selamat hari raya! raya vlog 2024


Комментарии • 142

  • @duniamcar
    @duniamcar Месяц назад +331

    when nana sesi minta maaf dengan mama sue sumpah im crying ! she memang ikhlas lah , netizen je lebih lebih cakap itu ini ! 😭😭😭

    • @manissangat
      @manissangat Месяц назад +5

      ingatkan i sorang je 🥹

    • @A.me71
      @A.me71 Месяц назад +3

      Netizen cakap apa ? I miss out something

  • @einnncantik
    @einnncantik Месяц назад +218

    nana dengan aisyahh looks good jee . viewers jee lelebih kdang ek . apa punn jadi we owes support you syah ! Thankyou fr this vlog . loveyouuuu 🫶🏻❤️

    • @qijimn9048
      @qijimn9048 Месяц назад +5

      Normal fans buat assumsion

  • @AlyiaAriff
    @AlyiaAriff Месяц назад +111

    So glad raya vlog dah clear kan everything that nana and aisyah act is fine. Its okey if after this korang buat haluan sendiri but we still miss you guys together 🫶🏻

    • @lunastarr1925
      @lunastarr1925 Месяц назад +1

      no situation in life remains the same....
      all the best to the both of them

    • @HannyBunnyBoo1818
      @HannyBunnyBoo1818 Месяц назад +2

      @@lunastarr1925i rasa maybe sebab pasal viral tu. Mcm2 dorang cakap pasal aisyah and nana so they decide to berpisah sekejap kot kan. Hmm sebab tu now aisyah like proving to us that she is not a baby atau terlalu bergantung pada nana only. Hmmm mulut2 longkang tu memang!!! Hishh

  • @iswjy8641
    @iswjy8641 Месяц назад +144

    I cried when Papa hug Aisyah and even gave some courage words to her😭

  • @amalinarozan
    @amalinarozan Месяц назад +58

    Crying so hard sbb of course bila bab bersalaman dan bermaafan mesti hati ni sebak. My big family dh tk seharmoni dulu. One more thing im crying bcuz Aisyah and Nana punya interaction. Tau dorang ok tp hati ni terlalu rindu tgk dorang sama2. Raya vlog from Aisyah never disappoint.

  • @nurnazurahafiqahishak6723
    @nurnazurahafiqahishak6723 Месяц назад +35

    the cupcake leya 😭she literally jadikan aisyah, inspiration dia

  • @emvirzz9777
    @emvirzz9777 Месяц назад +193

    all eyes on rafah!! 🍉🇵🇸

    • @lunastarr1925
      @lunastarr1925 Месяц назад +5

      thinking of rafah makes me crymy heart out😢😢😢😢

    • @lunastarr1925
      @lunastarr1925 Месяц назад +4

      kak farras daughter has two deep dimples....pretty girl

  • @user-jg4zs4ui4g
    @user-jg4zs4ui4g Месяц назад +52

    idk, walaupun kejp je tngok aisyah dgn nana gurau, tu pun dh hilng sikit rase rindu nk tngok korang dua 🥹 I hope ad vlog korang dua walaupn stu pun its okay, RINDU😭

  • @tirazkfl
    @tirazkfl Месяц назад +20

    Please bring nana back to the vlog! Tengok video ni lepas sikit rindu hahahahaah

  • @nornajihayusuff5249
    @nornajihayusuff5249 Месяц назад +128

    Dia macam ada satu perasaan tau. 'Lega'. Sbb tengok dorg dua sebenarnya ok je (wlaupun kita je terlebih assume dorg gaduh ke apa). Rindu dorg dua dlm satu video. Tapi takpe. Maybe ada alasan masing2. Love u both 🫶🏻

    • @faaa5303
      @faaa5303 Месяц назад +3

      Yupp. Sebab kita tak tahu in reality life diorang mcm mana. Tak one frame tapi still have each other ❤

    • @sitiaishah4731
      @sitiaishah4731 Месяц назад +20

      True. Diorang okay je actually. Ade satu komen kt iG i rasa. Someone ckp aisyah pergunakn nana. Buat nana as her balaci. Sebab tu aisyah buktikan dia boleh sendiri. Ke mana2 sendiri naik grab. See jam yg jd kontroversi pun dia tak pakai semata jaga hati, mata, mulut org. Actually jam tu aisyah beli sendiri. With her own money. Dia dh lama hunting jam tu that guy ckp jam tu dia ade. And mintak that guy belikan. Coz jam tu limited edition tapi that girl yg salah faham. Konon aisyah rampas la backstabb lah. Actually aisyah ni character dia easy going taw. Cara ckp jujur je. Tak suka is tak suka. Something ke ape ape dia bgtawu je. Tp orang yg mcm ni lah yg manipulated senang menjatuhkan instead of jaga. Luckily aisyah ade family, kakak n surround yang supportive. Support je. Be matured la guys. I ckp bkn sebab i duduk sebelah rmh dia ke ape. Tp dlm yt dia natural. Ingat lagi masa awal2 dia buat utube. Lidah belit2 nk sebút malay word but she tried. N terus je ckp bi.. kan.. tak pelat ckp malay.. Suka tgk dia nie.. baru umur berapa dah pegang duit byk. Tak gedik, ngade2. Independent. Tak seksi. Tak dedahkan aurat. Best. I like her so much. Kalau lah terjumpa kt JB ke kan..

    • @TheMademoiselle88
      @TheMademoiselle88 Месяц назад

      ​@@sitiaishah4731semua komen awak ok kecuali aisyah tak seksi n tak dedahkan aurat?

    • @TheMademoiselle88
      @TheMademoiselle88 Месяц назад

      ​@@sitiaishah4731xseksi n dedah aurat? Awak perli dia ke apa ni?😅

    • @iliyashamsharil9691
      @iliyashamsharil9691 Месяц назад +2

      @@sitiaishah4731 sorry bukan nak cakap salah or nak back up sesiapa but leona tak marah aisyah sebab dia mintak ryan (her ex) untuk beli jam tu pun, semua orang tahu aisyah guna her own money tapi yang jadi isu is when ryan met aisyah at her house without leona knowing.... and leona was just shocked that they both didnt tell her so it gives an ick itu saje.

  • @Epius-co9ek
    @Epius-co9ek Месяц назад +78

    Ramai haters cakap 2nd wife rampas lah apa lah BUT TGKLAH SUAMI DIA ADIL PLUS BOTH PIHAK RAPAT GILA WITH EACH OTHER !!! Yg korang jealous tu pahal 😭 triggered ke sbb suami tk layan korang bebaik or tk sempat tunang dh break oppsss 🤪

    • @pearlvanila
      @pearlvanila Месяц назад +1

      Terpalinggg kan. Biasa la😂😂😂

    • @sitihajarhashim1786
      @sitihajarhashim1786 Месяц назад +2

      That is their family. We dont know utk jadi seperti itu apa obstacles yg diaorg semua perlu lalui. Banyak hati perlu dijaga. Sampai satu tahap masing2 redha dan berdamai dgn takdir

    • @Epius-co9ek
      @Epius-co9ek Месяц назад +1

      @@sitihajarhashim1786 yep that’s why dorng ada keluargan vid qna sblm ni. Lama dh vid tu explaining pasal fam dorng

  • @lunastarr1925
    @lunastarr1925 Месяц назад +57

    Hakeem kissing his mothers feet truly touches the core of my heart😢😢😢😢

  • @hjiha.x
    @hjiha.x Месяц назад +46

    I don't want to ruin the raya vlog vibe but I hope your contract with Garnier are already end. Garnier support genocide guys. All eyes on Rafah 🇵🇸 This is serious matter, so i really hope you've done what you should already and it just that you don't film it on camera and we don't know. Anyways I know i'm gonna enjoy this vlog as usual. ❤🫶🏻 Don't forget all eyes on Rafah 🇵🇸 EVERYONE and small things we could do for them CAN help. Ini utk peringatan semua termasuklah diri saya jugak bukan utk Aisyah sahaja.

  • @nurulnabilah854
    @nurulnabilah854 Месяц назад +23

    memang skrng kalau aisyah post vlog i mesti baca komen dulu. kalau komen okay baru tenang nak tengok vlog 😭😭🤣

  • @faaa5303
    @faaa5303 Месяц назад +42

    mana haters yang judge aisyah & FAMILY AISYAH tu ? Yang terpaling acah tahu hal luar dalam family dia. Yang ckp mama sue tu ini. Menanggung la besok dekat akhirat !

  • @eein_mirzadmk5027
    @eein_mirzadmk5027 Месяц назад +7

    Teruskan semangat vlog ok love ❤ we all sentiasa tggu ur vlog

  • @Ain_Awg
    @Ain_Awg Месяц назад +14

    Igt aisyah dh x post video raya..sbb dh abis raya...finally tq aisyah❤

  • @izzahrazali1565
    @izzahrazali1565 Месяц назад +25

    sofea dah 7 years dah. cepatnyaa masa ❤

  • @kilaszl
    @kilaszl Месяц назад +2

    nana and aisyah in 1 frame awhhhh terubat rindu dihati😍❤️

  • @winnieesuzani9504
    @winnieesuzani9504 Месяц назад +3

    Dulu slalu tgok kak farah kat sosmed je. Skrang hari2 dapat tgok depan2 sbb anak skolah sama 😊😊

  • @ivy6127
    @ivy6127 Месяц назад +34

    i suka gila relationship mamasue dgn her stepdaughters

    • @nursyazminnadia4195
      @nursyazminnadia4195 Месяц назад

      Sape stepdaughter dia?

    • @ivy6127
      @ivy6127 Месяц назад

      @@nursyazminnadia4195 all ca's sibling except hakim

    • @ivy6127
      @ivy6127 Месяц назад

      @@nursyazminnadia4195 semua siblings aisyah except hakim

  • @mo0nnhh
    @mo0nnhh Месяц назад +1

    literally she got a perfect family ❤ selamat hari raya aisyah even dah lambat hehe

  • @diaridaniel
    @diaridaniel Месяц назад

    Omg waiting for yr raya vlog since raya smpai skrg....finaly😂❤...

  • @itskhalisah3662
    @itskhalisah3662 Месяц назад +9

    awww miss aisyah and nana on screen tgt !! makes me happy to see them tgt on screen again ❤️❤️❤️

  • @dalilasds5665
    @dalilasds5665 Месяц назад +5

    cantiknyeee...... cincin coquette kak yong tuu btw Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Aisyah,maaf zahir dan batin☺💖🙏

  • @AR-ff3tt
    @AR-ff3tt Месяц назад +2

    ahhhhhh finally eventho its not that much but to see nana and CA in one frame means the world to me....

  • @AR-ff3tt
    @AR-ff3tt Месяц назад +3

    maybe its just me but CA's mood and vibes are soo diff with others compared to with nana. can see suddenly she is full of life and laughing away but with others she is just going with the flow. i pray both of you are close again like before...

  • @FA-ul7lh
    @FA-ul7lh Месяц назад +2

    I'm cryinggg~~~~~You're doing great Aisyah. You have great,lovely family with you. May Allah bless you. Have a great day. Being a fan of you since I'm single until I become a mother of 2.

  • @hansevans9687
    @hansevans9687 Месяц назад +2

    ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ
    Walaupun just a few sja liat aisyah with her but okaylah melapas jua rindu nukk! 🥰

  • @Keeda71
    @Keeda71 Месяц назад +24

    Cute la dimple sofea

  • @Shxzwnshvm
    @Shxzwnshvm Месяц назад +2

    Love this vlog ❤️

  • @insyirahhalili7180
    @insyirahhalili7180 Месяц назад +2

    Yesss finally have Nana in your vid❤❤❤❤

  • @insyirahhalili7180
    @insyirahhalili7180 Месяц назад +4

    Yassssssss this is what I am waiting for ❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉

  • @wlpcou
    @wlpcou Месяц назад +14

    Mana abg ipar saya 😂😂😂 hahahah cute la MeiMei. Aku baru nangis dgr part tu terus ketawe
    P.s Abg ipar tk boleh salam ye. Sepupu opposite gender pun tk boleh salam. Just saying.

  • @mrsalshehhi4171
    @mrsalshehhi4171 Месяц назад

    MashAllah lovely vlog aisha. Dont stop wallah

  • @user-kp6rg7ts9e
    @user-kp6rg7ts9e Месяц назад

    diorg mmg ok je.. since dh tngok dari vlog nana & cece. walau ape pon diorg still cousin

  • @anataslem6784
    @anataslem6784 Месяц назад +6


  • @rohayujamal1798
    @rohayujamal1798 Месяц назад +2

    Hi aisyah im your new subriber😊

  • @shanafi_9395
    @shanafi_9395 Месяц назад +7

    Wondering what happened with Nana and Aisyah because i've been loving their vlogs together ever since . ;( Rindu saja. Ultimately, the decision rests with them. Semoga baik baik saja for both of them!

  • @mamacita4025
    @mamacita4025 Месяц назад +1


  • @nael13
    @nael13 Месяц назад

    last year tunggu vlog raya tkde, nasib this year ada 😂 i suka gila tngk family bonding aisyah in raya vlog

  • @wawarose7780
    @wawarose7780 Месяц назад

    Im cryingggg😭 tahun ni beraya banyak pula dugaan . Tak happy macam tahun2 lps .moga tahun dpn tk mcm tahun ni 😢

  • @aisyasafea5422
    @aisyasafea5422 Месяц назад +10

    AWWW ADA NANA! ❤❤🎉🎉

  • @afiranatasha2097
    @afiranatasha2097 Месяц назад

    Im so happy to see nana on this vlog!! Missing both of youu🥺🥺🩷🩷

  • @eicagram
    @eicagram Месяц назад +8

    thank you for always vlogging your busiest moments 🤍

  • @xringringx_
    @xringringx_ Месяц назад +2

    Asal aku yang nangis masa nana salam mamasue 😂

  • @nurhazirahbintisufian3680
    @nurhazirahbintisufian3680 Месяц назад

    i was sooooo upset the whole dayy and i got sooooooo hppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy seing ur noti!!

  • @putridina8754
    @putridina8754 Месяц назад


  • @sitinuramira7882
    @sitinuramira7882 Месяц назад

    omg im so early, love you aisyah 🤍

  • @f.hinspirit
    @f.hinspirit Месяц назад +1


  • @knowingaida5703
    @knowingaida5703 Месяц назад

    this is the 4th time I'm watching their family's Raya vlog from different pov 🤣🤣🤣🤣 First is jiejie/cheche's, second is from meimei's yt channel. third nana's and now aisyah's 😂😂

  • @eein_mirzadmk5027
    @eein_mirzadmk5027 Месяц назад +5

    Yeay raya vlog ❤❤❤❤

  • @fiqayeol5992
    @fiqayeol5992 Месяц назад

    Sofea comel sangat!! 😭😍

  • @liaalia7102
    @liaalia7102 Месяц назад +4

    Suka tengok Leiya 😍 She’s so pretty!!
    Also, I have been watching Aisyah’s vlogs for awhile now. Just curious, so Mama Sue, Nana’s dad and Jiejie/ Meimei’s mum are siblings ke? 😯

  • @lindahanisah5782
    @lindahanisah5782 Месяц назад

    Finally nana and aisyah in one frame 😢 really miss them❤

    • @nael13
      @nael13 Месяц назад

      diaorg ada prob ke bfr this 😢

  • @anissuraya7240
    @anissuraya7240 Месяц назад +20

    I suka sgt dgn u n nana..but everything u go through..hope u guys can make a peace..

    • @lunastarr1925
      @lunastarr1925 Месяц назад +4

      do they have a conflict? i mean they look slightly distanced....

    • @qzrnbdrl
      @qzrnbdrl Месяц назад +2

      @@lunastarr1925not ur business to begin with

    • @anissuraya7240
      @anissuraya7240 Месяц назад +1

      @@lunastarr1925 tak tau lah..kita tk mau busy body..ape2 doakan je..

  • @itslianlvr5849
    @itslianlvr5849 Месяц назад +2

    Hi aisyah! Love u always 🤍🤍

  • @farakhair
    @farakhair Месяц назад +1

    Finally raya vlog

  • @amiril9540
    @amiril9540 Месяц назад +4

    I am so happy to see your interaction with Nana 😢😢😢❤❤❤

  • @aqidahutami4164
    @aqidahutami4164 Месяц назад

    Lea comel prettyyy ❤❤❤

  • @pewdipie-ck9cl
    @pewdipie-ck9cl Месяц назад

    Kak Farah's daughter so cuteeee the dimplessssssss

  • @iamarsya
    @iamarsya Месяц назад +8

    12:18 IM CRYINGG

  • @nuruliman-in5vi
    @nuruliman-in5vi Месяц назад +1

    Yeayyy ada nanaaaa

  • @nrdyhh
    @nrdyhh Месяц назад

    Makeup kak yong sumpah onpoint

  • @roserosegold
    @roserosegold Месяц назад +1

    Akhirnyaaaaaaaaa,lamaaa sangat uploadnyaa😢

  • @Elindipu
    @Elindipu Месяц назад +2


  • @ainazhar8901
    @ainazhar8901 Месяц назад +1

    aisyahhhh pakai lipstickkk apaa lurveee

  • @rabiahtulothman4457
    @rabiahtulothman4457 Месяц назад

    Mei mei so cute masa minta maaf dgn mamasue hahahahha

  • @iamarsya
    @iamarsya Месяц назад +1


  • @maisarahazmi2148
    @maisarahazmi2148 Месяц назад


  • @aqidahutami4164
    @aqidahutami4164 Месяц назад

    Rindu aisyah and nana ❤

  • @awie8125
    @awie8125 Месяц назад


  • @yesmeizz
    @yesmeizz Месяц назад

    part nana salam mamasue im crying weh . kalau aisyah record bersalaman dgn nana mesti lagi banjir mata ni . takpe la walaupun dlm video tak banyak ada nanan and gelak seperti dulu . we ok as long aisyah dont give up ok we still love u ❤

  • @khalydahdyg8583
    @khalydahdyg8583 Месяц назад +1

    Crying so hard while watching this . Help me 😢

  • @hellolala
    @hellolala Месяц назад +14

    Still look kinda tense between ca and nana tho. But apa2 pun semoga next raya diorang dah baik semula. InsyaAllah Aamiin

  • @InqashKarim
    @InqashKarim Месяц назад

    i wished for this and suddenly i it’s granted 🎉

  • @hjiha.x
    @hjiha.x Месяц назад +4

    I just finished watched the vlog, one thing i'm jealous of is that their relationship like raya haritu my family is not like this. Not fun at all and from what i've seen on this raya vlog is that Nana and Aisyah are okay it just that maybe they decide to not to show everything on camera like they used to.

  • @acha5864
    @acha5864 Месяц назад +2

    23:22 the kotak mercun terpelanting dari langit 😂

  • @cawat11
    @cawat11 Месяц назад

    Seronok baca reply. Tengok budak2 buat imaginasi sendiri. Diorg kat sana relax2 je. Yg netizen pula beriya. 😂

  • @ilyaniinsyirah6432
    @ilyaniinsyirah6432 Месяц назад

    firsttt !

  • @nrhytiahmd
    @nrhytiahmd Месяц назад +1

    Yeayyy ada raya vlog 🥳🥳

  • @puterinurizzatiismail4447
    @puterinurizzatiismail4447 Месяц назад +1


  • @hafilahismail3360
    @hafilahismail3360 Месяц назад


  • @xxyuyuyu
    @xxyuyuyu Месяц назад

    Cupcake Leia 😆😆😆

  • @YanaaHalim
    @YanaaHalim Месяц назад

    How i miss vlog aisyah and nana back to normal 😢

  • @TrisyaRizal
    @TrisyaRizal Месяц назад

    "yaa i dah lupa dah i youtube........BER" hahahaha lambat😄

  • @hafizahfadzil9072
    @hafizahfadzil9072 Месяц назад

    Dear Aisyah. I deeply feel that your father hurts for you. Whenever you are going through tough times, remember that it all will pass. InsyaAllah you will be okay. ❤

  • @watanbesahi1404
    @watanbesahi1404 Месяц назад +8

    Omg is that a bird 😭 23:21

    @HANAMAISARAH11 Месяц назад

    No im not crying 🥲

  • @ainaadiba4759
    @ainaadiba4759 Месяц назад


  • @shashasafina6439
    @shashasafina6439 Месяц назад

    Wait a saw ur family memebers ini brunei di kedai yis nation

  • @iswatchyoutube
    @iswatchyoutube Месяц назад

    Uncle Zam : Sometime you try not to be to sexy okay?

  • @lifeisnoteasy4894
    @lifeisnoteasy4894 Месяц назад

    23:22 macam ada burung jatuh

  • @nrfarah1356
    @nrfarah1356 Месяц назад


  • @nuradila5179
    @nuradila5179 Месяц назад +1

    Sape tau aisyah pakai lens apa, dah lama nk tau, lama dah cari kaler sebijik mcm ni. Pls bgtau😭😭

    • @muzfirahanis1637
      @muzfirahanis1637 Месяц назад +1

      i think colour real diaa

    • @syazaraihanah130
      @syazaraihanah130 Месяц назад +1

      Aisyah dah buat lasik last year kalau tak silap, so dia tak pakai lens dah. So its her natural eyes 😊

  • @junekay2296
    @junekay2296 Месяц назад +2

    Sorry tak faham salasilah keluarga aisyah. What is relation between k yong, k farah & tok ibu. Tok ibu mak kepada mama sue kan? 🥲

    • @shinae264
      @shinae264 Месяц назад +4

      yes tok ibu is mama sue’s mom tpi since rumah tok ma (parents papa aisyah) dekat je so dorg beraya je sekali mungkin nak meramaikan mcm vlog raya 2022

    • @RandomSyaf
      @RandomSyaf Месяц назад +4

      Betul, tok ibu is mama sue pya mak. Tapi k yong and k farah rapat gak

  • @yanaramli727
    @yanaramli727 Месяц назад

    i dont feel that aisyah and nana is fighting or whatsoever, maybe ada some ayat netizen yg menyebabkan lebih baik diorang tak show diorang punya relay depan screen..

  • @dibafiqa6918
    @dibafiqa6918 Месяц назад +4

    can someone explain to me apa sebenarnya jadi to aisyah and nana? sorry im kinda a new follower so i barely know anything. just enjoying her vlogs

    • @ldmlrw
      @ldmlrw Месяц назад +3

      nothing actually, just netizen bash Nana for backing up Aisyah which is probably normal . That’s what cousins are.

    • @dibafiqa6918
      @dibafiqa6918 Месяц назад +1

      @@ldmlrw backing up about what? kat video mane 👀

    • @nurfarahinkamarudin8705
      @nurfarahinkamarudin8705 Месяц назад

      ​@@ldmlrwpsl ape n y jd mcm gaduh klu backup?

  • @3two375
    @3two375 Месяц назад

    Papa nana n mama aisyah adik beradik ?

  • @PazMuhymIInz.
    @PazMuhymIInz. Месяц назад

    I know its lovely to respwct our parent , just a lil but curious ...muslim not allowed to bow down more than what we do to God , is it ok to kiss feet..