+KHFreak741 You lose a bit of damage and exchange it for utility. Trinity Force gives you extra Movespeed, Attack speed, HP, phage passive and spellblade. Trinity lacks the DPS of the I.E but with the utility and health it gives you, it makes up for it for better splitpushing, quick e-q dashes, more tankyness and better skirmishing.
Baffling how the Zed didn't try to duel him more and instead roamed, he just let Yasuo farm and hit his powerspike in peace...Well played by the Yasuo though, especially the mastery and item rush choices. Very clever. Expertly placed ultimate at the end there too. On the other hand, that Nautilus lost them the game, I have no clue why people bring Nautilus top more nowadays but he is really damn weak. He lost his lane badly againts GP and GP just split pushed and farmed in peace all day.... If ye want tanky and CC just play Malphite ffs.
+K0ragg Most high elo Yas players go Grasp of the Undying now, because it offers so much sustain and has potentially more damage than Thunderlords since there's no cooldown on Grasp. Ferver is still an option but pretty much don't need more damage, you just need to get your items, so sustain is best imo. There would also be no point in going aggressive for Zed. Yasuo had outfarmed him, and he showed he wasn't going a squishy build by starting Dorans shield, and most Yasuo players start with phage first. He also had exhaust, so there wouldn't be much chance for any good trades mid.
Martin Larsen That's true. He could have capitalized better in the early game with the lee ganks but eh. Fair enough. What about the new warlord's bloodlust though? Offers good sustain as well and procs more than grasp.
+K0ragg You have to be low health before it gives you proper lifesteal. Aswell as you have to deal a considerate amount of damage to gain anythng significant. It's a lategame mastery, whereas grasp is good throughout the game.
Martin Larsen I got to full health after I got poked down badly a couple of times in lane already with it..Just from farming under tower and then a few passive Q's. Also yeah, in mid to late game it's fantastic. Kept me alive againts things like an Amumu Q>E then W and autos when I was low health. He couldn't finish me off cause of the mastery and I edventually killed him. I can see strenght of Grasp for sure, but I'm liking the new warlord's cause you feel it's impact from early game too now, even if it isnt as strong as grasp at first. Guess I'll give grasp a go sometime anyhow. Thanks.
+K0ragg This Yasuo player gains a lot of sustain from having Dorans shield, Perseverance, Recovery and Feast. Since a lot of champs are able to engage/poke you down if you're farming under turret mid. Also a lot of junglers can dive a Yasuo, so Warlord's is not the safest route to go if you want to get your life back. You're able to trigger grasp with stacked Q if the champion is the first target you hit, so it's basically a ranged grasp without the reduction from being ranged. But yeah, I can see the potential in having a BT's lifsteal from early on. It just doesn't have anything offensive to it, doesn't increase your damage. You're welcome, have fun.
En mi opinión tuvo DEMASIADO miedo de perder contra Zed, para cambiar las maestrías, objetos iniciales y primer ítem, no me gustó, se debería haber arriesgado un poco más, ya que Yasuo puede hostigar muchísimo a nivel 1 y 2 en especial y sacar mucho farm de ventaja además de desgastar mucho al rival
Eduardo Tira no está mal que cambie la build, eso es obvio, lo que digo es que es demasiado cambiarse las maestrías enteras para tener la tenaza del inmortal, además de que siendo el mejor Yasuo de Korea no debería jugar tan safe contra un Zed sino jugarle agresivo en early y arriesgarse ya que la recompensa por hacerlo puede llegar amser muy grande para no tomarla. Puede sacarle muchisima ventaja en farm sin ningún problema, subir los niveles antes y tradearle todo lo que pueda para dejarlo a baja vida a nivel 6 y así evitar que le haga all-in apenas tener ulti. En mi opinión es la forma en que hay que jugarle a Zed, siempre le he jugado así, y es así como lo juega Faker en el video que te pasé. Aunque ganó, jugando de esta manera podría haber destrozado la partida mucho más, y de haberle ido peor a su equipo podría haber asegurado más la victoria. Y ya entrando en gustos personales, la trinity no me gusta mucho esta temporada ya que con Statikk + filo se capea el crítico, y hay demasiados items buenos para Yasuo como para ocupar un espacio con un objeto que te da stats inútiles como maná, cdr y crítico que sobra. Aunque tienen otras muy buenas pero le puede sacar muchísimo más provecho a otros items.
+Santiago Arroyos No es cualquier Zed. Aun así con las runas y maestrías que fue, dejó plantado a Zed en su torre después de que Yasu por tercera vez le anulara los Shurikens con su muro de viento. Es otro nivel amigo. La mejor Lulu de Kora comienza con AD, específicamente Huracan de Runan. Es algo que no se ve en LATAM, nisiqueira se si en más servidores de otros países.
Not with the new updates, now it's way easier to get a high crit chance, and a Yasuo with a few crit chance items alrdy has 100% chance cuz his passive freakin doubles crit chance and he can move around like crazy which makes him super hard to tank, I mean he can kill 2 good players with full health if they tank him but don't set all the skills perfectly so no, zed is just op when it comes to killing other players cuz u can get more dmg in lol now but still I'd say has is simply is op as crap
If he goes all in he also might feed him i think he was rather trying to play safe and wait for ganks and ult when its a more garanteed kill and a shadow is back in like 12 Sec if he is not going in anyway is that really a thing?
There was a portion wherein Yasuo dived with e + q combo inside the turret range and didn't have an escape minion. If the zed had balls, he could've baited Yasuo by getting hit with combo. Yasuo would get turret aggro, which really hurts, and he could've just ulted at that moment, but he didn't for some reason.
+joakero94 me da flojera escribir en ingles :v,es simple,como zed es el counter de yasuo fue con runas de críticos,y maestrías, para tener sustain en la linea nada mas por eso,la verdad yasuo no esta ligado a la maestría del señor de la guerra,yo rara vez lo juego con grito agónico,y normalmente llevo el señor del trueno para tener un buen early en linea,saludos.
You don't necessarily land 100% of your skillshots, but at least 50% Zed was landing less than that, especially in laning phase lol Like at 2:54 when he landed his W-E on Yasuo, he proceeded to miss both Q's completely. Yeah, I guess you could say it was human error, but man that was bad
based on the fact this was a 20 min match. Why risk diving a zed when it can result in zed snowballing you out of lane? In which you would be losing game rather than farming and scaling for teamfights.
naut has left the game xD
even challengers rage quit xD 22:39
+Kazeshini Hasagi i dont think that guy was actualy challenger
diamond maybe ? :P
+Kazeshini Hasagi How is that a rage quit?
+Kazeshini Hasagi 29 seconds for him is very important
i freaking love a good zed and yas match up. both of their kit so good and their both op and cool
Br marcando presença
+Lucaseidi Barreto É nois
+Lucaseidi Barreto o lixo
aqui 3 br porra
24min game chalenger LOL !! :O that is COOL !!
those windwalls are on point
22:24 de esos ults que te hacen llorar
+jdemonp Como me da asco ese chabon de yasuo.
Emi Romero a todos Emi, a todos
+jdemonp Lo peor es que a nosotros nunca nos toca uno en nuestro team. (Carita triste)
why did the vision ward suddenly disapear with 2 hits left? at 14:20
+accportalxd ohhh ok
+accportalxd andbit replaced the first one. kk
What is the Korean for it ?
GG wp
Was gonna be a pent for yasuo but gayness steals it when he does all the work
Everytime he kills a unit he gain gohst for a short periode. How does he get that?
+urdadistoofat Phage passive ^^
thanks man!
What is Yasuo's starting item?
dorans shield
gg wp
ce yasuo a un grandr reflex
muy buena build
Aces enemy team 4 v 5 at less than half health...Koreans man...
Why did he build Trinity force on a yasuo first?
+KHFreak741 for deffens and it is better when you want to play aginist more tanky enemy
+KHFreak741 Trinity offers more stats instead of IE.
+KHFreak741 becouse he played against zed on midlane and more hp makes u survive zed deathmark
+KHFreak741 You lose a bit of damage and exchange it for utility. Trinity Force gives you extra Movespeed, Attack speed, HP, phage passive and spellblade. Trinity lacks the DPS of the I.E but with the utility and health it gives you, it makes up for it for better splitpushing, quick e-q dashes, more tankyness and better skirmishing.
Baffling how the Zed didn't try to duel him more and instead roamed, he just let Yasuo farm and hit his powerspike in peace...Well played by the Yasuo though, especially the mastery and item rush choices. Very clever.
Expertly placed ultimate at the end there too.
On the other hand, that Nautilus lost them the game, I have no clue why people bring Nautilus top more nowadays but he is really damn weak. He lost his lane badly againts GP and GP just split pushed and farmed in peace all day.... If ye want tanky and CC just play Malphite ffs.
+K0ragg Most high elo Yas players go Grasp of the Undying now, because it offers so much sustain and has potentially more damage than Thunderlords since there's no cooldown on Grasp. Ferver is still an option but pretty much don't need more damage, you just need to get your items, so sustain is best imo.
There would also be no point in going aggressive for Zed. Yasuo had outfarmed him, and he showed he wasn't going a squishy build by starting Dorans shield, and most Yasuo players start with phage first. He also had exhaust, so there wouldn't be much chance for any good trades mid.
Martin Larsen
That's true. He could have capitalized better in the early game with the lee ganks but eh. Fair enough.
What about the new warlord's bloodlust though? Offers good sustain as well and procs more than grasp.
+K0ragg You have to be low health before it gives you proper lifesteal. Aswell as you have to deal a considerate amount of damage to gain anythng significant. It's a lategame mastery, whereas grasp is good throughout the game.
Martin Larsen
I got to full health after I got poked down badly a couple of times in lane already with it..Just from farming under tower and then a few passive Q's. Also yeah, in mid to late game it's fantastic. Kept me alive againts things like an Amumu Q>E then W and autos when I was low health. He couldn't finish me off cause of the mastery and I edventually killed him.
I can see strenght of Grasp for sure, but I'm liking the new warlord's cause you feel it's impact from early game too now, even if it isnt as strong as grasp at first. Guess I'll give grasp a go sometime anyhow.
+K0ragg This Yasuo player gains a lot of sustain from having Dorans shield, Perseverance, Recovery and Feast.
Since a lot of champs are able to engage/poke you down if you're farming under turret mid. Also a lot of junglers can dive a Yasuo, so Warlord's is not the safest route to go if you want to get your life back.
You're able to trigger grasp with stacked Q if the champion is the first target you hit, so it's basically a ranged grasp without the reduction from being ranged.
But yeah, I can see the potential in having a BT's lifsteal from early on. It just doesn't have anything offensive to it, doesn't increase your damage.
You're welcome, have fun.
With the amount of time this lee camped you should tittle the video Best Yasuo Korea vs Zed and Lee Sin MID Ranked Challenger. XD
En mi opinión tuvo DEMASIADO miedo de perder contra Zed, para cambiar las maestrías, objetos iniciales y primer ítem, no me gustó, se debería haber arriesgado un poco más, ya que Yasuo puede hostigar muchísimo a nivel 1 y 2 en especial y sacar mucho farm de ventaja además de desgastar mucho al rival
Eduardo Tira por que lo decis?
Eduardo Tira y en que me equivoco en lo que dije?
Eduardo Tira no está mal que cambie la build, eso es obvio, lo que digo es que es demasiado cambiarse las maestrías enteras para tener la tenaza del inmortal, además de que siendo el mejor Yasuo de Korea no debería jugar tan safe contra un Zed sino jugarle agresivo en early y arriesgarse ya que la recompensa por hacerlo puede llegar amser muy grande para no tomarla. Puede sacarle muchisima ventaja en farm sin ningún problema, subir los niveles antes y tradearle todo lo que pueda para dejarlo a baja vida a nivel 6 y así evitar que le haga all-in apenas tener ulti. En mi opinión es la forma en que hay que jugarle a Zed, siempre le he jugado así, y es así como lo juega Faker en el video que te pasé. Aunque ganó, jugando de esta manera podría haber destrozado la partida mucho más, y de haberle ido peor a su equipo podría haber asegurado más la victoria.
Y ya entrando en gustos personales, la trinity no me gusta mucho esta temporada ya que con Statikk + filo se capea el crítico, y hay demasiados items buenos para Yasuo como para ocupar un espacio con un objeto que te da stats inútiles como maná, cdr y crítico que sobra. Aunque tienen otras muy buenas pero le puede sacar muchísimo más provecho a otros items.
+Santiago Arroyos No es cualquier Zed. Aun así con las runas y maestrías que fue, dejó plantado a Zed en su torre después de que Yasu por tercera vez le anulara los Shurikens con su muro de viento.
Es otro nivel amigo. La mejor Lulu de Kora comienza con AD, específicamente Huracan de Runan. Es algo que no se ve en LATAM, nisiqueira se si en más servidores de otros países.
That Zed was really bad. If this is challenger, I'm really dissapointed. In any decent scenario, a Zed will always own a Yasuo.....
Not with the new updates, now it's way easier to get a high crit chance, and a Yasuo with a few crit chance items alrdy has 100% chance cuz his passive freakin doubles crit chance and he can move around like crazy which makes him super hard to tank, I mean he can kill 2 good players with full health if they tank him but don't set all the skills perfectly so no, zed is just op when it comes to killing other players cuz u can get more dmg in lol now but still I'd say has is simply is op as crap
+Philip Filippov I mean gank instead of tank, and at the end was saying yas is just op as crap, gay auto correct...
outro br aqui é nois porra
ofcourse gp would rekt any melee
reporta elise xD
repoet nautilus
Zed can't be a challanger
im only pre30 so what do i know :P
but what and when did he do that wrong?
i think he was just trying to play on the safe side and got unlucky
+Kun Akos At level 6 he had the chance to utterly kill Yasuo but he ran away instead and wasted a shadow
If he goes all in he also might feed him i think he was rather trying to play safe and wait for ganks and ult when its a more garanteed kill
and a shadow is back in like 12 Sec if he is not going in anyway is that really a thing?
There was a portion wherein Yasuo dived with e + q combo inside the turret range and didn't have an escape minion. If the zed had balls, he could've baited Yasuo by getting hit with combo. Yasuo would get turret aggro, which really hurts, and he could've just ulted at that moment, but he didn't for some reason.
why does he have that mastery?(sorry for bad english)
+joakero94 me da flojera escribir en ingles :v,es simple,como zed es el counter de yasuo fue con runas de críticos,y maestrías, para tener sustain en la linea nada mas por eso,la verdad yasuo no esta ligado a la maestría del señor de la guerra,yo rara vez lo juego con grito agónico,y normalmente llevo el señor del trueno para tener un buen early en linea,saludos.
gracias, no me esperaba una respuesta en español jaja saludos
+joakero94 pa k kiere saber eso jaja salu2 :v perdon, pero es que lo que dijiste me lo recordó :v
Thresh real mvp
Yasuo RÜN Please
Is this really KR? English VO and Zed misses countless skillshots..
+Micah Vento unfortunately landing all skillshots doesn't make you challenger...
pros dont miss, their opponents just dodge
look at xmithie then re-evaluate your statement
You don't necessarily land 100% of your skillshots, but at least 50% Zed was landing less than that, especially in laning phase lol
Like at 2:54 when he landed his W-E on Yasuo, he proceeded to miss both Q's completely. Yeah, I guess you could say it was human error, but man that was bad
Is that yasuo dade?
Rat childs
Tank yasuo
Dat zed :/
2. yorum
zed ruim da porra
Elise mt ruim.............PQP
such a boring yasuo, he is not challenger, the zed could've been shut down so much more, yasuo played boring passively
+Christian Palacios zed played passive, not yasuo.
based on the fact this was a 20 min match. Why risk diving a zed when it can result in zed snowballing you out of lane? In which you would be losing game rather than farming and scaling for teamfights.
ZED is not good
get to challenger 1st u bronze
u don't have the rights to criticize a challenger player if you're not even one