Calgary housing transaction is lower now because it has going up a lot, but you see Vancouver has way higher transaction and activities now. Interest rate lower is more benefits to biggest cities as they were not going up price in last two years.
I agree with Wingo. Temporary workers won't likely leave. They will try to stay at all costs. (Apply H&C or refugee or just stay illegally and work under table)
Happy New Eve 🎉
Wingo 比較細聲 如移動身體會冇聲 突然又會大聲
sam 支咪收音好穩定 可能支咪貴啲😂😂
Do a yum cha in Toronto too cause the prices are cheaper!! The food court is also cheaper!
大除夕快樂~~~ 🎉🎉🎉
Happy new year 🎉🎉🎉
😂happy new year 恭喜發財!
Calgary housing transaction is lower now because it has going up a lot, but you see Vancouver has way higher transaction and activities now. Interest rate lower is more benefits to biggest cities as they were not going up price in last two years.
Alberta is the highest construction in Canada , the supply will be way more after they have completed .
Uncle Sam sounds so sick. Take care please.
偷工減料和permit 有什麼關係?
Supply and demand for hotel and Abnb , it is normal ,
I agree with Wingo. Temporary workers won't likely leave. They will try to stay at all costs. (Apply H&C or refugee or just stay illegally and work under table)
既然你地話侵話加拿大係美國第51個洲喺口水戰,唔需要鬧侵,要等佢真郁手至認真還拖,但你地又話你地鬧柒都係因為加拿大俾侵咁侮辱佢都唔出聲。究竟你地個邏輯喺點? 🙄