  • @seleneuribe258
    @seleneuribe258 7 лет назад +39

    I am Catholic, and i am just so content i heard you preach..thank you.

  • @GRude420
    @GRude420 6 лет назад +52

    Thank you, Pastor Kim. It seems like society wants us to accept sin as normal behavior. Society wants all people to believe that they can do as they wish without heeding God's word. So long as we are not to break a law, then there is no consequences for our actions. It is easy to understand why "Christians" think they are good people -- because it feels good to think that we are good people. It is much harder for us to understand that we are not good people. It is much harder for us to understand that we are not good people even shortly after we were born.
    Jesus' actions to save us from sin is truly the best gift that we could ever have. It cost us nothing -- not even asking permission. Putting our faith in the work of Jesus and believing that his actions will save us from an eternity in hell is one of the simplest things we can ever do in this life.
    God bless you for your words, and for the beautiful videos you have posted on here. We may never meet on this planet, but I have no doubt we will meet sometime in the kingdom of God.

  • @mindovermtrhonour5237
    @mindovermtrhonour5237 7 лет назад +90

    Thank you pastor for making this clear for me. I'll even settle for a maid to mop the floors of Heaven if God forgives me and accepts me through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • @jackprince5050
    @jackprince5050 6 лет назад +82

    The King is coming !

  • @slantsix6344
    @slantsix6344 7 лет назад +57

    Pastor Kim, the flesh wants to work for it. It is pride that wants to earn it's own salvation through works. The bible is clear that our sinful condition is horrific.

  • @HammerofGod777
    @HammerofGod777 7 лет назад +95

    This is why It is crucial to participate in a good Bible study group that always references scripture and we should seek the Lord, through prayer, for His help in all aspects of our life in order to obtain wisdom and truth so as to not be manipulated by Satan who is constantly guiding us to the slaughter house.

  • @DanzoSrife
    @DanzoSrife 7 лет назад +52

    Another great point u made at 22 minute mark is what HOLY actually means. Catholics get into worshipping Mary, but she was a sinner like the rest of us.

  • @stephanieshahin
    @stephanieshahin 7 лет назад +50

    I haven't heard this message since I was 10 years old . Things have become so convoluted . 🙏🏼

  • @silenthillgaming7775
    @silenthillgaming7775 7 лет назад +82

    Needed that . lt's something I was missing in my walk . I condemn sin too much and do not rely enough on Christ's sacrifice . Thank you Pastor !

  • @lockneckmonster2876
    @lockneckmonster2876 7 лет назад +64

    Broad is the path and narrow is the Way. Child like faith alone in Christ alone.

  • @bibingkamasarap
    @bibingkamasarap 7 лет назад +96

    Brilliant sermon not many Pastors are teaching such clarity in the mesg. as you Pastor Kim. Our soul is the most valuable of all than anything on this earth like a beautiful diamond in a jewelry box The diamond represent the soul & the jewelry box represent the body. Praise the Lord Jesus for seeking my soul to get saved 7 yrs ago. A lot has changed in my life thru the help, guidance & direction of the holy spirit. Thank you Lord Jesus & Praise your sweet holy name. Amen

  • @carolynhelton6987
    @carolynhelton6987 7 лет назад +10

    Thanks for that message. Mans message makes you constantly worry about the sin you commit daily, when the debt for those sins is paid in advance. This is why God constantly warns those who place judgment on other men. By judging a sinner you are essentially saying Jesus life wasnt enough to cover that sin and the sinner is still guilty and responsible for the sin. Praise Yaweh and his glorious gift Jesus Christ

  • @TyGreen726
    @TyGreen726 6 лет назад +23

    Amen Pastor Kim! Thanks for sharing the Word with us and encouraging us in Jesus Christ.

  • @redcrowravenbrook584
    @redcrowravenbrook584 7 лет назад +144

    You have really opened my mind to the Truth. You are truly blessed and led by the Holy Spirit.

  • @dominiquecoleman1687
    @dominiquecoleman1687 6 лет назад +11

    Not only did he die he went through a righteous life, made an example of what excellence is, went through one of the most painful experiences that anyone has ever been through and slowly died on the cross in agonizing pain. God is good.

  • @stephenpuncer3820
    @stephenpuncer3820 7 лет назад +60

    Everything I've heard this guy say/teach so far, resonates inside with a sense of profound truth & consistently so, more than any other I've personally heard, God blessed his flock well in making him their pastor. I used to think the most effective preachers were wizened with sheer age & long, long life-experience - obviously that's not so (unless he's a young looking 82 year old) he could teach that youngster Kenny Copeland a few things

  • @Keithlovejenny
    @Keithlovejenny 7 лет назад +52

    Saved by Grace of Jesus !

  • @janetteveronica402
    @janetteveronica402 7 лет назад +60

    Thank you, this is a wake up call, people need to hear it.

  • @sheilasharpley6507
    @sheilasharpley6507 7 лет назад +26

    I like the fact, that you read the Bible. I have been to a lot of Churches, and seen a lot of Preaching and not a lot of Teaching. Good job.

  • @lksuansamte9885
    @lksuansamte9885 7 лет назад +18

    Thank you pastor Kim. The wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ you share just enlightened me and save me. Praise the Lord.

  • @cramptondj
    @cramptondj 6 лет назад +14

    What a wonderful message. Glad I found this preacher. Praise God that there are still bible based preachers taking a courageous stand.

  • @Yashua2Rule
    @Yashua2Rule 7 лет назад +68

    It is written that Jesus became sin for us. This is the most shocking revelation in the bible in my humble opinion. It means that he stood in for a bunch of criminals, us, the people he loved. Because Jesus loved us, and God loved Jesus, God loves us despite our disobedience, because he obeyed all the way to death. We will be puzzle pieces in a very nice picture some day. Now we are free to obey God out of love and not just compulsory. Because he loved us first, we are free to love God forever. Like living stones, fit together, joined in the love of God. Jesus is our High Priest.

    • @moye1989
      @moye1989 7 лет назад +16

      He didn't become sin. He paid the wages for sin..for all mankind..forever. It took God's Son as the ultimate sacrificial lamb to pay this price. This is how much God loves us :)

    • @kayveonfields3411
      @kayveonfields3411 7 лет назад +3


  • @scarir12
    @scarir12 7 лет назад +30

    Thank you for this crystal clear message!!! I did hear a preacher here on YT saying something like this... "How do you Know you have enough faith... how do you Know you have believed enough??"

  • @mafsondor6619
    @mafsondor6619 6 лет назад +12


  • @standaman378
    @standaman378 7 лет назад +42

    Study to show thyself workman that needed not be ashamed rightly dividing word of truth. Well done brother 👍

  • @Snafu-tf8je
    @Snafu-tf8je 7 лет назад +14

    yes he is exactly right ! this is how we can know for a fact we are saved and going to heaven . trusting in Jesus alone for our salvation ...awesome message .

  • @natashagibson29
    @natashagibson29 7 лет назад +38

    I try to explain this to ppl all the time. wonderful sermon!

  • @tonicoote6388
    @tonicoote6388 7 лет назад +14

    God sent you to us to teach not to preach, but teach so that Gods children can come to and understanding to the hidden messages in the Bible. I can feel in my soul how delicious God word is to you. Your eagerness to interpret his words make you actually glow. I thank God for sending us a Shepherd to guide us to our eternal home away from Satan and this evil world. Thanks for sharing. ❤️

  • @jimkraft9445
    @jimkraft9445 7 лет назад +12

    John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Jesus paid it all and I paid 0. AMAZING GRACE. Jesus plus nothing = salvation by grace.

  • @MariusVanWoerden
    @MariusVanWoerden 7 лет назад +21

    If you were never lost you were never saved.

  • @DanzoSrife
    @DanzoSrife 7 лет назад +19

    I actually have a lot of buddhists in my family who surely would say "Yes" to your question and would bet their own soul that their own good works are enough, and they will become their own God . They compete with each other for good works. It's pretty arrogant thinking, my entire family is all buddhist. (Not me)

  • @whosoever1639
    @whosoever1639 6 лет назад +11

    It's definitley important to take the 10 seconds to be saved forever from hell but Jesus ultimately wants a relationship with you. The Lord Jesus your Father loves you more then anything and he wants the same from you. Trust in him for everything.

  • @lindsaydickson47
    @lindsaydickson47 6 лет назад +6

    Dear Dr.: Your words woke something inside of me. My faith in Jesus and God is ALL. My eternal thanks!!!!

  • @scottfisher3079
    @scottfisher3079 7 лет назад +15

    Truly you have helped many, including myself Pastor. Thank you! It feels amazing to know the difference in what True faith really is and means for all of us.

  • @Blessed-abc
    @Blessed-abc 7 лет назад +10

    The Best gospel message I ever heard! Cant wait to meet you, brother in Heaven. Hallelujah God, Amen!

  • @jrguaps9809
    @jrguaps9809 7 лет назад +26

    Please don't stop from posting videos on your channel. I am enlightened by your videos. Keep updating. God bless us all.

  • @loveforJesus85
    @loveforJesus85 6 лет назад +5

    Pastor you are incredible!! your sermon touched my heart !! you are so blessed and I am greatful to have had the opportunity to have heard such beautiful words ! thank you!! I thank GOD for such a knowledgeable pastor like you. GOD IS GOOD !! Amen

  • @John_3-16_Psalm_34
    @John_3-16_Psalm_34 7 лет назад +43

    Try a billion in solid gold buillion....not worth what the Lord has gifted us...Glory to His Name...amen.

  • @7zovets406
    @7zovets406 7 лет назад +20

    Amen Bro. Great Teaching : Shining the Light on the Great Gift of Righteousness by Grace through Faith on what the Lord Jesus did at the Cross, for all who believe. Believers do good works because they are saved, not to be saved. Faith in the Blood of JESUS plus NOTHING= Salvation. JESUS is LORD (YESHUA=YAHWA).

  • @MAs-gi8pl
    @MAs-gi8pl 6 лет назад +5

    Thank you Lord Jesus for Pastor Gene. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour.

  • @milamiles2
    @milamiles2 6 лет назад +4

    Thank the living God for creating persons like you and then saving you! What a wonderful faithful and timely our God is.

  • @themythicgaming6379
    @themythicgaming6379 6 лет назад +4

    thank you for the prayer and the teachings you are doing i have been a lost person and u have helped me out so much i believe that it is God that led me to here so thank you so much pastor Kim

  • @SirBobMarley1
    @SirBobMarley1 7 лет назад +12

    Thank you for Repentance of man "Sin" message, 100% agree man don't want too hear the truth only the water down version, thank you for this timely message.

  • @jz295491
    @jz295491 6 лет назад +4

    A true breath of FRESH AIR ! Praise Our Holy God in Heaven !!

  • @TheSully1961
    @TheSully1961 3 года назад +4

    .....i'm going to heaven, Jesus knows my heart and it is His forever and ever!

  • @adoknightofficial832
    @adoknightofficial832 7 лет назад +4

    Hey brother, thank you so much! I know you might think that the message is similar to many things taught today, but God revealed my sin. I've had the worst spirit because of earthly pain, and God showed me the antidote. I am saved; I've come alot close in my walk, often times my walk was hindered because I saw the pain and not the vast blessing. Thank you so much for speaking life!

  • @jeromeday2872
    @jeromeday2872 7 лет назад +31

    Yes he is good the best I have heard in a long time.

  • @juliecleveland1837
    @juliecleveland1837 6 лет назад +11

    I love your teachings. God bless you, Pastor!!

  • @allsensesfiring485
    @allsensesfiring485 7 лет назад +30

    the FAITH of a mustard seed.......

  • @amyong4677
    @amyong4677 6 лет назад +8

    Yes our Lord made it so easy for us. Bless HIM.

  • @ambrosearts
    @ambrosearts 7 лет назад +23

    That Faith we are to have in God is also 'OF' God....it is one of many various Graces....belief and faith and every righteous action (including righteous thoughts) are produced by the Spirit of God. Else we could boast.

  • @Timenow1
    @Timenow1 7 лет назад +67

    A very anointed Video! Stay Blessed Brother

  • @winnipeggal5570
    @winnipeggal5570 7 лет назад +61

    WOW incredible message thank you so much for sharing this with us...God BLess

  • @lindafrost6292
    @lindafrost6292 7 лет назад +9

    I am so thankful for your wisdom and teaching of the Word of God. I only found you a couple of weeks ago here on RUclips and I have learned so much from your teachings. God Bless you!

  • @hiramguerra6257
    @hiramguerra6257 6 лет назад +4

    Man! I wish every pastor would teach like you! You rock dude!

  • @rendtheheavensallthetimele7474
    @rendtheheavensallthetimele7474 6 лет назад +4

    Your so wonderful explaining the word.
    My spirit has always told me of what you telling us,,It's most important cause it MATTERS.
    God bless you in every way possible 💜🙌🙏

  • @shannonirvine3187
    @shannonirvine3187 6 лет назад +2

    Thanks Pastor Kim! You help me so much with my walk with Jesus! Praise God!!!

  • @liisaeskelinen1909
    @liisaeskelinen1909 6 лет назад +2

    Great preaching Dr Kim!
    I have always liked to hear something like that. That sin-issue is very intresting to study. A very good point was that beeing more holy than sinful. This is the reason to think about. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior decades ago, and don't regret it, and the mere thought of this grace makes me jump for a joy. God pless SHBBC!

  • @razorsnbarbers2085
    @razorsnbarbers2085 7 лет назад +5

    Thank you, man of God,...i was upset because I feel like the churches have become a market place and made of works....im upset that many say they have faith cancer comes and the tremble by cancer.....thus should not be, JESUS said those whose the father gives to him shall not be snatch from him and Luke 10 :19 all day......

  • @brianrobinson2264
    @brianrobinson2264 7 лет назад +35

    Good message, bro! GOD is Good

    • @barbranunn5293
      @barbranunn5293 6 лет назад +2

      Dr kim hes so cute. To god be all the glory.

  • @sheilarenelusrenelus4005
    @sheilarenelusrenelus4005 7 лет назад +3

    My God I needed to hear this message. thank you so much. more grace Pastor Kim

  • @crossroads8370
    @crossroads8370 7 лет назад +14

    What happens if a serial killer wants to be saved after hearing about Jesus and he gets saved then Satan lures him back into one sin after the other and he starts killing people again. He got saved but with this once saved always saved thing no matter what he does after getting saved he is set for heaven even if he kills people again?

  • @utubularutubelover4363
    @utubularutubelover4363 7 лет назад +5

    Blessed man
    OF God speaks preaches the truth enlightened of elect spirit Amen Lord

  • @anaaguilar3335
    @anaaguilar3335 7 лет назад +5

    amen pastor Gene Kim God bless you alot keep it up :)

  • @BabaCiccone
    @BabaCiccone 6 лет назад +3

    This guy gets me going. Great Pastor.

  • @jamescutlor7173
    @jamescutlor7173 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much for this. It answered everything. Hallelujah!!!!

  • @OpTechMarketing
    @OpTechMarketing 6 лет назад +8

    I never got the answer to the title of this video from watching. Why Millions of Christians can't go to heaven? Where in the video is the answer to this?

  • @sasadjordjevic996
    @sasadjordjevic996 7 лет назад +10

    1cor 15,1-4 Good News - Gospel , 1tim 3,16 -God - Jashua - Savior

  • @salvadorianboy100
    @salvadorianboy100 6 лет назад +8

    I have a question sir, i was baptized at the age of about 10 and i was saved at around the same age, but as i grew older I started to sin, but have always believed but now im a different person i try my hardest not to sin, i pray every day and if i fall asleep without praying i feel guilty so i pray and ask for forgiveness, but what im getting at is that i am a changed person now, i love my creater, my jesus, lord and savior with all my heart but im not sure if i have to be baptized again? I was told that if i was baptized once then i am fine, but i was baptized at a lake, but also i heard that if i say these words "i am a sinner, i open my heart and accept jesus christ as my lord and savior, because he is the only begotten son of god, who was born of a virgin a d lived a perfect life for the perfect sacrifice so that he could shed his precious blood for our sins and resurrected on the third day" then i shall be saved if i truly believe and I believe with al my heart. But is this true? Am I saved? Im 20 years old and im trying everyday to get closer to God, i try to bring people closer yo God, im sure you can imagine how hard that is because alot of people don't want to accept or dont like being talked to about God. But please answer pastor

    • @salvadorianboy100
      @salvadorianboy100 6 лет назад

      BBC International thank you so much pastor, but again, im not too sure i think i got saved before and then baptized after, but lets say i didnt, and i died and didnt get baptized, but still repented every day, would i go to hell? Thats what worries me, because im trying my best to understand everything as im pretty much new to this, but i still repent and pray, i hope God does forgive me if i am not baptized after salvation.

  • @joh0o066
    @joh0o066 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you pastor. Praise God for you. God bless

  • @JesusIsLoveToMe
    @JesusIsLoveToMe 7 лет назад +18

    Love it~

  • @atibualex6266
    @atibualex6266 7 лет назад +3

    God blase you Pastor Kim, i have been struggling with that issue

  • @ghan168
    @ghan168 6 лет назад +6

    All Christians will go to heaven UNLESS they are not a Christian. I suppose you can't really called them Christian if they are not "real" Christian, right? So all Christians go to heaven.

  • @richardvass1462
    @richardvass1462 6 лет назад +5

    You are making a good point. No one is good enough. And I am watching this now. You are right. Everyone is lost and reprobate. Even the Christian people. That's what is bothering me. I know God exists. It's just that a lot doesn't make sense. I am happy for forgivness. I am happy to have Jesus. I am just saying that no one measure up to the standard. No one is really living like the Bible says or taking seriously their own sin. But they're condemning everyone. But I listen to you because you know the Bible.

    • @richardvass1462
      @richardvass1462 6 лет назад +2

      Btw....do you know that AI and robot and singularity and everything Elon musk talks about it is that Mark of the beast. Are you telling people to prepare now to meet God or suffer with AI and skynet. Thirteen years. That's all. Elon musk is saying 3 years. Christian people are not really acting like they believe Jesus is coming back. They would sell the things and cash out and help the poor and forget politics. The end is near and everyone knows it. Repent. Me2

    • @richardvass1462
      @richardvass1462 6 лет назад +2

      Okay I am at 20 something minutes. And you are right about everything. I am reading the Bible. It's sounding like you can't have dirty thought or other sin and have to be like Jesus or you aren't good enough. That's what is bothering me. I want to be good enough to be the friend of Jesus. But I have strange dreams, struggling with little things. And I worry. I am believing more than ever but I feel lonely without anyone who believes God heals the sick. Nobody helping the homeless. No church around hear following the Bible. No body understanding that this is all that matters anymore with the computer taking over and all the jobs going away and so many mocking God and all the Christian people arguing on utube. I know if everyone Christian would really believe that it would not be like this. And what do I do to help my family who were Christian but are disillusioned and falling into worldliness and don't believe the Bible even though I tell them about the proofs that the King James Bible is God's Word. I have a lot of reasons I should be the best Christian and I sin every day. I feel like a hippocrite. And I have no real Christian friends.... not really. Nobody is taking it seriously. But I like the video and I will listen again now. I am really wanting to be obedient to Christ. I am sorry to lay all this out there. I am going to keep trying. I am not sure how but I know God can help me. Thanks. I hope all you people are seriously Christian and ready for whatever is coming soon. I am just wondering how many are going to make it. It's like we are mostly losing some war that we should be winning. I am confused as why it's like this. It's something strange.

    • @richardvass1462
      @richardvass1462 6 лет назад +4

      Okay thanks. At 47 minutes you answered my question. I am needing to keep believing and repent every day. Thanks.
      I am still stuck in a life of sin. But I have hope. A little anyway. Sorry to sound depressing. I just not sure what I have to do for my life to get better so I can serve God. I am studying the Bible but I don't know of any church that follows it. Sorry but it's true.

    • @richardvass1462
      @richardvass1462 6 лет назад +2

      I found the answer to my question on the origin of demons video you made. I have to remember to resist the devil by the authority of the name Lord Jesus Christ. And confess my sin. And remember to rely on the Blood of Christ to wash my sin away.

  • @joselitadasilva3652
    @joselitadasilva3652 6 лет назад +2

    " The LORD'S graphics are real" ! Beautiful analogy.

      @JOHNDAYLL 6 лет назад

      Joselita Da Silva
      Better than 4k ultra 144fps.
      Cool :D

  • @xpamela3x
    @xpamela3x 6 лет назад +3

    Brother Gene. I’m blessed by your videos. I have a question that is just tormenting me. Do you mean to tell me that people who have the Holy Spirit and perform the miracle of healing and such are not of God ? I have a brother I follow and I read his book about the Holy Spirit and it was a blessing at the time. What about the gifts of the spirit in 1 cor. 12 ? Please answer me ASAP.

  • @irenemeno3585
    @irenemeno3585 7 лет назад +18

    Amen, Amen!

  • @Dizzylizard1961
    @Dizzylizard1961 7 лет назад +3

    Just found your channel yesterday Sept 21..love how you explain the Bible.. God bless you 🙏🙏🤗

  • @rheinhardtgariseb7002
    @rheinhardtgariseb7002 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you for the wonderful message

  • @Yashua2Rule
    @Yashua2Rule 7 лет назад +17

    Yep, you're right!