Liquid rubber flat roofing system for new flat roofs or roof repairs

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 147

  • @MASTER-uz2ed
    @MASTER-uz2ed 2 года назад +2


  • @zombiedeathflower8175
    @zombiedeathflower8175 Год назад

    saved £20K by repairing my roof myself using this stuff, makes it so easy. god bless liquid roofing and you tube :)

    • @HampsteadBuildersLt
      @HampsteadBuildersLt Год назад

      You probably didn't use the same product as this as it's only available to the trade but there is a. lot of liquid roofing products ont he market and when applied correctly are really good

    • @tdog2284
      @tdog2284 Год назад +1


    • @bernie129locksmith
      @bernie129locksmith 11 месяцев назад

      used a liquid rubber in a commercial metal gutter about 10 years ago - rust removed and primed with supplied primer - lovely warm weather when installed - joints reinforced as spec - went on perfect and looked brilliant - 10 years on with freeze and thaw the whole lot has broken down its completely useless I wont be using liquid rubber again @@HampsteadBuildersLt

    • @freesaxon6835
      @freesaxon6835 6 месяцев назад

      So could you tell me what's the rubber solution called?

    • @kylepac2302
      @kylepac2302 5 месяцев назад

      what product did you use and where did you get it?

  • @AyiviTV
    @AyiviTV 2 года назад +3

    Nice! Waterproofings are very interesting. There are many different ways to get them done. Just completed mine.
    After this video, feel free to take a look.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • @frank1847
    @frank1847 4 года назад +10

    Absolutely a boss video this, you are well-spoken, the content was spot on and pre-planned. Thumbs up and subscribed.

  • @johnnyblaze2716
    @johnnyblaze2716 3 года назад +3

    Hydrostop AH-25 by SIG, that’s the product right Steve. Great video. Very well put together. Thanks.

    • @TheRealMrLaserCutter
      @TheRealMrLaserCutter Месяц назад

      Apparently this is also the same product as Icopal sealoflex Ultima. For anyone looking to buy in the uk, you can get it over the internet with no training needed.

  • @leeedwards3783
    @leeedwards3783 Год назад +2

    Thanks for sharing these very informative videos. I have 2 flat roofs which are leaking and are felt with solar stones on them. Would you say a competent dryer would be able to install these systems? Have quite a tricky places going onto two plastic conservatory roofs!

  • @vincentjean6756
    @vincentjean6756 5 лет назад

    The future of roofing is right there. Good presentation especially on the OSB demo.

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks the liquid roofing systems certainly has its advantages

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks the liquid roofing systems certainly has its advantages

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks the liquid roofing systems certainly has its advantages

  • @dexagalapagos
    @dexagalapagos 2 года назад +1

    Is it UV stable for use in high sun and high heat areas like Florida?

  • @srsselfreflectionservice
    @srsselfreflectionservice 2 месяца назад

    Would love to see how you made the drip detail

    • @TheRealMrLaserCutter
      @TheRealMrLaserCutter Месяц назад

      Could you tape a paper membrane over the gap and then apply the product. The paper would disappear in time.

  • @gferguson73
    @gferguson73 3 года назад +5

    Hi Steve, just a quick one for you, how much roughly would it cost per square meter to have someone fit this liquid polyurethane???

  • @harryclayton3339
    @harryclayton3339 2 года назад +1

    Hi Steve would this work for repairing existing traditional rubber flat roofs?

    • @HampsteadBuildersLt
      @HampsteadBuildersLt 2 года назад

      Unfortunately its not on the market any more however there are others that will go over rubber

  • @roshnivaldar2746
    @roshnivaldar2746 3 года назад

    Can you use has a flashing over a felting roof? please let me know, Thank you great video for a diyer.

  • @markjarvis7087
    @markjarvis7087 2 года назад +1

    Can you run the up stand up an ICF wall?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  2 года назад +1

      Now that is problematic I did on one roof but I slowly cut into the insulation and made sure I tucked in really deep but it's becoming a problem

  • @shrekshrek413
    @shrekshrek413 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏🏽

  • @Muhammad_asif78
    @Muhammad_asif78 3 года назад +3

    Hi Steve quick question mate. I have got a fibre glass flat roof which hasn't been done right my question ui can we apply this stuff on top of the fibre glass and copping stones as well or what would you suggest thanks.

    • @isaid5098
      @isaid5098 3 года назад +1

      Same boat that I’m in, did you get any work done if so what did you go for ?

    • @aro-rat
      @aro-rat 2 года назад

      And in the same boat...
      I think you should grind down any cracks and possibly apply this straight on top. I will call the company.
      Problem with grp is not the product but lack of knowledge of people who lay it.

  • @kylepac2302
    @kylepac2302 5 месяцев назад

    is there a similar product you would recommend that is available to the common homeowner? or is there a way for a regular person to get this stuff? thanks a lot great video

  • @janhughes8235
    @janhughes8235 4 года назад +4

    Steve - I have a square bay with a flat roof and now have a leak where the roof joins the rest of the house. Can I use Isoflex on this. I think the flashing is damaged so can I paint this stuff straight on top of it or does it need a primer first? Should I send you photos?

    • @MrEvertonian20
      @MrEvertonian20 Год назад

      What was the outcome please? I have a fibreglass roof which could do with coating

  • @Lloyd1885
    @Lloyd1885 3 года назад +1

    Great clip thanks, I need to coat my felted garage roof, I've had a couple of minor leaks lately, but i cant complain, its lasted for 20 years.
    This product looks ideal, my only concern is, if it peels off a plastic bucket that east, will it peel from the surface of the roof, which is felt with a coating over it?

  • @paulscoolroroo
    @paulscoolroroo 2 года назад +1

    Morning I’ve got an EDPM roof can you use it on that ?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад +2

      Yes, if you use the correct primers, but normally there's nothing wrong with an EP DM roof, so why ruin a good EPDM roof

  • @antsmooney869
    @antsmooney869 Год назад

    Hi Steve great video 👌can this be applied right in top of felt ? ( torch down ) thanks

  • @MichaelCrossUK
    @MichaelCrossUK 4 года назад +7

    Hi Steve, thanks for posting this. That drip detail going into the gutter looks great - how do you make that? Thanks. Michael

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад +4

      Hard to describe how but its made a lot easier when you have time on a job to do the buildup I was on this job for about 8 days so did the timberwork first then overlaid it with the Hydrostop AH-25+ roofing system leaving a small drip detail overhanging

    • @MichaelCrossUK
      @MichaelCrossUK 4 года назад

      @@SteveRoofer Thanks - it's for my own place so I can take the time. What I was wondering about is the area where you have the membrane hanging down loose into the gutter with no timber behind it; did you do that in situ and if so did you have a backing behind that you peeled off? I'm assuming you didn't just make it 'in the air' as it were...?

  • @pickperson
    @pickperson 2 года назад +1

    Looks great, but where can I buy it? SIG website pretty useless and nobody seems to stock it

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  2 года назад

      It is a SIG product however it's only supplied to registered installers so sorry you cannot buy it

    • @pickperson
      @pickperson 2 года назад

      @@SteveRoofer thanks for that. Look s like I'll be using a Cromar product

  • @pet4888
    @pet4888 Год назад

    Hi there. Can you please recommend the alternative product suitable for existing fibre glass/grp roof? Regards

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад

      I always recommend doing roofs in EPDM or mineral felt the problem with mineral felt is that it uses a naked flame, and there's not many people who are doing it these days, so realistically, EPDM is always the way to go

  • @robertoripamonti7578
    @robertoripamonti7578 9 месяцев назад

    Steve, what product should I use for covering a fibre glass roof?

  • @danielfinley47
    @danielfinley47 Год назад

    For me there’s no self termination water through all brickwork will find it’s way,you always need to turn into a chase and point,there’s a market for liquid coating’s especially over the dreaded GRP which is a shocker of a system,but for me I’ll stick with mastic asphalt and felt.

    • @HampsteadBuildersLt
      @HampsteadBuildersLt Год назад +1

      Self-termination works if done correctly in the right place. I have to say that the old systems. Felt and mastic asphalt and felt when laid correctly are still the best but unfortunatly are being phased out because of health and safety fire and lack of skilled people doing them, also cost as labour intensive.

    • @danielfinley47
      @danielfinley47 Год назад

      @@HampsteadBuildersLt very true but luckily I’m still busy with both,I do like the idea of liquid but I’ve not seen a bullet proof system yet (I’ve not seen that many tbh) that I’ll use along side felt/asphalt 👍🏻

  • @gnt754
    @gnt754 Год назад

    Hi I’m located on the east cost of Nova Scotia I had my roof done with a liquid roofing system and had lots of leaks on and off. The roofer didn’t use the fabric underneath the liquid I’m thinking this is the problem. Where would I get this fabric underlay for my job.

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад

      If the liquid product is not impregnated into a fabric of some kind that not only controls the depth, but also adds strength to the liquid system then, realistically it's not a recognised liquid roofing system. It is a DIY repair system

  • @alaisterdraper1164
    @alaisterdraper1164 4 года назад +1

    Hi just wondering what is name of this product and where can I buy it cheers ali.

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад

      Its AH25 and you can get it from sheffield insulation

  • @llCarpentry_Joinery
    @llCarpentry_Joinery Год назад

    What about cold roof would it work on that?

  • @scotiajinker8392
    @scotiajinker8392 4 года назад +1

    I’ve a corrugated garage roof that seems to have lost it’s waterproofing , there isn’t any leaks as sure but the roof seems to absorb the rain then it drips inside garage . If the roof was cleaned , would painting this stuff onto the roof cure this problem? I’m not sure if the roof is concrete or asbestos, it’s 28 yrs old & built by Marley.

    • @antonios4926
      @antonios4926 3 года назад +1

      Cheaper just to replace it with a metal one.

  • @SteveRoofer
    @SteveRoofer  4 года назад +3

    Unfortunately its not available to the general public

    • @pet4888
      @pet4888 Год назад

      Hello! Can you please recommend the alternative product suitable for existing fibre glass/grp roof? Regards

  • @aom9082
    @aom9082 2 года назад +1

    This looks like it would be a good treatment for motor homes....Comments?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  2 года назад

      Yes lots of people use it I believe

  • @nomthandazosandi8956
    @nomthandazosandi8956 3 года назад +1

    How much is your 5litr

  • @chrisaskham7483
    @chrisaskham7483 2 года назад

    Hi Steve
    Interesting, would you mind recommending a liquid rubber product as I’m looking into doing this but unsure which product would be best
    Thanks in advance

  • @freesaxon6835
    @freesaxon6835 6 месяцев назад

    Whats the liquid rubber called ?

  • @shenoyglobal
    @shenoyglobal 3 года назад

    we plan to have hollow core slabs on our roof. does this product go right on top of it or is there any other material layer needed before you apply this? also we plan to have a natural stone to cover this membrane so can we apply tiles on top of it

  • @sweetvuvuzela4634
    @sweetvuvuzela4634 4 года назад

    Hello would this mean no stripping of existing flat roof needed? For example worn out felt roof with a good clean you can apply this on top? Or would the felt roof need to be stripped down to ply?

  • @richardsmith7783
    @richardsmith7783 5 лет назад

    Now that would be the trick!to cover any roofs!!

  • @paulfallows923
    @paulfallows923 9 месяцев назад

    What’s the product called?

  • @zigzak47
    @zigzak47 3 года назад

    could i lay this system over a grp roof putting plyboards down first? the area is 36mtre square.

  • @jamieguest5425
    @jamieguest5425 4 года назад

    Is this available for very competent diyers? Or an alternative that is?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад +1

      Sorry no most roofing materials we use are for trade only

  • @marsogreen2411
    @marsogreen2411 Год назад

    Why are most rubber roofing systems videos from the UK? and why only the UK has such performing products? US products seem to have a lot of controversy or issues. Please tell me I'm wrong, and that there is indeed a comparable product in the US?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад

      The US lays far more liquid systems that we do and also lays for more single ply than we do by huge amount mainly because there is a larger we have smaller rooms with more details so therefore more problems

  • @gwilko6452
    @gwilko6452 4 года назад

    Do you ever use any single ply system Armourplan, Trocal etc?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад

      We use EPDM rubber or reinforced liquid systems

  • @stena_vlogs
    @stena_vlogs 2 года назад

    Whats the tin called?

  • @armandoalcantara9885
    @armandoalcantara9885 3 года назад

    Do you have the link for it?

  • @chrisaskham7483
    @chrisaskham7483 2 года назад

    Hi Steve
    Another great video.
    Do you need to prime the OSB at all, or just apply with the reinforcing blanket.
    Can it be used in conjunction with GRP trims. 👍

  • @Brandon-hp8jy
    @Brandon-hp8jy 4 года назад

    What about a flat concrete garage roof that is also used as a patio/porch? In other words there is foot traffic on it. There is one drain in the middle but not a good slope anywhere.

  • @aaizarashiddd
    @aaizarashiddd Год назад

    What’s the liquid rubber that you use ???

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад

      On this roof, I was using a liquid system called a H 25. However, it's now been taken off the market

  • @cavemancove8027
    @cavemancove8027 4 года назад

    Hello, do you think this would work to seal the bottom of an older wooden boat? I'm trying to rescue one and need a quick waterproofing to be able to refloat and move.

    • @yorkshiremgtow1773
      @yorkshiremgtow1773 3 года назад

      Might work if you painted the inside of the boat; not sure about the exterior.

  • @michaelosborne4050
    @michaelosborne4050 2 года назад

    Where can I buy this in Canada 🇨🇦 please ?

    @GLYNDYER 6 лет назад +1

    Where can I buy a tub if this product as I’ve a leaking junction on a lead valley gutter ?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  6 лет назад

      Unfortunately, unless you are a registered installer you can't buy it, sorry.

      @GLYNDYER 6 лет назад

      Steve Roofer ah that sucks! It’s a long standing problem I have in that the slates also fall off into the gutter and the lead doesn’t lap high enough up behind them to prevent water ingress however it’s just the middle where the joint is in the valley which is where the leaks are coming from. I don’t want to have to take all the slates off to get at the gutter and I’ve tried other products which have failed but this looks perfect.

      @GLYNDYER 6 лет назад

      Steve Roofer I know a roofer so thanks for the post as there’s a branch of SIG nearby .

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  6 лет назад

      Supposedly they should not sell it to you without you having an account and being an approved contractor. Supposedly the reasoning behind this is they want to keep the product good name up and don't want it missed used by the general public. I have my suspicions its more because of health and safety and it would have to have different certification if it was open to everybody to use.

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  6 лет назад

      Have you tried CT-1 ? Both products are based on alpha-hybrid, silane terminated polyether technology!

  • @samcaldwell7694
    @samcaldwell7694 2 года назад

    Come back in 10yrs when it's stud the test of time there are many products on the market that purport to do all sorts of things but in reality they don't

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  2 года назад

      Yes in many ways you are right however we try to really build up the liquid well over the specified to make its going to last

  • @peteramberley9952
    @peteramberley9952 6 лет назад

    What is the system your demonstrating steve ?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  6 лет назад

      Hydrostop AH-25 by SIG (Sheffield Insulation Group)

    • @peteramberley9952
      @peteramberley9952 6 лет назад

      @@SteveRoofer lol i wondered what sig stood for .nice seeing your vids up again hooe your keeping well

    • @darrenchandler8799
      @darrenchandler8799 6 лет назад

      Steve where can I buy this product?

  • @farmerjimmy7453
    @farmerjimmy7453 5 лет назад

    Hi Steve what brand of product are u using and how long has it been around can u do an full new roof or is it just for repairs

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад

      Hydrostop AH-25 by SIG (Sheffield Insulation Group) I don't know how long its been on the market ive been using it for three years or so

  • @guyanagold4869
    @guyanagold4869 5 лет назад +1

    Great video steve. I have used the desmapol/Permaroof system on a few jobs. Tbh i fjnd them very awkward to use. Especially vertically. I forever got pin holes just as the material was about to cure. It has its uses but i find rubber or grp to be better. I am going to do the restec flexitec course. Have you used this?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад

      The system above is AH25 and is really good on verticals it's also good as there is no mixing and no small so its very user-friendly I haven't used the Restec Flexite system so report back when you have used it will be interesting to know what you think

  • @bhartiyagyan9789
    @bhartiyagyan9789 4 года назад

    Where we can buy this product

  • @kchris80
    @kchris80 4 года назад

    Where can I buy this system?

  • @golumoly8722
    @golumoly8722 3 года назад

    Hi Steve...I am a WATERPROOFING contractor in india
    Which company material is this...

  • @choppergirl
    @choppergirl 9 месяцев назад

    It doesn't seem to stick very well... you just pulled it right off the inside of the bucket.

    • @sadatmb9826
      @sadatmb9826 6 месяцев назад

      Plastic bucket isn't corse like OSB and no FG matting

  • @kennetharrington9418
    @kennetharrington9418 4 года назад

    where can i buy this at? and whats the name of this?

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад

      Unfortunatly this roofing product is trade only so you cant purchase it

  • @sunilkumararickattu1845
    @sunilkumararickattu1845 5 лет назад

    What is the product name. Any chance of getting the product india or online. What is the price and area of coverage please

  • @mazman8343
    @mazman8343 5 лет назад

    Great video dude what is the name of it

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад

      Its called Hydrostop AH-25 unfortunately only available to trained installers. It's an amazing material we use on new flat roofs and for flat roof repairs. When we are doing Flat roof condition report we often carry out small roof repairs. We open the bucket and away we go no mixing different materials together use it straight out of the tin

    • @andrewbeaudry5414
      @andrewbeaudry5414 4 года назад

      Hi Steve
      trying to find more info on Hydrostop, do you know if it's available in Canada?

  • @1MACVSOG1
    @1MACVSOG1 5 лет назад

    Can I get this in the usa

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад

      I don't know but would like to find out. Its a really fantastic product but expensive would love to find another manufacturer

    • @1MACVSOG1
      @1MACVSOG1 5 лет назад

      @@SteveRoofer they make a mule hide sealer 5 gal $127'00 and the next best tape is eternal bond tape is a little cheaper

  • @dominicpatch5784
    @dominicpatch5784 5 лет назад

    How can i send you some photos over to you so you could maby advise me on tge best option i will need to fix ny flat roof ? Cheers will look forward to a reply

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  5 лет назад +1

      Yes just email the info to me

  • @wajidyoutuber4555
    @wajidyoutuber4555 Год назад +1

    Super video is pinned

  • @sunilkumar-jw5yt
    @sunilkumar-jw5yt Год назад

    I want it

  • @craigstewart1255
    @craigstewart1255 4 года назад +1

    Hi Steve, great video. Highly informative. I'm a chippie/all rounder based in the Channel Islands and have used the system you are demonstrating as its a quality product. For the past 10 years I've used Dacfill HZ and before that I used Decothane. Have you ever used those products? And do you know of any better (or cheaper)? Cheers mate. Craig Stewart

  • @littleoceandrop
    @littleoceandrop 3 года назад

    I love this

  • @tdog2284
    @tdog2284 Год назад


  • @crazycrab8578
    @crazycrab8578 Год назад

    dont laugh :), but could I put this on the roof of my Tramper van to cut down the noise of the rain, as it is rubber, it will dampen the sound, the van is a doblo

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  Год назад +1

      Yes you could but it would at a lot of weight and cost a lot of money try fitting a vine roof as they did in the good old day

    • @crazycrab8578
      @crazycrab8578 Год назад

      @@SteveRoofer cheers for quick reply Steve, weight no prob, having me rear suspention upgraded in next 2 days, just after a quick and easy way of doing it, vine is to much hard work, I'm old and lazy, :)

  • @sureshkoirala6878
    @sureshkoirala6878 4 года назад

    Liquid rubber for building Nepal

  • @minyura2966
    @minyura2966 4 года назад

    My partner got rip off to his roof £20k grand and still massively leaking the fake roofer is hiding and using a fake company name. We don’t know what we should do cuz we can’t afford a new roof. My partner is devastating and got a mental breakdown because of the roof and the guy who rip him off
    Thats why I’m here in youtube looking for a solution how we gonna fix the roof leaking

    • @SteveRoofer
      @SteveRoofer  4 года назад

      Sorry to hear this, unfortunately, it's extremely common as a roof surveyed I get calls every week telling me the same story and asking what can we do. unfortunately once you have paid its hard to get anything back

    • @minyura2966
      @minyura2966 4 года назад

      @@SteveRoofer Yeah i agree with you. Some people like that are heartless i hope they get karma as soon as possible because my husband is not the only person he scammed.

    • @ਇਕਬਾਲਸਿੰਘ-ਠ3ਢ
      @ਇਕਬਾਲਸਿੰਘ-ਠ3ਢ 3 года назад

      @@minyura2966 Did you pay cash Min?

    • @minyura2966
      @minyura2966 3 года назад

      @@ਇਕਬਾਲਸਿੰਘ-ਠ3ਢ My husband did he doesn’t know that man is scammer a

  • @fit-with-eaz2627
    @fit-with-eaz2627 Месяц назад

    #970 am I

  • @PeakyBlinder
    @PeakyBlinder 2 года назад


  • @Jim-s7l1s
    @Jim-s7l1s 10 месяцев назад

    It has probably failed by now. Them liquid systems are aload of crap

  • @craigstewart1255
    @craigstewart1255 4 года назад +1

    Hi Steve, great video. Highly informative. I'm a chippie/all rounder based in the Channel Islands and have used the system you are demonstrating as its a quality product. For the past 10 years I've used Dacfill HZ and before that I used Decothane. Have you ever used those products? And do you know of any better (or cheaper)? Cheers mate. Craig Stewart

    • @aaizarashiddd
      @aaizarashiddd Год назад

      Do you know the name of the product used in the video