@@skullmanxd281 Hello person, this guy actually is well-know in this channel's comments sections for hating on sandstorm and calling him a sweat everywhere, and has reportedly assumed he is 11 years old. His main account had like, hundreds of comments on sandy's channel. It's not actually sarcasm, and I didn't comment that for no reason, i know that kid and have argued with him many times.
@@skullmanxd281 no he wasnt being sarcastic i texted him he acctualy thinks sandstorm pays to win , so please dont assume other people dont understand something
if ur talking about sandstorm he isnt new , hes been playing for a while but if you just got back to brawlhalla tournaments i czn see why ud think hes new cause he didnt used to play when the game firrst released
@@paradoxical4980 same ever since winters he's been doing well, but there are some other players popping off (glad it won't be filled with gs this year)
Because the other finalist came from the Loser's Bracket (i.e. he lost once at some point in the tournament). However, Sandstorm did not lose, so he was in Winner's Bracket. According to the ESports rules for a Double Elimination Bracket, you have to lose twice to be eliminated. Since Sandstorm lost for the first time, the bracket was reset, which also means that the score was reset.
@@ie187 dude how are u falling for the troll like dont u know that the best way to ruin a troll's plan is by ignoring them? ur just giving him what he wants attention just let him bark dont talk to him 😂💀
Thank you to Flipside for another montage.
Been streaming a lot lately, follow to know when I'm live >>>> www.twitch.tv/gdsandstorm
Also montage quality 720p due to Twitch VOD settings.
@@GeometryDashSandstorm Its good enough, im sure ur skills in 1080p couldn't be processed anyway
@@Buddabones88 bruh
0:03 "dandstorm movement kinda sus"
SANDSTORM pls show your control settings in 1 video PLS
Sandstorm creates a geometry dash level for his opponent’s when he edge guards
I forgot sandstorm used to play gd
bro 😭
13:30 "you cant do a down signature either with Teros because its Ragnir"
When he said that…I felt that
So inspirational
Such a way with words
I love how you destroy tournaments
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 someone can shut this kid? Kinda annoying 🤡🤡🤡
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 too bad your salty ass can even win a match against a low gold lul
@@fzsd33hun87 Don’t talk back he’s only an idiot for attention
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 haha how exactly can you pay to win in brawlhalla?
@@knogface Xavier woods
Whoa who is this guy must be a new player, kinda cracked tho, def gonna be in the top 3 one day.
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 Hello 11 year old kid who hates sandstorm for no reason. How have you been?
@@skullmanxd281 Hello person, this guy actually is well-know in this channel's comments sections for hating on sandstorm and calling him a sweat everywhere, and has reportedly assumed he is 11 years old. His main account had like, hundreds of comments on sandy's channel. It's not actually sarcasm, and I didn't comment that for no reason, i know that kid and have argued with him many times.
@@skullmanxd281 no he wasnt being sarcastic i texted him he acctualy thinks sandstorm pays to win , so please dont assume other people dont understand something
@@skullmanxd281 all he does is call him sweatstorm on every single video he does 10 comments of those per day so im pretty sure hes serious.
if ur talking about sandstorm he isnt new , hes been playing for a while but if you just got back to brawlhalla tournaments i czn see why ud think hes new cause he didnt used to play when the game firrst released
Look at sandstorm man so inspirational
U watch flight lol
@Sivasankaran sumathi ignore him he only does this for attention off of hearted comments and sandstorm comments
Instead, so frustating
*Sandstorm jumps*
Commentor: SANDSTORM!!
I love the Volkov man you make everything look so easy!
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 bro u sure watch a lot of sandstorm videos if u don’t like him💀
Thanks for 31 likes guys!
Trae Flocka's 2nd Burner he plays for money he's allowed to sweat...
Dude the store is kinda insane. I believe in the four-time-asaurus this year! Bcx 2021 is gonna be a whole ass movie
Daddy storm noticed me 🥰
@@paradoxical4980 same ever since winters he's been doing well, but there are some other players popping off (glad it won't be filled with gs this year)
@@paradoxical4980 weirdo
The only thing that would ruin this year’s BCX, for me at least, is 5-minute matches and SWORD EVERYWHERE
@@MaxCaptivity im saying
Poor stingray. His katar combos dropped so many times
Just watched your weapon tier list this is back to back bangers
That pfp tho😏
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 people that call games sweaty are trash simple.
@Sivasankaran sumathi No he’s not okay he’s an idiot who comment hate off of heated comments and sandstorm’s comment just for attention
6:45 these falling axe combos from storm and pav are maddddd
I'm happy to see Volkov, he's my main and I'm proud to see him play well
I LOVE YOU SANDSTORM! Because of you, I'm gonna start a Brawlhalla Series to help my viewers get better. Thanks LEGEND!
This guys definitely gonna be gold by the end of this season
The 10 hour stream was a blast to watch. Glad to see you live more often.
Respect for putting that game wrenchd three stocked
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 bro you good?
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 And another
No wonder I’ve seen so many Volkov players today
Right. It’s like every time a pro uses a character, you see that character being used everywhere
my favorite brawlhalla pro, Sandtorm.10:26
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 troll wannabe
@@Memetages ignore him , its just a dumb troll dont give him attention kid
This video was a violation personally I wouldn't have it🏃♂️🧨
Glad Volkov is getting some attention
GGs Sandy
He’s just insane
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 man stfu
7:44 i think that's the firts time i see that sig not killing it must be sandstorm diff
Dude you’re phenomenal!! 🔥👌🏾
Watching sandstorm dominate all these tourneys is like watching him having a whole training arc lol
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 yes thats true he also payed you to comment on every single comment in order to "troll" ppl 😂
sandy back at it again with a banger!
also beat sonic wave infinity pls
every move is so goddamn lovely
video suggestions: sandstorm can u try to get to plat or dimond on your phone?
Sandstorm test diffirent scythe legends in com. tourneys what a legend
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 someone's mad cuz he's bad at the game
@@raiwulfcastro9468 just let him be, he is a troll who wants attention
@@raiwulfcastro9468 Exactly
@@raiwulfcastro9468 what an loser
how tf yall are still falling for this troll? JUST IGNORE HIM LMAOOOO 😂
Now we need an axe guide
the kov looking kinda clean doe 😳😳
seems like a certified hood classic
pure destruction
Who's this dude named after an old dubstep song? Seems insane tho
vs. stingray, the gloves came off lol
Are you know a scythe on volkov have 2 activ input
It in ssig and dsig
Ofc he knows he is sandstorm
Hype man is back
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 Troll idiot ow back
did the man just have a stroke at 4:43 lmaoooo
This that axe training with Shwerpy as rayman
Your insane my guy
@@brwqr u found my comment lmao
@@Memetages Now go find my reply
nooo sandstorm stop playing volkov ur gonna get my main nerfed :(((((
Im Main him too
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 Bro mad respect for replying to literally every comment 🤣😭😂💀
@@jmt2539 ikr he is trying his best to get attention by trolling ppl xd
Sandstorm's scythe is just a beauty
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 i'm guessing you just lost to a gold nix
@@woahjuice. I think so too, yea but it's a Tin Nix
@@woahjuice. stop giving him attetion ffs thats just what he wants lmao
how did you make an axe combo look cool?
Oh man that axe sure cuts
Any tips for a GD tryhard just starting brawlhalla?
its just a vibe
Straight up decimation
that caster should be an official brawl esports caster
the way ajmorr words things lol
I didn’t know he still had volkov in his bag bro axe was looking clean
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 another comment from you, such a troll.
Oh Volkov nice my main
11:35 look liked the katars came from the volkov sig
Sandstorm is the definition of "for the content" this man will lose 2 and a half stocks for the content. And then still win, and that is pretty funny
Why the score was reset? Pls help me
Because the other finalist came from the Loser's Bracket (i.e. he lost once at some point in the tournament). However, Sandstorm did not lose, so he was in Winner's Bracket. According to the ESports rules for a Double Elimination Bracket, you have to lose twice to be eliminated. Since Sandstorm lost for the first time, the bracket was reset, which also means that the score was reset.
Where pavelski vid?
yah i wanna see his side of the commentary
Wild how he’s so good that saying he’s top 3 felt disrespectful
how is calling someone a top 3 player disrespectful
@@stupiddash3499 it’s sandstorm he’s practically #1 at all times
@@stupiddash3499 Ikr... They say Top 3 best not #3 best
@@quack6349 it’s just it’s a given he’s 1. Imagine saying mj is top 10
@@stupiddash3499 it’s not normally but it felt like a shot since he’s so far and above the best
Algorithm fuel!
12:43 every katars player's pain
Missed the volkov gameplay.
Brother You are the best player.....and i really want you to stay on top
Hey! I was in your stream when this happened! :D
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 Sheeeeeesh
Haters everywhere I guess
@@Call-me-Mango yea that guy is high dude
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 report.
take a shot every time the commentator says lovely
Why no video since 2weeks just Highlights
SANDSTORM pls show your control settings in 1 vid pls
0:30 he said top 3 like he might be 3
right lol
It would be cool if you still did hd video actually
This commentator deserves a raise
I'm guessing everyone's gonna play Volkov now
U mean free elos?
imagine him playing rayman in tourney lmao
lesssgoooo another dubz
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 ayy I missed you hope you start hatin on him again😍
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 what
no words
amazing bro
yoooo that was lit
wtf how does this happen i play rayman and gets high placement is next tourney, i play volkov and the same thing happens holy shit.
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 and your a troll wannabe
ur so good!!
Where was boomie.
top 3 in the world ? no. literally the best player in brawl
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 doesn’t change my statement still #1 player worldwide
volkov looking niiiiice
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 omfg stfu
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 O:::::
Well play
0:08 fun fact thats not a down sig
Funny vampire man
what happened to the commentator
Who is the commentator? That guy makes watching these so fun 🤩
What??? I came here to say the opposite.. He is just calling out their inputs 🙂 .. Nothing compared to foda and the boys
@@madgb3868 same
@@madgb3868 I like how dramatic this guy is and the first I heard cursing
the commentator sounds like sid from icesage
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 you are,
Can that guy shut upp im getting a head icke over here 🤯
I was on the stream bois
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 lol
U can’t lie , he really did mess up string ray’s come up when sand storm literly destroyed him with great sword on that one tornament
Lol no
ragnir next vid?
You should go pro! 0-0 XD
Is this sarcastic
Bruh XD
fucking insane bro
dont act like i didnt see u change that thubnail
Diamond+ and esport players:
I wont dodge so he cant learn my dodge reactions
Sandstorm and experienced scythe players:HAHAHA STRING GO ZOM GO WEEEEEE
You need to rethink your comment situation, this is not ok.
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 tf
how do people comment in 34 secs man
Yay hes playing my main
He's just the better player
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 bro i seen u comment on everyone gassing sandstorm its just a fact ur actually a hater😭
@@traeflockas2ndburner502 like seriously whats the evidence tht he’s not the best player in the world?
@@ie187 dude how are u falling for the troll like dont u know that the best way to ruin a troll's plan is by ignoring them? ur just giving him what he wants attention just let him bark dont talk to him 😂💀
Hey dad 😋
Nah he’s oppppp! On volkov wtf