Build a Chopper Motorcycle from an old Super Cub | Restoring old Super Cub

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 320

  • @KingOFCraftsTV
    @KingOFCraftsTV  2 года назад +23

    Thank you so much for watching the video and leaving wonderful comments. If you like my other cars, you can check them out here:видео.html

  • @javiergallegos5777
    @javiergallegos5777 2 года назад +91

    This is what American chopper culture used to be. No million dollar shops, no super famous builders, no tv show. Just some dudes with a passion and making it happen with whatever they had.

  • @johnrobertson1531
    @johnrobertson1531 2 года назад +37

    That's awesome how u was able to do so much without having all the correct tools & without the correct things needed to do a bike build. It's awesome how u took what u had & could find & make it work. That is dedication & shows anything is possible. Great job

    • @aussietruckphotosandmodels8510
      @aussietruckphotosandmodels8510 2 года назад +1

      It's easy, you have goal, and an end picture, then you make it happen... Have a look at Matt Greens channel especially building a Metro 6R4 from a Subaru, in a shed about 600mm wider then the car.

    • @KingOFCraftsTV
      @KingOFCraftsTV  2 года назад +1

      thank you so much ^^

    • @atakamri4178
      @atakamri4178 Год назад

      So much true. Keep rocking🎸🎶🎶

  • @clippet-hk
    @clippet-hk Год назад +5

    A great pleasure to watch the build from the most basic tools etc. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

  • @markbrown-us4xe
    @markbrown-us4xe 2 года назад +3

    Even painted the helmet to match.
    Lights, Camera, Action!
    This guy is totally living the dream.
    Chain wallet anyone?

  • @maxbetbrawn6663
    @maxbetbrawn6663 2 года назад +2

    Без подвески таз может раскрошиться! А за труды лайк!

  • @pablomelendez1560
    @pablomelendez1560 2 года назад +6

    Buena chopper muy buen diseño y gran creatividad saludos desde México.

  • @enragedwookie7863
    @enragedwookie7863 Год назад +2

    Man that is a slick little lane splitter!

  • @Doljenko-ez7cj
    @Doljenko-ez7cj 4 месяца назад +1

    Молодец. В гараже на коленке собрал✊️✊️✊️🤟

  • @richardhdavidson649
    @richardhdavidson649 4 месяца назад +3

    better built than orange county choppers !

  • @ThunderZ309
    @ThunderZ309 Год назад +2

    Then you should put a red fire paint on top of the orange siding .😎!!

  • @thumpershd
    @thumpershd 2 года назад +9

    That smile says it all! Fantastic design and fabrication on a minimal budget with minimal tools.

  • @jameswarren423
    @jameswarren423 2 года назад +21

    It’s truly amazing you did so much with so little and the end result is incredible! Incredible skill and ingenuity made a beautiful chopper because we all know a moped is fun but a chopper is bad ass👍🏼🤩💪🏼

  • @samjones-ou3bn
    @samjones-ou3bn 2 года назад +7

    100 percent respect wow what a bike balance seems a bit tricky lol but its a chopper right !!!

    • @steamhelsing9440
      @steamhelsing9440 Год назад

      Balance concept doesn't exist in chopper culture lol

  • @reginafischer6747
    @reginafischer6747 Год назад

    Super Arbeit. Toller chopper. Grüße aus Deutschland.

  • @malcolmrobey2769
    @malcolmrobey2769 Год назад

    Very impressed. With. The. Bike. Build. Stunning. 😊😊😊😊😊

  • @Craftzilladiy
    @Craftzilladiy 3 года назад +2

    ZillaLove 💙

  • @williamgriffin5818
    @williamgriffin5818 2 года назад +3

    More people need to be more like this in this world

  • @sandyofilanda1098
    @sandyofilanda1098 Год назад +3

    Nice chopper bro like Harley davidson

    • @REX-sl2vm
      @REX-sl2vm 7 месяцев назад +1

      заднее колсо поставить пожирнее и точно будет Харлей )))

    • @brandonreed9508
      @brandonreed9508 4 месяца назад

      @@REX-sl2vm Just missing the oil leak, I do think this bike has more power then a Harley.

  • @leocostadeoliveiramancio7518
    @leocostadeoliveiramancio7518 2 года назад +2

    Parabéns ficou muito linda essa moto adorei seu trabalho

  • @hardmanners
    @hardmanners 2 года назад +11

    I wish I would have had a welder, angle grinder and some pipes, sheat metal and bar stock when I was 15. And this video as inspiration. My buddy and I would have copied your chopper right away. The rides we used to fabricate were just as crudely made but not half as cool looking.

  • @Андрей-ч8р9э
    @Андрей-ч8р9э 2 года назад

    Крутой чоппер получился мне нравится парень молодец золотые руки

  • @ДобрыйКот-л6у
    @ДобрыйКот-л6у Год назад

    Парень ты молодец 👍 вообще круто чеппер🔥🤘

  • @-Ryan_
    @-Ryan_ 3 года назад +10

    Feeling first with 2 others😂

  • @Ekimsrevo
    @Ekimsrevo 5 месяцев назад

    Looks like stuff we built as kids our stuff wasn't pretty and when you got done with everyone was scared to ride it somebody always got hurt this kid hits some good bumps those welds aren't holding. But this guy has mad talent put him in a shop with a good mentor the sky is the limit awesome kid😊😊😊😊

  • @aussietruckphotosandmodels8510
    @aussietruckphotosandmodels8510 2 года назад +2

    That thing's got more soul than anything that American Chopper built..

  • @thierrybegot
    @thierrybegot 11 месяцев назад

    Bonjour. Vous avez une belle moto!!!........magnifique en rouge.......

  • @MrChopp3r
    @MrChopp3r 2 года назад +4

    This is one of my favorite chopper builds I have ever seen, nice job, keep up the good work 👍

  • @kudabesi3683
    @kudabesi3683 2 года назад +1

    Headlamp holder from pvc....Amazing👍👍👍

  • @winceyokoda
    @winceyokoda 2 года назад +5

    Meus parabéns por essa obra de ARTE

  • @stonewallsaucedo5613
    @stonewallsaucedo5613 2 года назад

    Keep up the hard work in those flip flop you look so pretty in them🤨🤨🤨😝😝😝😝😝😝

  • @SC.243k
    @SC.243k 3 года назад +4

    Amazing idea bro 😎

  • @carlosmartoral6268
    @carlosmartoral6268 Год назад

    Creativity and ingenuity without the hype. Awesome build!

  • @baxinhoap
    @baxinhoap 2 года назад +1

    Its so nice!
    I from brazil and i like ths chopper!
    I want make one

  • @josemanuel2724
    @josemanuel2724 2 года назад +1

    És um grande artista parabéns pelo seu trabalho obrigado pelo seu vídeo

  • @rathishnayar5969
    @rathishnayar5969 2 года назад +2

    Mind blowing art of mechanical work, especially the Tank made of pipes, is truly unbelievable skill you have! good luck to you and for more projects and success.

    • @xXxHippieboyxXx
      @xXxHippieboyxXx 2 года назад

      Awesome video! I'm curious how he got the tank to not leak, what was used to seal it?

  • @gregvasby1079
    @gregvasby1079 2 года назад +1

    Wow you are so talented how you make something awesome using scrap keep up the great work you truly inspire us Thanks and God Bless

  • @reefer2917
    @reefer2917 Год назад

    Great Job!! even more spectacular when we consider what you built it with! well done be proud!

  • @danielcaicedo9475
    @danielcaicedo9475 Месяц назад

    Muy pero muy bien te felicito, a mi tambien me gusta mucho modificar mis motos, te quedo muy bien

  • @albertoledezma5790
    @albertoledezma5790 2 года назад +1

    exelente trabajo amigo saludos de cdmex mexico

  • @JOJO6310
    @JOJO6310 2 года назад

    Oh my God. Don't be afraid to drive it😳😳😳😳😳

  • @ccboss490
    @ccboss490 Год назад

    I love when he picks up the ball bearing from the floor straight to the cassette.

  • @carfran53
    @carfran53 Год назад

    Mucho ingenio, creatividad, tremenda pasión por los fierros. Hermoso trabajo. Saludos afectuosos desde Lima, Perú.

  • @thomasmatta7188
    @thomasmatta7188 2 года назад

    brother your are a genius the PVC gas tank is super cool you got style and talent super cool bike 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎😎✌️

  • @АндрейВоронцов-у2л
    @АндрейВоронцов-у2л 2 года назад +3

    Прикольный аппарат,но рама слишком гибкая получилась на кручение, поэтому ехать так не удобно) рама мотоцикла сделана так что б не быть слишком жёсткой и мягкой) да и трубы рамы должны быть безшовные, а не водопроводные) тем более такая типо хардтэил. По вашим дорогам не советую разгоняться,рама может сломаться хоть в тебе и веса как в подрощеном баране,всё равно не рекомендую без обид я сам такой же) а так задумка прикольная! Привет из России 🇷🇺👍

  • @martinharris5017
    @martinharris5017 Год назад +4

    Nice job! I made a set of forks using the C50 front shocks exactly like you've done. My chopper is currently undergoing a rebuild. Yours looks fantastic, much better than the store-bought min-choppers.

  • @NotgoingToohappen
    @NotgoingToohappen Год назад

    Dang, this was an awesome build. Great work.

  • @arvinheleraentertainment4601
    @arvinheleraentertainment4601 2 года назад +4

    Wow this is very inspirational video, For those people who are interested in modification this video is the monster.

    • @jacopodanglars4836
      @jacopodanglars4836 2 года назад

      I’m currently into the coleman mini bike and I’m glad i ran into his videos, so many great ideas.

  • @CharlesHarvey-n6f
    @CharlesHarvey-n6f 7 месяцев назад

    That's awesome I want one😊

  • @jimjam5570
    @jimjam5570 2 года назад +1

    *More like "putting an old super cub engine on a scratch-built chopper."* This is great.

  • @prakashraokattasubraya5894
    @prakashraokattasubraya5894 3 года назад +3

    Woooow from scooter to chopper bike next you will make rocket from car

  • @specialse
    @specialse 2 года назад +1

    id rather look at this type of build .....100% imaginationand skill where no parts can be found dont let this stand in your way....any one can buy shop made parts .

  • @lukegamerdonkey6663
    @lukegamerdonkey6663 2 года назад

    that is super cool dudes!😲👌😁👌

  • @dounerida4961
    @dounerida4961 2 года назад

    nice JOB!! very clever !!! but it looks dangerous to drive!!!

  • @michaeldesilvio221
    @michaeldesilvio221 Год назад

    Simplicity at it's finest.

  • @jeffreymoffitt4070
    @jeffreymoffitt4070 2 года назад

    Hell yeah! I got a 90cc dirtbike i want to do this with!

  • @winceyokoda
    @winceyokoda 2 года назад +2

    Aí o cara investi 2 milhões em uma oficina pra construir uma moto e de repente aparece pessoas iguais a essas super inteligentes e com uma furadeira e poucas ferramentas me constrói essa maravilha.

  • @MrChopp3r
    @MrChopp3r Год назад

    Thats really cool, excellent work, be proud of what you have accomplished 👍

  • @МАКС-ь1г6о
    @МАКС-ь1г6о 6 месяцев назад

    Это круто🎉

  • @teddyhammack2195
    @teddyhammack2195 2 года назад

    Nice little chopper.

  • @vikings3799
    @vikings3799 Год назад

    Right on bro , get some saddle bags. 🍻 👍

  • @nafiyunus8973
    @nafiyunus8973 2 года назад

    Good content😊🇲🇾

  • @МАКС-ь1г6о
    @МАКС-ь1г6о 6 месяцев назад

    Жаль можно поставить всего один лайк ❤

  • @NefedovSergei
    @NefedovSergei 2 года назад

    Молодец!Захотел и сделал!!!

  • @patrickbenoit5291
    @patrickbenoit5291 2 года назад

    Il soude avec des lunettes de soleil 😀

  • @dutch2smoked927
    @dutch2smoked927 Год назад

    small original lamp would be better also the tank looks so weird better from metal and and bit larger so it conects to the seat but great build man love it its not about the bike it how bad or good it is its about the craftmanship i liked that

  • @sanemi2225
    @sanemi2225 3 года назад +3

    Osm bro 🤟🤟

  • @АнтониоПетров-я7щ
    @АнтониоПетров-я7щ 2 года назад

    Да Брат, респект и уважение просто шикарный получился чопер!!! Цвет выбран очень удачно!!!! Удивительно что всё сделано из простого металолома и мусора!!!! Да и ход очень мягкий и комфортный!!!😎😉🙂☺😀😄🙄💪👌👏🖒👍🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  • @celiobeto1621
    @celiobeto1621 2 года назад +3

    Muito criativo... Gostaria de fazer uma dessa pra mim... Parabéns🌟👌

  • @PaulSherman-v3r
    @PaulSherman-v3r Год назад

    Sweet build! Skinny tires on a Hard Tail tend to be kind'o sketchy. Fat tires on a Soft Tail "with the same plant" would have rode and steered better.

  • @Motozarras
    @Motozarras Год назад

    Artista de talento ❤

  • @sonerbozkurt9822
    @sonerbozkurt9822 2 года назад

    you took the ordinary thing , turned it into a star. but you shook a lot while you were driving. i think it's Asia's custom to work in slippers

  • @williamdon3442
    @williamdon3442 2 года назад +1

    Good stuff. Very creative sir. Keep it up. Be safe. Hello from Canada

  • @Anthony-uz5tj
    @Anthony-uz5tj 2 года назад

    really wish a boot company will sponsor these guys

  • @robbelk6465
    @robbelk6465 Год назад

    Sooooo cool buddy!!! Keep on gettin it!!!

  • @waltermiler975
    @waltermiler975 2 года назад

    felicidades por lo que hiciste

  • @vincehoffman179
    @vincehoffman179 2 года назад

    es ist immer jemand in Asien der irgendwas schönes macht.

  • @mbeenz
    @mbeenz Год назад

    That WAS GREAT,!!!!!, ManyThanx

  • @christopherromina5321
    @christopherromina5321 Год назад

    Cool bike , great job

  • @navinbabji
    @navinbabji 2 года назад

    Super cool bike build bro....its awesome....👏👏👏👏😊😊😊

  • @Toadonthehill.
    @Toadonthehill. 2 года назад

    I am totally amazed, you are truly a king of fabrication 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩.

  • @ferenchorvath3965
    @ferenchorvath3965 Год назад

    Respect bro🙏

  • @MrLSalazar714
    @MrLSalazar714 Год назад

    That cool 👍🏽

  • @k5artsballpenart
    @k5artsballpenart 2 года назад

    Superrr work 😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️

  • @megaknome
    @megaknome 4 месяца назад

    😮👍 cool

  • @jhonandrewPriest
    @jhonandrewPriest 2 года назад

    Woooooow 😱👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤

  • @emmanuelsanchez2159
    @emmanuelsanchez2159 2 года назад

    Very nice work carnal

  • @denzong99
    @denzong99 2 года назад

    Fantastic👌👌super talented

  • @bradleyjanes2949
    @bradleyjanes2949 2 года назад

    Sick bro👊

  • @sickener_nukeb
    @sickener_nukeb 2 года назад

    Колёса тонкие, а так работа хорошая

  • @holgerheckemuller8644
    @holgerheckemuller8644 Год назад

    👍👍👍 Respekt

  • @SteveM109r
    @SteveM109r Год назад

    That is amazing. Great work !

  • @jesusarellano6982
    @jesusarellano6982 2 года назад

    This Cat has vision and some good sense.
    Masterpiece no doubt!! Efen Awesome 😎😎😎😎😎
    Much Respect Sir .

  • @craigoldsen1667
    @craigoldsen1667 2 года назад

    That thing looks like a real dream to’s called a nightmare!😳

    • @felixcat9318
      @felixcat9318 2 года назад

      A nightmare from which the unfortunate rider may enter into a coma like state when it grenades itself...

  • @marciorangel8124
    @marciorangel8124 Год назад

    Ficou show de bola materiais que se aproveita ficou linda

  • @ladaautovaz2977
    @ladaautovaz2977 2 года назад +2

    well done dude, you have a lot of know-how ... 😉

  • @abhinavbenn6426
    @abhinavbenn6426 3 года назад +3


  • @tkmaster7683
    @tkmaster7683 3 года назад +2

    Hi 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @kaynan3754
    @kaynan3754 2 года назад

    i kinda like how it was made simply for chilling on the road without all that show offs.

  • @ronyrexcasanova7833
    @ronyrexcasanova7833 2 года назад

    Buen proyecto amigo felicidades pero yo le pondría una palanca suicida para los cambios se vería depoca madre y un saludo desde México 🇲🇽