World War 2 Sacred War clip by Roman


Комментарии • 297

  • @RUSIKful
    @RUSIKful 14 лет назад


  • @AndrewAlscher
    @AndrewAlscher 13 лет назад

    Всегда когда слышу эту музыку, эти слова, аж муражки по коже.

  • @alex28kz
    @alex28kz 14 лет назад

    Великая музыка! Слава победителям! Вечная память погибшим!

  • @Andrei70101
    @Andrei70101 14 лет назад

    Сцуко как страшно было.. оболдеть! Наши деды и прадеды вы просто молодцы! Низкий вам поклон!

  • @Rachotilko
    @Rachotilko 16 лет назад

    Spasibo, bratja. Vy terpeli i umerali za vsekh nas, Slavjanov.

  • @Batko10
    @Batko10 12 лет назад

    Слава героям Красной армии и Военного флота, партизанам, народным ополченцам и простым гражданам, которые не сдались и сражались за Родину до последней капли крови!
    Никто не забыт! Ничто не прощено!
    Glory to the heroes of the Red Army and Navy, to the partisans, people's militia, and the simple citizens who did not surrender and fought for the Motherland to the last drop of their blood!
    No one is forgotten! Nothing is forgiven!

  • @imoztoo
    @imoztoo 14 лет назад

    Я считаю, это видео очень эмоциональным и вдохновляющее, я думаю, что была цель в то время ... для того, чтобы вдохновить и дать надежду на долгие страдания советских людей. Слава им, навсегда!

  • @tiglatpilesar9
    @tiglatpilesar9 13 лет назад

    Pozdrawiam, bracia Słowianie. Pieśń genialne. Zawsze podziwiałem Was Rosjan z muzykalność.

  • @tronk11
    @tronk11 14 лет назад

    Вечная Слава!!! Помним!!! Гордимся!!!

  • @igorgaspar1977
    @igorgaspar1977 16 лет назад

    Slava Herojima Crvene Armije
    Vase djelo slavno je. VI STE POBEJDILI!

  • @AkusherAndreyev
    @AkusherAndreyev 14 лет назад

    Вечная слава нашым героям ветеранам освободителям. И всем вам самый низкий поклон.

  • @9gcxk
    @9gcxk 16 лет назад

    spasibo za video, brat, ya tronut.
    Spasibo i nashim dedam za podvig i pobedu!

  • @sergeistalin
    @sergeistalin 14 лет назад

    Поразительная победа, поразительная песня.... Нет слов! Слава ВСЕМ сражвшимся тогда. На фронте и в тылу. Поднимаю рюмку за ваше здоровье !

  • @Steinerx1x
    @Steinerx1x 14 лет назад

    Sehr eindrucksvolle Bilder..

  • @Jackass887
    @Jackass887 17 лет назад

    What a Powerful war song

  • @akteo21
    @akteo21 15 лет назад

    Великолепный фильм!

  • @Speakrussiannow
    @Speakrussiannow 15 лет назад

    С Днём Победы! С 9 Мая! Поздравляем всех с Великим Праздником Победы! Помним и никогда не забудем всех тех, кто воевал за то, чтобы на земле не было войны. Пусть память о них хранит в наших сердцах ненависть к войне и любовь к миру, к жизни! С Днём Победы!

  • @TheSTALIN777
    @TheSTALIN777 14 лет назад

    Слава СССР, подвиг Дедов и Отцов не забыт и никогда забыт не будет.

  • @WKUHilltopper
    @WKUHilltopper 15 лет назад

    Great piece of history--thanks for sharing this. What an epic struggle that was and the toll it took on innocent civilians.
    As a kid growing up, we got excited finding Indian arrow heads--but your children find Messerschmidts and tanks! Amazing!
    Any English subtitles planned for the opening of the film?

  • @equ32
    @equ32 10 лет назад +4

    Я знаю , я помню...

  • @swanningaround
    @swanningaround 17 лет назад

    This is the purest form of heroism practised by the magnificent Soviet Army. The bravery of the men brings tears to my eyes. Stalin was a great and heroic leader who saved Europe. God bless the magnificent Soviets, our noble Russian allies!

  • @eids13
    @eids13 14 лет назад

    I can imagine how hard it must be for a Polish to agree with a German. You earn my respect. I hope we and our descendants are clever enough to avoid hatred and military violence for all times. Peace.

  • @pakehha
    @pakehha 15 лет назад

    The hatred you mentioned started long before WWII. Poland was 2nd democracy in the world, having its constitution proclaimed in 1791, four years after the American. The surrounding countries of Prussia, Austria and Russia saw it as a treat to their political system based on absolute monarchy and agreed to partition Poland between themselves. For about 150 years Polish people were subjected to systematic discrimination and what today may be described as "ethnic cleansing".

  • @wowka69
    @wowka69 14 лет назад

    Piekna muzyka
    pozdrowienia z Polski

  • @ciph1981
    @ciph1981 14 лет назад

    настоящие герои СССР....мои уважения для их.!!!
    МИР благодарит ВАС !!!
    смерть для фашистов что глупо в настоящее время уважают гитлера. они просто дураки до края.!!!

    @BRIANHEP 16 лет назад +1

    Thank you to the people of Stalingrad and to the Red Army for saving the world from Nazi fascism.
    By a Brit.

  • @kudobourgas
    @kudobourgas 12 лет назад

    Текст и мелодия - Александър Боде 1916 ( детски учител в царска Русия ) .......... свещенната истина !

  • @izkr
    @izkr 15 лет назад

    The English version of a song in a clip
    Get up, the giant country,
    Get up for mortal fight
    With German horde uncounted,
    With forces of the night

  • @kusman4ik
    @kusman4ik 15 лет назад

    Хвала ти брате !

  • @szimex
    @szimex 17 лет назад

    naprawdę super video - a... pieśń ... długo jej szukałem , kołaczyła mi się w głowie , ale nie mogłem wpaść co to jest.
    z Polski

  • @maxxoz1
    @maxxoz1 13 лет назад


  • @surv91ilmari
    @surv91ilmari 14 лет назад

    WWII wasn't sacred at all with millions broken lives, lies and betrayals. But this song is the symbol of the gratest struggle of Russian people against the invaders.not the reds as you mention but simple Russina people, who have payed the biggest price in human history to get their right to live in peace. it was really Sacred.

  • @lerin2
    @lerin2 16 лет назад

    day bog tebe zdorovie !!!!!!!!!

  • @suhang1984
    @suhang1984 16 лет назад

    Red Army in the world War 2 is the most powerful army and no one could destroy them, including Germany army with lots of tanks and plans.
    My favorite idols are Vassili, hero of Soviet Union and General Zhukov, one of the most famous millitary leaders in the millitary history.
    People's high enthusiasm for constructing and protecting countries deeply moved and courage me.
    Long live Soviet Union.
    Long live Communist party of China!

  • @MishanyaSP
    @MishanyaSP 14 лет назад

    интересно, а ты понимаешь о чем песня.... но в целом твой комментарий понятен. радует что люди за океаном разделяют нашу боль и беду. Удачи вам.

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    Unlike Germans and Soviets, the Poles did not try to murder the people who lived in the part of Czechoslovakia that they occupied. That made them pretty unique and admirable for that neck of the woods.

  • @Kdssow
    @Kdssow 16 лет назад

    Dont forget they did well at retaking Kharkov and the glorious battle at Kursk my friend.

  • @sukhoi235
    @sukhoi235 16 лет назад


  • @Labyrinth2004
    @Labyrinth2004 13 лет назад

    Get up, the giant country,
    Get up for mortal fight
    With German horde uncounted,
    With forces of the night
    Let noble anger of the soul
    Get boiled as a wave.
    The people’s war, the holy war.
    We’ll fight until the grave.
    The English version of the song
    translated by Alexander Artemov
    Let's give repulse to oppressors
    Of all the ardent thoughts.
    To rapers and to murderers,
    Let's say the swear words.

  • @MattStoneSixxDesigns
    @MattStoneSixxDesigns 16 лет назад

    WWII is unbeleivably interesting!! I' am practicly obssed with it! I have a big collection of wwII items as well!!1 5/5 stars

  • @SickBoyZap5
    @SickBoyZap5 14 лет назад

    To me this represents an instant where the indominable spirt of the Russian people triumphed against a brutal invasion and occupation.
    This, to me, represents the resolve of the great russian "PEOPLE" over the plague that beset their nation. I don't think a moment of their leaders or their policy.
    As a Mexican American I have nothing to do with this great war or it's players, but as I sit here in California, I get the chills...
    Long live the Russian people!

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    Interesting question. Another is "What if Japan attacked Eastern Soviet Union, rather than US?" That would have concentrated Axis power and avoided British and US naval strength. Lend Lease aid to Russia would have been constrained to Iran (and Murmansk), cutting off the US-Vladivostok pipeline.

  • @Jmichel4169
    @Jmichel4169 11 лет назад

    Aujourd'hui tous et toutes nous nous souviendrons du sacrifice de chacun et de chacunes...
    Nous aurons une pensé pour ceux du Maquis, Ceux de la bataille d'Angleterre, ceux des brousses et des déserts d'Afrique, ceux des plages de Normandie, et des forets des Ardennes..
    Sans polémiques, J'aimerai aujourd'hui rendre hommage au Hommes et au Femmes de l'Armée Rouge...
    Je salut aujourd'hui le peuple de toute la Russie, De Moscou à Leningrad, de Brest-Litovsk à Stalingrad...
    Slava Krasnoi Armii!

  • @Angvery
    @Angvery 16 лет назад

    They wished to destroy the enemy, instead of to send it home, to prepare for new war.

  • @mer3abec
    @mer3abec 14 лет назад

    Eto geni. U menja tozhe murazhki. Moi ded bil podvodnikom vo vremja voini , posle togo kak ih podbili, nedelu lezhali na dne, vsplili. popal v leningrad v blokadu. Lovil parashutistov i deversantov. Babushka -komendant pezda, ranenih i boeprepasi vozila.

  • @asktay
    @asktay 16 лет назад

    "Everyone seems to be missing the point that this song is not for the glory of the soviet union but for the forces fighting fascism" - it is ABSOLUTLY INCORRECT.
    This song is not about Stalin, the USSR, fascism, communism, allies etc. Is a song about MY grandfathers and MY great-grandfathers who were LOST his LIVES protecting my Native land. It is not for your ears...

  • @AntiVaccine2
    @AntiVaccine2 13 лет назад

    Free energy is the future!
    Stanley Meyer was assassinated for making a car that runs on water.

  • @xxRotxxFront
    @xxRotxxFront 17 лет назад

    Stand up gigantic nation!

  • @Darinrussia
    @Darinrussia 15 лет назад

    with theyre cocktail movotlvs (i saw it on the military channel its american tv) the had clips

  • @antyrezun
    @antyrezun 14 лет назад

    Respect ant eternal glory for 40.000 soviet soldiers who fell in Poland and sacrificed their life to destroy Nazi. They gave us freedom and it was not their falt that through next 50 years we were not quite independent. Slava im.

  • @DeHerg
    @DeHerg 14 лет назад

    @DE1VOLK1 if anything they called themselves probably "Brüder" and each other "Bruder"(as usual in a religious order) which is the german word for brother. Brethren remains a english word.

  • @xlrv1
    @xlrv1 15 лет назад

    Good sound track! So many WW2 clips use totally unrelated stupid rock music - like adding ketchup to your whiskey. What is happening in the sequence from 1:03 to 1:11? Are they showing Hitler how gas pellets are dropped into the death chambers? I think Bormann, Keitel, and Canaris are there too. It looks like an important film clip and deserves a place of its own on RUclips.

  • @izkr
    @izkr 15 лет назад

    Let noble anger of the soul
    Get boiled as a wave.
    The peoples war, the holy war.
    Well fight until the grave.
    Let's give repulse to oppressors
    Of all the ardent thoughts.
    To rapists and to murderers,
    Let's say the swear words.

  • @MarshallJukov
    @MarshallJukov 16 лет назад

    ohhh ehh again sticky farts!!!
    somebody call 911 about toxic pollution

  • @swanningaround
    @swanningaround 16 лет назад

    Thank goodness for the heroic Soviet people, our noble Russian allies. We all owe our lives to the brave people and their beloved leader and hero Stalin. All hail to Comrade Stalin!

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    After Germany attacked their ally, the Soviet Union, the US extended Lend Lease aid to the Soviet Union. entire truck factories with all tooling were manufactured, loaded onto ships and transported to Soviet Union. There were three main pipelines short to Murmansk, longer to Iran, where much was stolen, and third through Japanese controlled water to the Soviet Pacific port at Vladivostok. Japanese didn't interfere with this aid on neutral ships.

  • @blazo05
    @blazo05 15 лет назад

    Slava Ruskim junacima. Pozdrav iz bratske Srbije

  • @elintra
    @elintra 15 лет назад

    Your right, the Germans had to confront three fronts. Each of them was no easy task. If Adolf Hitler bypassed Stalingrad and headed for the Caucasus the outlook would have been much more different.
    He wasted he troops-the great experienced Sixth Army- fighting street battles, which they were not used to; literary fighting room for room...

  • @SickBoyZap5
    @SickBoyZap5 14 лет назад

    People who have their own axes to grind, or who can't apreciate this score because Russia/USSR has a less than perfect past need to chill...
    You need to @ least appreciate this as I due.....

  • @Dauserofdasite
    @Dauserofdasite 15 лет назад

    Yes, morale is useful for any army, it just depends on who well an army takes bad morale as a whole. For the Red Army it caused a certain type of inability to even fight the Wehrmacht for a short time, but that can be put down to bad discipline, when commisars were appointed for each platoon of men the discipline (although not great) was improved. The Wehrmacht took bad morale different through discipline. They kept fighting but they hated it, it was through discipline they kept fighting.

  • @XYZ8
    @XYZ8 16 лет назад

    Wundervolle, mitreissende Musik, nicht wahr? ;-)

  • @miraclemike2
    @miraclemike2 16 лет назад

    Along with the Afganistan there is only one country to fight the Soviet Union's hellfire of Red Army - and survive it.

  • @servantofLoviatar
    @servantofLoviatar 15 лет назад

    What is the name of the song? Great video.

  • @WolfPriest_Leon
    @WolfPriest_Leon 15 лет назад

    может за месяцы?
    А когда было лучше?
    При Советском Союзе мы хоть, какую то свою гордость имели, а до революции собственно своего то ничего и не было, да и сейчас живём ещё с руин Союза.

  • @nerva1984
    @nerva1984 17 лет назад

    I have to correct you. The second army on the eastern front, according to the number of combatants and units, after the german army was the romanian army.

  • @turtlesoviet
    @turtlesoviet 17 лет назад

    Yeah, I've heard that Zhukov kicked Imperial Japans ass before their war with Nazis. And zhukov is clearly an Red Army commander, which means USSR have pwned Japan, but many people seem to just ignore that historical fact.

  • @dashuta3006
    @dashuta3006 13 лет назад

    @TheAplly Я все-же оптимистка,мне 30,дед погиб на Карело-финском фронте,детей воспитываю в любви к Родине,и я уверена,что не я одна

  • @sdsw
    @sdsw  17 лет назад

    U are WElcome^^

  • @overoy
    @overoy 17 лет назад

    Its Greit to se some people know the history In norway most people think that US was the one who won ww2 and some who belive that its was Norway hehe :D greit video

  • @MultiSergunchik
    @MultiSergunchik 14 лет назад

    горжусь за братство народное! прогнали фашиста!

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 17 лет назад

    I like Finns even though my grandfather was killed during Finish war by a Finish sniper. Russians and Finns have had some bad blood in the past (maybe, if Finish government wasn't so closely allying itself with Hitler, Stalin wouldn't be so paranoid about moving the border away from Leningrad? Plus, Finish efforts to create ethnically pure Greater Finland during the occupation of Karelia is something nobody wants to dig into).

  • @Martininio1
    @Martininio1 14 лет назад

    Aleksandrov was fantastic

  • @dearbulls
    @dearbulls 11 лет назад +1

    Well, none of them are as vulnerable as you thought. We always say how Nazi kills Jews, did you know how many Polish does Russian killed? They killed way more surrendered soldiers than the German. People don't talk about it just be cause we, the winners, need to stand for "justice".

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 14 лет назад

    Don't worry, weak or strong, the dictators always come up with an excuse for doing what they do.

  • @TheSynchronizer
    @TheSynchronizer 14 лет назад

    the name of the song is called sacred ar surv9lilmari....not the actuall war

  • @dfrss
    @dfrss 13 лет назад

    @WEPR1986 btw, my grandfather died in GULAG, becouse he was a teacher and live well.

  • @Patentex
    @Patentex 16 лет назад

    09.05.1945 r.
    Wieczna cześć i chwała żołnierzom Armii Czerwonej - oswobodzicielom świata od faszystowskiej zarazy.
    Eternal glory and honour for Red Army's soldiers - world's liberators from fascist disease.

  • @Dekkkker
    @Dekkkker 13 лет назад

    @themainproblem интиресно, но у всех свои точки зрения )))

  • @Iszkur
    @Iszkur 14 лет назад

    Soviets and Germans signed secret additional protocol. Gestapo and NKVD cooperated in fighting Polish resistance movement.

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 14 лет назад

    As opposed to the USSR that joined the war early on the side of Hitler,, attacking Poland in accordance with Molotov-Von Ribbentrop accord

  • @fluffy1931
    @fluffy1931 13 лет назад

    @DaCube83 ..,and what are your thoughts about Pepsi, dude?

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 16 лет назад

    I have read many books on this subject. Rape has not been proved by any accounts other then recollections 20 years later.
    Anyway, be grateful Red Army didn't kill everybody in the path. I would, if I were them. I still remember my family which I never knew because Germans killed them

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 14 лет назад

    Actually, he did have a choice. To not ally with Hitlerite Germany. He didn't make that choice, as shown by the Molotov-VonRibbentrop treaty, which handed Eastern Europe to USSR, to include half of Poland. Soviet Union paid 20 million lives for that bad decision.

  • @Bogdan1990boston
    @Bogdan1990boston 15 лет назад

    Да что вы ни кто не умоляет роль других стран но Украина в последнее время выступает за наших противников в той войне и всячески их восхлавляет!

  • @surv91ilmari
    @surv91ilmari 16 лет назад

    God, Bless Russia! Ethernal Glory and Memory to Those, who gave Their lives for Mother Russia!!!!!!

  • @Dauserofdasite
    @Dauserofdasite 15 лет назад

    Most weren't unfit, the majority were woodsman or had a labour job, the fact that they were untrained was the failing of the Soviet Union and demorilization has nothing to do with it. The Wehrmacht was demoralized towards the end but their commanders kept them under control. I never said I could do better (though it probably wouldn't be hard being better than a Soviet commander) and the Wehrmacht suffered the winter worse than the Russians did and their commanders still lead them well.

  • @WolfPriest_Leon
    @WolfPriest_Leon 15 лет назад

    I ask you, because many users in youtube write not they are country live.
    You are really from Afganistan?

    @INFILTRATOR2008 15 лет назад

    let us not forget that we have in this war, and so would have - won:), the quality and effectiveness of your products were not at altitude, have been delayed for political reasons, and yet, your help has not been generous, we are having with you completely in gold and enriched you, filling your Fort Knox on most roof

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    Actually 1938 was about halfway point for Stalin's murders. Half before, half after.

  • @kaiserblazer
    @kaiserblazer 17 лет назад

    I dont think it really matters in which geographic location the main architect of T-34 was born or lived. The fact is that without Soviet Union allies would have been nothing and vice versa. The people of Soviet Union gave huge sacrifice, propably greater than any other allied nation, to secure others asses. I'm not Russian but a finn, and have a Finnish war veteran in my family. So it's not because I would be a russian, but because I am a humanbeing.

  • @dashuta3006
    @dashuta3006 13 лет назад

    @TheAplly Если СССР-свердержава,как же он допустил свой развал?Я не хочу дискутировать на тему кто круче сейчас мы живем-там где живем,и по-моему нужно любить эту землю,жить настоящим,я не в коей мере не умаляю вклад,который внесла Красная Армия.

  • @thebritish25
    @thebritish25 16 лет назад

    Ah ok i just thought it was a nutty thing to do if you thought that your contry was going to war

  • @Kdssow
    @Kdssow 16 лет назад

    Bless russia indeed comerade. I know im not russian. But im a Soviet-minded wannabe russian :D
    but still. I would support the Soviet union. Viva Russia, Viva Soviet union, Viva Lenin and Stalin!

  • @tbirdrus
    @tbirdrus 17 лет назад

    Finish government was very anti Soviet right before the war. It was enought to cause the events as they happened.

  • @GlenIV
    @GlenIV 15 лет назад

    Russians and Americans are equal in power and spirit. Though both would rather evade open conflict if possible. However if we are attacked or must fight we will to the end just as the Russians would. You cant go say one side is better in spirit without knowing the other is you dont get to be a world super power without being after all.

  • @Tu16
    @Tu16 15 лет назад

    Actually, Pearl Harbor (why don't you ammies just spell it right with a u =P) was in 1941, December 7. And, the USA joined in World War I in 1917. Further than that, your point is made perfectly well, and I agree.

  • @tankhunters
    @tankhunters 15 лет назад

    ..hmm point taken.
    though you do know that morale is important so the troops will keep their fighting spirit, right?

  • @vivre909
    @vivre909 15 лет назад

    I think the only thing they did was Kick Ass.
    I don't really see anywhere in history where they didn't. :/

  • @DonMeaker
    @DonMeaker 15 лет назад

    The US had a second front in the Pacific,as well as North Africa, the Atlantic (vs. U-boats), and with bombers over Germany itself.
    US lost~300,000 dead in the war. Soviet Union lost over 1 million second lieutenants. In any army, who gets to be the second lieutanant? young men (and now women) with initiative and intelligence. That price in Soviet Union was dear indeed, and is set against the guilt of USSR government in cooperating with Hitler to start the war.

  • @mrandrewlaw
    @mrandrewlaw 16 лет назад

    Both Germany and Soviet Union fought well in this battle.