I feel like this hasn't been talked about enough, but in my opinon, it's billman98. This madlad made Linux run IN Scratch. (granted, it's really slow, but what can you do about it aside from good old TurboWarp)
@@nikt-wazny"too old?" who in the holy trinity would make that kind of joke as an "old" person? you just compared an age to look bigger and "sigma" for no reason.
@@yo_phone_linging-shade-bruh No, i mean like.. why? You couldn't have commented something about the creator or the video? Because no one cares. At all.
and your the most underrated scratch youtuber
It's crazy that he's following you on scratch
Your channel is really flying, great stuff :)
Oh, wow, congratulations on your award-winning sense of humor. 😒👏
love the budgerigars in the background :)
Yeah fr prodforer is literally griffpatch's student 👌
I'm your 900th subscriber
Aw I Can Hear The Little Birdie Whistling💖💖🕊🕊
"unity's particle system a great syst-" dani, 2021
701st sub
the parrot deserves an oscar
I feel like this hasn't been talked about enough, but in my opinon, it's billman98.
This madlad made Linux run IN Scratch. (granted, it's really slow, but what can you do about it aside from good old TurboWarp)
Another cool video, but when will you make Devlog #3?
Why no fall damage
150 subs in a day!!
bro I followed him when he had only 400 followers
can we get bird reveal? lol also can we be friends u r cool
TimMcCool is also underrated he can make almost anything I know and made scratchattach, he has a lot of followers but I think he deserves more
ngl your channel is underrated
@piggy004 i mean his channel should deserve more subscribers, just look at it!
@piggy004 Deserves more
@piggy004 He deserves more subscribers, his content is great
hey man i think you have so many tags that it's breaking some uh youtube tos
He is very underrated but not sure if he is the most underrated one
is no one talking about the absolutely unholy amount of tags in the description? lmao
with what software you edit your videos ?
people call my the silliest scratcher i cant escape it
🧢 and didn't ask
@@nikt-wazny the account is deezloveezer for proof, so if you wanna act 9, go do it.
@@nikt-wazny are you a bot
@@need890 yes and I said that cause hes a child or something I might just be too old
@@nikt-wazny"too old?" who in the holy trinity would make that kind of joke as an "old" person? you just compared an age to look bigger and "sigma" for no reason.
you are editing on capcut, like me!
what is the link for his fortnite?
yes@@newconcentrate when i went to the comments section it said 0 comments so i said first.i am really first
@@yo_phone_linging-shade-bruh No, i mean like.. why? You couldn't have commented something about the creator or the video? Because no one cares. At all.
Bruh, I also couldn't read prodforer correctly when I first saw him, it's sad that downgrade is unpopular now
he said that he would add my idea to downgrade 2
First thirty minutes😊
Am I hearing a cockatiel in the background?
@@ProjectLabsScratch Cool! I also have one
the fact he skips over splatoon
Technically, FunnyAnimatorJimTv made that one
thats many tags how do u even know so many?
I use chatgpt to generate them
@@ProjectLabsScratch lol
its me im the most underrated scratcher (joke)
How Do U Get So Many Views ?
bro capper nah u aint, mine 5 mins and urs 6 mins
This is guy is just remixing project blud
i have 30 followers ans some how pump out actually good games lol
Second (no replies count)
you have a reply
why arent you following him
The most underated is Dragosgaming :P