If You Can Learn 1 Mixing Trick Today - Learn This

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @mathaze9122
    @mathaze9122 Минуту назад

    You cover so much more content than other !
    Even small thing nobody talk about and thats what i like about you !! Youre the best ! Merry christmas

  • @seandflemming
    @seandflemming Час назад +2

    You are excellent at practical mixing. Your tips seem so simple once you know them. Thanks, Alice.

  • @ReeWebster
    @ReeWebster Час назад +1

    Realising this when it comes to layering drums was a game changer.

  • @vmlm4825
    @vmlm4825 Час назад

    Thanks for remembering me to actually try dynamic EQ, I wasn't so interested using it before, now i can see how in some cases it can be useful.

  • @play2earn540
    @play2earn540 3 часа назад +3

    Your very talented and such a good person , many things that you share for free , some1 are selling . Unfortunately i cant buy you techno bundle course due the price is same as my salary, But i am learning alot from you short tutorials on channel , and wanna say thank you ! God bless you !

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  Час назад

      Aww thank you! ❤
      The courses are mainly how I get my income but I also do share all I know here in RUclips as well. ❤

  • @ClaudeYoung
    @ClaudeYoung Час назад

    This is brilliant advice!!! I have been messing around with separating the high end and low end of sounds like drum hit's etc. You can create some wild sounds!!! Thanks Alice!!!

  • @delicateofficial7670
    @delicateofficial7670 2 часа назад

    it‘s a great idea to use a multiband to do selective ducking. however, now that the Pro-Q4 is out, you can also do it in the EQ with selectable bands as ducking triggers.

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  Час назад

      Yup! Any dynamic EQ with sidechain function would work. Looking forward to get hands on with Q4 though. 🥳👀

  • @sanoxkay3943
    @sanoxkay3943 Час назад

    You are the best :) greetz from Germany

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  Час назад

      Aww thanks a ton! ❤

    • @sanoxkay3943
      @sanoxkay3943 42 минуты назад

      @Alice-Efe I watch all your videos and find them so helpful and incredibly understandable for all of us. I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, and I hope to see many more videos from you.

  • @Renaiz
    @Renaiz Час назад

    Thank you for sharing ❤

  • @cosmosheesh
    @cosmosheesh 2 часа назад

    thanks A TON for your content! 💙

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  Час назад +1

      Glad you enjoy it! 🙏

  • @Miles_rr
    @Miles_rr 3 часа назад

    Thank u! 🙏

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  3 часа назад

      thank you for watching!

  • @mathewst3979
    @mathewst3979 3 часа назад +1

    thoughts on all the hype around Q4? :)

    • @Alice-Efe
      @Alice-Efe  3 часа назад +1

      I haven't been able to use it yet, but it looks pretty neat 😊

  • @realkhonsu
    @realkhonsu Час назад

    why did u used a multiband instead of the normal pro q and sidechain it?

  • @F.R.B.Synths
    @F.R.B.Synths 3 часа назад +1
