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  • @mayatsolova
    @mayatsolova 6 месяцев назад +2

    Seasonal TBR sounds better than monthly TBR. I could never set specific titles to read in a month, it feels like giving myself a task and I don’t want reading to become something I have to do, it’s something I want to do and I enjoy it because of that. 📚📚📚

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      this is EXACTLY how I feel about TBRs!!!! It feels just like I am giving myself a school assignment and I think with the job I do as well I have enough deadlines and tasks that I have to stay on top of that I think it is important for me to let reading remain as free and open as possible and not set parameters around it so it can stay a fun hobby!!!

  • @RikkiPReads
    @RikkiPReads 6 месяцев назад

    1) That nail color is divine.
    2) A seasonal TBR does sound pretty nice over a monthly one!

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you SO SO much!!! I really hope thaty I can stick to a seasonal TBR because usually monthly ones do not work for me! SO this will be a good experiment for me haha!!!

  • @TheAbigailDee
    @TheAbigailDee 6 месяцев назад

    Seasonal tbr is SUCH a good idea! I love that idea. And i just picked up Bloom!!

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      I am REALLY hoping that these reads will inspire me and bring a little spring time to my home, even when its still snowing here hahah!!! AHHH I cant wait to see what you think of Bloom!!!! I can't wait to read it too!

  • @Kritz_Reads
    @Kritz_Reads 6 месяцев назад

    That cover of Shady Hollow has me so interested in it!

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      YESS I love that cover too!!! 😻🙌📚

  • @BrittanyLovesReading
    @BrittanyLovesReading 6 месяцев назад

    Great TBR! Added Shady Hollow to the TBR!

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much! YES Shady Hollow looks excellent! 💯📚

  • @JesstheBookFreak
    @JesstheBookFreak 6 месяцев назад

    I love the seasonal tbr idea! I don't really ever make monthly tbrs because I'm such a mood reader that it'd stifle my joy of reading if I had strict plans. But there are books I have in mind to read in the near future. The books you chose are all very springlike indeed! 🌷🌱💖

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      I don't make monthly TBRs for the same reason, I am SUCH a mood reader as well!!! I am hoping that this seasonal TBR will be a lot more fun for me to stick to and just be like a loose outline for the coming months hahah!! Happy spring and I hope you are having a lovely April so far!!! 🌺🌸🌼🌻💗

  • @bornagainreader
    @bornagainreader 6 месяцев назад

    I'm very much a mood reader, too. It'd just be super helpful if my mood included motivation. 🙃
    My "TBR" is just books I want to read at some point in my life. There are some that I'm super excited to get into.
    Great list for spring!! Bloom, The First Day of Spring, and Chrysalis seem too perfect for the season. 🌸

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      HAHHAHA YESSSSSS my mood rarely seems to include motivation I swear HAHA! And so those few times it hits I gotta really take advantage of it LOL!! I'm so excited for all three, Bloom, The First Day of Spring, and Chrysalis and YES I'm going to pull these out when it is still feeling like winter here even though it's supposed to be officially spring now hahha!🌺🌼🌷🌸

  • @books-on-a-wire
    @books-on-a-wire 6 месяцев назад

    I really enjoyed The First Day of Spring, hope you do too! Bloom is also on my TBR. Spring is the worst reading season for me, so many dark, bleak, isolation books, all the polar opposite of Spring. 😂

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      I am so excited to read The First Day of Spring, and also Bloom! But OMG you are actually SO right like so many of the books that fall into the "spring-feels" category tend to be so dark and bleak! I'm gonna need to pull in some lighter cozy mysteries or middle grades to balance it out a bit 😅

  • @fancifulimpression
    @fancifulimpression 6 месяцев назад

    I’m also a big mood reader and tend to pick up naturally a lot of books set in fall or winter as that’s when a lot horror books are set - graphic novels I read it’s more of a mix of seasons ☀️

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      YESS thats a great point I agree to I feel like a majority of the books I read are usually set during those seasons too just for that especially Winter themed Horror/Thriller books are just the BEST!!!!!! 🥶❄🙌💯🙏

  • @WickedScorpio
    @WickedScorpio 6 месяцев назад

    Bloom is so on my radar. I had it from my library but I ran out of time before it was due

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      HAHA story of my life, I totally understand!!!!!! 😅😅😅

  • @Katiedora122
    @Katiedora122 6 месяцев назад

    I can't even pull off the quarterly TBRs. It's like as soon as I pick out a list of books, my brain immediately rejects them 😅

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      Okay this is literally SO relatable to me!!!👏 I have never been able to get myself to stick to a TBR so I am really going to try to make this one work and start chunking out a bit of time for each book! 😅📚📚📚

  • @fancifulimpression
    @fancifulimpression 6 месяцев назад

    It’s helped me to stick to TBRs if I gamify them a bit too - I have made myself reading challenges on StoryGraph for time periods or about pop culture etc. not sure if that would help you but I do that a lot. The month long challenges never tend to work for me but I have done ones that others have created as well for multiple months for a season that have worked great to motivate me.

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      Ohhh this is a WONDERFUL idea, to get yourself to stick to TBRs by gamifying them, I can actually really see this helping me! I feel like that is the times Ive stuck to my tbrs the best is if I had a reading challenge around them, like if it was for a readathon and it fit a prompt or if I was trying to read for a certain theme!

  • @aiscahill
    @aiscahill 6 месяцев назад

    I've wanted to read The Salt Path for the longest time so I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it 😊
    I started Shady Hollow last year too, and left it aside, but I'm hoping to pick it up again soon too. I've heard really great things about it so fingers crossed!

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      I was really interested in The Salt Path as well!!! But okay update on this one, I had someone recommend me to watch MercysBookishMusings review of The Salt Path as she explains really well why she wasn't a fan of this book, and I think I am convinced to give this book the boot off my tbr 😅 I will share the link to her video here as well if you are interested in her thoughts!видео.htmlsi=kFieAIXaEv9ei-BK
      AHHH I hope you get to finish Shady Hollow too this year!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on it as well!!! 💗💯💖

  • @TheBookHerm
    @TheBookHerm 6 месяцев назад

    I've been feeling inspired by the seasonal pile of possibilities and reading what I have down to zero... I may need to join you in this. Also, where do you get your t-shirts from?

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      YES I would love to see your seasonal pile of possibilities as well and which books you feel inspired to read for the spring, as well as to have you join in on reading the tbr down to zero challenge! Ohh so this Jaws shirt I actually got at a local grocery store chain called Meijer! I HAVE to check out the mens graphic tee section everytime we go (this is where I also got my goosebumps tees hahah!)

    • @TheBookHerm
      @TheBookHerm 6 месяцев назад

      @@mikalareads the men’s sections always seem to get the best graphic tee’s. I’m taking a couple weeks to deal with some stuff and I might do a seasonal pile of possibilities first video back 🥳

  • @the_eerie_faerie_tales
    @the_eerie_faerie_tales 6 месяцев назад

    I usually stick to most of my monthly TBRs, I have to plan/schedule it out... luckily my "moods" last a long time so I rarely switch anything up (exception if I get a new book that I am really excited about that wedges itself in there lol). I love a Seasonal TBR because I'm definitely a seasonal reader.. I had a Winter TBR but I think I may do better on my Spring one. I love Spring! I love all seasons but Winter ... Winter can go to H*** 🔥😆

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      Ohh Yes I Totally see what you mean, and I get that same way too where when I get a new book a lot of times everything else falls to the background and I HAVE to read that one next haha!!!HAHHA I AM SO OVER WINTER ARG! I can't wait to see your Spring TBR too!!!

    • @the_eerie_faerie_tales
      @the_eerie_faerie_tales 6 месяцев назад

      @@mikalareads I can't stand the cold and the dark skies ! love to see the sun and flowers and hear the birdies! Spring TBR will be up Wed 😄

  • @marginsofmarisa
    @marginsofmarisa 6 месяцев назад

    These are perfect books for spring-especially Little Women! I hope you enjoy 🎉 I also make seasonal tbrs 🌷 monthly tbrs do not work for me but I like creating large ones for the season to guide me with what book to pick up next

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      Ohh I am so excited to read Little Women!! I truly feel like I have heard only amazing things about this one! Thats TOTALLY how I feel about monthly TBR's for me as well, so thats great to hear that you have found success with seasonal TBRs! I am hoping I will be able to stick to this one or at least like you mentioned use it as a guide!!!🙌💌📚🌷

  • @PoppyMorreale
    @PoppyMorreale 6 месяцев назад

    little woman is a really good book with alot of good film adaptations my favorite being the 2019 Greta Gerwig one

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      I am so glad you recommend Little Women, now I feel even more excited to read it! 💯📚🙌And I will DEFINITELY watch the 2019 adaptation after I read it to compare!!😻

  • @notthemostread
    @notthemostread 6 месяцев назад

    Have you ever tried try a chapter type of videos? I think making one would really help you get your physical tbr down.

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you SO much for this video recommendation, I haven't done this yet but I can TOTALLY see this being super helpful for this challenge! I 10000% will plan to do this now! 🙏💌🥰💯🙌

  • @Ms.SpookyNerd
    @Ms.SpookyNerd 6 месяцев назад

    Hope you enjoy your spring reads ☕📚

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much! I hope you have a lovely spring reading season as well!!!

  • @notthemostread
    @notthemostread 6 месяцев назад

    Dunno why my comment disappeared. So typing again. I dnfed The Salt Path earlier this year. I highly recommend looking up Mercysbookishmusings review of the book before. The book was pretty much tone deaf regarding homelessness. I really don't get the hight ratings for this one. 😅

    • @mikalareads
      @mikalareads 6 месяцев назад

      Dang Im sorry your first comment disappeared! I just checked if I had any blocked comments but I didnt see it, YT is SO weird sometimes ive had the same thing happen to me when leaving comments!!!
      Also OH MY GOSH thank you so much for letting me know about The Salt Path and I am adding Mercysbookishmusings review of this book to my watch later list as we speak!!!! YES this book has incredibly high ratings on GR I was really thinking it had to have something amazing about it but now I am thinking I may not be finishing this one after all! Thank you again for the PSA so I can do some further research on it first!!! 🙏💯