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and youtube doesn't recommend him as much to me so how am I supposed to see my favorite youtuber named after a deliciously smooth spread and he doesn't even like the spread?! For Shame
@@ma.2089 actually his name was Jeff. He still plays stuff on twitch tho so that’s nice. Also, PBG became a dad very recently, he’s got a little girl. Which is crazy to think about!
Honestly kinda happy for PBG. No real drama or controversy, content that is pretty family friendly relative to others with a similar style, and consistent videos for years now.
I respect him more for standing up for Projared when the controversy started. PBG was quickly silenced, but he at least tried to stick up for his friend, and was later proven right.
Yeah the only controversy PBG had was when he stood up for Jared during his controversy. If Jared and his wife weren't idiots that fell for the polygamy meme, that whole scandal likely would have never even happened in the first place.
Watching him play Guns of Icarus was painful as well. I don't know if it was intentional but he came off as an absolute fool and kinda came off as a bandwagoner; everyone else was doing it because it was "The fashion of the time" so he did it too. Hilariously enough, his videos could be used as a good case study about "How not to behave as a streamer or online personality" as all he does is appeal to people with very low attention spans which doesn't make money for you but for youtube. If you wanna make the money roll then sell shirts and mugs.
@@shroomer8294 I was about to say that 😂 Idk if it's the best YT apology video but it probably is the best NormalBoots apology video which is kind of sad to think about.
What sucks about the whole "no comments section" policy for Kids content is that basically all retro content like 90s Cartoon Network clips, old cereal commercials, etc., lost a treasure trove of discussion and reminiscing by fans... literal decade+ of probably billions comments erased from existence. Even though RUclips has their "RUclips Kids" app and could have just as easily made the main RUclips platform "13+ Only" like Tiktok, Snapchat, etc. to dodge COPPA.
RUclips is and always was an 13+ only site. The issue was that RUclips was wanted the piece of the younger audience market, didn't bother to create a better algorithm for it, and didn't care about the consequences until it blowed up in their faces.
The most ridiculous part is when Tom and Jerry cartoons from like the fucking 40s get disabled like that. The kids who *originally* grew up with that are fucking dead or grandparents by now lol.
@@gamerguy425 Tbf Cartoon Network and Boomerang have aired a lot of Tom and Jerry reruns for decades. Those old shorts have pretty much been in the public conscious for all age groups more than any other longstanding cartoon IP.
Tales of Super Jon is so funny to me, because here you have this absolute child of a Jon, complete with 240p video quality, but the same exact voice as adult Jon. I don't know why, but it's hilarious to me.
Exact same thing I was thinking. I'd never seen the videos before the clip in this video and the fact that he sounds so similar to how he does now despite looking so much younger was like watching a dubbed video or something. Wild.
4:15 i want to clarify this game was primarily developed by PBG’s wife, which is why it was sanctioned and allowed to be funded and voiced by the Normal Boots guys
Correction: Jared was the only Normal Boots member to work at ScrewAttack. PBG and Jon were fans and posted their videos as community members. PBG made some minor guest roles, but neither were ever a part of ScrewAttack. Jirard got his videos promoted by ScrewAttack, but also was never hired.
You forgot to mention that Jirard made his Best Buy the greatest Best Buy in the entire universe because he stole a Mario statue from a GameStop and watched G4
Okay smart arse, you think it's a coincidence that J-Bird heroically storms out of Best Buy stomping his feet and a few short years later they are struggling to stay open. Explain that without referring to modernized shopping methods mixed with a diminished economy. 😎
In college, I stole Thor's hammer from a Bestbuy. It was this GIANT (over 8 ft tall) cardboard hammer attached to a base.. I think it was for a movie promotion type thing. Anyway finals had just ended, we had just smoked a blunt, and we were walking home from the movie theater _(Your Highness,_ I think. Terrible movie lol) when we saw the giant hammer. My buddy Richie said "I NEED THAT" and without a word, we ran up, ripped it out of the cardboard base, and ran 3 miles back to the dorm hauling a giant hammer. I'm sure we looked real dumb. When we finally got to the dorm, we realized that it was too big to fit through the doors, but the cool maintenance guy let us use the big garage-type door in the back (super kind dude, hope he's doing well). We used it for a coffee table for a few weeks, but it took up too much space. We decided to cut it up and create cardboard knight's armor and weapons out of it, and then held a "jousting tournament" on the quad. It was.... precisely as cringe as that sounds, but I'll have you know that everyone _DID_ clap. Didn't think anyone was watching us, but after being slain you could hear people cheering out of all the windows overlooking the area. My buddy even got to do the classic "are you not entertained?!" thing, it was cool 🤗 (I have a video of the jousting somewhere, I gotta find that)
Referring to DYKG as a "content farm" feels like a very backhanded insult. They've contributed a lot to Video Game history and preservation. Heck, just last year they helped uncovered a lost Pokemon webgame and shared it with everyone.
And? They learned to make bag by playing the RUclips game. If that enables them to continue the contributions they've made, that's fine by me@@DragoonCenten
They've only been doing the investigative journalism stuff the past few years. For the better part of their existence, they just regurgitated info from fan wikis and trivia websites, oftentimes not even verifying if the info was even correct or not.
@@GANONdork123 I think this is a great point and explains why their reputation is pretty polarized. Though, I think considering this is a modern retrospective video, it really showed a lack of understanding or research to dismiss the past 4 years of the channel.
I watched so much Normal Boots content back in the day that when I heard that iconic intro, I instantly forgot what I was watching and started to relax.
Normal Boots is a reference to the Normal Boots from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time specifically. Google highlighting the wrong answer from that reddit post did you dirty on this one
How do you even get close to that type of video game content to make a video on its members' history without even recognizing an outfit of one of the most popular video-game franchises ever? "Oops, gotta put on my normal boots, these have no traction/make me walk so slow" thought anyone who's ever played a 3D Zelda game.
The item in Zelda isn't called the "normal boots". They're just called "boots" in-game or "Kokiri Boots" in some guidebooks. And you can't even argue it's a fan made name because I don't think they were called like that until after Normal Boots the website was a thing. People just retroactively associate the item with the website because the latter used the former as a mascot of sorts.
@@KaoruMzk idk if you’re just being nitpicky or not, but everyone I knew as a kid called them normal boots, as opposed to heavy boots. And this was long before RUclips existed. Quick edit: now I’m just imagining sitting around with friends playing the game with light or heavy boots on and someone says something like “this would be easier with boots on.” Like, what? I *have* boots on Josh. Which ones? I can’t believe kids discussing the game just called them “boots”
One quick inaccuracy that I don’t think anyone else has mentioned- Asagao academy wasn’t technically a fan game, it was actually made by PBG’s wife, Danielle (unicornism). It was actually massive, and most of the cast + hidden block were very active within the fandom. Shane Gill’s twitch stream of his route where he passed out drunk mid play through will be forever close to my heart.
True, though early on, Danny handed over control, writing, and programming to Cheratomo who wasn't directly involved with NormalBoots (at least at the time), and many of us who worked on the game were fans. I guess it was both a fangame and not a fangame in a way?
You can tell this was researched but got maybe like 80% of the way there, where the last 20% were probably details not crucial to the video's narrative, but still stick out on their own. Like no, Did You Know Gaming was never intended to be a "content farm". That's just parroting terms that only came into use in the past year. The one thing I can give is that you're not making anything up, but you should possibly keep a cite of sources on hand to refer to when writing. It's not just about proving yourself, it's also about keeping track of what you're saying.
DYKG IS a content farm though, they used to get their sources from wikis and gaming subreddits and they didnt even verify if the "facts" were true. Dont get me wrong, I love the channel, I fall asleep to it every night. They now do independent research and put a lot more effort in their videos, but check out their playlists, they repeat a lot of videos. It didnt start up as a content farm, but it looks like a content farm.
Small correction: PBG and JonTron didn't work for ScrewAttack. They were users in the ScrewAttack community, and they uploaded to the community section.
I thought that was off. I would watch Screwattack as their videos came out and didn't remember them ever appearing outside maybe the Mario Party After Dark streams. I'm pretty sure only ProJared was from that company
I love how these stories range from: "He then went on a massive political rant on live stream and committed charity fraud" to "He gets fewer views I guess, but he seems alright." Edit: I'm proud to be the creator of an Internet debate. Unintentionally, for the record.
I don’t watch PBG anymore because he had a baby but definitely the tamest out of all the controversies that came from the other members. The worst thing he did in the public’s eyes was when he asked people not to be so hasty with accusing Jared when all the allegations came to light.
Did You Know Gaming is _way_ more than a content farm, at least nowadays. It's genuine investigative journalism, now. Like, they've been leaking some serious, previously unknown information about the industry exclusively from their channel. They've come a very long way from making videos about fun facts ou could have just as easily read from a Wikipedia article. Seriously, check their newer stuff out, it's very fascinating.
A lot of their stuff is still pretty surface level though, like if you just know a little bit of japanese you can uncover so much hidden knowledge that's only hidden purely because of a language barrier. If you want to see real investigative journalism, look up the majoras mask localization documentary, that one actually gets in contact with people and talks about many things that you can't just look up by googling "nintendo magazine japanese 2002" and scrolling.
Yeah, calling them a "content farm" is straight up insulting to the work that they do. They make most games journalism look pretty broke by comparison.
NOTE: Screw Attack founder Craig mentioned in an interview that he fired Jared for backstage unprofessional behavior and publicly criticizing coworkers on public social media. It's in an audio interview.
@@SomeAsian craig did alot of shit in pursuit of money. Though it was more like RT ditched ScrewAttack... kinda... by making them only do DeathBattle which lead to them dropping the ScrewAttack label entirely. And when they realised they didn't need Craig for this, they also dropped him, to which I say "good riddance".
@@doctorslept They only began to be taken down right after the whole debacle started. And even then, from what the videos seems to say, it was consentual stuff until Jared's wife had issues with it. Granted this is coming out of Jared's mouth but still.
@@AtrocityEquine01 Not just Jared's mouth. Heidi released a bunch of texts she thought were damaging to Holly between her and her therapist, her and Holly, and her and Jared that backed up that she was fine with the relationship and also had an emotional affair herself going on at the same time, making her a hypocrite. They also did appear to paint her as emotionally manipulative and abusive, just like Jared and PBG alleged, including her threatening unaliving to try to keep Jared in the relationship.
I admire them so much for keeping it simple and making the type of content they enjoy making, regardless of times and algorithms. Hell, if you watch the old episodes of Game Grumps, Jon frequently points out that Continue was a huge inspiration for him.
The Projared situation is so sad. Especially that last part. He goes out to defend Jirard whom he cares about likely because he experienced a similar situation, only on the other end, Jirard didn't give two shits about him and actually sees Projared as someone below him. Like in the leaked audio he talked about surviving the Projared situation unscathed. Man cared about his image more than helping people. It's sad how someone innocent was dogpiled on from the start whilst someone truly malicious was defended for great while.
@@duskyer He was wrongly accused by minors and his exwife didn't tell all the truth... but he still sent nudes to his fans, which is a thing you shouldn't do
@@tani1868 It's fucking weird, but if it's between consenting adults, which it was, it's fine. Nobody involved was in a situation where they weren't comfortable with seeing what they were seeing.
It is hard to listen to a long video like this when the narrator sounds bored or half-asleep, like they actively don't care about what they're reading.
@@DrawciaGleam02 I didn't find anything regarding greg but I stop watching a bit after Gred left because the channel changed focus to money maker mode and even stopped talking about completing and did normal reviews so the content is more marketable. I hate Jirad
That debate with JonTron and Destiny was probably one of the most legendary RUclips moments because Jon was on top of the world and basically just offered his career up to be slaughtered. I have no clue what Jon was thinking, I have no clue how he thought "Goofy Internet Game Guy vs. Guy Who Debates for a Living" could have gone well for him.
It's been a few years so my memory is hazy on the details. From what I remember is that after he recklessly agreed to the debate he had to sit around in the background waiting for Destiny to finish a game stream and started to drink to take the edge off, which turned out to be a massive mistake, besides just being extremely unprepared for a live debate. I can't read his mind for why he wanted to debate Destiny in the first place, but he has a reputation for being hard but fair on his debate partners. Maybe he thought he could just shoot from the hip, try to make his points and that'd be that. When he got started to be put through the wringer the lack of preparation together with the alcohol led him to grasp for straws, eventually leading to the now infamous crime quote. He joined another stream as a sort of post-mortem where he explained why he made such mistakes, got corrected on where his arguments went wrong and apologized for that comment. It wasn't on his own channel though so unfortunately a lot of his regular audience never saw it.
Actually they have been doing some quite good journalistic content, with interviews with people who worked in some cancelled games production and development. That's how they have coming up with good stuff outside Wikipedia content.
It's a way to say that at first they were, as the video says, a content farm, they weren't doing anything special. It's now that they are actually makinggood stuff. @@BasedAnarchist
@@BasedAnarchist they used to just gather facts around forums and such and just read them out loud, they were mocked often for sharing stuff that was already well known and pretending it was worthwhile content, they took the feedback to hearth and is the reason nowadays they try to uncover more obscure and worthwile gaming information, as propper journalism, to really give you gaming info of something that you truly don't know. Unfortunately many people are not aware of this and still assume DYNG is just fodder content
About Did You Know Gaming, I think multiple guests narrators have said this although I can only truly remember Arin saying it on an episode of Guest Grumps (on the Game Grumps), where they are always so amazed & pleased with the trivia they have to read that they constantly interupt themselves with "huh."s and "oh wows" during recordings, which Shane would constantly have to edit out
Not to mention that once again, plagiarism is rearing it's ugly head due to a claim of uncredited and stolen footage being used in DYKG's videos at the time of this video's upload. How unfortunate.
@@Gaia_BentosZX5the footage in that controversy was credited, but the original Let's Player was mad he wasn't asked permission. That's just how YT works though. This video were commenting under, he didn't ask all the Normal Boots members permission to use it. Same goes for academic paper, news articles, etc. You don't have to ask Henry Kissinger or whoever's permission to use them as sources. Proper conduct is citing the source (which DYKG did). That's not plagiarism.
@DJIVision Dr.Lava pfp! Shoutout the goat and the true archeologist of pokemon media Edit: well this is embarrassing I had no idea that was actually you, i didnt recognize the DJIVision handle. well anyway I wanna say I am super fond of your work and while I greatly appreciate your tireless research for DYKG I GRAVELY miss your RUclips videos thank you for all your effort 🙏
The decline of normal boots is like what would happen if Doug Walker left channel awesome, without that key figure at the helm to act as a draw, you're left in a permanent decline. Normal boots was just too late to the party, coming around at a time where copyright started to be much more forgiving (and it always was way more forgiving for games than it was movies anyway) and more people were able to get their start on youtube, not needing alternative sites for hosting videos. Another key aspect is the rise of patreon, with less reliance on ad revenue to make a living, creators could even face a video being demonetized and still profit thanks to fan donations.
I'm glad that Continue is still going and upload consistently. It doesn't seem like they're in it for the money (as shown in their income from their content), but genuinely just enjoying what they do. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
I still watch The Continue? boys. Always seem so low profile and straight forward. No bad sketches: just some awkward Dad Dudes playin' games. Wish they got more views.
I miss the normal boots intros. Actually nostalgic. And I was gonna say, all the NB members have been through some sort of controversy through the years. Thanks for talking about this😊
2:52 BEATLES FUN FACT/ CORRECTION: Pete Best didn't quit, he was fired and replaced by a unanimous decision amongst the Band and their Manager Brian Epstein because he just wasn't a very good drummer and his style didn't suit the band as well as Ringo's eventually would. He also struggled to keep time which is sort of the drummer's main job. Even in his later work outside of the Beatles he never improved his ability to keep time which just shows laziness in his practicing tbh. If he wasn't fired then he would've been fired later.
I’m a big ole Normal Boots fan, Asagao Academy was technically fan-made but one of those fans was Austin’s (PBG) wife. She was also a fan prior to meeting Austin while he was still a smaller creator. She sent him an email and he was interested. Sounds like a recipe for disaster these days, but it was still early days like EARLY days so I mean their continuing marriage and growing family is probably a testament that their relationship is going strong. Asagao was created well after they were already married, and Austin was very open about how this was a passion project for his wife and her game developer partner. They released it for free download and it was a really well made game, all things considered. It’s a bit cringe looking back on some of the things some of the guys did since then for sure but I was always a Continue? girl more than anything so I still have fond mems. Edit note: projared’s Asagao character was obsessed with himself which is kind of hilarious looking back
@@SaiyaSounds WAIT ACTUALLY ommmmggggg I could not begin to tell you how many hours I spent playing all the endings just to see all the beautiful art and see all the clever bits it really was a well made game, and I wouldn’t have been able to play it if it wasn’t freely available to be quite honest
You missed talking about the Normal Boots RUclips channel that for some strange reason is run by The Completionist and his brother. Yes that brother from the charity.
I've been doing research on this for the last two years and while this video is good, I've found some inaccuracies. 1:35 Jon and Austin met through messaging on the Screwattack website, but neither of them worked for the company. (c. SGC 2014 Panel on AngryJoeShow) 3:33 To say Shane launched hiddenblock is quite an overstatment. Shane designed the website and along with Jirard they helped internally get the group started, but Shane/DYKG was never an official member. (C. Caddicarus hiddenblock announcement video) 7:57 Same as earlier, while Projared did actually work for screwattack on several of their official shows, Jon only uploaded to the site, which are very distinct differences. (C. SGC 2015 ProJared Panel) 16:14 This isn't wrong, but it's worth noting that it wasn't just a shoutout that kicked off Jirard's career. He found a modest following quickly by uploading the completionist to Screwattack, and he joined NormalBoots with his second video. One or two videos later, he also joined The Game Station network, which was a feat for how new his channel was. But ive no doubt that Jon's cross promotion further helped. 19:28 Jirard never left NormalBoots. He continued to stay in the group through the Jared drama that put NB on a hiatus, but he was there when they rebooted the 3rd time. Unlike other former members, there was no announcement of his leave. Also Satchel Drakes was part of NormalBoots from 2014-2019, and while he didn't make many videos with the group, he did go to a lot of panels with them so it seems strange to not mention him. Pelvic Gaming and Protonjon also joined NB in 2021, that's a more understandable omission given how little time they've been members. Everything else seemed factual to my knowledge, and I know how hard it is to track down info on this.
Hey thanks! Yeah it is kinda hard to track down info on this stuff. Had to rely on fan wiki's and those aren't always the most accurate/most detailed. The Hidden Block page on the Caddicarus wiki just says Did You Know Gaming started it, but from what you're saying that's not true. Also regarding 7:57, I legit had no idea users could just post onto Screw Attack like here on RUclips. I assumed it was like That Guy With The Glasses and it was invite only to post. I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll talk about Screw Attack in a video so I'll keep that in mind. I also wish TheCompletionist went more into detail of his story in those articles I looked at, he made it sound like Arin (and in some other articles, Jon) just handed him a career. I never seen him talk about the fact he already had a minor audience beforehand. Regarding Satchel Drakes since a few people mentioned him in the comments, there was a few other people I didn't give full sections. I wanted to more focus on the most popular guys/people deeply involved. Thanks for clearing some of these details up, and I'm glad you enjoyed the video
@@NumberOneHorseDrowner That may be in reference to the NormalBoots show called Gamer Tiers, however Amber was in the NB hardcore season for a few episodes before she died (in game of course).
@@MichaelAlberto Another correction: Craig mentioned in an audio interview that he fired Jared from ScrewAttack for continuous unprofessional behavior behind the scenes like publicly criticizing coworkers on social media with no remorse. He also mentioned that if this was done by any regular worker in any regular job that they would be fired for it, so he fired him.
You forgot to mention that the reason Projareds main channel is one hiatus was to distance himself from that label for his side channel Now In The 90s.
@@Bad616 It's quite good, it was about games that came out in the exactly same week 20 years ago (so 1993-1994) how it play, some history, its'popularity back then and review scores.
*Normal boots logo comes on "Oh yeah i used to watch a lot of Jontron. Wait I still watch a lot of Jontron. Wait I only clicked this video because I thought it was Jontron's bi annual video release." I'm 6 seconds in and youve already taken me for a wild ride.
Well technically Normal Boots did fail because no one is affiliated with the brand anymore. Everyone is doing their own thing without being associated with the Normal Boots brand.
And don't forget the G: I want you to take down all the videos im in. J: quick everybody go watch those videos so I can make some money off of them before I have to take them down
It's worth noting for DYKGaming that their old videos were crumby simple facts, but nowadays they do a lot of research into their videos, and even have a lot of entire exclusive interviews/new information. Also, playing Vriska's theme totally caught me off-guard.
I swear some youtubers have Zero Foresight to their actions, it goes from “not thinking it was gonna bite you in the ass” to “WHY DID YOU THINK YOU WERE GONNA HAVE A CAREER AFTER THAT”
I wish you would have addressed what Jon actually said in the Destiny interview instead of dancing around it and making it just seem like he said a lukewarm take that SJW’s shit their pants over. He used Great Replacement talking points and other horribly racist sentiments. He said immigrants and interracial couples were tainting the white race majority of the USA, which was bonkers coming from someone whose parents are middle eastern immigrants.
I remember finding Jon in his early days, and I was addicted to his videos while on vacation. It was at a time when he would only get 10s of thousands of views, and his latest video released when I subbed was his Space Ace video. I was subbed to him since then, but I kinda skipped his videos when he stopped doing videogames. But I eventually watched his newer stuff and it's pretty entertaining. I still miss his gaming content though.
Calling DYKG a "Content Farm" is wild. Their channel has really hit their stride as of late, breaking a lot of gaming history news with new video releases. You can tell the whole team has clearly been putting a lot of effort into their work and research if you actually watch the videos.
I don't think it's very intellectually honest to be as vague as this video is on the Jontron controversy. It is technically true that he was defending that senator's comments on immigration but what is left out is what exactly he said. The claim that got Jontron in trouble was that he thought immigration was going to lead to white people being made a minority in the US. This claim is laughably untrue but the integrity of it isn't really the point. It's a dogwhistle. It is meant to make the idea that immigrants are invaders look acceptable enough to spread to paranoid white people. Now, on some level I do agree that he was and is just someone who heard some very dumb ideas online but that doesn't make what he said and the ideas implicit in it any less horrible.
-he thought immigration was going to lead to white people being made a minority in the US I mean that is true though. There are already places in US where whites are minority and with how much mexicans make babies compared to whites it is gonna happen eventually.
yeah... even those of us who have huge issues with how immigration is being mishandled don't go nearly that fucking far into the weeds lol locking down unchecked immigration until the day when the US can actually support it's own people, nevermind others? cool locking down unchecked immigration because the "white race" is going to be ethnically replaced? i dunno chief, that's a lil whack 😂
Why *woudln't* immigration lead to whites becoming a minority? I generally hear it said that that's not a bad thing, or that we deserve it or something, not that it's not going to happen. The white percentage *has* gone way down, due to immigration. Are you thinking it's going to go back up or something?
Look the outrage against Jon I feel was justified. He doubled down multiple times on "preserving the white race" and went on unprompted tirades about "wealthy blacks committing more crimes than wealthy whites," and some of the anti immigration stuff he agreed with was hugely hypocritical given the fact that he has an immigrant background. It wasn't just him getting caught in a "debate bro trap" either, cause his follow-up video where he seemingly defends himself is where he said the "preserve the white race" comment. Now he didn't deserve to get harassed, nobody does. But him getting canned from the Rare game is within their right, and people being upset at him from stuff he seemingly hasn't really backpedaled I feel is fair. At least, some of the shit he posted on Twitter during the peak of the pandemic would indicate that.
Being critical of immigration as a second or third immigrant is not hypocritical, it's ironic but not exactly hypocritical. Sociopolitical problems are sensitive to time and are subject to it very differently, what wasn't a problem maybe 50 years ago may be a problem now.
@@Ranchor489 Sure, but you can criticize immigration without being racist or xenophobic, and JonTron didn't exactly do that. Criticizing immigration as an immigrant isn't within itself hypocritical, yes, but the way Jon did it, I feel, was.
It's kinda messed up to call what he did "expressing political opinions"... if you're going to cover this stuff don't so obviously fence sit to try and appease your viewers. He said black people were more likely to be criminals because of their blackness and not because of any socio-economic or circumstantial reasons even saying rich blacks would commit more crime than poor whites. His sources were far far far right, not normal right. The politician's statement that made Destiny talk to him about was: "We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies" something his fellow Republicans condemned as supporting white nationalism. Jon constantly defended the idea that there was coming an "end of white populations" and “If they [non-whites] assimilated, they would enter the gene pool, eventually.” Either talk about a subject you bring up or don't make a video on the topic. It just makes you look bad to people on all political sides. Avoiding politics when talking about politics still = politics.
The 2014 crime stat JonTron brought up showed blacks with income in the upper brackets committing more violent crime per capita than poorer whites It directly refuted the "socio economic factors" argument
Nah, when you report something, you simply say what happened. Keep opinions out of it. That's like, story reporting for dummies. It's elementary even. You got a problem, make a tweet or make your own video or something.
@@DragoonCenten Yes... exactly. You say what happened. This video didn't do that. Story reporting for dummies is about covering the subject as well as the context under a thesis. This video skirted around some of the most important aspects of the context surrounding Jon and his story. Like Destiny said I don't wanna cancel Jon or even hate on him however if you're covering the downfall of Normal Boots and don't go into detail about what Jon did or even all that much about what the rest of them did that was controversial it feels more like pandering and clickbaiting (something which is all too much an issue both on the left and the right in modern reporting). I made this comment not because I want to make a video on this topic. Other people have, and done a much better job. I made this comment as constructive criticism. Harsh criticism, but good faith none the less.
Good video. My one critique is that the JonTron controversy segment made it seem like he said an opinion some didn't like so there was an attempt to cancel him. He wasn't spouting some run-of-the-mill opinion, though; he was using the same kind of rhetoric used by white nationalists and other bigots. It's one of the reasons why I stopped watching him back in the day.
Okay I get where you're coming from and I do agree that it's dumb how often genuine racists use it as a talking point, but it's still a statistical fact, and when people pass off statistics as hearsay, you wind up with regression instead of progression.
@@user-wj6jh1cd5nI mean for one when he said “look at the statistics” he *was* talking out of his ass. We know this because when he was asked, he couldn’t seem to figure out where the statistics he made up came from. He also made it pretty clear without actually saying it that he believes black people are genetically predisposed to crime regardless of their financial status. Poor white people commit more crimes than rich black people, that is a real statistic from the study he was half remembering. But he disagreed with this statistic, what I’m saying is that he’s racist, like just plain text, he wants an ethnostate
ProJared's main channel does not have much recent content, but he has another channel he made called "Now in the 90's", talking about games that were released 30 years ago to the day. The first video was in November 29th 2022 and a new video comes out every week. My assumption is that this is where most of Jared's production energy tends to go, which would explain why there aren't many big videos on his main channel as of late. As of writing, "Now in the 90's" has a bit over 62k subscribers and 97 videos, with the most viewed video being on Ecco the Dolphin: 262k+ views. It's not much, but I'm glad Jared is just doing something he enjoys. It's a niche channel, but with this, Twitch, and his let's play channel (which was just updated less than a day ago, having 240k+ subs) I'm sure he's just living his best life and I'm proud of him.
It is sad to see how Jared jumped to protect Jirard by doing exactly what was done to him (not researching, jumping into a bandwagon, spreading misinformation, etc.) and when the full call between Muta, Karl, and Jirard was published, one could hear how Jirard threw JonTron and ProJared under the bus.
What people dont remember The tweet was deleted almost immediately Trying to defend your friend of many years shouldnt be seen as shameful Jirard didnt throw them under the bus. He used them as examples of cancellation
@@Sweetrad No, he used them as examples of having a track record of bad association as Jirard himself put it of how he will receive new lack of business trust when the charity fraud goes public.
@@Flash9230 we watched 2 separate videos then. cuz how i heard it, he was using them as examples of how cancelling will ruin you and nobody will listen
To give a bit more insight to Jared's current activities, he seems more invested in his "Now in the 90's" channel of the history of retro releases and uploads weekly.
And that show used to be uploaded to his main channel, but very recently he moved it purely to the dedicated channel (including removing the uploads of it on the main channel from there), why his channel appears to have been dormant for a while when it wasn't.
He made a community post a few days ago, he's been dealing with Maker Studios copyright claims on his old videos, as well as writing a script for a new Final Fantasy video that he anticipates being 80+ minutes long.
While Jon and Arin did have a brief reunion in the Star Wars Jontron episode, it's since been confirmed multiple times that the two are no longer friends. They haven't been friends for years at this point. Jon's alcohol problem and misogyny towards Arin's wife Suzy got too out of control so Arin cut ties. At least that's what I've been told.
I personally think that the Game Grumps have been doing pretty well. Most RUclipsrs that have a live show that they tour go through Arin's touring company. Plus the quality of Game Grumps content has, IMO, really started to come back in the past two years. They were at a pretty low point in quality somewhere around when the pandemic started (even before).
@@aaronlaughter6471 What's wrong with that? Canadian Pacific was a pretty cool railroad. (/j, /j, I swear.) Jokes aside, when did he do that? For context, I've never watched a single Destiny stream in my life and pretty much all my knowledge of the guy comes from what Turkey Tom has said about him, but I've never heard of that before.
@@Joe-ym5wbwe can clearly watch the clip, Hasan is a weirdo but Destiny is just a bad dude. You can only say crappy things so many times before people realize it's what you actually believe.
Also they do a lot of their own reaserch and hire reaserch ears and translators. Especially for their Pokémon content they have found some infromation that was never known before or never had been translated to English. They have dispelled many rumors we have on stuff like Pokémon development and they translate interviews and post it on their websites.
The video was okay, but there are a few inaccuracies. Even really basic ones, like why Normal Boots is called that (reference to Zelda games, particularly Ocarina of Time). Also, there are a lot of opinions stated as fact (i.e. "their glory days are over") and be careful about describing another channel as a "content farm." That has pretty negative connotations, and are usually reserved for channels putting out a deluge of low-effort content. It sounded like you were taking shots at them, or it even sounds like you have a personal beef with them?
I didn't even know Chadtronic was in Normal Boots. I watched him years and years ago when I was in middle school. He seems like a genuine guy. Good for him.
Thank you for this video! I’m 24 now and didn’t realize how much I loved watching PBG, jontron, projared, game grumps, the completionist, etc. I miss the simple computer days
Calling Did You Know Gaming a content farm is either ignorant at best, or just proving you don't know what a content farm is. The amount of detailed investigative work, going through many decades old physical publications and having them translated from other languages, interviews with developers of old games, finding unpublished and unreleased information, leading to the preservation of video game history... They are an astounding channel doing real work. They don't deserve to be denigrated by being referred to as a content farm.
Jon Tron offered his opinions and they were dog shit enough to lose him the respect of a lot of people who found him entertaining. Sometimes cancel culture is actually just the consequences of our choices. Looks like he learned from it though because his content since then has seemed pretty on the level.
He definitely didn't, considering the fact that he posted a video on his twitter spreading covid and vaccine misinformation. He's always been a bit of a retard.
Too bad consequences are only ever applied to people who leftists disagree with ideologically. And no Jontron’s opinions weren’t dogshit people like just you think you’re right about everything and only your morals are correct.
These guys were my childhood, and my inspiration for the creative endeavors I partake in now. PBG was the first youtuber I ever watched, and watching one of his videos on a Saturday morning has been a tradition of mine for over 12 years now. I love that man, an inspiration to me to this very day.
Yeah it felt pretty backhanded. They still sell out their live shows across the world. Despite the capitalistic views that drive RUclips these days, you can have a good following and a steady flow of views that just doesn't see a huge amount of constant growth without being a flop or on the decline.
Yeah I didn't understand that part at all. They actually look into the games they're playing now, they finish a lot of games, their videos are longer, merch and performances are selling great, they've got their second channel The Grumps which is really funny and Dan is a much better counterpart to Arin than how JonTron was just Arin 2. The golden age of Game Grumps is now, and hopefully until the end of time.
It really makes me think about something Harley from Epic Meal Time said like 5 years ago. He was talking about his video's views compared to now (at the time, like 2019) vs their heyday of 2010ish, where they got like 10x the views. He was like, "Yeah we don't have as many views, but we've got name recognition, we've got merchandise, we've got brand deals. EMT has never been better financially than right now." Or some shit like that, I'm paraphrasing a lot.
@@CiaphasKirby Today I learned Epic Meal Time was still a thing into the late 2010s. Is... is still a thing now? How does a channel just about eating lots of bacon go that far? I need to go check this out. edit: Oh my fucking god, not only are they still active, they're posting weekly, with podcasts. Wh... what? Cool, I guess?
I think it's just the uploader unable to separate his personal bias from the facts. Honestly that and a few other things really made me not take this video very seriously. What is up with these garbage take retrospective videos lately? I've seen at least 5 in the last few months that all have really misinformed takes on 2010's RUclips era. The quality of the scripts show they don't do their research and a ton of personal bias gets ham-fisted in, it feels akin to a "body language expert" video.
Who makes a whole ass 35 minute video talking about the controversies of different RUclipsrs and then, at the very first one, doesn't even report WHAT WAS SAID THAT *LED* TO THE CANCELLATION.
@@gobogoo2329 It's his opinion. Though saying "I won't tell you what ACTUALLY happened in this SUMMARY OF EVENTS because it was stupid even though I felt the need to make a 30+ minutes video on the subject called THE FAILURE OF NORMAL BOOTS." misses the assignment at an impressive level. Like... at least report the events if you're gonna criticize them, so we can understand where you're coming from and form our own opinions. Don't just go "Trust me bro."
"A lot of people on the left wanted him to be cancelled" bro this isnt about being left or right wing, and cancelling is stupid, but did you hear what he said on the livestream? Bros got that 1700s racism
No he said factual stuff that you can look up and prove. Crime statistics aren't something that you can have an opinion on, they're undisputable facts and it's not jons fault that a wealthy race commits more crime than the poorest race of another lol
I don’t know who this guy is, but if you’re a fan I’d start being wary about his intentions and question if he’s conveying the truth to you. The way he glossed over the Jontron “black people are genetically pre-disposed to committing crimes” bit and painting it as a guy with mild right-wing tendencies is fucking insane lmao. It’s hard to trust he’s being objective about anything in this video if he’s so disingenuous about something so serious. Especially considering the Destiny clip he showed was cut to imply “I wasn’t trying to destroy his career or paint him as a white supremacist, it was the SJW’s who did that” when in actuality the clip pretty clearly states “I didn’t intend to out him as a white supremacist, but he just came right out and said it”
@@Jepze158 No they're not. His opinions are pretty on par with white supremacist. What it's not "white supremacist" if he's not vouching for the removable of people with different skin tones. It's mild if he believes they're the root of all problems in the States and don't deserve to mix in with the "normal" and innocent whites.
@@Somethingaweful I mean for one he didn't start talking shit about jews which usually are talking points from white supremacist. Also he didn't advocate anyones death like most people on /pol/.
maybe he doesn't want this content on his channel? maybe it was taken out of context don't know, don't care, haven't watched it, but find it funny that you think hating someone that you accuse of hating is the answer to stop hate - by hating someone, you're fixing hate? Yeah, you're a moron, congrats. Is he a racist? don't know, don't care. are you a racist? don't know, don't care. I'm not here for that - has he hurt anyone else? Regardless of color, gender, etc? we're all people at the end of the day, a crime is a crime. Hate isn't a crime, acting on hate is. Has he committed a crime? If so, he should be in a court, be judged, and whatever the verdict, people should get over it and move on. If he hasn't committed a crime, cool. Get over it. I don't like the scene in saving private ryan where the soldier gets stabbed in the heart. I hate it and won't watch the movie again, Hate isn't a crime. Acting on hate is a crime.
Im disappointed in how the transparency of these controversies are just brushed over. Jontron wasnt just in controversy for getting political, he advocated for xenophobic policies and was EXTREMELY devoted to his argument.
Like it seems like you dont wanna get into it because you talked to destiny and think it wasnt a big deal but that debate destroyed his credibility with a large portion of his audience that wasnt just for nothing and wasnt blown out of proportion because people didnt come back
Like its one thing to express the debate as like a 30 minute misunderstanding but its a 2 hour back and forth where jon actively says "the worst white people probably dont do as much crime as the best black people"
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There is footage of pbg admitting that he does not like peanut butter, think that should have been enough to ruin his credibility
and youtube doesn't recommend him as much to me so how am I supposed to see my favorite youtuber named after a deliciously smooth spread and he doesn't even like the spread?! For Shame
Bro is on fraud watch frfr
Can't blame him for just taking a catchy easy to remember name.
He had a friend who was named after Jelly who no longer makes videos. It makes sense with what they originally wanted to do
@@ma.2089 actually his name was Jeff. He still plays stuff on twitch tho so that’s nice. Also, PBG became a dad very recently, he’s got a little girl. Which is crazy to think about!
Honestly kinda happy for PBG. No real drama or controversy, content that is pretty family friendly relative to others with a similar style, and consistent videos for years now.
To me, PBG carries the charm of old Jontron videos.
I respect him more for standing up for Projared when the controversy started. PBG was quickly silenced, but he at least tried to stick up for his friend, and was later proven right.
Yeah the only controversy PBG had was when he stood up for Jared during his controversy. If Jared and his wife weren't idiots that fell for the polygamy meme, that whole scandal likely would have never even happened in the first place.
@@PeteyPirahna77Polygamy isn't a meme, asshat. None of my business, none of yours.
You forgot about the MySims controversey
It's hilarious to me that newer viewers just know JonTron as "the Flex Tape guy." What a crazy timeline this is.
It's crazy to me people even differentiate his flex tape video and future videos from his video game ones despite being in pretty much the same style.
I know him as the wtf guy
His videos are still fantastic… _when he posts._
I wish he still reviewed games and movies more than oddities. I haven't really been interested in the last like, 6 videos just due to topic.
I learnt about him through the controversy over his awful politics
Can’t believe that you didn’t even mention the biggest scandal of PBG’s entire career: hating on MySims
Or that time he was playing Mario galaxy and he was low on health but just walked past a coin. He had to make an apology and everything.
Watching him play Guns of Icarus was painful as well. I don't know if it was intentional but he came off as an absolute fool and kinda came off as a bandwagoner; everyone else was doing it because it was "The fashion of the time" so he did it too.
Hilariously enough, his videos could be used as a good case study about "How not to behave as a streamer or online personality" as all he does is appeal to people with very low attention spans which doesn't make money for you but for youtube. If you wanna make the money roll then sell shirts and mugs.
@@shroomer8294 I was about to say that 😂
Idk if it's the best YT apology video but it probably is the best NormalBoots apology video which is kind of sad to think about.
@@shroomer8294rent free in my head
What sucks about the whole "no comments section" policy for Kids content is that basically all retro content like 90s Cartoon Network clips, old cereal commercials, etc., lost a treasure trove of discussion and reminiscing by fans... literal decade+ of probably billions comments erased from existence.
Even though RUclips has their "RUclips Kids" app and could have just as easily made the main RUclips platform "13+ Only" like Tiktok, Snapchat, etc. to dodge COPPA.
They would've lost the iPad baby market
RUclips is and always was an 13+ only site. The issue was that RUclips was wanted the piece of the younger audience market, didn't bother to create a better algorithm for it, and didn't care about the consequences until it blowed up in their faces.
The most ridiculous part is when Tom and Jerry cartoons from like the fucking 40s get disabled like that.
The kids who *originally* grew up with that are fucking dead or grandparents by now lol.
@@gamerguy425 Tbf Cartoon Network and Boomerang have aired a lot of Tom and Jerry reruns for decades. Those old shorts have pretty much been in the public conscious for all age groups more than any other longstanding cartoon IP.
the point was to stop creeps from commenting on videos of kids, actually.
I like how jon's voice didn't change since he was 11 years old
I was thinking the same thing lol.
Hearing "Arin from game grumps" made me accutely aware of the wrinkles developing on my face
Yea we are getting and it sucks
early 2000s Newgrounds ftw
Queue bursting into a pile of dust after hearing the question "what is a flash animation".
@@BiggRich95 we're getting so that we're words, apparently..
edit: (old, forgetting)
I still think of him as Egoraptor of Newgrounds, I am a dinosaur 😢
Tales of Super Jon is so funny to me, because here you have this absolute child of a Jon, complete with 240p video quality, but the same exact voice as adult Jon. I don't know why, but it's hilarious to me.
Exact same thing I was thinking. I'd never seen the videos before the clip in this video and the fact that he sounds so similar to how he does now despite looking so much younger was like watching a dubbed video or something. Wild.
He looks like Josh from Drake and Josh more than he already does as an adult lol
@@gamerguy425 I remember someone made a Drake and Josh parody of GG when Jon was on it because people made the similarities
It is surprising and amusing in equal measure.
4:15 i want to clarify this game was primarily developed by PBG’s wife, which is why it was sanctioned and allowed to be funded and voiced by the Normal Boots guys
Correction: Jared was the only Normal Boots member to work at ScrewAttack. PBG and Jon were fans and posted their videos as community members. PBG made some minor guest roles, but neither were ever a part of ScrewAttack. Jirard got his videos promoted by ScrewAttack, but also was never hired.
Came here to say this too, but you articulated way better
Really? That's crazy
Yeah ScrewAttack did a lot of stuff with others, so it can be difficult to pinpoint which ones are actually part of ScrewAttack.
I forgot Jared worked at scewattack. Sad to think of what it is now.
@@Mcnutty924 it's dead, and it's only Death batte, which makes it really interesting since I have been watching them since 2013
The fact that the Normal Boots logo jingle was a game over sound is so ironic
So ironic yet so sad.
Finally someone said it
22:45 I argue dykg is doing more for video game journalism than most others in the field. The effort to find new stuff is insane
You forgot to mention that Jirard made his Best Buy the greatest Best Buy in the entire universe because he stole a Mario statue from a GameStop and watched G4
How to lead Best Buy to victory over GameStop: lie, cheat, and steal, the new ideal!
I don't know if that's impressive or sad. Maybe a bit of both. Either way, wrong.
Okay smart arse, you think it's a coincidence that J-Bird heroically storms out of Best Buy stomping his feet and a few short years later they are struggling to stay open.
Explain that without referring to modernized shopping methods mixed with a diminished economy.
In college, I stole Thor's hammer from a Bestbuy. It was this GIANT (over 8 ft tall) cardboard hammer attached to a base.. I think it was for a movie promotion type thing. Anyway finals had just ended, we had just smoked a blunt, and we were walking home from the movie theater _(Your Highness,_ I think. Terrible movie lol) when we saw the giant hammer. My buddy Richie said "I NEED THAT" and without a word, we ran up, ripped it out of the cardboard base, and ran 3 miles back to the dorm hauling a giant hammer. I'm sure we looked real dumb. When we finally got to the dorm, we realized that it was too big to fit through the doors, but the cool maintenance guy let us use the big garage-type door in the back (super kind dude, hope he's doing well). We used it for a coffee table for a few weeks, but it took up too much space. We decided to cut it up and create cardboard knight's armor and weapons out of it, and then held a "jousting tournament" on the quad. It was.... precisely as cringe as that sounds, but I'll have you know that everyone _DID_ clap. Didn't think anyone was watching us, but after being slain you could hear people cheering out of all the windows overlooking the area. My buddy even got to do the classic "are you not entertained?!" thing, it was cool 🤗
(I have a video of the jousting somewhere, I gotta find that)
@@autobotstarscream765The woolie way is relevant to this day
Referring to DYKG as a "content farm" feels like a very backhanded insult.
They've contributed a lot to Video Game history and preservation. Heck, just last year they helped uncovered a lost Pokemon webgame and shared it with everyone.
They also recycle their content though, turn on a playlist and see how much of it is the same video over and over.
And? They learned to make bag by playing the RUclips game.
If that enables them to continue the contributions they've made, that's fine by me@@DragoonCenten
They've only been doing the investigative journalism stuff the past few years. For the better part of their existence, they just regurgitated info from fan wikis and trivia websites, oftentimes not even verifying if the info was even correct or not.
I was actually thinking this exact thing. It felt like something being said by someone who didn't actually research the channel.
@@GANONdork123 I think this is a great point and explains why their reputation is pretty polarized. Though, I think considering this is a modern retrospective video, it really showed a lack of understanding or research to dismiss the past 4 years of the channel.
I watched so much Normal Boots content back in the day that when I heard that iconic intro, I instantly forgot what I was watching and started to relax.
Hey wait a minute
Normal Boots is a reference to the Normal Boots from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time specifically. Google highlighting the wrong answer from that reddit post did you dirty on this one
How do you even get close to that type of video game content to make a video on its members' history without even recognizing an outfit of one of the most popular video-game franchises ever? "Oops, gotta put on my normal boots, these have no traction/make me walk so slow" thought anyone who's ever played a 3D Zelda game.
@@pickles3128I've played through ocarina and I completely forgot about it.
The item in Zelda isn't called the "normal boots". They're just called "boots" in-game or "Kokiri Boots" in some guidebooks.
And you can't even argue it's a fan made name because I don't think they were called like that until after Normal Boots the website was a thing. People just retroactively associate the item with the website because the latter used the former as a mascot of sorts.
@@LM-cc7qzfair but his boots are literally shown in the logo at one point
@@KaoruMzk idk if you’re just being nitpicky or not, but everyone I knew as a kid called them normal boots, as opposed to heavy boots. And this was long before RUclips existed.
Quick edit: now I’m just imagining sitting around with friends playing the game with light or heavy boots on and someone says something like “this would be easier with boots on.” Like, what? I *have* boots on Josh. Which ones?
I can’t believe kids discussing the game just called them “boots”
One quick inaccuracy that I don’t think anyone else has mentioned- Asagao academy wasn’t technically a fan game, it was actually made by PBG’s wife, Danielle (unicornism). It was actually massive, and most of the cast + hidden block were very active within the fandom. Shane Gill’s twitch stream of his route where he passed out drunk mid play through will be forever close to my heart.
True, though early on, Danny handed over control, writing, and programming to Cheratomo who wasn't directly involved with NormalBoots (at least at the time), and many of us who worked on the game were fans. I guess it was both a fangame and not a fangame in a way?
well you could maybe count her as a fan anyway
GOD that stream was incredible. "End task" will forever live in my memory.
Do you know where I could find an archive of that stream to watch?
@@SaiyaSounds I think at most they were closeness-wise was they were in the same circles, cause she was SpaceHamster's roommate at the time
You can tell this was researched but got maybe like 80% of the way there, where the last 20% were probably details not crucial to the video's narrative, but still stick out on their own. Like no, Did You Know Gaming was never intended to be a "content farm". That's just parroting terms that only came into use in the past year.
The one thing I can give is that you're not making anything up, but you should possibly keep a cite of sources on hand to refer to when writing. It's not just about proving yourself, it's also about keeping track of what you're saying.
DYKG IS a content farm though, they used to get their sources from wikis and gaming subreddits and they didnt even verify if the "facts" were true. Dont get me wrong, I love the channel, I fall asleep to it every night. They now do independent research and put a lot more effort in their videos, but check out their playlists, they repeat a lot of videos. It didnt start up as a content farm, but it looks like a content farm.
I think a lot about the normal boots dating sim… I can’t imagine it aged well
As someone who was in the official Skype chat and helped to run the tumblr page, yeah. I try not to dwell on it.
holy shit i completely forgot about that, hindsight is a cruel beast
@baconmoop7651 I'm sorry for that. Ouch.
Yeah that otome aged like milk in a desert summer. One of the main makers is actually PBG's wife.
I think it's so funny that it exists
I'd rather dating sim date the hidden block guys
Small correction: PBG and JonTron didn't work for ScrewAttack. They were users in the ScrewAttack community, and they uploaded to the community section.
I thought that was off. I would watch Screwattack as their videos came out and didn't remember them ever appearing outside maybe the Mario Party After Dark streams. I'm pretty sure only ProJared was from that company
Yeah, but he knew them because the ScrewAttack people in general interacted a lot with the community posters@@BasedAnarchist
Hearing jontrons current voice coming from his past self was kind of uncanny
I love how these stories range from:
"He then went on a massive political rant on live stream and committed charity fraud"
"He gets fewer views I guess, but he seems alright."
Edit: I'm proud to be the creator of an Internet debate. Unintentionally, for the record.
pbg chad perfectly content with playing with children's fast food toys and eating frozen pizza for a week
@@jivanhoyt6520 The only one of these people I watch sometimes anymore.
I don’t watch PBG anymore because he had a baby but definitely the tamest out of all the controversies that came from the other members. The worst thing he did in the public’s eyes was when he asked people not to be so hasty with accusing Jared when all the allegations came to light.
PBG was always my favourite of these guys, so it's nice to hear that things worked out okay for him.
Did You Know Gaming is _way_ more than a content farm, at least nowadays. It's genuine investigative journalism, now. Like, they've been leaking some serious, previously unknown information about the industry exclusively from their channel. They've come a very long way from making videos about fun facts ou could have just as easily read from a Wikipedia article. Seriously, check their newer stuff out, it's very fascinating.
A lot of their stuff is still pretty surface level though, like if you just know a little bit of japanese you can uncover so much hidden knowledge that's only hidden purely because of a language barrier.
If you want to see real investigative journalism, look up the majoras mask localization documentary, that one actually gets in contact with people and talks about many things that you can't just look up by googling "nintendo magazine japanese 2002" and scrolling.
Yeah, calling them a "content farm" is straight up insulting to the work that they do. They make most games journalism look pretty broke by comparison.
NOTE: Screw Attack founder Craig mentioned in an interview that he fired Jared for backstage unprofessional behavior and publicly criticizing coworkers on public social media. It's in an audio interview.
That checks out for someone who made a tumblr solely for using his ‘celebrity’ status to collect nudes from fans. PervJared is a sex pest creep.
Given that SA ended up as part of rooster teeth thats kind of funny in hindsight
Didn't Craig ditch RT fairly early on?
@@SomeAsian craig did alot of shit in pursuit of money. Though it was more like RT ditched ScrewAttack... kinda... by making them only do DeathBattle which lead to them dropping the ScrewAttack label entirely. And when they realised they didn't need Craig for this, they also dropped him, to which I say "good riddance".
Craig also says that e-girls deserve to be harassed and he hasn't been relevant in 10+ years so yeah, probably not the best to listen to Craig.
I know Normal Boots for two things:
1. The intro that shows up on older videos at random
2. PBG Hardcore
PBG single handedly carried them on his back. Half of the videos you on his channel have a “normal boots is back!” segment😭😭
true then again im biased towards PBG
The reason Game Grumps removed videos featuring Jared is because RubberRoss, who's regularly at Game Grumps was married to Holly Conrad.
Weren’t they publicly divorced for like half a year before all of the stuff happened with Jared tho?
@@doctorslept Holly and Ross split in September 2018 then Jared and Holly started their affair in October.
@@cuhleef Yeah but weren’t the videos taken down around the same time as the Projared controversy?
@@doctorslept They only began to be taken down right after the whole debacle started. And even then, from what the videos seems to say, it was consentual stuff until Jared's wife had issues with it. Granted this is coming out of Jared's mouth but still.
@@AtrocityEquine01 Not just Jared's mouth. Heidi released a bunch of texts she thought were damaging to Holly between her and her therapist, her and Holly, and her and Jared that backed up that she was fine with the relationship and also had an emotional affair herself going on at the same time, making her a hypocrite. They also did appear to paint her as emotionally manipulative and abusive, just like Jared and PBG alleged, including her threatening unaliving to try to keep Jared in the relationship.
I know Continue isn’t the biggest, but the trio have awesome chemistry and humor. I still watch them when I can.
Same! I used to watch them every night. It's sort of like watching a podcast and I pretend I have friends.
I admire them so much for keeping it simple and making the type of content they enjoy making, regardless of times and algorithms. Hell, if you watch the old episodes of Game Grumps, Jon frequently points out that Continue was a huge inspiration for him.
they're great dudes, glad to see they're still at it all these years later
I love them and their podcasts to this day.
Used to love them but I haven't watched them in years, do they still make new stuff?
The Projared situation is so sad. Especially that last part. He goes out to defend Jirard whom he cares about likely because he experienced a similar situation, only on the other end, Jirard didn't give two shits about him and actually sees Projared as someone below him. Like in the leaked audio he talked about surviving the Projared situation unscathed. Man cared about his image more than helping people. It's sad how someone innocent was dogpiled on from the start whilst someone truly malicious was defended for great while.
innocent people is not a word I would use to describe people like Projared.
@@cheekyhazelnut Thank you for showing me you didn't watch the video.
@@duskyer He was wrongly accused by minors and his exwife didn't tell all the truth... but he still sent nudes to his fans, which is a thing you shouldn't do
@@tani1868 It's fucking weird, but if it's between consenting adults, which it was, it's fine. Nobody involved was in a situation where they weren't comfortable with seeing what they were seeing.
@@duskyerThat's also true. Anyway, I'm glad he recovered from it all
It is hard to listen to a long video like this when the narrator sounds bored or half-asleep, like they actively don't care about what they're reading.
That normal boots intro, though, is still kino
You didn't mention that Jirad originally lied about Greg leaving saying they ended on good terms and were still friends.
Yep, and Greg recently came out and blew Jirad's claim to pieces!
he didn't mention the alternative jirad youtube completionist origin story either.
@@DrawciaGleam02 I didn't find anything regarding greg but I stop watching a bit after Gred left because the channel changed focus to money maker mode and even stopped talking about completing and did normal reviews so the content is more marketable. I hate Jirad
Greg WAS The Completionist. Everything went to sht when he left.
History smiles upon Greg.
@6:40 *NOT* infamous, famous. The Putt-Putt games where, and still are A++ games.
That debate with JonTron and Destiny was probably one of the most legendary RUclips moments because Jon was on top of the world and basically just offered his career up to be slaughtered.
I have no clue what Jon was thinking, I have no clue how he thought "Goofy Internet Game Guy vs. Guy Who Debates for a Living" could have gone well for him.
It's been a few years so my memory is hazy on the details. From what I remember is that after he recklessly agreed to the debate he had to sit around in the background waiting for Destiny to finish a game stream and started to drink to take the edge off, which turned out to be a massive mistake, besides just being extremely unprepared for a live debate.
I can't read his mind for why he wanted to debate Destiny in the first place, but he has a reputation for being hard but fair on his debate partners. Maybe he thought he could just shoot from the hip, try to make his points and that'd be that. When he got started to be put through the wringer the lack of preparation together with the alcohol led him to grasp for straws, eventually leading to the now infamous crime quote. He joined another stream as a sort of post-mortem where he explained why he made such mistakes, got corrected on where his arguments went wrong and apologized for that comment. It wasn't on his own channel though so unfortunately a lot of his regular audience never saw it.
He probably thought a whole lot more people agreed with his insane views than actually did. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.
He’s still here. You’re making it seem like his youtube career is dead.
Remember, the debate Destiny had after that one he advocated for US military intervention in Mexico to kill the cartel.
@@MDPToaster I don't think anyone is saying destiny is great, he was just a useful tool for dismantling people like jon tron
DidYouKnowGaming has gotten pretty good recently, revealing some obscure things and doing some work, and not just reading wikipedia.
Actually they have been doing some quite good journalistic content, with interviews with people who worked in some cancelled games production and development. That's how they have coming up with good stuff outside Wikipedia content.
i've never seen them read off wikipedia. was that a thing? they always seem to go above and beyond
It's a way to say that at first they were, as the video says, a content farm, they weren't doing anything special. It's now that they are actually makinggood stuff. @@BasedAnarchist
@@BasedAnarchist they used to just gather facts around forums and such and just read them out loud, they were mocked often for sharing stuff that was already well known and pretending it was worthwhile content, they took the feedback to hearth and is the reason nowadays they try to uncover more obscure and worthwile gaming information, as propper journalism, to really give you gaming info of something that you truly don't know.
Unfortunately many people are not aware of this and still assume DYNG is just fodder content
@@BiggBossChanel To be fair they were doing that for years so they built up a reputation.
About Did You Know Gaming, I think multiple guests narrators have said this although I can only truly remember Arin saying it on an episode of Guest Grumps (on the Game Grumps), where they are always so amazed & pleased with the trivia they have to read that they constantly interupt themselves with "huh."s and "oh wows" during recordings, which Shane would constantly have to edit out
Not to mention that once again, plagiarism is rearing it's ugly head due to a claim of uncredited and stolen footage being used in DYKG's videos at the time of this video's upload. How unfortunate.
@@Gaia_BentosZX5the footage in that controversy was credited, but the original Let's Player was mad he wasn't asked permission. That's just how YT works though. This video were commenting under, he didn't ask all the Normal Boots members permission to use it. Same goes for academic paper, news articles, etc. You don't have to ask Henry Kissinger or whoever's permission to use them as sources. Proper conduct is citing the source (which DYKG did). That's not plagiarism.
@DJIVision Dr.Lava pfp! Shoutout the goat and the true archeologist of pokemon media
Edit: well this is embarrassing I had no idea that was actually you, i didnt recognize the DJIVision handle. well anyway I wanna say I am super fond of your work and while I greatly appreciate your tireless research for DYKG I GRAVELY miss your RUclips videos thank you for all your effort 🙏
apples and grapes
Carrots and peas?
Only real ones remember that video
A real classic
Sorry dude. You lucked out.
The number of times i watched that back in the day... lol. I really miss old Normal Boots sometimes.
The decline of normal boots is like what would happen if Doug Walker left channel awesome, without that key figure at the helm to act as a draw, you're left in a permanent decline. Normal boots was just too late to the party, coming around at a time where copyright started to be much more forgiving (and it always was way more forgiving for games than it was movies anyway) and more people were able to get their start on youtube, not needing alternative sites for hosting videos. Another key aspect is the rise of patreon, with less reliance on ad revenue to make a living, creators could even face a video being demonetized and still profit thanks to fan donations.
Or James Rolf leaving screenwave
@@kenlee4356 Screenwave already killed Cinemassacre though, James didn't even have to leave
Nah, normalboots succeeded in the era it was created, it just ran its course and as the internet lndscape changed it became a relic of the past.
I mean Channel Awesome just had everyone but Doug leave, and then he had to bring back Nostalgia Critic to try and save the sinking ship.
Now, of course, we may be at a point where off-siting is valuable again, as YT becomes more restrictive and less lucrative.
I'm glad that Continue is still going and upload consistently. It doesn't seem like they're in it for the money (as shown in their income from their content), but genuinely just enjoying what they do. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
They are the kind of people I have zero problem at all supporting on Patreon. They are real people in it for the love of the craft and are genuine.
I still watch The Continue? boys. Always seem so low profile and straight forward. No bad sketches: just some awkward Dad Dudes playin' games. Wish they got more views.
I love them and their podcasts. Excellent content by funny guys
Tbh think their peak was s1 of pretend friends
It's nice to see that Peanut Butter Gamer is just keepin on keepin on
I will say this: The Continue and Jontron Drunkstravaganza Collab is one of the best things to ever come out of Normal Boots.
I still quote that and their other skits. Just a great trio of average guys.
I miss the normal boots intros. Actually nostalgic. And I was gonna say, all the NB members have been through some sort of controversy through the years. Thanks for talking about this😊
PBG almost didn’t survive the Super Mario Galaxy scandal
-woah there were non-binary normal boots members that’s so cool-
No way I was just thinking “wouldn’t it be cool if there was a normal boots retrospective” awesome vid
2:52 BEATLES FUN FACT/ CORRECTION: Pete Best didn't quit, he was fired and replaced by a unanimous decision amongst the Band and their Manager Brian Epstein because he just wasn't a very good drummer and his style didn't suit the band as well as Ringo's eventually would. He also struggled to keep time which is sort of the drummer's main job. Even in his later work outside of the Beatles he never improved his ability to keep time which just shows laziness in his practicing tbh. If he wasn't fired then he would've been fired later.
I’m a big ole Normal Boots fan, Asagao Academy was technically fan-made but one of those fans was Austin’s (PBG) wife. She was also a fan prior to meeting Austin while he was still a smaller creator. She sent him an email and he was interested. Sounds like a recipe for disaster these days, but it was still early days like EARLY days so I mean their continuing marriage and growing family is probably a testament that their relationship is going strong. Asagao was created well after they were already married, and Austin was very open about how this was a passion project for his wife and her game developer partner. They released it for free download and it was a really well made game, all things considered. It’s a bit cringe looking back on some of the things some of the guys did since then for sure but I was always a Continue? girl more than anything so I still have fond mems.
Edit note: projared’s Asagao character was obsessed with himself which is kind of hilarious looking back
Asagao Academy.. a name I've not heard in a long time..
@@SaiyaSounds an odd little blip in time
@@greenbeansnthings I still have some fondness for it, though I have some bias, as that was the last major game I worked on.
@@SaiyaSounds WAIT ACTUALLY ommmmggggg I could not begin to tell you how many hours I spent playing all the endings just to see all the beautiful art and see all the clever bits it really was a well made game, and I wouldn’t have been able to play it if it wasn’t freely available to be quite honest
@@SaiyaSounds Asagao Academy walked so Dream Daddy could run
You missed talking about the Normal Boots RUclips channel that for some strange reason is run by The Completionist and his brother. Yes that brother from the charity.
2 screen-scrolls of the top comments point out several points of misinformation in this video.
I've been doing research on this for the last two years and while this video is good, I've found some inaccuracies.
1:35 Jon and Austin met through messaging on the Screwattack website, but neither of them worked for the company. (c. SGC 2014 Panel on AngryJoeShow)
3:33 To say Shane launched hiddenblock is quite an overstatment. Shane designed the website and along with Jirard they helped internally get the group started, but Shane/DYKG was never an official member. (C. Caddicarus hiddenblock announcement video)
7:57 Same as earlier, while Projared did actually work for screwattack on several of their official shows, Jon only uploaded to the site, which are very distinct differences. (C. SGC 2015 ProJared Panel)
16:14 This isn't wrong, but it's worth noting that it wasn't just a shoutout that kicked off Jirard's career. He found a modest following quickly by uploading the completionist to Screwattack, and he joined NormalBoots with his second video. One or two videos later, he also joined The Game Station network, which was a feat for how new his channel was. But ive no doubt that Jon's cross promotion further helped.
19:28 Jirard never left NormalBoots. He continued to stay in the group through the Jared drama that put NB on a hiatus, but he was there when they rebooted the 3rd time. Unlike other former members, there was no announcement of his leave.
Also Satchel Drakes was part of NormalBoots from 2014-2019, and while he didn't make many videos with the group, he did go to a lot of panels with them so it seems strange to not mention him. Pelvic Gaming and Protonjon also joined NB in 2021, that's a more understandable omission given how little time they've been members.
Everything else seemed factual to my knowledge, and I know how hard it is to track down info on this.
Hey thanks! Yeah it is kinda hard to track down info on this stuff. Had to rely on fan wiki's and those aren't always the most accurate/most detailed. The Hidden Block page on the Caddicarus wiki just says Did You Know Gaming started it, but from what you're saying that's not true.
Also regarding 7:57, I legit had no idea users could just post onto Screw Attack like here on RUclips. I assumed it was like That Guy With The Glasses and it was invite only to post. I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll talk about Screw Attack in a video so I'll keep that in mind.
I also wish TheCompletionist went more into detail of his story in those articles I looked at, he made it sound like Arin (and in some other articles, Jon) just handed him a career. I never seen him talk about the fact he already had a minor audience beforehand.
Regarding Satchel Drakes since a few people mentioned him in the comments, there was a few other people I didn't give full sections. I wanted to more focus on the most popular guys/people deeply involved.
Thanks for clearing some of these details up, and I'm glad you enjoyed the video
I read somewhere that Lady Pelvic recorded a single video with them, but the file got corrupted and couldn't be posted.
@@NumberOneHorseDrowner That may be in reference to the NormalBoots show called Gamer Tiers, however Amber was in the NB hardcore season for a few episodes before she died (in game of course).
@@MichaelAlberto Another correction: Craig mentioned in an audio interview that he fired Jared from ScrewAttack for continuous unprofessional behavior behind the scenes like publicly criticizing coworkers on social media with no remorse. He also mentioned that if this was done by any regular worker in any regular job that they would be fired for it, so he fired him.
I'm surprised Satchell Drakes wasn't mentioned.
Satchell was way ahead of everyone else on RUclips. I still don't see many videos with as much style or polish as his old videos.
Yeah, I remember his stuff feeling way more in depth and analytical compared to the others, I really liked it
Oh yea I forgot about him
Most people have forgotten about him as his videos were good, but posted so rarely. He's posted less than 50 videos in 11 years.
Satch was in another league but yeah, his pace was def punished by the way YT algo worked at the time.
You forgot to mention that the reason Projareds main channel is one hiatus was to distance himself from that label for his side channel Now In The 90s.
You forgot to mention Projared's new show (and his main focus now) "Now in the 90's"
A lot of ppl probably dont know it exists....even though its pretty good
Never ever heard of it
@@Bad616 It's quite good, it was about games that came out in the exactly same week 20 years ago (so 1993-1994) how it play, some history, its'popularity back then and review scores.
I don't mean to be pedantic but you mean 30 years ago, I guess you're getting old too.@@justblueboy2939
I love it. It's become part of my routine on Fridays
Young JonTron gives me strong Josh Peck vibes.
Yeah people used to compare PBG and Jontron to Drake and Josh
Yeah if Josh peck was a nazi
I thought that was josh peck when i saw him
That moment when you realize Hidden Block, the competing content group, technically lasted longer than Normal Boots did.
*Normal boots logo comes on
"Oh yeah i used to watch a lot of Jontron.
Wait I still watch a lot of Jontron.
Wait I only clicked this video because I thought it was Jontron's bi annual video release."
I'm 6 seconds in and youve already taken me for a wild ride.
bro me too haha i literally thought it was a jontron thumbnail, oh well might as well see what it's about.
Sometimes we get 3 videos a year if Jon forgets he has to make a video due to a sponsor's contract obligations.
Well technically Normal Boots did fail because no one is affiliated with the brand anymore. Everyone is doing their own thing without being associated with the Normal Boots brand.
If it's twice a year, is it really a lot?
@@LegendStormcrow depends how many he watches as reruns
I can already picture the discussion Greg and Jirard had:
G: "So the charity, did you donate the money yet?"
And don't forget the
G: I want you to take down all the videos im in.
J: quick everybody go watch those videos so I can make some money off of them before I have to take them down
Greg left long before Indieland became a thing.
That's not why he waited 30 days.
It's worth noting for DYKGaming that their old videos were crumby simple facts, but nowadays they do a lot of research into their videos, and even have a lot of entire exclusive interviews/new information.
Also, playing Vriska's theme totally caught me off-guard.
I think Peebz is the only one who never royally screwed up?
i mean shane and the continue guys haven't done anything
Peebs had a kid. How dare he have sex.
Jon never "royally" screwed up. It's an over hyped nontroversy
@@sparxskywriter2589 But twitter say he bad man :(
The early to mid 2010s aka when youtubers stopped copying Avgn and nostalgia critic and decided to instead copy JonTron
realizing I know the full historys of everyone your talking about off the top of my head is really making my hair turn grey
I swear some youtubers have Zero Foresight to their actions, it goes from “not thinking it was gonna bite you in the ass” to “WHY DID YOU THINK YOU WERE GONNA HAVE A CAREER AFTER THAT”
I wish you would have addressed what Jon actually said in the Destiny interview instead of dancing around it and making it just seem like he said a lukewarm take that SJW’s shit their pants over. He used Great Replacement talking points and other horribly racist sentiments. He said immigrants and interracial couples were tainting the white race majority of the USA, which was bonkers coming from someone whose parents are middle eastern immigrants.
You are certainly living up to a part of your name.
@@aaronlaughter6471 I certainly do 69 with your mom every night
@@aaronlaughter6471 I do be giving your mama meat on the regular
That's one of the things I really don't like about this video.
So, he said things that were objectively true?
I remember finding Jon in his early days, and I was addicted to his videos while on vacation. It was at a time when he would only get 10s of thousands of views, and his latest video released when I subbed was his Space Ace video.
I was subbed to him since then, but I kinda skipped his videos when he stopped doing videogames. But I eventually watched his newer stuff and it's pretty entertaining. I still miss his gaming content though.
Yeah I remember seeing him and thinking he's way funnier than AVGN and that's saying something
Calling DYKG a "Content Farm" is wild. Their channel has really hit their stride as of late, breaking a lot of gaming history news with new video releases.
You can tell the whole team has clearly been putting a lot of effort into their work and research if you actually watch the videos.
It has been a content farm for the vast majority of its life.
I always like the Jared receipts line.
I could have sworn that 'BrutalMoose' was once part of Normal Boots too
He was with Hidden Block, I believe.
I don't think it's very intellectually honest to be as vague as this video is on the Jontron controversy. It is technically true that he was defending that senator's comments on immigration but what is left out is what exactly he said. The claim that got Jontron in trouble was that he thought immigration was going to lead to white people being made a minority in the US. This claim is laughably untrue but the integrity of it isn't really the point. It's a dogwhistle. It is meant to make the idea that immigrants are invaders look acceptable enough to spread to paranoid white people. Now, on some level I do agree that he was and is just someone who heard some very dumb ideas online but that doesn't make what he said and the ideas implicit in it any less horrible.
-he thought immigration was going to lead to white people being made a minority in the US
I mean that is true though. There are already places in US where whites are minority and with how much mexicans make babies compared to whites it is gonna happen eventually.
yeah... even those of us who have huge issues with how immigration is being mishandled don't go nearly that fucking far into the weeds lol
locking down unchecked immigration until the day when the US can actually support it's own people, nevermind others? cool
locking down unchecked immigration because the "white race" is going to be ethnically replaced? i dunno chief, that's a lil whack 😂
No bro come on bro you were supposed to gloss over that part so people can obey PC and pretend it's just "unpopular opinions" bro come on
@@Wayte13 PC?
Why *woudln't* immigration lead to whites becoming a minority? I generally hear it said that that's not a bad thing, or that we deserve it or something, not that it's not going to happen. The white percentage *has* gone way down, due to immigration. Are you thinking it's going to go back up or something?
Look the outrage against Jon I feel was justified. He doubled down multiple times on "preserving the white race" and went on unprompted tirades about "wealthy blacks committing more crimes than wealthy whites," and some of the anti immigration stuff he agreed with was hugely hypocritical given the fact that he has an immigrant background. It wasn't just him getting caught in a "debate bro trap" either, cause his follow-up video where he seemingly defends himself is where he said the "preserve the white race" comment.
Now he didn't deserve to get harassed, nobody does. But him getting canned from the Rare game is within their right, and people being upset at him from stuff he seemingly hasn't really backpedaled I feel is fair. At least, some of the shit he posted on Twitter during the peak of the pandemic would indicate that.
Being critical of immigration as a second or third immigrant is not hypocritical, it's ironic but not exactly hypocritical. Sociopolitical problems are sensitive to time and are subject to it very differently, what wasn't a problem maybe 50 years ago may be a problem now.
@@Ranchor489 Sure, but you can criticize immigration without being racist or xenophobic, and JonTron didn't exactly do that. Criticizing immigration as an immigrant isn't within itself hypocritical, yes, but the way Jon did it, I feel, was.
PBG- the only one who is scandal free and legit still making us laugh with his content.
It's kinda messed up to call what he did "expressing political opinions"... if you're going to cover this stuff don't so obviously fence sit to try and appease your viewers. He said black people were more likely to be criminals because of their blackness and not because of any socio-economic or circumstantial reasons even saying rich blacks would commit more crime than poor whites. His sources were far far far right, not normal right. The politician's statement that made Destiny talk to him about was: "We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies" something his fellow Republicans condemned as supporting white nationalism. Jon constantly defended the idea that there was coming an "end of white populations" and “If they [non-whites] assimilated, they would enter the gene pool, eventually.”
Either talk about a subject you bring up or don't make a video on the topic. It just makes you look bad to people on all political sides. Avoiding politics when talking about politics still = politics.
His sources was so far far far right it was the New York Times
The 2014 crime stat JonTron brought up showed blacks with income in the upper brackets committing more violent crime per capita than poorer whites
It directly refuted the "socio economic factors" argument
Nah, when you report something, you simply say what happened. Keep opinions out of it. That's like, story reporting for dummies. It's elementary even. You got a problem, make a tweet or make your own video or something.
@@DragoonCenten Yes... exactly. You say what happened. This video didn't do that. Story reporting for dummies is about covering the subject as well as the context under a thesis. This video skirted around some of the most important aspects of the context surrounding Jon and his story. Like Destiny said I don't wanna cancel Jon or even hate on him however if you're covering the downfall of Normal Boots and don't go into detail about what Jon did or even all that much about what the rest of them did that was controversial it feels more like pandering and clickbaiting (something which is all too much an issue both on the left and the right in modern reporting). I made this comment not because I want to make a video on this topic. Other people have, and done a much better job. I made this comment as constructive criticism. Harsh criticism, but good faith none the less.
@@thishandleistacken yeah I bet, have a good day
Good video. My one critique is that the JonTron controversy segment made it seem like he said an opinion some didn't like so there was an attempt to cancel him. He wasn't spouting some run-of-the-mill opinion, though; he was using the same kind of rhetoric used by white nationalists and other bigots. It's one of the reasons why I stopped watching him back in the day.
same, that really ripped the mask off. what an "i got mine fuck you" asshole.
Yeah this video was low-key burying the lede there without mentioned the "gene pool" racemixing comments
Okay I get where you're coming from and I do agree that it's dumb how often genuine racists use it as a talking point, but it's still a statistical fact, and when people pass off statistics as hearsay, you wind up with regression instead of progression.
@@user-wj6jh1cd5nI mean for one when he said “look at the statistics” he *was* talking out of his ass. We know this because when he was asked, he couldn’t seem to figure out where the statistics he made up came from. He also made it pretty clear without actually saying it that he believes black people are genetically predisposed to crime regardless of their financial status. Poor white people commit more crimes than rich black people, that is a real statistic from the study he was half remembering. But he disagreed with this statistic, what I’m saying is that he’s racist, like just plain text, he wants an ethnostate
@@user-wj6jh1cd5nbe careful, you're making too much sense by saying that, twitter users won't like that
ProJared's main channel does not have much recent content, but he has another channel he made called "Now in the 90's", talking about games that were released 30 years ago to the day. The first video was in November 29th 2022 and a new video comes out every week. My assumption is that this is where most of Jared's production energy tends to go, which would explain why there aren't many big videos on his main channel as of late.
As of writing, "Now in the 90's" has a bit over 62k subscribers and 97 videos, with the most viewed video being on Ecco the Dolphin: 262k+ views. It's not much, but I'm glad Jared is just doing something he enjoys. It's a niche channel, but with this, Twitch, and his let's play channel (which was just updated less than a day ago, having 240k+ subs) I'm sure he's just living his best life and I'm proud of him.
Man, Continue has always been underrated.
Jon "Gene Pool" Jafari
It is sad to see how Jared jumped to protect Jirard by doing exactly what was done to him (not researching, jumping into a bandwagon, spreading misinformation, etc.) and when the full call between Muta, Karl, and Jirard was published, one could hear how Jirard threw JonTron and ProJared under the bus.
What people dont remember
The tweet was deleted almost immediately
Trying to defend your friend of many years shouldnt be seen as shameful
Jirard didnt throw them under the bus. He used them as examples of cancellation
@@Sweetrad No, he used them as examples of having a track record of bad association as Jirard himself put it of how he will receive new lack of business trust when the charity fraud goes public.
@@Flash9230 we watched 2 separate videos then. cuz how i heard it, he was using them as examples of how cancelling will ruin you and nobody will listen
To give a bit more insight to Jared's current activities, he seems more invested in his "Now in the 90's" channel of the history of retro releases and uploads weekly.
He's also doing streaming/vod uploads from his twitch channel.
I just can’t get over him being a weirdo coomer
And that show used to be uploaded to his main channel, but very recently he moved it purely to the dedicated channel (including removing the uploads of it on the main channel from there), why his channel appears to have been dormant for a while when it wasn't.
He made a community post a few days ago, he's been dealing with Maker Studios copyright claims on his old videos, as well as writing a script for a new Final Fantasy video that he anticipates being 80+ minutes long.
He’s moved primarily to streaming, on top of the NIT90s. He streams frequently, though
DYKG isn’t a content farm. They do investigative journalism with people across the world to solve old questions from gaming.
I miss the days of youtubers having a troupe
I've been watching these guys for so long. It's been crazy watching things rise and fall apart.
Underbelly became hard to search with a crime drama series using the name and getting the search results
While Jon and Arin did have a brief reunion in the Star Wars Jontron episode, it's since been confirmed multiple times that the two are no longer friends. They haven't been friends for years at this point. Jon's alcohol problem and misogyny towards Arin's wife Suzy got too out of control so Arin cut ties. At least that's what I've been told.
I can’t watch that shit anymore because of the people dancing in the background.
I personally think that the Game Grumps have been doing pretty well. Most RUclipsrs that have a live show that they tour go through Arin's touring company. Plus the quality of Game Grumps content has, IMO, really started to come back in the past two years. They were at a pretty low point in quality somewhere around when the pandemic started (even before).
Being involved in any capacity with Destiny is always going to be a bad decision with net negative consequences.
I will always remember and vomit in my mouth when I remember he defended CP.
@@aaronlaughter6471 What's wrong with that? Canadian Pacific was a pretty cool railroad. (/j, /j, I swear.) Jokes aside, when did he do that? For context, I've never watched a single Destiny stream in my life and pretty much all my knowledge of the guy comes from what Turkey Tom has said about him, but I've never heard of that before.
@@TheEldritchHyena he never did that. it's a common lie spread by Hasan Piker viewers
@@Joe-ym5wbwe can clearly watch the clip, Hasan is a weirdo but Destiny is just a bad dude. You can only say crappy things so many times before people realize it's what you actually believe.
You can also just not be racist.
Did you know gaming isnt a content farm since there focusing on more bigger scope videos
Also they do a lot of their own reaserch and hire reaserch ears and translators. Especially for their Pokémon content they have found some infromation that was never known before or never had been translated to English. They have dispelled many rumors we have on stuff like Pokémon development and they translate interviews and post it on their websites.
Fuckin love the continue guys. All solid dudes
Continue? deserves more viewers. They have been the most consistant channel of the bunch.
The video was okay, but there are a few inaccuracies. Even really basic ones, like why Normal Boots is called that (reference to Zelda games, particularly Ocarina of Time). Also, there are a lot of opinions stated as fact (i.e. "their glory days are over") and be careful about describing another channel as a "content farm." That has pretty negative connotations, and are usually reserved for channels putting out a deluge of low-effort content. It sounded like you were taking shots at them, or it even sounds like you have a personal beef with them?
17:10 business decisions were probably Greg wanted to donate the money while Jirard didn’t
Underrated comment.
I didn't even know Chadtronic was in Normal Boots. I watched him years and years ago when I was in middle school. He seems like a genuine guy. Good for him.
He was a late addition. He joined way after he and Normal Boots were in their prime.
Chad always felt like the fun little brother that was just happy to be a part of something, I love him.
Caddy joined their podcast as a guest too, so that was fun
JonTron won!
Thank you for this video! I’m 24 now and didn’t realize how much I loved watching PBG, jontron, projared, game grumps, the completionist, etc. I miss the simple computer days
Calling Did You Know Gaming a content farm is either ignorant at best, or just proving you don't know what a content farm is. The amount of detailed investigative work, going through many decades old physical publications and having them translated from other languages, interviews with developers of old games, finding unpublished and unreleased information, leading to the preservation of video game history... They are an astounding channel doing real work. They don't deserve to be denigrated by being referred to as a content farm.
Jon Tron offered his opinions and they were dog shit enough to lose him the respect of a lot of people who found him entertaining. Sometimes cancel culture is actually just the consequences of our choices. Looks like he learned from it though because his content since then has seemed pretty on the level.
He definitely didn't, considering the fact that he posted a video on his twitter spreading covid and vaccine misinformation. He's always been a bit of a retard.
Too bad consequences are only ever applied to people who leftists disagree with ideologically. And no Jontron’s opinions weren’t dogshit people like just you think you’re right about everything and only your morals are correct.
These guys were my childhood, and my inspiration for the creative endeavors I partake in now. PBG was the first youtuber I ever watched, and watching one of his videos on a Saturday morning has been a tradition of mine for over 12 years now. I love that man, an inspiration to me to this very day.
“Game Grumps glory days are long over” is something that has been said since the beginning of Game Grumps 😂 they just had audio go viral on tiktok
Yeah it felt pretty backhanded. They still sell out their live shows across the world. Despite the capitalistic views that drive RUclips these days, you can have a good following and a steady flow of views that just doesn't see a huge amount of constant growth without being a flop or on the decline.
Yeah I didn't understand that part at all. They actually look into the games they're playing now, they finish a lot of games, their videos are longer, merch and performances are selling great, they've got their second channel The Grumps which is really funny and Dan is a much better counterpart to Arin than how JonTron was just Arin 2.
The golden age of Game Grumps is now, and hopefully until the end of time.
It really makes me think about something Harley from Epic Meal Time said like 5 years ago. He was talking about his video's views compared to now (at the time, like 2019) vs their heyday of 2010ish, where they got like 10x the views.
He was like, "Yeah we don't have as many views, but we've got name recognition, we've got merchandise, we've got brand deals. EMT has never been better financially than right now."
Or some shit like that, I'm paraphrasing a lot.
@@CiaphasKirby Today I learned Epic Meal Time was still a thing into the late 2010s. Is... is still a thing now? How does a channel just about eating lots of bacon go that far? I need to go check this out.
edit: Oh my fucking god, not only are they still active, they're posting weekly, with podcasts. Wh... what? Cool, I guess?
I think it's just the uploader unable to separate his personal bias from the facts. Honestly that and a few other things really made me not take this video very seriously.
What is up with these garbage take retrospective videos lately? I've seen at least 5 in the last few months that all have really misinformed takes on 2010's RUclips era. The quality of the scripts show they don't do their research and a ton of personal bias gets ham-fisted in, it feels akin to a "body language expert" video.
Who makes a whole ass 35 minute video talking about the controversies of different RUclipsrs and then, at the very first one, doesn't even report WHAT WAS SAID THAT *LED* TO THE CANCELLATION.
because what he said was objectively terrible lmao
@@gobogoo2329 It's his opinion. Though saying "I won't tell you what ACTUALLY happened in this SUMMARY OF EVENTS because it was stupid even though I felt the need to make a 30+ minutes video on the subject called THE FAILURE OF NORMAL BOOTS." misses the assignment at an impressive level.
Like... at least report the events if you're gonna criticize them, so we can understand where you're coming from and form our own opinions. Don't just go "Trust me bro."
"A lot of people on the left wanted him to be cancelled" bro this isnt about being left or right wing, and cancelling is stupid, but did you hear what he said on the livestream? Bros got that 1700s racism
No he said factual stuff that you can look up and prove. Crime statistics aren't something that you can have an opinion on, they're undisputable facts and it's not jons fault that a wealthy race commits more crime than the poorest race of another lol
I don’t know who this guy is, but if you’re a fan I’d start being wary about his intentions and question if he’s conveying the truth to you. The way he glossed over the Jontron “black people are genetically pre-disposed to committing crimes” bit and painting it as a guy with mild right-wing tendencies is fucking insane lmao. It’s hard to trust he’s being objective about anything in this video if he’s so disingenuous about something so serious. Especially considering the Destiny clip he showed was cut to imply “I wasn’t trying to destroy his career or paint him as a white supremacist, it was the SJW’s who did that” when in actuality the clip pretty clearly states “I didn’t intend to out him as a white supremacist, but he just came right out and said it”
His opinions are pretty mild compared to most white supremacist.
@@Jepze158 No they're not. His opinions are pretty on par with white supremacist. What it's not "white supremacist" if he's not vouching for the removable of people with different skin tones. It's mild if he believes they're the root of all problems in the States and don't deserve to mix in with the "normal" and innocent whites.
@@Somethingaweful I mean for one he didn't start talking shit about jews which usually are talking points from white supremacist. Also he didn't advocate anyones death like most people on /pol/.
What kind of argument is that? Those are white supremacist views.@@Jepze158
maybe he doesn't want this content on his channel? maybe it was taken out of context
don't know, don't care, haven't watched it, but find it funny that you think hating someone that you accuse of hating is the answer to stop hate - by hating someone, you're fixing hate? Yeah, you're a moron, congrats.
Is he a racist? don't know, don't care. are you a racist? don't know, don't care. I'm not here for that - has he hurt anyone else? Regardless of color, gender, etc? we're all people at the end of the day, a crime is a crime. Hate isn't a crime, acting on hate is.
Has he committed a crime? If so, he should be in a court, be judged, and whatever the verdict, people should get over it and move on. If he hasn't committed a crime, cool. Get over it.
I don't like the scene in saving private ryan where the soldier gets stabbed in the heart. I hate it and won't watch the movie again, Hate isn't a crime. Acting on hate is a crime.
Im disappointed in how the transparency of these controversies are just brushed over. Jontron wasnt just in controversy for getting political, he advocated for xenophobic policies and was EXTREMELY devoted to his argument.
Like it seems like you dont wanna get into it because you talked to destiny and think it wasnt a big deal but that debate destroyed his credibility with a large portion of his audience that wasnt just for nothing and wasnt blown out of proportion because people didnt come back
Like its one thing to express the debate as like a 30 minute misunderstanding but its a 2 hour back and forth where jon actively says "the worst white people probably dont do as much crime as the best black people"
I don’t think people care dude lmao