Be a good fight but azim,s team have got there man at the right time…Adam will be too quick and young footed, I see nothing but an Adam Azim win…points or ko
Could of sworn this guy dropped off my nandos earlier, why do bens fighters excel in finding the top 5* rated delivery drivers, sky boxing down the shitter
😆Da Soljaaaah...🙈why he talk like Dat?
Be a good fight but azim,s team have got there man at the right time…Adam will be too quick and young footed, I see nothing but an Adam Azim win…points or ko
Could of sworn this guy dropped off my nandos earlier, why do bens fighters excel in finding the top 5* rated delivery drivers, sky boxing down the shitter
The fighter delivers food never heard that one before
Used to work morning runs with him top lad
Crap fight and crap card
Diliveroo fighting adam😂😂😂you go smelly 😷