very interesting video! thank you for this! as a Hungarian, i often wonder about how foreigners see us. i agree that we do not smile at strangers, but that's not against foreginers, that's just not a thing here, especially not in the capital where you don't really see the same person twice unless you seek them out. we also stare at people who look or speak differently, even if just to try and guess where they are from, but i know many of us (especially over 50 i would say) are apprehensive of foreigners. i don't really understand the relation between being racist and wanting your parliament (the literal head of your country) to be built from and by Hungarian resources though :D i would say that the person who said "yes they are racist, though it never happened to me, i just heard" has the same mentality as racist people do. "nobody of a different race did me wrong ever, but i heard they were bad." everyone has different experiences with different people, but i think the majority of Budapest is very open to talking or helping you find something. :D
Yes, but lets also not forget that we Hungarians owe foreigners nothing. They can like the architecture/landscape of Hungary. But they will never understand our culture and people. We have no reason to love or to change for foreigners. Racist or not. If you don't like Hungary, you are free to leave. And we don't care what you call us.
LOL the girl who says Hungarians are racist for building their own parliament and using Hungarian materials, WTF. I mean, she's being racist against Hungarians by calling them racist for that LOL. Irony level maxed out there LOL
@TravelLight Well my dear ignorant internet friend, the term "racist" is a negative term and one which she would have to have a real reason for using, whether to label an individual or a group. I would argue that "thEy dArEd tO buiLD thEiR oWn buiLdiNGs etc" isn't a real reason and that it is in fact hostile and illogical reasoning. Now why would she show hostility toward an entire nation without giving very good reason for doing so? 🤔 Perhaps because she is being racist. Do you understand now? If not, I probably can't help you 😀. Peace out
Its better for foreigners to stay away largely and only come here as vacation. Most simply won't ever understand Hungarians and Hungarian culture. They just like the landscape and architecture. Which is fine. But don't expect our people to change for you. Racist or not. Hungarians owe foreigners nothing. Hungarians owe the world absolutely nothing.
@@ThunderFarter @3:40 the lady that he is talking to is judging that the Hungarian parliament was built by Hungarian people. What is your point with the White House? It has nothing to do with Hungary. She has also stated that Hungarians are racist despite admitting she has not experienced any racism personally. Deeming Hungarians as racist is racist in itself.
As a Hungarian, I try to avoid staring at foreign (for example african or asian) people for too long (2-3 seconds), because I don't want they to think, that I'm racist to them or anything. Even making eye contact makes me nervous. But if I know them better, I can speak more freely with them. I personally really like to see foreigners in my country.
Hi! in a few months or so we will be working in your country in manufacturing industry, and we are so excited to witness your beautiful country the locals, the places your culture hoping to have a wonderful experience love Philippines.
I was born and raised in Hungary, never learned from my family to hate anyone because they have different skin color. What amaze me that, what is that woman is on about at 3:24 ???? We are racist because our country was built by hungarian people???? We are racist because you heard it once? Darling you have to rethink this, not gonna lie its okay to tell your opinion but telling false accusations is a different story. And yes we are not smiling at people who we dont know, most of the time there is sour taste what the world wars and the communism left in us, so we dont necessarly jump in awe of any stranger who come to our country but still most of us trying to be respectful.. If racism is the only thing what people want to see, that will be the only thing what they WILL SEE.. I came to England to work, the very first day at work i was accused that im a racist because i was doing my job (cleaner) and the guy was behind me telling everyone that im disrespectful and racist i didnt say hello to him, yea right i just trying to live my life mate... but its a sad common reality since i came here... When i changed job to a barista, around the time of brexit normal british business man said to us that he will be delighted when we will be gone from his country meanwhile drinking the coffee what we made to him.. i dont give a damn, if thats what people want to see, its their problem and should be healed this way of thinking.
The thing about Hungary is that ppl will not smile or say hello to people they don’t know and also the thing about staring is old people don’t really see other skin color ppl besides Hungarian or Gypsy so they are curious. It’s the same if a Hungarian were to go to an African Country where there are no White skinned people
I agree with the point that it's a thing with the old people but it's not the same in African. People might look at you but not stare at you in a way to make you uncomfortable and wonder what they're thinking.
@@oseikofi7 idk man I’ve been to Jamaica I know it’s not Africa but a lot of black ppl staring at me make me feel unwanted or bad I think it’s the same man. If u go to China or Japan they will stare at u for being black too it’s just because ppl don’t see it often maybe their are some racist but most ppl r curious
Jamaica is one of the most diverse tiny islands ever! If people were staring at you it most probably was not because of your skin colour. It’s a tourist island & it builds the economy. Also if you haven’t been to Africa you shouldn’t assume, as Africa is very mixed aswell
@@chexalantax3045 well budapest is very diverse for Central Europe too so same could be said about this video..anyway I’m just telling u my experience where I was I mostly only saw black ppl it’s true there are Indians and Chinese in Jamaica but when I was on the street 99% was black what I saw
There are Hungarians who have strong criticism of Hungarians. In general, these Hungarians consider themselves liberal intellectuals, world citizens. Hungarians are as racist as all European peoples, but we do not want to look better. We try to be tolerant, respectful and kind. For all non-liberal Hungarians, the best and most beautiful is Hungarian. Therefore, the liberal, who lives mainly in the capital and professes to be an intellectual, does not like it. They often speak more negatively about their people than reality.
It’s rather bullshit, but okay. The people living in the capital are more used to foreigners and different skin colors than the poeple in rural areas, that’s why in the countryside a black person will raise more eyebrows, not because the people there are not virtue signalling marxists enough. They are actually mostly even kinder individuals than the overstressed and depressed population of Budapest. And when you leave the Budapest Lunatic Assylum, you will even see smiling people :)
@@ThorTyrker I don't know what the bullshit you think? What you wrote is appropriate. They agree. They are distrustful of the people of Budapest in the countryside, which is no wonder. I have a hard time wearing them. And I'm from Budapest.
@@ThorTyrker tbh a lot of depends on your attitude. I live in Australia which a lot of foreigners constantly label as a racist and unwelcoming country. I haven’t experienced racism once (Atleast not in an obvious way, like say getting attacked or insulting). However lot of other people experience it multiple times a month or week. A lot of it depends on attitude, behaviour and the way you act. If you act like a black man from the hood in America or a road man in England, you’re in for a shock in Hungary. But if you’re a student, who’s just studying, maybe working, playing sports or genuinely interested in learning the language or the culture of the country your in, then I don’t imagine you would face much racism (only exception may be the drunk football fans but they are in every country)
I’m kinda reliefed :) No actual bad experience, only hearsaying and the fact that the parliament was build by Hungarians, for Hungarians. If I may add my opinion about that matter: that gesture was important for Hungary just have became independent and it was kind of a “Look, we are strong, independent and we don’t need you or anyone else” thing.
Magyarok, sok más európai országokkal ugyan így, nem azért nem mosolyognak rátok, mert probléma lenne veletek. Senkire sem mosolygunk, ha nincs indokunk rá. Akkor mutatunk ki érzelmeket, ha valóban vannak érzelmeink. Ha csak bámul téged valaki érzelmek nélkül (mosoly, harag stb) akkor kb érezd úgy magad mint egy fa, vagy bármi amin véletlenül megakadt a szeme. Mert hogy ez azt jelenti, közömbös vagy felé érzelmileg, csak valamiért éppen érdekes. Nem kell ez túl komplikálni. Őszintén úgy véljük, hogy ha hirtelen csak a semmiért indok nélkül elkezd valaki mosolyogni, az egy őrült. De ha előre engedsz valakit egy ajtóban, azt egy kis mosollyal meg fogja köszönni. Mert adtál indokot az örömre. De utána nem fog mosolyogni tovább. Ilyenek a magyarok. Egymással is így viselkedünk. Ha ok nélkül rámosolyogsz egy magyarra, akkor félre fog érteni téged. Azt fogja hinni hogy kérdésed van felé, szívességet szeretnél kérni, vagy mulatságosnak tartod őt. Magyarországon akkor találkozol rasszistával ha haraggal, undorral vagy agresszívan viselkedik veled. Ha csak flegma akkor nincs semmi problémája veled.
Nice video, thanks for sharing. I'm a Pakistani living in Budapest for 2 years now. My experience is the same where may be I've faced subtle racism from aged people however, other foreigners like Black people or Asians have told me how they've faced racism. But at the same time I've also had the pleasure of talking to very kind and helpful people here. I think you can find bigotry anywhere in the world. I would suggest to stay away from football fans who wear black t-shirts with "Magyarország" written on them. They are very nationalist and tend to show that to foreigners quite openly even to the point of becoming physical. I had an experience where one of them was walking pass me but he deliberately came close and gave me the shoulder. You just can't let negativity bring you down though! Overall I would say Hungarians are very cultured and nice people.
@Tivadar Vas I think the hate for arabs comes because of the Ottomons. I am not sure how the Ottomons treated hungarians. But you not all muslims are conservative. I am not. It's a myth that all muslims are religious.
@Tivadar Vas Your logic is stupid. If someone believes in religion doesn't mean they are religious. It means they belong to certain faith. Then there is a division of more or less religious.
I am a Hungarian who has like 1/4 jewish heritage and many people think I am turkish or arab, but I don't think that is racism. I mean if you look at the definition of Racism it is not under this stool. Personally I think that many of us don't really like muslim countries because of our past (although we think of Turks as our brothers, but at the same time not). We fought against the Ottomans only 500 years ago, and we had to fight the Austrians, then the Germans, then the Soviets, so really want to keep Hungary's culture in a way, especially in the less rural areas (small towns and villages). Altough it is a paradox that many villages have majority Hungarian Roma background, and they are just as Xenophobic as anyone else in the country, so yeah, that is also interesting. Me personally, I would like to keep the country free as it is. So that in 100-200 years girls can take a swim in bikini, and it will not be banned by some Sharia law or something... Additional note after a year... if you travel let's say to Togo as a white person... you get much more racism from Africans, as they have no clue where you are from. And they have no clue where Hungary is, or what our people are. So compared to most of central and south Africa we are totally not racist....😅
@Tivadar Vas and what's wrong with that? They are giving better price than German owned companies. Hungarian tax payers are winning. World is changing, keep up with it.
What i find funny in Hungary is that people never sound mad,i dont know but their language sound so peacfull,it is different from Polish or Russian and etc.
If the tone goes up first than down and all word ends with a stop, we probably cursing. Its just part of the everyday speaking. You can speak casually and not aggressive with every second word being a curse.
Megkerhetlek arra hogy a feliratozas magyarul legyen ? Nagyon szépen köszönöm ! Szeretném hallani a külföldiek véleményét és tapasztalatait Magyarországról!
@@oseikofi7 mégegyszer nagyon köszönöm a fordítást ! Nagyon szeretem a külföldi embereket ! Vendéglátós vagyok és a kollégáim mondjak nekem hogy mit szeretnének a vendégek ! Már sajnálom hogy nem tanultam nyelveket ! Olyan kedvesek mikor megpróbálják a magyar nyelvet azt megértem !
I didn't get the ideas of the lady in 3:22mins of the video. The fact that the Hungarian Parlament was built by Hungarians with their money doesn't make them racist! This is just how it works. I understood what she meant that the government shouldn't have spent so much money and instead to help their nation but... In my country (Brazil) it also works like this and we are not a racis... nah! Brazil is damn racist country towards black Brazilians! but the fact brazilian government spent so much money with non important things instead to improve their infrastructure it's just because our leaders are bunch of morons and unfortunately this is how politics works everywhere and it has nothing to do with racism! But as a black latina, i visited Hungary once (not Budapest😕) and i can say that at no moment i felt racism there! I felt that people were more curious and this is not a bad thing in my opinion! I really liked it there and i hope to go back soon as possible to finally visit Budapest. I've been learning about their culture and also try to learn hungarian language so next time i hope to have a way better experience with locals than from my first visit ♡ p.s.: another thing i strongly disagree with her is that NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO BE RACIST! once you are attacked just because of your skin color. Once you visit a country with respect, interested about their culture and someone out of nowhere come towards you to attack, there is no reason for it! Especially because for every action there is a reaction.
I agree, people shouldn't be racially abused because of past events they had no hand in. If someone's being racist then they should be held responsible and accountable for their own action. Racism mustn't be tolerated or entertained for any reason.
Makes sense, it's not your country so why would you be parasitic and try to benefit from taxpayers money which you haven't contributed to in the first place. That is not fair and must not be encouraged.
I think it is just we are curious and at the same time not very much of smiling people. If you consider that "stare" at you with a smile on their or in our face you - which I know, are not there - you would not think of anything in "racism". Just come up on us and ask a question or better to ask for any tiny help, and we will give you our heart!
i was dating a nigerian girl near budapest in early 2000,im white and did face some comments and lots of strange looks because it was not a "normal" thing to see a mixed couple...
I live in Estonia and feel its similar. They dont smile, but they give straight face stares. Seems like they are socially inept in many parts of Europe.
So, you spend some time in Hungary? Congratulations, with all that good and bad you are still there. One advice, treat people with respect you are a guest. If things don't go your way don't claim racism because it isn't. However, it will be. Remember, you represent your country. Possibly race.
@RUclips A You should go back to school, try Gobineau, Aurelia Michel, Darwin for a start. Also ask yourself who sees/needs this racisme BS everywhere. There is one (1) race the human race, absolutely no need for inferiority complex.
to be honest besides the gypsies (that most of the hungarians hate but they well deserved it) we don't really see any other ethnic group here. A couple asian here and there due to their shops but thats it. I remember as a kid we played in the school yard and a black dude walked in the street and we were like " :O " because we never seen one before, but I dont really think we were racist, its just something new and strange ...
I visit Budapest a lot, i am Moroccan and not once i had to deal with racism it is a way different story when i visit Spain for example that is what i call more a racist country,Hungarians are nice friendly people in my opinion but in their way
bocs,de ez mi?a magyarok rasszisták,de nekem nincs tapasztalatom erről?Akkor nem lehet,hogy a csajnak vannak előitéletei,és igazából ő a rasszista?Sorry ,dislike
@@Letik3x "Sharing a part of my journey. While I've had the privilege of making wonderful friends in Hungary, it's disheartening to face instances of racism. It's crucial to remember that the actions of a few don't represent an entire nation. My friendships here have been filled with warmth and beautiful memories, and I believe in the power of these connections to overcome prejudice. Let's promote understanding and unity, even in the face of adversity. 🤝 #FriendshipMatters"
I think they are VERY racist, dont even compare countries like US to Hungary, in the US it's the land of immigrants and overall its accepted to not question your presence in that country. But in hungary, I've been yelled at for no reason MULTIPLE time by the locals, their people are very grumpy and close minded. I had better experience with younger Hungarians as is the case for most places. Not to mention, physical attack attempt, they were just backward people.... I honestly think many countries are way better than european countries, they are extremely ethnocentric and xenophobic, I know africans, South East Asians middle easterners mostly are incredibly hospitable and warm. Europeans are just bitter and hateful.
Are u kidding me??? Europeans are bitter?? u know europe is huge? I'm european too, don't put me on the same lvl as thos racist hungarians, learn something before talking u doofus
I think this subject is more complex. Kneeling, BLM, colonization, catering to wokeness, etc... English fans booing their own national team for taking a knee.видео.html
During the Real Nazi Era, Germany vs England both teams did the Hitler salute before the game. Germany vs Hungary only the German team displayed the Hitler salute, NOT the Hungarian team!
very interesting video! thank you for this! as a Hungarian, i often wonder about how foreigners see us. i agree that we do not smile at strangers, but that's not against foreginers, that's just not a thing here, especially not in the capital where you don't really see the same person twice unless you seek them out. we also stare at people who look or speak differently, even if just to try and guess where they are from, but i know many of us (especially over 50 i would say) are apprehensive of foreigners. i don't really understand the relation between being racist and wanting your parliament (the literal head of your country) to be built from and by Hungarian resources though :D i would say that the person who said "yes they are racist, though it never happened to me, i just heard" has the same mentality as racist people do. "nobody of a different race did me wrong ever, but i heard they were bad." everyone has different experiences with different people, but i think the majority of Budapest is very open to talking or helping you find something. :D
Yes, but lets also not forget that we Hungarians owe foreigners nothing. They can like the architecture/landscape of Hungary. But they will never understand our culture and people. We have no reason to love or to change for foreigners. Racist or not. If you don't like Hungary, you are free to leave.
And we don't care what you call us.
LOL the girl who says Hungarians are racist for building their own parliament and using Hungarian materials, WTF. I mean, she's being racist against Hungarians by calling them racist for that LOL. Irony level maxed out there LOL
@TravelLight Well my dear ignorant internet friend, the term "racist" is a negative term and one which she would have to have a real reason for using, whether to label an individual or a group. I would argue that "thEy dArEd tO buiLD thEiR oWn buiLdiNGs etc" isn't a real reason and that it is in fact hostile and illogical reasoning. Now why would she show hostility toward an entire nation without giving very good reason for doing so? 🤔 Perhaps because she is being racist. Do you understand now? If not, I probably can't help you 😀. Peace out
Its better for foreigners to stay away largely and only come here as vacation. Most simply won't ever understand Hungarians and Hungarian culture. They just like the landscape and architecture. Which is fine.
But don't expect our people to change for you. Racist or not. Hungarians owe foreigners nothing.
Hungarians owe the world absolutely nothing.
Wow, imagine that. The Hungarian parliament... which is in Hungary.... was built by Hungarians.
@@ThunderFarter @3:40 the lady that he is talking to is judging that the Hungarian parliament was built by Hungarian people. What is your point with the White House? It has nothing to do with Hungary. She has also stated that Hungarians are racist despite admitting she has not experienced any racism personally. Deeming Hungarians as racist is racist in itself.
As a Hungarian, I try to avoid staring at foreign (for example african or asian) people for too long (2-3 seconds), because I don't want they to think, that I'm racist to them or anything. Even making eye contact makes me nervous.
But if I know them better, I can speak more freely with them.
I personally really like to see foreigners in my country.
People like you make the world a better place ❤️
Hi! in a few months or so we will be working in your country in manufacturing industry, and we are so excited to witness your beautiful country the locals, the places your culture hoping to have a wonderful experience love Philippines.
@@jenssenlarwa8736 I'm very glad to hear that :D
And I hope you will have a good time in our country.
I like looking at people because I generally love people and believe the good in them like you.
I was born and raised in Hungary, never learned from my family to hate anyone because they have different skin color.
What amaze me that, what is that woman is on about at 3:24 ???? We are racist because our country was built by hungarian people???? We are racist because you heard it once? Darling you have to rethink this, not gonna lie its okay to tell your opinion but telling false accusations is a different story.
And yes we are not smiling at people who we dont know, most of the time there is sour taste what the world wars and the communism left in us, so we dont necessarly jump in awe of any stranger who come to our country but still most of us trying to be respectful..
If racism is the only thing what people want to see, that will be the only thing what they WILL SEE..
I came to England to work, the very first day at work i was accused that im a racist because i was doing my job (cleaner) and the guy was behind me telling everyone that im disrespectful and racist i didnt say hello to him, yea right i just trying to live my life mate... but its a sad common reality since i came here... When i changed job to a barista, around the time of brexit normal british business man said to us that he will be delighted when we will be gone from his country meanwhile drinking the coffee what we made to him.. i dont give a damn, if thats what people want to see, its their problem and should be healed this way of thinking.
The thing about Hungary is that ppl will not smile or say hello to people they don’t know and also the thing about staring is old people don’t really see other skin color ppl besides Hungarian or Gypsy so they are curious. It’s the same if a Hungarian were to go to an African Country where there are no White skinned people
I agree with the point that it's a thing with the old people but it's not the same in African. People might look at you but not stare at you in a way to make you uncomfortable and wonder what they're thinking.
@@oseikofi7 idk man I’ve been to Jamaica I know it’s not Africa but a lot of black ppl staring at me make me feel unwanted or bad I think it’s the same man. If u go to China or Japan they will stare at u for being black too it’s just because ppl don’t see it often maybe their are some racist but most ppl r curious
Jamaica is one of the most diverse tiny islands ever! If people were staring at you it most probably was not because of your skin colour. It’s a tourist island & it builds the economy. Also if you haven’t been to Africa you shouldn’t assume, as Africa is very mixed aswell
@@chexalantax3045 well budapest is very diverse for Central Europe too so same could be said about this video..anyway I’m just telling u my experience where I was I mostly only saw black ppl it’s true there are Indians and Chinese in Jamaica but when I was on the street 99% was black what I saw
Are trying to sow racism in Hungary?
There are Hungarians who have strong criticism of Hungarians. In general, these Hungarians consider themselves liberal intellectuals, world citizens.
Hungarians are as racist as all European peoples, but we do not want to look better. We try to be tolerant, respectful and kind.
For all non-liberal Hungarians, the best and most beautiful is Hungarian.
Therefore, the liberal, who lives mainly in the capital and professes to be an intellectual, does not like it. They often speak more negatively about their people than reality.
It’s rather bullshit, but okay. The people living in the capital are more used to foreigners and different skin colors than the poeple in rural areas, that’s why in the countryside a black person will raise more eyebrows, not because the people there are not virtue signalling marxists enough. They are actually mostly even kinder individuals than the overstressed and depressed population of Budapest. And when you leave the Budapest Lunatic Assylum, you will even see smiling people :)
@@ThorTyrker I don't know what the bullshit you think?
What you wrote is appropriate.
They agree.
They are distrustful of the people of Budapest in the countryside, which is no wonder. I have a hard time wearing them. And I'm from Budapest.
@@Horizontal77 I probably misunderstood something then, my bad. I take back the bs part :)
@@ThorTyrker tbh a lot of depends on your attitude. I live in Australia which a lot of foreigners constantly label as a racist and unwelcoming country. I haven’t experienced racism once (Atleast not in an obvious way, like say getting attacked or insulting). However lot of other people experience it multiple times a month or week. A lot of it depends on attitude, behaviour and the way you act. If you act like a black man from the hood in America or a road man in England, you’re in for a shock in Hungary. But if you’re a student, who’s just studying, maybe working, playing sports or genuinely interested in learning the language or the culture of the country your in, then I don’t imagine you would face much racism (only exception may be the drunk football fans but they are in every country)
I’m kinda reliefed :) No actual bad experience, only hearsaying and the fact that the parliament was build by Hungarians, for Hungarians.
If I may add my opinion about that matter: that gesture was important for Hungary just have became independent and it was kind of a “Look, we are strong, independent and we don’t need you or anyone else” thing.
As a hungarian i can confirm that we have nothing to smile about :|
People go to a strange country and they find it strange.
Mindenhol jo de legjobb sehol.
Enywhere they go no escape from themselves.
The only joy was 3 April.
Magyarok, sok más európai országokkal ugyan így, nem azért nem mosolyognak rátok, mert probléma lenne veletek. Senkire sem mosolygunk, ha nincs indokunk rá. Akkor mutatunk ki érzelmeket, ha valóban vannak érzelmeink. Ha csak bámul téged valaki érzelmek nélkül (mosoly, harag stb) akkor kb érezd úgy magad mint egy fa, vagy bármi amin véletlenül megakadt a szeme. Mert hogy ez azt jelenti, közömbös vagy felé érzelmileg, csak valamiért éppen érdekes. Nem kell ez túl komplikálni. Őszintén úgy véljük, hogy ha hirtelen csak a semmiért indok nélkül elkezd valaki mosolyogni, az egy őrült. De ha előre engedsz valakit egy ajtóban, azt egy kis mosollyal meg fogja köszönni. Mert adtál indokot az örömre. De utána nem fog mosolyogni tovább. Ilyenek a magyarok. Egymással is így viselkedünk. Ha ok nélkül rámosolyogsz egy magyarra, akkor félre fog érteni téged. Azt fogja hinni hogy kérdésed van felé, szívességet szeretnél kérni, vagy mulatságosnak tartod őt. Magyarországon akkor találkozol rasszistával ha haraggal, undorral vagy agresszívan viselkedik veled. Ha csak flegma akkor nincs semmi problémája veled.
nem is mondhattad volna jobban. Teljesen egyetértek veled.
Nice video, thanks for sharing. I'm a Pakistani living in Budapest for 2 years now. My experience is the same where may be I've faced subtle racism from aged people however, other foreigners like Black people or Asians have told me how they've faced racism. But at the same time I've also had the pleasure of talking to very kind and helpful people here. I think you can find bigotry anywhere in the world.
I would suggest to stay away from football fans who wear black t-shirts with "Magyarország" written on them. They are very nationalist and tend to show that to foreigners quite openly even to the point of becoming physical. I had an experience where one of them was walking pass me but he deliberately came close and gave me the shoulder. You just can't let negativity bring you down though! Overall I would say Hungarians are very cultured and nice people.
I totally agree with you
This sounds like *azi to me.
I am.hungarian and I Also stay away from. Football fans with black T shirt.
@Tivadar Vas I think the hate for arabs comes because of the Ottomons. I am not sure how the Ottomons treated hungarians. But you not all muslims are conservative. I am not. It's a myth that all muslims are religious.
@Tivadar Vas Your logic is stupid. If someone believes in religion doesn't mean they are religious. It means they belong to certain faith. Then there is a division of more or less religious.
As an oriental person, I plan to visit Budapest someday. I will post about my experiences there.
Share the link here.
please don't
I hope you'll have a good visit, if you happen to meet me I'll invite you for a beer.
@RUclips A Hungarians told me there is one (1) race The Human Race.
... looking for racists ? you are wasting your time
I'm really sorry but ....i guess is correct to ask if the Hungarians and all eastern people they feel the racism!! In Europe by itself....
I am a Hungarian who has like 1/4 jewish heritage and many people think I am turkish or arab, but I don't think that is racism. I mean if you look at the definition of Racism it is not under this stool.
Personally I think that many of us don't really like muslim countries because of our past (although we think of Turks as our brothers, but at the same time not). We fought against the Ottomans only 500 years ago, and we had to fight the Austrians, then the Germans, then the Soviets, so really want to keep Hungary's culture in a way, especially in the less rural areas (small towns and villages). Altough it is a paradox that many villages have majority Hungarian Roma background, and they are just as Xenophobic as anyone else in the country, so yeah, that is also interesting. Me personally, I would like to keep the country free as it is. So that in 100-200 years girls can take a swim in bikini, and it will not be banned by some Sharia law or something...
Additional note after a year... if you travel let's say to Togo as a white person... you get much more racism from Africans, as they have no clue where you are from. And they have no clue where Hungary is, or what our people are. So compared to most of central and south Africa we are totally not racist....😅
The Germans during the second ww?3th Reich and Hungary was Nazi brothers.
Our fight against Ottoman Empire started more than 650 years ago (during the reign of Louis I of Hungary) and ended in the 1700s.
@Tivadar Vas and what's wrong with that? They are giving better price than German owned companies. Hungarian tax payers are winning. World is changing, keep up with it.
@@tomszir6964 and now you are a member of The Turkic Council. Return to your Eastern roots...
What i find funny in Hungary is that people never sound mad,i dont know but their language sound so peacfull,it is different from Polish or Russian and etc.
If the tone goes up first than down and all word ends with a stop, we probably cursing. Its just part of the everyday speaking. You can speak casually and not aggressive with every second word being a curse.
Megkerhetlek arra hogy a feliratozas magyarul legyen ? Nagyon szépen köszönöm ! Szeretném hallani a külföldiek véleményét és tapasztalatait Magyarországról!
Szia Éva. Oke, megcsinálom.
@@oseikofi7 mégegyszer nagyon köszönöm a fordítást ! Nagyon szeretem a külföldi embereket ! Vendéglátós vagyok és a kollégáim mondjak nekem hogy mit szeretnének a vendégek ! Már sajnálom hogy nem tanultam nyelveket ! Olyan kedvesek mikor megpróbálják a magyar nyelvet azt megértem !
I didn't get the ideas of the lady in 3:22mins of the video.
The fact that the Hungarian Parlament was built by Hungarians with their money doesn't make them racist! This is just how it works.
I understood what she meant that the government shouldn't have spent so much money and instead to help their nation but... In my country (Brazil) it also works like this and we are not a racis... nah! Brazil is damn racist country towards black Brazilians! but the fact brazilian government spent so much money with non important things instead to improve their infrastructure it's just because our leaders are bunch of morons and unfortunately this is how politics works everywhere and it has nothing to do with racism!
But as a black latina, i visited Hungary once (not Budapest😕) and i can say that at no moment i felt racism there!
I felt that people were more curious and this is not a bad thing in my opinion! I really liked it there and i hope to go back soon as possible to finally visit Budapest.
I've been learning about their culture and also try to learn hungarian language so next time i hope to have a way better experience with locals than from my first visit ♡
p.s.: another thing i strongly disagree with her is that NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO BE RACIST! once you are attacked just because of your skin color.
Once you visit a country with respect, interested about their culture and someone out of nowhere come towards you to attack, there is no reason for it! Especially because for every action there is a reaction.
I agree, people shouldn't be racially abused because of past events they had no hand in. If someone's being racist then they should be held responsible and accountable for their own action. Racism mustn't be tolerated or entertained for any reason.
If you are a WORKING PEOPLE YOU ARE WELCOME.I dont care your skin colur. Do not be a parasite. Work and live.
Makes sense, it's not your country so why would you be parasitic and try to benefit from taxpayers money which you haven't contributed to in the first place. That is not fair and must not be encouraged.
Noise Cancellation my man, NOISE CANCELLATION!
The blond girl mixes racism and nacionalism.
Anyone can be racists
I think not all are racist of course. I experienced some older people giving me a hate look because I speak english.
I agree
This has also happened to me when I speak English. When I am with a group of friends and we are all speaking English we get glares too.
@@oseikofi7 That's still not racism. It's xenophobia.
@@MasaDoitsu only curiosity guys, don't judge on outside appearances
yuo are more intelligent than that .......
I think it is just we are curious and at the same time not very much of smiling people. If you consider that "stare" at you with a smile on their or in our face you - which I know, are not there - you would not think of anything in "racism". Just come up on us and ask a question or better to ask for any tiny help, and we will give you our heart!
Great video brother but you really need to improve on the audio it distracts from the message that really need to be heard.
Thank you bro and yes I did get better audio gear
@TravelLight Read his response looks like he noticed a problem.
@@oseikofi7 What do you want to hear ...?
Magyarként én is megerősíteni hogy nincs mosolyogni valónk, velem együtt. Mi egy elgyötört nép vagyunk.
12 éve felszabadultunk.
Have you experienced? No. But I heard!
i was dating a nigerian girl near budapest in early 2000,im white and did face some comments and lots of strange looks because it was not a "normal" thing to see a mixed couple...
I live in Estonia and feel its similar. They dont smile, but they give straight face stares. Seems like they are socially inept in many parts of Europe.
I agree
People don't smile at you ... don't be sad, keep smiling at everybody.
Nálatok mosolyognak?
@@hungarienness I've never been to Hungary, I can't speak about Hungary.
I am in Estonia as well 😁😁😁
So, you spend some time in Hungary? Congratulations, with all that good and bad you are still there. One advice, treat people with respect you are a guest. If things don't go your way don't claim racism because it isn't. However, it will be. Remember, you represent your country. Possibly race.
Could you tell me please how you define "rassism" or "rassist"?
@RUclips A You should go back to school, try Gobineau, Aurelia Michel, Darwin for a start.
Also ask yourself who sees/needs this racisme BS everywhere.
There is one (1) race the human race, absolutely no need for inferiority complex.
favourite part 00:59 I'm Shakzod, I'm from Uzbekistan - Yeaah, land of fire - - - - - what? clever man, a bad joke
Sound quality is bad
Yeah sorry. It got better in subsequent videos
to be honest besides the gypsies (that most of the hungarians hate but they well deserved it) we don't really see any other ethnic group here. A couple asian here and there due to their shops but thats it. I remember as a kid we played in the school yard and a black dude walked in the street and we were like " :O " because we never seen one before, but I dont really think we were racist, its just something new and strange ...
I think the further you go away from Budapest the more what you're saying is prevalent
I visit Budapest a lot, i am Moroccan and not once i had to deal with racism it is a way different story when i visit Spain for example that is what i call more a racist country,Hungarians are nice friendly people in my opinion but in their way
bocs,de ez mi?a magyarok rasszisták,de nekem nincs tapasztalatom erről?Akkor nem lehet,hogy a csajnak vannak előitéletei,és igazából ő a rasszista?Sorry ,dislike
Mindenkinek joga van a véleményéhez
@@oseikofi7 Nem baj ha kissé ostoba vélemény ?
Racism is not a "black people" thing and I've never seen a person who's black and another who's white, just people with different skin colours.
Hungaryans are not white
@SuperduperobergruppenstuppentruppensturmStuka in my dreams??We aren't white we're Turan race!!!
Don't say black, they are different shades of brown.
@RUclips A Every one should be free to go as he/she likes.
Im living gyöngyös three months .im facing alot alot of racisam .
Hope you're well.
@@Letik3x "Sharing a part of my journey. While I've had the privilege of making wonderful friends in Hungary, it's disheartening to face instances of racism. It's crucial to remember that the actions of a few don't represent an entire nation. My friendships here have been filled with warmth and beautiful memories, and I believe in the power of these connections to overcome prejudice. Let's promote understanding and unity, even in the face of adversity. 🤝 #FriendshipMatters"
Look’s like Debrecen
They are racist towards rroma people and Arab...
I think Hungarians are more frustrated than racist 😂
Orban be blessed and protected in the name of Jesus Christ! 🙏
Judging by their fairy Dreams about Transilvania, i wouldnt be surprised
I think they are VERY racist, dont even compare countries like US to Hungary, in the US it's the land of immigrants and overall its accepted to not question your presence in that country. But in hungary, I've been yelled at for no reason MULTIPLE time by the locals, their people are very grumpy and close minded. I had better experience with younger Hungarians as is the case for most places. Not to mention, physical attack attempt, they were just backward people.... I honestly think many countries are way better than european countries, they are extremely ethnocentric and xenophobic, I know africans, South East Asians middle easterners mostly are incredibly hospitable and warm. Europeans are just bitter and hateful.
ah reallyyyy, ı was applying for excahnge program as being girl and turk who uses scarf :O
Are u kidding me??? Europeans are bitter?? u know europe is huge? I'm european too, don't put me on the same lvl as thos racist hungarians, learn something before talking u doofus
The US, where people get shot daily just for walking on the street. Right. :)
feel free to go back home which probably hell of a lot more backwards
also the us isnt the land of the immigrants.
Lol, it was not racism, they hate you because youre from the US, not because of your color.
Hungary is very racist considering the booing they did when playing against England
I think this subject is more complex. Kneeling, BLM, colonization, catering to wokeness, etc... English fans booing their own national team for taking a knee.видео.html
During the Real Nazi Era, Germany vs England both teams did the Hitler salute before the game. Germany vs Hungary only the German team displayed the Hitler salute, NOT the Hungarian team!
We don't care. If you don't like it live in England.
@@HungaryBased your don't care about of what? If you do not care, why are you commenting on this post?
@@sandorsonkoly4258 Ha nem vetted volna észre. Nem hozzád beszéltem.
I need a way to get in touch with you Kofi
Maybe your social media handles
Hi, you can find me on IG @oksnr
who got beef with who?⏲