Apple September 2010 Music Event-The iPod Nano Touch

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @pkerry12
    @pkerry12 8 лет назад +1561

    The very first version of the apple watch hehe

  • @Nathan-mv2me
    @Nathan-mv2me 8 лет назад +1495

    They all laughed when Steve said someone was going to use it as a watch but little did they know this was the begging of the Apple Watch

    • @Nathan-mv2me
      @Nathan-mv2me 8 лет назад +84

      *beggining not begging

    • @faizanjoyia
      @faizanjoyia 6 лет назад +41

      That was the reason to change the design it was Secret Apple Watch prototype

    • @iMonsieurAnthony
      @iMonsieurAnthony 5 лет назад +28

      Steve and Apple knew, they had plans for Apple Watch long before this Nano.

    • @thecarelectronicguy687
      @thecarelectronicguy687 5 лет назад +31

      Nathanator *beginning not beggining

    • @crisit21
      @crisit21 5 лет назад +1

      Nathanator it was the beginning of smart watches

  • @Jurgh909
    @Jurgh909 5 лет назад +337

    Feel I've heard that "oooh" -guy at 5:16 on every single Keynote since the original iphone launch.

    • @FF-ch9nr
      @FF-ch9nr 5 лет назад +21

      Jørgen Hvalby ikr it has to be the same guy

    • @Jurgh909
      @Jurgh909 5 лет назад +49

      @@FF-ch9nr I suspect there are hired ooh-ers on all keynotes.

    • @RabbitConfirmed
      @RabbitConfirmed 5 лет назад +12

      @@Jurgh909 I suspect you're paranoid

    • @Jurgh909
      @Jurgh909 5 лет назад +23

      @@RabbitConfirmed You think it's entirely unlikely that there are people hired to hype the products they want their congregation to praise?

    • @suman_dey
      @suman_dey 5 лет назад +5

      There's at least one guy on every concerts these days. Even on corporate and army conventions!!😂

  • @Puffinstuff
    @Puffinstuff 6 лет назад +1483

    "The first generation was a breakthrough."
    "The second generation was even better"
    "The third generation...."

    • @thecarelectronicguy687
      @thecarelectronicguy687 5 лет назад +420

      So the third generation’s breakthrough was actually video playback. They just didn’t want to say it since they were taking it away with the sixth generation lolol

    • @Bscott1
      @Bscott1 5 лет назад +66

      @@thecarelectronicguy687 same with the camera on the 5th gen

    • @viktorvasic9578
      @viktorvasic9578 5 лет назад +29

      The apple guys probably realize it was a mistake to make the third generation

    • @mama-cg5ri
      @mama-cg5ri 5 лет назад +5

      Alex Paffenroth it was good morning

    • @edmund8954
      @edmund8954 5 лет назад +1

      @@viktorvasic9578 the apple guy...

  • @littlelamp100
    @littlelamp100 5 лет назад +155

    2:57 they laugh at him now. little did they know...

  • @mfmcl
    @mfmcl 10 лет назад +497

    The original Smart Watch.

    • @jqyhlmnp
      @jqyhlmnp 6 лет назад +10

      Michael Mclean apple haters be like “there were smart watches before this” :D

    • @xRailPvP
      @xRailPvP 6 лет назад +6

      darktennisball But this is the first “smartwatch” not dumbwatch

    • @jonamary8176
      @jonamary8176 5 лет назад

      hello mr Michael my name is joel Samson i come from Tanzania please mr i want help ipod nano or used please help me my friend

    • @devenpatil2343
      @devenpatil2343 3 года назад

      @@jonamary8176 try eBay you will find one

  • @Mr.Shiesty727
    @Mr.Shiesty727 6 лет назад +433

    poor third gen they just skipped him

    • @gideonkloosterman
      @gideonkloosterman 4 года назад +16

      Yeah, that one introduced video but they didn't wanna mention it as that didn't fit in the new one

    • @mau8513
      @mau8513 4 года назад +9

      I just have one third gen iPod nano perfectly working that I use it every day

    • @cabinfeverff
      @cabinfeverff 4 года назад +4

      @@mau8513 yeah the other generations of nanos broke cause of the battery expanding into the screen but not the third gen

    • @metromodernism
      @metromodernism 4 года назад +1

      @@cabinfeverff The third generation has the expanding battery problem too.

    • @cabinfeverff
      @cabinfeverff 4 года назад

      @@metromodernism my bad I didn't know that thanks for letting me know

  • @mattstewart4002
    @mattstewart4002 2 года назад +60

    This device still was so ahead of its time. The size of it still blows my mind. I mean to think you could have like 3 thousand songs with a touchscreen on such a tiny device still is amazing when you sit and think about it compared to how far we had been up to that point.

    • @user-TheTrueGibly
      @user-TheTrueGibly Год назад +7

      I remember seeing a giveaway in a store like a decade ago where you could win a iPod nano touch and I stared at it for like 10 minutes it looked so cool

    • @JPK1337
      @JPK1337 Год назад +2

      nobody had the apple watch in mind in 2010.

    • @jaredf6205
      @jaredf6205 Год назад +4

      Even today it's still very cool looking.

    • @isumboseefamilia8484
      @isumboseefamilia8484 Год назад

      @@jaredf6205 so far, no one has done either something like this, or a hand-worn player with more memory and lossless formats. I bought myself one with a tiktok linatic metal baslet.

    • @waabke
      @waabke 7 месяцев назад

      Bought one yesterday! Timeless peace of technology.

  • @asdfsfdcccc23423
    @asdfsfdcccc23423 12 лет назад +53

    5:52 Steve said "iPod touch!" ..."Ah, Nano!"
    Thank you, Steve..

  • @palaciossebastian
    @palaciossebastian 5 лет назад +116

    2:56 did he just made a Joke about the apple watch?

    • @gfyGoogle
      @gfyGoogle 4 года назад +5

      Sebastian Palacios nah. Lots of people bought special bands to make these work like watches. He was just referencing that.

    • @CocoTheMii
      @CocoTheMii 4 года назад +1

      @@gfyGoogle He was making a jab at the *idea* of using it that way. Nobody had done it yet, because this was before it came out.

  • @JohnDoe-yy9nf
    @JohnDoe-yy9nf 10 лет назад +50

    I already have it, but this presentation makes me want it again!

  • @Lee-sd1vx
    @Lee-sd1vx 5 лет назад +25

    2:55 that board of directors member who used the nano as a watch a few years later: “hey I got an idea for a new apple device”

    • @MichaelSeibert
      @MichaelSeibert 4 года назад +1

      That member of the board might not have been Tim, would it? 😬

  • @mostlymagical3220
    @mostlymagical3220 3 года назад +14

    This was my first ever iPod and I absolutely love it to bits, even in 2021

  • @stevejobs3765
    @stevejobs3765 10 лет назад +185

    dayum did i look swagger

    • @juliaoropeza9791
      @juliaoropeza9791 9 лет назад +11

      anonymous anonymous he watching it from icloud with his iPhone

    • @woah7167
      @woah7167 7 лет назад +8

      how are you commenting from the grave?

    • @s4turn421
      @s4turn421 6 лет назад

      What do you think about the newest Apple devices?

    • @shichilaofa
      @shichilaofa 6 лет назад +1

      But your deadshit already?

    • @nickydee569
      @nickydee569 5 лет назад +1

      Lol no he was dying here

  • @DenisTheMennnace
    @DenisTheMennnace 8 лет назад +68

    I loved this ipod so much

  • @joelmulder
    @joelmulder 5 лет назад +43

    This was such an amazing product, and at such an amazing price too!
    I really loved having one of these as a kid, i always used to listen to the radio on it wherever i was.
    I miss Steve Jobs, and his Apple products...

  • @filipeg165
    @filipeg165 3 года назад +19

    There's always that one guy at the start of every clap: WOOO!

  • @filfil7063
    @filfil7063 3 года назад +11

    Its really cool that this iPod looks futuristic even 11years later👍

  • @garoosh8172
    @garoosh8172 6 лет назад +119

    When doubling the storage on your device costed $30 and not 200..

    • @austinbblake
      @austinbblake 4 года назад +1

      check out the current Apple TV 4k

    • @garoosh8172
      @garoosh8172 4 года назад +2

      Austin Blake I mean mobile device and this video was 10 years ago. An extra 32 gb is laughable in 2020

    • @austinbblake
      @austinbblake 4 года назад

      @@garoosh8172 haha no you're right. that was a good time.

    • @gerardosalas9477
      @gerardosalas9477 4 года назад +1

      Garoosh 30 usd back then are not worth the same as 30 usd nowadays. Don’t forget that. Basic economics.

    • @garoosh8172
      @garoosh8172 4 года назад +4

      Gerardo Salas Gerardo Salas it’s less than a 20% difference in 10 years . Inflation doesn’t happen that quickly. It’s basic economics

  • @zoloip
    @zoloip 14 лет назад +30

    5:57 the blonde woman scared: "he said touch?" LOL

  • @vantageIIx
    @vantageIIx 14 лет назад +15

    I absolutely LOVE this new nano, and considering the only thing that I use my iPods for (I also have an iPhone) for is music, so I think I will get one of these. Touch is the future, and I like it. If there was some way to include video playback in a simple firmware update, I think this thing would really take off, but for now...

  • @RoughChopTom
    @RoughChopTom 5 лет назад +3

    My favourite apple product. The clip worked so well and the device did just what you wanted and nothing more.

  • @lampard4
    @lampard4 11 лет назад +5

    I love mine. Bought it back in 2010 and it works like a charm still. So smooth performance. Very nice to have when running and working out.

  • @MCAlexisYT
    @MCAlexisYT 4 года назад +26

    I was never expecting a “screen rotation” feature on such a tiny LCD!

    • @RennieAsh
      @RennieAsh 2 года назад

      Steve being really careful to not stuff up the rotation due to "fat fingers" seeing as the screen is so small lol

  • @devaraft
    @devaraft 7 лет назад +17

    This is how you do it Apple. After 5th and 6th Ipod Nano generation Steve going on track on what is Ipod Nano is supposed to be, small. Camera and other features is already in Iphone and people won't used Ipod for those reason, and Steve knew it.

    • @JohnD_x
      @JohnD_x 6 лет назад +2

      Exactly so no point having iPod touch anymore. He made this simple. Great guy

  • @h4x0y
    @h4x0y 10 лет назад +133

    Small, thin device. Surprising amount of functionality. Multiple colors that reflect personality. Customizable watch faces (including mickey mouse!). Multitouch. Wearable with the clip or with a strap on the wrist.
    4 years later the whole industry goes nuts about very similar devices.

    • @veoozo
      @veoozo 10 лет назад


    • @h4x0y
      @h4x0y 10 лет назад +13

      veoozo Trying to say this iPod nano is very similar to smartwatches which are suddenly a big hype. This device looks like those smartwatches both in terms of design and functionality.

    • @faizanjoyia
      @faizanjoyia 6 лет назад +5

      That was the reason to change the design it was Secret Apple Watch prototype

    • @rafakordaczek3275
      @rafakordaczek3275 5 лет назад +9

      It is better than Apple Watch. It has headphone jack.

    • @walnut9472
      @walnut9472 3 года назад


  • @gck86
    @gck86 5 лет назад +3

    I still have this iPad nano and it's still running well.

  • @davecerv
    @davecerv 7 лет назад +5

    Ahh yes, still my favorite ipod of all time! I still use mine and have one in a box.

  • @NavedAhmadX
    @NavedAhmadX 5 лет назад +19

    Slap a band. We're introducing Apple Watch 😂

    • @Asian19981
      @Asian19981 3 года назад +1

      This is funny. 😂😂😂

  • @therealcoolpup3196
    @therealcoolpup3196 5 лет назад +72

    Who else remember being a kid loving this and wanting it but only being able to afford an ipod shuffle? 😂

    • @therealcoolpup3196
      @therealcoolpup3196 5 лет назад +4


    • @thejosedavidd
      @thejosedavidd 4 года назад +15

      You responded on your own comment I’m dead 💀

    • @robertoforner9075
      @robertoforner9075 4 года назад

      Still use it now 😂

    • @aalvarez1033
      @aalvarez1033 4 года назад +1

      As a kid I had a 6th gen iPod classic and I didn’t want to upgrade to the newer nanos because I liked the 1st gen nano the best and i liked my classic, but then I lost my iPod classic so then I got a iPod shuffle and i didn’t enjoy it as much as an iPod classic with the screen. But 6 years later in 2020 I bought a iPod nano 1st gen and I love it.

  • @Frugivorous
    @Frugivorous Год назад +15

    Hard to believe he’s gone. So sad. It’s just unfair that we had to lose such a brilliant mind too quickly.

    • @tbu_drachenkater5397
      @tbu_drachenkater5397 11 месяцев назад

      Shut up. He was an asshole and didn’t even do anything. He just shouted at his employees and coworkers who designed the things he than took for himself.

    • @NegativeReferral
      @NegativeReferral 11 месяцев назад +2

      I think it's also sad that he bought into the cult of fruitarianism, wrecked his liver, and then wrecked his pancreas and second liver. Jobs was a true visionary, and it's sad that he decided to live a less-than-ideal lifestyle despite having the means for at least a more balanced vegan diet if cruelty-free was his thing. This was one of the founding fathers of the fourth industrial revolution, which turned the CPU from the brains of office equipment into something both practical and enjoyable for the layperson. While Steve Jobs is often derided as a form-over-function non-geek, it is form that leads to function, and Apple's designs have been thoroughly copied by an entire industry. They were simple-to-use, yet conducive to the complex as well. They were classy, but unpretentious. They were rebellious, but not unfamiliar. In my opinion, Silicon Valley is as much a culture industry as it is an electronics industry.

  • @maziu27
    @maziu27 5 лет назад +2

    Still rocking it on 2019

  • @phuphamhoang798
    @phuphamhoang798 11 лет назад +3

    I love the 5th,6th and 7th all Apple products

  • @GUSRULZ445
    @GUSRULZ445 14 лет назад +1

    I love the signal they give off to the audience and even to the other employees in apple stores to start applauding. Woo!

  • @mosa7657
    @mosa7657 Год назад +5

    When he said “I live most of my life upside down” I really felt that since he was gonna pass away one year after the iPod nano 6th gen is introduced 😢😢😢

  • @rick_terscale1111
    @rick_terscale1111 10 лет назад +42

    The best Nano ever! Well, from a gym perspective anyway. :)
    I had a Shuffle that I used at the gym for years and hated navigating through tunes and podcasts blindly. I was over the moon when Nano 6th gen arrived. I could finally see my music, controls and tracklists. Plus it had radio which my Shuffle obviously didnt. :)
    I have a 5th gen Nano in my car. Great device too!
    7th gen nano is no good because it doesnt have a clip. Too small for watching video.
    Apple should have done away with the Shuffle and made the 6th gen Nano it's replacement.
    They could have kept the 5th gen nano form factor as the official Nano, gotten rid of the jog wheel, made it one big touch screen and kept the video camera. I'm sure Nano fans would have been happy with that.

  • @chrisdu334
    @chrisdu334 8 лет назад +37

    in 7th generation, they made it large again

    • @xzlatofy
      @xzlatofy 5 лет назад +3

      probably because it was released after he died

    • @Iridiumcosmos
      @Iridiumcosmos 4 года назад +3

      2v_5r It was pretty much a baby iPod touch tbh.

    @FLYCAMANDVR 2 года назад +2

    I still have an iPod Nano 6th. The very ancestor of Apple Watch.

  • @elijahcedillo9842
    @elijahcedillo9842 5 лет назад +5

    i remeber when i got one of these, it lasted forever, it even went through the wash twice. and then i lost it

  • @AnkushSharmaIN
    @AnkushSharmaIN Год назад +2

    Technology used to be so exciting back then. Good times.

  • @sadladd
    @sadladd 7 лет назад +135

    I love how he just glosses over the shitty 3rd gen.

    • @potate_overlord
      @potate_overlord 6 лет назад +5

      I thought I was the only one that noticed XD

    • @Connie_TinuityError
      @Connie_TinuityError 6 лет назад +1

      Luke T you're not alone..

    • @leondroidgeeks
      @leondroidgeeks 6 лет назад +12

      I had the 3rd gen model. Why do you think it was shitty?

    • @leondroidgeeks
      @leondroidgeeks 6 лет назад

      @aengus ruane but it was also shorter 🤔

    • @mubd1234
      @mubd1234 6 лет назад +3

      Leon Schmid I owned one and I reckon it was a bit strange looking with all the unused space to the left and right of the click wheel. It really should have had the portrait display like the fourth gen one.

  • @geekliberty
    @geekliberty 14 лет назад +1

    everything you loved about the 5G nano was brought over this year to the iphone and ipod touch. the new design focuses on music lovers and fitness junkies and i think its about time we had an ipod for that group

  • @fortawesomm
    @fortawesomm 11 лет назад +75

    New iPod touch.. NANO!

    • @g.z.8495
      @g.z.8495 6 лет назад +2

      Loborithm it was an ipod shuffle with a touch screes imo

    • @Lettwill
      @Lettwill 4 года назад

      New iPod touch.... NIINOOOO!

  • @CovershotV8
    @CovershotV8 5 лет назад +1

    That was my very first iPod back on Christams 2010. Such good memories.

  • @Sbfjxkdkd
    @Sbfjxkdkd 10 лет назад +9

    2:57 when samsung has seen this, they wanted to push the first smartwatches before apple did.

  • @flopmedia
    @flopmedia 14 лет назад +2

    if you ask me, this is a huge step forward. it has the usefulness of the older nano's, but the compact size of a shuffle. really, if you were in the market for an mp3 player with video playback, you wouldnt be buying a nano anyway. even on the 5g, the screen was too small and the battery seemed insufficient to watch a full movie. for on-the-go use, this is the perfect device. easy to use, small, affordable.
    -iPod collector

  • @ahmed21888
    @ahmed21888 12 лет назад +5

    look at 2:58 when he says we can use it as watch every body laughing !
    steve jobs u are really great man

  • @flashjet21
    @flashjet21 4 года назад +2

    I used this as a watch, radio and music player in 10 years ago

  • @Smellbringer
    @Smellbringer 2 года назад +3

    He joked about using it as a watch but I remember third parties selling watch straps for this thing.

  • @HughJass368
    @HughJass368 4 года назад +2

    This is the best iPod!

  • @johnwick884
    @johnwick884 5 лет назад +295

    149$........Tim Cook would sell this for 349$ today.

    • @TechnoLadz
      @TechnoLadz 5 лет назад +20

      No, Tim would probably sell it for $99 since the iPod Touch has a lower price than $349...

    • @klausschmidt982
      @klausschmidt982 5 лет назад +11

      TechnoLadz Vlogs, Tech, Minecraft and More yeah but have you considered apple bad? Checkmate

    • @VibrantWhite
      @VibrantWhite 5 лет назад +13

      With no headphone jack

    • @Vylpes
      @Vylpes 5 лет назад

      Klaus Schmidt Opinions

    • @johnwick884
      @johnwick884 5 лет назад +5

      TechnoLadz Vlogs, Tech, Minecraft and More dude.....if there was his iPod nano still on the market, the iPod touch would cost much more.....because now the AirPods cost more than 200$...actually three is no room for a idea is just wrong. Why should the iPod cost lower than the Airpods. You don’t think business ;-)

  • @badallmann
    @badallmann 9 лет назад +1

    Just ordered one cheap with a white wristband and a matching plug for the connector. Soon ready to go running without my phone banging around in my pocket!
    ~ vintage Apple stuff ~

  • @nappitatti
    @nappitatti 14 лет назад +6

    "I can just hold down any place... oops not there" :D

  • @nmlss
    @nmlss 5 лет назад +2

    I remember when this came out and some manufacturers made straps so you could wear it like a watch.

  • @RuohongZhao
    @RuohongZhao 9 лет назад +54

    Watching this with my Apple Watch.

    • @rondox9787
      @rondox9787 9 лет назад +14

      +Ruohong Zhao watching with my toaster :)

    • @s4turn421
      @s4turn421 6 лет назад +7

      Watching with my iPod shuffle

    • @JoshH5635
      @JoshH5635 5 лет назад +2

      Watching with my Apple ifridge

    • @richardwang1007
      @richardwang1007 5 лет назад +2

      Watching this with my iCar

    • @VampLovr54
      @VampLovr54 5 лет назад +1

      Watching this with my i
      That’s it

  • @phuphamhoang798
    @phuphamhoang798 12 лет назад

    Tks steve jobs,i love the ipod nano 6th gen very much

  • @legostarwarsrulez
    @legostarwarsrulez 8 лет назад +8

    Huh, this has really held up over time. Sure it doesn't have as many features like pressure touch, video playback, etc. and it only has a max of 16 gigs storage. But it still does its job better than any other gen of iPod nano, purely because it's smaller. Not to mention you can wear it as a pseudo Apple Watch with 3rd party wristbands

    • @anusmcgee4150
      @anusmcgee4150 6 лет назад

      If it had a Spotify app it would be perfect.

  • @jayanimations494
    @jayanimations494 Год назад +1

    Man I remember the nano

  • @distantarray
    @distantarray 14 лет назад +6

    I love how he just skipped over the 3rd generation without saying a thing :)

  • @idontgetnotifiedaboutrepli2332
    @idontgetnotifiedaboutrepli2332 5 лет назад +1

    Magnificent. I wouldn’t mind using one these days.

  • @LegoSM737
    @LegoSM737 11 месяцев назад +4

    Anyone else watching this to see their iPod introduced by Steve Jobs?

    @MUDBREATHER 14 лет назад

    @4rcane the new shuffle is just the 2nd gen shuffle with features from the 3rd. people complained about how you could only use the headphones it came with, or spend 20 bucks on an adapter.

  • @juliaoropeza9791
    @juliaoropeza9791 9 лет назад +5

    My first apple product was a iPod nano 1 gen then I got the iPod touch 4 gen and now it's the nano 6 gen still have all :)

    • @gck86
      @gck86 9 лет назад

      Julia Oropeza same with me. Mine with ipod nano black first gen,ipod touch 4 gen white and ipod nano 6 gen blue.

    • @-theww1brick-848
      @-theww1brick-848 9 лет назад +1

      My first Apple product was the iPod nano 6

    • @DisneyPlayhousetv
      @DisneyPlayhousetv 9 лет назад

      +Julia Oropeza My first apple device was an iPod 5 :)

    • @user-lj4zw1rv9i
      @user-lj4zw1rv9i 8 лет назад

      Julia Oropeza first apple device was the shuffle shown there, MacBook Air 13" 2015, iPod touch 6th generation, and finally the iPad mini 2

  • @wowitskevin
    @wowitskevin 5 месяцев назад

    One of my favorite iPods

  • @LeoDeCrescenzo
    @LeoDeCrescenzo 11 лет назад +3

    Wow, that's almost unbelievable. I have one and I love it so much, so cool with the tiny touchscreen, so light and so wearable with that clip! Seriously. I think there was some serious losses from the 5th gen, but it became smaller, right? Now we have the 7th gen and it still has no camera, no speaker, no games, stupid round icons and it is too big to have a clip!

  • @turbopics
    @turbopics 5 месяцев назад

    This was my first iPod & I had the green one. I remember using this everyday during my middle school years

  • 10 лет назад +137

    First iwatch basically....

    • @aryamanmehrotra9165
      @aryamanmehrotra9165 7 лет назад +14

      Wilson Wijaya it's not iWatch.. it's Apple Watch

    • @Tj-uc5sx
      @Tj-uc5sx 7 лет назад

      Aryaman Mehrotra iwatch

    • @DDenDeeen
      @DDenDeeen 6 лет назад

      Aryaman Mehrotra iwatch, not apple watch.

    • @jarvisrinklebaker5450
      @jarvisrinklebaker5450 6 лет назад +7

      Wilson Wijaya it’s Apple Watch you troglodyte.

    • @MOSCA487
      @MOSCA487 5 лет назад +1


  • @prodevus
    @prodevus 2 года назад +2

    I totally forgot this particular iPod even existed. Isn’t the Apple Watch just an iPod Nano with a wrist strap?

  • @louise4053
    @louise4053 10 лет назад +5

    This technology just boggles the mind. Steve J. made nothing seem impossible.

    • @jalene150
      @jalene150 6 лет назад

      just joan I know this is an old comment, but why did you abbreviate his last name. It was only two more letters and everything else is full length.

  • @leart78
    @leart78 5 лет назад

    Miss those days.. now its everything to much..

  • @headl0ng
    @headl0ng 7 лет назад +5

    2:56 Listen reaction about using iPod as a watch. Now they buy it)

  • @mofomo6209
    @mofomo6209 5 лет назад

    Too ahead of its time!

  • @JoseBarriosPika
    @JoseBarriosPika 10 лет назад +8

    Apple should have turned this generation of the nano into the "Apple Watch". It seemed like it would have been perfectly made for a watch. I don't know why they discontinued this generation. They should have at least brought it back as the Apple Watch.

    • @faizanjoyia
      @faizanjoyia 6 лет назад +2

      Jose Barrios they did doesn't the Apple Watch look similar and That was the reason to change the design it was Secret Apple Watch prototype

    • @VampLovr54
      @VampLovr54 6 лет назад +1

      The watch can’t even play MUSIC. I like it and all, but music’s kinda necessary...

  • @shahbaba8450
    @shahbaba8450 4 года назад +1


  • @happyliferay
    @happyliferay 5 лет назад +6

    I feel like this happened not so long ago... not 8 years ago time goes fast

  • @sebastian221983
    @sebastian221983 Год назад +2

    Is there any device right now in the market similar to this ipod? Because sometimes i´ve only want to listen music without any distraction.

  • @doubledecaf6938
    @doubledecaf6938 5 лет назад +6

    I still use this thing as my “Apple Watch” because I’m too broke for a real one

  • @GreenRupee
    @GreenRupee 13 лет назад +1

    he should of mentioned the live pause on the radio, brilliant feature

  • @rainfordays855
    @rainfordays855 8 лет назад +11

    Yet this is still independent from the iPhone...

  • @Vvvvtfgh25566
    @Vvvvtfgh25566 4 года назад +1

    Tim’s Apple is a company, but Steve’s Apple is a magic

  • @platoze
    @platoze 11 лет назад +6

    5:53 New iPod touch

  • @Daan7000
    @Daan7000 13 лет назад

    @YuiHirasawa100 i think it will be just a cable with headphones and you can see the touchscreen in the air whenever you want.

  • @petergriffinwithoutface802
    @petergriffinwithoutface802 5 лет назад +7

    Why did everyone look unimpressed when it was revealed 😂

    • @blue-ck9ns
      @blue-ck9ns 3 года назад +1

      Because the 5th gen was better in every way

  • @MxChloeB42
    @MxChloeB42 14 лет назад

    An even bigger screen
    and an even bigger screen
    and then we made it the smallest EVER! Because that just makes SENSE...You know what I think i'm switching to Zune

  • @goldbaker94
    @goldbaker94 9 лет назад +3

    watching this on my iPhone 13s

  • @RennieAsh
    @RennieAsh 2 года назад +1

    The Fifth Gen, which had a larger screen, a video camera, microphone, video playback and our iconic clickwheel.
    So how did we improve that?
    We removed all those features.
    I do like the format, but they did also remove a lot of features and never returned them ;p

  • @isaiahwallace05
    @isaiahwallace05 5 лет назад +11

    just me or does it look like an apple watch if it was designed in 2008?

  • @ShadowLinkxMaster
    @ShadowLinkxMaster 3 года назад +2

    Everyone's talking about how this Nano was a predecessor to the Apple Watch, but this Nano also didn't have a home button! The swipe to go home feature predated the iPhone X by 7 years.

  • @michaelwu5086
    @michaelwu5086 6 лет назад +9

    Apple Watch v0.1

    • @faizanjoyia
      @faizanjoyia 6 лет назад

      Michael Wu That was the reason to change the design it was Secret Apple Watch prototype

  • @thedecmyster1
    @thedecmyster1 13 лет назад

    got one of these for a birthday present last week, love it, great for the gym

  • @jeromeselleslag3311
    @jeromeselleslag3311 5 лет назад +3

    it's very tiny

  • @Edoardocan
    @Edoardocan 14 лет назад


  • @firestorm780
    @firestorm780 2 года назад +3


  • @missdelad.deladela7748
    @missdelad.deladela7748 4 года назад +1

    I wish it is 2010 when he is still alive!!!

  • @osamaFXX
    @osamaFXX 10 лет назад +4

    The least successful Nano in Apple history.

    • @will_it_work
      @will_it_work 7 лет назад +1

      Uh, hardly. It was made for 2 years. Most nanos were made for 1 year before vanishing.

  • @DaBeastGamesYT
    @DaBeastGamesYT 12 лет назад +1

    Rest in peaces Steve, we all miss you

  • @DisneyPlayhousetv
    @DisneyPlayhousetv 9 лет назад +116

    The worst decision apple made, removing the camera,speaker,microphone,click wheel, those beautiful colors just killed the iPod nano

    • @will_it_work
      @will_it_work 7 лет назад +4


    • @JuanFuentes8492
      @JuanFuentes8492 7 лет назад +8

      Poor Steve....back then he was so convinced that making things smaller and thinner was the way to go....totally WRONG decision. That is exactly the reason Samsung was so appealing to many with their larger screens and took full advantage of it. That tiny Nano with laughable features and specs was a joke.

    • @kurikuraconkuritas
      @kurikuraconkuritas 7 лет назад +3

      Juan Fuentes it polarized nano users. but it kinda paved the way to the apple watch

    • @jamesbaker1392
      @jamesbaker1392 7 лет назад +5

      This was the worst one. After the third gen they started going down hill imo. 3rd gen felt like a mini iPod classic which was what I think they were going for and I loved, 4th and 5th gen felt like toys. Then this crap, it's not what the nano was meant to be. The nano was supposed to be a smaller flash drive version of the iPod classic.

    • @will_it_work
      @will_it_work 7 лет назад +2

      Wrong. 6th ruled!

  • @megamatt1915
    @megamatt1915 6 лет назад

    Loved this device. Wish it lasted longer.

  • @MichaelM28
    @MichaelM28 9 лет назад +4

    They definitely made it smaller, but certainly not better. Much worse in fact

    • @Nathan-mv2me
      @Nathan-mv2me 8 лет назад +4

      They took risks to see if people would like Apple Watch beta

  • @h4x0y
    @h4x0y 14 лет назад +2

    just saw the keynote of the original nano: they called it small, 14h battery (24 now), $249 for 4GB, $199 for 2GB... incredible difference.