I'm learnign pthreads now after joinig the company and watching your videos, still I found your videos more useful then others available in the YT. Thanks a lot man!
i dont know why this dislike is pressed? on the internet there are some people dont like anything just themselves. to much insane. Again nice video and new things to learn, thx from heart
@@CodeVault too bad :) do you have an idea what you can use in this situation? i mean.. first try.. if try did not work throw a message (or do anythin) then sem_wait?
Thank you so much for these amazing videos, can't imagine myself without your channel
Iti multumesc foarte mult pentru explicatiile simple, concrete si clare! Acest playlist m-a facut sa inteleg mai bine thread-urie in unix.
e smecher baiatu
You made this concept so simple to understand!
Kudos to you man, thanks a ton!
I'm learnign pthreads now after joinig the company and watching your videos, still I found your videos more useful then others available in the YT. Thanks a lot man!
Thank you so much, great explanation. I have an exam tomorrow about c programming and operating systems. You are helping me so much.
I'm learning programming now and your videos help a lot, thank you very much!
Bro, this kinds of parallel programming topics was seemed to me as a taboo. But you made it very easy to understand. Thank you for sharing.
God Bless you my man!!!
Thank you very much for your lessons!
Well done explaining in 9 minutes what my professor failed to explain in an hour.
U made my life much better. Thank u
your are doing a very good job. your are a good teacher
Thanks man you are amazing! Your videos have helped me a ton with my University excersises !!
Very good example… thanks
Thank you very much !!!
Thanks for the video and also for the understandable explanation.
So race conditions can still happen if we have a semaphore with a counter greater than 1?
Thanks for this! You are great!!
what tracks or technologies can I use this course in? especially using c/c++ languages
good exemple!
i dont know why this dislike is pressed? on the internet there are some people dont like anything just themselves. to much insane. Again nice video and new things to learn, thx from heart
Thanks a lot for this video
You are amazing bro! May Allah bless you :)
Is there anywhere you explain sem_open and using semaphores with multiple processes? :)
Not yet, I will note this down, thanks for the recommendation
During the waiting period I want to execute functions with threads which are waiting, how can I implement that?
I don't think you can do it with the current architecture. Just create separate threads for that work
thanks that was very helpful
I want to ask what is the different bewteen semathores and barriers? Thanks a lot for the help
Barriers allows threads to continue execution only after ALL threads have called barrier_wait whereas, semaphores don't have such a capability
Thank you...
Is printf atomic? I was expecting the printout from threads inside the semaphore to be not readable because of race condition
pthread should be thread-safe and, as long as you pass in the
with each string, the buffer always gets emptied and shown on the screen
to add here maybe, instead of immediately printing waiting we might could use sem_trywait instead couldnt we?
It won't work... you'd just end up wasting resources. You should give it a try and come back with the code!
@@CodeVault too bad :) do you have an idea what you can use in this situation? i mean.. first try.. if try did not work throw a message (or do anythin) then sem_wait?