I don't understand amharic but I will watch this comedy to learn amharic language I recommend the manager of the channel to make translate in English to become understand foreign people. Right now I will live in addis ababa I will stay there only three months but I don't have amharic friends every who can understand stand english he call them him his phone to reply to make practice in the language.
ውድ ቤተሰቦቻችን ፣
ሃሳብ አስተያየታችሁን አይለየን !
ስላሳያችሁን ፍቅር ፈጣሪ ያክብርልን !!!
ሃገራችንን ሰላም ያድርግልን !!!
#Thanks for Watching
እንኳን ደስ አላቹህ
ይህ ኮሜዲያን ከየት እያመጣቸው ነው ጥሩ ጥሩ ስውነተ ሙሉ ሴቶችን የሚያቀርባቸው ብዙዎቹ ጥሩ ስውነት ያላቸው ናቸው በርታ አሁንም ሌሎችን አሳየን
The other one
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....Birr lemekenesko newu yemilibet part betam asakegn
Baxami tamraleee
ቆጆ ቆጆ ሴት ናቸው ደንቦች ምችት ይበላችሁ
Ha 😃😃😀 Ha ha 😂 ክፈተው።
Mati naf tahi qali too damma tiyyaa jaajaabbee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yimechachu Love♥︎♥︎♡♥︎♡♡♥︎
Very nice Good Darma 👍 👌
ኡለቱ ልጆች ወድምና እህት ናቸው ቀጫጭኖቹ😳😳ይመሳሰላሉ
Nice 👍🏾 job
እንደዛሪው ብየ ስቄ አላቅም በአሁኖ ዘመን እንዲህ እሚያርግ የለም
ከዚም በላይ ከፍ ትላላቹ በርቱ 🤗🤗🤗
Betem naw me woddachee ILove you so much
ክክክክክክክክክ ወይ ዶግሶ 😂😂😂😂
Great job....bertu....
I don't understand amharic but I will watch this comedy to learn amharic language
I recommend the manager of the channel to make translate in English to become understand foreign people.
Right now I will live in addis ababa I will stay there only three months but I don't have amharic friends every who can understand stand english he call them him his phone to reply to make practice in the language.
Alachihu woy?
yebare qalliidi nawu
Congratulations. Well done
ያንሳቹዋል በርቱ የኔ ዶግሶች /እኔ አንቺጋ ስመጣ ልብሰ ሾሪባ ይሆናል kkkkkkkkk
በርቱ ይመቻችሁ
እንኳን ደሰ አላቸው👏😍😂😘😘😍😍
enkan dess alechuu
WEL come
ክክክክክክ የማን ልጅ ነው ጎልደኑ???
Dogiso betam newu miwodachihu. Bertulin Wudoche. Chanalenim Subscribe Maidreg endatiresu.
Betam yamirahall bicha ❤
ደስ ስትሉ
ሴቷ መቀመጫዋ ተመችቶኛል።
👍😂😂👍👍😂😂😂ye sake minchoch
Weyne ye oromochu amargna besak ligelgn new
Congraaaaa silver
Mati naf tahi qali too damma tiyyaa jaajaabbee koo ❤️💪✍️✍️✍️✅💜💪
KKKKKKkkkk----Woy dogiso😂😂😂😂😂
wow 😍😘😘😘
Kkkkkkk 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ከ አብይ አህመድ እናንተ አገር ብትመሩ ደስ እያለን እንኖር ነበር
ይመቻችሑ ደጉሦው
Enkuwan des alachu
Waferamun leji wedadekuti
Mati naf tahi qali too damma tiyyaa jaajaabbee koo ❤️💪✍️💜
እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ በርቱ