Crochet Strawberry Bag Charm 🍓 | Crochet Strawberry Pouch Beginner Friendly! 🍓

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 244

  • @jessicagonzales4382
    @jessicagonzales4382 Год назад +247

    Just started crocheting 2 days ago and this is the first thing ive made took me 5 hours but couldn’t have done it without your great guidance thank you so much!!

    • @ooshanka
      @ooshanka 11 месяцев назад +3

      Bro same it took me 5 hrs

    • @VSfashion_00
      @VSfashion_00 Месяц назад

      Yo lo hice como en 2 horas, y tuve muchos errores que los repetía. 😊

  • @purgatoryeve
    @purgatoryeve Год назад +20

    This tutorial is very great! One of my favorites so far! The quickest thing ive made so far in my one week of learning to crochet! ♡

  • @micaellasantos4784
    @micaellasantos4784 Год назад +12

    i love crochet items that don't do slip stitch! it's so much cleaner and doesn't confuse me in counting stitches. thank you. love this!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, you're welcome! glad you loved it 🥰💕

  • @operettabominable
    @operettabominable Год назад +41

    I watched all the videos on RUclips for this little bag charm but they are always confusing, this one it's the best, it helped me a lot thank you very much for the video 😊

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      hi, thank you so much 🥰 really happy to hear that, happy crocheting ❤️

  • @canyoustakemyheart
    @canyoustakemyheart Год назад +7

    so adorable!!! im very happy bc I started crocheting this month and this bag charm is the third thing ive made, i spent like three hours on it and it was sooo therapeutic! im super excited to gift my gf this strawberry

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      hi, glad to hear that you had a great time crocheting it! and I'm sure she's gonna love it!

  • @thatrandomamazingperson4119
    @thatrandomamazingperson4119 5 месяцев назад +2

    I made this in one afternoon and it’s adorable!! for size comparison it fits a small sylvanian family baby!!

  • @Paula-hr1tu
    @Paula-hr1tu Месяц назад +1

    I made one to use as a pouch for my AVON strawberry 🍓.
    I added one more row of single crochet at the end and used a 3.5 mm hook with 6ply cotton yarn.
    It was perfect 🍓💖

  • @mayceedebolt8852
    @mayceedebolt8852 Год назад +7

    thank you so much for this tutorial! It took me a little bit to understand what everything meant, but i figured it out and now I have to cutest little strawberry! I will definitely be making more 🫶🫶

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      hii, you're very welcome! I'm glad that it helped, happy crocheting 🥰💕

  • @jazmingarcia5346
    @jazmingarcia5346 2 дня назад

    Muchas gracias por el tutorial, fui capaz de hacerlo a la primera.

  • @got7jjai
    @got7jjai Год назад +25

    I am super new to crocheting and I made this yesterday! I am absolutely in LOVE with this!!!! Your tutorial was super easy to follow. I also added some strawberry seeds with white yarn and a needle and it looks soo adorable. I am so excited for more tutorials from you. For now, thank you so much for the this. I can’t wait to make more and gift it to my loved ones 💗🍓

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +5

      hii, you're very welcome and thank you for the sweet words 🥺 I'm really glad that you loved it and had a great time crocheting it 🥰💕

  • @karenjohnson7010
    @karenjohnson7010 Год назад +5

    that was pretty fabulous!! Thank you so much.....As a beginner crocheter that was so much fun....

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, you're very welcome! really happy that you had great time crocheting this bag charm 🥰

  • @kalisyadiandranoktula3515
    @kalisyadiandranoktula3515 Год назад +35

    Thankyou so much, I made mine in about 30-40 minutes 🍓🍓🍓

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, you're very welcome! hope you like it 😊

    • @mimiyuuh6028
      @mimiyuuh6028 Год назад +1

      And you’re a beginner or a pro? I’m kinda scare ngl because this is my first time like ever, lol. You have any tips???

    • @kalisyadiandranoktula3515
      @kalisyadiandranoktula3515 Год назад +4

      @@mimiyuuh6028 hi there ! I cant say im a beginner, and i cant say im a pro.
      If you are an absolute beginner, i wouldnt recommend you to try this project, (it will be confusing for you trust me), find youtune tutorials on making basic squares or rectangles, keep practicing and if you're confident enough, you can try this project
      Also, buy yarns that arent to thin and to thick, buy milk cotton that are 3.5 - 5 mm in size.

    • @Karina-xi7qi
      @Karina-xi7qi Год назад +3

      @@mimiyuuh6028 beginner here, this is my very first time crocheting anything and this was very easy idk what that other person is talking about loll, I made mine in about 40 mins

  • @BebeLizElla
    @BebeLizElla 12 дней назад

    Love it
    And so happy with resolves

  • @kaylaehlinger7222
    @kaylaehlinger7222 Год назад +5

    I love these lil strawberry pouches! I made two as a gift for a friend and they adored them :) thank you!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, thank you so much! glad that they liked it 🥰💕

  • @Frexhika
    @Frexhika Год назад +4

    Soy un comentario en español así que dudo que lo entiendas pero muchas gracias, eh buscado miles de tutoriales en español para hacerlo pero o eran muy rápidos en tejer o no explicaban paso a paso, Gracias ♡

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      Hi, ya I don’t understand Spanish but translator helped me 😄 and you’re welcome, I’m glad it helped! Happy crocheting 😊

  • @adriadri7107
    @adriadri7107 6 месяцев назад

    omg. thank you so much. This is the cutest thing ever, and so fast. Took me 45 minutes to finish one. Thank you again for sharing.

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  6 месяцев назад

      hi, my pleasure! I'm glad you love it 🥰💕

  • @mainlyzay
    @mainlyzay Год назад +1

    It took me some time to understand what sc inc meant , but after that i made 2 in a day , thank you so much

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, you're very welcome and great job! 🥰❤

  • @vincenzafol
    @vincenzafol Год назад +2

    Grazie x i sottotitoli in inglese, video perfetto😊

  • @MrsBea-ky2ro
    @MrsBea-ky2ro Год назад +4

    The best tutorial !! Thank you ❤

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      you’re welcome, happy crocheting 🥰❤️

  • @thenu_jana_vlogy
    @thenu_jana_vlogy Год назад +2

    Waiting to make it 😍❤

  • @Beebaamali
    @Beebaamali 11 месяцев назад +2

    Just finished making this after 5 hours! Mine didn’t look as good as yours but i absolutely adore it. It’s the first thing i have made since my 2 day crochet journey so far
    Super excited for more projects now!

  • @ivannaurbalejo7713
    @ivannaurbalejo7713 5 месяцев назад

    I love the pattern! So fast & easy to make, I would try to make a little bigger version of it! 😊

  • @micahbulante3143
    @micahbulante3143 Год назад +3

    Thank you! I was able to make one since it's really easy to follow. ✨

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      you're welcome, glad it helped 🥰💕

  • @damarisisabelvasallo7883
    @damarisisabelvasallo7883 11 месяцев назад +4

    Ya lo hice, es súper lindo, y fácil!! 💖🎀🥰

  • @salonithacker3071
    @salonithacker3071 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hey this is awesome and soo easy to make ,thankyou!! Also could you please tell me how to sew the leafs on the strawberry?

  • @kristykreme9915
    @kristykreme9915 Год назад +5

    This was so easy to make! I plan on making many more! Thanks for the tutorial!!!❤️🍓🍓🍓🍓💖

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hii, you're very welcome! happy to hear that you like it 🥰

  • @sallyestradareinoso6265
    @sallyestradareinoso6265 Год назад +2

    Me encanta tu tutorial !!!! 🍓🍓😅

  • @adrianagiron716
    @adrianagiron716 Год назад +1

    Just made this ❤ adorable

  • @vanshika2448
    @vanshika2448 Год назад

    thankyou for the amazing tutorial💕💕

  • @reachfortheskys
    @reachfortheskys Год назад

    thank u for this pattern it turned out so cute 🩷🩷

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, you're very welcome! glad you loved it 🥰💕

  • @cintaharmonis
    @cintaharmonis Год назад +2

    Thank you for sharing.

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  11 месяцев назад

      you're very welcome! 🥰💕

  • @itsvaleria6961
    @itsvaleria6961 Год назад +2


  • @sreejapagadala2383
    @sreejapagadala2383 Год назад

    amazing tutorial the charm turned out perfect

  • @kassilynch2632
    @kassilynch2632 Год назад +1

    loved it! worked up quick and easy 😊

  • @Yaaaaanaber
    @Yaaaaanaber 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is so adorable ❤❤ I also have a little question.. I want make like mini bag, so what size hook and yarn u think I should use? Tysm again I made 5 strawberries in different colors and I love them soo much

  • @dawnang9915
    @dawnang9915 18 дней назад

    Hi! May i ask what are the additional steps if i wish to make the strawberry better in size so that it can fit a lipstick? Thank you

  • @aminathreenee206
    @aminathreenee206 Год назад

    my strawberry was a bit fater than your one but thats okay, it still looked gud - thanks so much for this i am rlly hapy with the risults

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hii, you're welcome and glad that you're happy with the results! 🥰💕

    • @aminathreenee206
      @aminathreenee206 Год назад

      @@kukkacrochet :D can you do a tutorial for a mini strawberry key chain ? my best friends bday is coming soon so i want to make a gift for her and she loves strawberries

  • @alzherhanjadjuri986
    @alzherhanjadjuri986 Год назад +3

    if i want to make it bigger do i need to add more sc and inc? tyyy

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, ya you can keep increasing the pattern or you can also use double strands of yarn and bigger hook size 😊

  • @mitaprasetyo
    @mitaprasetyo Год назад +1

    I love it….. Please make many bag charm with other cute form 😍🥰

    • @ruthannklos9649
      @ruthannklos9649 Год назад

      You could use a larger hook, or use thicker yarn and a larger hook.

  • @lisseowhinchester2257
    @lisseowhinchester2257 Год назад

    I came to see the YT video bc the TikTok pattern has a mistake in R2. Thanks so much for the video! ❤

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, ya I made mistake on my TikTok video, but already fixed it in this video 🥰

  • @anitaclemente7918
    @anitaclemente7918 Год назад +1

    Gracias tus proyectos son increíbles

  • @jillbeanbell
    @jillbeanbell Год назад

    I love this idea! Trying the grapes next. More more more!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      I'm glad that you loved it, happy crocheting! 🥰💕

  • @tulipflower7821
    @tulipflower7821 Год назад

    Ilove it so much❤😊🎉

  • @DaLamaQueenn
    @DaLamaQueenn Год назад +1

    omt i made this and it's so cute!!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, thanks! happy to hear that 🥰💕

  • @frorge
    @frorge Год назад +1

    I loved 🤧💗

  • @Bananyaexe
    @Bananyaexe Год назад +1

    I used a plush yarn for this,let me just say,it ends up way bigger than u expect

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, ya the thicker yarn you use then the bigger results you get and vice versa

  • @Татьяна-х5н9у
    @Татьяна-х5н9у 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much! ❤❤❤

  • @we_fishy_fishy_like0816
    @we_fishy_fishy_like0816 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hello! I really liked this pattern and it’s so cute and simple!! I wanted to ask, would you be okay if I were to sell these locally and to family? I will credit you for the pattern as well! ^^

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  11 месяцев назад +1

      hi, I'm glad that you liked it! ya sure, you can sell the finished products, good luck 🥰💕

    • @we_fishy_fishy_like0816
      @we_fishy_fishy_like0816 11 месяцев назад

      @@kukkacrochet Thank you!! (*^▽^*) 💗

  • @GlobetrottingBelle
    @GlobetrottingBelle 11 месяцев назад +19

    I honestly don’t think this is beginner friendly, it would be nice if you explain more in detail what you do each step and maybe slow it down a bit?

    • @JC98x_o
      @JC98x_o 4 месяца назад +2

      Go to video settings, playback speed and then pick the slowest speed .75, .50, & .25 and then pause and play the video to catch up with her. I have watched many crochet videos, but this is my first official crochet project.

    • @VSfashion_00
      @VSfashion_00 Месяц назад +1

      Yo soy principiante y lo hice, me salió a la primera, claro que he practicado mucho cada punto de crochet y con el patrón escrito es mucho más fácil. Porque aparte no hablo inglés. 😅

    • @spectrophobic
      @spectrophobic 12 дней назад +1

      it just depends, some beginners would find this easy and some wouldnt, id say this is very beginner friendly

  • @moonchild9064
    @moonchild9064 Год назад

    Thank you for this video ♡♡♡

  • @kitkatkatia007
    @kitkatkatia007 Год назад +1

    Hi, I love your tutorials!! I wanted to ask for permission to use your patterns to sell on my depop page. I would of course credit you💗

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +3

      hi, thanks! glad that you loved them 🥰 and ya sure, you can sell the finished products. good luck and happy crocheting!

  • @katjawoell
    @katjawoell Год назад

    This is so cute😍 Thank you for this tutorial 🙏😘💕

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      you're welcome, glad you like it 🥰💕

  • @gotpinkdomination0704
    @gotpinkdomination0704 Год назад +1

    So cute. I'll let you know how it turns when i try it out. You're so talented and tutorials are soothing so i subscribed ❤

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, thank you so much huhu it means a lot to me! 🥰💕 and ya feel free to tag me on Instagram or TikTok, I would love to see your strawberry 🥰

  • @dayu4801
    @dayu4801 Год назад

    Thank you ❤❤ it worked

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      you're welcome! happy to hear that 🥰

  • @akusiapakamusiapa-op7ef
    @akusiapakamusiapa-op7ef Год назад

    So cute!! Kak kalau mau bikin lebih besar gimana ya kak? Terimakasih🙏🏻❣️

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      haii, bisa pakai benang dan hakpen yang lebih besar yaa. happy crocheting 🥰

  • @ipisseduoff5900
    @ipisseduoff5900 Год назад +4

    can we get a tutorial for the grape bag charm too? 🥺💜💜💜

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      Hii, sure! It’s already up now, go check iiit and happy crocheting 🥰

  • @theoccuringbubble
    @theoccuringbubble Год назад +1

    Thank you for this! It was really helpful and I had fun making it 🍓

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, you're welcome! glad you enjoyed it 🥰

  • @elinda9664
    @elinda9664 11 месяцев назад +2

    Can it use Polycherry yarn?
    Cause i am out of milky yarn 😂

  • @Nive_rse
    @Nive_rse Год назад +1

    Ok! Now I wanna give you an idea
    You made this strawberry 🍓 bag charm, but yesterday I made a flat strawberry bag charm like the watermelon bag charm
    And it's very cute than yours 😊

  • @yeoryunglim391
    @yeoryunglim391 Год назад +5

    Hi when you say repeat 3 times, does it mean to repeat the whole round (1sc, 1inc) 3 times or do 3 inc (making a total of 6 sc)?? This is the only part i can’t understand😢

    • @xXMissAnimeLOVERXx
      @xXMissAnimeLOVERXx Год назад +3

      I think I finally figured it out. So when she says 2sc, inc it means for every 2 stitches, you then increase by sc twice in the same stitch. For your question, 1sc + 1 inc (1sc x 2) = 9 total sc.
      jesssuanng's video on the strawberry crochet helped she explains increasing at 3:12. Hope this helps !!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, it’s always repeat the entire pattern for 3 times. so, it will be (1 sc, 1 inc) 3x, in total you will have 9 sc and so on 😊

    • @yeoryunglim391
      @yeoryunglim391 Год назад

      Oh so its sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc making 9stc?? Ok i think i got it now

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      @@yeoryunglim391 yaa totally right! 😊

  • @aldu_67
    @aldu_67 11 месяцев назад +1

    ❤❤❤ tks

  • @ameliastanley255
    @ameliastanley255 7 месяцев назад

    Would this fit a Carmex pot?

    • @tinatingley6509
      @tinatingley6509 7 месяцев назад

      Yes. You can make it bigger or smaller by changing your hook size.

  • @selingurcimen3393
    @selingurcimen3393 Год назад +1

    does inc and dc count as sc or do i make an additional stitch for them?

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, ya it counts as sc and by the way, i only use sc for the strawberry body, there's no dc

  • @jvimin
    @jvimin Год назад +1

    thank you ❤

  • @PAFAnna
    @PAFAnna Год назад


  • @IsaSantos545
    @IsaSantos545 3 месяца назад

    single crochet= ponto baixo
    double crochet= ponto alto
    triple crochet= ponto altíssimo
    slip stitch= ponto baixíssimo
    chain= correntinha.
    Espero ajudar🥰

  • @palomaruiz9400
    @palomaruiz9400 Год назад +16

    How do you increase and decrease? That’s the bit that I don’t understand

    • @juliaca611
      @juliaca611 Год назад +16

      Increase means doing 2 single crochets in the stitch - this will make it wider! Decrease means combining 2 stitches with 1 single crochet. You can do this by inserting into just the front loop of 1 stitch and the next stitch, yarning over and pull through, then yarn over and pull through all loops on your hook.

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +4

      hi, someone above me has already explained well about increase and decrease 😊 and also, I’ve showed how to do increase and decrease in my video, maybe try to watch it in slower speed will be helpful. happy crocheting 🥰

    • @Aimbolino572
      @Aimbolino572 Год назад

      ​@@juliaca611 so does it means do increase after 2 sc? (2sc, inc)

    • @gotpinkdomination0704
      @gotpinkdomination0704 Год назад +1

      ​@@Aimbolino572 yes

  • @jaz_0490
    @jaz_0490 Год назад

    Inc means to single crochet twice ithe same stitch right?

  • @MissBubbakush
    @MissBubbakush Год назад

    Can u make a Lillybell version of this please!

  • @ionalarson2229
    @ionalarson2229 Год назад +1

    Hi! I have a quick question: can one sell what they make with this pattern? (while crediting you of course)
    I have a crochet business and would love to create this project for my shop, but only if you are okay with that as I got the pattern from you!!

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, ya sure you can sell the finished products that you made following my tutorials. good luck and happy crocheting! 🥰💕

  • @amicliante4686
    @amicliante4686 Год назад

    Hi do AirPod fit in that pouch?

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, no it's too small for an Airpods

  • @Ava-sl5zh
    @Ava-sl5zh Год назад

    @Kukkacrochet By Putri Can I sale these, will credit you, please answer I really need to know soon

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      Hii, ya sure you can sell the finished product. Good luck 🥰🍓

  • @wileykabonilla8546
    @wileykabonilla8546 4 месяца назад

    What does x3 means in the increase? I’ve been trying to follow the pattern but i just cant understand

    • @lemonfroggie9665
      @lemonfroggie9665 3 месяца назад

      It means you do it 3 times :) so you would do a sc, increase and then another, and then another

  • @cataidm
    @cataidm Год назад

    thank youuuu

  • @winderella465
    @winderella465 Год назад

    Helo! can i make this with a 4 ply yarn? cuz I don't have 5 ply yarn right nowww

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, ya sure you can. the size might be slightly smaller but I think it will still fine 😊

  • @frogtify
    @frogtify Год назад

    what i dont get in r2 of the leaves is if you're making 1 hdc and then and inc on the next (2 hdc in the same stich) or if you're making 2 hdc in every stich

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, no I made 2 hdc in the same stitch (hdc inc) since the beginning (11:26) and the pattern is hdc inc x6. In the end, you will have 12 hdc

    • @frogtify
      @frogtify Год назад

      @@kukkacrochet ooooh, thank you for the clarification!!

  • @ezazetmaya
    @ezazetmaya Год назад +2

    so cute and easy thank you:(💗, how can i make it bigger without ruining the pattern

  • @phamthuytrang1040
    @phamthuytrang1040 Год назад

    What should i do if i want to make it bigger?

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, you can use double strands of yarn and bigger hook or you can continue increasing the pattern 😊

  • @millenaborges7693
    @millenaborges7693 Год назад

    I really want to try it but Im left handed and I'm afraid I'm gonna make some mistakes. Any tips?

  • @_Nobody_NoOne_
    @_Nobody_NoOne_ 6 месяцев назад +2

    i have tried it soooo much and mine still doesn't look like yours... i give up

  • @Halalthings107
    @Halalthings107 Год назад

    Hello so I have a question I made mine but it turned out really small because if I kept going it would turn into a circle how can I make it bigger if you know how could you please tell me

    • @frogtify
      @frogtify Год назад

      that happened to me too, youre most likely forgetting to increase one after every sc (inc is just two sc in the same stitch)

  • @mangoflowts
    @mangoflowts Год назад +2

    What does she me by 3x and why does mines look different than hers😭 i still dont get what inc means too

    • @meepbeep7928
      @meepbeep7928 Год назад +2

      i apologize for it being so long!
      usually that would mean you would do whatever is before the 3x, 3 times in total. its usually after something that looks like this:
      [ _ _ ], with the underscores being whatever the pattern says, so if i had a pattern that said "round 3, [sc hdc sc] x3, hdc slst." you would do the things in the brackets 3 times and then the last part once, so, it would be
      sc hdc sc, sc hdc sc, sc hdc sc. then hdc slst :)
      inc means increase, and increase is where, say you were doing single crochets, you would do 1, and then instead of putting your hook though the next stich you would instead put it through the hole your just went in and do another single crochet, so that if you look it looks like you have 2 stitches on the top but they only go into one hole, there are a lot of youtube tutorials for teaching increases so if it doesn't make sense you could look there!!
      last thing about it not looking the same could be for many reasons, if you aren't doing the pattern correctly then it would look different, using a different type or weight of yarn, or a different hook size, or either your tension is looser or tighter than how the person in the videos tension is! there might be some other reason too but that's all i can think of right now. that should help a bit but if you have any other questions feel free to ask, it probably won't be as long of an answer next time! ^^

  • @tuongvynguyen2168
    @tuongvynguyen2168 Год назад

    What size wool do you use? (2.5mm or 3mm)

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, I used 5 ply milk cotton yarn and 4 mm hook 😊

  • @햅삐-t8o
    @햅삐-t8o Год назад +1

    Don't you need a slip stitch to knit the strawberry body? (R2~R11)

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      hi, no we don’t have to make slip stitch in every row for this project. Just keep crocheting around 😊

    • @햅삐-t8o
      @햅삐-t8o Год назад

      @@kukkacrochet thank youuu🍓❤️

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      @@햅삐-t8o you’re welcome ❤

  • @Angel-zs7tc
    @Angel-zs7tc Год назад

    Hi, what is the exact color of the green leaf? Thank you

  • @hungry4800
    @hungry4800 11 месяцев назад +1

    Is there a written pattern?

  • @freyamay8160
    @freyamay8160 Год назад +1

    Are we able to make our own and sell them? :)

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +2

      hii, ya sure you can sell the finished product 😊

  • @CreationsByWally
    @CreationsByWally Год назад

    Thank you

  • @Embodiment_of_chaos
    @Embodiment_of_chaos Год назад +1

    For some reason mine is a pancake, i’ll retry it

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, I'm not sure what happened but yaa keep trying! practice makes perfect 🥰

  • @rahulbetala8c37vriddhibeta4
    @rahulbetala8c37vriddhibeta4 Год назад

    What thread you have used

  • @sagrariosantoyo3588
    @sagrariosantoyo3588 Год назад

    Holaaa,este es un comentario en español,vi que contestaste uno q también era en español,así que espero puedas entenderme pero no entiendo eso de 3 times,si lo traduzco son 3 tiempos, pero de que sirve eso? Ósea para que sirve eso de los 3 tiempos,ayuda es q me revuelvo 😞

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, I'm sorry I tried my best to translated your comment but I still don't understand your question :(

    • @sagrariosantoyo3588
      @sagrariosantoyo3588 Год назад

      Hello, I hope you are well, my question was, what is the use of the 3 times, it confuses me a lot :(

    • @frogtify
      @frogtify Год назад

      se refiere a que repitas lo mismo tres veces, serian algo asi como secuencias o rondas, por ejemplo en la primera ronda te dice que por cada medio punto hagas un aumento, eso al repetirlo 3 veces hace una vuelta entera en el circulo (un medio punto y un aumento, medio punto y aumento, medio punto y aumento) al hacer eso das toda la vuelta, lo mismo con la siguientes rondas, esta aumentando un punto por ronda pero es solo un aumento y esto al repetirse 3 veces hace una ronda y asi va creciendo el tejido.
      espero que se haya entendido!


    Portuguese subtitles please 🍓🌹

  • @gleryvaldivia4799
    @gleryvaldivia4799 Год назад

    wait so is it for every 3 sc we do an increase? i'm so confused

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад +1

      hi, did you talk about Round 4 (3:29)? ya, so the pattern will be 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc. In the end we will have 15 sc.

    • @dikshyachaudhary9123
      @dikshyachaudhary9123 Год назад +1

      ​@@kukkacrochet so you mean we have to inc 3 sc in each stitch???

    • @frogtify
      @frogtify Год назад +1

      @@dikshyachaudhary9123 no, you have to do 3 sc and ONE inc, and thats what you have to repeat 3 time until you finish each round

  • @elisavira6314
    @elisavira6314 Год назад +1

    this tutorial looks so easy, but I don't understand what R2 (sc, inc) X3 (9) means 😕

    • @mae4755
      @mae4755 Год назад +1

      you do single crochet (sc) then an increase (inc) three times and by the end of the round you should have nine stitches!

    • @elisavira6314
      @elisavira6314 Год назад

      ​@@mae4755 ok thanks ☺️

  • @chivskisky6604
    @chivskisky6604 Год назад +1

    Its so hard i follow that you would repeat 3 times but mine became bigger

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, I don't know what happened but probably you lost the first sc or didn't use stitch marker to marked it (where you start every new round) and it ruined all the stitch count

    • @tinatingley6509
      @tinatingley6509 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@kukkacrochetYour stitch count is wrong starting at Row 3.

  • @aysenurbngl9593
    @aysenurbngl9593 Год назад

    how can i make it bigger?

    • @kukkacrochet
      @kukkacrochet  Год назад

      hi, I've never tried to make bigger version but I think you can use thicker yarn and bigger hook

  • @selena9720
    @selena9720 9 месяцев назад

    im watching her do this but in each row shes making less than the number she says on secreen in each row and i havent seen her increase at all either im so confused

    • @tinatingley6509
      @tinatingley6509 7 месяцев назад

      Yes, the stitch count listed is wrong starting in Row 3. 3sc+inc around is 20 stitches, not 15. No wonder my top wasn't fitting. There's a problem in the berry.

  • @HeliaKhodadadi-y3w
    @HeliaKhodadadi-y3w 3 месяца назад

    What does increasing mean in crocheting?😢

  • @gretchenarauz5324
    @gretchenarauz5324 10 месяцев назад +1

    what are the measures?😢

  • @bunnies77702
    @bunnies77702 Год назад

    how many grams of yarn is needed?

    • @aislovebot4580
      @aislovebot4580 Год назад

      she use 50 gr of yarn for every color, but i think for make 1 strawberry bag charm the yarn won't ruined out