Bruh! Can you at least spell the words correctly? Зеленый is actually spelled зелёный, желтый is spelled жёлтый. Е and Ё are completely different letters, but for some reasons many people just write Е instead Ё. It changes the way you pronounce the word unless you know the word and how it's supposed to be written.
It's acceptable to write 'е' instead of 'ё'. In fact, you will barely see the latter these days, it's falling out of use. Especially as a language learner, it shouldn't be your first priority to dive so deep into details. Learn the basics first, either with one letter or the other
красный - мой любимый цвет.
Thank you for this lesson. Informative and with very good examples. Well done!
You're very welcome!
Thanks great teacher
You are welcome!
Зелёный мои́ лобими цвет
Firstly comment🤩🤩🤩😱красный
@@learnrussianwithnativespeaker я твоя fun🤩
@@ruttur1129 🤗
Bruh! Can you at least spell the words correctly? Зеленый is actually spelled зелёный, желтый is spelled жёлтый. Е and Ё are completely different letters, but for some reasons many people just write Е instead Ё. It changes the way you pronounce the word unless you know the word and how it's supposed to be written.
It's acceptable to write 'е' instead of 'ё'. In fact, you will barely see the latter these days, it's falling out of use. Especially as a language learner, it shouldn't be your first priority to dive so deep into details. Learn the basics first, either with one letter or the other