Religion Vs Relationship

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @jamelosoul8741
    @jamelosoul8741 Месяц назад

    Relationship with someone that doesn’t have a face and speak to you is a lot different and hard to gage, we see the things around us but it’s difficult when it comes to does Jesus know me vs am I just doing things

  • @tantrum17
    @tantrum17 Месяц назад +2

    Religion by definition means relationship with God. Don't try to be fooled by the atheists who demonize the term "Religion". Christianity is a religion stick yo your roots don't be emotionally unstable Christianity isn't of weaks its of bold and masculine

  • @giomuh1729
    @giomuh1729 Месяц назад +1


    • @tantrum17
      @tantrum17 Месяц назад +2

      Religion by definition means relationship with God

  • @DamonHendrix89
    @DamonHendrix89 Месяц назад +1

    You gentlemen have totally missed the mark. The bible says that we are to have both religion and relationship with God. Also, you guys are trying to define these two terms (religion and relationship) and you guys are struggling to find a solid definition. The bible defines these terms. You can't rely on dictionary definitions when dealing with theological terms. The talks about these two topics, find how God defines these terms, His understanding of them is all that matters. The relationship that we have with God is that we have been made sons of Him, that He will treat us as sons, instead of children of wrath. You have misunderstood James 1:27, this passage is referring to the Christian living a life of service, and to be set apart from the world (1 John 2, also talks about being set apart from the world). You guys were glad for working it out in the podcast but you guys didn't. Pure religion is a living set apart from the world and set upon the finished work of Christ, that is what James is getting at there in James 1:27. The book of James is dealing with the nature of our faith, which is why he brings up religion there.
    How are you going to claim to be a follower of Christ and not read His word written in scripture? If you don't want to read His word that is fine, just don't call yourself a Christian then.
    Also, the gentleman on the right has misunderstood the Pharisees. He said they were holy and did everything right. That isn't the case. The Pharisees twisted the laws and created more laws to benefit themselves. Never did Jesus call the Pharisees holy; He (Jesus) called them VIPERS (Matthew 23:33)!
    Most of this video is you guys sharing your thoughts on the topic of Christianity, hardly no scripture was discussed, and based on how you guys talk about God, it sounds like you know nothing about Him (if you do know something about Him, you didn't show it here in this video).
    Also, you guys have misunderstood tithes. What was the purpose of tithes? There is no tithing in the new testament. The gentleman on the right had said that "it depends on what you believe in your heart." (He said that at min mark 15:10ish). That is a problem. Nowhere in scripture do we see it depends on what you believe in your heart as a means to direct our actions. If you make a statement then you have to be able to back it up with scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21, "test all things, and hold fast to what is good."). The bible talks about the human heart: "the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it?" and "No one is good, no one seeks after God, no not one." This is what scripture says, so if what is written is true, why would you trust your heart to tell you what is the right course of action? That would lead you to hell. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but leads to his destruction." This is why we rely on scripture for truth. You guys have missed the mark.
    I talk this way to you so that you would repent and turn to the God of the bible, and stop spreading things about God that aren't true. If you are a follower of Christ then you must know this God whom you claim to serve, and He is made known to us by scripture, the gospel message of Christ, and the Holy Spirit bringing understanding of all of this. The bible talks about the empty words coming forth from the sons of disobedience, and the destruction that awaits them; don't become those sons! Test yourself to see if you are in the faith and become a son of God, apart from whom there is not life. The test can be found in the whole book of 1John
    Also, the Holy living inside a person doesn't mean they don't have to read the bible, it is the opposite. The Holy Spirit points us to Christ, and the Holy Spirit causes us to tell others of Christ. The Holy Spirit isn't there to trump scripture, He points us to scripture and causes us to understand scripture (John 16:5-15).
    I say all of this for your benefit gentlemen, not mine. Turn to God, find out what He says in His word, it is the only way to truth and life.

    • @bottlebeard
      @bottlebeard Месяц назад +1

      Awesome comment dude, thank you for sparing me 40 minutes

  • @disko8291
    @disko8291 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm a Muslim and we respect Jesus Crist and mother Marry..😍🤗

    • @owendraeger2877
      @owendraeger2877 2 месяца назад +2

      Muhammads 2nd daughter was 9

    • @owendraeger2877
      @owendraeger2877 2 месяца назад +2

      he was 50+

    • @disko8291
      @disko8291 2 месяца назад

      @@owendraeger2877 Please read with an open mind. It will give you a better understanding of the historical context. Afterward, we can continue our discussion with more clarity. Before discussing the Prophet Muhammad, you should look at similar cases in the Bible. For instance, according to Catholic texts, Mary was around 12 to 14 years old, and Joseph was about 90 years old when they married. This information can be found in the Catholic Encyclopedia. So, you should research these cases too. In the Bible, Mary married Joseph when she was 12, and he was 90.
      Muhmmed's (peace be upon him) Age was 40 and he didn't married to his daughter..he married to Aisha whom you are referring to. Aisha's older sister, Asma bint Abi Bakr, described events that placed Aisha at around 15 years of age, not 6. These are historical facts, not interpretations.
      Now, if we want to have this conversation, we have to be fair, so let me set some foundations.
      In Western law, Richard II of England married Isabella of France 600 years ago when she was 7 years old. Whenever historians talk about this marriage, it's always about how amazing it was and how it brought peace between England and France, with no mention of her age.In Jewish law, according to Jacob Neusner's book A History of Mishnaic Law of Purities, women were considered ready for marriage at three years and one day old.
      About 100 years ago in England, the age of consent was 12.
      Today, in Japan, the age of consent is 13.
      In parts of Mexico, it is still 12.
      .Islam requires both mental and physical maturity for marriage. There is no specific age number in Islam because it considers the time, place, and customs of the people.
      You can't compare a 15-year-old today, who has food given to them on a plate, water on tap, central heating, comfortable beds, iPads, and games, to a 15-year-old born 1,400 years ago in the middle of a harsh desert with no guarantee of food and the need to work from an early age. The customs were different, meaning children had to mature much quicker back then.
      Finally, just know that for 13 centuries, not a single Islamophobe or critic of Islam raised this marriage as an issue.
      So, before you insult my Prophet, be just and be fair. May God of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Muhmmed (peace be upon them all) guide you to the straight path..Insha'Allah😍🥰

    • @ItsOnPaper
      @ItsOnPaper Месяц назад

      No. You don’t.

    • @disko8291
      @disko8291 Месяц назад +2

      @@ItsOnPaper "And [mention] when the angels said, 'O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those who are near [to Allah ]. And He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous.'" Surah Al-Imran (3:42-47)