Drama Time - The Green Druid

  • Опубликовано: 6 янв 2025

Комментарии •

  • @CuthiePatootie
    @CuthiePatootie 6 лет назад +33

    Omg, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
    "Even the coke guys are on Heroic" and I fuckin lost it.

  • @EnoshII
    @EnoshII 6 лет назад +15

    "even the coke guys are doing heroic"
    I'm dying

  • @travisrezamand908
    @travisrezamand908 6 лет назад +22

    siiiick, time to get levelling with this on in background

  • @monsutahanta6576
    @monsutahanta6576 6 лет назад +13

    Starts at 10:32

  • @nevermore3928
    @nevermore3928 6 лет назад +9

    I loved that story "The Greenest of Druids" I think we have all at some point experienced the corpse hop/run from hell. I remember getting stuck in a fatigued waters corpse run trying to make it to the NE starting area as a horde... I was probably lvl 20, what on earth did I think was going to happen when I got over there?!?!

    • @zechsblack5891
      @zechsblack5891 5 лет назад +1

      My friend and I didn't understand was razorfen maw and it's similar area were.... Prob level 14...
      Resed until naked and broke..

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад +2

    Noobiest thing I did is when I started playing and didn't know what "threat" was. I had never played an MMO before, and heck most games back then didn't have AI players playing with you. Games like StarCraft aggro was decided based on proximity. So I thought "threat" meant more likely to critical strike. I also didn't really understand how movement in combat worked.
    So queue me, playing a hunter. I get concussive shot, and I use it to get an extra auto-shot before I'm in melee range. This continues after I get my pet. I figure that "threat" is less important than damage, so I turn growl off so my pet can use more bites or claws. This means my pet is basically a dot and I'm still using concussive shot to slow the enemy down enough to get an extra auto-shot or maybe even arcane-shot in.
    Once I figured out how to use my pet properly the game opened up to me. Same thing again when I figured out how to kite. In fact, some of my favorite WoW moments were kiting something 10+ levels above me, or watching players solo raid trash due to their kiting skills. Things like the Rogue in WotLK that solo'd patchwerk or the Rogue that tanked a 5-man run of Gruul in TBC, because they were both at 100%+ dodge, those were fun. The game's lost a lot of those, if you ask me.

  • @Xarca
    @Xarca 6 лет назад +2

    That last one gave me so many flashbacks. Back when I played a trial account I made a Druid. I knew enough to make flight points luckily. But that whole story just gave me happy memories.

  • @tylercaudill1897
    @tylercaudill1897 6 лет назад +15

    lmao "even the coke guys are doing heroic...and they’re on drugs"

  • @Egalia_1
    @Egalia_1 6 лет назад +48

    I need a forum man shirt, his hands filled with personal loot

  • @jes1636
    @jes1636 6 лет назад +54

    Asmongold reacts to "Drama Time - The Green Druid"

  • @Jognt
    @Jognt 6 лет назад +1

    That greenest druid story reminds me of my first venture into WoW...
    As a new Night Elf Rogue my friend told me to come to him in Stormwind. Which I did.... Via Ratchet & Stranglethorn Vale as a level ~5.
    It took me hours to pass through all the zones, died countless times, but eventually made it (

  • @bakerbros.109
    @bakerbros.109 6 лет назад +1

    Super dope that Blizz is hooking you guys up. Keep up the good work mates!

  • @Sanderable511
    @Sanderable511 6 лет назад +1

    That last story killed me! I did a very similar thing on my first character, which was also a druid. I did it through the Badlands, Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes to get to Stormwind, because I did not know where the Deeprun Tram was. xD

  • @niklaswidmark909
    @niklaswidmark909 6 лет назад +23

    Average ilvl 950 and 2/11 normal??? Bloody hell... I mean Im a pretty mediocre raider but thats just insane... Maybe they should try raiding on coke, that seems to work for those other guys.

  • @PennyAfNorberg
    @PennyAfNorberg 6 лет назад +1

    When fishing (i think) in 2.1 as a priest at lvl 20-30 something in artati highland i meet a level 5? nightelf, who had run for a bit.

  • @davidmarazita4913
    @davidmarazita4913 6 лет назад

    Thank you Preach for this video!! You have made my life so much better

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад +2

    37:40 that's what I miss about old WoW, and what I miss about playing WoW with bad guilds. Beating bosses felt like an accomplishment. Not a gimme.

  • @Mrmigo8703
    @Mrmigo8703 6 лет назад

    I haven't watched in a while now, but after seeing this I am going to go back and watch what I missed.

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад

    Speaking of slow loot systems...in WotLK, we had a guild that was basically the best 25-man guild on the realm, but couldn't quite hack it in Heroic ICC. We ended up merging with a 10-man guild that was pretty far progressed through ICC 10H, so we could get further in 25 and so they could get 25-man gear to clear out LK 10H. The guild I was in used Loot Council as our loot system.
    My best friend and I were both officers and usually tried to cast our vote based on a combination of the player's class, availability, skill, and how big an upgrade the item is. We saw Loot Council as a way to distribute items to best benefit the raid (where DKP is to reward attendance and accomplishments, and random rolls are the most objectively fair way to run a loot system). Some of the other officers I think tried to do this, others treated it more as a popularity contest.
    However, one of the officers from the old guild was worried about how loot would be distributed, so we had a meeting during the merger to discuss it. He was worried about the officers from the two guilds only voting for their members. When I assured him my friend and I would vote based on the biggest increase to the guild and who can use the item best, his attitude was that he's the highest DPS, so if it's about who can use the gear best, he should get all the loot he wants. We ended up "agreeing" that the most fair way to distribute loot would be to use who has least recently received gear as the primary deciding factor. So if John and Mary both want loot, and John got something last week and Mary's been waiting for 2 months for an item, then Mary will get the loot.
    For anyone who knows anything about loot systems, you would think "oh, that's DSK." For those who don't know, Drunken Suicide Kings (or DSK) was a loot system done by an addon, in which every player is randomly sorted at the start into a queue. When multiple players want an item, the person first in line gets it, and then gets moved to the back of the line. So if John is #29 and Mary is #2 in the queue of 40 people, and both want a piece of gear, then Mary gets it, but after getting the item jumps back to #40. John jumps up to #28 as most people move up a spot to fill the void left by Mary at #2.
    Now, this is essentially what we were doing. But did we use DSK? No. Our GM was adamant that we used Loot Council in our guild, so we are still using Loot Council. However, after the merger, our Loot Council meetings would basically go like this:
    GM: Ok, Item #1 dropped. Who wants it?
    (Several people cast their interest, and we move to an officer channel to do Loot Council)
    Merger Officer: Well, of the six people who want it, Dan got something 2 weeks ago, John got something last week, Mary hasn't gotten something in...gosh, 2 months. Uh, Ryan got something 3 weeks ago, Sarah also got something last week, and Brian got something 5 weeks ago.
    GM: So who should get it?
    Me: Well, I know Brian and Mary have both been waiting for a long time for an upgrade, but this item doesn't have any armor penetration on it, which is what Mary needs. I think this would be much better for Brian.
    Merger Officer: But he got something more recent than Mary did.
    My Friend: They've both been waiting a long time, so we should give it to the one who it makes more sense for her class.
    GM: Well, Merger Officer is right, Mary's been waiting longer. (Brings us all back into the Raid Channel). Congratulations, Mary!
    This was about a 3-4 minute conversation for every piece of gear, in which the answer was always "who has gone longest without getting loot". The Merger Officer had to keep meticulous notes on who got what and when in order for this system to function. And what was once a "Loot Council" has devolved into our GM being the Master Looter, who defers all loot decisions to the recency chart run by Merger Officer. The rest of the Officers could speak, but any objections we had to the system and it's hard-defined rules were overruled by the GM, because we established a rule that recency is our primary focus.
    Yet, every time I said "we're basically doing DSK, why don't we just move to that officially and use the addon to make this take 10 seconds instead of 5 minutes for every item", my GM would say "but we don't use DSK in this guild. We use Loot Council."

  • @KollectingKaos
    @KollectingKaos 6 лет назад +2

    The Geenest of Druids, might be one of the greatest WoW stories ever told

  • @Sundoo17
    @Sundoo17 5 лет назад +1

    "Treebeard McTwinkcuck"
    Oh god my sides, the dude who shared that story was hilarious

  • @CM-is4ug
    @CM-is4ug 6 лет назад +1

    I've been running with a group like Brittani's... maybe not quite so dysfunctional. Most got a late start or can't commit to regular raid times. (Myself included) We've come along way, meters have improved alot, now working on heroic, etc. It's a different kind of progression, with good people.

  • @dadoboogins7833
    @dadoboogins7833 6 лет назад

    Thanks again for these. They are great.

  • @KazumiKiguma
    @KazumiKiguma 6 лет назад +1

    Wait, in the druid story, didn't he say he had to go into the barrens to find a moonkin for the bear quest and then teleported back there to turn it in? How'd he get to barrens from Moonglade if his story is about not knowing how to get out after turning in the quest?

  • @Reeno21
    @Reeno21 6 лет назад

    I love you videos man, I need to send you my drama time story soon. Damn Pandaria.

  • @RobzdaBlade
    @RobzdaBlade 6 лет назад +1

    19:52 I couldn't help but laugh at this part. "Gentleman to gentleman, Squire to Squire." lmfao

  • @Mystico1600
    @Mystico1600 6 лет назад +3

    I knew you were going to say GreenWall right away. CtR has been using it to connect our 10 guilds for years.

    • @maggimaster
      @maggimaster 6 лет назад

      Sam Boyd of course after all how else could versa spread his witty bants

  • @RX93Custom
    @RX93Custom 6 лет назад +3

    First thing I thought when he pulled out the medium hoodie was lol personal loot

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад

    13:45 love the green screen effect on the Monster logo.

  • @kittra2682
    @kittra2682 6 лет назад

    There is a guild on Moonguard that is up to either 5 or 6 guilds that use that greenwall addon. When the latest one fills up they make a new one.

    • @faelirra
      @faelirra 6 лет назад

      We have a cross faction guild on MG (1h 1a) yet we outright refuse to use that addon.

  • @dusk1947
    @dusk1947 6 лет назад +1

    Sleep "pattern"... what is this concept?
    Between the wired healing team and that amazing Antorus run, this is one of the best ones I've watched.

  • @cashnelson2306
    @cashnelson2306 6 лет назад +1

    I mean, at this point in the expansion it *is* kinda tough for a new player to learn shit from the speed runs everyone does in heroic LFD

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад +1

    That sounded like a cesspool guild, not a toxic guild. It sounded like people are nice in there, just not very good.

  • @ralverto
    @ralverto 6 лет назад

    With the saint of the toxic guild it reminded me of myself back when this girl was doing ulduar and needed my help in 3.3.5. She was pretty chill and i thought i could have my chance for some pooon as preach said and willingly went to help her with ulduar with pugs... my mental health got worse thanks to that

  • @Gamerszo
    @Gamerszo 6 лет назад

    oh please I was even a bigger druid in vanilla. I started playing WoW with a friend of mine, he chose a human rogue and I thought well i dont want to have a boring character. So it took me around 30 min to choose one, I looked at every classes lore and i found that druids were the most awesome class. (malfurion crush). A being that could shapeshift into many creatures and able to harnes the power of nature, who doesnt want to be that, plus night elfs are awesome. So I started lvling my druid and got my druid forms cat, bear and sealion, I was thrilled when i got them, thinking no1 can stop me now, im like malfurion and i wanted to show off to my friend who was also a newb and in stormwind. So I asked him him where he was, he replied with at the main continent, but being in darnassas and not knowing how to get to the so called main continent I started swimming from darnassus to the main continent. It took me quite a while and died so many times, then I finally arrived at darkshore and thought well i must be close at stormwind. But I still couldnt find him, so i suggested lets party up (did some research), and i saw that I actually swam a small bit and that there were 2 continents. and guess what, he was in eastern kingdoms, so i did some research and found out you had to take a boat in the barrens (ratchet). So, me being an idiot, I started walking all the way to ratchet, but not without getting lost and first arriving in winterspring/ferales/and other places which i dont know anymore since that was almost like 13 years ago. (13 year old kid). The reason i got lost was because sometimes when you looked at the map you got the impression you could skip a part and sometimes I got curious. so after that i arrived in the horrifying stranglethorn vale and awoken the cockroaches namely the horde. I honestly didnt knew why in the world were they ganking me, It literally took my hours to reach duskwood because I was getting pwned EVERY SINGLE STEP THAT I MADE. If it wasnt a wanker of a horde player that killed me then it would have been the monsters and beast. Eventually after hours I finally reached my friend and told him to eat shit because I had been doing that for hours. The stranglethorn experrience led me to hate the horde with every fiber in my body and i still do. ( but i dont gank noobs).

  • @caiuslennary8671
    @caiuslennary8671 6 лет назад

    My guild starts raiding at 8. By 7:58 we're standing at the boss texting the absent people asking where they are.

  • @ronibopshop
    @ronibopshop 6 лет назад

    US Kirin Tor is a normal realm that used to have quite a few RPers for some reason. I've been on it since I started the game in Vanilla because that's where my friend played and I'm still there :)

  • @shioya7570
    @shioya7570 6 лет назад

    This isn't Drama Time.. This is "Horror Stories of WoW with Preach"

  • @Jolarwar
    @Jolarwar 4 года назад

    Drama time starts at 10:30

  • @xplicitmike
    @xplicitmike 6 лет назад

    How do I submit a drama time story? I got some chock full of cringe and chest pounding laughter!

  • @gearhead417
    @gearhead417 6 лет назад +3

    not gonna lie I was super excited about getting bear form back in wrath

  • @IcelandicFarmer1994
    @IcelandicFarmer1994 6 лет назад

    The last story was amazing ^^ The progress one was just plain sad :(

  • @Riplee86
    @Riplee86 6 лет назад +3

    *Saint of the Toxic Guild* Jesus, and I thought my first guild was garbage.

    • @xyxxyyxx
      @xyxxyyxx 6 лет назад

      Riplee same and we had to sort out our guild lead to get past kin'garoth

  • @Novacog
    @Novacog 6 лет назад

    I use to be in a much..much larger guild that used greenwall, got confusing if your version didnt update.. They had alot more than 4 sub guilds. So imagine that chaos.

  • @MoseTM
    @MoseTM 6 лет назад

    Pre Cata right here :) Started in the 60's ;) sorry i missed the stream dude! Keep it up BALLER

  • @XanderCottrell
    @XanderCottrell 6 лет назад

    the trick is to do the corpse run twice once to unlock the graveyard and a second to actually rez there

  • @Gardardarri
    @Gardardarri 6 лет назад

    Wait what happent to that depressing video I am so curious.

  • @jakewright1932
    @jakewright1932 5 лет назад

    Props to Britney, calm and cool all throughout.

  • @trevenyeager18
    @trevenyeager18 6 лет назад

    "Sweet mother of Josus" - Preach 2018

  • @FlesHBoX
    @FlesHBoX 6 лет назад

    To be fair, high command can suck your mana... That being said, I solo healed half of high command normal (alt run) on a 916-918 ish holy priest when the other healer decided to cheekily jump in the pods

  • @ZombieSlayerTakashi
    @ZombieSlayerTakashi 6 лет назад

    That second story just proves that the level of bad wow players knows no bounds.

  • @JefferyBlue
    @JefferyBlue 6 лет назад +2

    I'm pretty sure the guild at the end is on my server. There are 3 guilds with the name Old Folks Home. 1 on Kultiris and 2 on my server (Dalaran). On Dalaran they have Old Folks Home one and Two. I'm afraid to look any further into this.

    • @puppetface7827
      @puppetface7827 6 лет назад +2

      You're 100% on the mark. raided with them and actually know the author of the story who sent it in.

    • @JefferyBlue
      @JefferyBlue 6 лет назад

      I think the fact that I was right scared me more than my theory. Damn. Glad I'm in a guild and don't have a need for the pug world any more. HAHAHAHA

    • @puppetface7827
      @puppetface7827 6 лет назад

      The author of the story is kinda alittle highstrung, they're like a shit ton of old people that just recently cleared normal argus for the first time. and the guy gets frusterated with them but never leaves or misses a raid date.

    • @faveology
      @faveology 6 лет назад

      Ya Boy Blue I thought he made up guild names though? To protect privacy

    • @puppetface7827
      @puppetface7827 6 лет назад

      He said something like old people home, guild name is old folks home on dalaran. they have an ally side guild, and a guild for their kids called young folks home. i raid with them actually from time to time just because they're fun to hang around, very nice people, but very slow to pick up and preform mechanics. they cleared normal, killed heroic World breaker, and had a guildie from my server give them a skip to H argus, they had a 11/12% pull about 4 times. they were unable to get Birb before end of expack though.

  • @danielskrivan6921
    @danielskrivan6921 6 лет назад

    3 dungeons in Barrens - WC, RFK, RFD.

  • @sharebär91
    @sharebär91 6 лет назад

    where to see the webshow?

  • @Nyarlarthotep9
    @Nyarlarthotep9 6 лет назад

    I have to say for as much as I cringed during story 2. When they downed the dogs and heard about them behaving like they'd downed mythic Argus. I let out an audible "awwwwwwwww." It's funny, I had a tauren druid alt. I knew the original 4 classes druid, hunter, shaman, warrior. But I do not remember any of my shapesifting quests. I have such vivid memories of my warlock demons quests. But the only thing I remember from my vanilla druid was my forms all had horns, and the hype I had when I first got tranquility, for the time that spell looked bis.

  • @enlightendbel
    @enlightendbel 5 лет назад

    Well, that must have been some top tier prime grade vajajaj for that guy to go through all that.

  • @Tamen98
    @Tamen98 6 лет назад

    I don't get why the twitch address in the description isn't a link

  • @23Kerber
    @23Kerber 6 лет назад +14

    The moment you start using drugs to solve problems, you start creating bigger ones. If you are going to do drugs, keep is recreational, do research, and understand the substance you are taking.

    • @23Kerber
      @23Kerber 6 лет назад

      Max W I didn't say "Don't do drugs" I said don't use them to solve problems :P.

    • @rachael3533
      @rachael3533 6 лет назад

      23Kerber I smoke weed before work on lunch and when I get home and work on personal projects. Weed helps me solve complex problems programmatically due to letting me think outside the box easier.
      I literally use weed to solve problems every day

    • @23Kerber
      @23Kerber 6 лет назад

      I meant more along the lines of harder drugs (Coke, Meth, etc). Weed, Acid, etc aren't necessarily physiologically addictive and have moot adverse health affects.

    • @23Kerber
      @23Kerber 6 лет назад

      WildCard2281 Toxicology Nerds. It's a really cool field! I strongly recommend it if you like biology.

    • @MeanOldLady
      @MeanOldLady 6 лет назад +2

      Problem detected here: "If you are going to do drugs..."
      Just don't even start. It's not even worth it unless you're a cancer patient...

  • @Ollyknolly
    @Ollyknolly 6 лет назад

    Lads, do you remember the title of the Drama Time in which that pvp dude moved in with some chick at the westcoast, she bought him tons of shit and all he wanted to do was playing 2v2, 3v3 and pvp in general :D would be awesome if one of you beautiful humans remember it :D

  • @asbjrnandersen768
    @asbjrnandersen768 6 лет назад

    The Greenest of Druids takes me back haha

  • @TehBull91
    @TehBull91 6 лет назад +1

    hes a gilf hunter

  • @AKRenlor
    @AKRenlor 6 лет назад

    Two of my Favorite streamers are in UK, and i'm UTC -9, so streaming happens while I'm at work most of the time. Feels bad man :(

  • @FroggerbobT
    @FroggerbobT 6 лет назад +10

    Hmm, US guild, called something about old people, can't raid for crap... I think that's the end-of-legion guild I'm in now.
    There's a guy in the guild who gets mad at me all the time because he can't possibly finish leveling anything before BfA - his highest is a 68 monk WITH LOOMS.

    • @JohnDoe-gu7eh
      @JohnDoe-gu7eh 6 лет назад

      also a peak of serenity buff too that gives extra exp bonus daily till level 80-85 I believe

  • @Drakshl
    @Drakshl 5 лет назад

    The easier dungeon difficulties are fucking useless because everything just gets zerged down and you don't see any mechanics

  • @scroom1202
    @scroom1202 6 лет назад

    As a born and breed Coloradan, this man does not represent the mid-west. GO TRISTFALL!

  • @therightway7567
    @therightway7567 6 лет назад

    Whats the rant hes talking about about?

  • @rivkaewinters2974
    @rivkaewinters2974 6 лет назад

    Why would prydaz be required????? I remember when it was shit, and during progression, I didn't even wear it so I could have double priest artifacts

    • @puppetface7827
      @puppetface7827 6 лет назад

      Raided with the guild in question and know the RL, she was apart of our heroic team on another server, she left to her fiancée's guild and ended up RL for having 11/11H progression, during learning a fight/idiots who kept dieing, we'd force them to put on pydaz. she brought that over to the extreme for her guild.

    • @rivkaewinters2974
      @rivkaewinters2974 6 лет назад


  • @tblighting112
    @tblighting112 6 лет назад

    At 55:00 preach just starts shitting on everything this kid holds dear. 😂

  • @Alyssthecrow
    @Alyssthecrow 6 лет назад

    That poon debuff is pretty fucking strong.

  • @Ben-vb2us
    @Ben-vb2us 6 лет назад

    Anyone know when he actually streams this on twitch? Every time I check, he's always hosting some random person

    • @EvOxDrama
      @EvOxDrama 6 лет назад

      ben higgins it’s usually Friday and if you get phone updates he labels it THE TIME IS NOW or something

  • @McfcxEz
    @McfcxEz 6 лет назад

    They do 12 hours of heroic progression? I hope this is the beginning of the tier...

  • @maggimaster
    @maggimaster 6 лет назад

    Preachcon has risen...tanacon should have taken notes

  • @connerestoda2733
    @connerestoda2733 6 лет назад

    So why is Preach upset? He hasn't posted the video yet.

  • @synergi333
    @synergi333 6 лет назад

    23:12 "MoFo in four at once" lmfao!!!!!!!!

  • @Paragon_1111
    @Paragon_1111 6 лет назад

    100% id expect nothing less from the Brummies to be bumping gear in raids.

  • @GrizzlyGaming
    @GrizzlyGaming 6 лет назад

    I fucking love you preach

  • @HonorBoundBurus
    @HonorBoundBurus 6 лет назад

    how in the actual F did that guy manage to stay with that guild as long as he did without going completely insane? like damn

    • @GrowlingRB24
      @GrowlingRB24 6 лет назад

      The thirst for poon is strong in that one.

  • @boilingatoms5212
    @boilingatoms5212 6 лет назад

    shop does not work

  • @fallgore7938
    @fallgore7938 6 лет назад

    i wish i could afford to go to preach con

  • @faelirra
    @faelirra 6 лет назад

    Poor Mike had to go really serious at 20 minutes.

  • @35k31-t4q
    @35k31-t4q 6 лет назад

    Muh Drama Friday! Awesomeeeee!

  • @scroom1202
    @scroom1202 4 года назад

    These people who want all the players to have a safe place to talk without factions are part of the problem.

  • @jmoman5356
    @jmoman5356 4 года назад

    I don’t remember the last time I got 8 hours of sleep lol.

  • @8bittyRae
    @8bittyRae 6 лет назад

    This... This hurt my soul.

  • @Paragon_1111
    @Paragon_1111 6 лет назад

    looooool bumping coke in-between wipes.... thats so expensive.

  • @glenndiddy
    @glenndiddy 6 лет назад

    I've actually come across a warlock wearing prydaz because it was BiS for him. . . I dunno man it happens...

  • @ciaomamabella
    @ciaomamabella 6 лет назад +1

    SirSheepAlot 😆🤔

  • @Zutraxi
    @Zutraxi 6 лет назад

    4 hours 3 days a week = only heroic progress team O.o I would quit that group now XD we were duing mythic progress 4/11 antorus with 6 hours a week and ended on 9 hours a week for killing the last 5. Just saying 12 hours is a lot of freaking time.

  • @MasterZero99
    @MasterZero99 6 лет назад

    Tell Ghosty I got a new Division 2 t-shirt!!! =D

  • @allanholm3925
    @allanholm3925 6 лет назад

    raiding on cocaine those guys minds have had to be running wild while they tried to do simple shit in game hahaha

  • @trisial6997
    @trisial6997 6 лет назад

    a few carries above 960..........

  • @Aegishand
    @Aegishand 4 года назад

    Bro Tauren Master race !

  • @thed4rkhu7er
    @thed4rkhu7er 6 лет назад

    I just got WoW and a 110 character boosted from 60 and I can do mythic 0 no problem

  • @Dantarn
    @Dantarn 6 лет назад +1

    Feel bad for the subs that wanna support preach and DWB but don't wanna support GDQ

  • @puresinn6996
    @puresinn6996 3 года назад

    Dirt and Road my lad, sounds just like kansas to me. Lmfao

  • @bojnebojnebojne
    @bojnebojnebojne 6 лет назад

    Hahaha Forum Man!! Nerds unite!! We have our own super hero :D

  • @happyderpface
    @happyderpface 6 лет назад

    Yikes rolling on personal loot

  • @Willowplesure
    @Willowplesure 6 лет назад

    "i play since vanilla" - doesn't mean you don't suck =P

  • @childofodin1069
    @childofodin1069 6 лет назад

    the first name czync look at how it'd really be pronounced Czech is pronounced like check ync is pronounced like ink so ch-ink kinda fucked up huh

  • @Malchemy.
    @Malchemy. 6 лет назад

    Wait, people play WoW _without_ coke?