Yea probably not. I just wish they do a good reskin for Trog from season 7 as I wasn't able to get him at the time and I understand that some people need exclusive skins to feel better I guess?
1:51 I see an exclusivity loophole. Technically, they came back in “another” and “newer” battle pass. Therefore, they would no longer be subject to the exclusivity that Battle Passes done prior to the exclusivity removal have. I would totally support the removal of BP exclusivity. There are so many cool skins I want.
Me too. I have every battle pass since CH1 season 3 and if I was someone else I would want them so bad, I also rlly want black knight so I wld have no problem with them bringing them back. JUST ME Tho I can see how ppl don’t like it
fortnite never stated that season shop items were exclusive, so i dont see any issue in bringing those back. battle pass skins on the other hand, those are stated to be exclusive so bringing them back would in my opinion be kinda scummy
I'm going to say bringing back or by the passage is gummy how all because they said it was exclusive you know the key word they basically lied to you already they said they was exclusive to their season and won't be available any other season they are going back to the season and so they can bring them back so they didn't lie but if they don't bring them back they basically lied secondly what's gummy is basically buying a battle pass and you basically get ripped off and you didn't get the skin you want as well so it'll take me that scummy also what happen if you are a OG player like me I lost my main account I had the Black Knight in all these kids and I can never get them again that's gummy right there so battle passes should come back the old ones and for one epic can change their mind and it's also the other thing is exclusivity has a expired date so they can end the exclusivity if they want to and be like these are no longer exclusive anymore and that's about it so get over it start crying about these skins coming back be happy I don't see the issue why people making me so serious of the skins coming back and they're getting pissed about it I'm getting mad because these kids should be available for everybody they should not be permanently locked especially the IP and I hope they do bring them back
I don't think so because it wasn't until season two battle pass that it stated the cosmetics would "not be obtainablee again" but the sesson shop was never confirmed
@@PastaaFNThere was nothing to point towards me "crying". You're just a nine year old with no brain cells who spams and projects. Take your own advice.
Battle pass skins still wont return. Way back when the season shop came out they stated that the items would go away however they may return at a future date. Compare this to the battle passes from before chapter 4 season 4 they state that times included will never return. So to those getting their hopes up abiut battle pass skins coming back i would stop here
I agree OG battlepasses aint financially worth nada especially after C1S8 Lol. Epic bringing back the most sold items in the fortnite black market means they couldnt care about anyone’s fully gold Brutus. I played Chapter 1 Season 3 and i dont care if people get the Reaper or my Founders Stw. In the new EULA, u cannot sue epic. When u buy vbucks, u buy the right to use in game currency. Epic owns all of their in game assets. U bought the right to use Epic’s currency to have access to the property of epic. Epic have the freedom to remove their property from ur account whenever they please. This occurs when people log in and see items removed. Its completely legal, might not be morally correct, but Epic has pretty much copied Disney’s system where u cannot sue them but u can settle for a hearing if u have lost $10,000. I hope exclusivity goes away because I just want skins I like in my locker. I couldnt care less if its been away from itemshop for 1800 days. If Honor Guard or Double Helix came in the item shop, I wouldnt buy it. I dont care if its exclusive Honor guard is just a reskin. But if Darth Vader one of the most iconic villains in media, trapped in a random battle pass when i was 16 sitting my GCSEs and preparing to start my A-levels, in summer 2022, returned today for 6000 vbucks. I bet my bottom dollar, Im eating rations and buying the whole bundle. I rarely even see darth vader used in my ranked elite lobbies.
This is why i don't but skins from the item shop alot, and if i do it's for a one off occasion. As someone that played from the beginning i never really thought about spending money on skins ect until season 4 when i bought a cheap ps4 exclusive pack then my first battle pass in S5. Im happy its impossible for old battle passes to comeback as they have the only "exclusive" skins/items anymore. (Congrats on 10k man, can't wait for what the future will bring for you!)
let's be honest the only thing that made renegade raider such a beloved skin was it's exclusivity without it it is objectively a bad skin even it's variants are much better. I think this is a pretty bad decision by fortnite and i don't even own these skins
I think actual exclusive skins like the Galaxy Skin should stay exclusive. But things like the Renegade Raider I don’t have a problem with them not being exclusive.
the battle passes litterally cannot come back u do realize even ppl who played back then missed out and some ppl didnt whats what with ppl suddenly caring after 7 years a bit weird
prozero, i guess you didnt see what epic posted, it was a while ago, they confirmed old BPs wont be returning. Also that said, its untrust worthy and low for them to let people think items were exclusive, buy them thinking that, have them for years believing that, then throw them in the item shop. They could have said years ago that those season shop items, start packs, et wont be returning to stop people from believing it. But they were okay with profiting off it, and now are okay with selling them now that theyre rare, its a low move.
Yeah there is a screenshot from the fortnitemares extension update page which says season shop skins and other cosmetics are exclusive to the season shop
I dont really mind if they get rid of exclusivity. I have good memories with my older battle pass skins, i dont care if the skin is rare or not. Maybe i can finally get the omega lights😭😭
@@PHIL_Er_UP they got that with whatever the name of the female 7 that accidentally got released to the store briefly and things went okay. Plus gatekeeping skins is unfair for us. Also, the only thing people would miss out on if they missed the newer BPs after the exclusivity removal, would be the super styles. You still get a reward for your hard work. Also, they did what you just said back in chapter one and it got removed after mass complaints. (A reskin of a chapter one dog back bling)
I think exclusivity sucks. I get it it’s cool to have something that no one has but I feel like the ego is good when your younger cause I was like back then but you know I grew up and kinda moved on from exclusivity cause it eventually got old. Cause you kinda grow out of childish things eventually that’s just my say. This doesn’t go for cosmetics but also games. It kinda sucks that people can’t get certain things due to situations due to exclusivity like pokemon ds games new fans can’t even play the games without spending hella money on game. That’s just my view on exclusivity
honestly, I'm fed up with those people who say they can't put that skin because it's "rare", epic never said that they can’t put rare skins back, apart from some limited-time skins. and anyway I'm happy, finally people will stop to flex their renegade (which they don't actually own) just because it's rare, also no one actually cares and having it doesn't make you strong, also my personal opinion, I don't like the renegade
Hear me out, I feel like tier 1 battlepass skins should be offered during the OG seasons since all you had to do was buy the pass for 950 vbucks. I have blue squire and to be honest I don’t mind if it was available for other people to buy, especially if they genuinely like the skin but missed out on it. However, anything beyond tier 1 I think shouldn’t be available to be purchased. I don’t care about rare skins, I just wear ones I like!
I have aerial and renegade raider as well as her pick axe, say what you want but i think its scummy that theyre bringing back the skins. We supported the game when no one else did. Everyone that wants the skins just wants them because theyre rare. No one will use them after a week so whats the point
Idk why exclusivity is a big deal. Some of the old battle pass skins are pretty awesome and if they bring back old skins, why can’t they just add an extra style for people who earned the skins when they first came out similar to Skull trooper and Ghoul trooper. They don’t even have to be good styles and people will still be happy because they have a style that’s “OG” and others will be happy because they get a skin they missed out on
@@nobbyfirefly57 or maybe ppl just like what they bought why yall so weird about it? and u do realize ppl spent time getting stuff "its bs" for u but not for the ppl who cared 7 years ago LMAO?/
This is good news for my fiancé, she no longer will have to worry about people coming up to me for attention in the lobby when I have my renegade raider on 😭
I don’t own renegade raider or any season 1 stuff but i do own the blue knights, I didn’t play enough to get black knight and season 2 was the hardest season to get tiers. I hope epic give people the chance to finish old battle passes, and I don’t care if any new players get the opportunity to obtain John wick, omega, ragnarok etc…(exclusive skins I already own) I didn’t finish season 2, season 8, X, 11, 12 and 13. If renegade raider was to return I probably wouldn’t buy it but I might cop aerial assault trooper because I like him and I am currently rocking his reskin.
I mean there’s still going to be some exclusivity some skins can’t come back because they said it on it in the shop and others like the old battle passes can’t come back now for the newer ones that’s a different story but my point is there will still be exclusivity that’s something they can’t get rid of entirely if they even tried they’d bet hit with a hundred different lawsuits
They brought back jabaa switchway and paradigm and pul up and so so i think they are going to get rid of exclusivity but not the skins they said that would be exclusive
@wonderlmao What the heck does this have to do with poor? If anything it is about people who didn't play at the time or people who played and couldn't make time for the grind because other more important obligations.
I will also say that my current account was started for chapter 3 season 1. However my OG account was started at the end of season 5. So my first battle pass was season 6. My son who was 8 at the time( now almost 15) also used the account. Unfortunately he got banned during chapter 2 season 1, and the ban wasn’t lifted until august 2023 or the end of chapter 4 season 2. So know that it’s back for the past year, my son uses it as his main again. But all the chapter 1 battle passes that I had are only on his account obviously. Also rare skins like Ikonik, starter packs like Laguna, etc. personally I’d like an opportunity to get stuff I once had, on my current account I know have been using for over 3 years now
5:55 the perfect corporate incentive: money. Why limit access of cosmetics to one season, when you can sell it periodically throughout each year? People are going to try to spend money to get access to them anyway. Epic wouldn’t want to deny themselves such a lucrative demographic. Plus it would get rid of account purchasing, as it would no longer have a purpose. Epic knows that people are going to spend money to get it somehow. Epic wants that money. Therefore, bye bye exclusivity! Which I would fully support the removal of.
@@hehasnolips1371 if you’re going to refute my argument and say that it won’t get rid of account buying, then you could at least back up your claim with a reason. For educational purposes. I’m curious on why.
@@nobbyfirefly57 The reason account selling won’t disappear is that the demand for exclusivity and rarity will always exist. Even if Epic re-releases cosmetics, there will still be people seeking original, OG accounts for clout or authenticity. The market doesn’t operate purely on logic it’s driven by perception and desire. Account sellers would just pivot to marketing the “true original” accounts for even more exclusivity. The reintroduction of cosmetics might hurt some account sales, but it wouldn’t erase the practice entirely. History shows that the market adapts to changes it doesn’t disappear.
I don't think they will get rid of battle pass exclusivity because during the season two battle pas it's stated "would not be obtainable again" but the season shop stated "these items can return again" so its not really that big of a thing people just didn't wanna bring attention to what was clearly stated back in 2017.
@Utmus bro if I buy a battle pass that’s sold to me as exclusive, the I have every right for that battle pass to remain exclusive, your not entitled to something you missed out on, grow up
I like that they are doing this being mad about it is just stupid renegade raider is basically a gaming legend at this point and the staple Fortnite character other than jonsey I guess so it feels almost required to have her if you’re a big fan of the game
Is renegade raider actually the rarest skin though?! I highly doubt it. Well we already know aerial assault trooper is more rare. I’d even bet that Rue is more rare than renegade raider. Obviously it’s extremely rare, but I bet realistically there are multiple skins that haven’t returned in years that less people have in their lockers
If the seven comes back to the story I can imagine them making item shop versions of ones that haven’t returned, idk if they’re open to paradigm returning now because of the og style but idk Hell we could get variants that all look like the og paradigm version but the paradigm skin in the bundle uses the battlepass model
Honestly I see no reason why a game should have exclusive items outside of maybe rewards from special events like competitions or that thing where they can make your dance an emote. If someone is willing to pay for a skin I got essentially for free from a battle pass years ago because they really like it I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to. It doesn't affect me at all, there is so many skins in the game atp you rarely see someone with the same one as yours. I mean you almost never see old collabs like deadpool, spiderman etc at all so what;s the point of them even existing. Just so the 3 people that have them and still play can feel special?
Correct take. I have all the OG skins from season 2 on and want everyone who wants them to have them too. Wouldnt mind if take the L emote stayed exclusive tho lol we dont need these toxic 12 year olds having that
There’s more new players than OG players. Even if all the OG players were to boycott the game, Epic would still have the upper hand, as there would still be loss of kids playing, kids who would beg their parents to get them vbucks. Either way, they still get lots of money. In other words, Epic could remove old BL exclusivity and nobody can do anything about it. Which I would be very happy with. Like so what if they’re no longer special? We can‘t let gatekeepers ruin the fun of newer players! There are skins I really want but can‘t get due to the exclusivity. Oh and then there’s the collabs that are locked behind the pass, like Carnage and Mando.
I'm going to say I am hype if they do get rid of exclusivity because One exclusive mean value but the thing what I'm saying is for fortnite exclusive has no value you're not allowed to sell your account so I don't understand why they're exclusive you buy exclusive item because the order it gets it's going to get more value then you can sell it that's how real stuff in the real world like Pokemon cards and stuff like that have value because the order that they get they have value you're not allowed to do that with fortnite so exclusive should not really be in this game and the other thing is I used to own these cosmetics and I lost my main account and I would love to get these cosmetics again and that is the other problem right there with fortnite has where you grind is so hard and you can lose your account and I played on Xbox and a PlayStation I made two different counts by the way and you couldn't transfer your account at that time so so I had rare skins on my Xbox account but I didn't buy the battle passes on my PlayStation account so that is the reason why they should not be exclusive they should be available to everybody and I hope they do I really would love to see these skins anyway more often because they should not be like that I mean there's iconic skins man and I feel like if they're good skin you wanted to see them more like the Black Knight he's really a good skin but it's kind of sucks because you barely can't see the dude and only way you can go to party Royale and then you'll probably see him there that just sucks I just feel like exclusive skins should not be exist in fortnite I will love to get my exclusive skins back what I had on Xbox I hope they eventually bring back iconik and the OG Galaxy and glow and all the other ones as well for the people to get a chance to get it that just sucks man how you can't get these icon skins man like I would love to say more but I'm not trying to make a whole paragraph so I'm glad this is happening I want epic to get rid of exclusivity and makes the game a lot more fun and not toxic and that's the whole point of this game is to have fun and the people are getting mad of these games just think about it man it's a video game and the main question is they have no value
Stop gatekeeping with: oh....It'll NEVER come back because "season shop" stfu and deal with it. It's coming back and theres nothing you can do about it 🤣
Im honestly little upset but then im not i think it made it more fun and made me care more about cosmetics felt like i earned a trophy but now seems like i dont care
I think this shows a blatant lack of respect for the history of this game and the players who earned those skins back then. We have the OG Pass, we have plenty of remixes of these Battle Pass skins, we don't need these skins to ever return.
I don't see any problem with skins coming back, but i can agree with respect thing But as i say and always will In gaming, companies respect money more than players
I'm cringing over anyone thinking they're special for playing when it wasn't relevant. It's a fucking outfit, pixels, who the fuck cares other than the grown ass men who played as kids. Grow up.
@@MuchMoreMatt cuz people had to grind back when it was way harder to get xp and stuff and then still buy it back then and now there just releasing it back like nothing.
Thanks for watching everyone! We're soo close to 10,000 subscribers!
theres more than one of you behind this channel?
OG battle passes will not return. The season pass was never said to be exclusive.
literally this.
They will eventually OG passes will eventually return also who cares about exclusivity in the game
Yea probably not. I just wish they do a good reskin for Trog from season 7 as I wasn't able to get him at the time and I understand that some people need exclusive skins to feel better I guess?
@@sk3lly23keep crying gatekeeper
Yes it was, it was stated that the season shop was EXCLUSIVE and it has LIMITED TIME skins, harvesting tools, and gliders.
Getting rid of exclusivity would be great, because fomo is a scummy business tactic that needs to stop
u dont know what fomo is lol
@@Pepeoguyou don’t. FOMO is fear of missing out.
In this case, it’s fear of missing out on skins.
Someone who doesn’t have any exclusive skins -
@@nielskattenliefhebber7440 agreed
@@Pepeoguyou're the one who doesn't know what FOMO is lol
1:51 I see an exclusivity loophole. Technically, they came back in “another” and “newer” battle pass. Therefore, they would no longer be subject to the exclusivity that Battle Passes done prior to the exclusivity removal have.
I would totally support the removal of BP exclusivity. There are so many cool skins I want.
Me too. I have every battle pass since CH1 season 3 and if I was someone else I would want them so bad, I also rlly want black knight so I wld have no problem with them bringing them back. JUST ME Tho I can see how ppl don’t like it
It makes sense for old battle pass skins to not come back but I think the shop ones are alright to an extent
Bringing back skins all of a sudden that have been exclusive for so long is just wrong
fortnite never stated that season shop items were exclusive, so i dont see any issue in bringing those back. battle pass skins on the other hand, those are stated to be exclusive so bringing them back would in my opinion be kinda scummy
They had asked before on a reddit post but people had said not to
@@hehasnolips1371 epic does surveys with random questions a lot, it does not really mean anything most of the time
the issue is they let people BELIEVE It for years when they could have told people its not, thats the issue
I'm going to say bringing back or by the passage is gummy how all because they said it was exclusive you know the key word they basically lied to you already they said they was exclusive to their season and won't be available any other season they are going back to the season and so they can bring them back so they didn't lie but if they don't bring them back they basically lied secondly what's gummy is basically buying a battle pass and you basically get ripped off and you didn't get the skin you want as well so it'll take me that scummy also what happen if you are a OG player like me I lost my main account I had the Black Knight in all these kids and I can never get them again that's gummy right there so battle passes should come back the old ones and for one epic can change their mind and it's also the other thing is exclusivity has a expired date so they can end the exclusivity if they want to and be like these are no longer exclusive anymore and that's about it so get over it start crying about these skins coming back be happy I don't see the issue why people making me so serious of the skins coming back and they're getting pissed about it I'm getting mad because these kids should be available for everybody they should not be permanently locked especially the IP and I hope they do bring them back
If they have the absolute balls to do this, this could possibly change the game forever
I don't think so because it wasn't until season two battle pass that it stated the cosmetics would "not be obtainablee again" but the sesson shop was never confirmed
Keep crying gatekeeper
@@PastaaFNThere was nothing to point towards me "crying". You're just a nine year old with no brain cells who spams and projects. Take your own advice.
Battle pass skins still wont return. Way back when the season shop came out they stated that the items would go away however they may return at a future date. Compare this to the battle passes from before chapter 4 season 4 they state that times included will never return. So to those getting their hopes up abiut battle pass skins coming back i would stop here
Yh they never said season shop stuff is exclusive
We'll have to see what happens with s2 ig
@@unknowncomrade5023 yes they did??
@MustangManiac05 the said it can return at a later date and today is that later date u must be a owner of this skin?
@@MustangManiac05 they didn't you can look it up. I doubt you even have these skins 💀
But making people wait 7 years just for renegade raider or aerial assault trooper is crazy 💀
You got two blue comments crazy
Congrats on 10k prozero 🥳👏
No Og passes would ever return lol idk why you guys ever thought that, but ofc the item shop stuff are gonna come back
Congrats on 10k subs bro!
I agree OG battlepasses aint financially worth nada especially after C1S8 Lol. Epic bringing back the most sold items in the fortnite black market means they couldnt care about anyone’s fully gold Brutus. I played Chapter 1 Season 3 and i dont care if people get the Reaper or my Founders Stw. In the new EULA, u cannot sue epic. When u buy vbucks, u buy the right to use in game currency. Epic owns all of their in game assets. U bought the right to use Epic’s currency to have access to the property of epic. Epic have the freedom to remove their property from ur account whenever they please. This occurs when people log in and see items removed. Its completely legal, might not be morally correct, but Epic has pretty much copied Disney’s system where u cannot sue them but u can settle for a hearing if u have lost $10,000. I hope exclusivity goes away because I just want skins I like in my locker. I couldnt care less if its been away from itemshop for 1800 days. If Honor Guard or Double Helix came in the item shop, I wouldnt buy it. I dont care if its exclusive Honor guard is just a reskin. But if Darth Vader one of the most iconic villains in media, trapped in a random battle pass when i was 16 sitting my GCSEs and preparing to start my A-levels, in summer 2022, returned today for 6000 vbucks. I bet my bottom dollar, Im eating rations and buying the whole bundle. I rarely even see darth vader used in my ranked elite lobbies.
This is why i don't but skins from the item shop alot, and if i do it's for a one off occasion. As someone that played from the beginning i never really thought about spending money on skins ect until season 4 when i bought a cheap ps4 exclusive pack then my first battle pass in S5. Im happy its impossible for old battle passes to comeback as they have the only "exclusive" skins/items anymore. (Congrats on 10k man, can't wait for what the future will bring for you!)
let's be honest the only thing that made renegade raider such a beloved skin was it's exclusivity without it it is objectively a bad skin even it's variants are much better. I think this is a pretty bad decision by fortnite and i don't even own these skins
I think actual exclusive skins like the Galaxy Skin should stay exclusive. But things like the Renegade Raider I don’t have a problem with them not being exclusive.
the battle passes litterally cannot come back u do realize even ppl who played back then missed out and some ppl didnt whats what with ppl suddenly caring after 7 years a bit weird
prozero, i guess you didnt see what epic posted, it was a while ago, they confirmed old BPs wont be returning.
Also that said, its untrust worthy and low for them to let people think items were exclusive, buy them thinking that, have them for years believing that, then throw them in the item shop.
They could have said years ago that those season shop items, start packs, et wont be returning to stop people from believing it. But they were okay with profiting off it, and now are okay with selling them now that theyre rare, its a low move.
Yeah there is a screenshot from the fortnitemares extension update page which says season shop skins and other cosmetics are exclusive to the season shop
@@visiondarkz5623and they’re bringing the season shop back
I dont really mind if they get rid of exclusivity. I have good memories with my older battle pass skins, i dont care if the skin is rare or not. Maybe i can finally get the omega lights😭😭
congrats on 10k!🔥
I’m a a og I don’t mind if they bring them back
probably because you don’t own the skin. i could’ve bought renagade but i swear in my 9 year old eyes i never saw her.
😂 same i just didn't like the game enough back then to buy stuff so i nothing to prove it but screenshots
This cool but i really want fresh and stuck to return too
If people want to be respected for being OG, then they should get exclusive skin styles, not gatekeep the entire skin.
@@nobbyfirefly57 why should OGs have to settle for style??? They should realize another style for you in the shop.
@@PHIL_Er_UP they got that with whatever the name of the female 7 that accidentally got released to the store briefly and things went okay.
Plus gatekeeping skins is unfair for us.
Also, the only thing people would miss out on if they missed the newer BPs after the exclusivity removal, would be the super styles. You still get a reward for your hard work.
Also, they did what you just said back in chapter one and it got removed after mass complaints. (A reskin of a chapter one dog back bling)
@ Promising exclusive skins if you buy and put 100s of hours in the game, just to sell them later. Now that’s unfair.
Happy 10k SUBS!!!!
I think exclusivity sucks. I get it it’s cool to have something that no one has but I feel like the ego is good when your younger cause I was like back then but you know I grew up and kinda moved on from exclusivity cause it eventually got old. Cause you kinda grow out of childish things eventually that’s just my say. This doesn’t go for cosmetics but also games. It kinda sucks that people can’t get certain things due to situations due to exclusivity like pokemon ds games new fans can’t even play the games without spending hella money on game. That’s just my view on exclusivity
Same bruh i FCKING hate exclusivity
Another day, another exclusivity drama. Welcome to Fortnite, land where Skibidi and Spiderman co-exist but the members of it's fandom cannot.
honestly, I'm fed up with those people who say they can't put that skin because it's "rare", epic never said that they can’t put rare skins back, apart from some limited-time skins. and anyway I'm happy, finally people will stop to flex their renegade (which they don't actually own) just because it's rare, also no one actually cares and having it doesn't make you strong, also my personal opinion, I don't like the renegade
Hear me out, I feel like tier 1 battlepass skins should be offered during the OG seasons since all you had to do was buy the pass for 950 vbucks. I have blue squire and to be honest I don’t mind if it was available for other people to buy, especially if they genuinely like the skin but missed out on it. However, anything beyond tier 1 I think shouldn’t be available to be purchased. I don’t care about rare skins, I just wear ones I like!
One step closer. It's coming. Any year now. I can feel it.
I have aerial and renegade raider as well as her pick axe, say what you want but i think its scummy that theyre bringing back the skins. We supported the game when no one else did. Everyone that wants the skins just wants them because theyre rare. No one will use them after a week so whats the point
We already have the black knight, sparkle specialist those were said to be "would not be obtainable again"
@@FlipflopMount222 how would you know if he has it or not.
@@Gingersdad "we" as in the people who own them lmao.
Idk why exclusivity is a big deal. Some of the old battle pass skins are pretty awesome and if they bring back old skins, why can’t they just add an extra style for people who earned the skins when they first came out similar to Skull trooper and Ghoul trooper. They don’t even have to be good styles and people will still be happy because they have a style that’s “OG” and others will be happy because they get a skin they missed out on
It’s a “big deal” for two reasons:
1: People want to feel special
2: Money
I don’t like the exclusivity. It’s bs.
@@nobbyfirefly57 or maybe ppl just like what they bought why yall so weird about it? and u do realize ppl spent time getting stuff "its bs" for u but not for the ppl who cared 7 years ago LMAO?/
This is good news for my fiancé, she no longer will have to worry about people coming up to me for attention in the lobby when I have my renegade raider on 😭
I don’t own renegade raider or any season 1 stuff but i do own the blue knights, I didn’t play enough to get black knight and season 2 was the hardest season to get tiers. I hope epic give people the chance to finish old battle passes, and I don’t care if any new players get the opportunity to obtain John wick, omega, ragnarok etc…(exclusive skins I already own) I didn’t finish season 2, season 8, X, 11, 12 and 13. If renegade raider was to return I probably wouldn’t buy it but I might cop aerial assault trooper because I like him and I am currently rocking his reskin.
I mean there’s still going to be some exclusivity some skins can’t come back because they said it on it in the shop and others like the old battle passes can’t come back now for the newer ones that’s a different story but my point is there will still be exclusivity that’s something they can’t get rid of entirely if they even tried they’d bet hit with a hundred different lawsuits
Great now I’m gonna have to keep seeing these videos everytime on RUclips
This is good though, cause now everyone can get there favorite missed items
Relaxe man those who earned her will have an exclusive skin!!!
A limited edition skin style!!
I think Fortnite needs to bring back pet backblings those are definitely some of the best
If the old battle passes don’t come back then we are good to go
Stupid cause it kills the interest in the game, and no we aren’t experiencing the real og purple tac is missing and turbo build and edits remain
Who cares if they come back they might take your skins but they can never have your memories that you have with the skins
watch it be the christmas skin versions and not the original 😂
So sorry for people who owned it og
Imagine gatekeeping pixels
bro do u know what gatekeeping is
@@Pepeogudo you know what it is? u dont and we can all tell
i think they should come back the old battlepasses but no vbucks on them
They brought back jabaa switchway and paradigm and pul up and so so i think they are going to get rid of exclusivity but not the skins they said that would be exclusive
Fomo sucks
Imagine being scared of missing out on digital cosmetics
@AlynReeves oof but imagine gatekeeping them then crying when they return. (MIC drop.)
@@AlynReeves I'm not scared lol I could care less. It sucks for people who really want Collab skins that were locked behind a pass or something
@wonderlmao What the heck does this have to do with poor? If anything it is about people who didn't play at the time or people who played and couldn't make time for the grind because other more important obligations.
It doesn't really matter, but I wonder if they'll charge 950 or 1000 vbucks for the passes?
i wish i bought the season 4 battle pass back in the day
Ur almost at 10k subscribers!
I have so many battle passes i still need to finish bring those back at least
I will also say that my current account was started for chapter 3 season 1. However my OG account was started at the end of season 5. So my first battle pass was season 6. My son who was 8 at the time( now almost 15) also used the account. Unfortunately he got banned during chapter 2 season 1, and the ban wasn’t lifted until august 2023 or the end of chapter 4 season 2. So know that it’s back for the past year, my son uses it as his main again. But all the chapter 1 battle passes that I had are only on his account obviously. Also rare skins like Ikonik, starter packs like Laguna, etc. personally I’d like an opportunity to get stuff I once had, on my current account I know have been using for over 3 years now
exclusivity will always be a thing lmao
I hope wee see black knight 😂
5:55 the perfect corporate incentive: money.
Why limit access of cosmetics to one season, when you can sell it periodically throughout each year?
People are going to try to spend money to get access to them anyway. Epic wouldn’t want to deny themselves such a lucrative demographic. Plus it would get rid of account purchasing, as it would no longer have a purpose.
Epic knows that people are going to spend money to get it somehow. Epic wants that money. Therefore, bye bye exclusivity!
Which I would fully support the removal of.
This wouldn’t get rid of account purchasing I’m tired of people bringing in that assumption the market will rebuild like it always does
@@hehasnolips1371 if you’re going to refute my argument and say that it won’t get rid of account buying, then you could at least back up your claim with a reason.
For educational purposes. I’m curious on why.
@@nobbyfirefly57 The reason account selling won’t disappear is that the demand for exclusivity and rarity will always exist. Even if Epic re-releases cosmetics, there will still be people seeking original, OG accounts for clout or authenticity. The market doesn’t operate purely on logic it’s driven by perception and desire. Account sellers would just pivot to marketing the “true original” accounts for even more exclusivity. The reintroduction of cosmetics might hurt some account sales, but it wouldn’t erase the practice entirely. History shows that the market adapts to changes it doesn’t disappear.
I don't think they will get rid of battle pass exclusivity because during the season two battle pas it's stated "would not be obtainable again" but the season shop stated "these items can return again" so its not really that big of a thing people just didn't wanna bring attention to what was clearly stated back in 2017.
guys its almost 2025 stop gatekeeping pixels
You can’t gatekeep pixels genius
bro do u know what gatekeeping is
@@Sammy-bj7ff yes you can, if you want to keep your special pixels to yourself then youre gatekeeping
@@Pepeogu yes, and it happens too much
@Utmus bro if I buy a battle pass that’s sold to me as exclusive, the I have every right for that battle pass to remain exclusive, your not entitled to something you missed out on, grow up
I don’t believe any “og” players still play the game.
I like that they are doing this being mad about it is just stupid renegade raider is basically a gaming legend at this point and the staple Fortnite character other than jonsey I guess so it feels almost required to have her if you’re a big fan of the game
I’d love for exclusivity to go away. I really want Dire and Hybrid
I know for sure one skin is definitely going to stay exclusive 😂 it’s the Rue skin 😛
So do people play for the game or just exclusive skin
Is renegade raider actually the rarest skin though?! I highly doubt it. Well we already know aerial assault trooper is more rare. I’d even bet that Rue is more rare than renegade raider. Obviously it’s extremely rare, but I bet realistically there are multiple skins that haven’t returned in years that less people have in their lockers
No renegade raider and Ariel assault trooper are item shop skins not battle pass skins the battle pass didn’t start till season 2
If it is then I will be happy because I will finally have a chance to get og meowscles and kit
The fact they will bring back renegade raider before they return aot and arcane😭😭
Ikr before even travis and kratos
might as well just bring back the seven as a bundle or something
Figuring the visitor and the scientist are both challenge rewards I doubt that happens
If the seven comes back to the story I can imagine them making item shop versions of ones that haven’t returned, idk if they’re open to paradigm returning now because of the og style but idk
Hell we could get variants that all look like the og paradigm version but the paradigm skin in the bundle uses the battlepass model
@@Chapy1189 they're 2 thirds into making battle passes not exclusive why not go the whole way
@@Chapy1189 the foundation was also challenge
@@Lazyguy5473they're notbringingg them back. The season shop os different
Renegade Raider expose video when?
I’m a og I want season 2 chapter 1 to comeback I didn’t finish it I do wish I did
GOOD RIDDANCE 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🥳🥳🎊🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉
Honestly I see no reason why a game should have exclusive items outside of maybe rewards from special events like competitions or that thing where they can make your dance an emote. If someone is willing to pay for a skin I got essentially for free from a battle pass years ago because they really like it I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to. It doesn't affect me at all, there is so many skins in the game atp you rarely see someone with the same one as yours. I mean you almost never see old collabs like deadpool, spiderman etc at all so what;s the point of them even existing. Just so the 3 people that have them and still play can feel special?
Correct take. I have all the OG skins from season 2 on and want everyone who wants them to have them too. Wouldnt mind if take the L emote stayed exclusive tho lol we dont need these toxic 12 year olds having that
There’s more new players than OG players. Even if all the OG players were to boycott the game, Epic would still have the upper hand, as there would still be loss of kids playing, kids who would beg their parents to get them vbucks. Either way, they still get lots of money.
In other words, Epic could remove old BL exclusivity and nobody can do anything about it. Which I would be very happy with.
Like so what if they’re no longer special? We can‘t let gatekeepers ruin the fun of newer players! There are skins I really want but can‘t get due to the exclusivity. Oh and then there’s the collabs that are locked behind the pass, like Carnage and Mando.
I agree with you man so much
What about the exclusive battle passes from chapter 4-5 that you own? You know you'll be a gatekeeper as they age and new gens join
no where in the season shop did it say it was exclusive
kinda underrated
i’m hoping they bring travis back soon
Hopefully they added kicks to him 🤦♂️
@ if they update a lego version for him he has to return
I have renegade raider on an account i haven’t used since s2
I'm going to say I am hype if they do get rid of exclusivity because One exclusive mean value but the thing what I'm saying is for fortnite exclusive has no value you're not allowed to sell your account so I don't understand why they're exclusive you buy exclusive item because the order it gets it's going to get more value then you can sell it that's how real stuff in the real world like Pokemon cards and stuff like that have value because the order that they get they have value you're not allowed to do that with fortnite so exclusive should not really be in this game and the other thing is I used to own these cosmetics and I lost my main account and I would love to get these cosmetics again and that is the other problem right there with fortnite has where you grind is so hard and you can lose your account and I played on Xbox and a PlayStation I made two different counts by the way and you couldn't transfer your account at that time so so I had rare skins on my Xbox account but I didn't buy the battle passes on my PlayStation account so that is the reason why they should not be exclusive they should be available to everybody and I hope they do I really would love to see these skins anyway more often because they should not be like that I mean there's iconic skins man and I feel like if they're good skin you wanted to see them more like the Black Knight he's really a good skin but it's kind of sucks because you barely can't see the dude and only way you can go to party Royale and then you'll probably see him there that just sucks I just feel like exclusive skins should not be exist in fortnite I will love to get my exclusive skins back what I had on Xbox I hope they eventually bring back iconik and the OG Galaxy and glow and all the other ones as well for the people to get a chance to get it that just sucks man how you can't get these icon skins man like I would love to say more but I'm not trying to make a whole paragraph so I'm glad this is happening I want epic to get rid of exclusivity and makes the game a lot more fun and not toxic and that's the whole point of this game is to have fun and the people are getting mad of these games just think about it man it's a video game and the main question is they have no value
The entitlement is very interesting to me. No one is owed a chance to get previous battle pass skins, they’re just pixels too right?
It’s because they want to feel “special”.
And they can sell their “rare” accounts
@@nobbyfirefly57I think you need to reread what I said.
@@pt5728 I’m saying my guesses to why they are entitled. I forgot to specify that it’s my guesses.
I think I was js the 10000th sub
its just a skin dawg😭😭😭😭😭
refer a friend skins bout to go rare
Rainbow racer is forgotten I have it still love it
What is with these thumbnails lmao
Stop gatekeeping with: oh....It'll NEVER come back because "season shop" stfu and deal with it. It's coming back and theres nothing you can do about it 🤣
they wont come back
@aIt-girl there won't be any OG style either
Subbed hope i win the giveaway :)
Im honestly little upset but then im not i think it made it more fun and made me care more about cosmetics felt like i earned a trophy but now seems like i dont care
Fresh will return most likely too now W
I think this shows a blatant lack of respect for the history of this game and the players who earned those skins back then. We have the OG Pass, we have plenty of remixes of these Battle Pass skins, we don't need these skins to ever return.
I don't see any problem with skins coming back, but i can agree with respect thing
But as i say and always will
In gaming, companies respect money more than players
In what way is it disrespectful?
I'm cringing over anyone thinking they're special for playing when it wasn't relevant. It's a fucking outfit, pixels, who the fuck cares other than the grown ass men who played as kids. Grow up.
@@MuchMoreMatt cuz people had to grind back when it was way harder to get xp and stuff and then still buy it back then and now there just releasing it back like nothing.