Casal lindo 😂 amo esses dois atuando juntos, amei esse trabalho deles e Lee min ho despensa comentários de tão maravilhoso e incrível ator que ele é ❤️❤️❤️😍
Parabéns, os dois são atores incríveis maravilhosos talentosos adoráveis. Eles tem minha total admiração respeito e carinho. Gosto de ver a alegria e a parceria que existe entre eles. Tenho um carinho especial pelo Lee min ho, na minha opinião é o melhor ator e o melhor ser humano que existe nesse mundo. Admiro e amo muito . Que Deus continue iluminando seu caminho, e também abençoando e protegendo de tudo que é ruim. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Muito bom momentos do drama os herdeiros!!! Leeminho ator fenomenal e atriz. Contracenou com ele. .amo o drama herdeiros .então espetacular!!❤❤❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥💐💐💐💐
Gracias, by Zindagi por compartir los bloopers de esta hermosa serie muy tristes pero no deja de ser hermosa, felicidades a él sr Lee Min Ho y a todos los actores involucrados en este proyecto por su excelente actuación, Dios siga guiando cada uno de sus sueños, pasos y proyectos de vida, 💝🥀 Magda
Thank you Zindagi, 😆🤣😂 for this scene bloopers...extra film making behind the movie real scenes. ( hope there is subtitles from DVDs to be purchase-as this movie made it loved by many all over the world and that includes myself ) I have on my bucket list to study hangul and volunteer and work in S.Korea one day. To practice my learnings and be familiar with it and be happy staying with the locals and to get to know the people. The most to stay for awhile in busan and jeju island. Thank you very kindly again, for sharing your hardwiork and happy moments of lee minho and all the cast during & behind camera.. Hope all is well. ❤️🙏
Nenoooo celta 5 cristiano Ronaldo 0 partido de fútbol hoy 17-julio 2023 ,que partidazo ...machacamos al equipo de Arabia Saudí ..nuestro Aspas....intenta ver el partido en diferido Vigooooo Galicia 🍾🙃😘😘😘🥂🦀😊👩🏼⚕️😙😙😙🤪🤪🤪🧜👯👯👯
Why this beautiful couple Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye no longer worked together on any project in my point of view she PARK SHIN HYE, is the best match and has more chemistry with LEE MIM HO , it would be great a new project they as a couple evaluate by views
always a real pleasure to see yourvidéos.thankyou🙏 I love this series and see how a film is done. They are happy to play their role. Well done. Special mention for Lee Min Ho my actorpréféré.🫰🇲🇫 ❤
They are my favorite Actor and Actress.❤❤❤
Thanks for sharing this... love Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye.. their chemistry are amazing❤❤❤ waiting for The Heirs season 2❤❤❤
Lee Min Ho . Your role is always great. Thank you for your hard work.
ILIKE YOU BOTH L MIN HO n Park Shin Hye your very sweet na sweet couple always very happy n smeling always see you both in episode 2
This maybe their “job” but they are having a blast doing this drama! It makes it so much fun for us to watch. Their chemistry is amazing. 💕🌻💕
My favorite drama " The HIRES " 🥰 my bias my dear Lee Min Hoo and Park Shen Hey ❤❤
Wow ❤❤❤😘 love you both 🌹🌹🌹
Casal lindo 😂 amo esses dois atuando juntos, amei esse trabalho deles e Lee min ho despensa comentários de tão maravilhoso e incrível ator que ele é ❤️❤️❤️😍
Parabéns, os dois são atores incríveis maravilhosos talentosos adoráveis.
Eles tem minha total admiração respeito e carinho.
Gosto de ver a alegria e a parceria que existe entre eles.
Tenho um carinho especial pelo Lee min ho, na minha opinião é o melhor ator e o melhor ser humano que existe nesse mundo.
Admiro e amo muito .
Que Deus continue iluminando seu caminho, e também abençoando e protegendo de tudo que é ruim.
Muito bom momentos do drama os herdeiros!!! Leeminho ator fenomenal e atriz. Contracenou com ele.
.amo o drama herdeiros .então espetacular!!❤❤❤🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥💐💐💐💐
Такой хороший Тан, юморной, весёлый, ну, а там, где Ли Мин Хо, всегда улыбки и смех! Спасибо за интересное видео.
상속자들 이민호 김현중 키도크고 교복도 잘어울려요 연기도 잘하고 😊😊😊
Excelente trabajo de Lee Min Ho en esta serie
Очаровательные актёры ❤❤❤❤❤
Hi zindagi #LEEMINHO YOU! .Such a great actor and so cute.. and hard working, love your content. Love always you fangirl
Gracias, by Zindagi por compartir los bloopers de esta hermosa serie muy tristes pero no deja de ser hermosa, felicidades a él sr Lee Min Ho y a todos los actores involucrados en este proyecto por su excelente actuación, Dios siga guiando cada uno de sus sueños, pasos y proyectos de vida, 💝🥀 Magda
I ❤ them so much,,,,so real,,,
charm of man 🤩🤩
Yours so good in acting thats why you get an award
thanks to like my comment i say only the reality ,hope theres other more success come in your life be good and kindness one way of your success soon
Dorama mararavilhoso,amei❤❤
Adegan yang lucu😂
😂😂 gracias por estos bloopers
Thank you Zindagi, 😆🤣😂 for this scene bloopers...extra film making behind the movie real scenes. ( hope there is subtitles from DVDs to be purchase-as this movie made it loved by many all over the world and that includes myself ) I have on my bucket list to study hangul and volunteer and work in S.Korea one day. To practice my learnings and be familiar with it and be happy staying with the locals and to get to know the people. The most to stay for awhile in busan and jeju island.
Thank you very kindly again, for sharing your hardwiork and happy moments of lee minho and all the cast during & behind camera.. Hope all is well. ❤️🙏
Nenoooo celta 5 cristiano Ronaldo 0 partido de fútbol hoy 17-julio 2023 ,que partidazo ...machacamos al equipo de Arabia Saudí ..nuestro Aspas....intenta ver el partido en diferido Vigooooo Galicia 🍾🙃😘😘😘🥂🦀😊👩🏼⚕️😙😙😙🤪🤪🤪🧜👯👯👯
Cenas muita boas.
Why this beautiful couple Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye no longer worked together on any project in my point of view she PARK SHIN HYE, is the best match and has more chemistry with LEE MIM HO , it would be great a new project they as a couple evaluate by views
English subtitle please. Thank you.
dl menit 9.47 itu eps brapa yaa ? aku kayanya ga liat Adegannya? bisa ada yg bantu kasih tau?
always a real pleasure to see yourvidéos.thankyou🙏 I love this series and see how a film is done. They are happy to play their role. Well done. Special mention for Lee Min Ho my actorpréféré.🫰🇲🇫 ❤