Could you, please, explain me why there is parabola in energy dependence ? U = (Ne)^2 /(2C) - NeV = (Ne - CV)^2/(2C) - (CV)^2/(2C). The last term does not depend on N but depends on CV. So when we are plotting the energy for different values of N as a function of CV, why the last term (CV)^2/(2C) is not considered ?
The parabolic dependence is due to the integration of the potential against charge, which gives charge squared. It is linked to the relation U = 1/2 * C * V^2.. The last term is not considered because it isn't important when considering *changes* in the free energy when N is changed. Since the probability of the tunneling events are controlled by this change, the N-independent term will be cancelled out: U(N) - U(N+1) for example..
One of the best and only brilliant lecture series on the internet. Thank you
Спасибо за лекции, после них всё более-менее встаёт на свои места
Really enjoyed this Sergey, very interesting.
thanks you what references do you use
Very good tutorial, very insightful, well explained and cited
Thanks for very nice explanation :)
Could you, please, explain me why there is parabola in energy dependence ?
U = (Ne)^2 /(2C) - NeV = (Ne - CV)^2/(2C) - (CV)^2/(2C). The last term does not depend on N but depends on CV.
So when we are plotting the energy for different values of N as a function of CV, why the last term (CV)^2/(2C) is not considered ?
The parabolic dependence is due to the integration of the potential against charge, which gives charge squared. It is linked to the relation U = 1/2 * C * V^2..
The last term is not considered because it isn't important when considering *changes* in the free energy when N is changed. Since the probability of the tunneling events are controlled by this change, the N-independent term will be cancelled out: U(N) - U(N+1) for example..
Could any excess energy in the capacitor be redirected for creating more majorana particles in a closed system.
Which book have you followed for this Sir?
thanks a lot, quite clear explanations.
Thank you very much :)
nothing is understandable ..The coulomb diamonds ae no esplained well