Redwood Lumber Industry, Northern California - 1947

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • "What Majestic Trees! - Hey, Let's cut 'em down!"
    Cutting, loading, transportation, mill sawing and finishing operations of the Northern California's redwood lumber industry, 1947.

Комментарии • 144

  • @221Dw
    @221Dw 10 лет назад +297

    I like how theres pauses between the commentary to just stop and watch.
    Most tv productions today continuously move on.

  • @NcalBiker
    @NcalBiker 15 лет назад +107

    The sawmill shown at 6:30 was The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia Ca. I hauled in and out of that mill for 19 years. A lot of the old mill was left when they closed. You would have been amazed at the size of the timbers used in building the overhead crane system. Some were four to six FEET thick. It was an amazing place.

  • @maxhole2
    @maxhole2 15 лет назад +28

    Amazing ! I love watching old-time industry ! Logging and railroading. Adding to favorites to show my kids ! Thanks for sharing the history !

  • @m8s4lif
    @m8s4lif 14 лет назад +291

    I would have loved to been able to see the western USA forests before they started to log them. There was some big big trees. Not just the redwoods either. I've heard of some huge Doug Fir that were logged back a hundred years or so ago. As a kid we had some huge old stumps on our property in southern Oregon. Would have loved to have seen them before they were logged.

  • @6271560
    @6271560 10 лет назад +138

    Beautiful old video you have here. It's a shame there are not more out there from the same era. Being bred as a logger then faller and cutting so many of these old giants down my self while holding the hands of men gasping there last breath of life which old ladys have taken i come to realize. The giant Redwoods, Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir, Red and Yellow Cedars are the mothers of life. Without them we and rest of life on earth would not exist. The few areas in the world left that can support their future will soon be scraped off and by then i am sure we already will be overcome by our own needless greeds.

  • @markflierl1624
    @markflierl1624 6 лет назад +247

    That topper at 1:30 has some BALLS!

  • @CarlosSchenckel
    @CarlosSchenckel 11 лет назад +65

    Awesome footage, thank you to bring it to youtube.

  • @Westcoasty08
    @Westcoasty08 15 лет назад +14

    That has got to be the best video i've seen in a while. Exellent work. Thank You

  • @ChrisRivers5
    @ChrisRivers5 10 лет назад +75

    Simply amazing! These guys were some hard workers

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  15 лет назад +36

    Me Too! Those were tough old guys.

  • @markallen511
    @markallen511 13 лет назад +30

    Used to build forts in stumps like these in Cali. It was awesome fun.

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  15 лет назад +28

    This is a great video. I'm glad you enjoyed it too.

  • @inbigfootsbackyard
    @inbigfootsbackyard 13 лет назад +11

    thank you for a great video. i am a tree trimmer and those guys had hard work would easily kick tree trimmers /lumberjacks asses os today lol we have gotten soft

  • @mrzed2349
    @mrzed2349 8 лет назад +694

    it seems criminal to cut down a 2000 or 3000 year old tree.

  • @bmwe34greek
    @bmwe34greek 10 лет назад +48

    RESPECT to this old GUYS !!! thats the muscle power !!!

  • @GraniteValleyDave
    @GraniteValleyDave 6 лет назад +220

    Just spectacular. I'm not going to lie, the video made me a bit sad. But then again it was 60 years, all we can do is learn from the past and do our best. Very fascinating nonetheless.

  • @cskillet2003
    @cskillet2003 13 лет назад +11

    That's quite an operation there. Impressive.

  • @jeffjordan9285
    @jeffjordan9285 11 лет назад +3

    Love the video. Older trees like that are amazing

  • @420Todd67
    @420Todd67 14 лет назад +2

    Cool video. most people never get to see the way it "Used" to be done.
    Thanks for that.

  • @pattyhill33
    @pattyhill33 13 лет назад +12

    loggers back then are some of the most badass loggers to haver ever lived

  • @partyguy420
    @partyguy420 15 лет назад +3

    its pretty nice to know that your great grandpa was a man who cut these logs for a living many many years ago...

  • @MrGiorgiostucchi
    @MrGiorgiostucchi 14 лет назад +2

    ...Heros of History...great video..and amazing courage! Today..Sthil & Husquvarna..

  • @waynes.2983
    @waynes.2983 8 лет назад +62

    Back then in Mendocino county an average of one man a day would be killed in logging accidents. Brave men.

  • @butkovi007
    @butkovi007 13 лет назад +1

    Vrlo zanimljiv i poučan uradak,svakako ga valja pogledati.Kazuje kako su ljudi i na kakve načine u povijesti rušili drveće kao što je pokazano na lokaciji oduvijek poznatoj po šumarstvu i preradi drva.

  • @100percentgradeA
    @100percentgradeA 13 лет назад +30

    probably the best video i have watched on youtube. comment at top made me laugh too ----"What Majestic Trees! - Hey, Let's cut 'em down!"

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  15 лет назад +27

    Yeah, 4K years old. They grow slowly and last a long time.

  • @Builder99
    @Builder99 10 лет назад +12

    Its something to see the trees that wide cut in the mill...67 years ago...We built a lot of homes for our family's with that wood...Beats living in a cave...

  • @joshuarugg
    @joshuarugg 13 лет назад +9

    makes me really appreciate my husqy 3120xp and the rest of my saws.

  • @SSxMisfiT
    @SSxMisfiT 15 лет назад +3

    Redwood is fantastic, like the video said, each tree can supply enough lumber to build multiple houses.

  • @xljhtuak
    @xljhtuak 7 лет назад +3

    I remember when I was 9 years old and my grandfather told us his stories of woodcutter when he worked at age 25 that the hard times were the ones that the thing is to read so is in my blood

  • @Freddie44utube
    @Freddie44utube 8 лет назад +89

    It's not the use of trees for industry and fabrication that annoys me it's the wholesale use of trees to generate wealth making a 4000 year old tree into a house that will last 1-200 years at best when less important quick growing trees are available and far more ethical... This is not a quaint Walton run wood yard that supplies their neighbours it's huge lumber yards undervaluing an important resource to supply the world

  • @mrbluenun
    @mrbluenun 12 лет назад +4

    @ohlhous Really enjoyed this video, so many thanks for the upload OK? On this particular tree it was amazing the accuracy and judgement wrapped into the loggers of the day who had to do things for the most part 'the hard way'!
    The extremely exact axe cutting was great to see, and the surfaces left so smooth it was almost as if they had been polished.
    Take care,

  • @lavalizard3
    @lavalizard3 14 лет назад +37

    Isn't it amazing how if you speak in a calm, soothing voice and talk about pride and a better life for one's family, then you can hack away at a 2000-year old tree, destroy and ancient ecosystem, and have people applaud you for it?
    How easy it is to manipulate the human mind...

  • @DarthHater100
    @DarthHater100 10 лет назад +11

    LOL the announcer keeps rubbing it in over and over, reminding us of the tree's majesty, age, size etc.

  • @crazynerdykid
    @crazynerdykid 8 лет назад +1

    set aside for our enjoyment lol. Couldn't imagine being one of them what a thrill

  • @51schmitty
    @51schmitty 9 лет назад +4

    Getting shit done that's for sure.

  • @reubentrapp
    @reubentrapp 14 лет назад +4

    ag4yo why do you think they went through the trouble of falling these monsters? cuz its some of the best wood in the world....
    well for those ppl that say they shouldnt cut any of these trees down, try living in the bush. cuz thats where youd be if it wasnt for the logging industry... these trees built the cities you live in.
    thanks for posting i appreciate it, i also appreciate Gods creation even more. its mankind though that has not simply used but abused these beautiful forests.

  • @KHallesy
    @KHallesy 9 лет назад +8

    Great video. Its an amazing skill and nice to see how hard our ancestors worked. Nothing like Americans today who sit around complaing about videos like this while consuming too much food and still dtiving. Lol. And its nice we are replacing more trees than we cut down!

  • @majotnf
    @majotnf 13 лет назад +19

    preserve those trees, dudes, some countries would pay millions to have them!

  • @gigigombas
    @gigigombas 10 лет назад +2

    kemény munka.

  • @lesbrown7009
    @lesbrown7009 8 лет назад +38

    Just slightly dangerous.

  • @yugdeew1
    @yugdeew1 10 лет назад +37

    Yes, it is sad to see the big trees cut, but we all live in wooden houses. No easy answers...

  • @Niceguypeterr
    @Niceguypeterr 10 лет назад +3

    Big ones

  • @ryanownsu10
    @ryanownsu10 10 лет назад +4

    think of the fatwood and sap you could find at the base of those... sap balls the size of a basketball or bigger

  • @Nightwishfan888
    @Nightwishfan888 12 лет назад +81

    Those men were real men.

  • @gigatodebigato
    @gigatodebigato 10 лет назад +41

    triste muito triste.

  • @johnygrasa
    @johnygrasa 10 лет назад +13

    I think OSHA would have a field day with this.

  • @mike198748
    @mike198748 15 лет назад +6


  • @smacdiesel
    @smacdiesel 14 лет назад +15

    One tree, 20 homes they said. 4000 years of growth for only 20 homes. Redwood wasn't used for framing homes during the late 1940's. Seems kinda sad to me.

  • @vincent7520
    @vincent7520 13 лет назад +92

    this is about a civilization that does know what it talks about : "we cut the oldest living thing on earth, maybe older than our civilization … " to build houses and furnitures.
    We don't have any sense about life, this is ridiculous.

    • @rotam8680
      @rotam8680 7 лет назад +31

      this industry helped thousands of people put food on the table. and historically helped us as a species survived. Old growth was once new growth. by getting rid of the big stuff and leaving the little stuff it created a sustainable forest

  • @davidhoover8877
    @davidhoover8877 10 лет назад +3

    Stop bitching everybody its done...Do what you can today for tomorrow. Recycle those aluminum cans and other materials. PLANT A TREE, SHRUB, SOMETHING. Dwelling in the past is not going to help one bit.SHOULDA, COULDA, WOULDA.....ALL SLANG BUT SO MANY SAY IT SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS OR THAT--JUST DO IT--

  • @mrbluenun
    @mrbluenun 12 лет назад +7

    It might seem a shame to have to cut these biggun's down, but to get the other wood out by rail and to actually make room to move logs about, I am sure this was emphasised because it was probably the largest in that local cutting area. The other may be only 500-1000 years old.
    This film was made specifically for the Cinema, and watching a tree the thickness of a telegraph pole being cut down is hardly gripping stuff is it. Watching this may also serve to save many others. Just a thought.

  • @Banjovee1
    @Banjovee1 7 лет назад +21

    Unless you live in an Adobe Hut don't leave bad comments about this video please.

  • @fudgedogbannana
    @fudgedogbannana 8 лет назад +7

    I am so glad that they didn't have chain saws back then

  • @jasonrodriguez4824
    @jasonrodriguez4824 8 лет назад +2

    now that's old dam dam dam

  • @yamahonkawazuki
    @yamahonkawazuki 13 лет назад +11

    @420Todd67 and people complain while living in a wodden house, with wooden floors, cosuming foods out of containers made usign timber products and printing out items on paper made from well, wood . if things were doen now like htey were then. yes wed have nothing. a plot of land might be usable for timber. once, MAYBE twice in a sawyers lifetime. in the meantime, more are planted. it is VERY highly regulated. and damn near impossible to get away wiht anythign. so hardly anyone tries

  • @LinnTractorNut
    @LinnTractorNut 14 лет назад +3

    Man is not the measure of all things, new trees replace the old, just because we won't live 2,000 years to see it doesn't mean it won't happen. How are lives better for using concrete, steel or plastic? Use wood, even recycled wood, create jobs and preserve open spaces for forestry and agriculture.

  • @Gyva02
    @Gyva02 15 лет назад +14

    Redwood sucks ass I'm a builder and the wood is a crappy building material, ya bugs wont eat it, buts its as soft as a marshmellow and wont hold its "beautiful color" unless you buy a 100 gallons of sealer every year... crap wood, much better to us living in the forests.

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  15 лет назад +7

    Do you live in a clay house?

  • @yamahonkawazuki
    @yamahonkawazuki 13 лет назад +1

    @880CHEVYMAN same here. ppl have to work. yet ive much respect for these majestic trees. but still understand hte need for them. but at least its not irrespnsibly done anymore Eh?

  • @TheSlimViper
    @TheSlimViper 15 лет назад +2

    Neither do you.

  • @Natethegreat1ish
    @Natethegreat1ish 10 лет назад +30

    Well, that was depressing...

  • @bingobongo9203
    @bingobongo9203 8 лет назад +10

    what's with the Tom and Jerry music

  • @TradeMark2003
    @TradeMark2003 13 лет назад +9

    what is it, 96% of the redwood forests gone? please preserve and expand the last trees before theyre gone forever!

  • @Pauly421
    @Pauly421 10 лет назад +7

    These men had a job to do and they did it, and it took more courage and strength and than what most of us do these days. Pity it had to be destroying these magnificent organisms though, but again who am I to judge sitting here at my electricity powered computer drinking my tea which I bought in a large supermarket. They needed good wood to build shit, end of story.

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  15 лет назад +18

    It's simple: Money & Greed

  • @djdeaf13
    @djdeaf13 13 лет назад +11

    No wonder all the houses tip over when i blows in the us. Consider making house of bricks instead.

  • @vlasatej
    @vlasatej 13 лет назад +5


  • @51m0n77
    @51m0n77 13 лет назад +2

    @ohlhous ever heard of farming? or perhaps even pine plantations?

  • @EaglemanX3Gorilla
    @EaglemanX3Gorilla 14 лет назад +6

    I work at a forestry as a sawyer, and watching them cut those redwoods is kinda sad.

  • @cruciphile
    @cruciphile 14 лет назад +7

    we are monsters

  • @MrFreethinkin
    @MrFreethinkin 13 лет назад +5

    @eastern412bmx maybe in the case of other types of trees but with something that takes so long to reach the breath taking size they hit wouldnt it be smarter to leave redwoods alone so my children's grandchildren will be able to walk the giants as I have.

  • @RJTheMountainSage
    @RJTheMountainSage 10 лет назад +2

    *Words of a former U.S. Marine and lumber mill worker.

  • @synthesizer301
    @synthesizer301 15 лет назад +7

    what a waste of nature

  • @Teddy_Bass
    @Teddy_Bass 10 лет назад +4

    That is when wood was wood

  • @mrbluenun
    @mrbluenun 12 лет назад +12

    Remarks on inappropriate comments…
    If people do not want to watch because they are not interested, fair enough.
    However, to watch and often within the first sentence to throw insults and nasty words around, is not good "Netiquette" to say the least, and some things cannot be read as anything other than insults.
    You the people saying these nasty things want to grow up and realise you are in fact insulting yourself I think is termed as "Reflected insults". check it on google.

  • @ryanownsu10
    @ryanownsu10 10 лет назад +12

    its a shame all these were cut down for railroad ties and buildings that most off them are all rotten and gone... there were plenty of other big ass trees that were not the redwood giants that could have been used for timber. to bad the forest service didnt buy up all the land with the redwoods before these morons killed them all.
    im no tree hugger i sometimes kill live trees for building a structure but usually i find the trees that are dead standing or near dead its called being a good steward of your forest so i can leave many big live trees for my children and grandchildren. seeing these big trees die are sad... nothing we can do about it though. at least many of them have been saved and the biggest tree in the world is still alive for people to see.

  • @timberfaller666
    @timberfaller666 13 лет назад +1

    @doktorandom Egads, man. Let's not start bringing fairy tales into the picture.......

  • @cesaresimoni9921
    @cesaresimoni9921 8 лет назад +5

    it seemed to be (very) healty... poor tree.

  • @munky000527
    @munky000527 15 лет назад +6

    who wants super old rare trees?!?!?!
    not me!!! cut em down for money!!!

  • @MrFreethinkin
    @MrFreethinkin 13 лет назад +4

    @ohlhous Its a shame that redwoods are the only tree to use for timber. Its pathetic how man thinks he has the right to destroy anything he chooses. Choose a different tree, its not like there the only ones, why choose one that has been around since the dinosaurs walked earth, Somethings should never be messed with and clearly the redwood is one of them

  • @conanthedestroyer7123
    @conanthedestroyer7123 8 лет назад +5

    Great grandpa had no vision.

  • @cold02rex
    @cold02rex 15 лет назад +1

    All the biggest of the biggest have been gone for many years.

  • @prather555
    @prather555 13 лет назад

    they will be 6 feet in a year

  • @ohlhous
    @ohlhous  14 лет назад +5

    @shinglehillclimber88 Its a shame people have to work for a living too.

  • @johntemple3743
    @johntemple3743 10 лет назад +5

    Earth First! We will Log the other planets later.

  • @shinglehillclimber88
    @shinglehillclimber88 14 лет назад +4

    its a shame thay have to cut them down!

  • @indiangiver1120
    @indiangiver1120 8 лет назад +11

    Nisene marks state parks in Santa Cruz ca, was clear cut of its redwoods 140 years has grown back to the point where you cannot tell it had ever been logged... Shut up crybaby huggers

  • @djm2A
    @djm2A 13 лет назад +3

    We should invent replicator so We Wouldn't have to destroy everything in our wake , synthetic wood?

  • @104bigTruck
    @104bigTruck 15 лет назад

    What a waste of a comment. The back bone of America is industry.

  • @inayat2012
    @inayat2012 13 лет назад +5

    @ohlhous It's not really living if what you are doing in a few hours is to destroy something that took thousands of years to create. We can make other choices. What we accept today, including humans eating meet, will look savage in a few decades. We can choose see the beings on this planet around us as having equal rights instead of being resources for us to do with as we wish.

  • @ExploringCabinsandMines
    @ExploringCabinsandMines 13 лет назад +7


  • @niburu2012
    @niburu2012 13 лет назад +3

    @77kirkwood as long as there are americans in america they don't grow until 4000 years old

  • @3RWE3
    @3RWE3 14 лет назад +1

    Hey baby , before DRILL BABY DRILL it was CHOP BABY CHOP!
    Eat bark ninja!

  • @niburu2012
    @niburu2012 13 лет назад +1

    @ohlhous it's a shame population keeps growing

  • @schmenkspeedtyping218
    @schmenkspeedtyping218 8 лет назад +3


  • @yup703
    @yup703 13 лет назад +3

    you have to cut trees so the forest will keep growing you cut one an two may grow in its place thar for creating more oxygen creating more jobs down the line.... its not the cutting that ppl should be worryed about.. it HOW its done an HOW much is cut that should be worryd about...

  • @humanbeing524
    @humanbeing524 7 лет назад +13

    Cruelty knows no bounds. We kill nature and we suffer too.

  • @eastern412bmx
    @eastern412bmx 14 лет назад

    @synthesizer301 what a waste of a comment you need to cut trees down you just have to rreplant them and be smart about it

  • @TradeMark2003
    @TradeMark2003 13 лет назад +5

    @ohlhous millions of years.......gone. so depressing. all for money.