@kg3718 A declaration came out of the UN about a decade ago, stating the desire that people over 70 years of age are not provided with life prolonging medication. Remember the EU is European people stamping on the necks of fellow Europeans. There again Europe does this at semi regular intervals, look at history.
Please tell me how importing fruit from South America, while driving European farmers out of business, helps us fight "climate change" in Europe. Asking for a friend :(
Communist Manifesto stated that agricultural workers are bourgeoisie and enemies of the people. Commies call everybody to be enemy depends on their views. If you follow Marxism point by point and word by word, you are not enemy, as long as you serve them as a slave. One word different and you are already their enemy and demonised as ''bourgeoisie '', as long as you have your own mind, sovereignty and opinion, you are their enemy.
An example would be some fruits which would otherwise be grown in greenhouses heated by fuels, now grown in hot south america. But I agree with you that some fruit and livestock being transported so much is bad, and we should also be food self-sustaining.
I live in Germany and almost all the points you mention, we already living the consequence of those for some time now. What most people are incapable to understand, that this is an agenda for a World Wide implementation. The cost of living are rising all over the world. No country will escape this trend, because it's manufactured. For most people, leaving their homeland isn't an option for many reasons. I could sell my house and live a comfortable life in let's say Thailand from that money. But it's not for me, I love the people around me, I love my country, my culture, my familie.
You are correct. The problem is that people dont recognize who their nemesis is and always has been. It is the submission and obedience to the authorities. It is big brother that is the shepherd. The people are the flock. Do you truly think a farmer loves his cattle? It is all about business. The cattle is his income. Nothing more. If he has no need for his current cattle, off to the butcher they go. Only once people start to realize that they have a choice in not obeying any authority and actively fight against them, then things can change. But most people are too dim to see it. They simply want to escape to the neigboring farmer, thinking that that farmer will be better. Remember kids, a farmer = farmer. Same profession. A politician = politician. They are in the same business and will therefor act the same. If you get screwed by one, you will get screwed by another. For that is their occupation.
investigating and finding the links between the ideological people and shed light on their deeds and plans might help in building a counter to a lot of this and educate people around us, slowly and gently so they don't just push us away when we try to speak truth on the issues coming about
This explains why so many got trapped in the Soviet Union and faced all of the starvation and massacres. When the rainbow curtain comes down you won’t be able to leave and will resent not doing so when you could for the rest of your life.
Why? Countries are queueing up to join it and with good reason. In an ever-shrinking world with major league competition, blocs like the EU make a lot of sense. Do you have an alternative strategy?
It started with the League of Nations later the U.N.O. followed by the European organisations. The antichrist and the mark of the beast are on their way. It has to happen. And then it will be over. But you yourself must be on the side of TRUTH otherwise, your hopes will all have been in vain.
@Caz-p8c your rite all them organisations are been controlled by Bill Gates klaus schwab and the wef and there all 😈 the own the world and we owe nothing that's what they think
The what? People will flee and recreate the same issues where they inhabit. The culprit to all our issues is the existance of a government. Whenever you hear someone say "The government needs to do xyz" there is someone who is petitioning to be siubjugated by the monster.
It’s the Hotel California, ask any Brit. We voted to leave, they dragged their heels, eventually told us we’d left but we haven’t. Now our commie government wants to shove us back in. Dangerous times people.
Let's just hope that countries like paraguay are paying attention and do not pull these games that the EU, USA, Canada, etc. are doing. This leftist BS has got to stop.
Ultimately, people get the government they deserve. If they are not willing to stand up for their personal freedom and liberty, than they don't deserve freedom and liberty.
Correct and, the Danes think (stupidly) the fewer left over there, the richer and "simply happier) these few will be. I wonder how many real humans are left alive over there by now? Not many I'm aware.. South America still have brains hence, let them administer the mainland Europeans..
@@fernandosouuza3881 Yea, absolutely, total control not only of society in general and every its branches, but what is the most horr_fic, the control of every person's mind and literally soul.
In the Netherlands my income/wealth tax has increased with 100% in 4 years time. This is measured the exact same income and wealth (savings, stocks and property) during these 4 years. This is really crazy and no one is complaining in the Netherlands!!!
You even get taxed before your income tax, but this is kept hidden from the paper trail. And employers cannot talk about it with their personal as that is a crime.
CBDC and microchips on their wsy if the EU isnt dismantled. I pray for my continental bros and sisters. Pray for us island apes under the boot of the Starmer regime
I am a Brit in Italy and we brits over here have to have a biometric card to be able to use services. Fingerprints, palm prints and facial and eye 👁️ scans. The Italians don’t get this. The Brexit Brits in Europe are the Guinea pigs. Phoned the Embassy and they said not compulsory but highly recommended. Not compulsory but without it we are slowly being excluded from public offices
I left Denmark 2 years ago. I'm in Thailand now. The weather is also much better here. And the living costs are much lower. People are super friendly here.❤
However, for how much longer.? At one time Expats were welcomed in Portugal, until the local citizens realized that the influx of all the immigrants increased their real estate cost substantially and the availability of housing went way down. Something that happened also in Canada.
@@nerther7625 it's a concern. I talked to a retired person. Said he could live very good in another country. But you would lightyears above retired citizens in this country. For them living is somehow normal expensive and the new people think everything is cheap af. As long everything is stable maybe no problem.
China will take over Thailand also, my friend in the north there is telling me that a lot of Chinese are comming in. You know that China has the social credit system already?
Not really... I moved to Portugal, feeling that I add a positive contribution here. I meet only welcoming remarks and encouragement to stay from the locals.
And refusing to buy from Russia (gas for example) which then gets sold to China and bought from China at a premium 😂 These climate idiots should think what an extra journey russia>china>Europe does to transportation emissions.
In Holland a street just got a letter. Some people live there for over 60 years, some are families with little children. They rent houses with an attic and small garage for 3 bikes. The letter said the attic and garage will soon not belong to them anymore because the municipality needs room for people to live. They will renovate the attics and garages for new people.
from taxpayer money too :3 In all honesty, as long as moronic people vote for more protection from the government, things will just continue to get worse. I can count the times I have a met a true professional working for the government on the fingers on both hands. In over 20 years of experience. We should all be ashamed, we were too passive and did not inform our fellow country men that whenever government wants to help you, they want to help themselves actually, never you.
It is somewhat low-tax for businesses. Dividend tax is 10% starting this year, used to be 8% and even 5% a couple of years ago. Employee taxes are high indeed, around 42% at same level with socialist countries like Germany, Sweden etc. All these tax raises in the last year or two have indeed been forced by the EU and by the out-of-control govt. spending.
Latin America doesn't deal with these issues, this is not global. Very affordable living, territorial taxes, no green agenda, not technologically advanced and on top of that sunshine every day!
@gyozop is 5% bad? In the Netherlands foods is taxed at 9% so I'm not sure if you're talking about the tax as in a good thing because it's low or a bad thing because it's taxing food (which the Netherlands does worse). Majority of building materials are 21% with the exception of some materials to insulate houses, those are also 9%.
And people laughed when others called the EEC ( now EU) the United States of Europe . This was in 1972 , when my country was voted in to the EU . We need to decentralise and to dissolve organisations like the EU , WHO, UN , NATO .
In effect, the all world for if the EU countries cannot buy, what do you think is going to happen in the Asian producing countries? China is already experiencing joblessness, businesses are closing down whilst the youth are in the streets.
The real problem is not the European Parliament, it is the Council of Europe and the European Commision. The EU Parliament only gets to vote on policy and law put before them by these other bodies. Dear European neighbours, ditch the EU...follow Britain and leave the whole corrupt cesspit and lets go back to individual sovereign nations with multi-lateral trade agreements. You where also silly giving up your own currencies. The EU must be disbanded.
I keep saying it... carbon is NOT a polutant. It is the metric used for taxation. You want to talk polution... google 'bunker fuel' that crap is horrific.
Evil cannot build anything anyone would ever want. Evil can only destroy. Evil is the worst master. No matter how covert and subversive it's ways may be, the result will always be ruin and despair.
I am from germany and not only are we funding a hopeless ukrainian war and killing innocent people with the illusion of victory against russia, but we also keep seeing higher prices here in germany. It's a political mistake and the people have to suffer.
Rutte = young global traitor. Yes and all that money swirled into the pockets of those wanting to impoverish us while waging war on the world, bogus climate change agendas and capturing all the money on the planet.... and they're already waging weather warfare everywhere, they want most of the filthy rabble to die for their dystopian dream of a cyborg AI future where only the ubber wealthy live on this planet like some marvelous country club.
I'm from Austria and the cost of living is unaffordable with 60% of my income. It gets worse every day since 2020, i wonder why ! It is a man made crises to make us poor. Soo man people know whatsgoing on but it is so hard to connect and stand up against this corrupt system! All we need is a affordable home, low cost of energy, super low taxes and less bureaucracy!
The EU will not live to see the year 2030 in its current form. The demise of the EU is certain. If Germany pushes ahead with the Dexit, then the EU will break up and that is good for Europe. But Europe needs an economic alliance, but without a parliament.
That is correct. However, I would tend to say that a DEXIT is less likely than a collapse of the German energy supply. If there are more and more brown-outs in Germany or even a black-out, France, the Czech Republic etc. will cut the power supply to Germany to protect themselves. This will be the beginning of the disintegration of the EU.
Trust me Europe is not alone. We in North America are experiencing the same thing. We are praying that a change in Government will help us, however, I do believe this insanity will take place eventually worldwide. That is the end goal of the WEF. The WEF has all the powerful people as members. They have all the finances to ensure the change will happen and they will eventually break us, the common people. Look where China is with their agenda and how many people died there to make this happen. THE ELITES DON'T CARE ABOUT US COMMON PEOPLE OR HOW MANY PERISH TO ACHIVE THEIR AGENDA.
Do not confuse communism with totalitarianism! Communism is a system, and totalitarianism is a regime. What you see here today is capitalism, the totality of capital, fascism... The EU resembles a fascist, 3rd Reich, not the Soviet Union. There was never communism anywhere in the world, not even in the Soviet Union. I know what I'm writing about, I'm from Slovakia, and I've experienced socialism. A beautiful time for decent people. Communists helped us dig out of the problems that the capitalist, fascist West got us into. Without a strict regime, this could not be achieved after the war. The USSR served the working class. The totalitarian EU serves the slavers.
День назад+1
@@konzerva80 That's extremely confused, full free capitalism with property rights = freedom, communism = slavery under the political elite. Calling EU capitalist is like calling Ussr capitalist, ridiculous. To the right of USA with less government, property rights and low taxes = freedom, even most of USA is unfree today.
@@konzerva80 The USSR served the elites in the USSR - It was a miserable place and the most messed up society I've ever visited. The EU is nothing like the 3rd Reich - I've lived in the EU for decades - you're talking nonsense.
Please watch "Europa the last battle" 12h documentary and "the protocols of the learned elders of zion" in order to understand what is really going on. Cheers.
All I can say is I've just returned from Spain and there is far more individuality and personal freedom on display than within the grey English masses. That's why most English have abandoned holidays in Clacton for places with a freer culture. Its not only the sun.
День назад
Spain is far left, and if you're foreigner, people can legally occupy your house if you buy one and go home for a while. The UK had the first (proper) parliament in the world, outlawed slavery first and is a historical home of democracy, albeit with a class society on top (which guess in a way is slightly contradictory).
Far left!!? I've lived in Spain for over 40 years. You're spouting nonsense. Iceland has the oldest functioning parliament in the world. The UK only banned slavery after profiting from it for three centuries - hardly covering the UK in glory! As far as being the historical home of democracy, how come it's so undemocratic with its FPTP voting system, the unelected HOL, a monarch (unelected) as a head of state, a country that has referenda on important constitutional issues with no safeguards (the only one being calling them "advisory" and then not treating them as such).
Well, maybe you could abandon Nederland if Islam takes over. Suriname is many times bigger and its current population is only about one twentieth. Suriname would then thrive and become wealthy.
Er gaat overal flinke overstromingen en tsunami's komen, en dan zijn alle lage landen en kustgebieden niet veilig...., ook the ring of fire, en aardbevingsgebieden gaan zich steeds meer roeren. Zie pole shift, Apopes, kometen gordel...
All the problems you mentioned fits perfectly Canada. In some cases a situation is even worse. Nowadays if you make about minimum wage in the Toronto area, your income is enough to rent a bed.
The EU either 1) must change and change soon to provide better growth, pragamatic management and opportunities for it's taxpayers OR 2) The EU will go the way of break-up and partial, geolocal breakup. If EU taxpayers keep electing and enabling the marxists then millions will leave the EU go somewhere else and it may very well be the wealthy and the educated leaving a higher level of rot in the EU.
Hello all earth lings Annunakis, reptilians, Nordics, greys, reptoids, humanoids, enlil, enki, sumerian, Assyrian, Nacash, Edomites, djinns, pleadians Canaanites we're still sharing this world please be kind to each others.
Our whole society is based on discussion and debate if we take that away Europe will collapse. You can’t change core values without massive repercussions!
Basically correct. And a good ananlyse. But the main reason for the huge energy prices is not so much the war, but the fact that nuclear power was shut down and more and more wind power implemented, which lead to volatile pricing. Plus policies that makes it extremely expensive. Raised energy taxation for ex. Germany was the country first of all depending on Russian gas. The war has added to the energy crises in pricing, but is not the main cause from start, but very convenient to use as a cause for the globalists. Europe is basically lead by WEF globalists and "useful idiots" to these people.
The working class immediately pays tax and insurance between 60-70% of their income, then in the trade when making purchases it is 21% and more. So 15-17% remains, but this is taxed later. In the EU, politicians do not pay tax, but if they accidentally pay it, they get it back. Ursula cares a lot about the environment and uses a plane even for 60 km. The environmental tax is again paid by the working class. But the environment is strengthened by politics and enriched by up to 80%. Everything is allowed to them because they write the laws
It will not be possible for Foreign Aliens & Immigrants to visit the EU as the passport control will only allow True Born Citizen, born in EU with both parents born in EU, Bio Data of person and both parents on Passport, Identity Documents, Automated Passport control, the EU will be free of Non EU persons from the Mediterranean to the North Sea including the EU Sector of Ireland.
I like that you don't use an EI voice and that you speak slowly enough and not like a teenagers, as too many podcasters do. Your content is good too. But with time you will maybe make the visual a bit less static.
Relocating your business to another non EU country is EXACTLY what THEY want. That's just running away from your problems, which will eventually catch up to you. What you should do is enlighten people about these topics, elect people who would go against these agendas in your government, don't buy EVs and other bs etc etc
The question is, why the people let them to do it? If they allow them to cancel elections, or reelect Ursula or the same parties who messed up everything - like they are probably going to do it in Germany soon - than they deserve it. Countries need to elect those who oppose the status quo like the Italians, Hungarians, Slovakians or lately the Americans did and the Canadians will too. They must do it in Germany, France and Britain as well and the landscape could change quickly.
You are right, change needs to come by voting from the poeple. Not all is as bad as this propaganda video makes you believe the creators just want to make money as all good US businesses do. and of course if you can play down the EU at the same time it;s a win win for them, maybe they are even payd by russians to destabilize the EU, I would not be supprised at all if this is the case.
Which people? Do you actually know any in your area, or is it just the corrupt media claiming that such people exist? If such people exist, do they have citizenship or are they foreigners?
@@konzerva80 I want the UK to rejoin. Leaving has been a catastrophe. Yes - we do exist. In fact, we represent the majority of opinion according to all the polls. You need to get informed.
Our government here in Finland recently increased VAT to 25,5%. If the EU would remove tariffs against Chinese EVs, every EU citizen could afford a new Chinese EV.
I suppose no one ever noticed the preamble to all the treaties where they state the 'desire for ever closer union.' No one paid attention to the desire for harmonization even though it's been talked about for decades. One people, one country one leader.
The energy situation is complex. My country has a 21% tax on energy, yet we produce energy primarily for export, relying on imports from Norway and other nations. This results in higher energy costs than if we produced our own energy domestically, but currently, we must purchase it from abroad.
VAT in general in Hungary is 27%... and we are EU members. But income tax is lower than in most other EU countries. This way consumption is driving the state incomes and ensuring it to be quite stable especially since we need to eat and are more willing to spend on food and we have the feeling of having increasing real value of salaries...
Good. Corporation SHOULD have higher tax, They should pay and stop tax avvoidance. The decline in tax rates have created powerful billionaires who are undermining democracy.
Corporations by definition don't pay any taxes. Only consumers. Do you think that when taxes are raised corporations take it out of their profits? No, they just raise the price of goods or services, which YOU end up paying for.
Ursula Von der Leyen should be in jail
The woman is completely insane and, more corrupt and evil than we've ever seen 😰
Who the Hell do they think they are??
At least two times over
Not only.....
You assume these jails aren't also corrupt
She is a major WEF participant
If you are over 50 try to avoid going to hospital for anything. They are no longer in the business of healings
I know
In Canada we have MAIDS. Medically assisted suicide
32000 deaths by it last year.
In endings
@elizabethtencer7950 holy duly!!!! I thought maybe a few...!!
A declaration came out of the UN about a decade ago, stating the desire that people over 70 years of age are not provided with life prolonging medication.
Remember the EU is European people stamping on the necks of fellow Europeans. There again Europe does this at semi regular intervals, look at history.
The EU building is not shaped like the tower of Babble for no reason, when you figure out the mindset that runs it.
The EU and the UNO are working together for they have the same goal.
Reason is always the same. Control and power. And their sick ideas, some of them satanic.
All countires in the world signed this anti human agenda
As Larken Rose put it:
"The temples they build to celebrate their domination of mankind".
Goes for every government building everywhere.
Please tell me how importing fruit from South America, while driving European farmers out of business, helps us fight "climate change" in Europe. Asking for a friend :(
By cutting the lungs of the Earth, the Amazon forests.
Communist Manifesto stated that agricultural workers are bourgeoisie and enemies of the people. Commies call everybody to be enemy depends on their views. If you follow Marxism point by point and word by word, you are not enemy, as long as you serve them as a slave. One word different and you are already their enemy and demonised as ''bourgeoisie '', as long as you have your own mind, sovereignty and opinion, you are their enemy.
An example would be some fruits which would otherwise be grown in greenhouses heated by fuels, now grown in hot south america. But I agree with you that some fruit and livestock being transported so much is bad, and we should also be food self-sustaining.
And they have now signed the "Monsur" deal! The EU Farmers are going to be totally destroyed with it 😏
Ssssh too much logic make brain hurt for many
I live in Germany and almost all the points you mention, we already living the consequence of those for some time now. What most people are incapable to understand, that this is an agenda for a World Wide implementation. The cost of living are rising all over the world. No country will escape this trend, because it's manufactured. For most people, leaving their homeland isn't an option for many reasons. I could sell my house and live a comfortable life in let's say Thailand from that money. But it's not for me, I love the people around me, I love my country, my culture, my familie.
We have to fight back. Get creative. Figure out alternative ways of living and build a community to circumvent the system. Live off grid etc.
I approuve of this message, if we runaway, we will lose.
You are correct. The problem is that people dont recognize who their nemesis is and always has been. It is the submission and obedience to the authorities. It is big brother that is the shepherd. The people are the flock. Do you truly think a farmer loves his cattle? It is all about business. The cattle is his income. Nothing more. If he has no need for his current cattle, off to the butcher they go. Only once people start to realize that they have a choice in not obeying any authority and actively fight against them, then things can change. But most people are too dim to see it. They simply want to escape to the neigboring farmer, thinking that that farmer will be better. Remember kids, a farmer = farmer. Same profession. A politician = politician. They are in the same business and will therefor act the same. If you get screwed by one, you will get screwed by another. For that is their occupation.
investigating and finding the links between the ideological people and shed light on their deeds and plans might help in building a counter to a lot of this
and educate people around us, slowly and gently so they don't just push us away when we try to speak truth on the issues coming about
This explains why so many got trapped in the Soviet Union and faced all of the starvation and massacres. When the rainbow curtain comes down you won’t be able to leave and will resent not doing so when you could for the rest of your life.
The EU was never a good idea, and the governments knew it from the start. The question is who or what they are afraid of.
That is not true, mr. russian bot. Europe being united and cooperative is essential. We just have to address corruption
EU is an american project
Domme troll... Just move OUT of OUR EU... eg to ruSSIA.
Those whom control the money, control the countries.
They all suffer from extreme Xenophobia and, they are all more than greedy and not least deeply corrupt - idiots they are!
Time for the EU to be dissolved.
UE is just part of the problem....WEF, UN, NATO, WHO has been taken hostage by globalists
Ye look what greenland got it
yours is the only comment worth noting.
Why? Countries are queueing up to join it and with good reason. In an ever-shrinking world with major league competition, blocs like the EU make a lot of sense. Do you have an alternative strategy?
Yes, dissolve in conc. sulphuric acid.
All leave the EU, ECHR, WHO, etc,, get out of the swamp
It started with the League of Nations later the U.N.O. followed by the European organisations.
The antichrist and the mark of the beast are on their way. It has to happen. And then it will be over. But you yourself must be on the side of TRUTH otherwise, your hopes will all have been in vain.
@Caz-p8c your rite all them organisations are been controlled by Bill Gates klaus schwab and the wef and there all 😈 the own the world and we owe nothing that's what they think
The what? People will flee and recreate the same issues where they inhabit. The culprit to all our issues is the existance of a government. Whenever you hear someone say "The government needs to do xyz" there is someone who is petitioning to be siubjugated by the monster.
and one org to rule them all... The Open Society Foundations. by the shadow master, George Soros.
EU is finished. The tide is turning.
Can't wait to leave EU.
When are you leaving?
And heading where?
The U.K. left the EU and we now a dictatorship.
It’s the Hotel California, ask any Brit. We voted to leave, they dragged their heels, eventually told us we’d left but we haven’t. Now our commie government wants to shove us back in.
Dangerous times people.
have fun, where are you going ?
Let's just hope that countries like paraguay are paying attention and do not pull these games that the EU, USA, Canada, etc. are doing.
This leftist BS has got to stop.
how about Belize?
USA has it chance now to feed itself. No more wars!
It's the UN agenda 21/2030 wake up for goodness sake
The European nightmare
EU should have told US get the he'll out off Europe now Europe is done finished bye bye 👋 fl...
Do you have a better alternative? If so, let's hear it.
Just do not comply!
😂everyone did,recall covid...
Indeed but most just keep running the rat race.
And been thrown in jail? Really??
I comply. Never voted for one of them. Never.
@@Monitoring358 I didn't, so "everyone" is not correct. I know many others that didn't here in Greece.
Ultimately, people get the government they deserve. If they are not willing to stand up for their personal freedom and liberty, than they don't deserve freedom and liberty.
Correct and, the Danes think (stupidly) the fewer left over there, the richer and "simply happier) these few will be. I wonder how many real humans are left alive over there by now? Not many I'm aware..
South America still have brains hence, let them administer the mainland Europeans..
You couldn't phrase that better, pal. I'm all with your stance.
This is SO true, that is the root of the problem
Amen brother. 100% agree
Or savings as the government will take every penny you have.
Go woke go broke
everyone is going broke, woke or not
Their goal is not money, they already own the money. It's about control.
@@fernandosouuza3881 Yea, absolutely, total control not only of society in general and every its branches, but what is the most horr_fic, the control of every person's mind and literally soul.
@@fernandosouuza3881 there is also a moral bankruptcy. Also in agenda.
In the Netherlands my income/wealth tax has increased with 100% in 4 years time. This is measured the exact same income and wealth (savings, stocks and property) during these 4 years. This is really crazy and no one is complaining in the Netherlands!!!
The Netherlands is a lost cause. It was much better 45 years ago.
omdat je uit je nek lult
must be you, as for me my income increased. over the last years in the Netherlands.
You even get taxed before your income tax, but this is kept hidden from the paper trail.
And employers cannot talk about it with their personal as that is a crime.
@@louisslaats452veranderd niet dat je meer inkomen belasting betaald. Ben je sloom ofzo?
CBDC and microchips on their wsy if the EU isnt dismantled.
I pray for my continental bros and sisters.
Pray for us island apes under the boot of the Starmer regime
Yes, its horrible how human rights are trumped by this sociopathic regime
I am a Brit in Italy and we brits over here have to have a biometric card to be able to use services. Fingerprints, palm prints and facial and eye 👁️ scans. The Italians don’t get this. The Brexit Brits in Europe are the Guinea pigs. Phoned the Embassy and they said not compulsory but highly recommended. Not compulsory but without it we are slowly being excluded from public offices
I left Denmark 2 years ago. I'm in Thailand now. The weather is also much better here. And the living costs are much lower. People are super friendly here.❤
Plus those depressing Danish people are too much.
However, for how much longer.? At one time Expats were welcomed in Portugal, until the local citizens realized that the influx of all the immigrants increased their real estate cost substantially and the availability of housing went way down. Something that happened also in Canada.
@@nerther7625 it's a concern. I talked to a retired person. Said he could live very good in another country. But you would lightyears above retired citizens in this country. For them living is somehow normal expensive and the new people think everything is cheap af. As long everything is stable maybe no problem.
China will take over Thailand also, my friend in the north there is telling me that a lot of Chinese are comming in. You know that China has the social credit system already?
Not really... I moved to Portugal, feeling that I add a positive contribution here. I meet only welcoming remarks and encouragement to stay from the locals.
It never ceases to amaze me how people use their freedoms to destroy their freedom. Can't fix stupid
You will own nothing and eat bugs 🇪🇺🇪🇺
I doubt if you'll be happy.
@@severianmonk7394 he’s not happy just repeated what World economic forum has said to world
@@severianmonk7394 They will be selling plenty of Soma.
No one cares/will care about Your happiness.
The EU climate propaganda is what is ruining countries. I would never buy an EV, i would rather walk.
Besides. In order to make those batteries you need to polute the environment by digging lithium and cadmium out of the ground
And refusing to buy from Russia (gas for example) which then gets sold to China and bought from China at a premium 😂
These climate idiots should think what an extra journey russia>china>Europe does to transportation emissions.
I agree with your 2nd sentence.
Walking anywhere withiut a car already! Healthy and recommended
Definition of evolution: the opposite of EU
EU does not have 5 more years.
I will leave the EU. I am done.
Where will you go?
And go where? Lol. Some people are stupid beyond saving and even if you are European for which I guess you are not.
They are doing stuff like this worldwide because they control all nations and territories.
In Holland a street just got a letter. Some people live there for over 60 years, some are families with little children. They rent houses with an attic and small garage for 3 bikes. The letter said the attic and garage will soon not belong to them anymore because the municipality needs room for people to live. They will renovate the attics and garages for new people.
from taxpayer money too :3 In all honesty, as long as moronic people vote for more protection from the government, things will just continue to get worse. I can count the times I have a met a true professional working for the government on the fingers on both hands. In over 20 years of experience. We should all be ashamed, we were too passive and did not inform our fellow country men that whenever government wants to help you, they want to help themselves actually, never you.
Waar is dat? Hoe kom je aan dat verhaal? Verklaar je nader!
De leegvretertjes moeten ook ergens wonen, snap je?
What street?
Romania is not an low taxes country anymore from 1 of Jan 2025. Now all 16% income plus 10% distribution.
That's still low for me....
How much was before?
It is somewhat low-tax for businesses. Dividend tax is 10% starting this year, used to be 8% and even 5% a couple of years ago. Employee taxes are high indeed, around 42% at same level with socialist countries like Germany, Sweden etc. All these tax raises in the last year or two have indeed been forced by the EU and by the out-of-control govt. spending.
ahahaha you need to try italian taxes bro 😂
Welcome!! Here in norway we pay INSANES tax about EVERYTHING!!!!
And go where? This is global
Latin America doesn't deal with these issues, this is not global. Very affordable living, territorial taxes, no green agenda, not technologically advanced and on top of that sunshine every day!
isla margherita
You are so right, it's only a matter of a short time. The Bible predicted it.
At least out of EU. Perhaps Trump gives us freedom?
The gold medal of VAT goes to Hungary with 27%
Except that vital food is 5% also buiding materials for families.
Denmark we pay 25% on everything. Also food, water, medical, toilet Paper everything!
Second place secured for Croatia with 25%
@gyozop is 5% bad? In the Netherlands foods is taxed at 9% so I'm not sure if you're talking about the tax as in a good thing because it's low or a bad thing because it's taxing food (which the Netherlands does worse).
Majority of building materials are 21% with the exception of some materials to insulate houses, those are also 9%.
@@dodopson3211 Yeah in Denmark its 25 % - even pay a tax on a tax and i think they put 25% on top of that too.
And people laughed when others called the EEC ( now EU) the United States of Europe . This was in 1972 , when my country was voted in to the EU .
We need to decentralise and to dissolve organisations like the EU , WHO, UN , NATO .
Then what? brexit brought great progress to the UK i notice.... not. division is not the answer RU and China will march right over us one by one.
Start with voting in sane Governments.
Yes we need the federal EU asap.
VAT is 25% in Norway, we can end up paying 75% tax in Norway with a high salary... And they add small hidden taxes everywhere
EU goal is to make all eu countries equally poorer
In effect, the all world for if the EU countries cannot buy, what do you think is going to happen in the Asian producing countries? China is already experiencing joblessness, businesses are closing down whilst the youth are in the streets.
@@michellemobakeng5938I agree on everything but your propaganda about China that you got from Western msm or Western aligned Channels.😊
The same happend to Switzerland: enslaved by UE. Awful !!!
EU. That's the English form.
VAT tax is not for pension payments, it’s for EU budgeting.
The real problem is not the European Parliament, it is the Council of Europe and the European Commision. The EU Parliament only gets to vote on policy and law put before them by these other bodies. Dear European neighbours, ditch the EU...follow Britain and leave the whole corrupt cesspit and lets go back to individual sovereign nations with multi-lateral trade agreements. You where also silly giving up your own currencies. The EU must be disbanded.
But Starmer is already taliking about the UK rejoining the EU.
@@Tellzel107 Pie in the sky!
The problem is this entire organisation.
Yeah. And just look at the damage it's done to the UK. Your suggestion is highly irresponsible and unrealistic.
From electric cars and Bitcoin to whom you want to vote.
But a dictator in Spain they do not sack.
2030? I’m pretty sure this year is do or die.
I get that feeling too
Freedom to exploit others is not freedom. Freedom to destroy is not freedom.
Freedom from exploitation and destruction is.
In the Netherlands the tax on gas, electra, water and gasoline is sky high😡
so is your standard of living, stop wining already. luxury problems, not life threatening issues.
So they are in Romania.
In the UK too
I keep saying it... carbon is NOT a polutant. It is the metric used for taxation. You want to talk polution... google 'bunker fuel' that crap is horrific.
C02 = gas of life.
Any less and biting will grow.
Evil cannot build anything anyone would ever want. Evil can only destroy. Evil is the worst master.
No matter how covert and subversive it's ways may be, the result will always be ruin and despair.
And still i get people sobbing in grief if I refer to it as the Evil Union... let's be honest.. there's no better name for it.
It is evil can’t find nothing good
Evil!!? This is nuts! Explain how the EU is "evil". I know you won't because you can't. Prove me wrong!
All l can say it is all prepared to destroy anything possible to drive this madness
Do we all need to leave or homelands or would it be better for all of us to collectively disband the EU criminal syndicate?
Latter I am ready and will do anything i can to fight this. We all must I will not accept this future for my children’s sake
The EU will become a federation. There is no way around it :)
@@aodriseuCommunist union if anything
I am from germany and not only are we funding a hopeless ukrainian war and killing innocent people with the illusion of victory against russia, but we also keep seeing higher prices here in germany.
It's a political mistake and the people have to suffer.
Green energy is not green if you scratch below the surface.
Not green when its machinery is produced. But after PV panels do not emit.
and yet they keep pushing for WW3
Loads of money for NATO though. Rutte himself always says "There's so much money going around".
But you know he is a liar and a big fool.
Rutte = young global traitor.
Yes and all that money swirled into the pockets of those wanting to impoverish us while waging war on the world, bogus climate change agendas and capturing all the money on the planet.... and they're already waging weather warfare everywhere, they want most of the filthy rabble to die for their dystopian dream of a cyborg AI future where only the ubber wealthy live on this planet like some marvelous country club.
there is
Because he never had to worry about money to begin with
Very low tax in Romania... we pay 48% even for a salary of 500 euro per month
Nice joke!
As a matter of facts, taxes are increasingly higher in Romania...
Dripping with sarcasm.
48% !!! Jesus christ......!!!
The standard VAT rate in Hungary is 27%.
I'm from Austria and the cost of living is unaffordable with 60% of my income. It gets worse every day since 2020, i wonder why ! It is a man made crises to make us poor. Soo man people know whatsgoing on but it is so hard to connect and stand up against this corrupt system! All we need is a affordable home, low cost of energy, super low taxes and less bureaucracy!
The EU will not live to see the year 2030 in its current form. The demise of the EU is certain. If Germany pushes ahead with the Dexit, then the EU will break up and that is good for Europe. But Europe needs an economic alliance, but without a parliament.
That is correct. However, I would tend to say that a DEXIT is less likely than a collapse of the German energy supply. If there are more and more brown-outs in Germany or even a black-out, France, the Czech Republic etc. will cut the power supply to Germany to protect themselves. This will be the beginning of the disintegration of the EU.
So right they did make our lives a hell in Europe on all fronts.
define hell? nailjob every few weeks, hairdresser as well?
Trust me Europe is not alone. We in North America are experiencing the same thing. We are praying that a change in Government will help us, however, I do believe this insanity will take place eventually worldwide. That is the end goal of the WEF. The WEF has all the powerful people as members. They have all the finances to ensure the change will happen and they will eventually break us, the common people. Look where China is with their agenda and how many people died there to make this happen. THE ELITES DON'T CARE ABOUT US COMMON PEOPLE OR HOW MANY PERISH TO ACHIVE THEIR AGENDA.
Who did? How?
The head of the European Union is the unelected Commision not the parliament 😢
The Soviet Union reimagined as the European Union
Do not confuse communism with totalitarianism! Communism is a system, and totalitarianism is a regime. What you see here today is capitalism, the totality of capital, fascism... The EU resembles a fascist, 3rd Reich, not the Soviet Union. There was never communism anywhere in the world, not even in the Soviet Union. I know what I'm writing about, I'm from Slovakia, and I've experienced socialism. A beautiful time for decent people. Communists helped us dig out of the problems that the capitalist, fascist West got us into. Without a strict regime, this could not be achieved after the war. The USSR served the working class. The totalitarian EU serves the slavers.
@@konzerva80 That's extremely confused, full free capitalism with property rights = freedom, communism = slavery under the political elite. Calling EU capitalist is like calling Ussr capitalist, ridiculous. To the right of USA with less government, property rights and low taxes = freedom, even most of USA is unfree today.
Oh really????
@@konzerva80 The USSR served the elites in the USSR - It was a miserable place and the most messed up society I've ever visited. The EU is nothing like the 3rd Reich - I've lived in the EU for decades - you're talking nonsense.
In Denmark VAT is 25%
Finland 25%..,
Please watch "Europa the last battle" 12h documentary and "the protocols of the learned elders of zion" in order to understand what is really going on. Cheers.
This is worrying.
We're dealing with criminal psychopaths I'm afraid!
All I can say is I've just returned from Spain and there is far more individuality and personal freedom on display than within the grey English masses. That's why most English have abandoned holidays in Clacton for places with a freer culture. Its not only the sun.
Spain is far left, and if you're foreigner, people can legally occupy your house if you buy one and go home for a while. The UK had the first (proper) parliament in the world, outlawed slavery first and is a historical home of democracy, albeit with a class society on top (which guess in a way is slightly contradictory).
Far left!!? I've lived in Spain for over 40 years. You're spouting nonsense. Iceland has the oldest functioning parliament in the world. The UK only banned slavery after profiting from it for three centuries - hardly covering the UK in glory! As far as being the historical home of democracy, how come it's so undemocratic with its FPTP voting system, the unelected HOL, a monarch (unelected) as a head of state, a country that has referenda on important constitutional issues with no safeguards (the only one being calling them "advisory" and then not treating them as such).
Sweden has 25%
Denmark and Sweden 25%, Hungary 27%... Gee, why do I curse my "innocent" government for its 20%?
Suriname als optie , voor de Nederlanders 🙂
Well, maybe you could abandon Nederland if Islam takes over. Suriname is many times bigger and its current population is only about one twentieth. Suriname would then thrive and become wealthy.
Zo ver moest het nog komen!!!
is it safe there?
Er gaat overal flinke overstromingen en tsunami's komen, en dan zijn alle lage landen en kustgebieden niet veilig...., ook the ring of fire, en aardbevingsgebieden gaan zich steeds meer roeren.
Zie pole shift, Apopes, kometen gordel...
Nowdays Russia compared to EU is a beacon of democracy !
Great video
All the problems you mentioned fits perfectly Canada. In some cases a situation is even worse. Nowadays if you make about minimum wage in the Toronto area, your income is enough to rent a bed.
It will not work !!!
EU citizens seem to be in a trance. So much is happening to them and their societies and they shrug and say it’s normal.
"The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison". Fyodor Dostoevsky
The EU either 1) must change and change soon to provide better growth, pragamatic management and opportunities for it's taxpayers OR 2) The EU will go the way of break-up and partial, geolocal breakup. If EU taxpayers keep electing and enabling the marxists then millions will leave the EU go somewhere else and it may very well be the wealthy and the educated leaving a higher level of rot in the EU.
However, the shape of their "tower of babel" can never prevent the EU as an institution from collapsing like a house of cards...
And the fact that a visa is now needed to enter the UK and soon the EU, might be a precursor to the digital identity😊
Hello all earth lings Annunakis, reptilians, Nordics, greys, reptoids, humanoids, enlil, enki, sumerian, Assyrian, Nacash, Edomites, djinns, pleadians Canaanites we're still sharing this world please be kind to each others.
😂 U FR??
😂 looks like the oppsite is happening
I am from planet Zorgon.
I will resist anything the EU want of me.. i do not recognise it as my goverment body..
First of all you are not European so who cares. All laws have to be respected and they will.
Our whole society is based on discussion and debate if we take that away Europe will collapse. You can’t change core values without massive repercussions!
In Hungary, it is 27%
Basically correct. And a good ananlyse.
But the main reason for the huge energy prices is not so much the war, but the fact that nuclear power was shut down and more and more wind power implemented, which lead to volatile pricing. Plus policies that makes it extremely expensive. Raised energy taxation for ex. Germany was the country first of all depending on Russian gas.
The war has added to the energy crises in pricing, but is not the main cause from start, but very convenient to use as a cause for the globalists.
Europe is basically lead by WEF globalists and "useful idiots" to these people.
The working class immediately pays tax and insurance between 60-70% of their income, then in the trade when making purchases it is 21% and more. So 15-17% remains, but this is taxed later. In the EU, politicians do not pay tax, but if they accidentally pay it, they get it back. Ursula cares a lot about the environment and uses a plane even for 60 km. The environmental tax is again paid by the working class. But the environment is strengthened by politics and enriched by up to 80%. Everything is allowed to them because they write the laws
It started as the Common Market which was a good thing? But...😔
The VAT in Finland is now 25,5%.
all of a sudden BREXIT makes sense😂
UK never really left.
Negated by labor
Don't dream. There has been no change for the British population.
It will not be possible for Foreign Aliens & Immigrants to visit the EU as the passport control will only allow True Born Citizen, born in EU with both parents born in EU, Bio Data of person and both parents on Passport, Identity Documents, Automated Passport control, the EU will be free of Non EU persons from the Mediterranean to the North Sea including the EU Sector of Ireland.
No it doesn't
I like that you don't use an EI voice and that you speak slowly enough and not like a teenagers, as too many podcasters do. Your content is good too. But with time you will maybe make the visual a bit less static.
VAT in Norway is 25%
Relocating your business to another non EU country is EXACTLY what THEY want. That's just running away from your problems, which will eventually catch up to you. What you should do is enlighten people about these topics, elect people who would go against these agendas in your government, don't buy EVs and other bs etc etc
Denmark has 25% vat on everything.
The question is, why the people let them to do it? If they allow them to cancel elections, or reelect Ursula or the same parties who messed up everything - like they are probably going to do it in Germany soon - than they deserve it. Countries need to elect those who oppose the status quo like the Italians, Hungarians, Slovakians or lately the Americans did and the Canadians will too. They must do it in Germany, France and Britain as well and the landscape could change quickly.
You are right, change needs to come by voting from the poeple. Not all is as bad as this propaganda video makes you believe the creators just want to make money as all good US businesses do. and of course if you can play down the EU at the same time it;s a win win for them, maybe they are even payd by russians to destabilize the EU, I would not be supprised at all if this is the case.
Its been planned to have fewer pensioner... like a bee hive unless someone meets criteria of being an asset ..
Romania is NOT low tax
And people here want us to rejoin this failing union. Amazing short sightedness.
Which people? Do you actually know any in your area, or is it just the corrupt media claiming that such people exist? If such people exist, do they have citizenship or are they foreigners?
@@konzerva80 I want the UK to rejoin. Leaving has been a catastrophe. Yes - we do exist. In fact, we represent the majority of opinion according to all the polls. You need to get informed.
Our government here in Finland recently increased VAT to 25,5%. If the EU would remove tariffs against Chinese EVs, every EU citizen could afford a new Chinese EV.
4th Green Reveloution? ... or how to say you're bankrupt... without saying it out loud. 😮
The EUSSR......takes time for people to see that fact.
The USSR served ordinary, working people. The fascist empire of the EU serves corporations, banks, arms manufacturers, slavers...
We, those who live in the EU are not the interest of our leaders … not at all !!!
Very good
I suppose no one ever noticed the preamble to all the treaties where they state the 'desire for ever closer union.' No one paid attention to the desire for harmonization even though it's been talked about for decades.
One people, one country one leader.
very truth
Will only happen if citizens will allow it. Portugal taxes have decreased and the citizens are walking of up.
luckily EU will by gone by 2030
And you know this, how exactly? Luckily, who for? Putin?
Nope, only in your dreams.
How will the beggars of eastern europe eat then ?
The energy situation is complex. My country has a 21% tax on energy, yet we produce energy primarily for export, relying on imports from Norway and other nations. This results in higher energy costs than if we produced our own energy domestically, but currently, we must purchase it from abroad.
VAT in general in Hungary is 27%... and we are EU members. But income tax is lower than in most other EU countries. This way consumption is driving the state incomes and ensuring it to be quite stable especially since we need to eat and are more willing to spend on food and we have the feeling of having increasing real value of salaries...
"Parliament" .......... paa _luh_muhnt
Which one is worse? Losing your life or losing your freedom?
When you loose your freedom, you loose your life...
Energy is power not money strings😂
Good. Corporation SHOULD have higher tax, They should pay and stop tax avvoidance. The decline in tax rates have created powerful billionaires who are undermining democracy.
Corporations by definition don't pay any taxes. Only consumers. Do you think that when taxes are raised corporations take it out of their profits? No, they just raise the price of goods or services, which YOU end up paying for.