How did you let her go from the 1st place? You guys are killing this show, we watch it online from all over the world and this is what you show us.... how on earth do you let go of such a phenomenal woman, so captivating and talented. I’m so disappointed ☹️ and hurt 😭
This woman should be allowed to sing on National TV once everyday at a certain time, to bless us all over the world. Her singing scares me, cause I cant resist the feeling is brings upon my body.
Control is a MAJOR factor for me when listening to singers, deciding if I like them or not, ESPECIALLY when it comes to women. A lot of women get lost in the music, so those transitions to the higher notes go from singing to yelling. Tamels Mann and Jennifer Hudson have it bad in my opinion. They are not on my list of faves
The religious nuts are actually a major part of what's wrong with this country and other countries as well. That doesn't take away from her talent though. She's a wonderfully agile musician.
@@TruthSerum101 religion is a belief so that makes you religious as well. So be careful where you point fingers. My religion teaches love, what's nuts about that?
This song was written by Patti Griffin as a tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous 1968 "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech, given the day before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee.
I cannot believe they didn’t put her through! She gets a standing ovation from the crowd. She gets a standing ovation from the judges. Her voice was beautiful, regardless of the genre.
Tell me if im wrong here; gospel music was passed down to black folks by their enslaved and racially oppressed ancestors, who force-feed the religious of Jesus Christ by their white slave masters? God does work in mysterious ways.
Humans getting to experience the anointing and presence of God for a moment in this crazy world. Jesus you are amazing and Callie Day , can't wait to sing in heavens choir with you one day . Glory!
I’m afraid you’re confusing emotion with Holy Spirit....a person doesn’t get ‘saved’ just through emotion..... A person gets In a position to be saved (only at the end ) through accurate knowledge, obedience to God and ‘endurance to the end’. Pray for these things and you may find the truth not just a deceptive emotional response, anyone even the most evil person can have emotion
I'm an agnostic and this lovely lady just TOOK ME CHURCH, she seems like such a happy soul and on a side note how about the vocal range great head voice fantastic mid range and at the end that low note that she hit good on you miss Kelly
I believe timing is everything. She was in the right place at the right time singing the right song on the right platform to minister to the soul of those who needed it. Whatever that it may have been for them.
bailey1950 not being super religious what I’m saying is that this platform will never be fully accepting of a genre that supports and promotes the things of God.
I went up to the mountain Up over the clouds And though the clouds are blue I can wait no more You see sometimes I lay down No more can I do See sometimes I look down But I’m afraid I’ll fall And though the sun is still shines I have nothing, nothing at all But then I hear your sweet, sweet voice Oh, come and go, Telling me softly You love me so
I was thrown by these lyrics. I must have always heard the other verse. "I went up to the mountain because you asked me to. Up over the clouds to where skies are blue. I can see all around me, everywhere. I can see all around me, everywhere." It's the same from there, but those are the lyrics I've heard
Venita Eliphar facts they chose the little girl who also did good but. Where near matched or is on Callie day level I’m so pissed she really deserved that little girl spot... I said what I meant and I meant what I said
Now THIS is SINGING! Aretha would be proud of this wonderful woman. Her voice speaks home & elation to the depths of my very soul. Timeless! I Praise you, Most Holy Lord! Yes I totally agree what Simon said 👍👏
Can't get enough of her. No matter how many times I come back to this video I get all teared up every time. God bless her. She makes your heart shine again with the Glory of God.
Ms. Day, you brought me to tears, that song then that voice, I'm speechless. Words can't express anointing, and you are truly God given. That's Heavens Voice.
I've been listening to this lady a long time. She's gotten me through some rough times with her ministering voice. I didn't know she had gotten this far. Go Ms. Callie Day.. All the blessings to you..
The Black Church is where all angelic voices are nurtured. The spirit takes over and the soul lets loose. No holding back. I'm always moved. I'm always proud.
I cried bcoz I lost my great great grandmother at age 105 and this song just brings chills to me because I could see her now saying he loves me so byond the clouds
I have heard various version deliveries, and I tell you this is the best, her voice was amazing!!!! So clean and rich,,,,I felt chills while warm...Just AWESOME. Imagine her delivering the whole song
My mom is a good friend of hers, no lie! Her close friend goes to my church, isn’t her voice beautiful?! You did that thang Cali, go head with your saved self❤️🖤😁🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ms. Callie Day.... I heard your voice several years ago. Your voice brought chills down my spine.... and tears to my eyes... I immediately went on Utube to look up everything I could find to hear that glorious voice. Your voice captivates and moves the soul. I did a dance when you finished this piece. No matter the outcome. You are a winner and have always been a star in my book. Thank you for sharing your voice and blessing all who are fortunate to hear you sing🙏🏽🙏🏽 Best of Luck!!!❤️
I believe Callie day deserved a spot in the finals. She could out sing anyone in that competition, she connected with the crowd, etc. I wish she stayed.
Wow I'm so happy to see her can't believe I'm just watching this now! I've watched her video so many times for years!!! What an annointed voice man. She always give me goosebumps. I want a gospel album. She should be a huge gospel superstar. Love and light for Callie Day
The Holy Spirit used this dear sister. I'm just now watching this video and it just moved to tears of joy. The same type of voice my late Aunt Evelyn had is in Callie Day. It took me at least 20 minutes to stop crying. I can listen to her all day long. I truly needed this.
Do you want to see Callie or any other act come back as a WILDCARD? VOTE HERE:
Talent Recap please...y’all have to bring Callie back. Leno’s comment as well as Simon’s should have went into consideration.
Ms Callie Definitely Should Be Bought Back. She Is A Power House.
After the mass murders in El Paso and Ohio the U.S.A needs Callie to soothe us! Yes!
How did you let her go from the 1st place? You guys are killing this show, we watch it online from all over the world and this is what you show us.... how on earth do you let go of such a phenomenal woman, so captivating and talented. I’m so disappointed ☹️ and hurt 😭
Callie and the 13 year old little lady from Spain is a must keep art.
Her mission wasn’t to win the competition, it was to win a soul over and she did that🙌🏾
Amen 🙏🏾
To think there are people walking around with such epic talent is its own kind of miraculous wonder.
This woman should be allowed to sing on National TV once everyday at a certain time, to bless us all over the world. Her singing scares me, cause I cant resist the feeling is brings upon my body.
400 years of history poured out her soul
Amen on that comment. Yes lord
Absolutely Brother 400 years of ADOS life sound track.
This comment gave me goosebumps ❤️
More like 4000 years that’s pure American Indian soul, ain’t no African singing like this! Let’s be honest
Someone said that she should’ve auditioned for Sunday’s Best, but Callie Day is Sunday’s Best! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Yes Ma’am 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
What's the name of the song
Hello! Who winning against this voice on Sunday's Best!? 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
If she saved just one person....she made it. Well done my servant!!!
My god
Probably would’ve been Jay Leno with that Baptist fit he had. Lol
My God
Amen!!! That's all that matters!!!!
@@rondahall6337 Amen, sure had one lol. He was about to shout!
Yet, in addition to possessing overwhelming talent, she's a professional musician with [years] of formal training. ;-)
Lola Fortenberry fjamaica ne
@@vinemp There are many professional musicians that sound no where close to her. Its true you can't teach that, it really is God given!
I was going to object about training but I think the original poster is referencing something deeper than vocal training.
I cried, it resonated with me. She is touched by the hands of God.
Her calling to touch souls with her voice goes beyond this show.
Her voice IS an instrument. So on point, Howie. She bought heaven down to these earthly beings. Well done, Ms. Callie. The Father 'must' be pleased.
Her voice is so soothing, I could listen to it for hours.
YES Sir!!!!!
I agree
We do in our household! Hours!
I so agree with you
I feel the same.
Her vocal range and control is amazing, I got chills listening to this! 😍🤩
Me too
Control is a MAJOR factor for me when listening to singers, deciding if I like them or not, ESPECIALLY when it comes to women. A lot of women get lost in the music, so those transitions to the higher notes go from singing to yelling. Tamels Mann and Jennifer Hudson have it bad in my opinion. They are not on my list of faves
Me too
Callie Day just released her new song "In Trouble" today Easter Sunday. It's on RUclips already.
The competition doesn’t matter . Callie is awesome and effective . If she doesn’t win so what ? She did her work !! Amen
Oh yes
Right! She is great anyway!
They can't use her up. She's too anointed and God would never allow her to sell her soul to them. She ain't for the streets. She's for us.
A prophet is never accepted in their own time
Jesus Christ her voice is so angelic
Jesus Christ is amazing and he loves you
Yes it is can feel it on your soul.
Miss Callie day goes to my church!❤️
Lucky you! Blessings from Philadelphia, Pa. Tell Callie she can sing for me anytime!
Tell her for me that she has a God given voice use it to bring the flock to him .. Greetings from The island Grenada
She has a beautiful voice. I could listen to her all day
Lucky you. 🙏🙏
Tell Me Day my Dad said she would've given Whitney Houston a run for her money🙏(GRHS)
This is what America needs right now. The spirit of the Lord is strong with this woman. I can't believe they didn't put her through.
bellami2000 I Agree!!! And I’m FIRST In Line!!! I’d Love to hear more and more and more!!!! And then more!!!
@@aspennsailor13 ,I am right behind you!
The religious nuts are actually a major part of what's wrong with this country and other countries as well. That doesn't take away from her talent though. She's a wonderfully agile musician.
@@TruthSerum101 religion is a belief so that makes you religious as well. So be careful where you point fingers. My religion teaches love, what's nuts about that?
Her is voice commands your attention and her runs are perfect. She sings effortlessly. Simply beautiful.
Said it before, I'll say it again: I could listen to her every day for the rest of my life. That's not a woman, that's an angel up there
Callie will never have to worry about “last chances. “ her talent, anointing and smart work will open up soo many doors of opportunity.
Amen!🙌🏿🙏🏿 God has a special place for a beautiful Heavenly voice like this ❤💗
Gods grace can be heard in her voice as she lifts us up out of our troubled hearts and minds, thank you, sister, Callie Day.
I cry my heart cries when listening to her voice.
Scott Furgason 🙏🏾❤️❤️❤️
in my opinion, its rare for someone her age to have such talent and control and be able to do all these riffs and runs...she's amazing
She studies classical voice. She has the training to save her voice.
Yes yes she’s very amazing
Never heard this song before but my tears fell I couldn't stop . I was taken to church ... Thank you Lady
You, TOO, huh? WHEW!!😢💖🎙
This song was written by Patti Griffin as a tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous 1968 "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech, given the day before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee.
I feel the same. After losing my great great grandmother I've never heard something so beautiful. Just a soothing voice of worship.
I cannot believe they didn’t put her through! She gets a standing ovation from the crowd. She gets a standing ovation from the judges. Her voice was beautiful, regardless of the genre.
Very few singers can give me chills but she did and she did it so effortlessly. A great talent.
Your Last Chance? No Love Heaven has opened up!! That Voice is beyond Blessed
24.9 million views, I’d say she’s made it! ❤️
5th time watching and I'm not done yet. This is Gospel, the music of my ancestors.
Amen. 🙌
Yup and the message of Jesus were passed on to them by their slave masters.
Tell me if im wrong here; gospel music was passed down to black folks by their enslaved and racially oppressed ancestors, who force-feed the religious of Jesus Christ by their white slave masters? God does work in mysterious ways.
Humans getting to experience the anointing and presence of God for a moment in this crazy world. Jesus you are amazing and Callie Day , can't wait to sing in heavens choir with you one day . Glory!
Can't believe she didn't win. She is amazing! This atheist would dress up and go to church just to hear her
Thank you Jesus!
Hello Chelsea
How are you doing today
Lols... Well, sheep always hear the voice of the master until some christian comes in and gets the water all marred with their nonesense .... 😅😅
I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain your comment. I need to be enlightened. Thank You.
Of course they won't choose her. Every time she sing somebody get saved. lol They not ready for that. lol
If you look at Simon, you can see the Holy Spirit working on him. Your words, halleluia.
I’m afraid you’re confusing emotion with Holy Spirit....a person doesn’t get ‘saved’ just through emotion..... A person gets
In a position to be saved (only at the end ) through accurate knowledge, obedience to God and ‘endurance to the end’. Pray for these things and you may find the truth not just a deceptive emotional response, anyone even the most evil person can have emotion
@@nurse580 we know. Smh
May the Lord continue to guide this anointed woman as she reaches out to the world, spreading The Light!
Them faces in the back room.Priceless
I'm an agnostic and this lovely lady just TOOK ME CHURCH, she seems like such a happy soul and on a side note how about the vocal range great head voice fantastic mid range and at the end that low note that she hit good on you miss Kelly
Her voice is what imagine Heaven sounds like I cry everytime
When she sang "He loves me so"...whew...that pierced that place in my soul and brought tears to my eyes!
Mlle Jacques me too ... it was the spirit..she sings with love and compassion 🙌🏽
I cry almost every time I hear her....the Spirit of the Lord is all over her.
Yes! The same!!!
I do too, every single time.
She should have auditioned for Sunday's Best.
Where she needed to be
AMEN to that👏👏👏
Sunday's Best can't handle that kind of anointing.
@@rollinwitdaholyghost1607 well the anointed is what is needed. What's better than more of Jesus? More of Jesus!! ☺😊😁
@@ministergshavonnegarvey Amen sister.
I believe timing is everything. She was in the right place at the right time singing the right song on the right platform to minister to the soul of those who needed it. Whatever that it may have been for them.
Her mission was to minister. She ministered beyond her residency. It's bigger than a competition. Even months after her ministry has bless my soul
She couldn’t go any further because the Holy Spirit brings a feeling that a lot of people are uncomfortable experiencing.
The anointing!!
@bailey1950 what's wrong with being "super religious" wouldn't that be a good thing?
bailey1950 not being super religious what I’m saying is that this platform will never be fully accepting of a genre that supports and promotes the things of God.
@@ReverendHarper thanks for clearing that up...
Very true
I went up to the mountain
Up over the clouds
And though the clouds are blue
I can wait no more
You see sometimes I lay down
No more can I do
See sometimes I look down
But I’m afraid I’ll fall
And though the sun is still shines
I have nothing, nothing at all
But then I hear your sweet, sweet voice
Oh, come and go,
Telling me softly
You love me so
Parkerventures Thank you. We couldn’t hear the words for ourselves.
She sings like an angel. 🙏🎶
@@musicgirlriley7010 right
I was thrown by these lyrics. I must have always heard the other verse. "I went up to the mountain because you asked me to. Up over the clouds to where skies are blue. I can see all around me, everywhere. I can see all around me, everywhere." It's the same from there, but those are the lyrics I've heard
The anointing filled the room...Callie Day you've done it again..God Bless You And Your Ministry😇❤
Callie Day's voice is stunningly beautiful!
She should have won!!!! She won the moment she stepped on stage. CallieDay!!! ❤️❤️❤️
%100 agree
She got a standing ovation from the judges and she still doesn't make it, what kind of show is this?
Icy Rock Like that matters. She was at least better than 2 of the 7 acts that made it (that’s being nice).
Venita Eliphar she deserved it
@@wendydimon9934 She definitely deserve to be in the the live show!
@@venitaeliphar5582 ,after the mass murders in El Paso and Ohio the U.S.A needs Callie to soothe and comfort all of us! BRAVO to you Callie!💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Venita Eliphar facts they chose the little girl who also did good but. Where near matched or is on Callie day level I’m so pissed she really deserved that little girl spot... I said what I meant and I meant what I said
I remember when she went viral a while ago. Such a beautiful spirit! Love her.
Now THIS is SINGING! Aretha would be proud of this wonderful woman. Her voice speaks home & elation to the depths of my very soul. Timeless! I Praise you, Most Holy Lord!
Yes I totally agree what Simon said 👍👏
Anyone who doesn’t like her is crazy. She moves me so much! Go Calesta, Girl! We love you, here.
I love Ms. Callie Day's voice and she's to perfect of a singer for them.
Not denied... The best is still yet to come for Ms. Callie Day 😘🤙🏾
When Jay stood up I thought he was ready to risk it all.
Jay Leno was shouting like when you in church the Spirit of the Lord got a hold him and thats alright Blessed anointing highly favored amen
Callie Day is the truth, not very many people can sing with this range, power and anointing.
Her voice - and her message - brought me to tears. What a tremendous talent.
I didn't want her to stop amazing falsetto!
What an anointed and blessed woman!! Her voice is a TRUE BLESSING!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Imagine her singing his eye is on the sparrow. It would be beautiful; even tho she didn’t go through I hope she continues!!! This was ammmaaazing!!!
I love how she blesses people and helps the hurting with her VOICE
She was on an assignment. Somebody is watching her, she has a gift. She bringing people back to God.
If a Heaven really exists, I have spotted an Angel of worship.... Her voice was preserved for 55 years and it sounds like paradise and a tear...
She sounds like she is just in her twenties amazing voice ma'am God bless you you should have got the golden buzzer.
I needed this cleansing, Aloha ( love) from Honolulu Hawaii...
Charlette/Mack McCoy me too, brought such a sweet spirit into my life!!
Ms. Callie Day you were AWESOME!!!! You had me in tears. Your voice is so heavenly. This is just the beginning❤❤❤❤❤
Not her bringing me to tears like this. I'm a mess!! Sing Ms. Callie!!
Can't get enough of her. No matter how many times I come back to this video I get all teared up every time. God bless her. She makes your heart shine again with the Glory of God.
I CANNOT STOP CRYING!!! AMAZING! Touched my soul deep down.
I love her voice, that is Talent, Love you Callie Day!!! Mariola
Too short!! I'm going to need a A, B, and C selection from this gifted singer. Her voice is a fine tuned instrument. Absolutely love her singing.
I was really disappointed that she didn't go through. Such a beautiful voice. She should be brought back as a wildcard.
Her voice IS good. Unfortunately, Hollywood and Gospel don't mix well.
@@bruceg.6282 Good point. I hope her friends keep putting her videos up here. If nothing else, she can sing to the world that way.
She said in another internet that they called her to come.
Ms. Day, you brought me to tears, that song then that voice, I'm speechless. Words can't express anointing, and you are truly God given. That's Heavens Voice.
YES!!! Same here!! That last line takes me out!!!! 😢🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
AWW I'M SO PROUD OF HER! SHE NEEDS A BREAKKK! Her voice is so amazinggggg
I know the enemy is busy but her voice gives me re assurance that there’s a GOD above words can’t explain how I’m feeling her voice is beautiful 😢😍💯
Wow! The best gospel singer I've ever heard in my entire life! Period!
I just love her so much. She’s so talented and sings with her whole heart.
Listening to this in November of 2020. Her voice is that of an angel telling us it will be all right.
She is world class quality 💜💜💜
Awesome Spirit-filled vessel of God! We need her voice in this hour! She has my vote for everything!
I've been listening to this lady a long time. She's gotten me through some rough times with her ministering voice. I didn't know she had gotten this far. Go Ms. Callie Day.. All the blessings to you..
The Black Church is where all angelic voices are nurtured. The spirit takes over and the soul lets loose. No holding back. I'm always moved. I'm always proud.
I could listen to her all day she makes me cry tears of joy. When you hear her you know there is a God. All I can say is amen
Everytime she finishes a song, angels are blessed with their wings, come down to earth, and shower us with joy and love.
I will fly Brazil to USA to see her showm what a voice God ! You broken my heart lady
Finally!!! She’s seen on a huge platform so all can see how awesomely amazing addicting her voice is
I cried bcoz I lost my great great grandmother at age 105 and this song just brings chills to me because I could see her now saying he loves me so byond the clouds
I have heard various version deliveries, and I tell you this is the best, her voice was amazing!!!! So clean and rich,,,,I felt chills while warm...Just AWESOME. Imagine her delivering the whole song
My mom is a good friend of hers, no lie! Her close friend goes to my church, isn’t her voice beautiful?! You did that thang Cali, go head with your saved self❤️🖤😁🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Trend Setters it’s Callie lol but her real name is calesta
I went to school with Callie. Yes, definitely anointed woman of God
Please Encourage her to Audition for Sunday Best...
Trend Setters how is she now ?
Please encourage her to go to Sunday's best, she is a superstar! She will win!
Ms. Callie Day.... I heard your voice several years ago. Your voice brought chills down my spine.... and tears to my eyes... I immediately went on Utube to look up everything I could find to hear that glorious voice.
Your voice captivates and moves the soul. I did a dance when you finished this piece. No matter the outcome. You are a winner and have always been a star in my book. Thank you for sharing your voice and blessing all who are fortunate to hear you sing🙏🏽🙏🏽 Best of Luck!!!❤️
Callie Day is a gift from heaven. There's never a dry cheek in the room. 🙏
I believe Callie day deserved a spot in the finals. She could out sing anyone in that competition, she connected with the crowd, etc. I wish she stayed.
They dnt appreciate gospel music only the young kids. She is a star. Omg this was the best of the night
Wow. I watched several times and got goosebumps every time. Somebody grab her up and get her on a record with this song PLEASE!!! the long version! 💞
Every time I listen to her, my eyes get laced up with tears
Wow I'm so happy to see her can't believe I'm just watching this now! I've watched her video so many times for years!!! What an annointed voice man. She always give me goosebumps. I want a gospel album. She should be a huge gospel superstar. Love and light for Callie Day
Her voice is Anointed and THAT is what will continue to carry her well beyond any competition!!!!
The Holy Spirit used this dear sister. I'm just now watching this video and it just moved to tears of joy. The same type of voice my late Aunt Evelyn had is in Callie Day. It took me at least 20 minutes to stop crying. I can listen to her all day long. I truly needed this.
i agree with Jay Leno's comment. The human voice is more than any instrument.
Beautiful voice. Her gift is a blessing from our Father
She’s a national treasure!