Hello! This is built by a local builder called Unique Property Group, however the block is currently sold out. Please contact us and we can recommend other suitable developments to you :)
地下無睡房,但有浴室,俾隻狗冲涼?定要由上層攞衫毛巾落地下冲涼?冲完又上番去瞓??一樓客廳就連露台,點燒野食呢,你行落去地下廚房雪櫃洗乾淨,鯨乾水,托上一樓去燒野食,食完當你露台有水喉,洗完碗碗碟碟刀刀义义仲有幾袋大垃圾又攞番落地下。你覺唔覺得煩呢?Town house 賣點冇得頂!正。設計非常人性化,驚你唔肯行樓梯同攪一次Party 包你後悔。
What a Builder for this townhouse is ?
Hello! This is built by a local builder called Unique Property Group, however the block is currently sold out. Please contact us and we can recommend other suitable developments to you :)
請問三房有平台的Apartment 賣出未?有無資料?
Billy 你好!請Whatsapp我 +44 7759586688我send最新價單同資料比你呀 👍
地下無睡房,但有浴室,俾隻狗冲涼?定要由上層攞衫毛巾落地下冲涼?冲完又上番去瞓??一樓客廳就連露台,點燒野食呢,你行落去地下廚房雪櫃洗乾淨,鯨乾水,托上一樓去燒野食,食完當你露台有水喉,洗完碗碗碟碟刀刀义义仲有幾袋大垃圾又攞番落地下。你覺唔覺得煩呢?Town house 賣點冇得頂!正。設計非常人性化,驚你唔肯行樓梯同攪一次Party 包你後悔。