Simple Styling Tricks For More Appealing Food Photography

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @iPhone_Photography_School
    @iPhone_Photography_School  2 года назад

    Then click here to find out more about our iPhone Food Photography course!

  • @austinfreyrikrw6651
    @austinfreyrikrw6651 2 года назад +12

    Ahh! That’s why food photos on restaurant websites always look so much better than the actual food you get.

  • @cristina_ldn
    @cristina_ldn 2 года назад +4

    Andrew Scrivani is the best in the field. Looking forward to the release of this course 💯

    • @iPhone_Photography_School
      @iPhone_Photography_School  2 года назад

      Thank you! Make sure you sign up to get updates about this course:

  • @venumenon5593
    @venumenon5593 2 года назад

    I often take food photos of my dishes at the restaurant, but it's more as a memory. I will now reconsider it after watching Andrew Scrivani's stunning photos.

  • @bjflann6128
    @bjflann6128 2 года назад +3

    When I went back to college just for photography we learned a lot of things that advertisers use in presenting their product. If you see a spoon of ceral and the milk is ever so slowly dripping of the spoon in a long drip they didn't use milk they used chilled Elmers white glue. There are tons of tricks to make something mouth watering!

  • @Teresa-K
    @Teresa-K 2 года назад +2

    Very interesting video in how to make food look more appetizing in photos.

  • @Lifeof-Jo
    @Lifeof-Jo Месяц назад

    I love all of your videos

  • @baothiletran-ef8zn
    @baothiletran-ef8zn 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you!

  • @analiacroci
    @analiacroci 2 года назад

    Looking forward to this course!

    • @iPhone_Photography_School
      @iPhone_Photography_School  2 года назад

      Thanks, Analia! the course will be available soon. I would suggest signing up to our email notifications list to get notified once we have a confirmed release date :) Here's the link if you need it:

    • @analiacroci
      @analiacroci 2 года назад

      @@iPhone_Photography_School I did sign to your email notifications, thank you! Hope to get good news soon

  • @coach_yo
    @coach_yo 2 года назад

    Thank you guys for sharing!

  • @aleksandrchistiakov749
    @aleksandrchistiakov749 Год назад

    Amazing tutorials for newbies like me. I don't wanna become a professional but would like to get some appealing photos with food for my business project. Thanks a lot, Andrew!

  • @beautifullife3121
    @beautifullife3121 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you 👍

  • @VivekPatwardhan
    @VivekPatwardhan 2 года назад


  • @magizz0649
    @magizz0649 2 года назад

    Most of us are not professionals but we like to take photos of our food in restaurants. Do you have any videos on how to photograph restaurant plates to show the chef's creativity? Some chefs are quite good and we'd like to keep those memories with photos that do it justice. Thank you.

    • @iPhone_Photography_School
      @iPhone_Photography_School  2 года назад

      Yes, we do! :) Although, that lesson will be in our full Food Photography course. If you would like to join the course, I would recommend signing up for our mailing list to be notified once the course is available. Here's the link to do so:

  • @frankenwood
    @frankenwood 2 года назад


  • @abriellabond
    @abriellabond 8 месяцев назад +1

    I often take food photos of my dishes at the restaurant, but it's more as a memory. I will now reconsider it after watching Andrew Scrivani's stunning photos.

  • @BerylMcgee-q5x
    @BerylMcgee-q5x 10 месяцев назад

    Looking forward to this course!