Could you share the bibliography used for this class? Are there difference between STP (stock tank pressure) and SCP (standard condition pressure)? Thanks in advance for replying...
I have a doubt here : As you said that Vg1 will become Vg1' at STP conditions due to reduction in Pressure. So my question is that why not we consider the Vo1 that will also liberate gas at the Surface conditions. You have just considered the solution gas at reservoir conditions and the change in the volume of that specific solutions gas at surface conditions. Are you assuming that the Vo1 will not yield any gas at the surface conditions and if so why???
Great explanation ma'am.thank you
Could you share the bibliography used for this class? Are there difference between STP (stock tank pressure) and SCP (standard condition pressure)? Thanks in advance for replying...
I have a doubt here : As you said that Vg1 will become Vg1' at STP conditions due to reduction in Pressure. So my question is that why not we consider the Vo1 that will also liberate gas at the Surface conditions. You have just considered the solution gas at reservoir conditions and the change in the volume of that specific solutions gas at surface conditions. Are you assuming that the Vo1 will not yield any gas at the surface conditions and if so why???
This explanation is great
Mam plz complete Reservoir and production also
thank you so much.
Thank you alot