Any corrections are appreciated. 1. don't miss any boost. But delay the punches instead. -2:52 if done correctly, last ion should be at the 2nd double jump curve -3:04 pass obstacle, die at last bear pillar in pair. Doing this makes the score to go from 540 to 560+, even though the distance is same with missing 1 boost and no big difference in jelly collection. So, where does that score come from? 566.5+ 2. normal + hmj longest 603.6+ 3. always extend boost series longest -delay bt -9:15 bt path from 413 to 586.4 = must get at least 173.4 to be same as video. Lower = adjust altitude and method and retry. -9:53 rightmost and treasure should drop and u get it for longest distance and checking method. *this is very serious. You have to go pass the 2nd line. If u don't, the distance will be too short and 4th relay will not spawn in correct distance. 705.6+ 4. use mechanism to prolong distance. 10:22 check the spawning spot. If ur 2nd skill begins here, then the distance is correct. But if it spawns earlier than this, it means that the distance is too low and you will not be able to perform as video. This is serious because you need to have same distance as video which is far enough to bounce at trampolines and have 2 falls to arrange distance of skill's beginning and end perfectly that u can get potion, 4 jumps to miss the boost and hmj longest. 11:00 fall 1 (pet is frozen. So, delay pet so it spawns late and be here 12:10) 11:59 fall 2 (to delay skill so that u can use the additional jumps from it mechanism to prolong distance at 12:05?) 12:05 last breath jump longest. Miraculously have remaining health??? Can use it to get pet and hmj longest. (Skill activation: jump after skill has activated will be done even health has run out but skill has begun already?) 12:14 4 jumps??? to miss the boost? (Skill ending duration for sure. 2 before and 2 after, I think.) 12:27 okay, now it's the skill mechanism: jump after skill to prolong distance for sure. End at the trampoline before dying and you're good. 12:34 quit at the first frame the gold gem is collected? (In other words, quit fastest at the moment right after u collected the gold gem.) - but why??? -so that the last relay will spawn here 12:42 receiving full points from rectangle. But that should also be balanced and rightmost so that cookie can also receive max jellies from skill and treasure for max points before exit. (Both conditions must be satisfied for max points for both relays.) 5. 14:43 shorten to not get potion for full health = more distance for running for fully receive score from 15:43? 14:48 fall 1 15:03 fall 2 15:44 the rest run normally and hmj longest. Collect all jellies
2주자가 파인드래곤으로 변경되었습니다!видео.html
2주자는 라즈베리무스맛 쿠키로 대체 가능합니다!
라즈베리로 대체했을때도 따로 빌드는 없나요?
라베무 말고 파일럿+ 136부활펫도 되더라구요
Any corrections are appreciated.
1. don't miss any boost. But delay the punches instead.
-2:52 if done correctly, last ion should be at the 2nd double jump curve
-3:04 pass obstacle, die at last bear pillar in pair.
Doing this makes the score to go from 540 to 560+, even though the distance is same with missing 1 boost and no big difference in jelly collection. So, where does that score come from?
2. normal + hmj longest
3. always extend boost series longest
-delay bt
-9:15 bt path from 413 to 586.4 = must get at least 173.4 to be same as video. Lower = adjust altitude and method and retry.
-9:53 rightmost and treasure should drop and u get it for longest distance and checking method.
*this is very serious. You have to go pass the 2nd line. If u don't, the distance will be too short and 4th relay will not spawn in correct distance.
4. use mechanism to prolong distance.
10:22 check the spawning spot. If ur 2nd skill begins here, then the distance is correct. But if it spawns earlier than this, it means that the distance is too low and you will not be able to perform as video.
This is serious because you need to have same distance as video
which is far enough to bounce at trampolines and have 2 falls to arrange distance of skill's beginning and end perfectly that u can get potion, 4 jumps to miss the boost and hmj longest.
11:00 fall 1 (pet is frozen. So, delay pet so it spawns late and be here 12:10)
11:59 fall 2 (to delay skill so that u can use the additional jumps from it mechanism to prolong distance at 12:05?)
12:05 last breath jump longest. Miraculously have remaining health??? Can use it to get pet and hmj longest. (Skill activation: jump after skill has activated will be done even health has run out but skill has begun already?)
12:14 4 jumps??? to miss the boost? (Skill ending duration for sure. 2 before and 2 after, I think.)
12:27 okay, now it's the skill mechanism: jump after skill to prolong distance for sure. End at the trampoline before dying and you're good.
12:34 quit at the first frame the gold gem is collected? (In other words, quit fastest at the moment right after u collected the gold gem.) - but why???
-so that the last relay will spawn here 12:42 receiving full points from rectangle. But that should also be balanced and rightmost so that cookie can also receive max jellies from skill and treasure for max points before exit.
(Both conditions must be satisfied for max points for both relays.)
14:43 shorten to not get potion for full health = more distance for running for fully receive score from 15:43?
14:48 fall 1
15:03 fall 2
15:44 the rest run normally and hmj longest. Collect all jellies
15:22 do you think it's possible to do the 3rd fall?
If so, the score will go up a lot higher than this.
better to not fall
@@gwbosu Thank you.
what's a good replacement for electric eel cookie?
전기장어 쿠키 대체품 뭐가 좋을까요?
전기장어는 거의 대체 불가라 모르겠어요.
1등 축하합니다..끝까지 꼭 지키세요..🎉
바로 밀렸어요 🤣
@@apple_cookierun 조합 또 바꼇나요? 아니면 기갱갑시다..오랫동안.태국분이 1등하셔서 지극히..맘에 좀 거슬리네요.ㅋㅋ
그냥 점수 컷이 올라갔네요
@@apple_cookierun 아..요태님/제가 좀 친해서...두분중 1등하세요
혹시 시간지기맛 쿠키 대체자가 있을까요? 무과금 유저인데 전설 키우기가 많이 힘들어서요
라즈베리무스로 대체 가능하다고하네요
파일럿맛쿠키 + 열매사슴도 거리가 맞습니다
@@I-love-waktaverse 오 감사합니다
Who can replace the second baton?
Raspberry Mousse Cookie 😁
@@apple_cookierun Ok thanks😆
치케 고낙 부분에 능력 타이밍이랑 겹쳐서 떨어질 수가 없는데 왜 그런 걸까요...
치케 시작 위치가 영상과 똑같은 거 맞나요?
사이보그 능력 발동했을때 발동 젤리 위치 다르게 해서 먹는 이유가 뭔가요?
아마 거리차이일 거에요
끌어먹으면 거리가 조금씩 줄어드는 거로 알고있어요
그대로 다 정면으로 먹으면 지형때문에 발악으로 막변을 못해요
@@선멍이 감사합니다!
파인죽는위치랑 시지죽는 위치가 다른데 뒷주자들 빌드 바뀌는거 있나요
시간지기 말고 파일럿 써도 된다고 들었는데 열매사슴 말고 다른건 안 되는건가요?
그냥 판다만두 슈글펫 생명저울 등등 됩니다
@@apple_cookierun 넵 감사합니다
조합 바뀌었던데 바뀐조합도 보여주실수있나용... 백련 막변이 안되네여..
저도 그 빌드 몰라요ㅠ
구름 놀이터 소물약 나오는 구간에서 크림소다 죽고 죽기 직전 마탕 능럭 지연 시키고 2단 뛰어서 발동시켜서 장애물 부수고 펫 회복 먹고 발악으로 막변 가능
4주자 치케 질주 먹기 전에 죽어서 막변이 안 되는데 어디서 잘못한 건가요??
3주자 전기뱀장어에서 마지막 발악할때 보물상자랑 일젤 먹고 죽어야해요 일젤 안먹으면 시작위치 다릅니다.
무뇌런이면 쉽게하겠는데..ㅠㅠ
나만 사이보그 막변 안되는걸까요 ㅠㅠ 짜발나네
능력 영상처럼 끌어먹으세요
축복들 공유 가능한가요
분곰, 모곰, 얼곰, 모젤, 모젤 썼습니다
@@apple_cookierun 👍👍
치케 젤컨 쓰레기 같아요😢😢