和老公辯論是否應該在英國生多一個小孩!! 在英國養小孩比香港困難多少?我和老公的想法太不一樣了…Should we make another BABY in the UK?!

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 298

  • @lingma8438
    @lingma8438 Год назад +320

    其實有 2 個小朋友巳足夠,Reynolds 說得對,從經濟及愛的角度,可集中在 2 個小朋友身上,他們到青少年時,雖然他們不像現在常在身邊,但經濟上還是要培育他們成才。

  • @brotherchan
    @brotherchan Год назад +216

    接受孩子會長大,他們是獨立個體,會離開,伴侶才是你一生一世的 partner。而且,如果雙方對生孩子的意願不是一致,千萬不要勉強生,孩子將來一定會感受到,亦會影響夫婦感情。

  • @cchingy4330
    @cchingy4330 Год назад +156


  • @bobowong4396
    @bobowong4396 Год назад +34


  • @salmonlovereel
    @salmonlovereel Год назад +162


  • @ヤニカス-q5p
    @ヤニカス-q5p Год назад +102


  • @maymayloong9788
    @maymayloong9788 Год назад +350


    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Год назад +69


    • @jennykwong3228
      @jennykwong3228 Год назад +14

      Totally agree with you!! 生幾多都好當佢地大個之後一樣會為自己前途離開你地!我自己覺得世界只會變差,好難會變好!我都叫我仔女不要生😅

    • @y.yc728
      @y.yc728 Год назад +9


    • @MagBook-db7rc
      @MagBook-db7rc Год назад +2

      I agreed!! I have one, and that’s it! I love 2人世界多D

    • @KingKing-do2dp
      @KingKing-do2dp Год назад +1

      @@thereynoldsfamily 到時又可增值自己和共享二人世界!

  • @lsy9389
    @lsy9389 Год назад +45


    • @shadesofthecityky8082
      @shadesofthecityky8082 Год назад +1

      (Not coming from malice) I would want more kids too but why she wants a kid mostly is due to the fear of empty nest
      Not coming from the point of whether sufficient resources
      It’s lucky of her to think she raised her first born with very little resources, but I’m sure why she succeed is not without help from her parents
      Its quite selfish to want another kid when your decision with impact other people

  • @monisa5787
    @monisa5787 Год назад +50

    Two is enough don’t make yourself crazy again. Having another baby is not easy. Give your love to two boys.❤❤👦🏻🧒🏻👱🏻‍♂️👩🏻

  • @Sesame0209
    @Sesame0209 Год назад +64

    兒女是天父給我們的禮物❤兩個仔仔超級可愛,feel 得到爸爸媽媽好用心經營個家庭,留返一個quota, 作為未來的驚喜也不錯….🎉

  • @magk4688
    @magk4688 Год назад +51


  • @bombi76
    @bombi76 Год назад +45

    你呢個諗法係好自私 因為你淨係諗你自己。

    • @brotherchan
      @brotherchan Год назад +5

      好多媽媽都接受唔到自己啲仔囡會長大, 唔捨得離開小朋友八歲以下任由佢哋控制嘅時期 ... 其實出去搵錢嗰個壓力都好大。

  • @scarlettleung
    @scarlettleung Год назад +10

    我真心覺得2 個仔已經夠哂啦, 我好支持你老公個講法。 生多個咪會分薄左對細路仔既愛. 其實對小朋友係唔公平. 真心2 個已經夠晒數, 更加唔好講經濟問題先啦

  • @puishanho5038
    @puishanho5038 Год назад +32


  • @Sheshu24
    @Sheshu24 Год назад +27

    I am not on the side of Gladys , the future of the world is gonna be harder than now, it’s better to keep all the resources for them. It’s a risk to have one more kid. It’s not a must to have a healthy baby.
    To be honest, Gladys is too idealise, but she is a really good mum. However, when your partner doesn’t want one more kid,please respect him and don’t force him. Especially when guy said no, one day when problems out. Man is going to say I don’t want kid, you ruin my life.
    I can feel your husband under stress already , he is not and will not ready for one more kid forever.
    For your own good , please don’t force your partner to do anything , it definitely ruin the relationship.
    You already have 2 kids ,if you keep forcing your husband , you seems quite selfish and not listening.
    Anyway, wish you all have happy life.

  • @hsuenyeeho9406
    @hsuenyeeho9406 Год назад +102


  • @LeeKa325
    @LeeKa325 Год назад +33

    Laurence said most people will be on Gladys side, but the real is more people be on Laurence side

  • @紫蝴蝶-m4y
    @紫蝴蝶-m4y Год назад +24


  • @daysintheuk1749
    @daysintheuk1749 Год назад +20


  • @mancathy4399
    @mancathy4399 Год назад +39


  • @dhkwo1
    @dhkwo1 Год назад +6


  • @iszac87
    @iszac87 Год назад +104

    其实我觉得你地一家四口依家好好,等佢地大啲出社会,你地都仲后生可以享受下二人世界同有翻多啲自己嘅时间去enjoy life。:D

    • @zizjzjjsjsj
      @zizjzjjsjsj Год назад

      認真,咁生得,等細個兩個17 8歲再來多個都得😂

  • @Ustp27
    @Ustp27 Год назад +12

    I'm with Laurence on this one🤣, from resources point of view really, you want to give the best to the boys. Plus your plan isn't really sustainable girl, baby grows up very quickly lol

  • @repentmaster2842
    @repentmaster2842 Год назад +12

    Just discovered the amazing Reynolds family. Level-headed dad somehow manage to keep the lovely wife's passion in check 👍

  • @yaupikfung5857
    @yaupikfung5857 Год назад +5

    soo sweet but this time support reynold also since 兩個小朋友真係好夠 其實middle child 個小朋友真係會好辛苦 好想博關注同成日感覺比人忽視同孤獨,所以兩個真係超級夠,可以睇下關於middle child 嘅scholar essay,出生次序其實對小朋友都有好大影響

  • @PAO-mu6zv
    @PAO-mu6zv Год назад +6


  • @pennying4597
    @pennying4597 Год назад +11

    From the above conversation, I feel that the wife does not really understand the pressure of her husband, or she doesnt care

  • @dorialilymei6928
    @dorialilymei6928 Год назад +15

    This time I agree with Laurence
    Two kids are enough for a family 🙈

  • @astatang3942
    @astatang3942 Год назад +44

    我真係好欣賞你哋!雖然我知而家只係一個小六嘅學生,但係我見到你好幸福! 如果真係生第三個小朋友嘅話!我希望係女仔,因為如果三個男孩子好容易打交!但係女孩子會好少少😂

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Год назад +6


    • @tomman3948
      @tomman3948 Год назад +13


    • @katwong1239
      @katwong1239 Год назад +1


  • @kellyng5584
    @kellyng5584 Год назад +15

    世纪巳不同了🚀🚀 夫妻關係+人生階段會經歷不同變化🚥 伴侶才是自己身邊的守護者⏳好好珍惜當下所擁有🏡

  • @jerryli1620
    @jerryli1620 Год назад +16


  • @GeorgiaGordonGG
    @GeorgiaGordonGG Год назад +11

    good thing is that next year is actually next month 😏 baby #3 lets goooooooooo

  • @students2011
    @students2011 Год назад +3

    If u hv so much love, why don't you share your love by doing voluntary work helping other people or children? There are so much things to do to help the world. No matter how many kids u hv, they will still grow up and leave u one day. We still need to be prepared for that day. The greatest love of all is love without attachment then u will really gain real happiness.

  • @rozyue1177
    @rozyue1177 Год назад +9

    Your husband is wise and realistic , , give all your love , attention and energy into raising these two boys . Then invest time for self development , perhaps a career . Kids grow up n need u less and less . Cuteness is too simple a reason to have another kid

  • @yinchy227
    @yinchy227 Год назад +7

    Is Laurence working full-time now?
    He looks tired and a little fed up all the time 😅

  • @jennydancephysio
    @jennydancephysio Год назад +6


  • @jojochan9832
    @jojochan9832 Год назад +11

    I think two boys are perfect! Don’t make your life so hard and busy! 😅

  • @Marcus-lq1rd
    @Marcus-lq1rd Год назад +23

    Reynolds BB No.3

  • @yingchan8272
    @yingchan8272 Год назад +9


  • @LA-kt4io
    @LA-kt4io Год назад +10


  • @petteripan2658
    @petteripan2658 Год назад +7

    你们真的是天生一对,realistic husband & sentimental wife. 😁

  • @emondluk
    @emondluk Год назад +11


  • @wingchan3976
    @wingchan3976 Год назад +9


  • @sakurakwok567
    @sakurakwok567 Год назад +5

    No offence 不嬲都好鐘意你地家庭 好有愛 好和諧 🫶🏻
    但睇完覺得你既諗法其實幾自私 講到尾 你沉醉於照顧初生嬰兒-小學階段既生活 好想小朋友依賴你 但現實係你無論生幾多個 小朋友隨時間點都會長大 咁唔通不斷生小朋友? 睇得出你老公係衷心地真係好唔想生!有時迫得多會好反感 反而影響夫妻感情

  • @suzisuzi6785
    @suzisuzi6785 Год назад +7


  • @Charles-sg9zu
    @Charles-sg9zu Год назад +7

    Kids are soul who link with their parents ❤

  • @jessng9586
    @jessng9586 Год назад +5

    你老公好靓仔,是个好爸爸 , 你们家庭圆满 。

  • @EF268
    @EF268 Год назад +2

    生! 呢哋两個仔好cute. 生多两個女! 💪🏻👍🏻😁 When you have kids, God always take care of what you eat, what you wear, what you live as mentioned in Bible.

  • @jlouie8835
    @jlouie8835 Год назад +9

    Maybe wait a few years, build your own career and stronger income first, don't put too much pressure on your husband, you need to be financial independent yourself first. I have 3 kids and I waited 5 years to have the third one. The reason is because we needed to build up our financial resources to make sure we can buy a bigger house and hire a nanny in USA. Both my husband and I were able to build a stronger career during the five years and we were very motivated to save to get ready for the third kid. It worked out real well because my third kid was at home 5 more years when the two older sisters moved out to college. I am curious to know why you don't drive, don't you have to work on that first?

  • @iriswong7246
    @iriswong7246 Год назад +24


  • @natalielai1803
    @natalielai1803 Год назад +13

    I think two is enough..I think you can try to work after two sons reach primary school level. As a woman, having independent finance is important as well..

    • @jlouie8835
      @jlouie8835 Год назад

      Totally agree with you.

    • @rozyue1177
      @rozyue1177 Год назад +2

      So true , having your own income is of paramount importance

  • @ironic2629
    @ironic2629 Год назад +34


  • @yaha4307
    @yaha4307 Год назад +62

    真心覺得唔好生 下面留言個個話生多個囡 萬一唔係囡?事情又會咁美好?我身邊冇見過任何一個三囝囡家庭係開心 唔止偏心問題 洗費 比較心態 冇一個輕鬆 一定三個有一個唔開心 而且講衰啲noah嘅敏感問題已經要落好多心思 咁你能接唔接受到萬一下一個有啲更嚴重嘅先天問題 到時錢 時間 心力都唔簡單 真係要諗清楚 我自己就好支持你老公 生唔緊要 但睇落實在諗得太離地同理想

    • @ヤニカス-q5p
      @ヤニカス-q5p Год назад +6


    • @yaha4307
      @yaha4307 Год назад +10

      @@ヤニカス-q5p 睇落就八九成係真 我明Gladys好中意細路 但佢有冇諗過除咗中意 仲有啲唔捨得細路大嘅情感喺入面 唔通真係好似佢字幕啲jokes話每年生一個? 接受細路大個係父母嘅一個課題 唔係去逃避之後再生多個 當佢接受唔到又再生肯定多少會比更多心力心血落個B度 就少分比其他囝囡 冇可能達到唔偏心

    • @ヤニカス-q5p
      @ヤニカス-q5p Год назад +11


  • @kellyng5584
    @kellyng5584 Год назад +9

    看完這段片我都不讚成您們再生第三個了🍼🍼 因為2個已經足夠👍

  • @mick7827
    @mick7827 Год назад +2


  • @gracestchan
    @gracestchan Год назад +13

    No offense, but 個人感覺媽媽妳係咪有啲將自己嘅生活同精神來源過多於依賴喺子女身上?子女只係生活嘅一部分……咁仔女大咗,妳咪會好失落?……

  • @solai4470
    @solai4470 Год назад +16


    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Год назад +7


    • @K1982K
      @K1982K Год назад

      @@thereynoldsfamily 但男人會心軟
      再講下自己老啦⋯⋯ 再唔生真係冇得生
      但要時間 唔好再提生bb

  • @Qwerasdf12687
    @Qwerasdf12687 Год назад +2

    The stress of being the oldest only the oldest will understand…2 is enough…my parents have 4 although is a loud family but jeez our teenage years wasn’t the easiest and thankfully now the two youngest one are finally in their mid teen…

  • @gigi9079
    @gigi9079 Год назад +1

    Young couple with lovely children. It's very nice. In my view, two more lovely girls. Ha! Ha! Ha!

  • @susanwoo7536
    @susanwoo7536 Год назад +4

    Reynold is obviously uncomfortable, just don’t push further. Better put off the idea for the moment, you are young and wait a couple of years and he may say I want another one! Who knows?

  • @Mida_1708
    @Mida_1708 Год назад +2

    I live in Warwick and today have a snow in the morning, it’s very cold❄️🌨but it’s it was fun and l’m very happy 🎉🎊🥳

  • @clay--brawlstars2706
    @clay--brawlstars2706 Год назад +10

    I support Lawrence, you gotta be realistic 😅

  • @rubylao9988
    @rubylao9988 Год назад +7


  • @aussiehaven
    @aussiehaven Год назад +3

    Honestly, and no offence, I found the argument of wanting another baby to safe-proof your motherly feeling and reassurance when the elder two became teenagers not only unrealistic, but very selfish. However, at the end of the day, it is each couple to their own.

  • @honeyunkub8779
    @honeyunkub8779 Год назад +12


  • @vernlee0511
    @vernlee0511 Год назад +6


  • @tomman3948
    @tomman3948 Год назад +41


    • @jennykwong3228
      @jennykwong3228 Год назад +2


    • @tomman3948
      @tomman3948 Год назад +5


    • @moreeleung363
      @moreeleung363 Год назад +3


  • @Siudieme
    @Siudieme Год назад +1


  • @archerchu4181
    @archerchu4181 Год назад +5

    Be responsible for your kids. If you don't have the money, don't have another one baby.

  • @sammilee3413
    @sammilee3413 Год назад +10

    哈哈 暫定兩個仔先🤣

  • @JoyfulJoy1206
    @JoyfulJoy1206 Год назад +1


  • @linglcl8951
    @linglcl8951 Год назад +17

    因為2個小朋友,一但有conflict,佢地就會對立,好難solve the problem
    But! 3個小朋友,佢地就會有一個buff係到,可以做到緩沖。

    • @Nat.net2023
      @Nat.net2023 Год назад +5

      但the 2nd child都有機會會變成被忽視個個

    • @vestinland1254
      @vestinland1254 Год назад

      @@Nat.net2023 我記得她老公就是2nd child, 如果女方能理解的話

    • @summail
      @summail Год назад +3


    • @kfchan3551
      @kfchan3551 Год назад +1


  • @rainbowrain58
    @rainbowrain58 Год назад +2


  • @kklaw7074
    @kklaw7074 Год назад +6

    祝福你生個可愛囡囡❤。我朋友80年, 佢24歲就生第一個仔,隔年生個囡,到佢35歲時仔囡都開始唔跟佢去街, 佢同老公講生多個,佢老公唔想,覺得有仔囡都足夠, 最後我朋友喺39歲果年生左第三個囡,佢兩公婆重拾當年被初為人父母的喜悅生活,有種時光倒流,似曾相識的甜蜜,三四今年都三歲啦~ 哥哥家姐會為左個細妹,肯一家五口一齊去迪士尼玩,仲會幫手照顧,教導妹妹,所以鐘意小朋友,再生的話,係幸福的

  • @rainerchang9400
    @rainerchang9400 Год назад +5


  • @iriszoe8844
    @iriszoe8844 Год назад


  • @amyamy5062
    @amyamy5062 Год назад


  • @karinawong5063
    @karinawong5063 Год назад


  • @timteemo1624
    @timteemo1624 Год назад +1

    Noah真係好令仔~ 而Finley就cute到爆~ 好羨慕你既家庭~

  • @ShaNzxzxzX
    @ShaNzxzxzX Год назад +1


  • @jesssmile9477
    @jesssmile9477 Год назад +6


  • @have_a_good_day_s
    @have_a_good_day_s Год назад +14

    其實 Gladys 27歲仲好後生, 真係可以考慮生多個 bb, 睇得出她好鐘意小朋友。

    • @kleung3111
      @kleung3111 Год назад +2


    • @Siudieme
      @Siudieme Год назад +1

      @@kleung3111 有咩不幸,有父有母,有經濟能力又有父母錫

    • @kleung3111
      @kleung3111 Год назад

      @@Siudieme 你真係覺得唔會打仗?😏仲有,打 咗針仲生唔怕出事

  • @fuannisa6418
    @fuannisa6418 Год назад

    Lawrence 講廣東話越來越流利!👍👍👍

  • @LedZeppelinHK
    @LedZeppelinHK Год назад +3

    currently. we are living in a world of uncertainty.if i were you, i would wait for a bit

  • @tingjoan3792
    @tingjoan3792 Год назад +5


  • @Apex0311
    @Apex0311 Год назад +1

    No worry. You both will continue to share your love and energy to your grandkids very soon after 20 years later that you will be only around 40. The grandgrandkids at age around 60. Does it make sense? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @sukiwukitching
    @sukiwukitching Год назад +5

    I have a few Isreali friends who have 4 children and they are so happy about it. 张柏芝,陈凯琳也生了三个。 I really like the idea of having a daughter in additional to your two sons even though this is not guaranteed. I watch Cocomelon which is about a family with 3 children so many times. It is a cartoon for toddlers but the family described in this cartoon is really sweet. It makes me feel so envious, lol!

    • @anitawong5761
      @anitawong5761 Год назад

      the child comes from different daddy.

  • @hellocafu
    @hellocafu Год назад +2

    睇錢。夠錢就生。如果經濟狀況一般唔好生。生得就要比到佢地正常生活,興趣玩樂各樣野 既童年。

  • @Dotherightthingattherighttime
    @Dotherightthingattherighttime Год назад +2

    其實我細佬大個左都仲好痴媽媽架❤ 唔係裙腳仔果種 但佢都仲會好關心好愛媽咪 所以唔洗擔心佢有異性無媽媽既🤭 分分鐘到時煩到你唔想佢煩你tim la 🤣🤣

  • @susannelam7934
    @susannelam7934 Год назад +1


  • @sabrinafung3155
    @sabrinafung3155 Год назад +4

    You have 2 kids very young, May be you enjoy being a grandparent than having another kid. Cause being a grandparent, you can spoil the kids and also send them home 😂

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Год назад +1

      I love this 🤣🤣 “ you can also send them home” !!

  • @zoeleung3144
    @zoeleung3144 Год назад +2

    雖然唔知你地會唔會返嚟HK, 但HK有暫托家庭搵人照顧(24/7, 一段日子)有需要的小朋友
    唔知英國有冇呢個programe, 但如果有而兩位公子步入teenage時可以考慮下
    though 我支持生多個B女

  • @jmws0410
    @jmws0410 Год назад +3


  • @cindylau2656
    @cindylau2656 Год назад +13


  • @cocotam6507
    @cocotam6507 Год назад +3

    Would love to see another Reynolds baby but Laurence is pretty persuasive🙈

  • @allylam6504
    @allylam6504 Год назад +4

    Noah好可愛 所以我都明白-你点解要第三個 但都是不要against other family memberS' will

  • @longchingyuan8259
    @longchingyuan8259 Год назад +30

    I think a daughter in your family will give a whole new experience and perspective to Reynolds🥰

    • @jlouie8835
      @jlouie8835 Год назад +15

      Probably a great idea but no guarantee the third one will be a girl.

  • @shirleyparkes5283
    @shirleyparkes5283 Год назад +1

    Don’t have any more since both of you aren’t on the same page. But I guess woman always win in this situation.

  • @butterkaya9550
    @butterkaya9550 Год назад

    Maybe u can think to have the 3rd kids when Noah is abt 10+yo. By then, your financial should be better then now, and the elder ones can help take care of the younger sibling.

  • @faithhappy6053
    @faithhappy6053 Год назад
