Thank you Anita and Alex for sharing beautiful architecture again... Yes, they protect traditional architecture by preserving and extensively renovating it instead of demolishing and rebuilding. Architecture also represents a part of a country's history and culture. Once it is destroyed, it is gone forever. Therefore, those architects, craftsmen, workers, etc. should be respected for their achievements.
💓🌷Just at the sight of those red leaves climbing to the exterior of this Chateau Montvillargenne, I fell in love🩷…..What a beautiful sight…..🎀like a fairy tale…..Thanks Anita🌷💓
進入城堡,仿如走入時光隧道,體驗一下皇室貴族生活,寒冷天氣下的一個休閒的下午,大家圍爐坐著,閒話家常,偶爾呷一囗伯爵茶,,細嚼慢嚥滿滿牛油味的曲奇餅乾,音樂繼而響起,坐在各位跟著聞歌起舞,舞姿搖曳…. 謝謝婉華分享,百聞不如一見❤❤❤
Thank you Anita and Alex for sharing beautiful architecture again...
Yes, they protect traditional architecture by preserving and extensively renovating it instead of demolishing and rebuilding. Architecture also represents a part of a country's history and culture. Once it is destroyed, it is gone forever. Therefore, those architects, craftsmen, workers, etc. should be respected for their achievements.
這才是一個真正大廳俱備的大火爐,仿如貴族坐在火爐旁互相暢談一番,別有一番感受,一大樂事也。多謝Alex 介绍同婉華分享。
感謝🙏漂亮婉華同 Alex 分享旅遊靚景🎉🎉🎉
💓🌷Just at the sight of those red leaves climbing to the exterior of this Chateau Montvillargenne, I fell in love🩷…..What a beautiful sight…..🎀like a fairy tale…..Thanks Anita🌷💓
Hi Anita 好,介紹法國的宮堡式建築,🈶️Alex旁述歷史過程,認識到法國的文化特色,Anita 的旅遊節目給粉絲們大開眼界,謝謝妳們的分享👏👏
Thank you Thomas
Thank you Anita show us nice view of the Old Castle in France❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
🥰感謝分享🙏👍 好靚😃👏👏👏
一生人能入住一次古堡,已經好幸福了🥰好有特色,又雅緻,真令人神往!!!🎉多謝婉華Alex 分享❤
Thank you Anita and Alex for showing us this beautiful castle
Our pleasure!
歐洲嘅建築物經過咁多年都可以保存得好似十年八載真係要向建築同設計師致敬👍👍真係好似童話故事置身於現場💜婉華🥳Chill Chill Holiday Alex有幸參加今次法國深度遊嘅團友們🥳好羨慕你哋🤗🤗
好靚呀,多謝婉,Alex 的分享,辛苦晒
💓🌷The pair of stone lions reminds me of the HSBC Headquarter at Queen Road, Central…..loving it🩷🌷💓
Great to watch Castle Hotel, I want to try too, thanks Anita for sharing! ❤
You’re welcome 😊
今次婉華小姐和Alex帶觀眾到法國貴族大古堡,现在這是一間古堡酒店, 外貌完全保留,內裡保留舊有物加上方便的設施,有餐廳也有升降機, 其中的廳的古老沙化,那些玻璃及圍欄是舊有很有歷史真是美麗手工藝術品,到了內裡居住會感覺自己尤如公主皇后, 多謝婉華分享這些美好給大家,
In gouvieux, about one hour drive from Eiffel Tower
1:00 = "ROTHSCHILD Family" 絕對正確 !
🎉 Merry christmas🌲🎅
Merry Christmas 🎄🎉🎊🎅