  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 57

  • @liturgiarzymska
    @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +10

    00:01 Passage of the papal procession from the Royal Hall through the Royal Stairs to the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica.
    07:58 The Pope receives obedience from the canons of St. Peter's Basilica.
    11:05 Entrance to the Basilica to the sounds of Longhi's triumphal march played on silver trumpets
    15:11 The Pope goes to the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament to worship the Sanctissimum, chanting "Tu es Petrus"
    18:33 The Pope and his assistant go to the chapel of St. Gregory, first obedience of cardinals
    26:18 Terce singing
    32:50 Procession towards the apse and the "Sic transit gloria mundi" rite
    41:06 Beginning of Holy Mass (prayers at the altar steps)
    44:27 After "Indulgentiam", the Pope sits on the sedia and the first cardinals of each rank (deacons, priests, bishops) recite prayers over the Pope
    47:27 The first cardinal deacon imposes the pallium on the Pope
    49:40 Incense of the altar
    52:05 The Pope goes to the throne in the apse to receive the second obedience of cardinals
    57:06 The Pope recites Introit and Kyrie with assistance
    57:22 Pope intones "Gloria", singing Palestrina's "Gloria" by choir
    1:02:50 Oration "in die Coronationis"
    1:03:58 The Cardinal Protodeacon together with the cantors goes to the grave of St. Peter, where "Laudes Regiae" is sung
    1:12:02 Singing lesson in Latin
    1:13:55 Singing lesson in Greek
    1:19:24 Singing of Gradual and Tractus
    1:24:55 Singing the Gospel in Latin
    1:30:25 Singing the Gospel in Greek (followed by homily)
    1:34:26 The Pope intones "Credo", singing Palestrina's "Credo" by the choir (preparation of the altar with pregustation)
    1:43:06 The Pope recites the antiphon of the Offertory, after which he drinks a cup of coffee (a glass of water?) to refresh himself.
    1:44:41 Washing of the Pope's hands before approaching the altar
    1:45:56 The Pope goes to the altar, the choir sings antiphon for the Offertory
    1:47:05 Offering (prayers, incensing the altar, Lavabo, etc.)
    1:53:59 Singing of the Preface by the Pope
    1:56:47 The Pope recites "Sanctus", singing Palestrina's "Sanctus" by the choir
    1:57:02 Roman Canon (Elevation to the four corners of the world with the music of silver trumpets)
    2:04:51 "Pater noster"
    2:07:42 The Pope recites "Agnus Dei", singing Palestrina's "Agnus Dei" by by the choir
    2:08:08 Pax
    2:09:43 The Pope goes to the throne, where he receives Holy Communion
    2:17:02 Purification and ablution
    2:20:31 The Pope goes to the altar, Communio
    2:22:00 Postcommunio
    2:23:11 "Ite, Missa est"
    2:23:54 Blessing
    2:24:37 The Last Gospel
    2:25:50 The Pope in Sedia goes to the central loggia
    2:33:55 Entering the balcony and singing "Corona aurea super caput eius"
    2:37:47 Prayers before the coronation
    2:39:35 Coronation with a tiara
    2:41:12 Blessing "Urbi et Orbi"
    2:43:42 Announcement of indulgences in Latin and Italian
    2:45:22 Return of the Pope to the apartments in the Apostolic Palace

    • @joziahchama2735
      @joziahchama2735 9 месяцев назад +2

      What's the "singing lesson"? Is it the epistle?

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +2

      @@joziahchama2735 Yes. In Latin: Lectio = Lesson.

  • @Piter_Play
    @Piter_Play 9 месяцев назад +35

    Módlmy się, aby kolejni papieże wrócili do koronacji!

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +10

      Koronacja koronacją, ale najważniejsza jest doktryna! :-)

  • @MrNigara
    @MrNigara Месяц назад +1

    Mamma mia quanta vanità! Sic transiit gloria mundi

  • @AngelRoseHeaven
    @AngelRoseHeaven 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you

  • @c-historia
    @c-historia 8 месяцев назад +4

    capolavoro! bellissimo

  • @davidfgg9845
    @davidfgg9845 8 месяцев назад +4

    Where does that Western urge come from to scale everything down? Of course that rite is more expensive, but isn't it worth to preserve traditions at all costs, especially nowadays when money and starving people aren't a problem at all in Europe?

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  8 месяцев назад +1

      Today, people of the Church are forgetting the main mission of the Church: to lead people to God, to take an interest in the things of God, and not to deal with humanism and implement some worldly aid programs. Unfortunately, this is happening at the expense of both liturgy and doctrine and morals.

  • @santorosariodioggi
    @santorosariodioggi 9 месяцев назад +8

    Madre mia Madre di tutti prega per le nostre regioni distrutte dalle alluvioni porta a loro speranza e forza e tanto amore Amen

    • @MrNigara
      @MrNigara Месяц назад +1

      Mamma mia quanta vanità! Sic transiit gloria mundi

  • @francisheperi4180
    @francisheperi4180 9 месяцев назад +7

    Picture is improved; grateful for Eng. subs now.

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, improved a little. Subs are in few languages ;-)

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +1

      @@francisheperi4180 Each of us, whether we want it or not, is a child of his era.
      Thank you for your comments!

  • @enrico_semeraroalberobello1522
    @enrico_semeraroalberobello1522 9 месяцев назад +4

    "A.M.D.G." ("Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam")!

  • @luisrizzo2851
    @luisrizzo2851 8 месяцев назад +2

    Todo eso fue abolido. No se porque siguen con eso . El mismo Juan 23 lo abolió toda esa pompa en el Concilio Vaticano II .

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  8 месяцев назад +3

      La liturgia no se "tocó" durante el pontificado de Juan XXIII. Sólo durante el pontificado de Pablo VI, especialmente tras la promulgación de la Constitución sobre la Liturgia, las cosas empezaron a cambiar muy rápidamente en la liturgia. ¿Fue para mejor? Eso es lo que muestran los frutos de estos cambios.
      La liturgia debe ser bella para reflejar a Dios y, a través de la belleza, conducir a Dios.

  • @piotr2937
    @piotr2937 9 месяцев назад +4

    Jak się ma kawa papieża podczas Mszy do postu eucharystycznego?

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +11

      1. Pius XII ustanowił, że woda nie łamie postu (odnośnie tej kwestii można zajrzeć do św. Tomasza, np. tutaj:, kawa (espresso) to w zasadzie woda.
      2. Papież zawsze może sobie udzielić dyspensy. Znana jest anegdota ze św. Piusem X, który do późnych godzin nocnych rozmawiał ze swoim przyjacielem z dawnych lat, który go odwiedził; w pewnym momencie kapłan (przyjaciel) zdał sobie sprawę, że minęła północ, a on ani papież nie odmówili komplety; zwrócił na to uwagę papieżowi, który odpowiedział, że przecież jest papieżem i może im udzielić dyspensy. To oczywiście pobożna anegdota, tego typu praktyka doprowadzona do skrajności byłaby nadużyciem. Okoliczności w przypadkach etycznych mają często spore znaczenie :-)

  • @user-tm5mv1kt3n
    @user-tm5mv1kt3n 8 месяцев назад +5

    Czarny dzień w dziejach kościoła.Od niego zaczął sie upadek i herezje

    • @christopherfeeney1962
      @christopherfeeney1962 8 месяцев назад

      No. It was from after the Council that it fell. This is the first Papal Solemn Mass of John XXIII. This is in 1958. The "reforms" wouldn't even be thought of for at least five years

  • @massimo.f
    @massimo.f 2 месяца назад

    me lo debbo registrare su videocassetta in quanto non posso vederlo online

  • @oliveri9407
    @oliveri9407 9 месяцев назад +7

    Why would they end this?

    • @j.knight9335
      @j.knight9335 9 месяцев назад

      The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. John XXIII was an extremely evil man and an antipope.

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +6

      This ceremony did not fit, among other things, the new theology of papal primacy as expressed in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church "Lumen Gentium."
      The constitution was promulgated on Wednesday, November 11, 1964, while on Friday, November 13, Paul VI performed the ritual of offering his tiara on the altar for auction, the proceeds of which will be donated to the poor. The final bid for it was made by Cardinal Spellmann.

    • @j.knight9335
      @j.knight9335 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@liturgiarzymska This quote seems quite relevant: Fr. Feeney S.J., Bread of Life, p. 42 (1952): “When the Vatican Council reconvenes, I humbly plead with our Holy Father, the Pope (Pius XII), that he will immediately gather his plenipotentiary powers of infallible pronouncement to clear up the wild confusion of visible orating (on the part of his priests and bishops) about an invisible Church - or else the gates of Hell will have all but prevailed against us. The most visible ruler in the world, *our Holy Father, in his white robe and white zuchetto, may as well take off his triple tiara and get down from his golden throne, and leave Christianity to the kind of committee arrangements to which it is committed in the present-day America, if we keep on preaching ‘Baptism of Desire.’”*

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +6

      @@j.knight9335 And we have reached a point where collegiality is even apotheosized, while at the same time the pope exercises his power like a dictator.

    • @j.knight9335
      @j.knight9335 9 месяцев назад

      @@liturgiarzymska It's important to realize that Francis is not the Pope, and could not be considered one. Setting aside the fact that he isn't even a validly ordained priest, he was a manifest heretic before his "election", thus rendering his "election" invalid.

  • @britanniacountryball.8557
    @britanniacountryball.8557 2 месяца назад

    tengo una pregunta como se llama la prenda que se parece a la capa magna que lleva el Papa en el minuto 2:09:45 ?

  • @geoffreydeem4143
    @geoffreydeem4143 12 дней назад

    carry down the stairs to start and carried down the stairs at the end

  • @jesusdavidjd.1987
    @jesusdavidjd.1987 7 месяцев назад

    Gracias a Dios quitaron lo de esa corona y el trono.

    • @britanniacountryball.8557
      @britanniacountryball.8557 2 месяца назад

      Nadie lo quito, si un Papa quisiera volver a utilizarlo se podria, además de que en un Principio San Pablo VI pretendía que sus sucesores tuvieran una coronación.

  • @JorgeRivas503
    @JorgeRivas503 8 месяцев назад

    Juan XXIII

  • @ricardosaraivadeandrade6255
    @ricardosaraivadeandrade6255 9 месяцев назад +8

    This Was The beginning of The end of The Catholic Church !!!

    • @liturgiarzymska
      @liturgiarzymska  9 месяцев назад +8

      We are already lost in this type of commentary. These beginnings of the end of the Church are plentiful: and it's the election of Pius XII, and it's his death, and it's the 1958 conclave, and it's the election of Roncalli, and it's the convocation of the Council, and it's the opening of the Council, and it's the election of Paul VI, and it's the first papal concelebrated Mass, and it's the publication of the Missal in 1969, and it's the election of John Paul II, and it's the election of Francis. It's hard to grasp, and those who write such comments find it hard to make up their minds.
      One thing is missing from all these commentaries: NON PRAEVALEBUNT.

    • @giovanniclimacomapelliarch1329
      @giovanniclimacomapelliarch1329 8 месяцев назад

      Un bene

  • @mariathrun5472
    @mariathrun5472 8 месяцев назад

    261 ....1912 byp w polsce

  • @HebreosCincoDoce-nt8rx
    @HebreosCincoDoce-nt8rx 9 месяцев назад +1

    *📜 Matthew.20:* 25Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,
    27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-
    28just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
    *📜 Ecclesiastes.3:*
    16And I saw something else under the sun:
    In the place of judgment-wickedness was there,
    in the place of justice-wickedness was there.
    17I said to myself,
    “God will bring into judgment
    both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”
    18I also said to myself, “As for humans, God tests them so that they may see that they are like the animals.

  • @MarquesDeTamandare1865
    @MarquesDeTamandare1865 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @ivanrobc
      @ivanrobc 8 месяцев назад +3

      dijo el protestante

  • @samuelrw2696
    @samuelrw2696 8 месяцев назад +4

    False pope

  • @gerardoguarino8021
    @gerardoguarino8021 7 месяцев назад

    Nostalgici, và bene, riprendete anche qualcosa dal ventennio, allorquando il Papà e il Re si unirono nella difesa dei valori della tradizione.

  • @eduardoalbertosilvacastro8075
    @eduardoalbertosilvacastro8075 8 месяцев назад +1

    Tanto dinero se gasta para eso , acaso no pueden hacerlo más simple y eso que dicen que es el representante de cristo en la tierra, , mis pelotas