Trump and His Allies Want You to "Adapt" to the Coronavirus Crisis: A Closer Look

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @labrat6333
    @labrat6333 4 года назад +222

    My friend is a teacher and these are the questions she thinks need answered before schools open.
    • If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?
    • If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay home and quarantine for 14 days?
    • Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids' families need to get tested?
    • What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?
    • Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?
    • Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now have to quarantine and get tested?
    • What if a student in your kid's class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” notices all year long?
    • What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being stressed out?
    • How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?
    • We are choosing to put our teachers in danger. We're not paying them more. We aren't spending anywhere near the right amount to protect them. And in turn, we are putting ourselves and our kids in danger.
    Please copy, paste and share.

    • @michaelmagaw6870
      @michaelmagaw6870 4 года назад +9

      Perfect example. Thank You

    • @4ElementGirl
      @4ElementGirl 4 года назад +11

      They'll never get answered, because Hillary won't release her emails. It's all her fault this is going on! /s

    • @jessicaliflower
      @jessicaliflower 4 года назад +11

      Lab Rat great points! And it’s also the cafeteria workers and janitors who interact with the students and teachers...SMH

    • @funkymunky8787
      @funkymunky8787 4 года назад +11

      @@4ElementGirl Also Obama didn't do enough Covid tests so this is all his fault

    • @nzsooz3884
      @nzsooz3884 4 года назад +13

      @@funkymunky8787 According to one Trumpian Obama was also absent on 9/11 and that person needs an answer as to why he was.

  • @Fern635
    @Fern635 4 года назад +781

    The Donner party is the perfect metaphor because if they had listened to people who knew what they were talking about, they wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place.

    • @priscillajimenez27
      @priscillajimenez27 4 года назад +27


    • @butterflyinambr
      @butterflyinambr 4 года назад +44

      Right? I'm thinking, gee Rush you sure you want to compare our country as lead by dear Donnie to the disaster that was the Donner party? Seems pretty accurate, come to think of it.

    • @suimeingwong2043
      @suimeingwong2043 4 года назад +19

      Boom goes the dynamite!

    • @phyllishahart6111
      @phyllishahart6111 4 года назад +10


    • @brianvice1144
      @brianvice1144 4 года назад +17

      And it was mostly the younger generation eating the old

  • @Kelz_X
    @Kelz_X 4 года назад +292

    So let me get this straight :
    CV-19 is dangerous/ contagious enough to warrant releasing inmates from prison but it’s *NOT* dangerous/ contagious enough to keep our children out of schools this fall 🤔

    • @jbtpa895
      @jbtpa895 4 года назад +17

      Good Grief! Were you looking for logic?

    • @Wolfboss7
      @Wolfboss7 4 года назад +21

      Only here in America, land of the stupid and home of the amoral.

    • @joycetaylor9893
      @joycetaylor9893 4 года назад +7

      KelZ X that is so profound, "it should be on a bumper sticker".

    • @allendean9807
      @allendean9807 4 года назад +5

      Nailed it

    • @mimim7026
      @mimim7026 4 года назад +6

      Yep! You got it. The school boards are meeting remotely to make plans to send teachers and kids back to school in person.

  • @jeffdiamond486
    @jeffdiamond486 4 года назад +50

    My wife is a teacher, and in a GOP-saturated area, it's sad for me to see how last year parents were praising teachers and holding signs saying how much they love teachers. But now that Trump says schools "have to reopen," those same teachers--who are taking care of medically vulnerable kids or parents (or are vulnerable themselves) are suddenly made pariahs if they have the smallest objections to being back in a classroom with 30 kids.
    Just throw all the teachers under the bus. It's okay. They're just whining, right? They don't make jack for wages, and now they're literally being thrown into a petri dish with a room of students who may or may not be wearing masks, and will probably come to school when they're sick because "the president said it's all political. So mom and dad said I could come."
    Damn these people. Were it not for teachers who give damn, they'd be in a trailer park opening beer cans with their teeth. Not programming computers.

    • @Valentinathevamp
      @Valentinathevamp 4 года назад +5

      I pray for you wife and every educator that is forced to go back to work. My cousin, in her early 30s is a teacher - is in superb health HOWEVER, she has refused to go back to school until Dr Fauci says so.

    • @woooweee
      @woooweee 4 года назад

      Funny, if teachers were so great why is everyone "racist", its almost like they are doing a bad job. All the bad results are from the institutions filled with leftist democrats, go figure. Also Sweden never locked down and their children are back in school, their body count is now in the low single digits per day. Lets be serious here, the left have found comfort in fear having chased phantoms for 4 years they finally have something almost real, but not really once you actually look at the data. These teachers need to go back to work, or stop taking a paycheck. Countless other people are and have been at work this entire time, keeping the country alive, the entitlement of the government parasite class who think they can hide forever is incredible, and its revealed teachers for what they are, not brave, but the timid who took the last path open to them when others closed. People who are on the path to becoming astronauts or doctors don't choose instead to become a teacher, lets not kid ourselves now. For the longest time now we've scraped the bottom of the barrel. Quality teachers only existed in large quantities when women had fewer choices in occupation, and so intelligent women would still become teachers, this no longer is the case, this is the stark reality.

    • @jeffdiamond486
      @jeffdiamond486 4 года назад +4

      @@woooweee Unfortunately, you seemed to have missed one of those quality teachers. They would have failed you in English for both your writing and the fact that you can't put together a coherent argument.
      Let's start at the beginning, genius. Teachers aren't responsible for teaching kids to be racist. Believe it or not, parents are responsible for things, too. I know it's hard for a person with such a small mind to understand, but teachers aren't the only adult role models in a child's life.
      Second. Sweden has one of the lowest body counts, sure. But they also have an extremely low population. When you look at their fatalities per capita, they had one of the worst in the world. It would've been much worse if private groups (individuals, companies, etc.) hadn't taken responsibility where the government didn't.
      Third: Teachers have been working this whole time. I know it's hard for people like you to figure out, but teachers don't actually get the summer off. They work on their classroom, collaborate with other teachers on the curriculum, plan for 180 school days, etc. And when I hear people like you spew idiocy like this, I just know your brats are going to be just as miserable to be around as you. You're the kind of person that makes my wife have headaches when she comes home after her 11 hour days. You're the kind of idiot that makes me want to beat the hell out of someone when she has to work 5 hours each Saturday. You're a pathetic bigot that thinks it's okay for someone to get a 4-year degree because they want to help kids to learn to read, but their first seven years are below the poverty line--and they still have to pay for supplies from their own pocket.
      We've been scraping the bottom of the barrel, all right. Parents like you are the dregs of society, and you're making your kids--and the world--worse.

    • @fromagefrizzbizz9377
      @fromagefrizzbizz9377 4 года назад +3

      @@woooweee Sorry, you seem to have lost out on the brains category. Sweden's death rate is WORSE than the US. Aside from Sweden, every single other developed country is well on the back side of the curve, and every single one of them is left of you. You're in freefall. The rest of the developed world is not. By American standards we're all left of Sanders.
      Traditionally, the right trusted science more than the left did. Not so in America, where it's religious crackpot right.

    • @woooweee
      @woooweee 4 года назад

      @@jeffdiamond486 You type so much to say nothing. The only thing that matters is that swedens current death rate is about 5 per day, it renders all your other concerns invalid.
      Teachers on average have some of the lowest iq's in higher education, nothing is evenly distributed. These are the very people claiming institutional racism, and they are the ones who have total control the institutions. I'm not a teacher so don't insult my intelligence with the "summer work", its barely anything considering what other essential workers have to put up with and is frankly the consequence of extreme inefficiencies in an archaic system which justifies itself through its unions. Its make work, math has been math for the longest time, you don't have to remake the curriculum every year unless its a scam like university text books which have a new edition printed each year to force purchases through student debt.

  • @holstorrsceadus1990
    @holstorrsceadus1990 4 года назад +1015

    Lol. That Donner party reference is more spot on than Rush knows.
    1: They got the idea to go on the path they were on because of a book by some know nothing charlatan who hadn't actually fully mapped out the area said it was a shortcut.
    2. They were told multiple times by experts to change course because the path they were on was treacherous and likely to lead to ruin.
    3. They stubbornly refused to listen despite mounting evidence they were making their situation worse.
    4. Due to failures in leadership they eventually devolved into theft, murder and cannibalism while half of the party died.
    Cool. See you in a couple months guys, well, the half of you that haven't been eaten.

  • @omarelk194
    @omarelk194 4 года назад +242

    Also isn’t it illegal to give a campaign rally on government property?

    • @AlexSeverinski
      @AlexSeverinski 4 года назад +85

      Since when has legality mattered to the Orange Sniffly Shitgibbon and his hellspawn?

    • @TheSucidalpanda
      @TheSucidalpanda 4 года назад +42

      Hatch act, and yes. But nothing will come of it.

    • @JohnVanderbeck
      @JohnVanderbeck 4 года назад +33

      Yes and he's broken it many times. Along with other laws. Doesn't seem to matter in case you didn't notice :(

    • @TheSucidalpanda
      @TheSucidalpanda 4 года назад +4

      @@JohnVanderbeck "Winning"

    • @sureshotsherry
      @sureshotsherry 4 года назад +7

      Stop giving trump free publicity. Make him pay. I’m sure he has enough money, although I haven’t seen his taxes.

  • @errgag3580
    @errgag3580 4 года назад +714

    Mary Trump:.. My uncle president Trump paid a dude to take his SAT'S
    Anderson Cooper: .. I find that hard to believe!
    Mary:.. What, that he cheated?
    Anderson:..No, that the guy actually got paid!!

  • @bicokun
    @bicokun 4 года назад +153

    I love how he’s like “we can adapt,” and I’m here like, yeah, we could have by wearing masks, social distancing, testing, contact tracing, and maybe quarantining where needed like every other country in the world, and we’d be on the decline now. This is the guy who refused to adapt in reasonable ways, so his version of adapting is “just let people get sick and die and pick up their slack to keep the economy going.” Not surprising that he views the Donner Party as a bastion of leadership.

    • @nneuhaus84
      @nneuhaus84 4 года назад +1

      The virus is endemic so if you think is going away you are simply dumb. When a virus has infected over 10 million people in 100 countries you can no longer wait it out, and since they mutate so quickly a vaccine is not going to eradicate it either. Ever heard of a flu shot? We still have the flu, right? come on sheeple. And the death rate of Covid vs the flu is about double so its not going to wipe out humanity. There is no other choice but to adapt at this point. Sorry but its not going away, the only option is to adapt.

    • @DiAbleSseAuCafe
      @DiAbleSseAuCafe 4 года назад +6

      @@nneuhaus84 but we did all of what @Michael Brew told and now my country has 0 cases of local transmission of the virus. ZERO. We have only maybe 2-3 imported cases, and those cases were put in quarantine when they reached Mauritius, so no roaming about the locals. Your president fucked up and that's it. And we are not the only country who were able to flatten the curve.

    • @DiAbleSseAuCafe
      @DiAbleSseAuCafe 4 года назад +1

      @Chris Mine Mauritius! We have less than 5 imported cases and those cases have went straight to quarantine. Our borders are still closed. And mostly everything has resumed normally. We still wear masks though, follow social distancing and the "work from home" method is still encouraged and done my many companies (including mine). You are free to look it up on any site you may for info I provided. So erm no, I'm not a bot.

    • @DiAbleSseAuCafe
      @DiAbleSseAuCafe 4 года назад +1

      @@lowcarbintheuk Mauritius! 😁

    • @thepanpiper7715
      @thepanpiper7715 4 года назад

      To be fair to Rush, this is also the guy who looked at the Donner Party - a group who was woefully unprepared for the reality of their journey, who pressed on after discovering they were working from bad intel (including a map drawn by a guy who had never actually traveled the trail) and made basically every mistake possible owing their ignorance and inexperience - and somehow concluded that the moral of their story was "you have to adapt".
      "Fun" fact; one of the survivors became a vegetarian for the rest of her days and was IIRC especially triggered by the smells of food on Thanksgiving or Christmas.

  • @joeexotic4837
    @joeexotic4837 4 года назад +826

    If you still support trump after everything he's said and done there is something really wrong with you .

    • @lumo7461
      @lumo7461 4 года назад +5

      Yeah, it's called patriotic!! Not like you libtards like this moron seth and the dems. You're backing Bernie not Joe but you're all too dumb to see it lol.

    • @tiashiraz8430
      @tiashiraz8430 4 года назад +70

      the truth Oh please!🙄

    • @andrewshankweiler4950
      @andrewshankweiler4950 4 года назад +129

      @@lumo7461 thanks for proving his point. You're either 9yrs old or there's a lot wrong with you

    • @Kanriel
      @Kanriel 4 года назад +164

      @@lumo7461 Being patriotic is supporting your country, not necessarily your leader. It means doing what's best for the entire country, which is the opposite of how Trump operates.

    • @seanconcannon7922
      @seanconcannon7922 4 года назад +82

      @@lumo7461 You have no idea what the word even means.....go away and play with your confederate statues you clown.

  • @cidb.212
    @cidb.212 4 года назад +401

    Gee, the administration would never screw with the postal service to make mail-in voting difficult, would they?

    • @aragorn4242
      @aragorn4242 4 года назад +14

      if some poor people don't have passport or driving licence, tough ! we'll make it as difficult as possible. so yes they would.

    • @thechurchofsillybeggars8912
      @thechurchofsillybeggars8912 4 года назад +7

      It’s a win, win for Donald and the Trumpians. Collapse the postal service and you gain advantage in the election and advantage one of your best political contributors, United Parcel Service.

    • @earlputnal9124
      @earlputnal9124 4 года назад +3

      There's too much electoral fraud. If you want to go to jail for 5 years. For voter fraud? Go right ahead.

    • @eled5728
      @eled5728 4 года назад

      trumpets will do it.

    • @tarmotyyri6733
      @tarmotyyri6733 4 года назад +3

      @@earlputnal9124 First one needs to join GOP (Grifters On Parole).

  • @nickdicerbo6361
    @nickdicerbo6361 4 года назад +272

    The hypocrisy behind the Donner reference is mind blowing. Social distancing is adapting, wearing a mask is adapting, closing schools is adapting. Ignoring health experts and reopening everything is NOT adapting

    • @samuelvimes5770
      @samuelvimes5770 4 года назад +13

      Hypocrisy isn´t a thing in TrumpWorld, just like truth, the law, logic, common sense, empathy etc etc

    • @mars624
      @mars624 4 года назад +24

      Also extra dumb because the Donner party was warned multiple times, even after it started snowing! At one of the last places the road split a hunter told them to take the other route and they still chose the path that lead them to their doom.

    • @darkstar932
      @darkstar932 4 года назад +13

      If he'd been there he would have told the Donner Party to just keep going without changing anything until they died of starvation or hypothermia. "Just act like we're not dying."

    • @davidanderson_surrey_bc
      @davidanderson_surrey_bc 4 года назад +5

      @@darkstar932 Oh, and there's a Trump Hotel at the peak! Off-season rates apply!

    • @sandrafrancisco
      @sandrafrancisco 4 года назад +8

      no hypocrisy. rush limbaugh and his republican brethren have cannibalized other american's jobs and savings just like the donner party cannibalized each other.

  • @surfbuddhaful
    @surfbuddhaful 4 года назад +47

    "The proud lack of empathy, the intentional cruelty, inflicting misery on your opponents and disfavored groups just to prove your dominance..." Spot on Seth Meyers. Well done.

    • @woooweee
      @woooweee 4 года назад

      There is no more corrupt value than the lefts claim of empathy, as it is always selective, and inevitably justification for hatred.

    • @surfbuddhaful
      @surfbuddhaful 4 года назад +4


    • @xxcelr8rs
      @xxcelr8rs 4 года назад


  • @Blocker5475
    @Blocker5475 4 года назад +311

    It speaks volumes about people’s average intelligence seeing that some people still openly and actively support Trump

    • @kathywilkowski725
      @kathywilkowski725 4 года назад +21

      I suspect it has more to do with their belief system than their intelligence. Emotional intelligence perhaps.

    • @jessstuart7495
      @jessstuart7495 4 года назад +18

      The image of Trump in their heads doesn't align with the real Donald Trump. Right-wing media has been conditioning these folks (The Republican Base) for decades and filters and spins all the information they feed their audience.

    • @KaliKat
      @KaliKat 4 года назад +32

      @mitebg Trump was elected because he has no empathy and the Right finds that relatable.

    • @Eidlones
      @Eidlones 4 года назад +25

      People who were saying that they're rather be dead than wear a mask two months ago, were saying stuff like "How do I get one??" once they saw trump wear a mask.
      I fucking hate this term, but they are the definition of sheep.

    • @shanadir
      @shanadir 4 года назад +17

      @mitebg "no its YOUR fault we did something stupid"
      Pretty sure the right is mostly to blame for trump.

  • @reach2prasanna
    @reach2prasanna 4 года назад +660

    "America, please vote him out."
    - From the rest of the world.

    • @hayleyb467
      @hayleyb467 4 года назад +24

      Note to self: vote him out

    • @robertscott501
      @robertscott501 4 года назад +31

      We will. I promise.

    • @tazztower44
      @tazztower44 4 года назад +20

      @@robertscott501 thats what the world thought the last time..."fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice,ive got to get off this glue"

    • @tobiashoyden2644
      @tobiashoyden2644 4 года назад +30

      I have numerous International Friends
      They prefer him dragged into the street and have his ass whipped

    • @jessicasparkles1619
      @jessicasparkles1619 4 года назад +11

      We're going to try. My fear is he'll just not leave office.

  • @philam1973
    @philam1973 4 года назад +344

    Limbaugh: He doesn’t realize that the point of the lesson of the Donner party is: Don’t blindly follow your leaders or you are going to end up dead! That is a closer analogy to Trump and his followers.

    • @ryanchristy319
      @ryanchristy319 4 года назад +3

      I had to learn this lesson the hard way

    • @Pajali
      @Pajali 4 года назад +46

      You gotta love how Limbaugh uses the Donner party as an aspirational story, like, “Wow, look how they overcame adversity,” instead of, “OMG, this is horrifying, let’s try NOT get to the point where our only option for survival is eating each other.” 😬😱

    • @abalister8
      @abalister8 4 года назад +17

      Let’s not forget about ostracizing the people who did these horrible things for the rest of their lives. Kinda a mean thing to do to people forced into cannibalism, but I feel is pretty fair to do with all the senators who acquitted Donald Trump.

    • @ljourdan36
      @ljourdan36 4 года назад +21

      I remember reading the book about the Donner party and yes they where mislead by greedy grifters who took advantage of them, took their money and misguided in the hopes of making more at their demise. May be a little off on the facts but, yes, that was a bad analogy. Leading sheep to slaughter until he and his kind our ousted.

    • @WhisperingIntoTheVoid
      @WhisperingIntoTheVoid 4 года назад +13

      Don't take unproven shortcuts when EVERYONE you crossed paths with, advised you not to. And don't eat the natives who tried to help you despite your stupidity.

  • @DianavanderPluijm
    @DianavanderPluijm 4 года назад +6

    I swear that Seth's 'adventures with a mysterious door on his attic and now his in-laws' house' are more exciting than a lot of those new Netflix shows. XD

  • @kangitankaska
    @kangitankaska 4 года назад +215

    I am disappointed that the reporters just didn’t get up and walk away from the “news briefing”!

    • @653j521
      @653j521 4 года назад +14

      Michael Bremseth They are recording it for posterity, should there still be generations to come.

    • @briancase6180
      @briancase6180 4 года назад +27

      Yes!! Draw a line in the sand and when Trump outright lies, get up and LEAVE. If you want to hurt Trump, IGNORE HIM. That will kill him, he can't stand anonymity.

    • @shanadir
      @shanadir 4 года назад +7

      The problem is that even when he actually has something to say, he will waffle on about his "historic win" or something for at least half the time...

      @OMGWTFLOLSMH 4 года назад +7

      Lots of broadcasts cut away when they figured out it was a campaign rally.

    • @outlawJosieFox
      @outlawJosieFox 4 года назад

      Why do they never just tell it like it is

  • @oliviageter5566
    @oliviageter5566 4 года назад +113

    I was watching his so called press conference on CBS and about 10-15 min in when CBS realized he was just basically talking about himself, they cut him off...👍🏾👍🏾👏🏽👏🏽

  • @kcoquidam8720
    @kcoquidam8720 4 года назад +122

    "We have to adapt"
    From the party who constantly say "There nothing we can do about that" and who block every change people try to make to adapt society. Bold

    • @AmericaSpeaks1
      @AmericaSpeaks1 4 года назад +7

      Aren't Con-servatives the same people who as William Buckley described "...who stand athwart history and yell "Stop!""? Those people we're taking advice from?

    • @NMChe56
      @NMChe56 4 года назад +1

      They refuse to adapt

    • @Aaron.Thomas
      @Aaron.Thomas 4 года назад +11

      The irony of Rush saying "we'll just adapt" to mean that they will refuse to wear a mask or social distance or do anything to admit there's a pandemic is epic.
      These dumbfucks look at histories tragedies and mistakes and think "that did a good job".

    • @wordforger
      @wordforger 4 года назад +4

      Yep. Many of us adapted by wearing masks and changing our behavior. So... Who ISN'T adapting?

  • @FighterDoken
    @FighterDoken 4 года назад +18

    "They think they'll do better in the election if they can keep the schools closed."
    He's admitting that he wants to re-open the schools for political reasons.

  • @toadjiang7626
    @toadjiang7626 4 года назад +749

    “The people of our country should think of themselves as warriors.” - Trump
    By "warriors" he actually meant "cannon fodder".

    • @judy-9999
      @judy-9999 4 года назад +18

      😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣👍😎 Good one. Sorry, it’s NOT actually “funny”, tho. 🙁

    • @soupsgord
      @soupsgord 4 года назад +12

      Scerntific expurrimunt....

    • @howardkerr8174
      @howardkerr8174 4 года назад +38

      How laughable, Chump, the 5 time draft avoider, thinks the rest of us should think of ourselves as warriors.
      How about this, Chump: you do a 6 month tour of duty in Afghanistan, and if you don't return in a body can tell the rest of us HOW to be warriors?
      And yes, I am a veteran.

    • @ohsohighnow
      @ohsohighnow 4 года назад +8

      The people are warriors of the fight against themselves, they should be fighting against the virus instead

    • @ngumlovered7566
      @ngumlovered7566 4 года назад +2

      This comment reminds me of Attack on Titan 😂

  • @Eidlones
    @Eidlones 4 года назад +141

    So strange how the "best country in the world" has to just learn to live with a pandemic, while the rest of the world is handling it just fine in comparison.
    Much best. So strong.

    • @maythesciencebewithyou
      @maythesciencebewithyou 4 года назад +22

      Isn't it ironic how the US keeps on blaming China, even though they are the main breeding ground for the virus.

    • @ljourdan36
      @ljourdan36 4 года назад +5

      MAGA and Be Best are the mantras that came from this WH. Be best....that is the stupidest I've ever heard. Doesn't even make sense!

    • @altrag
      @altrag 4 года назад +11

      Covid has just allowed us to finally pin down when Trump thinks America was "great." Apparently 1918 was the glory year that he's bringing back.

    • @MkeKen67
      @MkeKen67 4 года назад +4

      @@altrag - And of course he keeps referring to the "1917" epidemic. (Maybe he saw the movie by that name and it got stuck in his head.)

    • @SamAronow
      @SamAronow 4 года назад +1

      That’s not fair to the rest of the world. My country was handling it fine until we decided to pretend it isn’t happening in order to maintain privatization.

  • @marielthegreat
    @marielthegreat 4 года назад +114

    Isn’t wearing face masks, washing your hands frequently, and maintaining social distance the adaptation? I mean... 🤦‍♀️

    • @Christoph5782
      @Christoph5782 4 года назад +9

      Well the goal of that was to be in the position the New Zealand is in now, meaning free of the virus as the virus wasn’t allowed to spread. People didn’t take it seriously and now here’s where we are.
      Now by adapting to the virus, the Trump team is effectively wanting this virus to just become a part of life, just like the flu is

    • @annihilator45
      @annihilator45 4 года назад +6

      @@Christoph5782 the flu kills few and there is a great vaccine for the flu. The corona VIRUS will ruin this nation and still make you I'll even after you beat it and survive!

    • @KatieRaeRae
      @KatieRaeRae 4 года назад +3

      Muh rights!

    • @fromagefrizzbizz9377
      @fromagefrizzbizz9377 4 года назад

      @Steve N Corona viruses in general mutate relatively slowly. There are only 7 corona viruses that affect humans - four of them make up a minority of the common cold, and the other three are SARs, MERs and Covid. If they mutated quickly, there'd be a LOT more of them.
      The common cold is mostly rhinovirus, which mutate like mad. Which is why vaccines are mostly useless for colds. Flu viruses mutate more slowly, and there are fewer of them, so it's possible to predict based one based on eearly reports from the countries "in season" (like Australia) which vaccines have a good chance of working when other parts of the world become "in season" for the flue..
      Covid-19 *may* go away just like SARs did. MERs is so rare as to be a curiousity.
      Given the multiple avenues for designing vaccines, and today's abilities, I really don't much doubt that there will be a reasonable effective vaccine for Covid. Some of these approaches are inherently longer-lived than simple acquired but survived immunity. We just have to see.

  • @ngpb17
    @ngpb17 4 года назад +186

    pandemic story: I just facetime my niece not knowing she changed her phone number and end up talking for over 2 hours with a complete stranger. we both had nothing better to do 😂.

    • @chippychin
      @chippychin 4 года назад +20

      I love that. Thank you for telling us.

    • @carolinamurtha3102
      @carolinamurtha3102 4 года назад +15

      This made me laugh, I needed that. Honestly at this point, I would do the same easily.

    • @svukic1041
      @svukic1041 4 года назад +11

      Thanks for the uplift. Much needed.

    • @citizen_wayne
      @citizen_wayne 4 года назад +8

      @@RobespierreThePoof My advice to you is to just smell the roses sometimes, pal. Normal things are rarely exciting or memorable. Only when we venture into the odd or the strange can we help to glean new information, be surprised, or find spontaneous joy. Think about it, and be less critical

    • @thegreatx
      @thegreatx 4 года назад +6

      Love this. I hope some cool, random stuff happens for me soon. Being stuck at home has really become taxing & predictable 😩

  • @mimim7026
    @mimim7026 4 года назад +358

    "Let's adapt to death and destruction"
    Wouldn't it be easier to adapt to wearing a mask and keeping a distance???

    • @samuelvimes5770
      @samuelvimes5770 4 года назад +14

      Why? masks are a clear threat to freedom & death is just..... oops

    • @ARKdeEREH
      @ARKdeEREH 4 года назад +7

      If it's too easy they won't do it.

    • @2011blueman
      @2011blueman 4 года назад +16

      @@samuelvimes5770 They are always saying "give me liberty or give me death", I say let them have the death.

    • @teresas8929
      @teresas8929 4 года назад +12

      Leggo My Ego unfortunately they will take other’s down with them.

    • @ramonserrano6700
      @ramonserrano6700 4 года назад +10

      Hell yeah, let's adapt to death and destruction! There's no need for car manufacturers to recall cars for a known deadly flaw or for food inspectors to inspect food for e coli. While we're at it, let's stop making progress on curing cancer, diabetes or hypertension. People are going to die. That's a fact of life.

  • @incognitro7634
    @incognitro7634 4 года назад +454

    She should have said "What a terrible answer to give".

    • @michaeljohnangel6359
      @michaeljohnangel6359 4 года назад +41

      illiac: I thought the same thing. Why don't these newspeople call Trump and his trumpanzees liars to their faces?

    • @NamPham-jk5zc
      @NamPham-jk5zc 4 года назад +22

      Its too bad but these reporters are thinking about their careers and spurning the president will get you fired or at the very least blackballed from access. Reporters aren't expected to interject and push back so much as they're there to take in whatever craziness their subject might utter. Trump understands this which is why he spews so much BS on a constant basis. Its up to the listening public to use their reasoning skills to discern a con when they hear one, which is the ultimate folly of America where we expect the bare minimum of its ppl.

    • @Irene-ii7zm
      @Irene-ii7zm 4 года назад +25

      Exactly - or "Okay, why are you okay with so many PEOPLE being killed by the police?" or "As you said, many white and black people are being killed by the police. What are you doing to stop this?" Ugh, I can't watch his stupid face anymore. How does it make sense in his head for that question to be okay, so long as "more white people are dying" like WTH?

    • @glazierblue573
      @glazierblue573 4 года назад

      I wonder if she gets it, will stick to that?

    • @ebenezerkittoe9115
      @ebenezerkittoe9115 4 года назад +4

      Better put "That's a nasty answer, that's a nasty answer"

  • @briancase6180
    @briancase6180 4 года назад +106

    "No concept of adaptation." You mean like, uh, wearing a mask in public to protect your fellow citizens and your family? You know, like, uh, being a patriot?

    • @jeschinstad
      @jeschinstad 4 года назад +2

      This has nothing to do with nations. It's about being a good human, not just a good citizen.

    • @altrag
      @altrag 4 года назад +8

      No, he means like sacrificing yourself and your loved ones so that his rich buddies can get another buck they didn't earn.

    • @sandrajohnson2489
      @sandrajohnson2489 4 года назад +3

      He's no patriot. He hates America, hates everything about it and hates the people who live here.

  • @sugardaddy4714
    @sugardaddy4714 4 года назад +132

    "Find something new" is the new "Let them eat cake"

    • @ajspice
      @ajspice 4 года назад +2

      Eh, I kinda see where they are going with that one. This is mild compared to everything else.

    • @iadorenewyork1
      @iadorenewyork1 4 года назад +8

      Totally agree. Ivanka would be Marie Antoinette in this scenario.

    • @KingMickeyMouseOoO
      @KingMickeyMouseOoO 4 года назад +1

      @@iadorenewyork1 Dude, Marie Antoinette is NOTHING in comparison to Ivanka "Trump"! -_-

    • @THATVisi
      @THATVisi 4 года назад +1

      It would totally work if we had UBI. Maybe she just forgot that step.

    • @ivonedefigueiredo9301
      @ivonedefigueiredo9301 4 года назад +1

      Sugar Daddy Unfortunately the guillotine is no longer used, and protestors don’t act like mobs, to teach these entitled sob’s a (history) lesson.

  • @JinxSanity
    @JinxSanity 4 года назад +478

    "What a terrible question!"
    Translation, "How dare you asked me a question that makes me look terrible and exposes me for the fraud that I am!"

    • @kathywilkowski725
      @kathywilkowski725 4 года назад +38

      It's a classic narcissist gas-lighting technique. Turn it around and make the other person appear crazy and wrong. He's so damn obvious!

    • @happydaddy9826
      @happydaddy9826 4 года назад +10


    • @peterkarv2845
      @peterkarv2845 4 года назад +2

      Don't b upset about the wall!

    • @tomgurke
      @tomgurke 4 года назад

      No, it is an answer that tries to put things into perspective. You guys are just riding on the mainstream wave which is why you will never get to the source. For that you need to be willing to swim against the stream.

    • @slactweak
      @slactweak 4 года назад +7

      @@tomgurke Bullsh*t. It isn't an answer AT ALL. It's a Pivot to a Diversion which is then used to Spin a Lie into something to make him look good to his base.
      Divert, Pivot, Spin, Lie, AKA the donald trump shuffle.

  • @NewMessage
    @NewMessage 4 года назад +81

    Remember when it was all gonna "Go away with the heat"?
    Florida doesn't.

  • @prasannarajani5021
    @prasannarajani5021 4 года назад +115

    When asked about dying people...he replied with NASDAQ...if this didn't convince you about his strategy.. nothing will

    • @astroboyhasguns
      @astroboyhasguns 4 года назад +1

      And even then he cherry-picked - the other indices have not recovered.

    • @RoySpray
      @RoySpray 4 года назад +3

      In Austin, Tx. all the local stations cut it off for local news, LOL.

    • @mickibradshaw3214
      @mickibradshaw3214 4 года назад

      As. I missed that part!

  • @trking649
    @trking649 4 года назад +139

    Trump's "What a terrible question to ask ..." is rolled out every time he is cornered.

    • @markuschelios6891
      @markuschelios6891 4 года назад +6

      "What a terrible answer." is the only way to respond to anything Trump says.

    • @McJerkins
      @McJerkins 4 года назад +1

      How about the fact that the death rate for C-vid WITHOUT a vaccine is lower than the death rate of seasonal flu WITH a vaccine? Let that sink in. You people have been fooled into not working to keep you broke, socialist state forced by Democrats. Wake up.
      "It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled." - Some dude who knew about fooling people

    • @65TossTrap
      @65TossTrap 4 года назад

      The insults masked as “questions” are actually quite terrible. “Why do you beat your wife?” Trump fights back against the filthy propagandists. That is why we love him!

    • @markuschelios6891
      @markuschelios6891 4 года назад +1

      65 TossPowerTrap Trump is a stupid person’s idea of a smart person.

    • @markuschelios6891
      @markuschelios6891 4 года назад +2

      @@McJerkins COVID-19 not only has a higher death rate, but it is also more infectious. Go spread your fake news somewhere else.
      Thanks to Trump's (PERMANENT) corporate tax giveaway, the top 1% has been raking in billions during the pandemic. Looks like you're the fool yet again.

  • @MrBswede
    @MrBswede 4 года назад +115

    “They’re going to rip down the wall.” My god, it’s falling down on its own!

    • @BenjaminMartinez-em6ed
      @BenjaminMartinez-em6ed 4 года назад +8

      Of course it's going to fall down he didnt vet any contractors he just gave the contracts to first asskisser that came along

    • @christophermerlot3366
      @christophermerlot3366 4 года назад +7

      I expect Mexican scrap metal dealers to gradually steal it.

    • @thisistheaccountname
      @thisistheaccountname 4 года назад +3

      @@christophermerlot3366 did you see the videos of people stripping it for material?

    • @nikolaipersad4098
      @nikolaipersad4098 4 года назад +1


    • @clarkindee
      @clarkindee 4 года назад +1


  • @ForeverDayGreen
    @ForeverDayGreen 4 года назад +75

    "People had to adapt"
    He is so close to getting it. Only step missing is that wearing masks and practice social distancing ARE adaptations.

  • @Tim_Webb
    @Tim_Webb 4 года назад +385

    Normal people: "Black lives matter"!
    Trump: "Stock markets matter"!

    • @ecstatickitten2811
      @ecstatickitten2811 4 года назад +24

      Trump doesn't know how to show empathy. He is incapable of showing love to anyone. He just thinks of himself.

    • @funkymunky8787
      @funkymunky8787 4 года назад +21

      Because his billionaire buddies only care about the stock market

    • @davidgray8089
      @davidgray8089 4 года назад +16

      Trump is too inept and lazy to do the actual job of being a President, so we all have to suck it up and just die.

    • @Tim_Webb
      @Tim_Webb 4 года назад +9

      @@davidgray8089 Nailed it.

    • @trumpocalypsesurvival
      @trumpocalypsesurvival 4 года назад +13

      My neighbor has a great sign in the back of his car it says all lives don't matter until black lives matter

  • @SundayReplayjp
    @SundayReplayjp 4 года назад +61

    So I guess the Joker was right?
    "When the chips are down, these... these 'civilized' people, they'll eat each other."

    • @AJ69238
      @AJ69238 4 года назад +2

      We live in a S O C I E T Y

  • @GrummanIsComin
    @GrummanIsComin 4 года назад +33

    OMG ... he seriously ignored the question and/or the mention of a teacher dying! He just doesn’t care. He needs to be voted out. He doesn’t care jack crap 💩 about this country or the people.

  • @audreymoyers9350
    @audreymoyers9350 4 года назад +67

    I’ve been saying Adapt or Die since this whole thing kicked off. Most of us have adapted by limiting outings, social distancing and wearing masks.

    • @biancaluedeker
      @biancaluedeker 4 года назад +8

      Exactly what I was thinking. Those are the adaptations we need to make.

    • @shawnpitman876
      @shawnpitman876 4 года назад +3


    • @mrcurly1147
      @mrcurly1147 4 года назад +1

      Not too hard for them to put a cross around their neck every day but get them to put a mask on???

  • @ashtton_tapiwa
    @ashtton_tapiwa 4 года назад +65

    5:04 he didn't answer the question. A summer school teacher dies and you're asked to respond and you go with "schools should be opened"????

    • @coleengoodell3550
      @coleengoodell3550 4 года назад +15

      He has zero empathy. True sociopath.

    • @chironOwlglass
      @chironOwlglass 4 года назад +9

      Oh, he answered the question implicitly. His answer was "I don't care if the people I am 'leading' die."

    • @ingridwheeler3180
      @ingridwheeler3180 4 года назад +3

      @@chironOwlglassHe isn't Leading anything, he just wants to be " in charge."

    • @tdsims1963
      @tdsims1963 4 года назад +3

      He has decided to just ignore these issues. He has done it all his life. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
      This president is The Four Horseman combined.

    • @tonyabrookes9931
      @tonyabrookes9931 4 года назад +3

      He's a horrible human being

  • @bitbugsbyte
    @bitbugsbyte 4 года назад +11

    "Your neighbors are delicious!" Who doesn't want to be like this for 4 more years?

  • @alansmith4734
    @alansmith4734 4 года назад +112

    “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” ― Theodore Roosevelt

    • @altrag
      @altrag 4 года назад +7

      Works for Trump, he doesn't know anything anyway so he's pretty safe also not caring.

    • @jeremysmith9694
      @jeremysmith9694 4 года назад +3

      That's a TR quote?

    • @treborironwolfe978
      @treborironwolfe978 4 года назад +1

      ​@@jeremysmith9694 It is NOW :) Seriously though, yes, it is. Good ol' Teddy, he hated that name, but that's the way I can't help but to see him in my mind when I read and listen to his own writings and those of many close friends and followers in his day. If you didn't know, the "teddy bear" was officially named after him personally. Another of my favorite quotes from TR is, "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." I hope that Seth and Friends don't mind if I paste a fav bio link for TR:видео.html

  • @dkipu266
    @dkipu266 4 года назад +428

    “The Proud Lack of Empathy” says it all about this president and his entire republican fueled movement.

    • @wilgo45
      @wilgo45 4 года назад +12

      You coined that perfectly

    • @rappinron1384
      @rappinron1384 4 года назад

      Did you cash the stimulus check Trump sent you?

    • @lisalisa1435
      @lisalisa1435 4 года назад +17

      @@rappinron1384 what's yer point, aside from foil that tops yer head, maybe...🤔🧐🙄😬

    • @blazertracer1
      @blazertracer1 4 года назад +29

      @@lisalisa1435 he thinks that Trump personal is writing the checks with his own money. Trumptards aren't that smart.

    • @nickadams1992
      @nickadams1992 4 года назад +13

      The Ivanka pic was monetized. Trump will LITERALLY embezzle in any way he can.

  • @neutronpixie6106
    @neutronpixie6106 4 года назад +123

    My co-workers cousin adapted to covid a few days ago. His funeral is tomorrow.

    • @bettysmith4641
      @bettysmith4641 4 года назад +20

      Same with my sister. We were told this morning it could be anytime ☹️

    • @Tustin2121
      @Tustin2121 4 года назад +34

      Condolences to the both of you. 😢

    • @Mansellyn
      @Mansellyn 4 года назад +20

      My condolences to you.

    • @Mansellyn
      @Mansellyn 4 года назад +17

      @@bettysmith4641 I am very sorry and will keep her in my thoughts.

    • @bettysmith4641
      @bettysmith4641 4 года назад +11

      @@Mansellyn thank you so much 🙏

  • @ashlieregis2412
    @ashlieregis2412 4 года назад +25

    Remember Alex Jones saying he would eat his neighbors if he had to?
    A modest proposal: pay-per-view cage match between Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones winner eats the loser 🤔

  • @Chxrlotte
    @Chxrlotte 4 года назад +23

    Pls can Stephen Colbert and Seth meyers never go on hiatus at the same time again..

  • @Treebard
    @Treebard 4 года назад +269

    Limbaugh seems obsessed with cannibalism. He was talking about eating his neighbors a few weeks ago. Someone needs to keep an eye on that dude!

    • @davidwolfe9722
      @davidwolfe9722 4 года назад +21

      And check his garden for some new digging.

    • @JoeKing157
      @JoeKing157 4 года назад +11

      He's the same kind of clown as the man-child in the White House. I can't even utter his name before breakfast.

    • @annakateputter_littlered
      @annakateputter_littlered 4 года назад +19

      Was that him? I thought it was Alex Jones. Either way they're both surely a bit sick in the head, and getting sicker.

    • @whiskersnbeans
      @whiskersnbeans 4 года назад +7

      @@annakateputter_littlered It was Alex Jones, but they're all disgusting.

    • @twittykins
      @twittykins 4 года назад +5

      A spot check on how many neighbours there should be would be a good start.

  • @screamingpotato759
    @screamingpotato759 4 года назад +63

    I love how some peoples will be like "we have to adapt" but won't wear a mask...

    • @paoloadam
      @paoloadam 4 года назад +6

      Whenever sacrifices are involved, "we" obviously means "you'.

    • @ecstatickitten2811
      @ecstatickitten2811 4 года назад +2

      The irony...

    • @GoGreen1977
      @GoGreen1977 4 года назад +1

      They won't wear a mask, but they'll eat other people!

  • @KaigaKarasuma
    @KaigaKarasuma 4 года назад +10

    Is that Rush Limbaugh's way of saying "Eat the rich"?

  • @kymbab3471
    @kymbab3471 4 года назад +33

    Condolences to the teachers family , I know they have got to be disheartened at that response.

    • @smooches77
      @smooches77 4 года назад +5

      🤦🏽‍♀️...the absolute least he could have done was offer condolences

    • @kymbab3471
      @kymbab3471 4 года назад

      Radiah Sims Don’t hold your breath waiting for that

  • @rosenbaum75
    @rosenbaum75 4 года назад +38

    Never in my life would I have thought America would be under attack by its own president.

  • @nilamaiABCDNayeon
    @nilamaiABCDNayeon 4 года назад +31

    I love that he says "we have to adapt. There are ways to adapt to this" and he doesn't realise that wearing masks and social distancing is exactly that

  • @VickiBrownatcfcl
    @VickiBrownatcfcl 4 года назад +24

    The people who don't believe in evolution are yelling about "adaptation".

  • @marktroup2978
    @marktroup2978 4 года назад +142

    Limbaugh: We have to adapt!
    Trump base: Yeahhh!
    CDC: You have to wear a mask.
    Trump base: Mah constertooshenal rights r under attack!

    • @linosclassics
      @linosclassics 4 года назад +8

      If only they could comprehend the utter irony of their position.

    • @tyrayentali7041
      @tyrayentali7041 4 года назад +2

      I would have loved a reaction compilation of Trumpists reacting to Trump's own mask.

  • @joannesymonds6734
    @joannesymonds6734 4 года назад +67

    OMG “ the one thing that stood out in the diaries, was that they never mentioned how cold it was, they just got on with it, they didn’t complain about it”
    I GUARANTEE, those who were eaten , COMPLAINED, minutes before they became dinner!!!

    • @chrissiek8706
      @chrissiek8706 4 года назад +8

      Yeah, they ate thy neighbors without complaining. Just a bit stiff weather, wasn't it... Now, let me complain for an hour or two on air about those mystical constantly complaining millennials... 🙄
      Rush would require extra seasoning and extra cooking, i imagine, though I'd first run the tests with some dogs if he's not poisonous to eat 🐶🙂🙃

    • @JasperKamphuis
      @JasperKamphuis 4 года назад +12

      The people that were in that particularly harsh winter might have tried to cover some more of their body with cloth, you know, adapting in the face of changing circumstances. It seems the people that don't want to adapt are those unwilling to wear additional items.

    • @WakeUpAmerican000s
      @WakeUpAmerican000s 4 года назад +5

      Joanne - Not only are you correct, but the irony that Lush Bimbaugh is suggesting to his audience to "buck up and take it" is not to be taken lightly. After all, Lush Bimbaugh makes a lot of dough by his un-ceasing whining about how he and his fellow donald-cult sheeple are being picked on by everyone and everything. His shows are almost exclusively about how so-called "conservatives" are victims of [fill-in Bimbaugh's "villain of the day" here ...].

  • @sarahoshea9603
    @sarahoshea9603 4 года назад +29

    Their afraid because shutting things down means our kids aren't in school, the state doesn't have direct access to our kids or into our lives. Ppl will get to know their neighbors and start strengthening their community ties. They know they better stop it quick or we may realize fellow citizens aren't the enemy, they are!

    • @brianrushing6246
      @brianrushing6246 4 года назад

      I can't remember anybody talking about how great our public education system was before all this.

  • @johnsumser9743
    @johnsumser9743 4 года назад +34

    Oh, remember those long ago days when the White House could not be used for campaigns? We used to make a distinction between being president and running for president. We were so naive.

  • @kelgreen99
    @kelgreen99 4 года назад +235

    Reporter: What do you say about the school teacher that died from the 'rona?
    45: Schools need to open..They have to open. The schools need to open and the NASDAQ is up. We have done a good job and the covid is gone like a miracle.
    Me-a teacher: I'm not going back. 😖😣😠😷

    • @zarakikon6352
      @zarakikon6352 4 года назад +26

      You're Totally right. Keep yourself and the kids safe 😊👍.

    • @shanadir
      @shanadir 4 года назад +26

      But, but... The NASDAQ! Surely you can see how that changes everything?

    • @joannemiddaugh122
      @joannemiddaugh122 4 года назад +12

      Sounded like he said Nastag to me. Twice. Confusing it e we it’s hashtag maybe.

    • @chrisvaughn4399
      @chrisvaughn4399 4 года назад +19

      Of course the nasdaq is up.. how many $trillions of dollars of working class tax payer money has been stolen from us --- and the next couple generations -- to be shoveled into the artificial inflated bubble state that it is currently in?
      I didn't get any of the shares I so generously bought in my mailbox.. instead, I see the bill for my investment on every paystub.
      Watch the incoming market correction when that entirely unsustainable program ends. It will be jaw dropping!

    • @cnett486
      @cnett486 4 года назад +3

      @@joannemiddaugh122 I thought so too!

  • @HeardItThruTheTapedLine
    @HeardItThruTheTapedLine 4 года назад +32

    omg I just got to the teacher part. He is a heartless jerk.

  • @NZRic001
    @NZRic001 4 года назад +49

    Donner party did not set out in middle of winter:
    1) fired guides
    2) ignored advice to take the Oregon trail
    3) took a 'new' trail not good for wagons
    4) took less supplies as the new trail was supposed to be quicker
    5) trapped by a very early snow storm (October I think) which doomed them

    • @OfficerDva444
      @OfficerDva444 4 года назад +3

      That monument must have been taken down as it seems like their only source for history nowadays XD

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 4 года назад +4

      So, cannibalism is back on the menu...of choices. Isn't tradition wonderful?

    • @patriciamckean4682
      @patriciamckean4682 4 года назад +2

      Seems like they were not the brightest group of people,, and it didn’t end well for them when fate dealt them the early storm. I see the parallels between the US response to Covid, and it’s not gonna end well... y’all Please wash your hands and wear your mask 😷

    • @spiceyhotpot
      @spiceyhotpot 4 года назад +5

      They sound like modern day Republicans

    • @barbbalycky3091
      @barbbalycky3091 4 года назад +3

      Ha ha but don't let facts get in the way of a good story..

  • @Panda_Roll
    @Panda_Roll 4 года назад +108

    "What a terrible question to ask"
    Maybe it's just me but I have a feeling his response would have been less hostile if he was talking to a man. He just gives off that Neanderthal aura.

    • @sandyfyffe6849
      @sandyfyffe6849 4 года назад +24

      TRUTH! Literally every time he speaks to a news woman he sounds like he's berating a dog... It's fucking annoying...

    • @Kobolds_in_a_trenchcoat
      @Kobolds_in_a_trenchcoat 4 года назад +19

      HEY! Stop insulting Neanderthals! I mean, they may all be dead but that's no reason to compare them to the living garbage fire that is trump.
      Edit: thought about it, maybe "living garbage fire" is a compliment for trump too.

    • @elaineburnett5230
      @elaineburnett5230 4 года назад +5

      Neanderthals couldn't adapt either!

    • @edmer68
      @edmer68 4 года назад +10

      @@elaineburnett5230 Wrong! They adapted by interbreeding with our ancestors. And just like them, almost everyone today has a little neanderthal in them.

    • @zarakikon6352
      @zarakikon6352 4 года назад +5

      Even a Neanderthal would make more sence then Drumpf* does.

  • @mimim7026
    @mimim7026 4 года назад +137

    The Donner Party didn't complain, says Rush, with zero self-awareness that his entire fortune has been made by complaining about EVERYTHING.

    • @dectric9087
      @dectric9087 4 года назад +16

      The Donner Party got stuck in the mountains cause they chose to take a shortcut instead of the established path. Just like Trump and the GOP throwing away Obama's pandemic response plan and hoping the coronavirus would just disappear.

    • @incognitro7634
      @incognitro7634 4 года назад +4

      Republicans naturally have no self-awareness. They look in the mirror and see an articulate, intelligent person.
      We, on the other hand see them as the moronic shills they truly are.
      Just look at whom they've allowed to be President and (after bumbling EVERY issue he's been faced with ) still support.

    • @ogivecrush
      @ogivecrush 4 года назад +3

      @@incognitro7634 In much the same way as Trump undoubtedly looks in the mirror and sees a handsome debonair guy instead of the orange pleather-skinned polyester-haired golem that he actually is.

  • @harleyquinn5774
    @harleyquinn5774 4 года назад +23

    Another session of “racist dementia grandpa speaking his mind at the Thanksgiving table”

  • @jessielallier9483
    @jessielallier9483 4 года назад +88

    I'm so tired and scared of living in America. I looked into it and unfortunately you can't just move to Norway bc you want to.

    • @653j521
      @653j521 4 года назад +3

      Jessie Lallier You could move until the election, and send an absentee ballot.

    • @paulinechapman9319
      @paulinechapman9319 4 года назад +13

      Jessie Lallier lol ..are you dissing are welcome here..unfortunately you have to wait until the border reopens...we here in canada are concerned about protecting our citizens...but when enough US citizens die... and a vaccine will be available...then come on over will be appreciated here...and you won’t have to adapt...🇨🇦🇨🇦

    • @rodneysmart9774
      @rodneysmart9774 4 года назад +20

      Pretty difficult to find any country to allow Americans in right now.

    • @jessielallier9483
      @jessielallier9483 4 года назад +9

      @@paulinechapman9319 I would love to move to Canada, both sides of my parents heritage are from up there. Ontario and Quebec I believe.

    • @jessielallier9483
      @jessielallier9483 4 года назад +6

      @@653j521 Idk, the morons voted him in once, who is to say they won't do it again?

  • @TheCatslock
    @TheCatslock 4 года назад +442

    Insert Lord Farquad Meme: Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

    • @robertfrench6947
      @robertfrench6947 4 года назад +21

      Or Zap Brannigan: "Knowing the kill bots had a set kill limit I sent wave after wave of my own men at them..."

    • @JustaMomnFamily
      @JustaMomnFamily 4 года назад +2


    • @jessicasparkles1619
      @jessicasparkles1619 4 года назад +2

      This is exactly what I think of!🤣

    • @cellonpot
      @cellonpot 4 года назад

      POSUS 45 is fear-groveling

    • @spiceyhotpot
      @spiceyhotpot 4 года назад +1

      It's the meme of this Administration

  • @blauespony1013
    @blauespony1013 4 года назад +22

    "Viruses are a part of life". Car accidents are a part of (our) lives, too. That does not mean that I jump in front of a car to get hit by it.

  • @WindFireAllThatKindOfThing
    @WindFireAllThatKindOfThing 4 года назад +13

    Republican mouthpieces: You must adapt or die by rolling the dice with your life with the disease. Only the strong should survive. We won't think about the children.
    Also Republican mouthpieces: We cannot allow businesses to fail because they cannot adapt in this time of disease. Won't you think of the cash registers?

  • @mvvpro8688
    @mvvpro8688 4 года назад +19

    "They want to tear down the wall..." Blowing down the three miles that have been finished shouldn't be that hard.

  • @TheMadJoker87
    @TheMadJoker87 4 года назад +249

    everyday america looks more and more like the prequel to the movie "Idiocracy"

    • @annihilator45
      @annihilator45 4 года назад +5

      The prequel to idicracy was the traitor trump administration.

    • @MikeIdy6000
      @MikeIdy6000 4 года назад +8


    • @kevinberry9033
      @kevinberry9033 4 года назад +3

      YES!! Exactly!!!!
      Well said. And thank you for the laugh. I needed that.

    • @ginadelsasso288
      @ginadelsasso288 4 года назад +8

      Instead of the year 2500, we will be living that movie by 2050 at this pace.

    • @kumaflamewar6524
      @kumaflamewar6524 4 года назад +11

      Daily reminder that president Camacho deferred to people who he knew were experts in things he didn't understand. He was literally a better president than Trump

    @MADHAUSMARKALLAN 4 года назад +7

    “Epic ramp fails” nearly killed me when I fell over my ottoman...

  • @lawrencedoliveiro9104
    @lawrencedoliveiro9104 4 года назад +31

    13:23 “Adaptation” ... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    “Adaptation” means “changing behaviour to cope with changed circumstances”. It doesn’t mean “trying to continue as before, as though things will be fine”.

  • @emilyhart2252
    @emilyhart2252 4 года назад +41

    "You will adapt" -- this is a line from the Torchwood story "Children of Earth." The relevancy is chilling.

    • @petermatthews3729
      @petermatthews3729 4 года назад +5

      I'm not embarrassed to admit that was terrifying television.

    • @ktmadeintas3902
      @ktmadeintas3902 4 года назад +1

      Adapting is what made the Human Species able to continue. Our ability to adapt was taught to us in school is our most important attribute. But yes Torchwood was chilling

    • @cookingediblesdragon4570
      @cookingediblesdragon4570 4 года назад


    • @TreyCapnerhurst
      @TreyCapnerhurst 4 года назад +2

      I nearly threw up with that storyline. And yet, as horrifying as it was, it does indeed bear a striking resemblance to American pandemic response. At least the aliens only required 10% of the world's children. And they still got the marginalized ones.

    • @lorihenderson673
      @lorihenderson673 4 года назад +2

      We need captain jack

  • @southsider9638
    @southsider9638 4 года назад +31

    Ivanka: If you're out of work, find something new!
    Ok, Ms. Out of Touch With Reality: How is one supposed to train to "find something new" when getting your insanely wealthy employer to spend money on training is like getting blood from a rock. The 1% are making a killing on this pandemic.

  • @davidwolfe9722
    @davidwolfe9722 4 года назад +11

    So this is how it ends, everyone eating their neighbours. I knew the Trump presidency was going to be bad, but not this bad!

  • @jadenchen5517
    @jadenchen5517 4 года назад +349

    Never heard this one before. “Millennials these days are too unwilling to eat other people.”

    • @corinal2672
      @corinal2672 4 года назад +1


    • @nigeldumas434
      @nigeldumas434 4 года назад +4

      Can't wait for Beyond! Human.

    • @LeafHuntress
      @LeafHuntress 4 года назад +13

      Also, they refuse to adapt. I thought these blowhards were against evolution?

    • @monkeyman321
      @monkeyman321 4 года назад +21

      Millennials are killing the cannibalism industry.

    • @ktax1813
      @ktax1813 4 года назад +1


  • @steverichardson8080
    @steverichardson8080 4 года назад +68

    Hey Limbaugh, adapting to the pandemic is wearing a face covering, social distancing and self quarantining. YOU are the one failing to adapt. But it's not surprising, that what it means to be conservative, never growing, never adapting, never learning anything new, never trying to be a better person.

    • @noh-1386
      @noh-1386 4 года назад +5

      It's almost like people who are more concerned about purity, authority and tradition aren't likely to change with the times when they most need to!

    • @elizabethlion7580
      @elizabethlion7580 4 года назад +1


  • @melscotto5330
    @melscotto5330 4 года назад +138

    Dementia. Everyone is afraid to say, REMOVE HIM NOW.

    • @653j521
      @653j521 4 года назад +7

      Mel Scotto His peeps want to see just how far off the rails he will go. They love this stuff. Same with Limbaugh's fans. The more insane the better. They feel more thrilled the bigger the explosion gets. To judge by their reaction. They seem to be very frustrated, miserable, angry people and this is a way they can vicariously strike back. It would seem. :)

    • @ridikipicklepeckinpuff583
      @ridikipicklepeckinpuff583 4 года назад +4

      @Deeper Blue omg what if like he scored really high on the test and all the doctors were amazed, BUT a high score is actually bad and they were amazed that he could still form coherent sentences lolollll

    • @mclovin6039
      @mclovin6039 4 года назад +2

      @Smileyrie James 👍👍

    • @jeremiahbachmann3901
      @jeremiahbachmann3901 4 года назад +1

      It's just dumb/uneducated and a few personality disorders with too much power. He's been like this since the 70s.

    • @williamswenson5315
      @williamswenson5315 4 года назад +1

      Why? He's still useful to those who enrich themselves at the expense of other people's lives and fortunes.

  • @cirkmannzirkel8229
    @cirkmannzirkel8229 4 года назад +9

    Limbaugh shows us what conservatism is all about: not caring about other people. Hell, even shooting or eating them.

  • @Hailstormful
    @Hailstormful 4 года назад +18

    "Abolish law enforcement as we know it, abolish death penalty, defund the military and police departments..."
    Your law enforcement is broken and corrupt, your military and police are COMICALLY overfunded, those are actual good proposals...

  • @hoozle
    @hoozle 4 года назад +79

    Incidentally, The Thornbirds TV mini series was repeated on Irish television last week. I laughed wryly. Wryly, I tell you.

    • @batintheattic7293
      @batintheattic7293 4 года назад +6

      My mother had a crush on Richard Chamberlain.

    • @hoozle
      @hoozle 4 года назад +3

      @@batintheattic7293 my teacher did too 😄

    • @hiyahoney
      @hiyahoney 4 года назад +2

      Wryly, says you???

    • @md61211
      @md61211 4 года назад +2

      @@batintheattic7293 barking up the wrong tree, your poor innocent mum.

    • @davidanderson_surrey_bc
      @davidanderson_surrey_bc 4 года назад +2

      What's that? You laughed, Riley?

  • @Rockovissi
    @Rockovissi 4 года назад +367

    He’s the absolute worst living human being.

    • @earlputnal9124
      @earlputnal9124 4 года назад +7

      But you think an Alzheimer patient should be in control though. Right? Hmm. Real genius thinking.

    • @fastertrackcreative
      @fastertrackcreative 4 года назад +21

      @@earlputnal9124 Trump probably has Alzheimer's or similar

    • @carlakinsella3833
      @carlakinsella3833 4 года назад +16

      He is a selfish baby man. Ugghh what happened to him? Trump’s crazy and Earl Putnal, Trump’s dementia is trice Biden’s. We need a young, intelligent President that is NOT A Democrat or a Republican. Who died and said they had TO BE OUR ONLY MAJOR PARTIES!!! Talk abt RED AND BLUE CROOKS. Throw ‘em out and reboot our govt along with police dept.

    • @earlputnal9124
      @earlputnal9124 4 года назад +2

      @@fastertrackcreative He's way more cognitive than Biden. Ok? Trust me. I've seen Biden in action. He's way more off the mark. Than you know.

    • @earlputnal9124
      @earlputnal9124 4 года назад +2

      I never claimed Trump wasn't an asshole? Just the best choice for President.

  • @AbonZel3
    @AbonZel3 4 года назад +9

    Limbaugh: We need to learn how to adapt.
    Society needs you to pay more in taxes, Limbaugh. Just adapt.

  • @adamtzsch
    @adamtzsch 4 года назад +101

    I’ve adapted to the virus: I wear a mask in indoor public places.

    • @paulabartholomew8497
      @paulabartholomew8497 4 года назад +6

      I had to go to the ER for a COPD episode and I was terrified to go due to the high number of covid patients in ER's everywhere. That has now become my reality....risking death by staying home going or somewhere to get help and wondering if I will come out sicker than when I went in.

    • @lindajarrell2348
      @lindajarrell2348 4 года назад +2


    • @laurentead65
      @laurentead65 4 года назад

      @@paulabartholomew8497 I feel the same because of asthma.

  • @coufar1971
    @coufar1971 4 года назад +36

    I can't fathom the mindset of "This millennial generation doesn't know how to adapt" when wearing masks and quarantining would be the way to adapt. If anything, adaption would probably include more methods for people to complete work from home considering these days we do have the technology to allow for that.
    The part that baffles me is that for some reason there's the mindset that "Adaption means doing the same thing as if nothing is different" instead of learning new methods to overcome something.
    But what do any of us know, right? We're not backed by millions of dollars. Anyone else's back feeling sore from carrying bricks to make the pyramids?

    • @wichitakansas6385
      @wichitakansas6385 4 года назад

      How does a mask help like does it really make any sense that a mask will save your life anyone in health care will tell you it protects you from getting others infected it doesn't provide you from breathing in whatever your gonna inhale

  • @GreenLanternCorps2814
    @GreenLanternCorps2814 4 года назад +65

    Seth's show has been solely responsible for a 500% spike in purchases of The Thorn Birds.

    • @Kowasi
      @Kowasi 4 года назад +2

      They sold five, huh

  • @richardgreen3081
    @richardgreen3081 4 года назад +16

    He’s trying to act as if he didn’t say “apolish” by saying abolish several times!

  • @lateare
    @lateare 4 года назад +71

    I wish when Trump has these rose garden speeches and he goes off track, people would just get up and start leaving. By the end of the speech, he would be speaking to nobody. The cameramen slowly turn away turn off their cameras, and the middle fingers are all he sees.

    • @briancase6180
      @briancase6180 4 года назад +8

      Yes yes YES. Set a standard and don't lower it. That's what's missing in journalism today.

    • @zarakikon6352
      @zarakikon6352 4 года назад +5

      That would Definitely make my day yeah.

    • @chriszerkel5874
      @chriszerkel5874 4 года назад +6

      He's pretty much speaking to nobody now. People are tired of listening to him. I know I am.

    • @katlynnjahn7303
      @katlynnjahn7303 4 года назад +4

      Can you IMAGINE the fit he would throw? He might have a serious break down on live TV. It would be priceless.

    • @tiggersboy
      @tiggersboy 4 года назад +3

      They should quit giving him air time all together. Everything he says is a lie and just quote his tweets if you really, desperately, need a story.

  • @jentamaria46
    @jentamaria46 4 года назад +475

    Rush Limbaugh: " Millenials dont know how to adapt."
    Its literally his generation that keep whining about wearing a mask. Someone should get him some cheese.

    • @sara-eo4cu
      @sara-eo4cu 4 года назад +8


    • @IO-kx9oj
      @IO-kx9oj 4 года назад +8

      Spot on!

    • @shabbydooforever
      @shabbydooforever 4 года назад +10

      ....n this guys won a medal? He's nuts!

    • @nickelpasta
      @nickelpasta 4 года назад +36

      Yeah I think he means millenials aren't willing to trample others to get ahead, a concept he cannot fathom.

    • @sallyhines7527
      @sallyhines7527 4 года назад +12

      @@shabbydooforever He won a medal because the guy whose ass he kisses gave him one.

  • @laurent1144
    @laurent1144 4 года назад +198

    Rush Limbaugh: YOU ALL NEED TO ADAPT
    Also Rush Limbaugh: MASKS ARE TYRANNY.
    Pick a side.

    • @dylanm3519
      @dylanm3519 4 года назад +14

      If Rush catches Covid-19 whilst being treated for lung cancer, he is fucked. So who really cares what he has to say.

    • @Oswlek
      @Oswlek 4 года назад +6

      Yeah, that is the strangest, least self-aware complaint I've seen in a long time.

    • @hypothalapotamus5293
      @hypothalapotamus5293 4 года назад +5

      @@dylanm3519 I thought Rush Limbaugh cured cancer. That was why he got the presidential medal of freedom, right?

    • @dylanm3519
      @dylanm3519 4 года назад +4

      @@hypothalapotamus5293 I'm guessing you're being sarcastic?

    • @hypothalapotamus5293
      @hypothalapotamus5293 4 года назад +6

      @@dylanm3519 I keep forgetting that Qanon psychos actually say stuff like that and believe it.

  • @preciousmom3329
    @preciousmom3329 4 года назад +5

    Trump: “They want to a POLISH our police department” 2:07 🤔🤨 hum? they want to make it shine again?

  • @MikeCatrone
    @MikeCatrone 4 года назад +24

    It's just all so sad, I grew up in Nyc most of my life but for the past several years I've been living in a small town in northern Canada and it's always heart wrenching to hear what's been going on back home. We just got to vote him out and then we can rebuild

    • @bobbobbob1318
      @bobbobbob1318 4 года назад +1

      You're doing what I wished I could - live in Canada. At least the leader there seems to have a brain.

    • @DawnMarieMcMillan
      @DawnMarieMcMillan 4 года назад +1

      Glad you are safe. Make your vote count.

    • @mariag.8242
      @mariag.8242 4 года назад

      American expats in Canada need to vote - pls get in touch with others you know of

  • @jmag579
    @jmag579 4 года назад +77

    “Biden’s gonna abolish the suburbs.”

    • @miriammcdowell5048
      @miriammcdowell5048 4 года назад +2

      No! He loves the suburbs, that’s where all the children play....

    • @hayleyb467
      @hayleyb467 4 года назад +1


    • @thexalon
      @thexalon 4 года назад +3

      What he means is that Biden is going to take steps towards ending the de facto segregation that has kept black people out of the suburbs. Which, to his target audience, is the equivalent of opening Rome's gates to the Visigoths.

    • @kenster8270
      @kenster8270 4 года назад +5

      @JB Bgin "The suburbs" has long been dogwhistle for whites-only neighborhoods created through redlining and urban decay. This is not news. But nevermind that, I'm more focused on this new verb "apolish".

    • @earlputnal9124
      @earlputnal9124 4 года назад

      Yep. That means you're going to have to live with low income housing. And higher taxes.

  • @GamiCross
    @GamiCross 4 года назад +30

    I want to see another camera during these 'press briefings' that are just on the reporters having to listen to this.

  • @THATVisi
    @THATVisi 4 года назад +3

    All I’m hearing from Limbaugh is “Eat the rich...” Well, you heard the man.

  • @jamesgeorgas7353
    @jamesgeorgas7353 4 года назад +178

    Obligatory: "Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster".

    • @durnsidh6483
      @durnsidh6483 4 года назад +24

      Though in a sense he really was the monster.

    • @winterhtech
      @winterhtech 4 года назад +14

      A deeper reading would suggest that the doctor is the real monster in that story.

    • @CyberBlastoise
      @CyberBlastoise 4 года назад +5

      He wasn't a doctor either. He dropped out of college.

    • @ascovill
      @ascovill 4 года назад +1

      Why don't we say this about other things named after their creators? Ford was the auto manufacturer, not the car. George Foreman was the boxer, not the grill. The real McCoy was the engineer, not the train wheel greeser. We can stop laboring this point any time now.

    • @troy7161
      @troy7161 4 года назад +8

      It's Frawnk-en-steen

  • @TheRealConcertKing
    @TheRealConcertKing 4 года назад +49

    It's funny because rush limbaugh was actually making a great case for the exact opposite thing he was trying to. We CAN adapt to living during a pandemic by making sacrifices. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow the advice of experts. Change your habits to better suit the needs of the world currently. He made the case right there, just said "millenials" instead of "conservatives" while presumably advocating for not changing any pre-pandemic behavior and not adapting to the needs of the current situation.
    Edit: You could also make the point, they had to EAT EACH OTHER and you just have to wear cloth on your face for a little while when you go out. So suck it up.

    • @cappyjones
      @cappyjones 4 года назад +7

      I couldn't have said it better!

    • @chironOwlglass
      @chironOwlglass 4 года назад +3

      I have a condition called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I am allergic to literally everything. I have lived my entire life in "lockdown." I have spent my entire life "social distancing." And I have never complained, because it's EASY when you realize IT KEEPS YOU FROM DYING. If I can live my entire life in solitary confinement, then people can wear a g** d*** MASK.

    • @krazer9515
      @krazer9515 4 года назад

      @@chironOwlglass Good on you man. Glad you can survive in this pandemic laughing at all the weak people who whine about not being able to go to a bar for a few months. I myself had almost no change in my lifestyle from pre to post lock-down. Turns out, i just don't socialize, don't like touching people, and find it baffling how people are getting anxiety from not having human contact for a few months, when i am going on years now. Of course i might be insane, but until i get diagnosed i am 100% mentally healthy.

    • @dozog
      @dozog 4 года назад +2

      No no no no.. we can't be expected to change.... We have to adapt.

  • @IAmJustR
    @IAmJustR 4 года назад +69

    😕 I'll never understand how The Resident sounds credible to anyone.

    • @CteCrassus
      @CteCrassus 4 года назад +13

      “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
      ― George Carlin

    • @AndrewMacLaine
      @AndrewMacLaine 4 года назад +2

      There's a channel called "Republican Voters against Trump". It has testimonials from Republicans as to why they thought it good idea to vote for him at the time, and why they realize now it was wrong. It is the most informative, legitimate source of answers I have found to the question of, "How did this happen?"

    • @TheLumberjack1987
      @TheLumberjack1987 4 года назад +4

      @@AndrewMacLaine without having watched it I can guess what the answers are.
      1) I was an idiot and I still am, but I got fucked over so hard in the last 3 years even my lobotomized nervous system started feeling it.
      2) I didn't like what Obama did, so I voted for whoever the GOP nominated because I was a partisan hack, I still am but I won't admit that now.
      3) The center right policies of the democrats are too far left for me so I went for the borderline fascist party this time to "balance" things out.
      After I fell for the obvious con I think it's time to go back to the center right.

    • @shirleymason2422
      @shirleymason2422 4 года назад +1

      R what’s a resident .

    • @iandalziel7405
      @iandalziel7405 4 года назад +1

      @@TheLumberjack1987 - There must be a 'Factory Settings' reset button somewhere...

  • @DelusionalWeirdo
    @DelusionalWeirdo 4 года назад +5

    I listened to "The Last Podcast on the Left" detail the absolute hell that the Donner party went through just leading UP to getting stranded, never mind actually being stranded and starving. The starkest thing to me was the amount of horrible decisions that brought them to that point. Bad decisions included: starting their journey WAY too late, ignoring the advice of people who knew the terrain and seasonal patterns of the region, deviating from the well-trod trail that many many others had successfully used because a guy said he knew a shorter route, and not listening when someone in their own group said (paraphrasing) "maybe people are taking this known path for a reason and we shouldn't ignore warnings by people who've made this trip before."
    Fun fact: The caravan split ways at that point. What came to be known as the Donner party are the people who took that sketchy "shortcut." It not only delayed them because of getting lost and getting snowed in while lost, but added hundreds of miles to their journey.

  • @jennifercamille16
    @jennifercamille16 4 года назад +296

    Does Trump not understand percentages and ratios or does he just pretend not to?

    • @monsieurlaflamme995
      @monsieurlaflamme995 4 года назад +30

      He doesn’t

    • @spooks196
      @spooks196 4 года назад +26

      A lot of conservatives or all lives matter supporters don’t understand ratios. Shame really.

    • @Hag_of_Fangorn
      @Hag_of_Fangorn 4 года назад +7

      Just pretending, of course, to throw you off the 2000-D chess game he's playing with you. /s

    • @dustycover3015
      @dustycover3015 4 года назад +18

      I don't think his brain is capable of comprehending anything.

    • @tessaninetails8065
      @tessaninetails8065 4 года назад +17

      He managed to bankrupt several casinos... that in itself is impressive. If you actually look at his previous businesses it paints a pretty grim picture

  • @johnnycto7576
    @johnnycto7576 4 года назад +77

    "Teachers may die, but the stock market is doing A-ok!"

  • @abthedragon4921
    @abthedragon4921 4 года назад +14

    I can't wait until America wakes up from this nightmare