Fun fact, this is one of the longest dry streaks ending of any player to win the Tower of Pimps. The last time Michael won before this episode was Episode 66, which was about 48 weeks, or 336 days past.
I LOVE how the pigs they keep seeing with no owner is actually them running into one another. It was freaking hilarious. Especially when they switched between the POV' so you can see who it was. Like when Jack said he saw Ryan's original pig by Ray's house it was actually Geoff. And when Geoff saw the pig at Dan the Man that was Michael. There were just so many instances (Like Geoff killing Jack's pig or Ryan trying to get on Michael) and yet none of them managed to put two-and-two together. They were basically all a bunch of ghosts on pigs with teleportation abilities and they had no idea.
for people saying they are running out of ideas yes, yes they are. but in their defence I would like to see someone else make over 100 lets plays in one game and keep it entertaining. I think instead of trying to come up with brand new ideas just go back to previous lets plays and replay them or tweak them a bit (I would like to see another LP of total wipeout). or take a break from the game for a while, get refreshed.
I totally didn't even realize how little Ray talked in this Lets Play until Geoff hinted it at the very end. I should of known. He didn't even pick up a single rose.
"I didn't dig shit for my pig, I was like 'you fucking deal with what god gave you' and he was like 'oink'" That was my favourite thing Michael has ever said ever
The series absolutely should not be cancelled. It was around this time last year that we got I Spy and Creeper Soccer, and if they'd pulled the plug then we wouldn't have gotten any of the King episodes, Lava Wall and Bodyguards, Galacticraft, Geoff's House, Snowbound, Grounded or Negatower. Those are personal favourites, to be fair, but they've had off weeks before and the upcoming episodes they announced at RTX (Megadig, Storm the Tower, King Gavin etc.) sound like they'll be great.
Gavin: You have a knife, there's a pig, you're hungry, it's been two days. Me: Well, I would wait to kill the pig until tomorrow because I can't cook it. Why can't I cook it? Well it's been two days. It's raining.
People please, A lot of upcoming Let's Plays for Minecraft are really well prepared and anticipated, like Storm the Tower, Galacticraft, Snowbound X, Mega Dig Down and yes, King Gavin
I wish they'd do more Galacticraft type stuff where they have a fun goal and there's new materials and stuff, if I were these guys I would be so fucking bored of this game by now and it definitely shows. When they aren't having fun it isn't fun to watch. I love these guys and I'll continue watching Minecraft LPs, but the thing I fell in love with about this channel is their energy and sense of humour, two things which are harder to find in more recent episodes.
MERPjustin Yeah I agree, they seem actually interested in those ones because they're doing new stuff, and I love them adventuring and working together more than competing
The amount of xbox rules and sucks comments are annoying, and so are the ones saying to move to pc. They won't, without xbox, where would they be, halo sure as hell didn't start on pc. I don't care about xbox though, as long as they keep the videos coming, I'll be watching, a bit of lag, fine, doesn't affect me, if there was system link support for minecraft on xbox, it wouldn't be laggy for them.
Luke51015 If I remember correctly it was originally developed for mac, and then redone when it was picked up by microsoft to be a launch title on the xbox. Granted it SORT OF wasn't the same game but it was the same project. It had the same name, very similar looking art, etc. If I am wrong please tell me haha don't cite a wikipedia article though if your going to say im wrong link me a legitimate source telling me so.
Why are people so pissy about the premises of these videos? The point of Lets Plays like these are so they can just fuck around and talk. Also, if you find this boring and want to unsubscribe, do it. Nobody cares about what you think if they clearly still enjoy it. There isn't a single part of me that even slightly cares if people think these are funny, they make me laugh and I enjoy myself so... whatever.
the reason people are vocal is because they love AH and they want videos they can enjoy so they dont quit watching the, think of it like this if AH just decided they are done with letsplays and are just gonna make videos about chess for the rest of their lives would you not say something? who knows maybe a video about chess could be funny (somehow) but to the most part i and many other people love AH and love the content they put out, the only problem is if they put out something they dislike its usaly a day or 2 till they get another good thing, and with thing currently the only good thing they have released lately (in my opinion) would be the 7 days to die lets plays. people are vocal because they care. EDIT: i also like the new super mario bros lets play while geoff can get anoying sometimes with spamming of the blocks it is also very funny most of the time since he fucks over gavin alot which is funny, and the latest one where they all pretended ryan was jack was funny.
mccoyisthebest Yeah, and that kind of sucks, because he was really funny on the LPs. But to be sincere I think they could take a break of Minecraft, the 7 days to die LPs seems to be a great substitute for them.
I think he's bored. They should take a couple week break from Minecraft, and try something fresh. It would be good for the fans and them. Just my opinion. (-:
I think the real winner in this video was the game, which screwed everyone else over by: - Giving them horrible lag, which caused everyone to be unable to fight properly - Not loading the world properly for anyone except Geoff, giving him an unfair advantage that caused him to give up. - Not showing them riding their pigs on other player's screens, which caused Geoff to kill Jack's pig because the game didn't show Jack was riding his pig on Geoff's screen, essentially screwing Jack over. - Having the pigs act stupid and seemingly impossible to control, making them spend way more time trying to get the pigs out of holes and obstacles rather than actually "racing". - Multiple instances of "ghost characters" appearing away from the actual player, which caused Michael to lose his pig because the game showed Geoff was in a different spot than where he actually was when they were having that lag-induced "fight". Overall, this game can really be terrible sometimes and nothing exemplifies it better than this episode.
If I could leave a suggestion to roosterteeth to keep these let's plays interesting, try to do more mini-gamey let's plays, that center around a game area they built, instead of walking around the map, or gathering materials like in jack's nightmare, wolf spa, this one, or title update 14 appreciation. Let's plays like wipeout, the king let's plays, thunderdome, clouds, spring harvest, lava wall, snowbound, negatower, capture the tower, (etc.). Those are always the most fun because they have all the AH crew interacting the whole time, and they are also usually really competitive and unique!
It's more the fact that it's running on the Xbox 360, a old and completely outdated piece of hardware that can't load the game fast enough / have enough animals in it at the same time, especially when it has to load it though a connection to the host.
Seth DeClerck Hopefully that clears it all up, of course bigger worlds means more loading and more strain but hopefully 4J don't overextend themselves again. I couldn't care either way, haven't played Minecraft in Months and usually in AH their best comedy comes from bad games
Its because of the fact that there are 6 players in the server. The more the people, the more lag there will be. It also depends on their internet speed and based off of some videos I've been watching, it looks like their internet isn't the best.
Honestly I'd rather see a 7 Days To Die Let's Play than Minecraft right now.. I guess there's some things you can't replace (even for 1 single episode). Sorry I'm a little salty..
I agree , imho I'd think it be really interesting if they would like alternate around 7 days to die and minecraft, maybe like 1 week for one than one for the other, don't get me wrong I still really like the minecraft series
This is the one problem with series they become tired I remember back two years ago I loved the old school lets play and when they got ray it got even better but now cause they have played this so much seeing no enthusiasm In them makes me sad even if they decide to make 7 days to die series they would grow bored of it eventually that's why I feel they should not do long running series :T
The minecraft series is just approaching "that time," there is a reason horse is no longer a thing, it just got repetitive. Some episodes were good others were crap and it really is just a need for something new. The heists in my opinion have all been amazing and it is simply because they are fresh. It's not easy coming up with over 100 things to do in a single game and maybe they can, who knows what they will do. What I do know is that nobody can put out amazing content all the time, things flop, you just have to accept it for what it is.
Dear AH, I still thoroughly enjoy all the Let's Plays you've been doing in Minecraft. I don't know how you guys can deal with all of the flack that most people throw at you every week, but keep on keepin' on.
If they're ever going to make it passed 200 episodes, I think they'll have to start playing more PC Minecraft. "But Xbox One will be over 30 times the size!" PC version is 6 times the size of planet earth. And actually loads more than 1 chunk a minute for somebody that isn't hosting the server. "But Achievement Hunter is supposed to hunt achievements, PC doesn't have achievements!" PC Minecraft has 13 more achievements than Xbox does, and they haven't hunted achievements in Minecraft in over 100 episodes. In all seriousness, at least start playing more PC to spice it up a bit. They could play adventure maps, continue galacticraft, use other mods, or play on an actual server like Hypixel. Lackluster videos wouldn't happen as often if they weren't stubborn enough towards PC Minecraft. Yea, we all come here for the commentary, but I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to watch something other than glitchy pig riding on a system unable to handle a handful of pigs.
I'm not disputing that PC is by far better then Xbox but here is the main reason why they won't change they prefer xbox, simple as, so your whole comment was kind of pointless.
I agree, they should eventually go to PC. Achievement Hunter used to be my favorite Minecraft channel, now it's the Yogscast. Achievement Hunter has been putting out lazily constructed Let's Plays. Without world edit they invest way too much time building the decent ones, such as Ice Cube. Switching to PC will make building epic Let's Plays a lot quicker and easier, allowing for better competition. Or they could do adventure maps. Or they could do what the Yogscast does and play within their own story. Either way, they are lagging behind. Yogscast puts out more videos, with a greater variety, more often. Achievement Hunter needs to view them as the competition that they are and start competing.
PC mine craft is just too much. It has so much more then xbox which most people cant play due to not knowing anything about the game for the PC version
Ray is probably my favorite guy to listen to and watch play in the LPs. I understand that he is getting really bored with the Game, considering most of their ideas lately and kinda boring to watch. I mainly watch the videos now days to hear their conversations. I still like GTA V videos, but eventually they need to find a new game or two to replace that and Minecraft. You can only go so far with a certain game before you have overstayed your welcome with it.
Achievement City is dead. At this point, its so laggy and glitchy it is disrupting Let’s Plays. “The Great Pig Race” was painful to watch because it was so disrupted. 80% of the time they got on a pig they became invisible, there were floating ghosts of them randomly around the map, they couldn’t spawn more pigs because there were too many animals (even when they killed other animals), and the action was broken up by them waiting for the world to load every ten blocks. When the Xbox One comes out, they should make a new world. We will always love Achievement City, but prolonging its life is cruel at this point. It would be awesome if for their first Xbox One Minecraft Let’s Play they actually played minecraft. If they worked together and each made houses to construct New Achievement City. It would be a great Let’s Play, and good way to put to rest Achievement City.
Joel Hartin you mean the original consoles where the lag was horrific to the point of shooting someone waiting 5 seconds then seeing them drop? I remember those days as well
When they mentioned how the pig didn't have to worry about the world loading I was laughing so hard. It was almost as if the pig had host advantages. XD
Minecraft will be the death of Ray. Food will be the death of Jack. Alcohol will be the death of Geoff. Insanity will be the death of Ryan. Gavin will be the death of himself. And an aneurysm will be the death of Michael. Which one is the worst fate? I have to say Minecraft. Ray, you rose-loving bastard they're trying to make you suffer. Get out while you still can before they bore you to tears. 😣
Took them way too long to figure out you don't always see the person on pigs. Also, Geoff was shooting Michael behind that post that he said you have to be beyond in order to kill.
Ugh, Geoff shooting michael while he was past the post was about the only thing that pissed me off in this video, but it did piss me of quite a bit. x_x
kiraanimerawr1 Not but I mean when one guy sees a pig and kills it and then the guy on that pig is like "You killed my pig!" they didn't add that up and see that sometimes they were invisible and their body was frozen on their screen 50 meters back
The xbox minecraft gains lag with the more people in the game, so although it would be fair, half of every lets play would be waiting for the world to load
xX3twoXx They have had more people on different occasions like creeper soccer when lindsey filmed, and that didn't seem to create substantial amounts of lag. Also when they played axilmatt's maps he was host and it seemed like everyone was on a fair playing field
Is it just me or are the Let's Play videos getting boring? I've been subscribed for 2 years and for the past month or so, I never feel like watching Roosterteeth content. Maybe it's just the same 2 things on GTA getting to me [which has spread to other LP's], but recent uploads haven't been making me laugh.
I feel the same.. I've religiously watched pretty much every Let's Play released, but I'm finding it hard to get the motivation to watch them any more... I feel kind of sad about it :( used to be one of my favourite things to do, sit down and watch a let's play, but now I occasionally find myself sticking them on in the background while I do other things.. 7 Days to Die has been good though! I think some more new games will make things more interesting :)
BagonnJr Never said that. They've had these redundant style lets plays since the first. People outgrow their favorite author, people stop watching every season of a show after 10 seasons, people who loved star wars stopped caring for it after watching the movies enough. You're the one who changed, they've kept it pretty much the same.
I actually think that despite the belief that minecraft lets plays are running out of ideas. I actually disagree. I can think of thousands of things that they can do. Mods, replaying of other previous lets plays like tower of geoff and other ideas. But the thing that won't work if they want to keep doing this is playing this game on the Xbox. If they played on the PC they would be able to have so much more content in minecraft and actually play the game. Xbox minecraft is nearly unplayable due to the lag and the world is tiny. I don't know why they insist on Xbox minecraft? It seems pointless when you can play it on the PC and you choose the Xbox.
bambamgop Yes, because the XBOX version here isn't buggy ? I mean, I like to see where I'm walking, instead of loading the map one second too late and falling 30 blocks to my death.
Amen and yea if u rt people read this or anyone that can contact geoff please tell him to do tower of geoff again is by FARRR one of the best MC lets plays
firstly it doesn't matter, because counting little technicalities means every time someone couldn't place a pig the race should of been stopped because everyone is gaining an unfair advantage over them, which would've completely killed this already stretched lets play. Also why the fuck do you even care?
sumomanify it's still cheating, I don't give a fuck if they cheat or not, but it's still cheating. If you kill someone and you don't get caught, you are still a murderer, you still killed a person, even if you didn't go to prison.
I don't know if I'm the only one, or if it's just me, but I think everyone ignored Ray this episode. (Exept at the end at the last minute Geoff talked to Ray, and then Ray talked 15 seconds of the let's play while no one ignored him). It's pretty sad though, because Ray doesn't talk much but he's super funny. I realised that when Ray was stuck in the water. And how the video didn't show he's cam that much. I could never forget Ray, Michael or Gavin. I can always realise if something changed with them. Ray you won last time take that confidence and try and win part 113, if you lose then just try it again. You gave up when you fell in the water. You never know Ray never give up, maybe a super miracle will happen. That happened to me when playing hunger games. Anyways I noticed Ray being ignored this episode that's the point of the comment.
Lol you too kage, I do think he was bored doing this. Maybe he's too old for Mc like Spencer said. But he wasn't funny this episode. Just a little bit. Others were like Wooo yeah. And he looked like he was bored. I don't like watching youtubers that are silent and not funny. I think they are too serious. I like to watch funny stuff. But I really do like Ray, but not that much this episode. The Let' plays are starting to get boring, it's like they use old ideas. And still, I am waiting for king Gavin in episode 121. I think they ran out of idead since they have more than 100 episodes of ideas. So I was thinking if rooster teeth reads our comments while we give them ideas that we requested they should play. Right now I don't really have an ideq but I can think of one. Cool picture kagenotatsumaki lol XD.
So much shit happened between the rounds. -Gavin bought a house -Geoff had a car collision -Ryan vomited (once) due to food poisoning -Ray was bored as fuck -Jack was being Jack America is a scary place.
Are they running out of ideas or was it just a coincidence that there hasn't been a very good one in a couple of weeks? Their commentary is always funny and what carries the videos, I'm just wondering about the ideas for the lets plays themselves
It would have worked better if the mechanic and the pig a.i. were better implemented. Also it would be better that a random animal in an unloaded/unactive chunk would despawn instead of just not letting something spawn.
I remember when Minecraft LP used to be the highlight of my week. It seems when you master a game (They're very good at it you can't deny that.) the videos are less enjoyable to watch. Lets be honest, AH videos are great because they're generally bad at games and find new and intuitive ways to get around that and make the game fun. But Minecraft has ran it's course and it's not as great as it used to be. But I still love AH don't get me wrong.
To everyone whining about them not doing those big lets plays anymore shut the fuck up, I bet they have tons of ideas. They are probably big builds and will take a lot of space, so they are waiting for Minecraft on XBOX ONE.
I appreciate the content from Achievement Hunter and would like to thank them for all the laughs they've brought me. Although this Let's Play was boring, I recognize how hard it is to come up with ideas for 112 episodes of Minecraft, unlike most people. I suggest King Gavin (which I already know has been filmed), Hunger Games (for the second time), and another sort of pvp game like Capture the Tower.
DrewTheProfessional i meant several recent videos, not just this one. Ray's probably my favorite of the ah crew, but its easy to tell he isnt a huge fan of minecraft.
I guarantee all these people complaining that "They should take a break.", "This one wasn't good.", "I'm unsubbing", will be right back here next week, asking "Where's Minecraft?!?!" next week when it's twenty minutes late.
I honestly thought this was one of their more boring vids, I am not trying to seem like an ass but I kept finding myself going to do something else while this was playing. I think they thought this was going to be a good idea and in my personal opinion it was just a bomb. Keep up the good work though guys, you do great things most of the time.
Yea I think most people can agree that this wasnt their best Lets play but hey they have created 112 episodes in one game they arent gonna get it right or have a 10/10 lets play all the time some weeks it just isnt gonna happen.
*them talking about clit teeth* Gavin: What do you think would be the most pleasurable thing to eat *Them saying answers* Ray: A hotdog Me: God damnit.
***** I respect your opinion, however I fear that soon you will be flooded with extremely smart people who are very smart and who's opinions greatly outweigh yours because they can call you names over the Internet.
Fun fact, this is one of the longest dry streaks ending of any player to win the Tower of Pimps.
The last time Michael won before this episode was Episode 66, which was about 48 weeks, or 336 days past.
"Hey Ray"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Thanks for participating"
"I said a lot" xD
I love how Micheal said NOTHING when Ryan was trying to get on the pig. 9:20
I LOVE how the pigs they keep seeing with no owner is actually them running into one another. It was freaking hilarious. Especially when they switched between the POV' so you can see who it was. Like when Jack said he saw Ryan's original pig by Ray's house it was actually Geoff. And when Geoff saw the pig at Dan the Man that was Michael. There were just so many instances (Like Geoff killing Jack's pig or Ryan trying to get on Michael) and yet none of them managed to put two-and-two together. They were basically all a bunch of ghosts on pigs with teleportation abilities and they had no idea.
Why did Gavin go buy a house, it would have been easier to have Jack build him one.
And Ryan could work on the pool.
Granted there's no hurricanes.
(shout-out to Nightwing)
***** and made some nice stairs ( you know he has a lot of experience with those)
Michael could have done the electrical work, I wonder if gavin has high speed security cameras.
Best comment of this video, 10/10. Will repeat to my friends.
Ray could do the gardening and be his butler. X-Ray and Vav amirite?
No offensive remarks intended here.
for people saying they are running out of ideas
yes, yes they are. but in their defence I would like to see someone else make over 100 lets plays in one game and keep it entertaining.
I think instead of trying to come up with brand new ideas just go back to previous lets plays and replay them or tweak them a bit (I would like to see another LP of total wipeout).
or take a break from the game for a while, get refreshed.
When did the AH crew start doing collaborations with the popular Twitch streamer Ray Narvaez Jr.?
+NefariousN8 ray used to work for AH
+NefariousN8 cant tell if this is a joke or if you are serious
p a i n
@@aravsingh2588 a bit late, but it seems like a joke.
@@chrisbrown9381 NO REALLY!?
I totally didn't even realize how little Ray talked in this Lets Play until Geoff hinted it at the very end.
I should of known. He didn't even pick up a single rose.
Can't blame him, playing the same game every single day would be annoying
@@HalfHealthGaming and? the other 5 of them also do the same exact thing and don’t just sit in silence like a child
@@peepeepoopoo6053 everyone handles burn out differently
Geoff: *shoots a pig*
Jack: is somebody shooting arrows?
Geoff: *kills pig*
Jack: *turns around* oh, my pig is dead, and theres Geoff, thanks Geoff.
Geoff: what?
Ray was the mvp of this episode xD I mean, he was so stealthy and crafty, almost like he wasn't even there! Haha and Wolf Spa X ftw! xD
That awkward moment when the actual first comment doesn't say first comment.
Are you a sponsor?
***** C.G.PGaming yep haha. Seems like people forget you can watch the videos as a sponsor on their site like hours before you guys
Is sponsorship monetary? If so is it a set amount or just pay a minimum amount or above?
Nevermind i found it on the site. But thanks for supporting them (:
"I didn't dig shit for my pig, I was like 'you fucking deal with what god gave you' and he was like 'oink'"
That was my favourite thing Michael has ever said ever
I want to see a video of just Gavin and Ryan arguing.
new series: RT debates.
AH debates.. Not rt
(the toaster) to be fair, an rt podcast when they talk about science is pretty much an rt debate with Gavin vs anybody else
So if you flip a coin 3 times...
SyndicateMatrix Worst part is Gavin's right most of the times, and it ends up being just Gus and Burnie ridiculing him even though he's right
I love how Jack and Geoff both cry out "No!" (or "Oh!") in sync at 5:03
The series absolutely should not be cancelled. It was around this time last year that we got I Spy and Creeper Soccer, and if they'd pulled the plug then we wouldn't have gotten any of the King episodes, Lava Wall and Bodyguards, Galacticraft, Geoff's House, Snowbound, Grounded or Negatower. Those are personal favourites, to be fair, but they've had off weeks before and the upcoming episodes they announced at RTX (Megadig, Storm the Tower, King Gavin etc.) sound like they'll be great.
Like if you agree with me but I think that Geoff should ask the community for ideas, he should possibly ask Axialmatt for some as well.
This was filmed before Axialmatt was hired
alec williams Geoff could still contact Axialmatt before he got hired.
fgfttfgff, Axialmatt was at e3 not before
Even if Axialmatt wasn't hired before this he was still a community member
Shout out to everyone that comes back to the OG videos from time to time
Gavin: You have a knife, there's a pig, you're hungry, it's been two days.
Me: Well, I would wait to kill the pig until tomorrow because I can't cook it. Why can't I cook it? Well it's been two days. It's raining.
Cheeky one m9
People please, A lot of upcoming Let's Plays for Minecraft are really well prepared and anticipated, like Storm the Tower, Galacticraft, Snowbound X, Mega Dig Down and yes, King Gavin
and Ice Cube X. I reckon these are gunna be great
I absolutely loved Ray's answer. "A hot dog" as the most pleasurable food to eat with you had clits for teeth.
And nobody noticed it...
yea it was sad, what a glorious joke unnoticed.
Awwww. Gavin's not going to be living with Geoff anymore. I suppose it's time for him to leave the nest, though.
I don't think he's lived with Geoff for a couple of weeks.
Brad Koshy I approve vastly of that avatar.
Brad Koshy
an entire month at the least
MurlocAggroB Thanks :D
Redfire085 Yea I remember seeing pictures on Twitter.
I wish they'd do more Galacticraft type stuff where they have a fun goal and there's new materials and stuff, if I were these guys I would be so fucking bored of this game by now and it definitely shows. When they aren't having fun it isn't fun to watch. I love these guys and I'll continue watching Minecraft LPs, but the thing I fell in love with about this channel is their energy and sense of humour, two things which are harder to find in more recent episodes.
This. Having a goal is a lot of the reasons I liked the Horses PC Let's Play, Galacticraft, the End, etc.
MERPjustin Yeah I agree, they seem actually interested in those ones because they're doing new stuff, and I love them adventuring and working together more than competing
I remember Gavin and Ryan saying they want to do Galacticraft again and go to mars to kill a boss. so I guess its coming.
They keep seeing each other's pigs and thinking its a rouge pig lol I love this lets play
David Thomson Rogue
Prince Oinkens not jealous? They must have a Pig-lygamous relationship.
get fucking barbra'd m8
nice one barbra
holy crap look at my profile pic on twitter ah_whiteninja
The amount of xbox rules and sucks comments are annoying, and so are the ones saying to move to pc. They won't, without xbox, where would they be, halo sure as hell didn't start on pc. I don't care about xbox though, as long as they keep the videos coming, I'll be watching, a bit of lag, fine, doesn't affect me, if there was system link support for minecraft on xbox, it wouldn't be laggy for them.
Halo did start on pc...
Even when you get down to it, halo started on the mac, steve jobs was the first person to showcase it.
Rinkster315 No, it didn't. :P
K0sm1cKid, SWIMlovesyou yes it did. and so do almost all games get made on pcs
Luke51015 If I remember correctly it was originally developed for mac, and then redone when it was picked up by microsoft to be a launch title on the xbox. Granted it SORT OF wasn't the same game but it was the same project. It had the same name, very similar looking art, etc. If I am wrong please tell me haha don't cite a wikipedia article though if your going to say im wrong link me a legitimate source telling me so.
Why are people so pissy about the premises of these videos? The point of Lets Plays like these are so they can just fuck around and talk. Also, if you find this boring and want to unsubscribe, do it. Nobody cares about what you think if they clearly still enjoy it. There isn't a single part of me that even slightly cares if people think these are funny, they make me laugh and I enjoy myself so... whatever.
If you didn't care if they find them funny or not you wouldn't of commented. That and I'd stop watching if these videos make you shit.
ItsJustAGame27- this guy knows what he's talking about
the reason people are vocal is because they love AH and they want videos they can enjoy so they dont quit watching the,
think of it like this if AH just decided they are done with letsplays and are just gonna make videos about chess for the rest of their lives would you not say something?
who knows maybe a video about chess could be funny (somehow) but to the most part i and many other people love AH and love the content they put out, the only problem is if they put out something they dislike its usaly a day or 2 till they get another good thing, and with thing currently the only good thing they have released lately (in my opinion) would be the 7 days to die lets plays.
people are vocal because they care.
EDIT: i also like the new super mario bros lets play while geoff can get anoying sometimes with spamming of the blocks it is also very funny most of the time since he fucks over gavin alot which is funny, and the latest one where they all pretended ryan was jack was funny.
@@13ofus I'm sure this still applies yeah? Smh
Ray seems to be done with Minecraft Lets Plays
He's been done for quite a while. He doesn't even talk anymore. The guys would make some sort of minecraft Let's Play focused on him somehow.
***** yeah ive noticed thought id just say it here.
mccoyisthebest Yeah, and that kind of sucks, because he was really funny on the LPs. But to be sincere I think they could take a break of Minecraft, the 7 days to die LPs seems to be a great substitute for them.
Renato Figueiredo I agree
I think he's bored. They should take a couple week break from Minecraft, and try something fresh. It would be good for the fans and them. Just my opinion. (-:
Geoff and Jacks scream in unison was the best moment probably
the fact that they couldnt see each other on the pigs made this 100x better
Gavin, 3 words: Minecraft with Mods. Shit looks incredible
Ray falling into the water three times in a row was the highlight of this video
I think the real winner in this video was the game, which screwed everyone else over by:
- Giving them horrible lag, which caused everyone to be unable to fight properly
- Not loading the world properly for anyone except Geoff, giving him an unfair advantage that caused him to give up.
- Not showing them riding their pigs on other player's screens, which caused Geoff to kill Jack's pig because the game didn't show Jack was riding his pig on Geoff's screen, essentially screwing Jack over.
- Having the pigs act stupid and seemingly impossible to control, making them spend way more time trying to get the pigs out of holes and obstacles rather than actually "racing".
- Multiple instances of "ghost characters" appearing away from the actual player, which caused Michael to lose his pig because the game showed Geoff was in a different spot than where he actually was when they were having that lag-induced "fight".
Overall, this game can really be terrible sometimes and nothing exemplifies it better than this episode.
If I could leave a suggestion to roosterteeth to keep these let's plays interesting, try to do more mini-gamey let's plays, that center around a game area they built, instead of walking around the map, or gathering materials like in jack's nightmare, wolf spa, this one, or title update 14 appreciation.
Let's plays like wipeout, the king let's plays, thunderdome, clouds, spring harvest, lava wall, snowbound, negatower, capture the tower, (etc.). Those are always the most fun because they have all the AH crew interacting the whole time, and they are also usually really competitive and unique!
I'm not a programmer, but shouldn't a game this old and this popular be less buggy?
It's more the fact that it's running on the Xbox 360, a old and completely outdated piece of hardware that can't load the game fast enough / have enough animals in it at the same time, especially when it has to load it though a connection to the host.
OoMNagent And then there was xbox one
Seth DeClerck Hopefully that clears it all up, of course bigger worlds means more loading and more strain but hopefully 4J don't overextend themselves again. I couldn't care either way, haven't played Minecraft in Months and usually in AH their best comedy comes from bad games
It dont matter If Its buggy my favourite thing to do in game's is break them it ain't 100% complete till I fall through the map.
Its because of the fact that there are 6 players in the server. The more the people, the more lag there will be. It also depends on their internet speed and based off of some videos I've been watching, it looks like their internet isn't the best.
Honestly I'd rather see a 7 Days To Die Let's Play than Minecraft right now.. I guess there's some things you can't replace (even for 1 single episode). Sorry I'm a little salty..
it really wouldn't hurt to at least alternate, but too much of a good thing can be bad.
Same Ray may have been joking in the let's play but I would rather watch 7 days to die. Minecraft is getting boring
I agree , imho I'd think it be really interesting if they would like alternate around 7 days to die and minecraft, maybe like 1 week for one than one for the other, don't get me wrong I still really like the minecraft series
This is the one problem with series they become tired I remember back two years ago I loved the old school lets play and when they got ray it got even better but now cause they have played this so much seeing no enthusiasm In them makes me sad even if they decide to make 7 days to die series they would grow bored of it eventually that's why I feel they should not do long running series :T
The minecraft series is just approaching "that time," there is a reason horse is no longer a thing, it just got repetitive. Some episodes were good others were crap and it really is just a need for something new. The heists in my opinion have all been amazing and it is simply because they are fresh. It's not easy coming up with over 100 things to do in a single game and maybe they can, who knows what they will do. What I do know is that nobody can put out amazing content all the time, things flop, you just have to accept it for what it is.
Ryan the PC Elitist. PC MASTER RACE FTW
Dear AH,
I still thoroughly enjoy all the Let's Plays you've been doing in Minecraft. I don't know how you guys can deal with all of the flack that most people throw at you every week, but keep on keepin' on.
Did anyone else realize that they kept seeing each other's pig but not the person riding the pig and they just assumed it was an abandoned pig
I swear Gav and Ryan always argue in like every video! xD
Pig poppin' you've got the best of me, because you keep not poppin' pigs repeatedly.
Can't wait for The Great Pig Race X
Geoff never realized he killed jacks pig at 12 minutes hahaha
If they're ever going to make it passed 200 episodes, I think they'll have to start playing more PC Minecraft.
"But Xbox One will be over 30 times the size!"
PC version is 6 times the size of planet earth. And actually loads more than 1 chunk a minute for somebody that isn't hosting the server.
"But Achievement Hunter is supposed to hunt achievements, PC doesn't have achievements!"
PC Minecraft has 13 more achievements than Xbox does, and they haven't hunted achievements in Minecraft in over 100 episodes.
In all seriousness, at least start playing more PC to spice it up a bit. They could play adventure maps, continue galacticraft, use other mods, or play on an actual server like Hypixel. Lackluster videos wouldn't happen as often if they weren't stubborn enough towards PC Minecraft. Yea, we all come here for the commentary, but I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd like to watch something other than glitchy pig riding on a system unable to handle a handful of pigs.
I'm not disputing that PC is by far better then Xbox but here is the main reason why they won't change they prefer xbox, simple as, so your whole comment was kind of pointless.
I think they also dedicated alot of time to the world they have made. That could be another reason.
also i CAN be annoying as hell to set up a server
I agree, they should eventually go to PC.
Achievement Hunter used to be my favorite Minecraft channel, now it's the Yogscast.
Achievement Hunter has been putting out lazily constructed Let's Plays. Without world edit they invest way too much time building the decent ones, such as Ice Cube.
Switching to PC will make building epic Let's Plays a lot quicker and easier, allowing for better competition.
Or they could do adventure maps. Or they could do what the Yogscast does and play within their own story.
Either way, they are lagging behind.
Yogscast puts out more videos, with a greater variety, more often. Achievement Hunter needs to view them as the competition that they are and start competing.
PC mine craft is just too much. It has so much more then xbox which most people cant play due to not knowing anything about the game for the PC version
18:15 Stay asleep Gavin, you can't be hurt when your asleep right?
is it common for lovelies to also watch achievement hunter? because i thought me and fart were the only ones xD
Yeah spawn a bouncy house too lol
PunkingtonGrunge There are many lovelies here. Ray happens to be one as well.
pnkntndr oh yeah, i forgot about that, he mentioned on twitter that he really likes starbomb too...
Sevak Harutyunyan shiiiit, it seems a lot of lovelies really do watch AH fuck around... this is a pleasant surprise
Ray is probably my favorite guy to listen to and watch play in the LPs. I understand that he is getting really bored with the Game, considering most of their ideas lately and kinda boring to watch. I mainly watch the videos now days to hear their conversations. I still like GTA V videos, but eventually they need to find a new game or two to replace that and Minecraft. You can only go so far with a certain game before you have overstayed your welcome with it.
Achievement City is dead. At this point, its so laggy and glitchy it is disrupting Let’s Plays. “The Great Pig Race” was painful to watch because it was so disrupted. 80% of the time they got on a pig they became invisible, there were floating ghosts of them randomly around the map, they couldn’t spawn more pigs because there were too many animals (even when they killed other animals), and the action was broken up by them waiting for the world to load every ten blocks. When the Xbox One comes out, they should make a new world. We will always love Achievement City, but prolonging its life is cruel at this point.
It would be awesome if for their first Xbox One Minecraft Let’s Play they actually played minecraft. If they worked together and each made houses to construct New Achievement City. It would be a great Let’s Play, and good way to put to rest Achievement City.
Amen to this I couldn't watch it without cringing at the lag
If hate to see any of you kids try to use a game boy or an original xbox or playstation, if this is laggy go play some of those and think about it.
Joel Hartin Does that make this some how less laggy if you play the older consoles?
Joel Hartin you mean the original consoles where the lag was horrific to the point of shooting someone waiting 5 seconds then seeing them drop? I remember those days as well
My first console was the original xbox
not sure if anyone noticed this... But the pig Jack was chasing passed Ray's house was actually Geoff and he just didn't load XD
I was face palming the whole time at this, lol
When they mentioned how the pig didn't have to worry about the world loading I was laughing so hard. It was almost as if the pig had host advantages. XD
Minecraft will be the death of Ray. Food will be the death of Jack.
Alcohol will be the death of Geoff.
Insanity will be the death of Ryan.
Gavin will be the death of himself.
And an aneurysm will be the death of Michael.
Which one is the worst fate? I have to say Minecraft. Ray, you rose-loving bastard they're trying to make you suffer. Get out while you still can before they bore you to tears. 😣
Shut the fuck up.
Why should I? If you don't mind me asking? 😕
Agreed two years of the same game every week must be hell.
"I'll turn my skin into a pig and you can ride my home." - Gavin to Micheal. Dying laughing.
Took them way too long to figure out you don't always see the person on pigs. Also, Geoff was shooting Michael behind that post that he said you have to be beyond in order to kill.
They're achievement hunter they don't follow their own rules sometimes and it's just who they are.
kiraanimerawr1 Looks like a job for caleb
Actually Geoff said a person has to be beyond the post to be killable.
Ugh, Geoff shooting michael while he was past the post was about the only thing that pissed me off in this video, but it did piss me of quite a bit. x_x
kiraanimerawr1 Not but I mean when one guy sees a pig and kills it and then the guy on that pig is like "You killed my pig!" they didn't add that up and see that sometimes they were invisible and their body was frozen on their screen 50 meters back
Tower of Pimps victories
Geoff: 6
Jack: 12
Michael: 9
Gavin: 5
Ray: 12
Ryan: 10
Achievement City: 2
They have enough people why not have another person like Lindsey to use as designated host so no one would have an advantage
The xbox minecraft gains lag with the more people in the game, so although it would be fair, half of every lets play would be waiting for the world to load
xX3twoXx They have had more people on different occasions like creeper soccer when lindsey filmed, and that didn't seem to create substantial amounts of lag. Also when they played axilmatt's maps he was host and it seemed like everyone was on a fair playing field
The fact that they would even need that to level the field is the bigger problem.
***** The fuck are you talking about?
***** They were all in one location though because they weren't roaming around and exploring.
Welp, we're one week closer to king Gavin:D
Ray said in a stream they havent filmed it
Goddammit Geoff!
AcTmembers RTX they announced it would be episode 121, so September or October is when it will come out.
Lanthanide yAAAS!
Is it just me or are the Let's Play videos getting boring? I've been subscribed for 2 years and for the past month or so, I never feel like watching Roosterteeth content. Maybe it's just the same 2 things on GTA getting to me [which has spread to other LP's], but recent uploads haven't been making me laugh.
I feel the same.. I've religiously watched pretty much every Let's Play released, but I'm finding it hard to get the motivation to watch them any more... I feel kind of sad about it :( used to be one of my favourite things to do, sit down and watch a let's play, but now I occasionally find myself sticking them on in the background while I do other things.. 7 Days to Die has been good though! I think some more new games will make things more interesting :)
As said with every form of entertainment,
It's not changing, you just got tired of it. Stop your moaning and shut it.
SNESexy Your going to say the world doesn't change? You know, tv was in black and white at one point.
***** he is nothing like pewdiepie
BagonnJr Never said that. They've had these redundant style lets plays since the first.
People outgrow their favorite author, people stop watching every season of a show after 10 seasons, people who loved star wars stopped caring for it after watching the movies enough.
You're the one who changed, they've kept it pretty much the same.
I actually think that despite the belief that minecraft lets plays are running out of ideas. I actually disagree. I can think of thousands of things that they can do. Mods, replaying of other previous lets plays like tower of geoff and other ideas. But the thing that won't work if they want to keep doing this is playing this game on the Xbox. If they played on the PC they would be able to have so much more content in minecraft and actually play the game. Xbox minecraft is nearly unplayable due to the lag and the world is tiny. I don't know why they insist on Xbox minecraft? It seems pointless when you can play it on the PC and you choose the Xbox.
And also. Sorry for being a Mincy little winge pot.
They believe that the mods and the PC version are too buggy.
bambamgop Yes, because the XBOX version here isn't buggy ?
I mean, I like to see where I'm walking, instead of loading the map one second too late and falling 30 blocks to my death.
Amen and yea if u rt people read this or anyone that can contact geoff please tell him to do tower of geoff again is by FARRR one of the best MC lets plays
And everyone including ah are to listen to a comment on youtube with a username lord twattington...
Lets face it, Ray is the best achievement hunter in every way. We only enjoy it if he enjoys it
Geoff f*cking cheated. He shot Michael and Ryan in the safe zone
He disqualified himself though, so what does it matter?
in the first round he cheated. Cheating is cheating even if your disqualified
firstly it doesn't matter, because counting little technicalities means every time someone couldn't place a pig the race should of been stopped because everyone is gaining an unfair advantage over them, which would've completely killed this already stretched lets play. Also why the fuck do you even care?
sumomanify it's still cheating, I don't give a fuck if they cheat or not, but it's still cheating.
If you kill someone and you don't get caught, you are still a murderer, you still killed a person, even if you didn't go to prison.
boosiv true. I just can't stand it when people like xeros makes it an issue
you know what would kinda revive this series?
building an entire new world - completely starting over
**Gavin in the middle of the Let's Play**
"I'm gonna go buy a house."
A pig riding one of the other pigs is gonna win it seems.
They should do Slender again, where Gavin is on Michael's back and they race like that.
Ray falling in those pits of water/dirt, omg. I can't breathe, haha
I don't know if I'm the only one, or if it's just me, but I think everyone ignored Ray this episode. (Exept at the end at the last minute Geoff talked to Ray, and then Ray talked 15 seconds of the let's play while no one ignored him). It's pretty sad though, because Ray doesn't talk much but he's super funny. I realised that when Ray was stuck in the water. And how the video didn't show he's cam that much. I could never forget Ray, Michael or Gavin. I can always realise if something changed with them. Ray you won last time take that confidence and try and win part 113, if you lose then just try it again. You gave up when you fell in the water. You never know Ray never give up, maybe a super miracle will happen. That happened to me when playing hunger games. Anyways I noticed Ray being ignored this episode that's the point of the comment.
I didn't say that something changed, I said that I would know if something changed. Keep in mind the words I would know.
He wasn't ignored, he didn't say much (and gave up to do other things) because he didn't want to ride pigs again in the first place
He is just getting bored of MC
I think he was just bored with this idea.
Great avatar btw lol
Lol you too kage, I do think he was bored doing this. Maybe he's too old for Mc like Spencer said. But he wasn't funny this episode. Just a little bit. Others were like Wooo yeah. And he looked like he was bored. I don't like watching youtubers that are silent and not funny. I think they are too serious. I like to watch funny stuff. But I really do like Ray, but not that much this episode. The Let' plays are starting to get boring, it's like they use old ideas. And still, I am waiting for king Gavin in episode 121. I think they ran out of idead since they have more than 100 episodes of ideas. So I was thinking if rooster teeth reads our comments while we give them ideas that we requested they should play. Right now I don't really have an ideq but I can think of one. Cool picture kagenotatsumaki lol XD.
So much shit happened between the rounds.
-Gavin bought a house
-Geoff had a car collision
-Ryan vomited (once) due to food poisoning
-Ray was bored as fuck
-Jack was being Jack
America is a scary place.
They went so long without realizing that the wandering pigs had people on them lol, Geoff didn't even realize when he killed Jack's pig.
They never realize that the "lone" pigs aren't riderless, they just can't see the rider.
They realized by the end of round 2.
i love how Ryan is the only PC Master Race person in RoosterTeeth
The best conversations are between Gavin and Ryan! haha priceless
Its Very obvious in this LP that they are working. not playing. Ray isnt even trying, the tower of pimps victory means nothing.
Are they running out of ideas or was it just a coincidence that there hasn't been a very good one in a couple of weeks? Their commentary is always funny and what carries the videos, I'm just wondering about the ideas for the lets plays themselves
It would've worked if the connection was a bit more stable.
It would have worked better if the mechanic and the pig a.i. were better implemented. Also it would be better that a random animal in an unloaded/unactive chunk would despawn instead of just not letting something spawn.
i found it hilarious how each of them would see "random" pigs and laugh about it but it was really one of the other guys. xD
I remember when Minecraft LP used to be the highlight of my week.
It seems when you master a game (They're very good at it you can't deny that.) the videos are less enjoyable to watch.
Lets be honest, AH videos are great because they're generally bad at games and find new and intuitive ways to get around that and make the game fun.
But Minecraft has ran it's course and it's not as great as it used to be.
But I still love AH don't get me wrong.
Same for me
Amen brother.
***** I respect your opinion... Look mum, we're interneting.
Joe Jones Yeah. the beginning episodes were the best because they didn't know anything. I keep watching episode 1, and I still laugh.
To everyone whining about them not doing those big lets plays anymore shut the fuck up, I bet they have tons of ideas. They are probably big builds and will take a lot of space, so they are waiting for Minecraft on XBOX ONE.
I appreciate the content from Achievement Hunter and would like to thank them for all the laughs they've brought me. Although this Let's Play was boring, I recognize how hard it is to come up with ideas for 112 episodes of Minecraft, unlike most people. I suggest King Gavin (which I already know has been filmed), Hunger Games (for the second time), and another sort of pvp game like Capture the Tower.
Ray's been pretty bored for the last few mc videos....
Cant say i blame him after 112 episodes
I agree
DrewTheProfessional i meant several recent videos, not just this one.
Ray's probably my favorite of the ah crew, but its easy to tell he isnt a huge fan of minecraft.
We'll they don't have good ideas and he says boring ray=no sleep ray
I think they recorded like all the recent mine craft vids in one day so i could tell why he would be bored
Tucker G. thats a possibility
Best lets play ever
Hahaha the pig with the saddle they saw was MICOO!!😜
Also funny when Gavin yells at his second pig: OBEY ME!!!!😋
I would love to see these guys play Mario Party.
Ray needs to eat a snickers
I enjoyed this let's play. Especially all of the disgusted reactions when Jack won a round, and kept them playing XD
Generic comment about how it's 360p. Seriously it's minecraft!
lol u must be new to youtube it takes time to be rendered to 1080p
no, it's because the video just went up a couple minutes ago and will be HD once it's been up for a bit
Technically, minecraft isn't 8 bit. The textures are. The game would look like crap is it was 8 bit, since it's 3d.
The Joke
Tj Filmer's head
GooglePlusSucks Thank you kind sir!
They might want to put Ray on suicide watch, I don't remember him being this quiet since he first began AH.
So because he doesn't talk as much as Gavin he deserves to be put on suicide watch? What the fuck is wrong with you.
Or he was bored? o3o
he was uploading a video....
Try watching his streams. He's fine.
He's just quiet because he has gotten bored with minecraft
The amount of times they thought they were seeing a pig that wasn't being ridden but actually was is hilarious!
I guarantee all these people complaining that "They should take a break.", "This one wasn't good.", "I'm unsubbing", will be right back here next week, asking "Where's Minecraft?!?!" next week when it's twenty minutes late.
Love the fact that Ray hates playing Minecraft and all the shity things in the game happen to him making it even worse.
To be fair to him. Who enjoys playing minecraft?
Hungryadamjones People who enjoy playing Minecraft
Chad Parks and who are they. the PC "Master" race
Dante Hall Not even relevant to this discussion. And if you are bringing it up, PC is the master race
I agree, I'd rather see quality Let's Plays every other week than have them pump them out every week. Just so they have more energy and enthusiasm.
Geoff killed Jack's Pig without knowing.. :')
Saw that scene as I read the comment lol
I think that was pretty obvious dumbass
James White chill dude
Jonathan Dean don't even bother with this guy
Damian Ortega Haha yeah I saw the other thread
One would think they would learn to render everybody's world for these full map let's play lol...
It's too big to do that, as evidenced by episode 100.
Can't be too hard to at least render the path they're supposed to take it.
I think Geoff shouldn't take part in the race let's plays just due to the host advantage of world loading quicker
Thats the thing, in minecraft xbox the world chunks will "unload" of you move to far away from a chunk
yeah I made that comment during the first race so yeah
Loved the part where Ray got out of the hole with water just to fall into the next part lol.
Ryan's PC elitist attitude gets two thumbs up from me lol.
Ryan: "On PC, you could make 10 thumbs up in less than a minute."
Geoff: "Ryan the PC guy."
Allan Graves You're an expert virgin? I didn't think that was possible. I'm sorry, bro :(
Also, this wasn't on the "Xbone."
Dildo Baggina That entire thing was a joke. Thank you for explaining it.
Anne Rivers You're welcome. I'm glad I could clear things up for you, Ms. Dog.
People need to stop crying about King Gavin and need to get pumped about Monopoly pt.3 :)
Yeah. especially cause monopoly will be 120 and king gavin 121
I think that was the calmest win they've had in a while.
I know it won't happen because it would be over 100 parts but I'd love to see these guys play agrarian skies.
Probably the laggiest let's play yet.
Don't worry, AH, you still have a few loving fans who aren't completely braindead! Keep up the good work, this week was great.
I honestly thought this was one of their more boring vids, I am not trying to seem like an ass but I kept finding myself going to do something else while this was playing. I think they thought this was going to be a good idea and in my personal opinion it was just a bomb. Keep up the good work though guys, you do great things most of the time.
Yea I think most people can agree that this wasnt their best Lets play but hey they have created 112 episodes in one game they arent gonna get it right or have a 10/10 lets play all the time some weeks it just isnt gonna happen.
*them talking about clit teeth*
Gavin: What do you think would be the most pleasurable thing to eat
*Them saying answers*
Ray: A hotdog
Me: God damnit.
Geoff: I'm gonna find another pig to kill.
It also says cow, sheep or cat but sure go for a pig xD
We need a break from minecraft,anyone else think it'd be cool to see more 7 days lps
Those are boring...
Just play GTA IV again, that was the greatest thing they ever did.
TheCamyeron its FUNNY
i hope they still know how much we love them with how much everyone is becoming furious. we love you bois.
Jack: Is Dan the Man north or south?
Ray: Yes
LOL Ray too funny hahaha :)
If I may be so bold as to post an opinion, didn't feel this was suited for a Minecraft LP :/ Would've seen this as more of a 'things to do'.
***** I respect your opinion, however I fear that soon you will be flooded with extremely smart people who are very smart and who's opinions greatly outweigh yours because they can call you names over the Internet.
Darude- Sandstorm
Gojira ゴジラ I really hope Danny Cutter isn't your alt account because this is amazing.