Connecting 8BitDo Ultimate Controller to Computer for the First Time

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 101

  • @zai8440
    @zai8440 Год назад +26

    Make sure the USB C behind the dock clicks when you push it in. Spent a solid 10 mins trying to debug this.

  • @LeoPlim
    @LeoPlim Год назад +9

    idk why, but windows 11 not recognizing my control even paired with the 2.4GHz receiver. When I first connected, it worked, and then didn't recognize it anymore. What can it be?

    • @MirageOfEyes
      @MirageOfEyes 6 месяцев назад

      Dude same, even in settings it has the name on it but doesn’t work.. did you solve it ?

    • @Hanenb0w
      @Hanenb0w 3 месяца назад

      @@MirageOfEyes im having the same issue did u guys solve it?

    • @adityaramadhan6474
      @adityaramadhan6474 Месяц назад

      Can use gamepad wirelles to?

  • @JohnnyQuanSW
    @JohnnyQuanSW Год назад +6

    Thank you, just got this controller last night, very useful tutorial!

  • @aquaillol7925
    @aquaillol7925 7 месяцев назад +4

    i have been searching
    for A WEEK
    You have saved me from torture dude, thank you so much. May your pillow always be cold, your milk always sweet, and your teeth as white as can be

  • @XeXBoeing
    @XeXBoeing 2 месяца назад +2

    Holy crap didn’t realize that the usb had to be plugged into the dock….. thanks man I was pulling my hair out. 😂

  • @AndaRafa
    @AndaRafa Год назад +3

    Can we connect to pc via Bluetooth??

  • @daserfomalhaut9809
    @daserfomalhaut9809 Год назад +4

    mine doesn't connect

  • @AwsBadr
    @AwsBadr 2 года назад +4

    Mine keeps blinking the adapter and the controller until both stops. I did update the firmware same issue.

    • @leonardofps1
      @leonardofps1 9 месяцев назад

      You found some solution ?

    • @jads
      @jads 3 месяца назад

      1. 2.4g in usb
      2. turn on the controller
      3. how the view button for 5 seconds (the - ) and wait the conect

  • @cor4ormer834
    @cor4ormer834 Год назад +4

    I honestly had no clue that the dongle is supposed to stay in the dock. I'll unplug it from my PC and hopefully it solves my disconnecting problem. Thanks for the video.

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Good to know!

    • @nickhunter6700
      @nickhunter6700 Год назад

      It works both ways apparently I use the dongle myself love to connect it to my Steam Deck when traveling

  • @Z3r0St4rZ
    @Z3r0St4rZ 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks, without this video I couldn´t make it work properly

  • @OngezoutenMening
    @OngezoutenMening Год назад +5

    omg there is a bluetooth stick under the dock it self hahaha that was a suprise!

    • @MrKasugano
      @MrKasugano 8 месяцев назад

      its WF dongle, in order for BT to work you need buy a BT dongle for PC or have WF Mobo.

  • @Guilliano_B
    @Guilliano_B 10 месяцев назад +2

    For the buttons(switch layout) you can easily remap them for pc/xbox.
    This is seriously the best controller i had.
    And yeah i also had the xbox elite controller.
    But the Ultimate bluetooth version is seriously zo user friendly and everything about it is just soo good.

  • @OiCCaboose
    @OiCCaboose Год назад +8

    A CPU is a part of a computer.
    Calling your computer a CPU is like calling a car an engine.

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Yeah my mistake.. here where I live we're just used to call the whole PC as "CPU"

  • @alexgacir123
    @alexgacir123 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you :) couldn't figure it out and this video worked perfectly.

  • @kyuji1298
    @kyuji1298 7 месяцев назад +1

    Very helpful and onpoint. thanks

  • @toxictocino
    @toxictocino 8 месяцев назад +1

    hello bro can you help me, my controller continuously vibrates when plugged (pc doesnt detect the controller too)

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  7 месяцев назад

      hi, have you tried on a different pc?

  • @potatoboi9259
    @potatoboi9259 Год назад +1

    What kind of PC games have you tested with it? I kinda wanna get this instead of xbox one for triple A games.

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад +1

      On PC, I've tested it with steam, gog and epic store games and it works very well. I also use it with emulators and they all work great.

  • @williamduran1115
    @williamduran1115 11 месяцев назад +1

    try different ports of usb connections on your pc mines would only work if i connected it through the back instead of the top

  • @Stealth_Hunting
    @Stealth_Hunting 2 месяца назад

    how do i control the mouse.. or arrow on my pc screen with the controller?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  2 месяца назад

      I'm not sure but I don't think you can do that

  • @MrKasugano
    @MrKasugano 8 месяцев назад

    Interesting, it shows 8bitDo ultimate with latest FW patch on GamePad tester tab and no XBOX schematics. The other (Player 2 tab ) Z gamepad is shown as xbox with schematics 🤔

  • @matthew7744
    @matthew7744 5 месяцев назад

    I tried connecting a earphones with mic to it but there's no mic input, have you encountered this problem?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  5 месяцев назад

      you can't connect earphones to it and it doesn't have any mic inputs

  • @mateuszpawowicz258
    @mateuszpawowicz258 Год назад

    How I can use P1 and P2 (extra buttons on the back of the pad) because I dont see them in steam pad big picture and in games. I wanted use P1 to run in Dark Souls 3 to be able rotate camera and run at the same time

    • @mateuszpawowicz258
      @mateuszpawowicz258 Год назад

      But I cant choose this button in Dark Souls 3 :/

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      I'm sorry but I haven't tried those 2 extra buttons. Did you try to configure it using its official software?

  • @poly-crate
    @poly-crate 5 месяцев назад

    Hello can we connect to pc with bluetooth ?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  5 месяцев назад

      I haven't tried it, but it should be able to connect to pc via bt as long as your pc has bt. But why would you want to connect it to pc via bt?

    • @poly-crate
      @poly-crate 5 месяцев назад

      @@codeplay644 because I play sometimes without connection

    • @poly-crate
      @poly-crate 5 месяцев назад

      I can link the controller by Bluetooth at my computer but the controller doesn’t work idk why

  • @DoroboNekoclipss
    @DoroboNekoclipss Год назад

    Mine only working while on steam games, how to work it in pc not only on steam?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Is it detected on Windows' devices? If it is then it should work fine everywhere not only on steam. I can use it on any games on my pc, not only on steam.

  • @skulley
    @skulley Год назад

    ok the software sees the controller but it doesnt register the controller being on
    any help?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад +1

      try referring to the manual again, if it's not on then the software shouldn't be able to see it

    • @skulley
      @skulley Год назад

      @@codeplay644 fixed it turns out getting it to register just had me plug it in with the cable not the dongle

  • @audric4482
    @audric4482 Год назад +1

    Is it also the bluetooth version? Because I bought the bluetooth with 2.4g, it works well with 2.4g. However, in bluetooth mode, it can be connected but it does not register any inputs at all. : (( I bought the bluetooth version so I can connect it seamlessly with pc(with 2.4g) and my phone (with bluetooth). I wonder if you can help me with this, I already emailed 9bitdo support now.

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад +1

      Yes it's the bluetooth version. I tested the bluetooth connection with my android phone and it works really well.
      Just checking, have you switched the controller to bluetooth mode? If you have and it's not working then maybe you should RMA it.

    • @audric4482
      @audric4482 Год назад

      @@codeplay644 Yes I switched it to bluetooth mode, and I already tried to reset factory settings but nothing has changed. Thanks for your suggestion, I already emailed them.

    • @audric4482
      @audric4482 Год назад

      @@codeplay644 By the way, is your controller the nintendo switch variant? because this is what they replied to me...
      "Bluetooth connection is only for Switch.
      Connect to other platforms with dedicated 2.4G receiver."

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      There's no nintendo switch variant as far as I know. Mine is just the same as everybody else's, the "Ultimate Controller". And that's an odd response from them, I connected the controller to my Android phone again just now and everything works fine. Is your phone android? As the controller doesn't work with iphone.

    • @audric4482
      @audric4482 Год назад

      @@codeplay644 I think there is a two variant, its either ultimate controller (xbox or switch), and yes my Phone is android, specifically Xiaomi.

  • @DidiusJulianius
    @DidiusJulianius 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you sir

  • @deslychen4746
    @deslychen4746 Год назад

    i dont know why i cant connect my controller via 2.4g to pc , but normal when its wired
    pls guide me , TIA

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Sorry to hear that. Is the usb dongle inside the dock? If it is, make sure the usb cable is properly connecting the dock to your computer. If it's still not working, try plugging the usb dongle to your computer.

    • @deslychen4746
      @deslychen4746 Год назад +2

      @@codeplay644 i’ve tried all possible ways and it still cant connect via 2.4g while wired and BT have no issue , and i’ve updated the firmware still cant

  • @MrRemig83
    @MrRemig83 Год назад +1

    I got the 2.4g version. Works out of the box, on 2.4g and wired But the pc application is not detecting my controller.

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Did you use the pc application while the controller is connected via wire?

  • @bmo2506
    @bmo2506 2 года назад

    I got the same controller and Im having issue on triggers after using for a week. When pushing the trigger it has less to no resistance

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  2 года назад

      Sorry to hear that. Can you return it as it's still under warranty?

    • @bmo2506
      @bmo2506 2 года назад

      @@codeplay644 I bought it online at shopee. I dont know if I can RMA it

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  2 года назад

      try contacting the shop.. I wish you the best of luck!

    • @audric4482
      @audric4482 Год назад

      @@bmo2506 Uyy sa PixelPlay shop mo ba yan nabili sa shopee? okay lang malaman kung nakapag RMA ka? Yung issue kasi nung akin is yung bluetooth connectivity :((

    • @bmo2506
      @bmo2506 Год назад +1

      @@audric4482 di ko pina RMA. Pero try mo sayo since pixelplay siya. sakin kasi sa game one binili

  • @joelng8687
    @joelng8687 Год назад

    Don't mind me asking but has anyone tried connecting the dock to the monitor which is connected to PC via USB A cable?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      I haven't tried it but that shouldn't be a problem as the usb ports on the monitor will work like a usb hub.

  • @SteveRoeSroe
    @SteveRoeSroe 2 месяца назад

    You did not show the switch on the back that changes it from Bluetooth to 2.4 but thank you for the vide I had to go to another video to find that out

  • @cartman42069
    @cartman42069 Год назад

    is it possible to set it up tobe like a dualshock/playstation controller? so when you're using it you will see X, Square, Triangle, Circle buttons on games you're playing instead of xbox inputs

    • @tobiaszbrzezinski9473
      @tobiaszbrzezinski9473 11 месяцев назад

      It's not a controller setting but game/game platform UI setting
      Even with dualshock controllers you normally see Xbox buttons in games so you probably need to change this setting in games or their platforms if available or mod them

  • @eternal666bpm
    @eternal666bpm 6 месяцев назад

    its not working tho. it could't connet by themself

  • @arniearns16
    @arniearns16 2 года назад

    Does it work on Steam Deck now?

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  2 года назад

      I don't have a Steam Deck so I can't test it, but the latest Steam Deck update states that it will support this controller.

    • @AwsBadr
      @AwsBadr 2 года назад

      Supposed to after you update the firmware

  • @zonawill
    @zonawill 9 месяцев назад

    este o el gamasir g7 alguien me responde por favor?

  • @sggsquadpresents
    @sggsquadpresents Год назад

    bro called his pc a CPU

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Yeah my mistake.. but you know what I mean.

  • @mortophobegaming6454
    @mortophobegaming6454 Год назад

    great, i'm looking for help when it DOESN'T work

  • @DjanroyLincuna-eb7td
    @DjanroyLincuna-eb7td Год назад

    Possible to connect on Android

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  Год назад

      Yes if you have the bluetooth version

  • @marlen1077
    @marlen1077 7 месяцев назад

    How do you connect your usb to the CPU lol, dude thats not the cpu ffs

    • @codeplay644
      @codeplay644  7 месяцев назад

      I know, I already explained it on another comment lol

  • @siv9394
    @siv9394 Год назад

    Thank you ! :)

  • @Moneyaddthenmultiply
    @Moneyaddthenmultiply 4 месяца назад

    Thanks windows for being nonresponsive hot fucking diarrhea

  • @Asianparad
    @Asianparad 6 месяцев назад

    This software is shit, i am using on 2.4ghz and it keep saying connect usb, and when i connect the usb the 2.4ghz stop working, next time i will buy a ps5 controller