@@nicolecopland461it wasn't anything to do with a seatbelt, she was murdered. Why did the ambulance take a 45 minute route to a hospital when there was one two minutes up the road
It has been well known since the investigation right after the accident Diana did not wear her seat belt. And Henri Paul was driving at times @ 90 miles per hour and the speed limit throughout Paris is 30 mph. He took a hard left turn before entering the tunnel and hit the right wall before entering the tunnel. Diana’s pulmonary vein was torn and leaked blood into her chest wall compressing her heart and lungs and denying her heart a blood supply.
My dad has obsessive compulsive disorder and he would never allow us to wear seatbelts in the car because he liked when they hung nice and straight at the sides by the windows. Then a cop came and talked to him and his work people about the importance of using seatbelts & the quote “I never unbuckled a dead man“ really stuck with him. After that we all wore them
When I was a teenager in the 1970s, a friend of mine broke his nose playing basketball. He was sick from swallowing so much blood and was in terrible pain. While he was at the hospital, the EMTs brought in a young lady who had been in a car crash and had hit the windshield. Of course, she was in much worse shape than my friend, but he said if he was in that much pain from a simple broken nose, he couldn’t imagine how badly she felt, not to mention the scars she would have on her face for the rest of her life. Both he and I have been wearing our seatbelts ever since.
Was it me ??? Cause that actually happened to me 😢 I hit some black ice, my car flew off the road into the tree. I ended up in the windshield in the other seat because I didn’t have a seatbelt on… and I’ve worn one ever since.
I just do not know anyone in the USA who does not wear a seatbelt, and I remember when Diana died thinking how none of them did wear them especially while speeding on a regular basis away from the press
@@kirstybrown1185 no that’s why people believe this stuff is everyone just wants to believe lies. She was murdered. Plain and simple and people can give you whatever excuse that you wanna hear so that you don’t have to face the reality. They lie to you that’s called gaslighting that’s why our world is so screwed up right now because everybody wants to be lied to they want to grab it. Any lie they’re told and hold onto it because they just don’t wanna face the truth. Our world is ram by Psychopaths. Plain and simple. I don’t need to be lied to. I don’t need to be gaslit. She was murdered.
I’m a child of the 60s and 70s and I remember that we were the family whose parents would not back out of the driveway unless everybody had their seatbelt on! My uncle even invented this thing where you would get a mild shock if the car moved and you didn’t have your seatbelt on. Years later, we realized that it didn’t even work or work properly, but we always thought that it would so we put ‘em on ! Then, when I started driving , i was the same way. I would not drive anyone around until they put their seatbelt on !
I'm a child from the '50s. No car had seatbelts. Never heard of them. We had a station wagon and us kids would be playing in the back of the car and climbing over the seats from the back to the middle to the front - no bucket seats back then - to sit between Mom and Dad. If you had a pick-up, Dad would drive and the kids would ride loose in the back of the truck along with the dog. Darwin was just part of life back then.
I was born in 1950 in Scotland but have lived in Australia since I was about 1 year old, I got My licence at 17 & My first Car at 19 years old, it was a 1963 EJ Holden sedan, My second Car was a 1967 HK Holden Monaro 186S (The first of the Monaro's, they came out with 6 cylinder or V8 engines, mine was a 6 cylinder) there was no such thing as seatbelts in those days, if memory serves Me correctly I don't think that they came in until about 1986 or 87 & they were made compulsory but only for new Cars that were sold with them in at first, then, eventually, they became compulsory for all Cars, I had an accident once, where a Woman, coming towards Me, crashed into the Drivers side of My Car While She was turning Right (We drive on the left in Australia, just the same as they do in the UK, so Drivers side to Drivers side of both cars) because of having no seatbelts, I flew up against a little metal door handle near the bottom edge of the window & I chipped a piece out of 2 ribs, lucky both of us weren't driving very fast or it could've been a lot worse, it's been the best, most simple invention ever for saving lives on the Road today, but yet, even with detection Cameras everywhere, there are still People who get caught driving without their seatbelts on, I think that the mindset is that People think that, "Oh well that's something that always happens to other People, it couldn't possibly ever happen to Me, I'm always so careful when I drive" in Australia, if a Passenger is caught without their seatbelt on, not only does that Person get fined but the Driver gets fined too & looses demerit points off their licence as well because the Driver is held responsible for everybody that's in the vehicle & also on Public Holidays the loss of demerit points is doubled.
This explanation so clear ( he must be a dr) as to how the princess died , my god just a seat belt I had always thought and read and heard the injuries were life threatening the explanation so precise, unbelievable.
I was recently in paris and my family member brought me to the spot where she died in the underpass. We had been out doing the tourist thing and I did not know that they were bringing me there. There was a monument to something else but it's now a monument for her. As I was reading the monument I noticed people were crying and there were flowers laid down and then I was told that this is where she died And I just started bawling because I grew up where we respected the royals and princess Diana was doing her humanitarian duty while I was a young adult , so she was very well known and very loved.
She had no other achievements apart from being a royal, or charity ?? And it was just like any other charity?? Wow... SHE NADE BOWING VOLUNTARY..., for ex., here's your "royal". She was not, that's why the royals killed her.
But the journey took hours to drive 5 minutes? Having work for surgery and trauma services it doesn't make sense when the hospital almost within sight- 3 miles. "Her chances of survival were diminished by a system that took 101 minutes to get her to a hospital that was 6 kilometers away."
They drove her to the hospital very slowly to make sure she had enough time to die. I just wonder who gave the order. That’s never been disclosed. It never is. That’s how POWER operates. But I still cannot understand why she didn’t wear a seat belt. Perhaps she too was one of those in power who thought they were invincible. Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
The French didn’t follow the ‘golden hour’ protocol that several other countries already practiced. You scoop and transport, immediately. It was bad medical policy, not some secret plot.
@@vamck Ok, perhaps it was not a “plot.” But the French had to know it was not a survivable policy. They practiced it anyway, probably because dead patients were cheaper to “process.” In that sense it was very much a “plot.” Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
At age 13 I was Diana in this situation and almost crushed my best friend in the seat in front, her seatbelt saved her, she was an inch from the dash. I dislocated and broke my hip and damaged my neck and wrists. Destroyed my athletic career and Olympic hopes in an instant and gave me life long health issues. All because I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt.
I’m SO sorry this happened to you… and your loss of athletic aspirations .. and chronic pain. God bless you. It really was the adults fault tho in charge of you. Stop blaming yourself.
Which isn't actually that unusual. She might have needed a higher level of care than she could have received at the nearest hospital, or they were full and she was sent elsewhere. It might be that the first hospital's CT scanner was out. There are all kinds of innocent explanations that must be considered before we go into conspiracy theory mode.
I read that in France the EMS protocol is different than it is here. I worked EMS in Ohio. We observe the Golden Hour for trauma and often load and go. France does more on the scene stabilization
No, that's normal, I remember, my accident, they assess, the incident, and removing me or anyone else takes time. Don't knock the Paramedics. They have a hard job and Choice.
She and I were born a month apart. Though as children we didn't wear safety belts, by the mid 80s and the 90s everyone I knew was wearing belts. In most areas it was a ticket offense not to by the early 90s. She died in 97, a year after the divorce, and soon after she publicly started dating the arab billionaire. Maybe they were careless as customs and rules didn't apply to them....or maybe not.
She survived the crash with a broken arm. She went into the ambulance and suddenly went into cardiac arrest and died. It's almost as if she was injected with something just like she said she would be killed but I don't want to be called a conspiracy theorist even though the cameras were all turned the wrong way and the driver that clipped them was found dead in a burned out car lol
Well. Not paranoid.. she knew there were plans.. and it happend. Not paranoid.. it was facts. Someone gave her information. She was to leave.. But.. maybe she didnt😉
I’m a retired 25+ years experienced Paramedic. I recall the night she passed away. It seems like Diana died from a rapid deceleration injury. (ie: aortic dissection,rupture) 💔I pray 🙏🏽 she’s resting peacefully 🕊
He said she had a 'masked injury' - that wasn't obvious until much later. They were triaging her as a lower level case, with a collapsed { punctured?} lung and broken arm. That doesn't sound like an aortic split or rupture? Stabilising her in the ambulance. Then { different report } as they were heading to the nearer hospital, which was more of a climic than a hospital, it suddenly became clear that she was rapidly 'crashing' and then they had to dash to the larger hospital, further away, that had the specialist rescus and surgical teams. I've worked in ED's. This sequence of events rings true to me. What think you?
There is something called 'the golden hour'. They treated her at the scene for 30-40 minutes, but only AFTER they wasted time removing an already deceased Dodi from the car. The hospital was 4 miles away, but another 10 minute delay in getting the hospital to agree. She was delayed in getting to the hospital by the ambulance stopping not once, but twice, and the driver told to drive slowly. It took them over TWO HOURS after the accident for her to reach the hospital. After the golden hour, the chances of death increase exponentially with a traumatic injury. A seatbelt was essential to her survival, but so was immediately getting to the hospital. It is possible that even with the seatbelt, if her injury was serious, the delay in arriving at the hospital would have still impacted her chances of survival.
Lady Sarah McCorquodale on her sister Lady Diana, "She was religious in putting on her seatbelt. Why didn’t she put it on that night? I’ll never know."
I have researched and have not been able to find the story that the seatbelt wasn't working. The Mercedes was forensically investigated and found to not have been tampered with. However the Mercedes had previously been in an accident and it was thought to be unsafe at excessive high speeds and may have contributed too Henri losing control of the Mercedes.
If only she had survived, the world would be different today. She would have at last found happiness. Fate denied her this. Why did the journey to the hospital take long? Thank you so much for this revelation.
If you’re not happy marrying into royalty, becoming a literal princess, a gazillionaire, etc, doubt very highly you’ll ever be happy…she was a head case. Fact.
@@PC-xr2po No, Charles told her the day before they married that he didn't love her and that her only job was to have heirs. She didn't want to go through the marriage but her family told her it was her duty. Her family let her down big time and were never there for her. The Queen treated her like crap because Diana did not follow the rules.
@@PC-xr2poit is NOT A FACT that she was a “head case” a$$wipe. It’s a FACT that her husband was emotionally abusive, cheating during engagement & only told her the night before the wedding he didn’t love her. He gaslit her, smeared her & blamed her for the marriage he never wanted. He was a coward not to stand up to his parents & marry the woman he actually loved. It is a FACT that he caused her emotional harm w/his gaslighting, invalidating her, & lying about her. It is a FACT that you don’t know what you are talking about.
I worked with the soldier on the door in the hospital that night when she went to hospital she was alive, it wasn’t what’s been told to the public fact
Prince William’s stone cold glare at his father at Princess Di’s funeral says all you need to know, a young boy would generally speaking be overwhelmed by emotions & or hysterical tears at a funeral of a parent they loved … Wills demeanour, expressions and that look says to me he was not upset, he was enraged … at his father (for some reason) R.I.P Di 🙏🏼🥲💚🇦🇺
And yet he told the media she was paranoid & her interview w/bashir should never be seen again. Yes I believe he thinks his dad had a hand in it. I personally believe Camilla had A LOT to gain by her death & was/is well connected & could have had a hand in it. I believe her “accident” was very convenient for a lot of people
Yes, Diana was paranoid and spiraling after her divorce. A number of her charities had actually let her go by this point due to her inconsistent support.
That conspiracy theory is stupid. Think about it. Running a vehicle off the road would not guarantee killing the occupants. Not unless they drove off a bloody cliff. Did the killers just hope Diana wouldn't wear a seat belt? Did they just hope Henry Paul would drive fast enough for the impact to kill her? If you were going to kill someone, would you choose that method and just hope for all of the above?
I imagine in about 30 years there will be a well mannered, credentialed person explaining how nothing was suspicious about Epstein's death in custody at all.
The nearest hospital was not as well equipped to deal with the situation. There was no conspiracy. She did not have her seabelt on. I know she was a princess but she was still responsible for putting her seat belt on.
Instead of reaching the crashed car swift, it took about half an hour for the ambulance to arrive, then the ambulance stopped, for also long, can be orders to wait, for her condition to worsen, then she arrived alive at the hospital, the first news, said she is only injured, I could not believe, when they later put out on the news, she died. Still today, they never said what the cause of her dying was?
Still cry hearing about this. I was in Portugal when it was announced and the whole village where we were staying were in tears and there was silence apart from tv bulletins. Our beautiful princess was loved worldwide and will never be forgotten.
@@cece932King Charles lll is King of the United Kingdom (and 14 other commonwealth realms if we wish to be really funny). The UK isn't England. The UK is FOUR separate countries!
This is a little different from what I learned. The French health system is different from the US. The ambulances in France are equal to an emergency room including doctors, etc. Most people in France get treated in an ambulance and avoid going to a hospital. Soon after the accident a doctor who was driving in the tunnel arrived at the scene. He requested the ambulance because Diana's injuries didn't look life threatening. They worked on Diana in the ambulance at the scene for an hour, they determined her injuries were more severe than originally thought. Hospitals in France are more specialized. They took her to the hospital best prepared to take care of her injuries and not the closest hospital. She did go into cardiac arrest in transit and was revived. At the hospital they worked on her for 2 hours and couldn't get her heart to beat properly. Diana suffered several injuries in the crash. She had a concussion, broken arm and a cut to her thigh. But her most lethal injuries were severe chest wounds. Her heart was displaced in her chest and she had a tear to her left pulmonary vein that caused internal bleeding.
Thank you very much for your precise and well-documented account. I wish more people would read it but they prefer believing conspiracy theories or accusing the French doctors for being incompetent people or ...murderers !
I had an car accident, slid into a bus w/my Honda Civic going about 30mph. My neck & left arm were injured. I couldn't straighten my left arm for almost ten years & had neck problems for years afterward bc my seatbelt let go 2/3" before catching. The doctor said I might've broken my neck not wearing a seatbelt. I'm old enough to remember cars w/out seatbelts & many people died in minor accidents.
What baffles me totally is whatever happened to the FRANTIC elderly French man, who had (unknowingly at the time of accident) been just ahead in the tunnel... An extremely bright flash of light in his rear view mirror had temporarily blinded him and a few seconds later, a high-powered motorcycle with two figures clad in black passed his car... They weren't paparazzi in his opinion... He was telling this to a reporter... Have never heard of or seen this man again...
Had you ever heard of him before the incident? Do you know the name of any of the other royal bodyguards? Or their whereabouts? Why would we hear any more about him? Stop looking for clues where there is nothing wrong. It was an unfortunate accident, that is all.
@@christopherdean1326 well because he's the only survivor I'm sure everyone would love to interview him etc . The only witness is still alive n disappeared!!
Both killed by a drunk who was supposed to protect his passengers but chose to drink like a fish and climbed behind the wheel. One must also give a dishonorable mentions to the paparazzi who initiated the chase, the scum that pay for the pictures and the idiots thst buy the gossip mags.
do you realise how stupid that is ? a complex plot to murder someone and make it look like an accident would have totally failed if three people had worn their seat belts ... riduculous and insulting to ones intelligence
Had a friend who won't put his seat next on because he was in the backsit...my comment was always, "ok Princess Di" then I wouldn't move until he buckled. Seatbelts save lives!!
Yes, decades ago Queen Elizabeth and Princess Grace had an affair an to keep Grace from talking the Queen had her car rigged and she drove off a cliff and ws killed.
Nevermind that the hospital was only a few minutes away, but still took the paramedics ages to get there. The whole incident was the result of what's known as 'the Boston brakes manoeuvre'.
She even came out and said she is going to be killed. It wasn't a surprise to me when I heard what happened. The cctv in Alma tunnel were all turned to face wall and the supposed driver of the car that clipped there's was later found dead in a burned out car which was locked from the outside and nobody inside that tunnel wen the crash happened seem to want to talk about it in detail even wen offered big money and why did nobody in the tunnel stop and help and why did Diana only have a broken arm but then went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance like she was injected with something?
@SteveMeek exactly, it's diabolical what they did to her. But according to this guy, who replied to my comment on this video she wasn't He went as fat to say his best friend was there and confirmed it happened exactly as reported. I called BS on his story
We now know this is from Bashir lying to her in order to get the Panorama (‘there was three of us in this marriage’) interview, which he admitted and apologised for directly to William and Harry in 2021. Bashir told her Charles wanted to marry Tiggy (the nanny Diana long disliked because William adored her) but couldn’t do so if Diana was alive, which was obviously a lie because Charles never dated the nanny + when he married Camilla her ex husband was/is still alive. Other lies included saying that William and Harry had microphones in their watches and the like. It was never a truthful theory
@@matthewbazeley2984read my comment above, it was based on a proven lied said by a journalist in order to score an interview. And is accepted as a lie by William, Harry, and the Spencers, all of whom agree it was an accident. Harry specifically also spoke of theorising that Diana had faked the accident, but that him and William saw the investigation themselves and understood it was an accident
Her artery was torn and she needed to be put on the heart and lung machine so the artery could be repaired! She'd be sitting and talking next day, out of the hospital in about four days. Stupid French law requesting the patient to be made stable before reaching the hospital! The hospital was in such short distance that the whole incident is even more shocking! Religiously seat belt wearing person, had no seat belt on, on this occasion which is unbelievable! How has her protection officer allowed this to happen? It is just impossible that he would have allow this!!! That's the first thing he'd check. Was the seat belt broken? Or tempered with, so it comes released on small impact? This is so unbelievable, that I'm asking this question. The witnesses from the place just above the tunnel, talking about the extremely bright light seconds before the impact, leave us all feeling uneasy.
When my brother was 15 he got in a car accident with our cousin who was his best friend Michael who was 21. My cousin driving wasn't wearing a seat belt, he lost control of his car taking a corner too fast and it flipped three times. He was thrown in front of the car and knocked out, he would have survived but after the car rolled a few more times it landed directly on top of him. My brother had his seatbelt on and that was what saved him, he was in a coma for a few months with massive head trauma and had to have his arm and ear sown back on, he luckily made a full recovery. I was 9 when it happened and I will never forget the fear and panic in my Mom's eyes when she answered that call. I will also never forgot all of us rushing to the hospital lobby and when they came out to tell us my Cousin had died, seeing my Grandfather pick up a chair and throw it across the room and my Uncle and Aunt collapsing on the floor. I used to hate wearing my seatbelt and would be sneaky and not wear it before this, but after I felt like I was going to die everytime I got into a car if I didn't have it on. When I pass that hospital even now 27 years later, I can still hear the sound of my Aunt screaming "Not my Son, please God not my Son!"💔
Thanks for sharing . I could feel the veins as you re-enacted through the eyes of a child . Heartbreaking indeed. I’m glad your dear brother has made a full recovery ❤
So sad, tears in my eyes. Losing one's child is the most horrific tragedy for any parent. Praying for God's comfort for your aunt and uncle. So glad your brother survived.
Y'all know damn well, she was supposedly pregnant with Dodi Al Fayed child, they would not be any means have a Muslim member part of the Royal family at any cost, that's a perceived threat to the future throne, they sure ain't happy with Harry's two kid's, I think they may get no higher than duke's or lord's of an estate. Not sure how that mess in Britain works, most country's had the good Sense to abolish the manarchy
Get an absolute grip 🙄 so 'they' poured alcohol down the drivers throat and predicted that she wasnt going to wear a seat belt? She died because the driver was pissed, was speeding and wasn't wearing a seat belt . The End .
@@lisaharrison9946 You have to learn to question the narrative. This was a planned assassination. You probably believe the World Trade Center fell because planes crash into it, Building 7 fell by fire (no planes hit it), JFK was killed by a single magic bullet, we went to the moon, and that gravity is strong enough to hold water to a spinning ball, but so weak an insect can escape it.
@@JustBeYouoohCome on! Who did Charles recruit to get in that car that night? The drunk driver, Dodi, Diana or the bodyguard? First of all, none of them should have gotten in the car with a drunk driver. Secondly, they ALL should have had enough sense to wear their seatbelts. The surviving bodyguard wore his and that is why HE lived.
Why does no one comment on Anri Paul being a functioning alcoholic. These types of people can consume a lot if alcohol n not be as impaired as an average non drinker. Giving us stats that he was ???? Over legal limit is meaningless to an alcoholic. Still can function well. Also I heard early on that an American Dr. That was already at the tunnel attended to her first. She was moaning. They found a smal puncture would on her right hip at autopsy no one could explain. Also the ambulance stayed at the scene with that Dr. In it for over 45 minutes before leaving for the hospital. Who knows what happened to her inside the ambulance. I believed the Crown caused this accident. To murder Diana. I feel certain one day the truth will come out. Poor Diane. Her hidden injury was a heart stopping injection by the people in ambulance. 😢
I just watched a documentary on this subject. There was an American doctor who was trying to help the injured that night. He was amazed that they used the jaws of life cutter on the left side of the car when the right rear door opened quite easily. Every time he tried to go through that door to get the injured out, he was told to stay back. It took over half an hour to cut the left side of the car open. Then once in the ambulance, it took another half hour to transport Diana to the hospital which was only 5 minutes away. The ambulance stopped along the way for no appearent reason. Finally arriving at the hospital, the "golden hour" had pretty much expired. (golden hour: first hour after injury when a person can be medically treated to increase survival rate)
Penny, I'd like to see that documentary. I watched a number of documentaries. The doctor who was first on the scene in the tunnel was a French doctor. At first Diana's injuries didn't look life threatening. Trevor Reece Jones injuries looked life threatening so his care had a higher priority. His face was crushed when his airbag deployed. The doctor that treated him said he'd never seen someone with so much broken bones and still alive. ~~~~~~ Diana was treated at the scene for close to an hour in a "stay and play" ambulance. Most people in France are treated in the ambulance and avoid going to a hospital. The ambulance is equal to an emergency room. Hospitals are more specialized. The closest hospital didn't have heart surgeons. They took her to the hospital best capable of treating her. The ambulance team was investigated and found innocent of any wrongdoing. It was discussed at the British inquest. ~~~~~~ Diana had several injuries. The injury that caused her death was due to her heart being displaced in her chest and it tore a pulmonary vein causing slow internal bleeding. Diana went into cardiac arrest and was revived multiple times. Reviving her caused more damage and increased internal bleeding. The streets in Paris are bumpy and the ride jarred her heart causing more cardiac arrest events. The ambulance team decided to drive slowly to avoid jarring her heart. I read it was a miracle that her heart was beating when she arrived at the hospital. She was treated at the hospital for 2 hours. They couldn't get her heart to beat properly and she died.
@@karlamccullough5319 ..It's refreshing to read comments that are actually factual instead of the disturbing conspiracy theories that have been spread online for years. I've been called so many disgusting names for stating the truth about the crash and why the ambulance had to go slow for the reasons you stated. Sadly people will watch this and still claim Diana was murderd.
I think it is sad people forget 2 others lost their lives that night and another was left with life changing injuries. It's been made to be all about Diana. IF AND I MEAN IF there was a conspiracy to cause that accident who's to say it wasn't Dodi who was the target???? He wasn't squeaky clean and his father had his issues. It was Dodis driver, Dodis car. I personally believe it was an accident, a very preventable one that had those involved thought about and made sensible decisions would not have happened.
@tinahillsdon2776 Oddly the so called "American Doctor", who has been claimed to witness the crash, and know exactly what happened, has never spoken up, never made a statement and even 27 years later is unknown: was this person ever there or just a creation of the conspiracy theorists?
I always wear my seatbelt...my ex wife hated wearing her seatbelt...she had a lot of excuses why...I didn't care. She wore her damn seatbelt. Seven years before, my ex-girlfriend who also refused to wear a seatbelt died in a one car collision hitting a bridge.
It was recorded that Diana's heart ended up in the opposite side of her body. She wasn't chatting. She muttered 'oh my God' and then lost consciousness. That was reported by the first person on the scene.
@@version736ha2 I saw the video myself. She was wedged behind a seat on the floor and you can clearly hear her say that. It was a brief video and I couldn't see anyone else because there were- I assume- emts or police or both around the car, which had part of the roof pulled up, I guess so they could get to her...hard to tell. They told her to not talk, but she said in a shaky voice, "tell my boys I love them" and the video cuts off at that point. So she was awake when they got to her, which doesn't surprise me because she was a very strong woman and loved her boy's immensely. She would not have approved of Meghan, because she has destroyed his bond with his brother. And not only has she ridiculed the very regal background that Diana is from, she refused to follow protocol, just because she didn't like it. She has damaged and has attempted to destroy the one thing Diana treasured most: family.
You should see what Lady C found out about the whole thing. It explains it all perfectly. Very sad and probably an unimaginable pain. She didn’t have a snowballs chance in hell to live through that night. She was still alive when they got there though.
I was thinking the same. If the paparazzi hadn't been so obsessed with trying to capture every single second in photo someone would have called for help. I can't believe that the paparazzi that were around her weren't prosecuted.
@@Popcornnomnom Oh grow up! "If only she had worn A SEAT BELT she would be alive today". Paparazzi and others on the road weren't DRUNK & SPEEDING, Henri Paul was both.
Because in France ambulances are like mobile hospitals, people usually only get sent to the hospital with possibly deadly injuries. Unfortunately they didn’t realize how bad Diana’s injuries were until it was too late.
In France the procedure for patients is to try and treat on the spot before hospital (I think they take more and effective equipment on hand on the spot in France to try and treat and stabilise the patient a bit before hospitalising them) whilst in the UK it’s instant take to the hospital.
@@RockaFellaaIt's easy for you to say that, you don't know how hard it was for the medic team to their job properly under huge pressure for all the people around them waiting for good news. Let alone the fact they were treating possibly the most famous person in the world, the level of anxiety and mental pressure they went through must have been unbelievable. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, I just know they did the best they could under those terrible conditions.
Excuse me, Sir-I heard that Diana had a tear in her pulmonary vein, and that nothing could have saved her. Are you of the opinion that it wasn’t torn when she was twisted by the impact, which left her facing backwards? If the torsion didn’t tear it, what did? Thank you.
Adrenaline would have kept her going for 30 min or less. Internal bleeding would not have been noticed until later. So closer hospital - better staff she might have made it.
@@claireevelyn3379 French rescue ambulances are equal to emergency rooms. They treated her in the ambulance for an hour before going to the hospital best prepared to take care of her injuries, not the closest hospital. Hospitals are more specialized in France.
Lady C says that the engine came in from the front and crushed Henri Paul. That would make sense to me as to why the two men on the left side of the car died immediately, and the other two didn’t.
Yeah you should read more facts. What you say makes absolutely no sense. An ambulance doesn't just scoop people up and throw them in and haul them to the hospital. They stabilize the patient if they can. 🤪🤪🤪
And the road was repaired as was the pillar they hit and it was also repainted and morning traffic moved through the tunnel as usual. Why was all trace of accident removed? Very suspicious!!!
I think we are being lied too ...Diana said herself that she thought the royal would get someone too mess with her car,then she gets in a accident in a car🤦🤦
Hence the term Internal Injury. These are Injuries which are not obvious externally. Internal Injuries usually result in Internal bleeding. It appears as though the bleeding intensified over a short space of time, eventually resulting in a full on Cardiac Arrest sadly 😢.
Where did you find that her seatbelt was broken? I have searched for that information and have not found it. In the last image of Diana she is turned around looking out the back window for the paparazzi. I suspect she didn't use the seatbelt because she wanted to look out the back window.
It's very hard to accept that sometimes all the variables that could've saved her life didn't happen (i.e. seatbelt, faster transfer to closest hospital). Sad, especially for her sons.
Millions of kids all over the world have lost one or both parents in far more graphic and tragic ways. And these children had nowhere near the resources and support Harry had. Virtually none of them are left millions of dollars. It’s time for him to stop disrespecting these others and stop pimping out his dead mother for cash. He’s disgusting.
@@susancorrigan9501 That's what I always believed. But not so much now after finding out how evil Charles and William are. They find it easy to dispose of unwanted wives.
I was a limo driver once and was chased by fans after a meet-n-greet and never ever thought I could out run them in the super stretch Lincoln I was driving. The famous country singer's manager told me to out run them. I just ignored him, the fans just gave up eventually, got to him to his hotel and then he wanted to workout at a local gym. Job done. 🤔
I was in a car accident. My car rolled over several times. The only reason we all survived with minor injuries is because we were all using our seatbelts.
He wasn't her fiance and truth is getting in a car without wearing a seatbelt can AND does cause death, drugged and drunk driving can AND does cause death and finally speeding can AND does cause death. That is what really happened nothing to unfold here
@@sueouzounis9439Dodi was engaged to another woman, Kelly Fischer. She found out they broke up when she saw them in the yacht in France, rang them, and Dodi’s father told her they were over. Diana was his mistress lmao
William, harry, and the Spencers themselves accept it. Specifically Harry wrote in his book how he and William reviewed the accident’s investigations and accepted it too-Harry had briefly thought Diana faked the entire thing. Move on
Sorry .sorry..not if only she had worn her seat belt. If only they had not driven at breakneck speed through a tunnel at night. She and Dodi had every authority to tell the driver to slow down. Reckless and lucky noone else was driving in the tunnel.
I was 9 years old when this happened and remember crying so much when I heard she passed. This is one of those situations that absolutely could and should have been prevented. RIP Princess Diana 🙏🏼💞
because french hospitals are different. they couldn’t go to the nearest one because they wouldn’t have been able to help her. the hospitals there are specialized.
Her Body guard should have made Diana wear a seat belt, that is the rule for personal protection whilst traveling in a vehicle, the principal wears a seat belt. Drunk driver or not, it was the bodyguards duty to ensure "his" principal was wearing a seat belt, he made sure he had his on. Only saying.
Some years ago a group of guys I knew got into a car to go from one pub to another. I don't know specifics, but the car lost control and hit a tree. All bar one were wearing seatbelts. All bar one walked away. The noise his mother made at his funeral will haunt me forever.
I said this at the time! As well as the seat belts the French were, and continue to be incompetent with the road furniture in tunnels in Paris. Armco protecting the pillars in the tunnel, along the entire centre divide, would have caused the car to slow much more gently and thereby reduce the severity of any injuries...
It can't be just you. Everyone in the vehicle needs a seatbelt or they become a human bowling ball that will crush the other occupants who are in seatbelt. If I'm in a car I make everyone wear their seatbelt or I drive myself
Man that’s tough to hear. Remember children, always wear your seatbelt!!!!!
I can't believe I didn't know that. Something so simple.
@@nicolecopland461it wasn't anything to do with a seatbelt, she was murdered. Why did the ambulance take a 45 minute route to a hospital when there was one two minutes up the road
Had she retained her royal security they would not have left the curb without her being belted in.
Remember not to allow the driver to speed. Good job no pedestrians died for her reckless behaviour.
It has been well known since the investigation right after the accident Diana did not wear her seat belt. And Henri Paul was driving at times @ 90 miles per hour and the speed limit throughout Paris is 30 mph. He took a hard left turn before entering the tunnel and hit the right wall before entering the tunnel. Diana’s pulmonary vein was torn and leaked blood into her chest wall compressing her heart and lungs and denying her heart a blood supply.
Something as simple as a seat belt, that's just mental. Life is insane
I don't think life is insane. It is as simple as the seatbelt; have it on, you are safer, don't have it o, you are in more danger.
Insanity is the driver was drunk on top of the no seat belt
@@exciteddelirium3590 it's what you make it I suppose
Late at night, speeding vehicles, two sons.... but no seat belt. Insane.
@@Funksinthehouse driver wasn't drunk at all
My dad has obsessive compulsive disorder and he would never allow us to wear seatbelts in the car because he liked when they hung nice and straight at the sides by the windows.
Then a cop came and talked to him and his work people about the importance of using seatbelts & the quote “I never unbuckled a dead man“ really stuck with him. After that we all wore them
A very good line!
That's a weird story about your dad. 😢
@@jacquelynskye295it’s not that weird, ocd is a complex mental disorder but quite common
Your dad's an idiot! 🙄
What did they do with the dead people?
When I was a teenager in the 1970s, a friend of mine broke his nose playing basketball. He was sick from swallowing so much blood and was in terrible pain. While he was at the hospital, the EMTs brought in a young lady who had been in a car crash and had hit the windshield. Of course, she was in much worse shape than my friend, but he said if he was in that much pain from a simple broken nose, he couldn’t imagine how badly she felt, not to mention the scars she would have on her face for the rest of her life. Both he and I have been wearing our seatbelts ever since.
Was it me ??? Cause that actually happened to me 😢 I hit some black ice, my car flew off the road into the tree. I ended up in the windshield in the other seat because I didn’t have a seatbelt on… and I’ve worn one ever since.
I find your comment very unique , peculiar , several points got my attention😊
Also , you are a good 🧡 friend or spouse ?
@@sky-et6mdcreep much?😮
@@CarnabooClarkeTrue WTF was that all about.? Lost in translation 😞.
I just do not know anyone in the USA who does not wear a seatbelt, and I remember when Diana died thinking how none of them did wear them especially while speeding on a regular basis away from the press
Finally someone who explains something clearly and simply. He broke it down. Thank you 👍
It’s called gaslighting
It's called facts
@@EndNuclearAgenda21 no it’s not. It’s explaining a seatbelt would save a life. She wasn’t perfect.
@@kirstybrown1185 no that’s why people believe this stuff is everyone just wants to believe lies. She was murdered. Plain and simple and people can give you whatever excuse that you wanna hear so that you don’t have to face the reality. They lie to you that’s called gaslighting that’s why our world is so screwed up right now because everybody wants to be lied to they want to grab it. Any lie they’re told and hold onto it because they just don’t wanna face the truth. Our world is ram by Psychopaths. Plain and simple. I don’t need to be lied to. I don’t need to be gaslit. She was murdered.
Sad and unnecessary loss of life with her beautiful sons. IF ONLY....
I’m a child of the 60s and 70s and I remember that we were the family whose parents would not back out of the driveway unless everybody had their seatbelt on! My uncle even invented this thing where you would get a mild shock if the car moved and you didn’t have your seatbelt on. Years later, we realized that it didn’t even work or work properly, but we always thought that it would so we put ‘em on !
Then, when I started driving , i was the same way. I would not drive anyone around until they put their seatbelt on !
You're smart❤
I'm a child from the '50s. No car had seatbelts. Never heard of them. We had a station wagon and us kids would be playing in the back of the car and climbing over the seats from the back to the middle to the front - no bucket seats back then - to sit between Mom and Dad. If you had a pick-up, Dad would drive and the kids would ride loose in the back of the truck along with the dog.
Darwin was just part of life back then.
I was born in 1950 in Scotland but have lived in Australia since I was about 1 year old, I got My licence at 17 & My first Car at 19 years old, it was a 1963 EJ Holden sedan, My second Car was a 1967 HK Holden Monaro 186S (The first of the Monaro's, they came out with 6 cylinder or V8 engines, mine was a 6 cylinder) there was no such thing as seatbelts in those days, if memory serves Me correctly I don't think that they came in until about 1986 or 87 & they were made compulsory but only for new Cars that were sold with them in at first, then, eventually, they became compulsory for all Cars, I had an accident once, where a Woman, coming towards Me, crashed into the Drivers side of My Car While She was turning Right (We drive on the left in Australia, just the same as they do in the UK, so Drivers side to Drivers side of both cars) because of having no seatbelts, I flew up against a little metal door handle near the bottom edge of the window & I chipped a piece out of 2 ribs, lucky both of us weren't driving very fast or it could've been a lot worse, it's been the best, most simple invention ever for saving lives on the Road today, but yet, even with detection Cameras everywhere, there are still People who get caught driving without their seatbelts on, I think that the mindset is that People think that, "Oh well that's something that always happens to other People, it couldn't possibly ever happen to Me, I'm always so careful when I drive" in Australia, if a Passenger is caught without their seatbelt on, not only does that Person get fined but the Driver gets fined too & looses demerit points off their licence as well because the Driver is held responsible for everybody that's in the vehicle & also on Public Holidays the loss of demerit points is doubled.
Mein Auto schimpft mit mir, wenn ich nicht angeschnallt bin.
I am the same way. No seatbelt no car moving 🙏 I was also very strict about the infant car seat being in the car and my baby being secured 🙏✅
Absolutely, and I Remember seeing her buckle up countless times…
It only took one time without buckling up to cost her her life.
This explanation so clear ( he must be a dr) as to how the princess died , my god just a seat belt I had always thought and read and heard the injuries were life threatening the explanation so precise, unbelievable.
I read somewhere that her seatbelt was not working and why she wasn't wearing it.
@@Marcia.Marcia.Marcia that makes more sense
@@annettefertitta6868 I thought so too.
I was recently in paris and my family member brought me to the spot where she died in the underpass. We had been out doing the tourist thing and I did not know that they were bringing me there. There was a monument to something else but it's now a monument for her. As I was reading the monument I noticed people were crying and there were flowers laid down and then I was told
that this is where she died And I just started bawling because I grew up where we respected the royals and princess Diana was doing her humanitarian duty while I was a young adult , so she was very well known and very loved.
She had no other achievements apart from being a royal, or charity ?? And it was just like any other charity?? Wow... SHE NADE BOWING VOLUNTARY..., for ex., here's your "royal". She was not, that's why the royals killed her.
They put her portrait on the pillar inside the tunnel.
Oh I didn't see that.@@lotstodo
@personincognito3989 it's like a stencil, done quickly. Not a full portrait.
If only they hadn’t waited 45 minutes to take her to the hospital
They parked the ambulance literally right across the street from the hospital for about 1 hr...literally could have carried her over...very sus...
2 hours
If only it wasn't a conspiracy to murder them.
I'm here before watching The Crown final season before it gets cancelled, we all know it wasn't a seatbelt like this man keeps wanting to blame.
True, she might have been alive but in a vegetative state
But the journey took hours to drive 5 minutes?
Having work for surgery and trauma services it doesn't make sense when the hospital almost within sight- 3 miles.
"Her chances of survival were diminished by a system that took 101 minutes to get her to a hospital that was 6 kilometers away."
And THAT’S not sus at all.
Start looking deeper at why and move to the structure and individual this is really about. Most people won't believe the truth.
They drove her to the hospital very slowly to make sure she had enough time to die. I just wonder who gave the order. That’s never been disclosed. It never is. That’s how POWER operates. But I still cannot understand why she didn’t wear a seat belt. Perhaps she too was one of those in power who thought they were invincible.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
The French didn’t follow the ‘golden hour’ protocol that several other countries already practiced. You scoop and transport, immediately. It was bad medical policy, not some secret plot.
@@vamck Ok, perhaps it was not a “plot.” But the French had to know it was not a survivable policy. They practiced it anyway, probably because dead patients were cheaper to “process.”
In that sense it was very much a “plot.”
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
At age 13 I was Diana in this situation and almost crushed my best friend in the seat in front, her seatbelt saved her, she was an inch from the dash. I dislocated and broke my hip and damaged my neck and wrists. Destroyed my athletic career and Olympic hopes in an instant and gave me life long health issues. All because I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt.
I’m SO sorry this happened to you… and your loss of athletic aspirations .. and chronic pain. God bless you. It really was the adults fault tho in charge of you. Stop blaming yourself.
God, anyone who believes this bill poor will believe anything, no wonder we have corruption everywhere we go lies and double messages
Simple but don’t mistaken it as minor. The seatbelt is invented and enforced for a reason.
Remember..it took them quite a while to get her to a hospital, they bypassed the nearest hospital and took her to one farther.
hmm. a lot of strangeness
cause they killed her.
Which isn't actually that unusual. She might have needed a higher level of care than she could have received at the nearest hospital, or they were full and she was sent elsewhere. It might be that the first hospital's CT scanner was out. There are all kinds of innocent explanations that must be considered before we go into conspiracy theory mode.
I read that in France the EMS protocol is different than it is here. I worked EMS in Ohio. We observe the Golden Hour for trauma and often load and go. France does more on the scene stabilization
@@joretta8251 Thank you. Exactly. Different countries, different treatment.
You forgot to mention how long it took them to get her to the hospital ? She never stood a chance.
Maybe, if only. With the hidden injury it might not have made a difference.
Death was all planned
They took so long as they were treating her in the ambulance when she worsened. With that hidden injury it was her best bet. So sad.
No, that's normal, I remember, my accident, they assess, the incident, and removing me or anyone else takes time. Don't knock the Paramedics. They have a hard job and Choice.
@@user-ks9hs7xl6r so it takes 90 mins to travel 1.6 miles???
The journey to hospital took a very long time
Of course…
They made sure that she died…
They finished the job!🖤
They gave her treatment in the ambulance when she got worse
It's apparently how they do it there. That's why it was driving slowly.
@@deniseelsworth7816 c'mon mate
@@robincutti4596,Now we need to know why Kate died?Of course, she was sacrificed as well
For someone so paranoid about being killed in a car crash on purpose you'd have thought she'd have worn a seat belt. Odd
I agree with you , back in the day we all took chances as when we were children we never had them 😢😢😢
She and I were born a month apart. Though as children we didn't wear safety belts, by the mid 80s and the 90s everyone I knew was wearing belts. In most areas it was a ticket offense not to by the early 90s. She died in 97, a year after the divorce, and soon after she publicly started dating the arab billionaire.
Maybe they were careless as customs and rules didn't apply to them....or maybe not.
She survived the crash with a broken arm. She went into the ambulance and suddenly went into cardiac arrest and died. It's almost as if she was injected with something just like she said she would be killed but I don't want to be called a conspiracy theorist even though the cameras were all turned the wrong way and the driver that clipped them was found dead in a burned out car lol
Well. Not paranoid.. she knew there were plans.. and it happend. Not paranoid.. it was facts. Someone gave her information. She was to leave..
But.. maybe she didnt😉
I’m a retired 25+ years experienced Paramedic. I recall the night she passed away. It seems like Diana died from a rapid deceleration injury. (ie: aortic dissection,rupture) 💔I pray 🙏🏽 she’s resting peacefully 🕊
He said she had a 'masked injury' - that wasn't obvious until much later. They were triaging her as a lower level case, with a collapsed { punctured?} lung and broken arm. That doesn't sound like an aortic split or rupture? Stabilising her in the ambulance. Then { different report } as they were heading to the nearer hospital, which was more of a climic than a hospital, it suddenly became clear that she was rapidly 'crashing' and then they had to dash to the larger hospital, further away, that had the specialist rescus and surgical teams. I've worked in ED's. This sequence of events rings true to me. What think you?
Only one who got it right
In Dr Shepherd's book Unnatural Causes, the autopsy said Diana had a bleeding vein and they are much more difficult to find. Fascinating read.
@@KW-ro5owSo do you think if she was wearing a seat belt it would have mattered in that case?
@@LauraB0421Yes it would, they already stated that.
There is something called 'the golden hour'. They treated her at the scene for 30-40 minutes, but only AFTER they wasted time removing an already deceased Dodi from the car. The hospital was 4 miles away, but another 10 minute delay in getting the hospital to agree. She was delayed in getting to the hospital by the ambulance stopping not once, but twice, and the driver told to drive slowly. It took them over TWO HOURS after the accident for her to reach the hospital. After the golden hour, the chances of death increase exponentially with a traumatic injury. A seatbelt was essential to her survival, but so was immediately getting to the hospital. It is possible that even with the seatbelt, if her injury was serious, the delay in arriving at the hospital would have still impacted her chances of survival.
I was just about to make the same comment
It took 110mins to get to hospital
All three also had 20% carbon monoxide in their blood....??? That would make someone sleepy enough to crash!!!!
My ex refused to use a seatbelt, he wrecked, was ejected through the window, he passed violently and painfully. Such a waste…..💔
Serves him right
@@Brokenknuckles70 That's a mean thing to say.
@@tiahenry4743 and accurate to say
Lady Sarah McCorquodale on her sister Lady Diana, "She was religious in putting on her seatbelt. Why didn’t she put it on that night? I’ll never know."
Initially it was said that her seatbelt was broken
@@SoulSyncedByGracemore than 1 seatbelt in a car
I have researched and have not been able to find the story that the seatbelt wasn't working. The Mercedes was forensically investigated and found to not have been tampered with. However the Mercedes had previously been in an accident and it was thought to be unsafe at excessive high speeds and may have contributed too Henri losing control of the Mercedes.
Considering they were be chased at high-speed from sec entered the car, no opportunity to swap@sueouzounis9439
And you believe what's reported@@karlamccullough5319
If only she had survived, the world would be different today. She would have at last found happiness. Fate denied her this. Why did the journey to the hospital take long?
Thank you so much for this revelation.
If you’re not happy marrying into royalty, becoming a literal princess, a gazillionaire, etc, doubt very highly you’ll ever be happy…she was a head case. Fact.
@@PC-xr2po No, Charles told her the day before they married that he didn't love her and that her only job was to have heirs. She didn't want to go through the marriage but her family told her it was her duty. Her family let her down big time and were never there for her. The Queen treated her like crap because Diana did not follow the rules.
@@PC-xr2poit is NOT A FACT that she was a “head case” a$$wipe. It’s a FACT that her husband was emotionally abusive, cheating during engagement & only told her the night before the wedding he didn’t love her. He gaslit her, smeared her & blamed her for the marriage he never wanted. He was a coward not to stand up to his parents & marry the woman he actually loved. It is a FACT that he caused her emotional harm w/his gaslighting, invalidating her, & lying about her. It is a FACT that you don’t know what you are talking about.
She was a gold digging phony.
I worked with the soldier on the door in the hospital that night when she went to hospital she was alive, it wasn’t what’s been told to the public fact
Then what happened???
Yeah, please spill the beans or are you another CT?
We miss that classy lady dearly to this day.
What a great loss of an amazing lady.
Yeah I believe they killed her at the hospital because they had to finish the mission
@@djcooper8638 not surprised at all
Something sinister happened in the ambulance
I agrée with you,I always thought that something unethically had happened on the way to the hospital.Poor Diana 😢😢😢❤️❤️🇨🇦
The amount of people who still don’t wear them or even make their kids wear them is crazy
I'm an ex chauffeurs and I would refuse to drive until my passengers put their seatbelt on.
Like less than 5%. Most people wear q seat belt.
recently I was involved in an accident and I can tell you that my seatbelt did it's job. I was bruised for weeks but alive
I’ll admit i often forget and I know I shouldn’t.
I'd be dead if I always wore mine 100 percent.
Prince William’s stone cold glare at his father at Princess Di’s funeral says all you need to know, a young boy would generally speaking be overwhelmed by emotions & or hysterical tears at a funeral of a parent they loved … Wills demeanour, expressions and that look says to me he was not upset, he was enraged … at his father (for some reason) R.I.P Di 🙏🏼🥲💚🇦🇺
And yet he told the media she was paranoid & her interview w/bashir should never be seen again. Yes I believe he thinks his dad had a hand in it. I personally believe Camilla had A LOT to gain by her death & was/is well connected & could have had a hand in it. I believe her “accident” was very convenient for a lot of people
Don't forget she described how she would be murdered and why 🙄
Yes, Diana was paranoid and spiraling after her divorce. A number of her charities had actually let her go by this point due to her inconsistent support.
That conspiracy theory is stupid. Think about it. Running a vehicle off the road would not guarantee killing the occupants. Not unless they drove off a bloody cliff. Did the killers just hope Diana wouldn't wear a seat belt? Did they just hope Henry Paul would drive fast enough for the impact to kill her? If you were going to kill someone, would you choose that method and just hope for all of the above?
As someone who doesn't believe in coincidences I will never forget Diana predicting her own death and how it would happen. She was right.
I imagine in about 30 years there will be a well mannered, credentialed person explaining how nothing was suspicious about Epstein's death in custody at all.
@@TaraSykes3 So she knew she would flee from paparazzi and die? And that's why they did not have seatbelts on?
Didn't it take them an hour to get her to the hospital that was 15 minutes away? Her death will always be suspicious to me.
Me too.
The nearest hospital was not as well equipped to deal with the situation. There was no conspiracy. She did not have her seabelt on. I know she was a princess but she was still responsible for putting her seat belt on.
There's more to it than just that the ambulance driver story who was stopped from telling it what about he's story.
Instead of reaching the crashed car swift, it took about half an hour for the ambulance to arrive, then the ambulance stopped, for also long, can be orders to wait, for her condition to worsen, then she arrived alive at the hospital, the first news, said she is only injured, I could not believe, when they later put out on the news, she died.
Still today, they never said what the cause of her dying was?
Oh KNOCK IT OFF, you conspiracy mental cases!
Still cry hearing about this. I was in Portugal when it was announced and the whole village where we were staying were in tears and there was silence apart from tv bulletins. Our beautiful princess was loved worldwide and will never be forgotten.
Invaluable lessons here: 1. Don’t get into a car with someone who has been drinking and 2. Wear your seatbelt ALL the time.
Unless your me cause I'd be dead 100 percent if I always wore my seat belt.
And don't date the wealthiest man in the country when you have children with the future king of England
Yea,especially when they are trying to,,murder,, you
@@spiritedtruthseeker5929that's why you didn't get ,,murdered,,
@@cece932King Charles lll is King of the United Kingdom (and 14 other commonwealth realms if we wish to be really funny).
The UK isn't England. The UK is FOUR separate countries!
This is a little different from what I learned.
The French health system is different from the US. The ambulances in France are equal to an emergency room including doctors, etc. Most people in France get treated in an ambulance and avoid going to a hospital.
Soon after the accident a doctor who was driving in the tunnel arrived at the scene. He requested the ambulance because Diana's injuries didn't look life threatening. They worked on Diana in the ambulance at the scene for an hour, they determined her injuries were more severe than originally thought. Hospitals in France are more specialized. They took her to the hospital best prepared to take care of her injuries and not the closest hospital. She did go into cardiac arrest in transit and was revived. At the hospital they worked on her for 2 hours and couldn't get her heart to beat properly.
Diana suffered several injuries in the crash. She had a concussion, broken arm and a cut to her thigh. But her most lethal injuries were severe chest wounds. Her heart was displaced in her chest and she had a tear to her left pulmonary vein that caused internal bleeding.
Thank you very much for your precise and well-documented account. I wish more people would read it but they prefer believing conspiracy theories or accusing the French doctors for being incompetent people or ...murderers !
So interesting about French ambulances. That’s a brilliant idea.
I will never forgive those
News creeps!
Where did you read this? Totally ignorant to the situation and facts. Good write up, but so so wrong.
I was 18 when she died. I hated seatbelts. From the day she died, I never once rode in a car (front or back) without a seatbelt.
Rear seatbelts were required in France long before they were here, as were spare bulb sets, triangles, fire extinguishers etc..
In Oz all seatbelts compulsory since the 80's. Big fines for not.
I had an car accident, slid into a bus w/my Honda Civic going about 30mph. My neck & left arm were injured. I couldn't straighten my left arm for almost ten years & had neck problems for years
afterward bc my seatbelt let go 2/3" before catching. The doctor said I might've broken my neck not wearing a seatbelt. I'm old enough to remember cars w/out seatbelts & many people died in minor accidents.
@@wakranich3488 yes and you were lucky , it makes you more thoughtful of wearing a belt however short your journey ,
Most modern cars won't leave you in peace without seat belts. My car beeps like crazy if people sit and don't belt up.
Princess Diana was the only member of the Royals with a human heart.
So sad. It still breaks my heart. ❤ 🙏
What baffles me totally is whatever happened to the FRANTIC elderly French man, who had (unknowingly at the time of accident) been just ahead in the tunnel... An extremely bright flash of light in his rear view mirror had temporarily blinded him and a few seconds later, a high-powered motorcycle with two figures clad in black passed his car... They weren't paparazzi in his opinion... He was telling this to a reporter... Have never heard of or seen this man again...
They never corroborated this story & didn't show up on cameras
They were SAS men... Assassin's on behalf of her majesty
@@blackbird69xxxthe queen’s own private Secretary and right hand man at the time was Diana’s brother in law you donut
@@sueouzounis9439 The cameras were coveniently not working at the time of the acident.
How come the body guard never has been heard of since the incident?? Was he paid to shut up n disappear?????
Had you ever heard of him before the incident? Do you know the name of any of the other royal bodyguards? Or their whereabouts? Why would we hear any more about him? Stop looking for clues where there is nothing wrong. It was an unfortunate accident, that is all.
@@christopherdean1326 well because he's the only survivor I'm sure everyone would love to interview him etc . The only witness is still alive n disappeared!!
@@keithdouglas9848 If it is some huge conspiracy, he is going to stick with the story. If it was just a tragic accident, what is he going to add?
@@christopherdean1326 accident my ass !! Taken out by orders of royal family
He banged his head in the crash & suffered a concussion. Apparently, he still suffers from after-effects. 😢
They were both murdered by a criminal and corrupt family and system…😢
Both killed by a drunk who was supposed to protect his passengers but chose to drink like a fish and climbed behind the wheel.
One must also give a dishonorable mentions to the paparazzi who initiated the chase, the scum that pay for the pictures and the idiots thst buy the gossip mags.
The ugly prince and his family murdered my beloved beautiful princess.
Strange things do happen in this world, but get a grip. Just because you think it, doesn't mean it's right.
do you realise how stupid that is ? a complex plot to murder someone and make it look like an accident would have totally failed if three people had worn their seat belts ... riduculous and insulting to ones intelligence
Yes 😢 Thank you for Explaining the Cause of Death of Princess Di 😢 Such a Tragedy for. All ......❤
Had a friend who won't put his seat next on because he was in the backsit...my comment was always, "ok Princess Di" then I wouldn't move until he buckled. Seatbelts save lives!!
Well, the driver died because of those without belts at the back.
@@fir8550I think there was a bit more to it than that, detective dumbshite
The House of Windsor makes everything look like an accident.
Yes, decades ago Queen Elizabeth and Princess Grace had an affair an to keep Grace from talking the Queen had her car rigged and she drove off a cliff and ws killed.
Nevermind that the hospital was only a few minutes away, but still took the paramedics ages to get there.
The whole incident was the result of what's known as 'the Boston brakes manoeuvre'.
She was killed. And not by not wearing the seat belt.
She even came out and said she is going to be killed. It wasn't a surprise to me when I heard what happened. The cctv in Alma tunnel were all turned to face wall and the supposed driver of the car that clipped there's was later found dead in a burned out car which was locked from the outside and nobody inside that tunnel wen the crash happened seem to want to talk about it in detail even wen offered big money and why did nobody in the tunnel stop and help and why did Diana only have a broken arm but then went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance like she was injected with something?
@SteveMeek exactly, it's diabolical what they did to her.
But according to this guy, who replied to my comment on this video she wasn't
He went as fat to say his best friend was there and confirmed it happened exactly as reported. I called BS on his story
please stop the nonsense and face reality: had she worn a seatbelt she would still be alive. A totally avoidable demise.
@jeanclaude7555 it's not nonsense. There is so much that doesn't add up. You believe what you like, won't change facts.
If only the ambulance hadn't taken so long to get to the hospital. Ambulances always go fast in an emergency, not really slow.
Let's be honest. They wanted her dead, they killed her. RIP beautiful Diana ❤
Who is the they you're talking about?
@@personincognito3989 the Royals, common knowledge. You knew what I meant and came to tro ll
@@angelabogaard1102 That's rubbish. You clearly don't know what really happened
@dereklyons1533 it's not rubbish, it's you that clearly doesn't know. You probably love those vile Royals
The Queen made a comment about the people involved. One of them was my best friend. He told me exactly what happened you are 100% wrong
She always spoke about "dying in a car accident." Freaky.
She said Charles would be behind it too
@@matthewbazeley2984yes, personally muzzed the driver, cut brake cables, and paid off every parisian hospital to let her die.
@@wenterinfaer1656 with a little less sarcasm and a little more coherence I might understand the point you are failing to make.
We now know this is from Bashir lying to her in order to get the Panorama (‘there was three of us in this marriage’) interview, which he admitted and apologised for directly to William and Harry in 2021. Bashir told her Charles wanted to marry Tiggy (the nanny Diana long disliked because William adored her) but couldn’t do so if Diana was alive, which was obviously a lie because Charles never dated the nanny + when he married Camilla her ex husband was/is still alive. Other lies included saying that William and Harry had microphones in their watches and the like. It was never a truthful theory
@@matthewbazeley2984read my comment above, it was based on a proven lied said by a journalist in order to score an interview. And is accepted as a lie by William, Harry, and the Spencers, all of whom agree it was an accident. Harry specifically also spoke of theorising that Diana had faked the accident, but that him and William saw the investigation themselves and understood it was an accident
Her artery was torn and she needed to be put on the heart and lung machine so the artery could be repaired!
She'd be sitting and talking next day, out of the hospital in about four days.
Stupid French law requesting the patient to be made stable before reaching the hospital!
The hospital was in such short distance that the whole incident is even more shocking!
Religiously seat belt wearing person, had no seat belt on, on this occasion which is unbelievable! How has her protection officer allowed this to happen? It is just impossible that he would have allow this!!!
That's the first thing he'd check.
Was the seat belt broken?
Or tempered with, so it comes released on small impact?
This is so unbelievable, that I'm asking this question.
The witnesses from the place just above the tunnel, talking about the extremely bright light seconds before the impact, leave us all feeling uneasy.
When my brother was 15 he got in a car accident with our cousin who was his best friend Michael who was 21. My cousin driving wasn't wearing a seat belt, he lost control of his car taking a corner too fast and it flipped three times. He was thrown in front of the car and knocked out, he would have survived but after the car rolled a few more times it landed directly on top of him. My brother had his seatbelt on and that was what saved him, he was in a coma for a few months with massive head trauma and had to have his arm and ear sown back on, he luckily made a full recovery. I was 9 when it happened and I will never forget the fear and panic in my Mom's eyes when she answered that call. I will also never forgot all of us rushing to the hospital lobby and when they came out to tell us my Cousin had died, seeing my Grandfather pick up a chair and throw it across the room and my Uncle and Aunt collapsing on the floor. I used to hate wearing my seatbelt and would be sneaky and not wear it before this, but after I felt like I was going to die everytime I got into a car if I didn't have it on. When I pass that hospital even now 27 years later, I can still hear the sound of my Aunt screaming "Not my Son, please God not my Son!"💔
Thanks for sharing . I could feel the veins as you re-enacted through the eyes of a child . Heartbreaking indeed. I’m glad your dear brother has made a full recovery ❤
I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. Burying your child is so unnatural.
You made me so emotional ❤
Hopefully your Aunt can survive from that tragedy day per day even if it’s an extreme pain for rest of her life.
Very sad
So sad, tears in my eyes. Losing one's child is the most horrific tragedy for any parent. Praying for God's comfort for your aunt and uncle. So glad your brother survived.
She was murdered. She was meant to die in the car. When she didn't, "they" killed her.
Y'all know damn well, she was supposedly pregnant with Dodi Al Fayed child, they would not be any means have a Muslim member part of the Royal family at any cost, that's a perceived threat to the future throne, they sure ain't happy with Harry's two kid's, I think they may get no higher than duke's or lord's of an estate. Not sure how that mess in Britain works, most country's had the good Sense to abolish the manarchy
Gawd, spread more Stoopid nonsense. 😳😖😖🤢🤮
Get an absolute grip 🙄 so 'they' poured alcohol down the drivers throat and predicted that she wasnt going to wear a seat belt? She died because the driver was pissed, was speeding and wasn't wearing a seat belt . The End .
@@lisaharrison9946Actually, the story supposedly says that they were in a tunnel and trying to escape papparazzi
@@lisaharrison9946 You have to learn to question the narrative. This was a planned assassination. You probably believe the World Trade Center fell because planes crash into it, Building 7 fell by fire (no planes hit it), JFK was killed by a single magic bullet, we went to the moon, and that gravity is strong enough to hold water to a spinning ball, but so weak an insect can escape it.
Guarenteed she wouldn't be. They wanted her gone
I was thinking the same thing
I reckon Charles set it up…
Don't be ridiculous
@@JustBeYouoohCome on! Who did Charles recruit to get in that car that night? The drunk driver, Dodi, Diana or the bodyguard? First of all, none of them should have gotten in the car with a drunk driver. Secondly, they ALL should have had enough sense to wear their seatbelts. The surviving bodyguard wore his and that is why HE lived.
@@joycejones8070 People have bought the drunk driver story but there are many questions hanging over that hypothesis.
The driver was legally intoxicated as well.
No he wasn't. Inquest found he was sober . It's a lie he was intoxicated
@Gary Allen : NO, he wasn't. His blood specimen had obviously been switched in the lab. That became obviously apparent.
Why does no one comment on Anri Paul being a functioning alcoholic. These types of people can consume a lot if alcohol n not be as impaired as an average non drinker. Giving us stats that he was ???? Over legal limit is meaningless to an alcoholic. Still can function well. Also I heard early on that an American Dr. That was already at the tunnel attended to her first. She was moaning. They found a smal puncture would on her right hip at autopsy no one could explain. Also the ambulance stayed at the scene with that Dr. In it for over 45 minutes before leaving for the hospital. Who knows what happened to her inside the ambulance. I believed the Crown caused this accident. To murder Diana. I feel certain one day the truth will come out. Poor Diane. Her hidden injury was a heart stopping injection by the people in ambulance. 😢
No, you have your information wrong, he wasn't intoxicated
I can’t understand how came a Mercedes Benz car became so uncontrollable while Fiat Uno remained controllable after a collision.
It crashed into a pillar.
because the Mercedes driver was drunk and speeding
@@anastasia10017he was drunk
@@fionahunt2954 and what did I say ???
It wasn't about the car, it was about the people inside of it.
My cousin was involved in a bad crash. The seat belt saved her life.
Always wear the seat belt. RIP Princess.
I just watched a documentary on this subject. There was an American doctor who was trying to help the injured that night. He was amazed that they used the jaws of life cutter on the left side of the car when the right rear door opened quite easily. Every time he tried to go through that door to get the injured out, he was told to stay back. It took over half an hour to cut the left side of the car open. Then once in the ambulance, it took another half hour to transport Diana to the hospital which was only 5 minutes away. The ambulance stopped along the way for no appearent reason. Finally arriving at the hospital, the "golden hour" had pretty much expired. (golden hour: first hour after injury when a person can be medically treated to increase survival rate)
Can you please tell me the name of that Documentary so I can watch it too, please?
I'd like to see that documentary.
I watched a number of documentaries. The doctor who was first on the scene in the tunnel was a French doctor.
At first Diana's injuries didn't look life threatening. Trevor Reece Jones injuries looked life threatening so his care had a higher priority. His face was crushed when his airbag deployed. The doctor that treated him said he'd never seen someone with so much broken bones and still alive.
Diana was treated at the scene for close to an hour in a "stay and play" ambulance. Most people in France are treated in the ambulance and avoid going to a hospital. The ambulance is equal to an emergency room. Hospitals are more specialized. The closest hospital didn't have heart surgeons. They took her to the hospital best capable of treating her. The ambulance team was investigated and found innocent of any wrongdoing. It was discussed at the British inquest.
Diana had several injuries. The injury that caused her death was due to her heart being displaced in her chest and it tore a pulmonary vein causing slow internal bleeding. Diana went into cardiac arrest and was revived multiple times. Reviving her caused more damage and increased internal bleeding. The streets in Paris are bumpy and the ride jarred her heart causing more cardiac arrest events. The ambulance team decided to drive slowly to avoid jarring her heart. I read it was a miracle that her heart was beating when she arrived at the hospital. She was treated at the hospital for 2 hours. They couldn't get her heart to beat properly and she died.
The ambulance had to stop when she had the cardiac arrest. Protocol with any patient who needs immediate resuscitation.
Ah I see there’s reasons.
@@karlamccullough5319 ..It's refreshing to read comments that are actually factual instead of the disturbing conspiracy theories that have been spread online for years. I've been called so many disgusting names for stating the truth about the crash and why the ambulance had to go slow for the reasons you stated. Sadly people will watch this and still claim Diana was murderd.
Just reading the second book from this forensic pathologist and his stories are fascinating.
What’s the title of the book please? 😊
@DrinaRibena Unnatural causes, by Dr Richard Shepherd and the seven ages of death. Great reads .
@@mojokg13 Thank you!☺️
I think it is sad people forget 2 others lost their lives that night and another was left with life changing injuries. It's been made to be all about Diana. IF AND I MEAN IF there was a conspiracy to cause that accident who's to say it wasn't Dodi who was the target???? He wasn't squeaky clean and his father had his issues. It was Dodis driver, Dodis car. I personally believe it was an accident, a very preventable one that had those involved thought about and made sensible decisions would not have happened.
Hmm and her friend Jill dando was shot by her doorbell
What comes to mind is "make it look like an accident"
I didn't know that... 😟
What about the alcohol level of the driver H.Paul
An accident? Drive slower in underground tunnels with idiot paparazzi?!
How true! Modern cars will not move unless all passengers are belted !
Thank you for explaining it simply. Sadly, those who want a conspiracy will dismiss you.
right and this man was there was he.
@tinahillsdon2776 Oddly the so called "American Doctor", who has been claimed to witness the crash, and know exactly what happened, has never spoken up, never made a statement and even 27 years later is unknown: was this person ever there or just a creation of the conspiracy theorists?
Es you can ignore all the other facts. "Trust the experts".
@@anthonyhassett Es you an expert? Es many experts on here.
The thought, that she could have survived if only she'd worn a seat belt, crushes me. I sure wish she didn't die. 😢 ❤
Not buying it. She was totally taken out.
Crazy conspiracy theorist
@@lisa408t actually I am legally sane.
She was alive, they gave her a lethal injection as she was the primary target in the assassination.
@@adzmanchester I would believe that
@@adzmanchester I wish you crew could be held accountable for what you say on this crazy platform.
I always wear my seatbelt...my ex wife hated wearing her seatbelt...she had a lot of excuses why...I didn't care. She wore her damn seatbelt.
Seven years before, my ex-girlfriend who also refused to wear a seatbelt died in a one car collision hitting a bridge.
It was recorded that Diana's heart ended up in the opposite side of her body. She wasn't chatting. She muttered 'oh my God' and then lost consciousness. That was reported by the first person on the scene.
She said "tell my boys I love them". The video used to be on the dark web
@@livlovely2707is that true?
@@version736ha2 I saw the video myself. She was wedged behind a seat on the floor and you can clearly hear her say that. It was a brief video and I couldn't see anyone else because there were- I assume- emts or police or both around the car, which had part of the roof pulled up, I guess so they could get to her...hard to tell. They told her to not talk, but she said in a shaky voice, "tell my boys I love them" and the video cuts off at that point. So she was awake when they got to her, which doesn't surprise me because she was a very strong woman and loved her boy's immensely. She would not have approved of Meghan, because she has destroyed his bond with his brother. And not only has she ridiculed the very regal background that Diana is from, she refused to follow protocol, just because she didn't like it. She has damaged and has attempted to destroy the one thing Diana treasured most: family.
@@livlovely2707 thanks
You should see what Lady C found out about the whole thing. It explains it all perfectly. Very sad and probably an unimaginable pain. She didn’t have a snowballs chance in hell to live through that night. She was still alive when they got there though.
"if only she hadn't been Diana I'm sure she'd be alive today."
I am pretty certain that Diana always buckled her children into the car. She didn't use the same common sense for herself.
If only her driver hadn’t been driving recklessly while drunk….she’d be alive today.
If only she wouldn’t have gotten in a car with a drunk driver who is responsible for killing her.
I was thinking the same. If the paparazzi hadn't been so obsessed with trying to capture every single second in photo someone would have called for help. I can't believe that the paparazzi that were around her weren't prosecuted.
@@Popcornnomnom Oh grow up! "If only she had worn A SEAT BELT she would be alive today". Paparazzi and others on the road weren't DRUNK & SPEEDING, Henri Paul was both.
Why did it take over an hour for her to get to hospital?
Because in France ambulances are like mobile hospitals, people usually only get sent to the hospital with possibly deadly injuries. Unfortunately they didn’t realize how bad Diana’s injuries were until it was too late.
In France the procedure for patients is to try and treat on the spot before hospital (I think they take more and effective equipment on hand on the spot in France to try and treat and stabilise the patient a bit before hospitalising them) whilst in the UK it’s instant take to the hospital.
Well that’s stupid then. Stop using ambulances as mobile hospitals if they can’t asses/diagnose properly
@@RockaFellaaIt's easy for you to say that, you don't know how hard it was for the medic team to their job properly under huge pressure for all the people around them waiting for good news. Let alone the fact they were treating possibly the most famous person in the world, the level of anxiety and mental pressure they went through must have been unbelievable. I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, I just know they did the best they could under those terrible conditions.
Excuse me, Sir-I heard that Diana had a tear in her pulmonary vein, and that nothing could have saved her. Are you of the opinion that it wasn’t torn when she was twisted by the impact, which left her facing backwards? If the torsion didn’t tear it, what did? Thank you.
Adrenaline would have kept her going for 30 min or less. Internal bleeding would not have been noticed until later. So closer hospital - better staff she might have made it.
@@claireevelyn3379 French rescue ambulances are equal to emergency rooms. They treated her in the ambulance for an hour before going to the hospital best prepared to take care of her injuries, not the closest hospital. Hospitals are more specialized in France.
If only she hadn’t upset the royal family
What have they got to do with the fact that Diana got into a car being driven by an intoxicated driver and neglected to put her seatbelt on.
You believe everything your told ?
Thank you for explaining , I will remember your words for always.
So what happened in the ambulance, that made Diana's condition so much worse?
Just time lost
"If only" the royal family left her alone and not "planned" the accident
Dodi or his dad owed someone alot of money, Saudis I think, on lady Cs utube
@@Rose-rr9xqEgyptian? No they dont owe money. They own Harrods and are independently wealthy in many ventures.
@anthonyhassett I know all about the family . Murdoch nearly went broke too until he was helped financially...
They didn't like the divorce or who she was dating. Full stop.
Is anyone else just fed up with the re-hash?? Let it rest now.
If only Diana’s memory could be treasured without the past always being brought up. Thank you for this calm and sensitive report.
Lady C says that the engine came in from the front and crushed Henri Paul. That would make sense to me as to why the two men on the left side of the car died immediately, and the other two didn’t.
You mean when she was killed in the ambulance. You know the one that took over 1 hour to travel 1 mile to hospital
Yeah you should read more facts. What you say makes absolutely no sense. An ambulance doesn't just scoop people up and throw them in and haul them to the hospital. They stabilize the patient if they can. 🤪🤪🤪
@@tim3ngshe wasn't taken to closest hospital 🤪
Get out your tin foil hat!!!
I heard the scene was soon surrounded by paparazzi!
@@CarnabooClarke Not all hospitals have an adequate trauma center.
Give me a break, the woman was murdered, and no seatbelt would’ve kept it from happening.
I was in a single car accident due to sudden black ice. Hadn't I been wearing my seatbelt I probably wouldn't be writing this. Safty first Always ❤
Cops couldn't find the find the Fiat Uno car that followed them closely in that Tunnel. And that car "Mysteriously" disappeared.
And the road was repaired as was the pillar they hit and it was also repainted and morning traffic moved through the tunnel as usual. Why was all trace of accident removed? Very suspicious!!!
Crazy conspiracy theorist
What happened in the ambulance if Diana had "a very minor injury?". It was on the journey en route to the hospital... 🤔 💭 🤔
I was thinking the same thing!
he's an idiot. she had minor visual injuries but massive internal injuries.
X-ray vision?
I think we are being lied too ...Diana said herself that she thought the royal would get someone too mess with her car,then she gets in a accident in a car🤦🤦
It was the hidden injury that caused her demise. Pay attention.
She had very minor injuries and then she suddenly died by a hidden injury!
Aortic tear
Hence the term Internal Injury.
These are Injuries which are not obvious externally.
Internal Injuries usually result in Internal bleeding.
It appears as though the bleeding intensified over a short space of time, eventually resulting in a full on Cardiac Arrest sadly 😢.
@@primrosebvindi7834 very plausible explanation
Princess Diana will forever be missed. ❤
But Dodi had also changed to a different car that night.
They had a different car than they arrived in.
@@sueouzounis9439whatever you say doesn't change the fact that her seatbelts were broken, they were broken in both cars
Where did you find that her seatbelt was broken? I have searched for that information and have not found it.
In the last image of Diana she is turned around looking out the back window for the paparazzi.
I suspect she didn't use the seatbelt because she wanted to look out the back window.
@@em34327 That’s simply not true though, would you please provide a source?
It's very hard to accept that sometimes all the variables that could've saved her life didn't happen (i.e. seatbelt, faster transfer to closest hospital). Sad, especially for her sons.
Millions of kids all over the world have lost one or both parents in far more graphic and tragic ways. And these children had nowhere near the resources and support Harry had. Virtually none of them are left millions of dollars. It’s time for him to stop disrespecting these others and stop pimping out his dead mother for cash. He’s disgusting.
And a driver who wasn't drunk
@@drummerlovesbookworm9738 upvote 10 times!
@garyallen8824he seems incredibly detached and uptight
She was murdered
She didn't accidentally die
@sidcampbell2942 It was her father-in-law that instigated all the abusive behavior toward her.
More conspiracy theory idiots.
Yes true, I am agreeing.
@@susancorrigan9501 That's what I always believed. But not so much now after finding out how evil Charles and William are. They find it easy to dispose of unwanted wives.
Really? I would love to see the proof.
Don't underestimate what a crash with this speed can do WITH seatbelts on!
So sad this happened.
She was RUSHED slowly to the hospital. Why did it take so long to get to the hospital? They stopped once on the way, why?
They stopped to restart her heart ...which was knocked out of place in her chest .
That is just the way the French operate. They have a doctor in the ambulance instead of an EMT like in America.
There is more to this than meets the eye.
I was a limo driver once and was chased by fans after a meet-n-greet and never ever thought I could out run them in the super stretch Lincoln I was driving. The famous country singer's manager told me to out run them. I just ignored him, the fans just gave up eventually, got to him to his hotel and then he wanted to workout at a local gym. Job done. 🤔
Henri Paul was not a professional driver. He worked at the Ritz hotel.
I was in a car accident. My car rolled over several times. The only reason we all survived with minor injuries is because we were all using our seatbelts.
the day will come and it will unfold what really happened to this beautiful lady and her beautiful fiance
He wasn't her fiance and truth is getting in a car without wearing a seatbelt can AND does cause death, drugged and drunk driving can AND does cause death and finally speeding can AND does cause death.
That is what really happened nothing to unfold here
It's been fully investigated. All investigations concluded Henri Paul caused the accident.
When they get engaged? She hadn't been going out with him for long.
@@sueouzounis9439Dodi was engaged to another woman, Kelly Fischer. She found out they broke up when she saw them in the yacht in France, rang them, and Dodi’s father told her they were over. Diana was his mistress lmao
Her bodyguard should have made sure Dodi and Diana wore their seatbelts…!
So people just going to accept she died from not wearing a seat belt? Insane
William, harry, and the Spencers themselves accept it. Specifically Harry wrote in his book how he and William reviewed the accident’s investigations and accepted it too-Harry had briefly thought Diana faked the entire thing. Move on
The power of MI5 and GCHQ are powerful. If enough people say it was an accident, people start to believe......
I sure do miss her so much. She had a beautiful soul. May she rest in peace always and her friend as well.
I was so disappointed that they didn't talk about that more at the time.
@Gary Allen They made almost no mention of her not wearing a seat belt in the US news media.
Sorry .sorry..not if only she had worn her seat belt. If only they had not driven at breakneck speed through a tunnel at night. She and Dodi had every authority to tell the driver to slow down. Reckless and lucky noone else was driving in the tunnel.
@Gary Allen you are likely right. Heard Diana had a history of telling drivers to speed-up to get away from the paparazzi
I was 9 years old when this happened and remember crying so much when I heard she passed. This is one of those situations that absolutely could and should have been prevented. RIP Princess Diana 🙏🏼💞
Sooo sad !!! 😢😢😔😔
Don't forget they drove to a farther hospital than the one nearby. They waited under orders for her to get critical. 🤫☠️💀☠️
because french hospitals are different. they couldn’t go to the nearest one because they wouldn’t have been able to help her. the hospitals there are specialized.
@@kinley20061oh yea couldn’t help a royal princess sure bub ..
Crazy conspiracy theorist
@@lisa408t Charles wanted her out of the way. That's why he has cancer now.🤫
Her Body guard should have made Diana wear a seat belt, that is the rule for personal protection whilst traveling in a vehicle, the principal wears a seat belt. Drunk driver or not, it was the bodyguards duty to ensure "his" principal was wearing a seat belt, he made sure he had his on. Only saying.
Dude is sitting infront, how will he force her to wear a seatbelt in the back
Some years ago a group of guys I knew got into a car to go from one pub to another. I don't know specifics, but the car lost control and hit a tree.
All bar one were wearing seatbelts.
All bar one walked away.
The noise his mother made at his funeral will haunt me forever.
I said this at the time! As well as the seat belts the French were, and continue to be incompetent with the road furniture in tunnels in Paris.
Armco protecting the pillars in the tunnel, along the entire centre divide, would have caused the car to slow much more gently and thereby reduce the severity of any injuries...
@Gary Allen people speed everywhere, even semi truck drivers speed down mountain roads. Why? People are inept, stupid, selfish, and reckless.
Glad that you said this it make you it so much clear. God Bless 🤣
It can't be just you. Everyone in the vehicle needs a seatbelt or they become a human bowling ball that will crush the other occupants who are in seatbelt. If I'm in a car I make everyone wear their seatbelt or I drive myself