now im gunna look up a picture of the jedi guy from like the first episode of starwars and set is as my profile pic just so i can say this is not the song your looking for
This song has everything, great lyrics, beat, and video. I mean look at the action in it, the lyrics were revolutionary at the time, and the beat still holds up today. TwitchTV community and others gets a +1 for reviving this song.
mioa321 He's a spammer, posting the same thing on hundreds of other videos, advertising "TwitchTV". In other words, he's an utter waste of human resource.
BGGovedoto No, actually ilovekitkats is right, he is Spamming lots of Video with the same text-posts, no mather what you said, if that is correct, or not, SalamenceFightsBack is a Spammer, so lets Report the fellow to RUclips.
Well this is one of the biggest dance hits ever so no, you aren't the only one. Sold platinum in almost all nordic countries and in UK. Somewhere else too but can't remember. The best selling 12" vinyl on 2000 too. :)
Basically to anyone that doesn't know, this joke was made because nobody really knows the name of the song, or atleast most people don't so it built up, into some joke where, if someone asks a simple question or even just comments something the reply is 'Darude - Sandstorm only difference is, people who weren't even alive when this song came out think they can hop on the bandwagon thinking they're funny when even them themselves don't have a fucking clue what this song is ahah! Well there you go.
Fusco minge Umm? 19 mate? I was 8 when this was released and I loved it to bits, the reason there is a 97 in my name is because my little brother was born in 97, I use that number for everything my friend. Because I love my brother, so, Nice try pal. Also my brother is 16, just finished school, so you were even wrong with the age of him, so guess again.
Stefan van der Vaart Yeah, but the reason behind that, is because noone knew the name of the song, when he was playing it in the stream, because it was on like every 5th song on the radio he was listening to.
A song by Darude that became a meme in 2013 between the League of Legends community. A famous streamer ("TheOddOne") started playing this song during his stream on over and over. Then after a bit it became a meme. If somebody asks what the name of the song currently playing is you must answer "Darude - Sandstorm" even if it's not. Twitch chat moderators now ban people on occasion for saying that in chat. -Song name? -Darude - Sandstorm
FOR EVERYONE WHO DOESNT KNOW THIS JOKE: someone on twitch asked for the song in the background, one guy said darude - sandstorm, but this wasnt the real songname, everybody started spaming darude - sandstorm, and now if anybody asks the name of a song, insiders are spaming darude - sandstorm. sorry 4 my bad english, im from germany guys :)
You want to know what Darude - Sandstorm is? Well, back in 2000, it was an awesome song for parties and clubs at nights, but not only. It is a great theme song and I don't think it's a bad song but not a great one either. It became a meme, on youtube videos or livestreams people always ask the title of the song that is used, people normally answered "Darude - Sandstorm", but some people just got it too far, they started trolling people saying this song's title on every video/livestream, I guess because they liked the rhythm or something, or they were too dumb. But that was years ago, everybody forgot this song, it literally died on 2001-2013, but now it's back. Why? You want to know why!? There is one main reason...GAMING!!! This song is played on every gaming livestream. Usually on tournaments. I was watching SMITE's channel a few days ago on Twitch and on the tournament match of the week, this song played every time the screen "Be right back" was showing. And the chat was going crazy, everybody was writing "DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU" on the chat. Literally every second at least 3 more people wrote that. It happens on tons of channels, when this song is played, everybody writes "DUDUDUDUDUDU". I would say that this hapoens mostly on MOBA game channels, because this song is epic when it's played on the screen "Be right back". You would ask me "Why did it die during the years 2001-2013?" Because MOBA games are really popular now, and so does this song, that's my explanation. Too bad you see this every time on every video you watch...
hey guys i thourght i would just provide som lyrics for you all: dudududududduudududududududududududduduudududududduudduuddudududududdududududududuudududududududuududududuudududuududududududuudududuudududuudduuudduudiddidididiiddududududuudududududududududududududududuududuudududuududuudididiidodododoodududududdudududuududududududuuddidididududududuidudididiuddududududidduddududuuddiduduudududdududududidudududududduuddiiddiddiududududdididududdudududidudududdududududududsuduududududididududududuidududududuidududuidiudiudiudiudududududududiududuudidudududududeudududududududududududududududududududududduududuusududuudududududududududuududuudududdddduududuududududududuudududududududududududduduuudududududuudufduduududuududuuududuudusududuuduuudududuuuufududuuudduudduuddudududduduududududududududududududduududdududduduuedudduududeduduududuedudsfduedu7ududududuududududuududduuduudidiiudidududuududududduduududududuududiidididuudududududududuududududududududududududududduudududfdiududdudciocvovovoovovovovovovoovovovovodididididdduududuWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFduuddududududuuddudududududududududsudududuudududududdudududududududuDUDUDUududududududududuDUududuDUduUDUduDUuduDUduduUDUDUDUUDIDUDUDUUUDUDUDUDUDDIDDIDIDDIDUUDDUDUDIDIDIDUUDUEDUDDUDUUDUDUDIUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDIDIDIDIIDIDYDYDYYDYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDDUUDDUUDUDUDUDUDUDIDIUDDUUDUDUDUDIDIDIDIIDYDYDYDYDYUYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDIDUUDUUDUDUDUUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUUDDIDIIDIDIDDYYDYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUDUDDUUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDYDYDUDUUDDUDUDUDUDYYDUDUDUDUDUDUDYDYDUDUDUDYDUYDUDUUDYDYDUDUDYDUYDUDUDUDYDYUDDUYDUUDUYUYDUYUDYUDYDUYDUYDUDYDUYDUDYDUYDUDYDUYDUDDUUDDUDUDUDUUDU8DUDUIDIIDYTDYDYYDUDUDUUUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUD U WOT M8 UDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUIDIDIDIDIDTDYDYDYDYDIDIIDIDUDUDUDUEUUDDIDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDDIIDIDIDIDYTDYYDYDDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUDU
I gotta say there's something about this song that makes u wanna dance even if you cant ....its difficult to be still when its playing and it's very tempting to just play it on repeat
Since a lot of people do not know how to use the meme correctly, or even know how it started, I'll explain. (If you know more about the origin, feel free to help me out, we need to stop people who use the meme incorrectly and use it just to spam). *Origin* It all started on Twitch where the music was played in the background of the livestream, when people asked the name of the song, the chat filled up with "Darude - Sandstorm" and the meme was born. It was apparently during a League of Legends livestream. *The CORRECT usage* Have you ever seen a RUclips comment asking for the name of a song featured in the video, but it's in the description? Does it annoy you when people are so lazy/don't bother to check the description before asking? Then you have the perfect victim to use this meme on! All you have to do is reply to their comment with '*Darude - Sandstorm*' and enjoy the feeling of misdirecting someone to the wrong song! *The WRONG usage* Using it for anything else than the usage shown above, is wrong. For example: When someone asks something random you don't use the meme. Unless it's the correct usage, you just don't use it. That means if someone asks a question that is not that, you don't use it. If someone says something stupid, you don't use it (Unless it's that). If the name of the song is NOT in the description and someone asks, you don't use it. If someone says anything but something along the lines of "Song name?" YOU DO NOT USE IT! *tl;dr:* It's basically another Rick Roll meme, except with another song. You only ever use it when someone asks for the name of the song featured in the video, and it is in the description. Hope I cleared things up! :)
*Carl-Michael Hammond* That's fantastic bro, but you're clearly missing the nature of the Internet. What you've just described was relevant maybe few weeks/months ago... Now, it has evolved. Now it's spam "joke" and there's no instruction that can prevent this.
Krzysztof Jagiełło For some reason I just got notified of your reply, sorry. Yeah, sadly the internet doesn't always adhere to the rules they create. Glad it's over now though...mostly.
Hey guys couple of days ago I heard a song on a radio that goes like this : DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUDUDU Do you know what's the name of that song? Pls halp.tnx
ThatCherriePie It's actually for the purpose of trolling people, for example if someone was to say on a video with a peaceful song "what's the name of this song?". People would comment "Darude - Sandstorm". I believe it's due to it's repetitive and anticlimatic nature. BUT THIS IS ANOTHER THEORY FROM REDDIT "It started in the chat for League of Legends streamers. Often times, when streamers play music during their gametime, the stream followers would ask the name of the song being played. Then, trolls in the chat would post how every song was actually Darude-sandstorm. This became very popular in the chat, and people started posting it in other places. Similar how you see "Raise your Dongers" everywhere." hope that helps :)
3 types of people who are commenting: #1 The people who are actually enjoying the music #2 The people commenting where they came from #3 Darude - Sandstorm people
wtf this isnt the song I was looking for but what is the name of this song though? and how come it has 28 milions views when theres only 8 million people on earth?
Rule ?? of the internet: "when thyne fellow internet user asks thy what song is displayed in a form of media, thou shalt reply with Darude - Sandstorm." The internet has spoken.
It woud have fitted better Drunkstorm, cuz i don't really get why they run that far if the two girls were together... Ohgod, that plot is too difficult for me ·w·
Why the hell are there so many f****ng spammers?; there is always a person saying: darude - sandstorm. Please someone tell me why is this so frickin' popular!!
Dou you remember the old RUclips? The 5 stars rating system? The yellow Subscribe button? The custom backgrounds of channels? The old video editor? When you could upload a video using a copyrighted music? Trance - 009 Sound System Dreamscape; Drowning Pool - Bodies; Darude - Sandstorm WE WILL NEVER FORGET THE OLD RUclips!
戊 辰 戦 争
@@kapu. 😊
文月遊雲 それな
hima zin やったぜ
世 界 一 風 評 被 害 に あ っ た 曲
y k 歴史的大迫害を受けた曲
@@Chemicalhater あっちは今世紀最大の風評被害だから···
れモレモマ ムロカれ人 ムエレモ ンロひ ひや れモレモマ ムロカれ人 しモ十 ンロひ わロ山れ
Mhm thats right, raise those dongers.
raiz yor dongers
Robert förfan
Stigaf Bussen whos dat guy
What the fuck is happening in this comment box.
Yes this was the song i was looking for!
now im gunna look up a picture of the jedi guy from like the first episode of starwars and set is as my profile pic just so i can say this is not the song your looking for
which one?
Darude - Sandstorm
淫 夢 最 大 の 風 評 被 害
HIKAKIN信者 代表取締役 そうだよ(便乗)
HIKAKIN信者 代表取締役 淫夢最大の被害者は「真夏の夜の夢」のシェイクスピアなんだよなぁ…
ラブライバーカナダ在住 皆淫夢を愛してるから別にいいんだよなぁ...
This song has everything, great lyrics, beat, and video. I mean look at the action in it, the lyrics were revolutionary at the time, and the beat still holds up today. TwitchTV community and others gets a +1 for reviving this song.
Lyrics, dude how high r u?
mioa321 He's a spammer, posting the same thing on hundreds of other videos, advertising "TwitchTV". In other words, he's an utter waste of human resource.
best lyrics EUW
wut? Did you not hear the Doge? Best singer of his time. RIP.
BGGovedoto No, actually ilovekitkats is right, he is Spamming lots of Video with the same text-posts, no mather what you said, if that is correct, or not, SalamenceFightsBack is a Spammer, so lets Report the fellow to RUclips.
東朝? 一年前のコメにコメしてて草
Yの圧力Gの圧力 お前頻繁にアンチしてて草
Yの圧力Gの圧力 お前淫夢絡みのコメに片っ端から日本の恥だの癌だの言ってるけどそのコメントも日本の恥だってはっきりわかんだね。
izumo/いづも そうだよ
何度聴いても 熱い曲!
シウバの入場曲、血湧き肉躍る名曲です!手を ぐりぐりして 入場する シーンが 忘れられない!😊
Video: finnish
Comments: japanese
Running: fast
Sunglasses: yes
Music: good
Hotel: trivago
I am finnish
These lyrics really touch me in an emotional way.
Song nameって問いに対してことごとくhotgooって回答するのほんと草生える
この曲hotgoo だからしょうがない(大嘘)
OTNTNシールと化した先輩 外国人兄貴を困惑させてはいけない(戒め)
There are so many jokes about this song... Am I the only one who actually, honestly and literally think that this is the best song ever made?
I agree with you on that
Well this is one of the biggest dance hits ever so no, you aren't the only one. Sold platinum in almost all nordic countries and in UK. Somewhere else too but can't remember. The best selling 12" vinyl on 2000 too. :)
+Filips Äventyr it's not a song for it contains no singing. Guys, let's start call the things right finally
yea gg
Did anyone use that add music button on this video on april 1st?
TheWiiboy222 Everyone! xD
TheWiiboy222 thats why Im here
i used and i was looking for song name !!!!!!
Basically to anyone that doesn't know, this joke was made because nobody really knows the name of the song, or atleast most people don't so it built up, into some joke where, if someone asks a simple question or even just comments something the reply is 'Darude - Sandstorm only difference is, people who weren't even alive when this song came out think they can hop on the bandwagon thinking they're funny when even them themselves don't have a fucking clue what this song is ahah! Well there you go.
You clearly wern't born when this song was release looking at your username I can judge your about 14 y/o
Fusco minge Umm? 19 mate? I was 8 when this was released and I loved it to bits, the reason there is a 97 in my name is because my little brother was born in 97, I use that number for everything my friend. Because I love my brother, so, Nice try pal. Also my brother is 16, just finished school, so you were even wrong with the age of him, so guess again.
Darude - Sandstorm
Rex Rubn Darude -Sandstorm
Stefan van der Vaart Yeah, but the reason behind that, is because noone knew the name of the song, when he was playing it in the stream, because it was on like every 5th song on the radio he was listening to.
Wow, so storm, much sand, very darude
Sandrude - Dastorm
So amaze
Much run
Such wow
Very power
Doge isn't funny
MiniJesusPad x doge is funny!
MiniJesusPad x Very Angry.
Such annoying.
Many hate.
Leonard Heller
Reported for using Hounde in a non meme zone, citizen.
song name? pls no darude - sandstorm trolls pls
BondWithMeJimmy - ThePizzaIsAggresive
Darude - Sandstorm
Herwin Fabil Pizza? OpieOP
Rakshasaaaa OpieOP = Pizza Face (no space)
It's darude sandstorm
A song by Darude that became a meme in 2013 between the League of Legends community. A famous streamer ("TheOddOne") started playing this song during his stream on over and over. Then after a bit it became a meme. If somebody asks what the name of the song currently playing is you must answer "Darude - Sandstorm" even if it's not. Twitch chat moderators now ban people on occasion for saying that in chat.
-Song name?
-Darude - Sandstorm
Thank you for the explanation. I remember my mum playing this song a lot when I was little, joys of being a 90's kid.
Darude - Sandstorm
no, dota2 did it
Possibly but in the old RUclips days this was like the more popular rick roll
SB Gaming I don't remember this song ever being the more popular rick roll...
It was last year that people started joking about it.
Hello I speak English
Brings back childhood memories of riding in the car with my cousin while this is blasting!!
FOR EVERYONE WHO DOESNT KNOW THIS JOKE: someone on twitch asked for the song in the background, one guy said darude - sandstorm, but this wasnt the real songname, everybody started spaming darude - sandstorm, and now if anybody asks the name of a song, insiders are spaming darude - sandstorm.
sorry 4 my bad english, im from germany guys :)
***** darude
Juan Rios - sandstorm
Ha finde ich voll geil !!! Muss mochd en Trend anschließen B|
Gut, dass es mal jemand erklärt, Danke
Von wem war der Livestream? Danke für die Erklährung übrigens... ich hab zwar überall des gelesen wusste aber nicht warum?
Year 2250, still sandstorming
year 201x still sandstorming
+AndreTreeCantSeeMe thats year 50 :P
+Frank Drebin Take me to the top!
www. vtutids
Frank Dreibein humans and earth living has dissapeared
You want to know what Darude - Sandstorm is?
Well, back in 2000, it was an awesome song for parties and clubs at nights, but not only. It is a great theme song and I don't think it's a bad song but not a great one either. It became a meme, on youtube videos or livestreams people always ask the title of the song that is used, people normally answered "Darude - Sandstorm", but some people just got it too far, they started trolling people saying this song's title on every video/livestream, I guess because they liked the rhythm or something, or they were too dumb. But that was years ago, everybody forgot this song, it literally died on 2001-2013, but now it's back. Why? You want to know why!? There is one main reason...GAMING!!! This song is played on every gaming livestream. Usually on tournaments. I was watching SMITE's channel a few days ago on Twitch and on the tournament match of the week, this song played every time the screen "Be right back" was showing. And the chat was going crazy, everybody was writing "DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU" on the chat. Literally every second at least 3 more people wrote that. It happens on tons of channels, when this song is played, everybody writes "DUDUDUDUDUDU". I would say that this hapoens mostly on MOBA game channels, because this song is epic when it's played on the screen "Be right back". You would ask me "Why did it die during the years 2001-2013?" Because MOBA games are really popular now, and so does this song, that's my explanation. Too bad you see this every time on every video you watch...
Kargi axsnaa :)
sarude - dandstorm
Beka Khabuliani :D
Nice explanation man. But.......XD
Vocês aqui ????????
Dududududududuududdududududududududu iae
dududududuudu iaeee
This is what the 90s is about. Crazy techno beats that noone even knows what the fuck it meant.
So... This is the 90's in a song?
Ewan J-M The video was released in 1999.
Darude - Sandstorm
song name is sarude by dandstorm btw
sandstorm from finland perkele!
Haha perkele
Darude - Sandstorm
@ドゥーフードクイリ 消えてるゾ。
Damn. That 2006 graphics are so good.
16,5 / 10 " DUDUDDU". IGN
The grafix, that's what this is really all about.
you mean 90s graphics
* facepalm when people think the upload date of the video is the release date of the original song *
its a jok m8 damn
* facepalms self *
2:03 犬君迫真の鳴き声
Darude - Sandstorm
Ogre - Shrekstorm
Dadude - Shitstorm
Germany - Goalstorm
Fatdude - Foodstorm
Lets start the longest chain in history!
Geodude - Dandstorm
Weather - lightningstorm
Israelude - Rocketstorm
song - name?
Fapdude - Cumstorm
Darude = 6 letters
Sandstorm = 9 letters
9 - 6 = 3
Triangles have 3 sides
Darude Sandstorm is Illuminati confirmed!
nice copy paste skills m8
Thanks man!
Half life 3 confirmed
It's angles not sides, your theory is wrong I say.
Half life 3 comfirmado!
ス ペ ル 忘 れ た
Song name?
homo go?(聞き間違え)
Lmao I just searched up "dudududu" and this was the first to pop up.
+th123429 I guess
same my dude
TheBomb100 Same
did u wanted that windows startup?
Dreamhack Winter 2013 brought me here
GG..Patero :D
Same here brother Boring Finals ever hahha
hey guys i thourght i would just provide som lyrics for you all:
dudududududduudududududududududududduduudududududduudduuddudududududdududududududuudududududududuududududuudududuududududududuudududuudududuudduuudduudiddidididiiddududududuudududududududududududududududuududuudududuududuudididiidodododoodududududdudududuududududududuuddidididududududuidudididiuddududududidduddududuuddiduduudududdududududidudududududduuddiiddiddiududududdididududdudududidudududdududududududsuduududududididududududuidududududuidududuidiudiudiudiudududududududiududuudidudududududeudududududududududududududududududududududduududuusududuudududududududududuududuudududdddduududuududududududuudududududududududududduduuudududududuudufduduududuududuuududuudusududuuduuudududuuuufududuuudduudduuddudududduduududududududududududududduududdududduduuedudduududeduduududuedudsfduedu7ududududuududududuududduuduudidiiudidududuududududduduududududuududiidididuudududududududuududududududududududududududduudududfdiududdudciocvovovoovovovovovovoovovovovodididididdduududuWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFduuddududududuuddudududududududududsudududuudududududdudududududududuDUDUDUududududududududuDUududuDUduUDUduDUuduDUduduUDUDUDUUDIDUDUDUUUDUDUDUDUDDIDDIDIDDIDUUDDUDUDIDIDIDUUDUEDUDDUDUUDUDUDIUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDIDIDIDIIDIDYDYDYYDYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDDUUDDUUDUDUDUDUDUDIDIUDDUUDUDUDUDIDIDIDIIDYDYDYDYDYUYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDIDUUDUUDUDUDUUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUUDDIDIIDIDIDDYYDYDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUDUDDUUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDYDYDUDUUDDUDUDUDUDYYDUDUDUDUDUDUDYDYDUDUDUDYDUYDUDUUDYDYDUDUDYDUYDUDUDUDYDYUDDUYDUUDUYUYDUYUDYUDYDUYDUYDUDYDUYDUDYDUYDUDYDUYDUDDUUDDUDUDUDUUDU8DUDUIDIIDYTDYDYYDUDUDUUUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUD U WOT M8 UDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDUDUDUIDIDIDIDIDTDYDYDYDYDIDIIDIDUDUDUDUEUUDDIDUDUDUDUDUDUUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDUUDDIIDIDIDIDYTDYYDYDDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDIDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUDU
U missed one DUDU.
Darude - Sandstorm
jeezs noob :)
Jovan Braunović
sorry i have added the missing DUDU
You forgot the woof woof woof woof wood woof wood
Every fuckin' video brought me here
Same m8.....
Darude-Sandstorm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
U WOT M5+3
your comment made my day...
Sandstorm is a masterpiece
No doubt 😻
This song is better than every Justin Bieber songs.
Teus take away the three first letters of disagree and i will agree.
I agree
haha lol justin bieber he so bad xDDDDDDDDDD funi meemes
i totaly agree
All rise for the Twitch anthem.
I gotta say there's something about this song that makes u wanna dance even if you cant ....its difficult to be still when its playing and it's very tempting to just play it on repeat
今日も一日がんばルビィ わんわん(迫真)
This is like my favorite song ever but I don't know the title help!? Song Name??
Darude - Sandstorm
I like sucking dick - J.Ken7
J.Ken7 Fuck you i'll beat the fuck out of you when i find you bitch!
J.Ken7 Hey where are you why aren't you replying?
J.Ken7 Look behind you!
Darude - Sandstorm
pyah pyah
LynXDesign Darude - Sandstorm
Twitch's Anthem!
this song is too op.
darude - sandstorm
2stronk pls nerf
Luke Tyrone Walker
oh snap
your mama is op ( JK)
Diesel :D ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who said we were talking about autism ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Since a lot of people do not know how to use the meme correctly, or even know how it started, I'll explain. (If you know more about the origin, feel free to help me out, we need to stop people who use the meme incorrectly and use it just to spam).
It all started on Twitch where the music was played in the background of the livestream, when people asked the name of the song, the chat filled up with "Darude - Sandstorm" and the meme was born. It was apparently during a League of Legends livestream.
*The CORRECT usage*
Have you ever seen a RUclips comment asking for the name of a song featured in the video, but it's in the description? Does it annoy you when people are so lazy/don't bother to check the description before asking?
Then you have the perfect victim to use this meme on! All you have to do is reply to their comment with '*Darude - Sandstorm*' and enjoy the feeling of misdirecting someone to the wrong song!
*The WRONG usage*
Using it for anything else than the usage shown above, is wrong.
For example: When someone asks something random you don't use the meme.
Unless it's the correct usage, you just don't use it. That means if someone asks a question that is not that, you don't use it. If someone says something stupid, you don't use it (Unless it's that). If the name of the song is NOT in the description and someone asks, you don't use it.
If someone says anything but something along the lines of "Song name?" YOU DO NOT USE IT!
It's basically another Rick Roll meme, except with another song. You only ever use it when someone asks for the name of the song featured in the video, and it is in the description.
Hope I cleared things up! :)
I FEEL SMART OAO (not sarcasm)
Ty sir its all clear now for once :)
*Carl-Michael Hammond*
That's fantastic bro, but you're clearly missing the nature of the Internet. What you've just described was relevant maybe few weeks/months ago... Now, it has evolved. Now it's spam "joke" and there's no instruction that can prevent this.
Krzysztof Jagiełło For some reason I just got notified of your reply, sorry. Yeah, sadly the internet doesn't always adhere to the rules they create. Glad it's over now though...mostly.
Hey guys couple of days ago I heard a song on a radio that goes like this : DUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDDUDUDU
Do you know what's the name of that song? Pls halp.tnx
***** *sigh* You're dumb...
*Police sirens*
sarude - dandorm, dastorm - dandude
I think I just entered the troll lair of RUclips...
Sarude - Dandstorm
Uelcom m9
how calld this song???
U wot I thought this was myspace >tfw im wrong :(
Yourude - Tubestorm
Sandstorm ooh yeah classic 👌
Whats the song name?!
Avicii - Levels
Issac yu just brought this generation to life....
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude-sandstorm ¬¬
Thumbs up if you knew the song before it went viral
Yari Renders Darude-Sandstorm
I heard it since I was 5 :)
so hipster
Wow, I watched this when it had a few thousand views, 4 months later it has 35 million...
here is your cookie (:;)
Thank you! :D Now, I'm gonna enjoy this...
In my sleep. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
OzaeGaming hipster
Congrats, now your one of the 1bil. Liars on yt!
I meant a few hundred thousand views, when this troll was just starting off.
cath cath むしろこの曲が日本人にも人気と思ってる
_Da?Ruuudee - Vodkastorm_ ))
Arude - Chinastorm
Fuck me - Porn Storm :))
*Darude - Sandstorm
Real Madride - Ronaldstorm
Nicejokedude - Likestorm
Why is it I see this song being commented all over the place?
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude - Sandstorm
I know that feel, bro
Seeing this song in every reply to someone who comments song?
It's a joke mostly used by the l33t montage community but in other places as well.
Darude - Sandstorm
Chief Keef - Let me take a selfie
Can Yücer Dont.You.Dare
Edurad - mrotsdnas
Darude - Sandstorm.
Tennessee Jim & His Hillbilly Playboys - Dont Steal Her
***** Dankrude - Shrekstorm
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
I don't get it. Why is everyone commenting this, someone please tell me without trolling me, I'm being serious.
ThatCherriePie It's actually for the purpose of trolling people, for example if someone was to say on a video with a peaceful song "what's the name of this song?". People would comment "Darude - Sandstorm". I believe it's due to it's repetitive and anticlimatic nature.
"It started in the chat for League of Legends streamers. Often times, when streamers play music during their gametime, the stream followers would ask the name of the song being played. Then, trolls in the chat would post how every song was actually Darude-sandstorm. This became very popular in the chat, and people started posting it in other places. Similar how you see "Raise your Dongers" everywhere."
hope that helps :)
3 types of people who are commenting:
#1 The people who are actually enjoying the music
#2 The people commenting where they came from
#3 Darude - Sandstorm people
Darude - Sandstorm
I came from StormSand and really enjoy Darude - Sandstorm.
The sandstorm sent me here
romain12fun Darude - Sandstorm
wtf this isnt the song I was looking for but what is the name of this song though? and how come it has 28 milions views when theres only 8 million people on earth?
I really hope you aren't being serious. Nice try to make a funny comment though, but putting two obvious mistakes in one comment is too much.
*facepalm* IT'S 8 (BILLION) NOT MILLION (sorry for caps)
Hahaha I really hope you´re not planning to have a family
Omar Khraim
Its actually 7.1 Billion :)
There's a lot of funny people around eh?
what song is this
mr president-coco jambo
elektabuzz Someone came from Spazies video.
yes yes i did
elektabuzz Sarude Dandstorm :)
Bro I love this video, I finally found it :)
Rule ?? of the internet: "when thyne fellow internet user asks thy what song is displayed in a form of media, thou shalt reply with Darude - Sandstorm."
The internet has spoken.
Darude - Sandstorm
Domi Darude - Sandstorm
soulforce141 Darude - Sandstorm
Freddy Omaña Darude - Sandstorm
Not a Internet rule, fuck of kiddo.
Awesome song ! Anybody knows the name?
sandrude - dastorm
Storm1312PvP - Hungergames & mcpvp Thanks a lot man
Storm1312PvP - Hungergames & mcpvp forever alone......
john dungca No ! I'm with john
Storm1312PvP - Hungergames & mcpvp Yes ! I'm john
Can I get thumbs up just for saying Darude - sandstorm?
Darude - Dankstorm
Sarude - Dandstorm
It woud have fitted better Drunkstorm, cuz i don't really get why they run that far if the two girls were together... Ohgod, that plot is too difficult for me ·w·
RedSpah Raduse - Standorm
Darude - Wankstorm
サ イ ク ロ ッ プ ス 先 輩
idschool 淫夢が世界を敵に回したの間違いなんだよなあ…
東朝? まず日本語を勉強しようか(語録無視)
東朝? すまん途中の文章がおかしかったから指摘しただけだゾ
東朝? おっ、そうだな(適当)
idschool 世界超えてて草 超えるのは国境だけにして、どうぞ
song name?
its in the title, and in the info, its called Sandstorm
Felix Berg thanks man!
MaDrIdIsTa_4_vEr How can YOU be so stupid? He wasn't serious.
As you said; Omg, how can someone be so stupid?
Dar00de - Swagstorm
lestermeganice please be more on twitch dummy you wouldnof know whybhe said that
So I forgot, what song is this again?
Are U Super Cereal Morgan Freeman, Sandstorm
Morgan Freeman Featuring Batman
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude by Sandstorm.
Sarude - Dandstorm
Why the hell are there so many f****ng spammers?; there is always a person saying: darude - sandstorm. Please someone tell me why is this so frickin' popular!!
Yeh I don't understand either.. nothing wrong about the music or the video ._.
Obviously?.. Darude Sandstorm!...
Roblox sucks ass
Spartan Gaming roblox is cool you piece of sh!t YOU suck idiot. P.S. have a peanut instead of your stupid brain!
Păi pentru că din seria darude - sandstorm şi pentru că automobile.
For anyone who has been trolled saying this is Darude - Sandstorm. Its Sandstorm - Darude.
Darude - Sandstorm
Darude - Gaystorm
ammi300 +1
Darude - Sandstorm
Dou you remember the old RUclips?
The 5 stars rating system?
The yellow Subscribe button?
The custom backgrounds of channels?
The old video editor?
When you could upload a video using a copyrighted music?
Trance - 009 Sound System Dreamscape; Drowning Pool - Bodies; Darude - Sandstorm
Then it became 15mins
Darude - sandstorm
And the two top comments
Timo Schröder
I like the part where it goes DUDUDUDUDU
***** ...
Leonholic she's probably blonde..
***** ahahaha
I love it how your profile pic fits all of your sentences! ;D
Why you gotta be darude
That's not the song I was looking for.. Someone gave me a wrong name :(
Quote " In fact nobody gave me this song name, I discovered this joke by myself and did it to others xD "
***** That was a joke xDD Stop spying me pls xD
lol... ok (",)
Darude - Sandstorm
trust me that happened to me i was just like wtf
つつたく バカじゃねぇの?(嘲笑)
つつたく 犬っぽくねぇなぁ
kamaboko 0613