  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @AmazinglyScherzo
    @AmazinglyScherzo 12 дней назад +2

    As an Udyr OTP this is a legit strat. I mald so hard whenever i get invaded and start to play like shit.

  • @ahmedyasser007
    @ahmedyasser007 12 дней назад +6

    Gonna tell my kids i was here

  • @niczj97
    @niczj97 11 дней назад +4

    rank 1? also ich sehe noch den bart xD

  • @cryptus1283
    @cryptus1283 12 дней назад +4

    ehmm... OKAY.

  • @krekk2751
    @krekk2751 12 дней назад

    finally jarvan IV games again. lets go

  • @JimiMarley69
    @JimiMarley69 8 дней назад

    i came here to see Velja or Nemesis but noo its some master rank jungler lol

  • @alexamnt5397
    @alexamnt5397 12 дней назад +3

    I've started watching your channel the past few weeks and I was almost thrilled with the content.. Although after a point it has become boring.. The same champions all the time.. Elise and Wukong.. Surely, they are your main but maybe something else also for people that we play other champions.. Anyway, very good job in general, keep doing the good work.

    • @spookyscarygraviton5944
      @spookyscarygraviton5944 12 дней назад


    • @Noss1ner
      @Noss1ner 11 дней назад

      He plays lol to climb, not to please viewers, he’s rank 1 for a reason.
      If you want more champions go watch perryjg, you’ll thank me 😊

    • @kiranuke1306
      @kiranuke1306 3 дня назад

      Wanna See You Around in challanger Euw and This guy is Rank 1 for the Last Season 😂 OTP is the only way too achieve this

    • @spookyscarygraviton5944
      @spookyscarygraviton5944 3 дня назад

      @@kiranuke1306 pros do it all the time without otping, with just skill. This guy shouldn't call himself rank one jungler but rather rank one Elise/jarvan. It's different from the real rank one

  • @AndieRibet
    @AndieRibet 12 дней назад


  • @spookyscarygraviton5944
    @spookyscarygraviton5944 12 дней назад +4

    Elise, jarvan, Elise, jarvan... No wonder you have no views

    • @maanimon4760
      @maanimon4760 12 дней назад

      yeah. More players should take note of baus tactic, he plays "fun" onstream and "boring" ofstream. Most other high elo players play both "boring" onstream and offstream

    • @spookyscarygraviton5944
      @spookyscarygraviton5944 12 дней назад +1

      @@maanimon4760 these chaps are specific to high elo and focused on early game, no one plays them below masters. You can't relate, you get bored, you can't learn, you don't watch

    • @window9213
      @window9213 12 дней назад +1

      Mb consistent rank 1-2 player wants to win he shouldn't play to win

    • @krekk2751
      @krekk2751 12 дней назад

      why are you salty, we are here to watch good and passionate gameplay, if you're a iron hardstuck child and don't like it, then go watch some other overedited for fun garbage.

    • @Leon-eq6ei
      @Leon-eq6ei 11 дней назад

      @@window9213 he pretty hairy for rank one player