Tunic - Ghost Field (Piano Cover) + Sheet Music

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @thespeedyyoshi
    @thespeedyyoshi 8 месяцев назад +4

    I wasn’t expecting this song on piano to go so fast.
    Absolutely immaculate vibes ^^. Perfectly nailed the atmosphere. 😊

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  8 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah I had to include those fast arpeggios otherwise it would feel empty. It’s just like they original but they are played with Synths I believe

  • @drewanderson7203
    @drewanderson7203 Год назад +15

    I was wondering how this could possibly translate to piano and i've just gotta say- you absolutely nailed the arrangement, it blew me away.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +6

      Thank you so much…..I was nervous about getting this right so I feel a bit calmer now after your reaction

  • @lemma27
    @lemma27 Год назад +8

    Amazing work! I really appreciate that the arpeggios are faithful to the original OST while not being too difficult

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +3

      I’m glad you noticed. It was very difficult to get that fine line between sounding right and being playable.

  • @EnriqueLazaro
    @EnriqueLazaro Год назад +12

    Great work, Daniel. I never thought an indie game could have such an ambitious soundtrack.
    Good agility with those arpeggios, you can tell you've put in time. I recommend you to put other Tunic videos in the end screen of your videos👍

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +7

      Thanks for the advice. I normally put random videos in the end screen. A lot of indie games have great soundtracks and some AAA games have really un-memorable ones. Not sure why? Maybe the indie composers have more freedom.

    • @Nat_the_Chicken
      @Nat_the_Chicken 5 месяцев назад

      @@DGPianoUK Actually I think it's because there are such a large number of indie games and composers that fly totally under the radar, so mostly really good soundtracks become well-known and close to mainstream, and that's a large portion of what we hear. With large studio/company games, far fewer of them are made, and many people play them regardless of quality, so it's more common that a subpar soundtrack will actually reach your ears.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  5 месяцев назад

      @Nat_the_Chicken interesting ideas thanks. I also think that some AAA games are more like movies and the score reflects that so sometimes you get that generic orchestral movie sound that may not be as memorable

  • @pianothingsmusic
    @pianothingsmusic Год назад +6

    Wow, how enchanting this performance was ✨
    Absolutely fantastically played!!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +2

      👍. This piece really pushed me to my limits.

    • @pianothingsmusic
      @pianothingsmusic Год назад

      @@DGPianoUK you played wonderfully, keep it up!!

  • @DallasCrane
    @DallasCrane 8 месяцев назад +2

    Your touch is perfect, I can hear the synths inside your arpeggios

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  8 месяцев назад +1

      You have a great ear

    • @DallasCrane
      @DallasCrane 8 месяцев назад

      @@DGPianoUK thank you! I just might…and I listen to Tunic A LOT 😁

  • @moonlapsepiano
    @moonlapsepiano Год назад +2

    completely insane. I'm blown away. Such a wonderful song and you did it justice. The editing and lighting are great as well. Favorite moment 1:45 when the left hand does the fast notes in the medium register

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      Hey Moonlapse thank you again. I had to rewatch that part you mentioned. It’s funny the way the left hand just bounces off those notes like it’s got it’s own little rhythm to play.

  • @MrsFeyFey
    @MrsFeyFey Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for the great arrangement! One of my favourite pieces on the soundtrack, I'm excited to practice it this summer.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад

      Hi, thankyou for listening. Have fun learning g it.

  • @leerontaimusic
    @leerontaimusic Год назад +2

    Hauntingly beautiful!!! You really gave me goosebumps with this one in a good way. You played this in such a riveting manner and you got my attention so gravitated to your piano cover. I really love the element of mystery that I could sense in your piano cover. Remarkable work there, Daniel!

  • @DGPianoUK
    @DGPianoUK  Год назад +5

    Sheet music now in the description.

  • @inconnn
    @inconnn Год назад +9

    // spoilers! //
    this is one of my favorite tracks since it reflects the devastation of the graveyard, and it also kinda reflected my own thoughts at the time, since i don't think i really realized the heir was there to kill you, so it was a big betrayal when i got all the keys and unlocked her.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +5

      Thanks for allowing blank space before the spoiler. A very insightful comment. It certainly is an amazing game on so many levels

    • @Thebobwil
      @Thebobwil Год назад +1

      Well said, loved this track and the moment in the game 😢

    • @thespeedyyoshi
      @thespeedyyoshi 8 месяцев назад

      I don’t think anyone should have been unless they saw the game manual early (like…me 😂)

  • @balengd5402
    @balengd5402 Год назад +2

    This is one of many tunic songs that make you cry, normal or piano
    Great job, and I really appreciate that you make the sheet music free! That's a serious gift to us. You definitely deserve more subs

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +2

      Thankyou. Yes I find the beginning section very emotional. You know theres a lot of channels that charge way too much for poor sheet music and someone told me once that you need to give the viewer entertainment or value so I just gave both 😀.
      A few people comment that I should have more Subs! I’m sure they’ll turn up one day

  • @bearlyburly
    @bearlyburly Год назад +4

    Wow, amazing 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I can’t speak to it on a technical level, but the way you arrange these Tunic tracks are wonderful and I’ll be having this on repeat for a bit 😊

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад

      That’s great to hear, thanks burly

  • @Plumus21
    @Plumus21 Год назад +2

    probablemente sea la única persona hispanohablante que te vea pero, solo quería decir que estoy alegre de que alguien se entérese por fin en el soundtrack de este juego

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      Greetings. I have another Spanish sub sorry. I like this soundtrack. Stay tuned for more to come in the future

    • @EnriqueLazaro
      @EnriqueLazaro Год назад +2

      Por aqui otro español!!😂

  • @whyvernics
    @whyvernics Год назад +2

    DUDE!!! you nailed this piece more than I could have possibly expected! I could only imagine the challenge that it was translating the piece but man did it pay off, not only is this my favorite song from the OST but I think this may be my general favorite piece on your channel!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +3

      Wonderful! I’m glad I exceeded your expectations. It seems I have now set the bar pretty high for myself but I feel I could now tackle any song from Tunic. As for how challenging it was…..I basically listened to the original track at quarter speed for hours and transcribed every note. Then looked at it and thought Nah! Can’t play that, so proceeded to change just enough notes to make it playable while still sounding good 😂

    • @whyvernics
      @whyvernics Год назад +2

      @@DGPianoUK I've mentioned it before but you manage to make changes that make it recognizably hand-crafted but also maintain the spirit of the original in its entirety, its always really impressive! this one is definitely your most impressive feat in my opinion, but the bar for us will always be at 'content that you enjoy making and we enjoy listening to', no matter how complex! again thank you for going through with this project, even though its been over 5 years since I last touched the piano I genuinely am considering diving back into things because of this piece alone.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +3

      @@whyvernics thats really beautifully worded. The hand-crafted part is interesting because a big part of my process is that in the beginning I’ll follow the source material very closely but when I have all the foundations in place I won’t listen to the original track again. From this point on I almost treat it like a new composition and try to give myself a bit of freedom.
      You can hear this in the start of the fast section where I add bass notes that are not in the original and it creates new harmonies but still sounds right (if you know what I mean)

    • @whyvernics
      @whyvernics Год назад +1

      @@DGPianoUK hey, just wanted to let you know that Lifeformed himself has seen this piece and thinks real well of it! I tweeted this video's link to say how impressed I was, and Lifeformed retweeted it just a few hours after!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      Oh wow! Thanks Mike I really appreciate that.

  • @sm3llyd3c
    @sm3llyd3c Год назад

    After seeing the covers of Sunset Breakfast and Memories of Memories I figured, 'Damn, these are great. There's only 1 more track and my top 3 have been covered. But no one's gonna cover Ghost Field, right?'.
    Never been happier to be proven wrong; this arrangement really does the original justice and the tweaks to make it work on piano fit the feel beautifully. The passage at 0:33 always hooks me, but as soon as the arpeggios kicked in to mimic that square wave arpegiattor that the original has, I was sold. And that first set of descending octaves at 1:25 leading to the next arpeggio works SO WELL, makes the melody during those sections feel so much more impactful. It's not often I see covers that match the emotional reaction of listening to the original; it's even rarer when it surpasses it. For me, this did it. Keep it up!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад

      Amazing comment thankyou. Also I never knew what a square wave thing was. Those chords at 33 sec are beautiful you’re right. Believe it or not when those first descending octaves stop and lead into that next arpeggio…..that’s my favourite bit, there’s something magical about it that I couldn’t quite recreate with the other ones. I’m curious what’s your 4th favourite piece because I got 3 more on the go

  • @rileygiesepiano
    @rileygiesepiano Год назад +1

    This is awesome! Incredible work translating this to piano, might be my favorite cover of yours so far!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      Thanks Riley. I thought I recognised your name…..I saw your cover of Sunset Breakfast before and really enjoyed it. Your thumbnail was fantastic, shame you couldn’t incorporate those graphics through the video

    • @rileygiesepiano
      @rileygiesepiano Год назад +1

      @@DGPianoUK Yeah, unfortunately my editing software drops my video framerate when I add cool effects like that in the actual video. Hopefully one day I'm able to afford a better one. Looking forward to your next covers, yours are on a whole other level!

  • @Naslund_Music
    @Naslund_Music Год назад +1

    Wow, impressive!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      Cheers Allan….your turn next

  • @kakit-music
    @kakit-music Год назад +2

    good play, like and subbed :)

  • @nogard8541
    @nogard8541 Год назад

    This is gorgeous! Wonderful arrangement and beautiful playing. I listen to the Tunic soundtrack multiple times a week and have been looking for piano arrangements to work on, so I'll definitely give this a look and Memories of Memories. Out of curiosity, do you have The Librarian on your list? I saw that you said you had 6 other pieces from the soundtrack you were working on.
    I've been working through the Hollow Knight piano collections myself and have a few recorded on my page, but your playing and technique are way better than mine. Keep up the great work, and thank you for the sheet music too!

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад

      Hi thankyou so much. I need to listen to the librarian again because you are the 3rd person who asked. My next few will be weight of rain, Empyreal observatory and ruin seeker.
      I’ve never played Hollow Knight I’ll have to check it out thanks.

    • @nogard8541
      @nogard8541 Год назад +1

      @@DGPianoUK I'd highly recommend listening to the Piano arrangement of City of Tears. It's a beautiful arrangement, and it's got a lot of left hand arpeggios.

    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад

      @@nogard8541 thanks I really I enjoyed that. Is that the actual in-game music or did that channel arrange it for piano?

    • @nogard8541
      @nogard8541 Год назад

      That's a piano arrangement from the Piano Collections book. The original City of Tears from game is here:

  • @nyuh
    @nyuh Год назад


    • @DGPianoUK
      @DGPianoUK  Год назад +1

      I was getting views from discord (which I never used before) and with a bit of detective work I found your post! Thanks for sharing

    • @nyuh
      @nyuh Год назад +1

      @@DGPianoUK no worries :)