Hello I had done the whole genome sequence by NGS (Illumina) of the bacteria. The files I received from the company are Fastaq1, Fastaq2, Filtered 1 Fastq Filtered 2 Fastq and analysis results file include :rmdup.bam.bai, rmdup.bam, filtered vcf and annotated vcf. Please tell me which of these files should be converted to FASTA and submitted to NCBI? Thanks
How do you use galaxy to convert a fasta file to a tab delimited file ?
I had done the whole genome sequence by NGS (Illumina) of the bacteria. The files I received from the company are Fastaq1, Fastaq2, Filtered 1 Fastq Filtered 2 Fastq and analysis results file include :rmdup.bam.bai, rmdup.bam, filtered vcf and annotated vcf. Please tell me which of these files should be converted to FASTA and submitted to NCBI? Thanks
bro can i have your contact?