Really weird interactions with Moira's orb on live! How should the orb work? As it stands now, one Mei wall can instantly eat an orb, but orb can be used to wipe out a cluster of sym turrets.
My only question is this... With Symettra floating somewhere between "niche", "situational", and "utterly useless"/"automatic troll-pick" (as gm, and top 500 see her), does she really need anything else to compromise the limited value her kit already provides? Moira's orb damaging Sym turrets doesn't just make her a "hard counter" it's a "no-skill nullification", as it requires absolutely no skill to accaccomplish, and her orb cooldown time is less than Symettra's turret regeneration time, meaning of half of Symettra's offensive potential is just gone, via an unstoppable orb. And seeing as how Symettra's basic kit is entirely offensive, that removes any reason to pick her, relegating her status to a "legitimate troll-pick". It just seems unnecessary. Moira has a respectable win-rate, a respectable pick rate, and is easily the most versatile and competent support hero, and doesn't need a big buff like this to get her to where she needs to be.
She's already too strong. She can 1v1 most squishies that she shouldn't be able to. The orb lasts 9 seconds if left alone and by that time it's already off cd. Her right click also has ridiculous range.
Bryce Russ I implore you to try playing her. She has the lowest dps out of all the support and it takes way more skill then you think to track enemies. It's not as forgiving as Sym's beam but a bit more forgiving than Zarya's
I love the current trend among overwatch youtube chanels, like: Patch note: changed Hanzo's beard color from gray to black. Overwatch chanel: HUGE Hanzo BUFF/NERF Hanzo is fucking BROKEN!
The orbs shouldn't hurt non living things as the orb drains life. Along with her primary fire as well because she is already powerful and this will give builders a reason to play more sense Moira wouldn't be able to attack the turrets also making her stay with her team more often as a support and not a dps all the time.
I am fine with allowing Moira's Biotic Grasp to damage Symmetra and Torbjorn turrets. However, I don't think Biotic Orbs should be allowed to damage Symmetra turrets (and possibly also not Torbjorn turrets) because it requires no risk on the part of the Moira. Previously, if Symmetra sets up turrets at a choke, you probably needed to have Winston dive in, then use his barrier and turn to destroy the turrets with his taser gun (and usually he has to look around for a bit to find them). That was the fastest way before, but the difference is that Winston is in very real danger of being killed as he's doing that. With Moira you can just blind fire an orb without even knowing where the turrets are and they'll all be destroyed with little drain on the orb itself since they've effectively only dealt 6 HP of their total 200 allowed damage.
animeworldorder That's exactly my point... Besides the fear of being defense matrixed, deflected, or absorbed by a shield, it's unstoppable in it's current state. And because Sym turrets are only 1hp, it will without a doubt wipe most of them out beforethat happens, and it's at absolutely no risk to the Moira.
I think moira should not be able to destroy symmetra torrents with her orb but the people saying her damag beam range is too long just can't aim it's already the lowest damage in OverWatch
I don’t think her biotic orb should be able to target Torbjörn turrets or Symmetra sentries. I think her being able to succ them with the secondary fire is more than enough. Being able to clear out an entire area of buildables with Moira is OP, but she should be able to target them with her right hand.
I think the orbs should be like a hanzo dragon in the way that it only damages the hp of players and not proxies like shields and barriers. And as far as I'm aware, damage orb is supposed to be an attack that counters shielding, so it makes no sense for shields to be a counter to it
Think the problem is there is no way of dealing with the orb but very few things. Like D.VA is the only person that comes to mind. But even then Moira can just feed ult and heals off of D.VA because she can't block her beam. Either way you have to face a problem that is out of your control. I mean literally just pop it in a choke and get free damage or get free damage off of D.VA especially because her damage output is low.
According to that logic how do robots even get healed? How does Junkrat’s trap get Zenyatta? How do robots get targeted by venom mines and Ana’s poison?
TheCesarML How can Sombra hack McCree and Soldier’s legs? How does Pharah get refueled 24/7? How do Ana’s shots know how to heal and damage? How does her grenade know?
Nic Steelman What? lmao I get that Torb is annoying and all but he's literally one of the worse characters in the game. Abusing a target that never moves at all in order to get ult charge is kinda broken.
This just makes Symmetra even harder to play, and believe me she did not need the further nerfing. The fact of the matter is that the turrets already are easily dispatched; having someone able to just throw an orb into a room as a "scouting orb" to find someone (even when the enemy doesn't know about the symmetra at all) and instantly clear all six turrets if they are in that one room is incredibly frustrating.
This makes Symmetra too weak because one orb can potentially destroy all Sym turrets, making it very hard to get Sym ult. Without Sym ult, she's extremely weak. Moira should be able to target turrets with right click, but not orb.
Dudley Hudgenson That is such a dumb comment. As symmetra you place your turrets on entries, on sides for flankers etc. 1 Dmg orb kills nearly all of them - know that orb bounces off walls right? It keeps going and with that ridiculous range of the orb locking to the turrets its too op now. Even if it is a bug I dont understand how she is playable in comp right now.
Even if I spread them all over the place, Moira gets one orb as fast as I get one turret. So unless I place them away from where the enemy team is going to be, they're going down.
None of this should stay. Sym has plenty of good counters already, this makes her useless. The interaction with the Mei wall is ridiculous. The interaction on shields is more a nerf than anything, it's better to get damage and ult charge from hitting heroes. I don't know why they felt the orbs interaction with deployables had to change in the first place, Moira seemed fine in general. Not OP, not useless.
As a Moira main, I think this buff is kind of unnecessary. The orb definitely shouldn’t be targeting shields, it should go through them like it did before and target players. Her damage beam could easily get rid of Sym turrets on its own, but I noticed that the only way to take down a Torb turret was to melee it because neither the orb nor damage beam would damage it. I guess it’s nice to use the orb to clear a path for your team by getting rid of traps and turrets, but the game devs should really consider removing this buff.
Her destroying symmetra's turrets is needed? Have you seen symmetra's pick rate or do you have any idea in what spot she is right know? Do you really think that Symmetra needs a hard counter? You really don't know what you're talking about.
I don't even know why symmetra is in the game to be honest. She never served any purpose other than being obnoxious, and no sane person should even find her fun to play.
She should have been able to target turrets from the beginning. At my level of play, I always get stuck on Healer because no one else wants to, and then the DPS won't do anything about the Torb or Symmetra that's eating away at us.
sym is a great counter to torb just shoot the orb towards the turret and hide behind a wall when charging it up its not like the turret can dodge it ;D and for sym play winston sym cant win a one v one on winston if both are on full health she´ll do some dammage but the winston allways win if no one helps the sym (sym main btw so i know this)
The problem is that she wasnt even able to lock on torbs turret with her right hand, and i think its cool the orbs do that, but locking to soldier healing and sombra translocator is really weird
I don’t think her orbs should damage buildables, i do think her primary fire should though. Symmetra is weak as it is, and adding another hard counter like Winston and Pharah isn’t any help. Symm is gonna need a serious rework if she’s gonna be viable at all.
I am mentioning Symm because Moira is now a huge Symmetra counter because her orbs take out all of her turrets instantly, making Symmetra useless when fighting against Moira.
Jeff: So what do we do with the most balanced hero we have released since launch? Geoff: *raises hand* Nothing she's fine. Jeff: One more outburst like that and we're gonna wrestle Geoff. Geoff:....Buff her? Jeff: Yes! Now you're thinking Geoff I love that idea
Her range is so far for a non-aiming character. she heal herself with her beam which she does not need to aim making it impossible to 1v1 her with a Dva, a tank ffs, when both at full health unless 8 of the 11 rockets hit a headshot at close-range (good luck with that while all she has to do is move around a little bit.). She can easily out damage a sym if you include her orb. She can escape any high damage move with a click of a button, dva ult, tracer ult, most of pharah and reaper ult, junkrat ult, doomfist ult, reinhardt ult,... . She essentialy has lots of the good parts of other heros kits but non of the downsides: Sym beam + range+ heal+ sym orb but it not only bounces back but latches on to you. Lucioesque passive healing orb but she also has aoe mercy healing. Move invulnerability similar to when tracer recalls, exept for tracer recalling to escape a move compromises her healing but not for moira.
Her targetting Torb turrets is fine. But her orb was always meant to go behind shields to drain people on the other side (I think them locking on to shields might be a bug) and her targetting Sym turrets is just a massive nerf to Sym that she didn't need and I feel like it's a mistake for Blizzard to do this.
The Orbs should not be able to target turrets or barriers only her secondary fire should do that. Sym is useless as the turrets only have 1hp so they inster die and its not fair.
It kinda make sym's turrets useless now. They are effective on chokes but throw an orb down and they are all gone on a second. This further makes sym more and more useless in this game..
KolorRaid if you don't like sym that's okay, but I believe each hero should have a chance to be as viable as they can be. In my opinion I just think this really hurts sym. Currently, she's got problem's that make playing as her and against her not as fun and this doesn't help
Tommy Collins She is a stupid hero . Her design is so bad that Blizzard just made her more annoying to deal with and not actually better or much more usable. If they manage to make her balanced where she is actually skill reliant but much more useful it would be ok but then they would have to completely rework the hero , so at that point just make another one with that concept in mind. We need more heroes , more variety , not a rework for the second time because the hero it's super difficult to balance. Idem for mercy
KolorRaid I so agree on more heros! I wish they'd put out more every few months instead of 4, but I'm sure it's difficult. As for sym, she takes a different kind of skill that's not aim based. She can be balanced and in a better place then where she is now and I believe each hero deserves that in addition to the players that really like and connect with them
I dont think it should attack Symmetra's turrets, Torb's turret is fine but Symmetra doesn't really need that nerf on top of already being the crappiest hero in the game
Symmetra wasn't crappy, but she is now. I've been playing her since Beta. I love her. I don't one trick, but she's by far my favorite and I've got a 60% win rate with her. Moira is in almost every game and she was already a hard counter to Symm being able to control small rooms, because her orb would kill Symm and Moira has more mobility. Now that her turrets are effectively removed from her kit in games with Moira, I've just had to say goodbye to my love. I don't know if I can have enough fun in the game just tanking every game (my other secondary mains). Symm's play style was just so strategic, and a blast for this older guy that can't snipe for the life of him. Those days are passed. I may not be long for this game. It's got me sadder than I would have predicted.
You’ve still got teleporters and shield gens, this buff just means you either have to hide your turrets differently or spend more time replenishing them
Andrew Underwood honestly, physics and science in this game is gone at this point, a small korean teenager should not be able to take a selfie with a mech suit in the middle of a nuclear meltdown, a swiss woman can literally revitalize the dead, some British lesbian can control her timeline, a fat pigman can hook people, KEEP THWIR MOMENTUM, spin them around like a dreidel, and drop them into an abyss. The biotic orb thing is true it should only target living things but remember, at one point, an African warlord weilding one of the strongest weapons on the planet earth couldnt punch past a fence post
The only people that like this are salty bastards that can't deal with a torb or symmetra. This is completely op and will make her an even harder counter to sym than Winston.
The orb should not attack Syms turrents it is way to easy a counter for the effort put in building up the turrents, and waiting for their cds. It basically makes Sym worse than she already is, they need to either not dmg Sym turrents or Sym turrents need to be buffed overall and given actual health.
ikr, symm has 3 hard counters now making her so hard to use. I can’t play my main in comp anymore and I’m gonna miss using Symm a lot. Moira’s my new main now
especially since he just made a video about how bad of a place symmetra is in and then now a few days later he is saying he sees nothing wrong with moiras orb destroying syms turrets. Kinda a fucking hypocrite.
4:00 Are you serious?? Moira is already powerful enough and now you want her to absolute annihilate Symmetra into a troll pick on her best maps and points like 2cp.
Andii if you think about it, this is a nerf to Moira as well. She used to get her ult charge from the dmg orb but now it almost completely drains before it even passes the barriers, rip to ult charge.
Yes they do, their opinions are borderline untrustworthy when talking about sym (and I guess other heroes they aren’t fond of), I really hope YourOverwatch think about this interaction between sym and moira and readjust their opinion. it would be one thing if we knew sym changes were coming but we don’t know that yet, and an orb with 194 of its 200 damage left after taking out 6 turrets is crazy.. it’s nonsense to think otherwise.
makes her waste dmg on something most other dmg in the game can take care of much better. dmg on heros is much more worth e.g. when you almost kill tacer but she retreats behind rhein shield. throw orb - kill tracer - with thta thorw orb do 1/10 of rhein barriers undone.
*literally also, *figuratively also also, no she isn't, her turrets are easy to take out, all it takes is a bloody winston or anyone that can actually aim, and her turrets are gone.
Your overwatch logic, post a video about symmetra needing some kind of rework or buff and now they think Moira's orbs should still destroy her turrets... Make up your minds your overwatch crew...I play both symm and Moira and it is very frustrating as a symm to have your turrets destroyed by Moira's orb. It is completely unnecessary mechanic for Moira and is way too powerful. However blizzard needs to fix the issue of Moira's primary not locking on torbs turret because he counters Moira for no reason. Blizzard fix your game please.
Layla Tsueen hell no I mean it’s like Winston in a way he can wipe them all out with no problem so what’s so different between that and this orb that it’s an ability? Get out of here dude
Anthonys 2nd Channel Because sym now has a counter in every character group, and it's only one HP for turrets so the orb is killing the sum enough for moira to lock on her for one or two seconds oh sym dead
Trobjorn is weak enough. Why is Moira destroying turrets "needed"? Furthermore, if a biotic orb from an enemy Moira can target the turret, and the Moira can suck life juice from the turret somehow with primary fire, I want a friendly Moira's healing orb and alternate fire to have the opposite effect, and heal the turret on my team.
I feel like she wouldn't be as bad if she had like a 15-12m range as opposed to a 20m. She's honestly a pretty fast character so she's pretty hard to get away from. The turret thing is a bit much but I feel like everything else about her is pretty solid. She just needs a little less range since her attack isn't a projectile, (bullet, missile, etc) but a lock on beam.
They should definately fix orb attacking weird stuff like soldier heal sombra teleporter etc but the ability to destroy symmetra turrets seems like a great counter
Why not? They already nerfed turrets so they do not fill your ultimate gauge but the damage they do fills the builders gauge. This seems fair to me. Only torb and sym mains will be affected
The damage orb needs some buffs, it is really weak already. But sym is to weak as well. Her value is with the turrets to charge the ultimate, and Winston already counters that too hard. So I thing that moira primary fire should be able to destroy her turrets, but not the orb. And the damage orb should work similar as the healing one. Or at least doing a little more damage.
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** Something's wrong with the servers. In my last match a few hours ago I gained 26sr. Exited the game and now that I wanted to play a match those 26sr were just gone. _Anyone else noticed this?_
iNZANE0ne yeah now their can be almost an entire team comp that counters sym, feels bad for sym mains like me but hey everyone hates her enough to the point they want her deleted from the game so I guess it's justified
Symmetra is not overpowered at all seeing how she barely has anyone maining her in top tiers. This would be a MASSIVE nerf to symmetra and should not go through to live.
I dont want the damage orb to target anything but enemies. I only just wanted to be able to destroy turrets and such with her left click. Because without that ability you are dead without having a chance to do anything against a turret, which would be absolutely stupid. The orb should ONLY and ONLY target players.
the moira orb should not destroy easily destroyable deployables like sym turrets and junk tire due to their low health, things like torb turret is fine because it has the most health if you don't count the tele or shield gen, I think the orb should not go through mei walls, should only target players but her right click can target all damageable entities
junk tire dosent that got 100hp tho? and is player controlable with infinet wallclimb and high speed moira killing tire with the orb with alot less speed, at that point the tire deserves to die xD
yet multiple things about that is 1 its an ultimate, and the orb is an auto lockon, moira already can juke the tire by using her shift she should not be able to be able to just use her orb, then shift away leaving it to near 10 health most likely if the tire was still at full HP. if the orb was not a auto lock on like sym beam to tire then it would be a different story
Attacking barriers seems pointless when it already goes through them naturally and seems like a bit of an overpowered double utility on them. The biggest problem is that it just royally screws Symmetra, who at this point really needs a rework if she's going to have a counter stronger than Winston.
Cassy Black They really are just tanking her completely. She has such extremely limited value except at low tier and giving another character the ability to potentially wipe out something in a shot something that she has to spend time setting up? They're really phasing any chance of her being anything but a troll pick out.
Yeah it feels like that, which I hate. I love Symmetra, and her character itself is really appealing to me, but I can't ever play her because she has just such a small niche, and now that niche is getting even smaller. I love getting new hero's but Blizzard needs to rework some of their classics.
Blizzard said at some point they wanted her orbs to target Torb turrets, but I think everything else is probably a bug yeah. And her targetting Sym turrets is a huge mistake.
I like how her orb can destroy the turrets. People say they hate how her Orb goes throw shields and stuff. Umm hello what about SYM Her orb goes throw and on top of that it doesn't lose power after doing damage.
That is true but the more targets Moira' s Orb hits goes away extremely fast. It can do a lot of damage with one target. There is a cool down with hers. As for SYM she does use ammo but she can shoot a lot.
Moira is so fucking overpowered its ridiculous that they keep giving her these buffs. Infinite range pretty much, orbs that last forever and do way too much damage, she can completely escape any situation ever 6 seconds, and she can heal while damaging enemies. Its like a Reaper with Widow range and Tracer blinks with a moving Sym turret.
dono what you play but when i play overwatch her range is just like 20m or something, her orbs dont last forever, they disapear after awhile, whit a decent cd and she can just use 1 shadowjump every 6 sec, where she get invisible and move for a few m, what is far away form "escaping any situation" imo.
Seriously? Even mercy out damages her if her orb is on cd Your just a whiner who doesn't understand out to counter heroes. So many people just panic once she has her right click attached its sad.
As is, she's a good choke counter (especially at kings row, eichenwald, and hanamura ). The locking on to everything seems to be a bug, but her orbs locking on to shields and pretty much being destroyed by mei's ice wall gives her a reasonable nerf.
Learn to counter, she's got the same potential as a Mercy being played correctly and on that note as weak as Mercy to basically any dps. She's exactly what we needed to break away from the Mercy meta. Allot less no heals games now, you have to admit that's a plus. Healers should be OP, makes them more attractive a pick.
Healers were OP in triple tank and it led to nothing but posts complaining about Ana and wanted her nerfed to oblivion. To the point where Blizz almost did exactly that, and still has been afraid to make any changes which would put her back in the meta. And still no one healed in triple tank.
Barriers of any kind are already far too strong in the game right now, which is why Bastion + Orisa or Bastion + Reinhardt or Orisa + Torbjorn is so hard to deal with. In my opinion there needs to be more abilities and heroes in the game that deal damage through barriers in order to help prevent these strategies from being almost a free win. Moira being able to damage Torbjorn's and Symmetra turrets should have been in the game from her release and was definitely a bug since without this interaction Moira was completely useless against Torbjorn and Symmetra. Moira's Orb should continue to pass through but not damage barriers, should absolutely damage Torbjorn's turret but as for Symmetra's I'm not so sure.
Because Sym needed yet another counter. Sym is so terrible now that everyone’s basically forgotten she exists. Turrets: shit. Shield: shit. Ultimates: shit. Primary fire: shit until fully charged. Secondary fire: shit. Symmetra is 95% shit now. Buff Symmetra!
Kind of dumb the orb can attack things with no health. That should change. People crying for a nerf to her range, let me tell you this. She's a healer. She has to do damage to heal. If blizzard decided to decrease hee range, that wouldn't work. Healers sit behind the dps and tanks. Moira has to have that range so she can do damage to heal.
Gabriel Nunez If with 20 meters she is not showing anything Op in stats and gameplay (she is not a must pick or anything) What do you think 15 meters will do to her? If you nerf her range you will be directly nerfing her healing
Gabriel C it would stop pretty ridiculous kills from happening like for instance I was playing pharah in the air and was taken out by a Moira because of how long her range is sure it doesn’t make her Op but it does allow her to take out characters that should counter her
This is terrible. Symmetry is already bad and now it’s even easier to destroy all her turrets. They should make it so that biotic grasp damages everything except things that don’t take damage, but biotic orb should only damage living things aka the actual overwatch characters
Underdog 378 *snicker* Dude Symmetra IS not PROBABLY she just IS one of the top most over powered broken pieces of shit in the whole game she needed a good hard counter. Symmetra is basically fucking unstoppable on most maps on the defending side. She requires such little actual skill it's a wonder why she isn't fucking banned from comp all together. All you need to play her is the simplest knowledge of the maps you're playing her on that's it. Aim what even is that? You can just lock on automatically to some one and do basically infinite damage, and melt them without even trying regardless of how much health they have. Enemy trying to get on point? No need to worry my free six handy dandy infinite damage turrets that also slow will take care of those pesky little pests. What's that? My team wants infinite sustain no need to worry my 30 second charge ult lets me make a basically unkillable shield generator that gives everyone almost a hundred extra regenerative health with a machine that can stay active literally forever. Oh what's that? My team needs an easy fast way to get on the point no need to worry my ult is actually two ults so that means I can just built a teleporter closer to the point. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... ya why don't you just fuck off.
KiwiLime 키위라임 Well if I were to take a guess at it i'd say it's because they don't need to play someone as easy as Symmetra to win games, well that and mostly because no one needs to practice playing Symmetra to be good as Symmetra. It defeats the purpose of playing at pro level to play someone that doesn't actually require skill when you're testing your skill against other pro level players. You're talking about people who practice the game day in day out. Anyone can play symmetra and do good though, take me for instance I barely even touch her, S nd I have won 98% of every game I have played with her. And let me tell you I know I'm not on the level of these top 500 pros and that's because I don't play the game as much as them. Not to say I'm god awful either but again I know I'm not at their level. But as someone who has played as everyone in this game at least enough to understand how they work. I feel like I can safely say she is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the game that is a fact.
PigHunter Gaming its also because sym is pretty much useless just like mei. Basically everyone counters sym there is no point of playing her. She’s not op at all lol. They only time she is op is when she is charged up but even then, she is easy to kill.
Moira is already the best healer in the game and at the same time, the best damage for a healer. This puts her in the same position as Ana was on release. These changes are definitely a buff and I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't nerfed Moira by now. In my opinion her healing should remain as it is, but damage output should be reduced in some way, as well as slightly nerfing her orb or increasing the cool downs. None of the supports should have such an easy time winning 1v1 fights against dps characters.
Mercy is a must pick because of rez, not because she is the best at healing. Even Ana and Lucio out-heal Mercy in most games I've played lately, but I've seen more games without a Mercy than games without a Moira.
I need to preface this comment with the fact that I don't main Moira, but judging by a lot of what I'm seeing in the comments section, it sounds like a lot of y'all need to get good.
The Last Methbender You actually need to have your crosshair relatively close to your target for Grasp to register, unlike Syms instalock where its just LOS.
I think that it's unfair to say that she's broken because you don't agree with some of the decisions that make her a viable hero. Her range is understandable because of the DPS she's capable of, and her orbs force teams to push together or exploit parts of the map that they're not used to. All things that are good for the overall team play in any given game.
It does less damage than most characters, including hitscans that have infinite range... And the tracking necessary to keep damage output is much less locked in than someone like Sym or Winston. I don't understand how that's broken when using her healing effectively is solely dependent on you outputting some amount of damage. If you're dying to a DPS Moira regularly, you need to rethink how you use your abilities. When she overreaches , it's easy to finish her off with team shooting.
Ah okay. I think the solid block problem is maybe a bug, but that doesn't mean she's a broken character in the long run (like I think some people are arguing.) Her orb is another argument that may be an issue of a bug, but even if by design, should be taken care of most likely. As far as range, I would argue that it's fair. Just not if it can also go through solid object like you said :)
There is also a bug that prevents her orbs from being used. When bringing up the orbs to select and then putting them away there is a little flick of the wrist. If you fade during the put away animation it locks your orbs from being used. Binding her orbs to a different button or dying does nothing to help. Only when you change to a new character then change back.
But it heals herself, has the longest lock-on range in the game, can even damage enemies in corners and gives her more of her burst healing charge, which already regenerates too. Don't forget that her ultimate and healing orb don't need her to damage.
This is just a bug. Not a buff. I'm sure they accidentally made the orb act like a turret. Which that essentially what it is. It's a bouncy sym turret. And like turrets, it targets everything. Other turrets, shields, enemy placeables (like biotic field and translocator.) So they just need to fix the turret coding and it'll be fine. But no I think the orb shouldn't attack structures. Just players.
Yeah, Symmetra is already the weakest hero in the game, so Moira being able to destroy all of Symmetra's turrets instantly with a 10 sec ability cool-down is RETARDED. Symmetra then has to wait 60 sec to get back all of her turrets. So Moira dmg orb only hurting enemy players is a needed change, and Symmetra changes are needed to make her more flexible.
How is her being able to sweep turrets 'needed'? It adds some utility to Moira (who is already an incredibly useful character) while making the most niche characters in the game (builders) MUCH weaker. This is the death blow to the entire builder style of play which already sorely needed some help. Unless this is being released in advance of massive buffs/reworks to Symmetra and Torbjorn, it's a HUGE step backward in the balance of the game IMO. Surprised to hear the Your Overwatch team approve of this.
Secondary fire should definitely damage turrets. The orb should be how it was I think, doesn't damage turrets or barriers. And for the Mei wall, that was always buggy, the orb disappeared on the wall on PTR too, though I think without any damage, even the healing orb did. It should bounce off of that, like any other wall.
She shouldn't be able to attack turrets as there are plenty and I mean PLENTY of characters that counter turret set ups Winston dva junkrat pharah widow and the list goes on her primary for should attack turrets but not the orb
What definitely shouldn't stay is that orbs can destroy Sym's turrets. Everything going through shields is fair -- again _symmetracal_ Funny note on the side: it's her primary fire (healing dust) that "attacks" destructibles.
I don't know, personally I like that it attacks barriers as it gives Zarya charge whereas before it didn't and it was annoying considering you have to protect your team with barriers and yet it does nothing to gain charge from the damage orbs. I'm personally iffy about it attacking turrets though. On the one hand, it can be very good at laying siege through Sym nests that are atrocious to get through in Ranked ladder. On the other hand though, as much as I do not like Symmetra, this heavily hurts her and she's already niche enough as it is.
Alex Night I guess for Zarya it would be nice it’s a pain for me when she’s full charged the Sym I can keep or lose because I’ve used sym turrets to bait orb damage.
Eh I don't mind Moira being op at the moment, mainly because I play on console and all I see as support is Mercy. Moira at least has a chance to challenge Mercy for the main healer role compared to Ana who many console players don't like to see as main healer but prefer her to be a secondary healer like Lucio and Zen.
Really weird interactions with Moira's orb on live! How should the orb work? As it stands now, one Mei wall can instantly eat an orb, but orb can be used to wipe out a cluster of sym turrets.
Did you attend Symmetra’s funeral? It was Friday. She died to Moira’s orb because it cut of her life Support.
Your Overwatch when's the update coming
It being another thing to make Symmetra even more useless?? It's needed that she can destroy the turrets that way?? Are you off your rocker, sir??
to wipe turrets is a good thing she could not do that before if i was not mistaken
My only question is this... With Symettra floating somewhere between "niche", "situational", and "utterly useless"/"automatic troll-pick" (as gm, and top 500 see her), does she really need anything else to compromise the limited value her kit already provides?
Moira's orb damaging Sym turrets doesn't just make her a "hard counter" it's a "no-skill nullification", as it requires absolutely no skill to accaccomplish, and her orb cooldown time is less than Symettra's turret regeneration time, meaning of half of Symettra's offensive potential is just gone, via an unstoppable orb. And seeing as how Symettra's basic kit is entirely offensive, that removes any reason to pick her, relegating her status to a "legitimate troll-pick".
It just seems unnecessary.
Moira has a respectable win-rate, a respectable pick rate, and is easily the most versatile and competent support hero, and doesn't need a big buff like this to get her to where she needs to be.
Quiet Time Gaming maybe it's the way to get rid of symetra one tricks finally, excellent move
She's already too strong. She can 1v1 most squishies that she shouldn't be able to. The orb lasts 9 seconds if left alone and by that time it's already off cd. Her right click also has ridiculous range.
If you're losing your 1v1 against Moira, it's time to go back to the shooting range.
True even her attack doesn't take skill. She doesn't need a buff.
Bryce Russ
I implore you to try playing her. She has the lowest dps out of all the support and it takes way more skill then you think to track enemies. It's not as forgiving as Sym's beam but a bit more forgiving than Zarya's
I love the current trend among overwatch youtube chanels, like:
Patch note: changed Hanzo's beard color from gray to black.
Overwatch chanel: HUGE Hanzo BUFF/NERF Hanzo is fucking BROKEN!
This just in: change of beard color to black now causes scatter arrow to do 1500 damage!
And it broke Mercy's res again... HUGE Mercy BUFF!
The orbs shouldn't hurt non living things as the orb drains life. Along with her primary fire as well because she is already powerful and this will give builders a reason to play more sense Moira wouldn't be able to attack the turrets also making her stay with her team more often as a support and not a dps all the time.
I am fine with allowing Moira's Biotic Grasp to damage Symmetra and Torbjorn turrets. However, I don't think Biotic Orbs should be allowed to damage Symmetra turrets (and possibly also not Torbjorn turrets) because it requires no risk on the part of the Moira. Previously, if Symmetra sets up turrets at a choke, you probably needed to have Winston dive in, then use his barrier and turn to destroy the turrets with his taser gun (and usually he has to look around for a bit to find them). That was the fastest way before, but the difference is that Winston is in very real danger of being killed as he's doing that. With Moira you can just blind fire an orb without even knowing where the turrets are and they'll all be destroyed with little drain on the orb itself since they've effectively only dealt 6 HP of their total 200 allowed damage.
animeworldorder That's exactly my point... Besides the fear of being defense matrixed, deflected, or absorbed by a shield, it's unstoppable in it's current state. And because Sym turrets are only 1hp, it will without a doubt wipe most of them out beforethat happens, and it's at absolutely no risk to the Moira.
I think moira should not be able to destroy symmetra torrents with her orb but the people saying her damag beam range is too long just can't aim it's already the lowest damage in OverWatch
I don’t think her biotic orb should be able to target Torbjörn turrets or Symmetra sentries. I think her being able to succ them with the secondary fire is more than enough. Being able to clear out an entire area of buildables with Moira is OP, but she should be able to target them with her right hand.
I mean can't every other hero do that as well. The turrets only got 1 HP. Have DVA, Winston, tracer wipe out those turrets with ease
Guess Winstons OP to then?
I’d actually like to point out that Winston is the only hero (or, at least, was) besides Tracer that never needed a patch/fix/buff since launch.
At least not syms turrets because sym always has her own problems
Other heroes need to aim and have vision of the turrets to hit them, so at least they got to expose themselves and turrets work as distractions.
I think the orbs should be like a hanzo dragon in the way that it only damages the hp of players and not proxies like shields and barriers. And as far as I'm aware, damage orb is supposed to be an attack that counters shielding, so it makes no sense for shields to be a counter to it
Think the problem is there is no way of dealing with the orb but very few things. Like D.VA is the only person that comes to mind. But even then Moira can just feed ult and heals off of D.VA because she can't block her beam. Either way you have to face a problem that is out of your control.
I mean literally just pop it in a choke and get free damage or get free damage off of D.VA especially because her damage output is low.
Letting Moira's orbs hit turrets makes Symmetra more useless than she already is, remove it.
pieis nice Or, better idea, rework Symmetra.
It made sense that Moira's biotic weapons couldn't hurt non-living things.
then it shouldn't work on reaper either, right?
and bastion, Orisa and Zen since they are none organic. so would you just let sym's turrets screw you over until her or other enemy team kill you?
TheCesarML Ana can make robots go to sleep and heal them with liquid medicine.
According to that logic how do robots even get healed? How does Junkrat’s trap get Zenyatta? How do robots get targeted by venom mines and Ana’s poison?
TheCesarML How can Sombra hack McCree and Soldier’s legs? How does Pharah get refueled 24/7? How do Ana’s shots know how to heal and damage? How does her grenade know?
If a damage orb can damage turrets and shields then her healing orb might as well heal turrets and shields too....
If turrets fill the builders ultimate gauge then attacking them should fill the attackers gauge.
Seeing as how Sym turrets only have 1hp to begin with, that isn't possible.
Nic Steelman
What? lmao I get that Torb is annoying and all but he's literally one of the worse characters in the game.
Abusing a target that never moves at all in order to get ult charge is kinda broken.
This just makes Symmetra even harder to play, and believe me she did not need the further nerfing. The fact of the matter is that the turrets already are easily dispatched; having someone able to just throw an orb into a room as a "scouting orb" to find someone (even when the enemy doesn't know about the symmetra at all) and instantly clear all six turrets if they are in that one room is incredibly frustrating.
Well for one, stop trying to make deathgates everywhere? I used to main sym there's other ways to play
Airbag888 Fr
This makes Symmetra too weak because one orb can potentially destroy all Sym turrets, making it very hard to get Sym ult.
Without Sym ult, she's extremely weak. Moira should be able to target turrets with right click, but not orb.
tiger d Then place your turrets better, scrub
Dudley Hudgenson That is such a dumb comment. As symmetra you place your turrets on entries, on sides for flankers etc. 1 Dmg orb kills nearly all of them - know that orb bounces off walls right? It keeps going and with that ridiculous range of the orb locking to the turrets its too op now. Even if it is a bug I dont understand how she is playable in comp right now.
Even if I spread them all over the place, Moira gets one orb as fast as I get one turret. So unless I place them away from where the enemy team is going to be, they're going down.
Symmetra should just get an completely new abilities imo, the rework she got did not make her any better at all.
Sym already has enough counters...
I have noticed that Moiras right click will sometimes lock in on a payload..
The fact that it even targets health pack spawns tells me they forgot to whitelist the orb targets correctly, lol
I like her being able to destroy turrets with her primary fire, but I think the orb being able to destroy them is too strong
Yea I think if they're going to go through with this change then that is the way they should go.
I like it. Helps keep people that do not know how to play from being a torb main and hiding behind a shield
This is probably the best balance I think.
Primary fire should be able to target turrets but not the orb. If they do that, they may aswell just remove sym from the game..
None of this should stay. Sym has plenty of good counters already, this makes her useless. The interaction with the Mei wall is ridiculous. The interaction on shields is more a nerf than anything, it's better to get damage and ult charge from hitting heroes. I don't know why they felt the orbs interaction with deployables had to change in the first place, Moira seemed fine in general. Not OP, not useless.
Yes that's what Symmetra needs, another counter!!!! Yay!!!!!!!
ok but wheres the junkrat nerf
David Rodriguez cry about it
Blizzard needs to just plain stop making changes that are not reflected in the patch notes. They're as transparent as mud
As a Moira main, I think this buff is kind of unnecessary. The orb definitely shouldn’t be targeting shields, it should go through them like it did before and target players. Her damage beam could easily get rid of Sym turrets on its own, but I noticed that the only way to take down a Torb turret was to melee it because neither the orb nor damage beam would damage it. I guess it’s nice to use the orb to clear a path for your team by getting rid of traps and turrets, but the game devs should really consider removing this buff.
Moira is op at 1v1 situations. You can’t even kill her if you play Tracer.
Black Bandit i always get my ass kicked by good tracers when playing moira. I can't do a lot of damage because of their blinks
yeah she teleports at the last sec.... but tracer deserves that let's be honest, now she get's a taste of her own medicine 😆
I don’t know what Tracer’s you’re playing buddy
Her destroying symmetra's turrets is needed? Have you seen symmetra's pick rate or do you have any idea in what spot she is right know? Do you really think that Symmetra needs a hard counter? You really don't know what you're talking about.
I don't even know why symmetra is in the game to be honest.
She never served any purpose other than being obnoxious, and no sane person should even find her fun to play.
And you do?
Symmetra has a high pick rate on Console.
Mateusz Kruk It should attack all valid targets, irrespective of their meta position.
just a reminder that symmetra has the most unbalance win rate in the game. just something for you to think about
The real question is, will it attack the puppy?
Not the puppy :
I was thinking this too. 😂
She should have been able to target turrets from the beginning. At my level of play, I always get stuck on Healer because no one else wants to, and then the DPS won't do anything about the Torb or Symmetra that's eating away at us.
sym is a great counter to torb just shoot the orb towards the turret and hide behind a wall when charging it up its not like the turret can dodge it ;D and for sym play winston sym cant win a one v one on winston if both are on full health she´ll do some dammage but the winston allways win if no one helps the sym
(sym main btw so i know this)
not abusing the system i got 70%+ winrate on sym
The problem is that she wasnt even able to lock on torbs turret with her right hand, and i think its cool the orbs do that, but locking to soldier healing and sombra translocator is really weird
I don’t think her orbs should damage buildables, i do think her primary fire should though. Symmetra is weak as it is, and adding another hard counter like Winston and Pharah isn’t any help. Symm is gonna need a serious rework if she’s gonna be viable at all.
I am mentioning Symm because Moira is now a huge Symmetra counter because her orbs take out all of her turrets instantly, making Symmetra useless when fighting against Moira.
dont forget Genji, i think i'll have to wait out comp till Blizzard sort out their issues with balances
Fanuel Sayi Nah I don’t see Genji as a Symm counter, she can take care of him pretty easily
cant even remember last time a genji killed me as sym (its been 11h+ this season)
TheWhiteEye I only get killed by Genji’s as Symm if they’re a good genji
Jeff: So what do we do with the most balanced hero we have released since launch?
Geoff: *raises hand* Nothing she's fine.
Jeff: One more outburst like that and we're gonna wrestle Geoff.
Geoff:....Buff her?
Jeff: Yes! Now you're thinking Geoff I love that idea
Well, she is a little underwhelming compared to the other healers
she is not balanced at all. what are you on about she is incredibly OP
LOL what? Yeah that's why she's always used in pro games, right?
Tom D. How is she op?
Her range is so far for a non-aiming character. she heal herself with her beam which she does not need to aim making it impossible to 1v1 her with a Dva, a tank ffs, when both at full health unless 8 of the 11 rockets hit a headshot at close-range (good luck with that while all she has to do is move around a little bit.). She can easily out damage a sym if you include her orb. She can escape any high damage move with a click of a button, dva ult, tracer ult, most of pharah and reaper ult, junkrat ult, doomfist ult, reinhardt ult,... . She essentialy has lots of the good parts of other heros kits but non of the downsides: Sym beam + range+ heal+ sym orb but it not only bounces back but latches on to you. Lucioesque passive healing orb but she also has aoe mercy healing. Move invulnerability similar to when tracer recalls, exept for tracer recalling to escape a move compromises her healing but not for moira.
I don't think Moira's orb should target deployable abilities like Torb and Symms turrets or barriers like Orisa's and Reindharts.
Her targetting Torb turrets is fine. But her orb was always meant to go behind shields to drain people on the other side (I think them locking on to shields might be a bug) and her targetting Sym turrets is just a massive nerf to Sym that she didn't need and I feel like it's a mistake for Blizzard to do this.
I see nothing wrong with it others players like junk rat can throw things out that damage them
Nic Steelman Moira's can go through shields.
The Orbs should not be able to target turrets or barriers only her secondary fire should do that. Sym is useless as the turrets only have 1hp so they inster die and its not fair.
The Armoured Alchemist the problem is symmetra no moira
The Armoured Alchemist "W I N S T O N R E P O R T I N G"
umm place more?
+jonpaul polanco (Densetsu)
One turret regained for every orb regained.
Yes, place more is absolute the answer.
jonpaul polanco 200 IQ answer LUL
It kinda make sym's turrets useless now. They are effective on chokes but throw an orb down and they are all gone on a second. This further makes sym more and more useless in this game..
Tommy Collins Good , garbage designed hero should go away
KolorRaid if you don't like sym that's okay, but I believe each hero should have a chance to be as viable as they can be. In my opinion I just think this really hurts sym. Currently, she's got problem's that make playing as her and against her not as fun and this doesn't help
Tommy Collins She is a stupid hero . Her design is so bad that Blizzard just made her more annoying to deal with and not actually better or much more usable. If they manage to make her balanced where she is actually skill reliant but much more useful it would be ok but then they would have to completely rework the hero , so at that point just make another one with that concept in mind. We need more heroes , more variety , not a rework for the second time because the hero it's super difficult to balance. Idem for mercy
KolorRaid I so agree on more heros! I wish they'd put out more every few months instead of 4, but I'm sure it's difficult. As for sym, she takes a different kind of skill that's not aim based. She can be balanced and in a better place then where she is now and I believe each hero deserves that in addition to the players that really like and connect with them
I really don't think it should be able to attack symmetra turrent and torbs. Its just makes sym even more dead and torb
I dont think it should attack Symmetra's turrets, Torb's turret is fine but Symmetra doesn't really need that nerf on top of already being the crappiest hero in the game
David PT She’s not crappy.
Symmetra wasn't crappy, but she is now. I've been playing her since Beta. I love her. I don't one trick, but she's by far my favorite and I've got a 60% win rate with her.
Moira is in almost every game and she was already a hard counter to Symm being able to control small rooms, because her orb would kill Symm and Moira has more mobility. Now that her turrets are effectively removed from her kit in games with Moira, I've just had to say goodbye to my love. I don't know if I can have enough fun in the game just tanking every game (my other secondary mains). Symm's play style was just so strategic, and a blast for this older guy that can't snipe for the life of him. Those days are passed. I may not be long for this game. It's got me sadder than I would have predicted.
You’ve still got teleporters and shield gens, this buff just means you either have to hide your turrets differently or spend more time replenishing them
Anthony Westbrook dude don't sweat it this is a bug they are gonna fix it just be patient
I don't think it's a bug, it was in the PTR for weeks.
I just played some games where my orb targeted the enemy moira's orb xD
Oh that's gnarly, I wish I could see that (Christmas at the parents house with no internet for my PS4 lol)
it's a BIOTIC ORB it should only be able to hit things that are alive
same with ana granade
In that case it shouldn't damage Bastion or Orisa.
Andrew Underwood honestly, physics and science in this game is gone at this point, a small korean teenager should not be able to take a selfie with a mech suit in the middle of a nuclear meltdown, a swiss woman can literally revitalize the dead, some British lesbian can control her timeline, a fat pigman can hook people, KEEP THWIR MOMENTUM, spin them around like a dreidel, and drop them into an abyss. The biotic orb thing is true it should only target living things but remember, at one point, an African warlord weilding one of the strongest weapons on the planet earth couldnt punch past a fence post
Mediocre Gamer great post
Same with Ana’s gun and grenade. But things don’t have to logically make any sense in games.
The only people that like this are salty bastards that can't deal with a torb or symmetra. This is completely op and will make her an even harder counter to sym than Winston.
Layla Tsueen only ones that don't like it are torb mains that hide behind their turrets.
The orb should not attack Syms turrents it is way to easy a counter for the effort put in building up the turrents, and waiting for their cds. It basically makes Sym worse than she already is, they need to either not dmg Sym turrents or Sym turrents need to be buffed overall and given actual health.
ikr, symm has 3 hard counters now making her so hard to use. I can’t play my main in comp anymore and I’m gonna miss using Symm a lot. Moira’s my new main now
Sym has the lowest pick rate and you say Moira orb is needed? Thats just wrong.
especially since he just made a video about how bad of a place symmetra is in and then now a few days later he is saying he sees nothing wrong with moiras orb destroying syms turrets. Kinda a fucking hypocrite.
4:00 Are you serious?? Moira is already powerful enough and now you want her to absolute annihilate Symmetra into a troll pick on her best maps and points like 2cp.
Ikr, I hate Symmetra, though it's not a good idea to make Moira an other hard counter to her. RIP balancing.
Andii if you think about it, this is a nerf to Moira as well. She used to get her ult charge from the dmg orb but now it almost completely drains before it even passes the barriers, rip to ult charge.
Yes they do, their opinions are borderline untrustworthy when talking about sym (and I guess other heroes they aren’t fond of), I really hope YourOverwatch think about this interaction between sym and moira and readjust their opinion.
it would be one thing if we knew sym changes were coming but we don’t know that yet, and an orb with 194 of its 200 damage left after taking out 6 turrets is crazy.. it’s nonsense to think otherwise.
This is actually a nerf that her orb attacks sheilds
Essa Lootah why?
makes her waste dmg on something most other dmg in the game can take care of much better. dmg on heros is much more worth e.g. when you almost kill tacer but she retreats behind rhein shield. throw orb - kill tracer - with thta thorw orb do 1/10 of rhein barriers undone.
Playing Moira in DM........... *HOW COULD YOU?!*
Luxra she is really good in DM! I have won 2 times with her she is good at killing 200hp characters but if u fight a tank u have no chance winning
Rafael Carrion
do some poke dammage for ult from that guy playing hog and leave him alone to not get kills ;D
Symmetra is litterly dead now
Daccura she needs a huge rework, like, completely change the character, not just random buffs
also, *figuratively
also also, no she isn't, her turrets are easy to take out, all it takes is a bloody winston or anyone that can actually aim, and her turrets are gone.
agreed considering you can just place more in about the same amount of time
Her orbs should dissapear if they dont hit anything in 2 or 3 bounces
I like how a "bio" weapon can attack non "bio" matter. Symmetras turrets are literally hard light. Light.
The game isn't purely based on lore. Some things are necessary to make the game better, even if it defies the lore
I get you but it is pure bullshit
4:16 I honestly have no clue on wtf you just said.
I thought he spazzed out xD
He said be sure to drop a like
Be sure to drop a like if you enjoyed this, it really does help us out blah blah blah
Replaying it a few times I think he said what you want to stay and want to go .
Sebi Clotas Jucglà lol I read tht as he was rambling
Your overwatch logic, post a video about symmetra needing some kind of rework or buff and now they think Moira's orbs should still destroy her turrets... Make up your minds your overwatch crew...I play both symm and Moira and it is very frustrating as a symm to have your turrets destroyed by Moira's orb. It is completely unnecessary mechanic for Moira and is way too powerful. However blizzard needs to fix the issue of Moira's primary not locking on torbs turret because he counters Moira for no reason. Blizzard fix your game please.
Aaron Eckert 100000% agree. She can just wipe out all turrets. That's so fucked
Aaron Eckert I agree, damn son finally someone agrees
Layla Tsueen hell no I mean it’s like Winston in a way he can wipe them all out with no problem so what’s so different between that and this orb that it’s an ability? Get out of here dude
Anthonys 2nd Channel Because sym now has a counter in every character group, and it's only one HP for turrets so the orb is killing the sum enough for moira to lock on her for one or two seconds oh sym dead
Johannes DaCosta well I mean them just switch off sym
Even less reasons to play Symmetra RIP
Laurocerasuss symmetra is death
Good don’t, she’s fuckin cancer
Trobjorn is weak enough. Why is Moira destroying turrets "needed"? Furthermore, if a biotic orb from an enemy Moira can target the turret, and the Moira can suck life juice from the turret somehow with primary fire, I want a friendly Moira's healing orb and alternate fire to have the opposite effect, and heal the turret on my team.
I feel like she wouldn't be as bad if she had like a 15-12m range as opposed to a 20m. She's honestly a pretty fast character so she's pretty hard to get away from. The turret thing is a bit much but I feel like everything else about her is pretty solid. She just needs a little less range since her attack isn't a projectile, (bullet, missile, etc) but a lock on beam.
This is less a case of Moira being broken and more like they need to tweak others. Symmetra in particular is hurting horribly now.
If they won't change Symms turrets then attacking them with the orb shouldn't be in the game
They should definately fix orb attacking weird stuff like soldier heal sombra teleporter etc but the ability to destroy symmetra turrets seems like a great counter
She should not be able to lock on to symmetra sentries.
Why not? They already nerfed turrets so they do not fill your ultimate gauge but the damage they do fills the builders gauge. This seems fair to me. Only torb and sym mains will be affected
I mean, it makes Symmetra completely irrelevant in pretty much the only situation she was any good at, but what else is new.
The damage orb needs some buffs, it is really weak already. But sym is to weak as well. Her value is with the turrets to charge the ultimate, and Winston already counters that too hard. So I thing that moira primary fire should be able to destroy her turrets, but not the orb.
And the damage orb should work similar as the healing one. Or at least doing a little more damage.
Mei's wall always ate the orbs, even ally walls ate the orbs. Its been a problem from the start
Why let shields slow it down? I thought the purpose was to go through them
Shaken Viscous Because Blizzard..
Something's wrong with the servers. In my last match a few hours ago I gained 26sr. Exited the game and now that I wanted to play a match those 26sr were just gone.
_Anyone else noticed this?_
As much as I dislike Sym, the orb destroying her turrets is too much since Moira just has to look at turrets to kill them anyways.
iNZANE0ne yeah now their can be almost an entire team comp that counters sym, feels bad for sym mains like me but hey everyone hates her enough to the point they want her deleted from the game so I guess it's justified
Agystin Freyre how exactly do you expect her to get that close. She has no mobility.
Kieranty The low tier tactic of Lucio pocketing.
iNZANE0ne is the answer to all your Sym problems, throw Winston in there and you get a sad Sym.
If it's not in the patch notes it could be a temporary bug
Symmetra is not overpowered at all seeing how she barely has anyone maining her in top tiers. This would be a MASSIVE nerf to symmetra and should not go through to live.
Official YoYoGamingTv symmetra needs a Nerf for lower players, in low competitive and everything else, she is OP
Official YoYoGamingTv are you all pc players?
It is already live
I dont want the damage orb to target anything but enemies. I only just wanted to be able to destroy turrets and such with her left click. Because without that ability you are dead without having a chance to do anything against a turret, which would be absolutely stupid. The orb should ONLY and ONLY target players.
the moira orb should not destroy easily destroyable deployables like sym turrets and junk tire due to their low health, things like torb turret is fine because it has the most health if you don't count the tele or shield gen, I think the orb should not go through mei walls, should only target players but her right click can target all damageable entities
Steel Dragon agree. Orbs should only target players not shields or non torn turrent.
junk tire dosent that got 100hp tho? and is player controlable with infinet wallclimb and high speed moira killing tire with the orb with alot less speed, at that point the tire deserves to die xD
TheWhiteEye on second thought that is true too. Rip tire is a bit too fast and almost always get a pick.
yet multiple things about that is 1 its an ultimate, and the orb is an auto lockon, moira already can juke the tire by using her shift she should not be able to be able to just use her orb, then shift away leaving it to near 10 health most likely if the tire was still at full HP. if the orb was not a auto lock on like sym beam to tire then it would be a different story
that is why the 100HP and its loud noise balance it
Buff moira so her orb can destroy the game
I've been playing for 6 seasons and never knew you could destroy soldier 76's Biotic field!
You can’t. Moira’s orb locks on and does no damage. It can be deflected though.
Albert Litman wtf how???
Attacking barriers seems pointless when it already goes through them naturally and seems like a bit of an overpowered double utility on them. The biggest problem is that it just royally screws Symmetra, who at this point really needs a rework if she's going to have a counter stronger than Winston.
Cassy Black They really are just tanking her completely. She has such extremely limited value except at low tier and giving another character the ability to potentially wipe out something in a shot something that she has to spend time setting up? They're really phasing any chance of her being anything but a troll pick out.
Yeah it feels like that, which I hate. I love Symmetra, and her character itself is really appealing to me, but I can't ever play her because she has just such a small niche, and now that niche is getting even smaller. I love getting new hero's but Blizzard needs to rework some of their classics.
Buff Orisa’s damage by 3 Blizzard!!!!!
Tal Drevensek I agree bit her damage isn't that great until you use her ultimate
ive noticed moira orbs attack other moira orbs too. I just thought it was a cool interaction
Clearly this is a complete bug with the orbs locking on the all replaceable, I highly doubt this is an intended buff and it will probaly be fixed soon
Blizzard said at some point they wanted her orbs to target Torb turrets, but I think everything else is probably a bug yeah. And her targetting Sym turrets is a huge mistake.
I like how her orb can destroy the turrets. People say they hate how her Orb goes throw shields and stuff. Umm hello what about SYM Her orb goes throw and on top of that it doesn't lose power after doing damage.
Angel Of Heaven
Yeah, but her Orb doesn’t bounce,and it requires ammo,plus Symmetra’s orb doesn’t touch you if you are near it.
That is true but the more targets Moira' s Orb hits goes away extremely fast. It can do a lot of damage with one target. There is a cool down with hers. As for SYM she does use ammo but she can shoot a lot.
She can shoot but she cant hit everyting.
she's op as it is already
Please explain how you've come to this conclusion?
She is just as op as a bronze Hanzo I'm not getting your point..
1 zero risk orb that can wipe 60 seconds of cooldowns worth of syms turrets is broken as fuck.
Moira is so fucking overpowered its ridiculous that they keep giving her these buffs. Infinite range pretty much, orbs that last forever and do way too much damage, she can completely escape any situation ever 6 seconds, and she can heal while damaging enemies. Its like a Reaper with Widow range and Tracer blinks with a moving Sym turret.
Nick Sanchez WAHHHHH I can't shoot someone who does 50 damage WAHHHH
dono what you play but when i play overwatch her range is just like 20m or something, her orbs dont last forever, they disapear after awhile, whit a decent cd and she can just use 1 shadowjump every 6 sec, where she get invisible and move for a few m, what is far away form "escaping any situation" imo.
MirrorkatFeces You know imitation doesn't prove anything man.
Seriously? Even mercy out damages her if her orb is on cd Your just a whiner who doesn't understand out to counter heroes. So many people just panic once she has her right click attached its sad.
Nick Sanchez Moira isn't nearly that threatening.
As is, she's a good choke counter (especially at kings row, eichenwald, and hanamura ). The locking on to everything seems to be a bug, but her orbs locking on to shields and pretty much being destroyed by mei's ice wall gives her a reasonable nerf.
Great. They fix her and they fuck it up. now everyone will claim she's OP and they'll nerf her into the ground. Can't wait.
she was already OP as it was.
a buff wasnt what she needed
Nah they'll just fix the orbs relax
Learn to counter, she's got the same potential as a Mercy being played correctly and on that note as weak as Mercy to basically any dps. She's exactly what we needed to break away from the Mercy meta. Allot less no heals games now, you have to admit that's a plus. Healers should be OP, makes them more attractive a pick.
Healers were OP in triple tank and it led to nothing but posts complaining about Ana and wanted her nerfed to oblivion. To the point where Blizz almost did exactly that, and still has been afraid to make any changes which would put her back in the meta. And still no one healed in triple tank.
GuardianOutlaw her damage orb sucks wtf? Super easy to avoid and unless you're in a one v one it's almost useless
Ohh a direct sym counter, it's not like she has a few of those already smh
Barriers of any kind are already far too strong in the game right now, which is why Bastion + Orisa or Bastion + Reinhardt or Orisa + Torbjorn is so hard to deal with. In my opinion there needs to be more abilities and heroes in the game that deal damage through barriers in order to help prevent these strategies from being almost a free win. Moira being able to damage Torbjorn's and Symmetra turrets should have been in the game from her release and was definitely a bug since without this interaction Moira was completely useless against Torbjorn and Symmetra. Moira's Orb should continue to pass through but not damage barriers, should absolutely damage Torbjorn's turret but as for Symmetra's I'm not so sure.
Because Sym needed yet another counter. Sym is so terrible now that everyone’s basically forgotten she exists. Turrets: shit. Shield: shit. Ultimates: shit. Primary fire: shit until fully charged. Secondary fire: shit. Symmetra is 95% shit now.
Buff Symmetra!
Kind of dumb the orb can attack things with no health. That should change. People crying for a nerf to her range, let me tell you this. She's a healer. She has to do damage to heal. If blizzard decided to decrease hee range, that wouldn't work. Healers sit behind the dps and tanks. Moira has to have that range so she can do damage to heal.
Yes sure but there is no reason for it to be 20 m it’s just absurd 15 is much more reasonable
Gabriel Nunez If with 20 meters she is not showing anything Op in stats and gameplay (she is not a must pick or anything)
What do you think 15 meters will do to her? If you nerf her range you will be directly nerfing her healing
Gabriel C it would stop pretty ridiculous kills from happening like for instance I was playing pharah in the air and was taken out by a Moira because of how long her range is sure it doesn’t make her Op but it does allow her to take out characters that should counter her
Gabriel C is right you know
Jason Last just stating opinion
This is terrible. Symmetry is already bad and now it’s even easier to destroy all her turrets. They should make it so that biotic grasp damages everything except things that don’t take damage, but biotic orb should only damage living things aka the actual overwatch characters
I think this is what they wanted to do. But Blizzard sucks at dealing with their own game.
Underdog 378 *snicker* Dude Symmetra IS not PROBABLY she just IS one of the top most over powered broken pieces of shit in the whole game she needed a good hard counter. Symmetra is basically fucking unstoppable on most maps on the defending side. She requires such little actual skill it's a wonder why she isn't fucking banned from comp all together. All you need to play her is the simplest knowledge of the maps you're playing her on that's it. Aim what even is that? You can just lock on automatically to some one and do basically infinite damage, and melt them without even trying regardless of how much health they have. Enemy trying to get on point? No need to worry my free six handy dandy infinite damage turrets that also slow will take care of those pesky little pests. What's that? My team wants infinite sustain no need to worry my 30 second charge ult lets me make a basically unkillable shield generator that gives everyone almost a hundred extra regenerative health with a machine that can stay active literally forever. Oh what's that? My team needs an easy fast way to get on the point no need to worry my ult is actually two ults so that means I can just built a teleporter closer to the point. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... ya why don't you just fuck off.
PigHunter Gaming dude sym is not op lmaoo. She’s not trash but she’s is not op. If she is that op, why isn’t she used in pro games??
KiwiLime 키위라임 Well if I were to take a guess at it i'd say it's because they don't need to play someone as easy as Symmetra to win games, well that and mostly because no one needs to practice playing Symmetra to be good as Symmetra. It defeats the purpose of playing at pro level to play someone that doesn't actually require skill when you're testing your skill against other pro level players. You're talking about people who practice the game day in day out. Anyone can play symmetra and do good though, take me for instance I barely even touch her, S nd I have won 98% of every game I have played with her. And let me tell you I know I'm not on the level of these top 500 pros and that's because I don't play the game as much as them. Not to say I'm god awful either but again I know I'm not at their level. But as someone who has played as everyone in this game at least enough to understand how they work. I feel like I can safely say she is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the game that is a fact.
PigHunter Gaming its also because sym is pretty much useless just like mei. Basically everyone counters sym there is no point of playing her. She’s not op at all lol. They only time she is op is when she is charged up but even then, she is easy to kill.
Moira is already the best healer in the game and at the same time, the best damage for a healer. This puts her in the same position as Ana was on release. These changes are definitely a buff and I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't nerfed Moira by now. In my opinion her healing should remain as it is, but damage output should be reduced in some way, as well as slightly nerfing her orb or increasing the cool downs. None of the supports should have such an easy time winning 1v1 fights against dps characters.
no shut up you support hater
Slowfield Mercy is still a must pick and considered to be the best healer
Mercy is a must pick because of rez, not because she is the best at healing. Even Ana and Lucio out-heal Mercy in most games I've played lately, but I've seen more games without a Mercy than games without a Moira.
Slowfield I guess i worded my statement poorly. She's the best support in the game hands down
I need to preface this comment with the fact that I don't main Moira, but judging by a lot of what I'm seeing in the comments section, it sounds like a lot of y'all need to get good.
Nolan Richardson Seriously it’s like
Half the dps are OP and no one complains
But as soon as one Support is actually powerful it turns into this.
Symmetra-like aim plus one of the most cancerous skills ingame. I dont think shes fun to play against.
The Last Methbender You actually need to have your crosshair relatively close to your target for Grasp to register, unlike Syms instalock where its just LOS.
Yes blizzard make her even more op thanks!
Its not like Winston can already do that or anything
I've never actually hated a character until Moira. She is a broken character. Her range needs to be nerfed. Her orbs need to do less damage.
Oh my God I feel the same, her range especially on her ult is just too much
DeadlyNightShade11 she needs to reload somehow
I think that it's unfair to say that she's broken because you don't agree with some of the decisions that make her a viable hero. Her range is understandable because of the DPS she's capable of, and her orbs force teams to push together or exploit parts of the map that they're not used to. All things that are good for the overall team play in any given game.
It does less damage than most characters, including hitscans that have infinite range... And the tracking necessary to keep damage output is much less locked in than someone like Sym or Winston. I don't understand how that's broken when using her healing effectively is solely dependent on you outputting some amount of damage.
If you're dying to a DPS Moira regularly, you need to rethink how you use your abilities. When she overreaches , it's easy to finish her off with team shooting.
Ah okay. I think the solid block problem is maybe a bug, but that doesn't mean she's a broken character in the long run (like I think some people are arguing.) Her orb is another argument that may be an issue of a bug, but even if by design, should be taken care of most likely.
As far as range, I would argue that it's fair. Just not if it can also go through solid object like you said :)
There is also a bug that prevents her orbs from being used. When bringing up the orbs to select and then putting them away there is a little flick of the wrist. If you fade during the put away animation it locks your orbs from being used. Binding her orbs to a different button or dying does nothing to help. Only when you change to a new character then change back.
Well I feel symetra has been screwed thank the overwatch god big daddy jeff but also curse that it attacks barriers
Finally they fixed her damage against torbs turret
I honestly think they need to shortens Moria's range on her damage hand (forgot what it was called)
Why?? It barely does any damage and she has to use that to be able to heal
But it heals herself, has the longest lock-on range in the game, can even damage enemies in corners and gives her more of her burst healing charge, which already regenerates too. Don't forget that her ultimate and healing orb don't need her to damage.
prink34320 It doesn't target through corners. Not even a little.
lol then how would she be able to heal the fuck she does no dmg
This is just a bug. Not a buff. I'm sure they accidentally made the orb act like a turret. Which that essentially what it is. It's a bouncy sym turret. And like turrets, it targets everything. Other turrets, shields, enemy placeables (like biotic field and translocator.) So they just need to fix the turret coding and it'll be fine. But no I think the orb shouldn't attack structures. Just players.
Yeah, Symmetra is already the weakest hero in the game, so Moira being able to destroy all of Symmetra's turrets instantly with a 10 sec ability cool-down is RETARDED. Symmetra then has to wait 60 sec to get back all of her turrets. So Moira dmg orb only hurting enemy players is a needed change, and Symmetra changes are needed to make her more flexible.
How is her being able to sweep turrets 'needed'? It adds some utility to Moira (who is already an incredibly useful character) while making the most niche characters in the game (builders) MUCH weaker. This is the death blow to the entire builder style of play which already sorely needed some help. Unless this is being released in advance of massive buffs/reworks to Symmetra and Torbjorn, it's a HUGE step backward in the balance of the game IMO. Surprised to hear the Your Overwatch team approve of this.
Secondary fire should definitely damage turrets. The orb should be how it was I think, doesn't damage turrets or barriers. And for the Mei wall, that was always buggy, the orb disappeared on the wall on PTR too, though I think without any damage, even the healing orb did. It should bounce off of that, like any other wall.
Literally just go Dva and swallow up every purple gumball that bitch Moira throws. GG!🐰
She shouldn't be able to attack turrets as there are plenty and I mean PLENTY of characters that counter turret set ups Winston dva junkrat pharah widow and the list goes on her primary for should attack turrets but not the orb
3quinox the magnificent It’s broken as fuck
MIORA BUFF?!?!? Wtf.
What definitely shouldn't stay is that orbs can destroy Sym's turrets.
Everything going through shields is fair -- again _symmetracal_
Funny note on the side: it's her primary fire (healing dust) that "attacks" destructibles.
What about zarya bubbles?
Just remove all the things that her orb can attack that wad recently added. She was fine before them all
I think of all the new Moira orb interactions targeting torb turrets should stay and everything else should go
Christopher Herrera yep
I agree about the primary fire but orb targeting turret is too much , the turret is weak as it is
Hope the shield thing gets fixed
I don't know, personally I like that it attacks barriers as it gives Zarya charge whereas before it didn't and it was annoying considering you have to protect your team with barriers and yet it does nothing to gain charge from the damage orbs. I'm personally iffy about it attacking turrets though. On the one hand, it can be very good at laying siege through Sym nests that are atrocious to get through in Ranked ladder. On the other hand though, as much as I do not like Symmetra, this heavily hurts her and she's already niche enough as it is.
Alex Night I guess for Zarya it would be nice it’s a pain for me when she’s full charged the Sym I can keep or lose because I’ve used sym turrets to bait orb damage.
Eh I don't mind Moira being op at the moment, mainly because I play on console and all I see as support is Mercy. Moira at least has a chance to challenge Mercy for the main healer role compared to Ana who many console players don't like to see as main healer but prefer her to be a secondary healer like Lucio and Zen.
Like he said, remove this broken ass character until she gets fixed. Like damn shes broken on another level