Gun Owners Can Thank TRUMP for THIS

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 777

  • @thechuckjosechannel.2702
    @thechuckjosechannel.2702 5 дней назад +626

    The ATF needs to be Abolished.

    • @ecobasetech4558
      @ecobasetech4558 5 дней назад +24

      Not until the laws they enforce get reversed first.

    • @ecobasetech4558
      @ecobasetech4558 5 дней назад +6

      The fact thst he is displayed being on PBS is a red flag to me.

    • @Batmann_
      @Batmann_ 5 дней назад +7

      @@ecobasetech4558 Seems like this always has to be explained to these people who like to "rah rah" in the comments all the time.

    • @LeadSlinger_
      @LeadSlinger_ 5 дней назад +11

      ​@ecobasetech4558 atf doesn't make laws, so if they are abolished, so are their "rules" which people think are actually laws.

    • @Batmann_
      @Batmann_ 5 дней назад +1

      @@LeadSlinger_ NFA, GCA, any maybe others, are not just some random ATF rule inventions. Do you even know what you're talking the slightest?

  • @PapaNoffDeez
    @PapaNoffDeez 5 дней назад +966


    • @stevenmorris3181
      @stevenmorris3181 5 дней назад +23

      If it has to continue its lifespan then Herrera is the chosen one. Nothing wrong with Masters though

    • @lawrencepickering1564
      @lawrencepickering1564 5 дней назад +20

      @@PapaNoffDeez I totally agree, would love to see Brandon get the job!

    • @AngusScobie
      @AngusScobie 5 дней назад +4


    • @Merican_Disciple
      @Merican_Disciple 5 дней назад +12

      Sad watching people put their fate in another humans hands.

    • @stevenmorris3181
      @stevenmorris3181 5 дней назад +9

      @@Merican_Disciple Jesus not here yet so we must do the best with what we have

  • @HeathLCK
    @HeathLCK 5 дней назад +329

    Legal gun owners are generally good people. All races equal.

  • @SLF-nw2yc
    @SLF-nw2yc 4 дня назад +135

    There is no good choice for head of the ATF because we don't want the ATF at all.

  • @ColdWarVeteran-r2j
    @ColdWarVeteran-r2j 4 дня назад +134

    Defund FBI, ATF and IRS.

    • @danieldelewis2448
      @danieldelewis2448 4 дня назад

      The CIA inherits the world

    • @TheJoeBeshai
      @TheJoeBeshai 4 дня назад +2

      Well Kash has the first one covered

    • @70funk
      @70funk 3 дня назад

      @@ColdWarVeteran-r2j yup

    • @Glasshopper
      @Glasshopper 3 дня назад +2

      None of that matters until congress coins the us money like the constitution says they should and not a semi? private corporation.

    • @david-c6u7p
      @david-c6u7p 3 дня назад


  • @bgiardi
    @bgiardi 5 дней назад +443

    The only ATF DIRECTOR should be BRANDON HERRERA! Hands down.

    • @Rustyshackleford85
      @Rustyshackleford85 5 дней назад +10

      Somebody needs to tell Trump.

    • @lindaamelung145
      @lindaamelung145 4 дня назад +1

      @@Rustyshackleford85 He knows

    • @Glasshopper
      @Glasshopper 3 дня назад +2

      Let's go Brandon!

    • @maxxcarver5502
      @maxxcarver5502 3 дня назад +3

      ​@@lindaamelung145 RF Kennedy Has heard! hope he tells Trump.

    • @chrissewell1608
      @chrissewell1608 2 дня назад

      Why? What makes him more qualified than this guy? Because if you think the federal government is going to let 1 new guy totally disband the ATF, you are not smart. The powers that be, won't let citizens run amuck, and unchecked, with fully automatic weapons, and higly explosive devices. Because they know most people are just plain stupid!

  • @danielalbright3866
    @danielalbright3866 5 дней назад +212

    I say abolish

    • @MaltaShayka
      @MaltaShayka 5 дней назад +11

      I 100% agree!

    • @sagnal
      @sagnal 2 дня назад

      Tell that to the people in Madison Wisconsin

  • @wishniwasfishn813
    @wishniwasfishn813 5 дней назад +372

    Turn the ATF agents into ICE agents 😅

    • @Mattidgaf
      @Mattidgaf 5 дней назад +17

      @@wishniwasfishn813 freaking brilliant! Concur 100%

    • @vtxdaryl
      @vtxdaryl 5 дней назад +12

      Great idea, brilliant

    • @hillbilly_bikerbush5684
      @hillbilly_bikerbush5684 5 дней назад +20

      Or just put them in the unemployment line.

    • @cowboy101lisa
      @cowboy101lisa 4 дня назад

      Anyone willing to work for an unconstitutional agency such as the ATF is not deserving of another government job. They are traitors to the constitution

    • @dustydusty8660
      @dustydusty8660 4 дня назад

      @wishniwasfishn813 no, ATF and it's agents are corrupt.

  • @ParaNoid816
    @ParaNoid816 5 дней назад +154

    Everything the ATF was designed to police... is perfectly legal for me to have. Ridiculous.

    • @SuperCoopdogg
      @SuperCoopdogg 4 дня назад +8

      Just a way for them to regulate and make money off those regulations. You want one of those? Suuure! Fill this out and we'll get back to you in a year. Oh and uhh, that's gonna cost you by the way.

  • @MikeD-7z
    @MikeD-7z 4 дня назад +24

    Abolish completely

  • @JayVulture
    @JayVulture 5 дней назад +132

    Great take Hegshot! I’m a black gun owner. I appreciate your consideration on the subject matter. A lot of us feel the same. Where there’s poverty, there’s desperation and strife. And using these statistics to usher in gun control has always been disgusting and disingenuous. No shame from these people.

    • @melissasmith1304
      @melissasmith1304 5 дней назад +11

      personally, i find this is being portrayed in an offensive manner. it's not a 'black' issue. it's not a 'gun violence' issue. it's a poverty issue. you see the same stats in poverty striken areas that are NOT majority black. there is a correlation between poverty and black neighborhoods however, but we can't bring that up, right? it must be the guns...
      do you feel there is a cultural issue as well? i feel like there may be to a certain degree. 'black music', as it's called sometimes, is generally violent IMO.

    • @mitchpalmer5116
      @mitchpalmer5116 5 дней назад +13

      The 2nd Amendment is for everyone.

    • @JayVulture
      @JayVulture 5 дней назад +4

      @@mitchpalmer5116 that’s why it’s the 2nd brother. Wishing you and yours the absolute best!

    • @mitchpalmer5116
      @mitchpalmer5116 5 дней назад +9

      @@JayVulture ditto...we all need to take a friend to the range.

    • @pathos1988
      @pathos1988 5 дней назад

      ​@melissasmith1304 it's a black issue because it's a poverty issue...why are so many black people poor? Rhetorical question...we all know the answer, but conservatives are usually too scared to be honest about it...

  • @geraldtakala1721
    @geraldtakala1721 4 дня назад +54

    People are violent,guns are inert objects.

  • @MrEli768
    @MrEli768 5 дней назад +142

    The ATF should be a nationwide convenience store chain that sells those exact products that it's suppose to "regulate"

    • @kingmasterlord
      @kingmasterlord 5 дней назад +7

      we're waiting to pounce on the name as _soon_ as they're disbanded

    • @HerculesEinstein
      @HerculesEinstein 4 дня назад

      nothing goes together quite like alcohol and firearms. except maybe alcohol and night swimming.

    • @louisthomas2531
      @louisthomas2531 3 дня назад

      Damn. Imagine that!

  • @KenCrandall-ot7uv
    @KenCrandall-ot7uv 5 дней назад +186

    ATF is obsolete !

    • @MrEli768
      @MrEli768 5 дней назад +9

      It's not obsolete, it should be a nationwide convenience store chain that sells the products that it "allegedly" regulates 🤣🤣🤣

    • @ericvicenty5866
      @ericvicenty5866 4 дня назад

      @@MrEli768 That’s actually a great idea. They should sell guns that abide by their regulations as dumb as the regulations are so that there is no question about it that you are operating within legal means.

      @PSUQDPICHQIEIWC 4 дня назад +1

      It's kind of naive to call it obsolete. As part of what was originally a punitive taxation scheme to work around the constitution, it was founded in bad faith and has maintained that character with pride. To call it "obsolete" suggests that there are now more convenient or efficient ways to be equally despicable.

    • @KenCrandall-ot7uv
      @KenCrandall-ot7uv 4 дня назад

      ATF , alcohol , tobacco & firearms is obsolete ! No one cares about alcohol and tobacco anymore and we have plenty of law enforcement to deal with firearms ! Get over it !

    • @RepublicFREEman
      @RepublicFREEman 4 дня назад +1

      @@PSUQDPICHQIEIWC Very well said.

  • @ArtistBrianSheffield
    @ArtistBrianSheffield 4 дня назад +62

    They do not need a new director. The agency needs to be shut down. The funds used to run that agency should be redirected to immigration dept.

    • @whereswaldo5740
      @whereswaldo5740 4 дня назад +9

      Redirected to Social Security.

    • @212caboose
      @212caboose День назад

      @@whereswaldo5740 Maybe AFTER a SS overhaul. Because I don't want people who never put into SS to get SS.

  • @mrgauth
    @mrgauth 4 дня назад +75

    Trump has disappointed me already. He should not be appointing a new head of ATF. He should be calling for it to be disbanded. Alcohol (really?), tobacco (really?), and firearms (covered under 2nd ammendment). Zero need for such an agency.

    • @TomR61
      @TomR61 4 дня назад +4

      @mrgauth At least give him a chance, maybe he has a bigger plan.

    • @ironhorse127
      @ironhorse127 4 дня назад +17

      I voted a third time for Trump. I do not trust him when it comes to the 2A

    • @roberthoppock5349
      @roberthoppock5349 4 дня назад +3

      relay the 2nd amendment doesn't specify what arms the people cant own

    • @shanenonwolfe4109
      @shanenonwolfe4109 4 дня назад

      Because it covers all arms. Politicians are trying to brainwash everyone into thinking it doesn't. Just because it doesn't specify doesnt mean it's only meant for certain gun. We can make the argument that the 1st amendment doesnt cover the internet because it doesnt say so. ​@roberthoppock5349

    • @HerculesEinstein
      @HerculesEinstein 4 дня назад

      well you presumably voted for a NYC businessman who's never owned a gun and cannot legally own one. a man who is the only president in probably 50+ years who has created gun control struck down by SCOTUS. to expect anything in your favor is the age old tale of a cult expecting miracles from their messiah.

  • @russelldofrane6614
    @russelldofrane6614 4 дня назад +62

    Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be the name of a store not a government agency.

    • @xaviercartier
      @xaviercartier 4 дня назад +3

      @@russelldofrane6614 Agreed!

    • @ghostrecon7497
      @ghostrecon7497 3 дня назад +2


    • @DBA84
      @DBA84 3 дня назад +2

      @@russelldofrane6614 that store sounds amazing 😂

    • @chrissewell1608
      @chrissewell1608 2 дня назад

      It used to all be found at Wal-Mart. Until America's favorite general store, decided they should become woke, and not upset the thumb sucking mommas, who think AR-15's and pistols are the root of all evil. Thats why you can't buy them at Wally World now! Yet, you can still buy your tobacco & alcohol there!

    • @merlin_XY
      @merlin_XY День назад +1

      Oh man, you hit the nail on the head. Can't believe I never heard someone say that before.

  • @OCDrumSchoolCostaMesa
    @OCDrumSchoolCostaMesa 5 дней назад +29

    At least he’s not calling us out! And know’s good people aren’t the problem with guns…. Stupid people are the real problem!
    Thanks again my friend! Excellent looking out!

  • @marksample6230
    @marksample6230 4 дня назад +25

    Disband the entire mess.

  • @dragonf1092
    @dragonf1092 4 дня назад +24

    There should be no ATF director whatsoever, ATF is unconstitutional therefore illegal.

  • @Valhalla_Heathen
    @Valhalla_Heathen 5 дней назад +51

    In Guns We Trust 🇺🇸

  • @chipngo9758
    @chipngo9758 4 дня назад +13

    ATF to be abolished.

  • @jbhgtzc790
    @jbhgtzc790 4 дня назад +18

    This system is never your friend.

  • @harlech2
    @harlech2 5 дней назад +47

    Brandon Herrera for Director of the ATF!

  • @freedomridermorty4459
    @freedomridermorty4459 3 дня назад +13

    The Director of the ATF absolutely needs to be an Expert in Firearms and have the ability to answer a yes/ No question ❓

  • @BMoney1970
    @BMoney1970 5 дней назад +16

    Brandon Herrera is the ONLY option for ATF director because he doesn’t want to do it but knows he needs to.

  • @whereswaldo5740
    @whereswaldo5740 4 дня назад +22

    Please explain why anyone should be the head of ATF.
    When it shouldn’t be.

    • @saf4319
      @saf4319 4 дня назад +1

      Because people like being lied to so much like a bad x

  • @MichaelWalters-r5m
    @MichaelWalters-r5m 4 дня назад +26

    If the ATF goes away the laws they enforce will go to the IRS and or FBI. They need to get rid of why they exist

    • @FC-qe1wl
      @FC-qe1wl 4 дня назад +2

      Its the NFA that needs to go too

    • @princepeace6776
      @princepeace6776 4 дня назад +1

      Very valid and good point, sir.

  • @michaelgraham8854
    @michaelgraham8854 5 дней назад +15

    Some are just fun at the range. That is what they don t understand.

  • @troycrum9294
    @troycrum9294 4 дня назад +4

    If we are still relying on a politician to protect our Rights for us….then we are no better off today than yesterday. And, it’s a good indicator of where we’ll eventually be anyway. Our Rights were never, ever, ever intended to be protected or unprotected by whatever politician happens to hold an office.

  • @AllAboutSurvival
    @AllAboutSurvival 5 дней назад +22

    Finally, someone standing up to the ATF’s overreach! Protecting our 2A rights is non-negotiable, and it’s good to see Trump putting gun owners first.

    • @pagansunburn470
      @pagansunburn470 5 дней назад +2

      @@AllAboutSurvival You mean The Constitution and America.

    • @michaeldice7459
      @michaeldice7459 4 дня назад +2

      ​@@pagansunburn470yes something the current admin knows nothing about... they don't even know what a woman is

    • @saf4319
      @saf4319 4 дня назад +1

      On what does he stand on nothing 😂

  • @robjohns5569
    @robjohns5569 5 дней назад +64

    Brandon herreara!

  • @buckaroobonsaitree7488
    @buckaroobonsaitree7488 5 дней назад +15

    Abolish or Brandon Hererra, only 2 choices

  • @Mjolnir70
    @Mjolnir70 5 дней назад +32

    Brandon Herrera!!!

  • @hotrunny
    @hotrunny 5 дней назад +51

    Brandon Herrera is the correct choice for AFT director.

  • @mitchellsprowls9413
    @mitchellsprowls9413 4 дня назад +30

    No ATF or FBI.

  • @matthewfortin4335
    @matthewfortin4335 4 дня назад +46

    It’s a NO for Masters! Brandon Herrara for ATF Director! Then abolish the ATF!

    • @TomR61
      @TomR61 4 дня назад +2

      I'm thinking that is Trump's plan.

    • @maxxcarver5502
      @maxxcarver5502 3 дня назад +2

      ​@@TomR61 I hope you are right!

  • @briananderson4552
    @briananderson4552 4 дня назад +7

    It should be law for every household to own guns a few ruff years but after that it will be a much more polite country

  • @josephriggs-xb6oy
    @josephriggs-xb6oy 4 дня назад +9

    Defund the atf!

  • @lordofpain3476
    @lordofpain3476 5 дней назад +9

    Blake Masters is nothing but a rich boy wanting to be a bureaucrat .
    He doesn't give a damn about what position it is as long as he can get on the government teet .
    He needs to go.
    Brandon Herrera is the ONLY logical choice for ATF Director.

  • @WhoWouldWantThisName
    @WhoWouldWantThisName 5 дней назад +8

    'Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms' sounds like a cool store on the edge of town on the way to the range.

    • @GoonyMclinux
      @GoonyMclinux 5 дней назад

      There was one in Texas called liquor and guns. 😂

  • @mitchpalmer5116
    @mitchpalmer5116 5 дней назад +43

    Talk is cheap. Walk the walk.

    • @aaronwilcox6417
      @aaronwilcox6417 3 дня назад +2

      Exactly. I won't trust Trump on this until I'm proven otherwise.

  • @BullseyeBallistics-kf1jw
    @BullseyeBallistics-kf1jw 4 дня назад +10

    I decided to ignore the ATF years ago. They can come get it if they want ❤

    • @groverearp2600
      @groverearp2600 4 дня назад +1

      Millions of people in California feel the same way as you about our gun laws. They treat these gun laws as merely suggestions .

    • @shanenonwolfe4109
      @shanenonwolfe4109 4 дня назад +5

      ​@@groverearp2600and yet they still keep voting blue

    • @groverearp2600
      @groverearp2600 4 дня назад +2

      @shanenonwolfe4109 Democrats in big cities vote " blue" that's how it is in every state. OVER 6,000,000 Californians voted for Trump. We helped him win the popular vote.

  • @mcdonaldm73
    @mcdonaldm73 5 дней назад +10

    If the director of the ATF doesn't have a "very good" understanding of firearms and how they function, maybe he should just be director of alcohol and tobacco.

  • @kyle47922
    @kyle47922 4 дня назад +17

    Brandon Herrera for ATF director and Matt Gaetz for Attorney General.

  • @mitchalvin
    @mitchalvin 5 дней назад +14

    Short barreled rifle and short barreled shotguns were added to the NFA when pistols were going to be regulated.

    • @WilliamBurgess-z4g
      @WilliamBurgess-z4g 3 дня назад

      Can you imagine how life would be now if they had been? Dystopian alternate history material.

  • @willy8d898
    @willy8d898 5 дней назад +13

    If you think someone who would choose Pam Bundy as their AG has your best interests when it comes to the 2A, you obviously forgot what happened the last time around

    • @JeffJBuck
      @JeffJBuck 4 дня назад +4

      Cool. Vote for Hillary and Kamala then if the other option doesn't align with your ever view 100%.
      Good luck not supporting Trump.

    • @Winston_Smith_2X2L
      @Winston_Smith_2X2L 4 дня назад

      @@JeffJBuck Foolish take JeffJBuck! hypocrisy really. The "lesser evil" is still evil and Treason. BOTH sides are traitors and not worth voting for. sure Trump is "better" on the surface but he's pals with hillary, paid for her campaign, photos of him and Clintons and Maxwell and Epstein at parties cause birds of a feather commit treason together.

    • @Ada-zn3pw
      @Ada-zn3pw 4 дня назад

      Exactly what happened last time? He rescinded Obama's red flag law in February of 2017. He's 100 times better than the alternative so you really only have him as an option and I'm ok with that and so are most people with common sense

    • @3buttestradingco.745
      @3buttestradingco.745 2 дня назад +1

      @@JeffJBuck left and right are two wings of the same bird. You can be opposed to bullshit policies and not endorse either party. Not voting for one side of evil doesn't mean someone automatically supports the other side of evil. Why can't people grasp that there are so many other ways out if this mess besides left vs right.

  • @silverbullets101-gg5wm
    @silverbullets101-gg5wm 5 дней назад +6

    We need a new establishment for firearms. Called S N B I. That's what it should be called....... Shall Not Be Infringed..... it's a new establishment of the government. For the people.

  • @PhilFaymore
    @PhilFaymore 3 дня назад +2

    "I have black friends." Classic.

  • @trillbill138
    @trillbill138 День назад +1

    The government lives by one rule and one rule only. "Rules for thee except for me"

  • @Azironworker2024
    @Azironworker2024 5 дней назад +6

    Az citizen here. We do not approve of Blake. You should actually see him handle a firearm in person and it's scary.

  • @rush4mtb1
    @rush4mtb1 5 дней назад +10

    Cans for everyone.

  • @bobbywilson9468
    @bobbywilson9468 5 дней назад +6

    Stay Strong/Safe 🙏🏼💪🏽💯!!! The Truth Will Set you Free!!! Be Blessed and a Blessing! "We The People By The People For The People" United We Stand Divided We Fall...🛐 Eyes Wide Open NOT Eyes Wide Shut. 2A All The Way.!.

  • @robertlast3052
    @robertlast3052 3 дня назад +3

    I'm more concerned with Pam Bondi heading the DOJ. Her record shows that she is definitely no friend of the 2A and our constitutional rights.

  • @watcherzero000
    @watcherzero000 5 дней назад +5

    If Trump keeps the ATF then he needs to remove the firearm part from the ATF and replace the firearm with food. Alcohol, Tobacco and Food and they need to focus on corporations putting poison in our food. That would be a better use of our tax dollars.

  • @NEno1fan1
    @NEno1fan1 3 дня назад +4

    Feelings have no place in infringing on our 2nd amendment rights or any rights.

  • @joem9380
    @joem9380 4 дня назад +5

    You'd have to outlaw the agency or they'll just bring it back again.

  • @neil876
    @neil876 4 дня назад +4

    True, you’re not lying about that

  • @jjnix9517
    @jjnix9517 2 дня назад +3

    Obviously we arent being loud enough and arent putting enough pressure on the government for them to do what we want and not what they want.

  • @michaelroach4219
    @michaelroach4219 4 дня назад +5

    Why wouldn't he disband the ATF? What useful purpose does the ATF serve?

    • @saf4319
      @saf4319 4 дня назад

      Taking away rights Pam Bundy needs ATF to follow orders that is why

  • @enchentez
    @enchentez 5 дней назад +8


  • @rachaelhuey7828
    @rachaelhuey7828 5 дней назад +5

    The BATF needs to go .

  • @miker7798
    @miker7798 5 дней назад +4

    These arguably unconstitutional federal agencies started around Prohibition to wrestle control away from gangsters who were running amuk...
    Maybe we need a director who refocuses their mission back to controling criminal activity instead of creating criminals out of law abiding citizens?

  • @codycrum4993
    @codycrum4993 2 дня назад +1

    Let us all not forget he banned a product that a US veteran made, let us all not start believing what a politician says regardless of party

  • @johnslugger
    @johnslugger 5 дней назад +6

    *Rename it the "AT" for the use taxes and get rid of the "F".*

  • @michaelmutphy9077
    @michaelmutphy9077 4 дня назад +5

    The ATF and about a dozen alphabet agencies.

  • @wdaniels87
    @wdaniels87 2 дня назад +1

    Whichever washed up celeb he chooses, I’m definitely buying stock in their companies.

  • @njlovestrucking6684
    @njlovestrucking6684 5 дней назад +15

    We want Brandon Herrera

  • @JohnBlicks
    @JohnBlicks 2 дня назад +1

    “I have black friends” 😂

  • @ytbenavraham9553
    @ytbenavraham9553 5 дней назад +3

    Let's get this guy out of office asap

  • @maggillaguerrilla830
    @maggillaguerrilla830 5 дней назад +3

    Nothing else matters except repealing the NFA and GCA of 1968.

  • @gabe9120
    @gabe9120 5 дней назад +4

    We said brandon herrara, no one else will do

  • @OFLHLGZ28
    @OFLHLGZ28 4 дня назад +2

    Hoping for the best outcome for us 2A folks…

  • @nicholasdipirro5019
    @nicholasdipirro5019 2 дня назад +1

    Trump wanting to do away with the IRS but keep the ATF is kinda crazy.

  • @scottwalmer9248
    @scottwalmer9248 3 дня назад +2

    If you get your firearm rights restored in your state, they should be restored federaly.

  • @OzCapNWA
    @OzCapNWA 2 дня назад +1

    Wasn't the last big legislation against gun owners the whole bump-stock thing? That said, I own two Honey Badgers... 🤣

  • @sidcarver9076
    @sidcarver9076 4 дня назад +2

    Shouldn’t have to pay a tax to protect your hearing

  • @domingomercado8340
    @domingomercado8340 5 дней назад +4

    Yes, overhaul the ATF will be the way. To go back to the purpose the agency was established. No to infringed the rights of law abiding citizens TRUMP '24 GOD BLESS 🇺🇸

  • @richardmmarcus1
    @richardmmarcus1 5 дней назад +11

    Brandon Herrera! Not another politician hack!

    @GHST_RCN 4 дня назад +1

    Had my guns tooken away during my 5th purchase of a firearms background check and unfortunately the feds revoked my guns rights & license for something I did at age 12. My record is clean.

  • @saf4319
    @saf4319 4 дня назад +1

    Just another good actor abolish it completely tired of being lied to ban it

  • @gotsloco1810
    @gotsloco1810 5 дней назад +13

    Until the NFA and the GCA are repealed of declared Unconstitutional the ATF cannot be eliminated

    • @gifthorse3675
      @gifthorse3675 4 дня назад +1

      Those two laws give them their “authority”

    • @scottwhitcher265
      @scottwhitcher265 4 дня назад +1

      Or repealed

    • @saf4319
      @saf4319 4 дня назад

      already unconstitutional all can go

  • @Hudson4426
    @Hudson4426 3 дня назад +1

    I think it NEEDS to be disbanded. Even if you get someone in there who runs it well and doesn’t infringe on the rights of the people, the very next democrat in office will turn it right back into what we are dealing with now. If you get rid of the agency all together, then that can’t happen

  • @stripmin41
    @stripmin41 3 дня назад +1

    The ATF should be relegated to a paperwork agency at most. We don't need law enforcement agents fighting over who arrest the most law-abiding citizens.

  • @jeffbetts4254
    @jeffbetts4254 5 дней назад +3

    There is No Such Thing as an expert, No Such Thing.
    There is Only One and He is not here, Yet.

  • @budkingston3347
    @budkingston3347 4 дня назад +3

    I can tell you why he lost in AZ. Maricopa county takes a while to count ballots…

  • @stevelyons2744
    @stevelyons2744 5 дней назад +3

    People say all sorts of things before they take the oath. I'm not forgetting 2017.

  • @snowwhite7677
    @snowwhite7677 5 дней назад +4

    Do the heads of these agencies not realize they are about to be fired?

  • @DRACO-mh8sz
    @DRACO-mh8sz День назад

    I wholeheartedly agree with this video and everything you said

  • @Northwestsilencers
    @Northwestsilencers 5 дней назад +12

    Open the registry for full autos

    • @stevenmorris3181
      @stevenmorris3181 5 дней назад +1

      Every state should have munition factories for instate citizens only not for interstate export

    • @junicohen7918
      @junicohen7918 5 дней назад +1

      ​@stevenmorris3181 suddenly the commerce clause would cover wind,the breeze and 210% more feelings

    • @gifthorse3675
      @gifthorse3675 4 дня назад

      I would take the compromise because MG’s will never be pre 1934 legal again.

    • @yourfreedomisanillusion
      @yourfreedomisanillusion 4 дня назад +5

      How about NO REGISTRY!!!!!

  • @stanleymoore3480
    @stanleymoore3480 4 дня назад

    I respect the content and information that you put out! Keep doing your thing!

  • @roobscoob47
    @roobscoob47 4 дня назад

    Thanks, Howie~

  • @andrewkeeton3627
    @andrewkeeton3627 2 дня назад +1

    Just take the “F” out of atf

  • @luckyday5919
    @luckyday5919 5 дней назад +4

    Brandon Herrera for ATF

  • @Tomken8d2
    @Tomken8d2 3 дня назад

    John Roche videos will shake the entire country to its core.

  • @ElMenorLatino
    @ElMenorLatino 5 дней назад +8

    Let me be the director. I always wanted to run a food chain and need workers

  • @mikefarmer4748
    @mikefarmer4748 4 дня назад +2

    Rather than getting rid of the ATF, it might be easier and much more fun to watch if it was just hamstrung with budget cuts, work rules (restrictions), limits on their "authority", and a director that wants to get rid of it. 🇺🇸

  • @gunsofmasseffect4321
    @gunsofmasseffect4321 4 дня назад

    Brandon Herrera all day, everyday 👍🏾👊🏾💯🇺🇸

  • @woodcraft66
    @woodcraft66 5 дней назад +9

    Brandon Herreara for Director. No one else is qualified.

  • @PhatTran-i9h
    @PhatTran-i9h 5 дней назад +1

    As a 2a absolutist, I like this, very nice, very good! 👍

    • @willy8d898
      @willy8d898 5 дней назад +1

      Absolutely blindsided by the AG pick

    • @PhatTran-i9h
      @PhatTran-i9h 5 дней назад +1

      @ why do you have to remind me of her and what she did to Florida? And possibly apply those same rule on the entire country? :,(