  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @CHIUviews
    @CHIUviews  4 года назад +124

    MY CHIUTIES! Kim Taehyung will forever bias wreck me even though he is my bias! Please let me know the name of the songs I asked about as I NEED to hear them fully. BORAHAE! 💜
    (FIRST TIME TRYING KOREAN FOOD) - ruclips.net/video/6OeKj4V9DpM/видео.html
    (GRWM for the MMA 2020) - ruclips.net/video/kySMbMJ9AFU/видео.html
    Find my ‘I-LAND’ Episode 1 reaction on patreon for free! - drive.google.com/file/d/1RnGxtsubly2dogYMgEs38wPV5F4hF3qO/view?usp=sharing
    Coloured contacts 50% OFF Code: CHIU50
    Code - CHIUVIEWS
    FIND MY BLOCKED REACTIONS FOR FREE - Patreon : www.patreon.com/chiuviews
Instagram : instagram.com/rachelchiux/
    Instagram : instagram.com/CHIUviews/
    Twitter : twitter.com/chiuviews
    Discord : discord.gg/Np8afuu

    • @marisbb
      @marisbb 4 года назад +3

      PLEASE react to BTS mv lights!! ^^ 💜

    • @gstayuanandadevi2832
      @gstayuanandadevi2832 4 года назад +4

      Please react to mv lights or let go!!

    • @ale__228
      @ale__228 4 года назад +11


    • @feelfree7248
      @feelfree7248 4 года назад +6

      Bts let go, winter bear, scenery by tae

    • @armyot7133
      @armyot7133 4 года назад +4

      ⚠️CHIU!!! Watch also Tae (V) - solo‼️
      IT'S GOING CRAZY!!! 🤪😍🥰
      V (SOLO) for you 💝:
      [MV] V (BTS) - Winter Bear
      [MV] V (BTS) - Sweet Night [Itaewon Class OST - Part.12]
      V (BTS) - Singularity (Stage Mix - Love Yourself Speak Yourself)
      Hug me (Performed by V & J-Hope)
      4 O’ Clock (Performed by V & RM)
      Even If I Die It's You (V & JIN - Hwarang OST)
      [Cover] Someone like you (Sung & Produced by V)
      BÔNUS ❣️🔥🔥🔥❣️
      Taehyung VCR
      G.C.F. in Helsinki (Director JK / Director Of Photography JK / Editor JK) / Actor BTS)
      Kisses from Brazil 🙋🏼‍♀️💜🇧🇷

  • @toomuch5484
    @toomuch5484 4 года назад +112

    He's a happiness preacher. It was Jin's birthday recently and Jin didn't get much call and text. He was sad thinking that he probably didn't live his life right. But Tae got all of his friends to wish Jin for his birthday and compiled the videos together then sent it to Jin with a message that says "Hyung, you are loved". How this man is so sweet I'm gonna cry. The fact that he even created "i purple you" 😭💜.

    • @elsalalala611
      @elsalalala611 4 года назад +9

      Yes i watched jin's vlive... Taetae is so precious ❤️

    • @irisflower9030
      @irisflower9030 4 года назад +10

      Tae is one of the most wonderful humans on earth. He’s so considerate but he doesn’t flash it, he does so many wonderful things quietly and the only reason we find out is cuz his fans give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money!

  • @princemalhan7575
    @princemalhan7575 4 года назад +47

    Many people love his face but I love him because of his personality and his deep thoughts

  • @FifiNiang02
    @FifiNiang02 4 года назад +55

    All I know about Rachel is that Taehyung is definitely her ult bias 😂

  • @ot7forever911
    @ot7forever911 4 года назад +33

    I love them all but V will always have a soft spot in my heart 💜

  • @farheen641
    @farheen641 4 года назад +68

    12:08 that’s one of V’s solo songs Scenery. It’s so beautiful

  • @Mostafa-xg3qu
    @Mostafa-xg3qu 4 года назад +48

    V is extraordinary and super hard worker to maintain his talents, lsn't he so cool...watching the beginning of this video of "Winter Bear" my heart felt just mesmerizing him ( with your explanation) and as multi talented v- he loves drawing painting, photographer, making movie ( of BTS members on tour & every day life) , song writer" also v words 'l purple you ' l cried😭 in the " l purple you" part he is really just amazing 💜We purple you Kim Taehyung💜💜💜 CHIU you are so beautiful and pretty love you so much BORAHAE💜💜💜💜💜

  • @jkeylovee
    @jkeylovee 4 года назад +9

    SweetNight, WinterBear, Scenery, 4 o'clock, and Blue & Grey are the reasons why I cannot wait for TAE'S MIXTAPE.

  • @jankatata665
    @jankatata665 4 года назад +11

    Kim Taehyung called idol of idols and fancam king. He is an inspiration for rookies, they always watch his fancams and study his stage presence (he also called stage genius). For example his “boy with luv” fancam has 130m (!) views and 1.1m likes. The most viewed fancam ever. You definitely need to watch!!!!

  • @wwhossimonee
    @wwhossimonee 4 года назад +30

    I'm falling so hard for Taehyung too!!!

    • @wwhossimonee
      @wwhossimonee 4 года назад +1

      @@loresalas18 DHFYYUD LMAOOO

  • @izzatulnajwa5259
    @izzatulnajwa5259 4 года назад +36

    9 days to taehyung's birthday!!!

  • @RoxanaGark
    @RoxanaGark 4 года назад +18

    • Hug Me (Feat. Hobi)
    • Someone Like You (Adele song Cover)
    • 4 O'Clock (Feat. Namjoon)
    • Stigma
    • Singularity
    • It's You Even If I Die (Feat. Jin)
    • Winter Bear
    • Scenery
    • Inner Child
    • Friends (Feat. Jimin)
    • Sweet Night

  • @Anabel795
    @Anabel795 4 года назад +16

    If anyone has the ability to paint a completely different color outside of red with the color of love, that is KIM TAEHYUNG. He had made purple have such a beautiful meaning that it is now spreading throughout the world. From famous personalities, to famous architecture + 💜

  • @walidfadwa9363
    @walidfadwa9363 4 года назад +7

    My bias is always stunning ❤💜❤

  • @jemslovescoffee9570
    @jemslovescoffee9570 4 года назад +19

    I love that Scenery is playing while showing Tae's photography!

  • @farheen641
    @farheen641 4 года назад +45

    I love this series so much. Seeing u react to our TaeTae and ur bias, it just shows how much you adore and love him. It’s so cute. 🥺and ur reactions are soo relatable! Can’t wait for part 4😊BORAHAE 💜💜

  • @mayadelrosario7240
    @mayadelrosario7240 4 года назад +4

    Thanks Rachel!! My bias...Tae💜absolutely talent....voice,dance, energy,personality...OMGGGG Tae..V...I purple you Rachel!! Mon ARMY 💜

  • @juliaw8852
    @juliaw8852 4 года назад +2

    Yayy, I love Taetae so much! He is beautiful inside and out! ❤️

  • @swagyytaetae1002
    @swagyytaetae1002 4 года назад +9

    Scenery and winter bear 💜💜love you Queen 👑

  • @annarose9338
    @annarose9338 4 года назад +46

    2:44 the song is winter bear
    12:06 the song is scenery
    Although he didn’t stand right away for me when I got to started getting into BTS, when I started learning more about the members I fell for Taehyung and that’s never gonna change.

    • @st1010
      @st1010 4 года назад +3

      Me too! I fell for him when I watched the video of him doing so well with kids!!! 🥰

  • @hermanagustiawati2968
    @hermanagustiawati2968 4 года назад +2

    Kim Taehyung is definitly perfect of body, mind and soul. So much love for my baby bear. Borahae...

  • @bagtanarenice4131
    @bagtanarenice4131 4 года назад +2

    i love your reactions about Taehyung :))

  • @ArtsyMario
    @ArtsyMario 4 года назад +4

    Awww this was a very sweet video of Taehyung. This made me love him more too! He is my bias wreaker and of course, he wreaked me so much with his sweetness. 😍

  • @maianalima7297
    @maianalima7297 4 года назад +6

    Our TaeTae is so talented! I love him soo much 😍💜💜

  • @emilianaoliveira4903
    @emilianaoliveira4903 4 года назад +3

    I Love v💜🤴 kim taehyung é muito talentoso e fofo, ele é incrível amo sua voz 👏🇧🇷

  • @chiyokoshin6796
    @chiyokoshin6796 4 года назад +5

    Anyone noticed that in Winter bear cover photo Tae used bears he got as a gift from Jimin who wanted to give him sth related to his song?
    That's so sweet of both of them~

  • @marisbb
    @marisbb 4 года назад +23

    13:02 the song is called scenery and the other one is called winter bear! Pls check out all v's solo songs because they're incredible

  • @jennybaxter26
    @jennybaxter26 4 года назад +8


  • @bbmin_Nteam
    @bbmin_Nteam 4 года назад +1

    Kim Taehyung will forever bias wreck for me even though he is my bias too😍💜但我還是愛BTS的每個成員
    每天都在等妳的影片,好喜歡你的reaction. BORAHAE 💜

  • @achmadabdil9621
    @achmadabdil9621 4 года назад +16

    U should react to "Everybody loves Taehyung" too, that video can let u know why taetae has been called "Idol of Idols".
    Sorry for my bad English btw😂

  • @nidiafigueroa491
    @nidiafigueroa491 4 года назад +4

    Feliz feliz por tu reaccion a tae tae mi adorable bebe 💜💜💜💜💜

  • @adewaleroheemat9790
    @adewaleroheemat9790 3 года назад +1

    I love how we have common taste
    V's ultimate bias
    V is such an extraordinary
    I purple you

  • @sweethoney2250
    @sweethoney2250 4 года назад +1

    V's another quote which is famous and influence me is "I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YESTERDAY AND LESS THAN TOMORROW" which was used by him in one of the concert. I just love this boy's deep and unique thoughts. 💜

  • @almawilson372
    @almawilson372 4 года назад +5

    I have fallen for taehyung too 😍

  • @jennybaxter26
    @jennybaxter26 4 года назад +9


  • @Bonbon_Bangtan
    @Bonbon_Bangtan 4 года назад +1

    He is a king!!...My bias for so many reasons.. the two songs are winter bear and Scenery.. can't wait for his mixtape..
    And you're a Queen.. and very beautiful cute one.. borahae.. all the love from Egypt💜💜

  • @kath9578
    @kath9578 4 года назад +16

    its morning here in our country..so koo morning rachel and ami's💜

  • @juanajomaa9822
    @juanajomaa9822 4 года назад +2

    tae tae is soo cute !

  • @samardahin7276
    @samardahin7276 4 года назад +1

    Even though I am OT7. HE is my bias! BTW You are the cutest!!
    Borahee Rachel!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @youssefzakraoui3297
    @youssefzakraoui3297 4 года назад +2

    V = talent

    • @WhippedForJeonJungkook
      @WhippedForJeonJungkook 4 года назад +1

      BTS = talent
      Bts is 7 members, appreciate them all equally

    • @zainabhanjra3914
      @zainabhanjra3914 4 года назад

      @@WhippedForJeonJungkook i see you everywhere. Who hurt you?

  • @carmenh2168
    @carmenh2168 4 года назад +13

    Wow I actually haven’t seen this one! I’m so excited to watch this girl!😅 especially since we act exactly the same with our bias the one and only Kim Taehyung. As always doll you look absolutely beautiful and I can’t even put some words into this comment right now because I’m excited to watch this. Borahaeee 💜✨

    • @carmenh2168
      @carmenh2168 4 года назад +1

      @@CloudedLeopard8588 wow thank you so much for the recommendation!! I appreciate it. I purple you💜

    • @WhippedForJeonJungkook
      @WhippedForJeonJungkook 4 года назад +1


    • @jankatata665
      @jankatata665 4 года назад +4

      @@WhippedForJeonJungkook you know “Bias” exist. we love bts and taehyung is our bias

    • @carmenh2168
      @carmenh2168 4 года назад +1

      @@CloudedLeopard8588 very good and thorough explanation.

  • @adnanpatel6915
    @adnanpatel6915 4 года назад +1

    Every time I know something about Taehyung my respect for him increases more and more.... He's my all time bias and and also the reason I got in bangtan ....also soooo glad that our queen us also V Bias 💜💜💜💜.... BORAHE queen
    Sorry I couldn't be see your videos lately but I did Bing watch all of them together
    Borahe 💜

  • @greenace8880
    @greenace8880 4 года назад

    Taehyung is also my bias! 💜
    He's so precious and deserves every little happiness in this world! 🐯

  • @mvzin9362
    @mvzin9362 4 года назад +5

    I always watch your videos while having dinner.

  • @yadalicastillo1351
    @yadalicastillo1351 4 года назад +1

    King Taehyung, Tae es todo lo qué necesito en la vida 💜

  • @hineshashah1705
    @hineshashah1705 4 года назад

    I fall again for this man 🥰🥰💜💜😭😭 He is just inspiration 🥺💜 i have lost words for TAE TAE💜💜💜💜💜

  • @jenniferm.9458
    @jenniferm.9458 4 года назад +6

    the first song is Winter Bear and the second song is Scenery

  • @alaaalmansory9716
    @alaaalmansory9716 4 года назад +1

    I dont want this to end!! i hope there is a part 4!! ALSO Winter bear is all in english! I WAS SO INTO THISSSS. ugh your right...we jus keep falling in love! I PRUPLE YOU CHUITIE! 💜💜

  • @Mamadafila
    @Mamadafila 4 года назад +1

    I like ur reaction about Kim Taehyung, cz he's my Bias too. Love u rachel ❤️

  • @imwantedyt5808
    @imwantedyt5808 4 года назад +3

    Rachel U always make my day and probably Yours too💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜Borahae

  • @bangtanforeverarmy6487
    @bangtanforeverarmy6487 4 года назад +2

    Good morning chiuu I woke up to this video....I CANNOT WAITTTTT I have class unfortunately so i will have to watch this later BUT OMGGG IT HAS BEEN SOO LONG AND I HAVE BEEN WAITINGGG FINALLYYYY but anyways borahaeee💜💜💜

  • @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658
    @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658 4 года назад +1

    Im soo laateee or chiu🤧

  • @ahtishammehmood5238
    @ahtishammehmood5238 3 года назад

    He is unique he.is out of this world

  • @st1010
    @st1010 4 года назад +2

    Yessssssss!!! Finally part 3!!! I totally agree with u that watching these videos just make u fall in love with him even more!!! Scenery, Winter Bear, & all his solo songs r such beautiful songs!!! Part 4 next soon pls!!! But then it'll be the end of this series 😭😭😭

  • @alybryant1560
    @alybryant1560 4 года назад +1

    Rachel: Will i survive?
    Tae: Nah, not today!!

  • @joanombrete2064
    @joanombrete2064 4 года назад +5


  • @MrKaibaoh
    @MrKaibaoh 4 года назад +13

    Since these series is a little old, there is another song you should add to your list
    Sweet Night,, it was released this year as an OST for the Kdrama Itwaen Class and its his second song fully in English

  • @jk_aya3936
    @jk_aya3936 4 года назад +5

    yesss early🤍 love you girl 💜💜💜

  • @milafernandes7856
    @milafernandes7856 4 года назад

    Taehyung my bias from day 1 and forever 🥰

  • @Aqua-ek3zn
    @Aqua-ek3zn 4 года назад +1

    Winter bear and Scenery are my all time fav songs from Taetae❤❤

  • @linabenyahia5334
    @linabenyahia5334 4 года назад +3

    Yes seeing your videos makes me happy 😊

  • @BTSARMY-eq8js
    @BTSARMY-eq8js 4 года назад +1

    i love u so muchhh rachelll😭😭u just make everyone day or night better!!!!💗💗thx so muchhh for ur reactions💗😭i just love ur love for bts sooooo muchhhhhhhh😭😍and seeing ur love for taehyung how much u appreciate and love him is just soo adorable😭💞💞💞
    he is litteraly a heart-taker"!!!
    he is ofc a multitalented king👑💜😊omgggggg😭so exited for u to hear and seeing the video of winter bear and listening to scenery😘take care of urselffff💜

  • @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658
    @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658 4 года назад +3

    Ouurr chiuu I miss your reactionss.. your the only reactor Ive watched that gives feedback to all our anpanmans💜a nd Im so glad to share my bias HAHAHAHAH

  • @armykook614
    @armykook614 4 года назад +6


  • @priyankapradeep6509
    @priyankapradeep6509 4 года назад +2

    Winter bear is the song that inspired me alot to write I don't know why, it's soo soothing and guys guess what iam now a blogger it's all becoz of Tae tae I love him soo much, he is a pure soul who no one can ever hate on

  • @californiabuckeye959
    @californiabuckeye959 4 года назад +5

    Would love to see your reaction to Scenery,4 0'clock,even if I die its you, and Sweet Night all V songs besides Winter Bear

  • @bananacoffee6420
    @bananacoffee6420 4 года назад

    He's really amazing... I have watched this videos and I'm amaized by him every time!!! For me also- I was never a fangirl, untill V !!! :D

  • @btsot7vbias298
    @btsot7vbias298 4 года назад +4

    my bias😘💜

  • @lornaapuyo8165
    @lornaapuyo8165 3 года назад +1

    Hope you can watch all his fan cams,you will like it,all amazing....borahae and take care lady.

  • @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658
    @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658 4 года назад +2

    Our cutestt chiuu🤧🤧 you can react to Kim Taehyung Being an idol of idols.. and alsoo jihoon being V's cute fanboy💜

  • @isaerenity
    @isaerenity 4 года назад +5


  • @fifanikalisher5964
    @fifanikalisher5964 4 года назад

    КИМ ТЭХЁН 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

  • @Lily-yj1vv
    @Lily-yj1vv 4 года назад

    Kim Taehyung 😍 Thanks for this reaction!

  • @RoxanaGark
    @RoxanaGark 4 года назад +4

    PS: TaeTae Birthday is coming!!! 😍

  • @matchaaaaw
    @matchaaaaw 4 года назад +1

    The song is scenery by V 💜 the song really beautifull

  • @ezgir1280
    @ezgir1280 4 года назад +1

    I love your reactions

  • @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658
    @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658 4 года назад +1

    I am really casually joining you with your introo coz its soo cute🤧💜💜

  • @nahidbegum2099
    @nahidbegum2099 4 года назад +3

    I'm. Just being way more proud of our taehyung more and more....
    Did you know his new creation for maple game also being sooo popular and yes there also taehyung character it's soo unique but get very popular..
    There 2 character what he made both amazing and very popular

    • @WhippedForJeonJungkook
      @WhippedForJeonJungkook 4 года назад +1

      BTS is 7 members, all must be appreciated equally

    • @jankatata665
      @jankatata665 4 года назад +2

      @@WhippedForJeonJungkook pls, stop, i see you everywhere

    • @nahidbegum2099
      @nahidbegum2099 4 года назад +2

      @@WhippedForJeonJungkook let's come with me on twitter and plz say this to OT7 fabs.. 1st funding account go on vacation and didn't want to give #1 LGO or Dynamite BB hot 100 on tae birthday, like we did it for all members birthday.
      Than now all big OT7 accounts suddenly going on vacation other 2 account also gone for vacation.
      V's birthday doesn't exist, they are not want to celebrate his birthday.
      They having no plans for his day how to celebrate?
      Also pjm fab are planning to celebrate promise song on V's birthday when promise release on 31 Dec. Plz let's talk to them also.
      There's no plan for KTH1 by OT7 fab, main funding fab on vacation if somehow kth1 came out on v Day then there's no big account there to support..
      Love all 7 included V

    • @askyfullofstars7652
      @askyfullofstars7652 4 года назад

      @@WhippedForJeonJungkook Wow you can’t stand it when people praise Taehyung? We have seen enough hypocrites like you who only talk about “appreciate all 7” when it’s about Taehyung. Taehyung is indeed the most creative and unique no lies there and members said it themselves too. You can choose not to watch this but don’t go around preaching your fake “ot7”

  • @iloveyoumissswift
    @iloveyoumissswift 3 года назад

    i can handle this man
    he is sooooo handsome

  • @jennymalhotra5566
    @jennymalhotra5566 3 года назад

    I love this ..
    I've watched all this series and now i'm watching reactions of this series....💜

  • @tejwanijayanti3434
    @tejwanijayanti3434 4 года назад +1


  • @GWithLoveForLT
    @GWithLoveForLT 4 года назад +1

    I have a double bias Vmin! There was a time I would get V focuses videos for the commercial break. Some of them were close to 4 minutes. They found every video of him you could think of. Those were the "Only Times" I would not skip and would forget what I was originally watching.

  • @summervance1746
    @summervance1746 4 года назад


  • @ชนานันต์ทองเจือ

    Can't wait to see your reaction to "Winter bear " for the first time!!!!!!

  • @jkeylovee
    @jkeylovee 4 года назад +1

    Listen to SWEETNIGHT too. Its new so its not included in this video. But also this is my fave tae song💜 this helps me fall asleep hihi

  • @bananacoffee6420
    @bananacoffee6420 4 года назад +1

    Yas, girllll... tell em!! 0:25 - I can relateeeeeee :D

  • @RachaDance253
    @RachaDance253 2 года назад +1

    They forgot great catcher he always catches thing he has great reflexes

  • @larissaplagmeijer4487
    @larissaplagmeijer4487 4 года назад +4

    Yayyyyy I’ve waited for this lol💜💜

  • @isosix15692
    @isosix15692 4 года назад +1

    Please react to Winter bear. Very beautiful song. His grandmother called him BEAR as a nickname and he was born in December. So the song is called Winter Bear. The fact that he loves his grandparents so much make me love him more .

  • @tundikremer5684
    @tundikremer5684 4 года назад +1

    Hey chiu, I haven't told you yet, but I love your new intro! Borahaee!

  • @samikshabandral4359
    @samikshabandral4359 4 года назад +1

    Please react to sweet night and its definitely you.... Plllleeeeaasssee borahae

  • @sallyx7745
    @sallyx7745 4 года назад +1

    he's so so kind ❤ u should react to winter bear mv ! im excited 💜 thanks for today's video ! have a wonderful day ! BORAHAEEE 💜💜💜

  • @Daniela-vk4oq
    @Daniela-vk4oq 4 года назад

    The winter bear song makes me cry a lot, and more because it was a song written to her grandmother, Who's already died

  • @juliaw8852
    @juliaw8852 4 года назад +2

    React to scenery and Winter Bear by Tae 😊

  • @dino416ix
    @dino416ix 4 года назад +2

    Your new intro is literally the lil dance thingy I do when I eat sushi 😭

  • @irisflower9030
    @irisflower9030 4 года назад +1

    Even though I thought Tae was very attractive when I first got into BTS it’s not until I learned more about everyone’s personalities that my bias Tae chose me. We all know we don’t choose our bias, he chooses us. And then he gets the nerve and bias wrecks himself over and over!
    For his birthday, please react to TaeTae be Taehyung. It’s an awesome video to see his duality: sweet and cute vs sexy beast 😍

  • @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658
    @vblessed-curseddubaddupink658 4 года назад +1

    Ourr cutee chiuu happy 41k and counying.. boraahaaee🤧

  • @huyhalenguyen9042
    @huyhalenguyen9042 4 года назад +2

    - 4 O'CLOCK ( with RM )
    PLEASE check out all TAE'S solo songs

  • @Nabieee_kyutie
    @Nabieee_kyutie 4 года назад

    ♥️♥️ ever since I saw your channel I can't stop watching it please keep it up borahaeeeeeee

  • @ale__228
    @ale__228 4 года назад +3

    Girl we have the same bias (V) and the same wrecker(Suga) but I have also RM like wrecker 💜💜anyway BORAHAEEEEEE and I wait for "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LIFE GOES ON STORY OF BTS" 💜💜💜💜💜