@@Happy_Sailor639 well... we have a shit ton of black people right now in Ukrain. and a lot of them live here since 2000's and already have kids that speak clear Ukrainian. i would say that is no big deal actually.
I am Ukrainian, I will refrain from my opinion. But I want to say that I am infinitely pleased that many foreigners really liked the Ukrainian localization and played with it. I am generally pleased that the situation with the Ukrainian language is changing for the better and it is increasingly being added to games :3 Thanks for the video!
@@VladIsLove22як думаєш, хто гірше для України: людина з фурі та веселкою на аві, чи людина, яка з пустого місця ділить інших на справжніх і не справжніх українців?
I prefer Ukrainian Skif, to be honest. While VA is all over the place (some characters feel much better in English, some in Ukrainian), English version of Skif just sounds like... idk, he's alcoholic or something. Ukrainian version clearly shows that he has military background and quite a backbone.
Man, i found you accidentally everywhere. Anyway, as much as ukranian dub are off on some places, english just breaking the fourth wall with its bri'ish accents, to the point it's just annoying.
@@Coole000 100% agree, im from the midlands and its really odd hearing a brummie in the zone. Would have prefered they use Ukrainian VA speaking English but i guess they are too busy with more important things, like kicking Russia's ass...
Fell in love with Skif's Ukrainian voice, and the overall atmosphere is so much better than in English for obvious reasons. I'm even interested in learning the language, I love how it sounds.
As a Ukrainian, who speaks both Ukrainian and English, VA is a mixed bag. Korshunov sounds way better in English, but Ukrainian is not that bad, while Agatha sounds just horrible in English but amazing in Ukrainian, Strelok in Ukrainian is emotionless robot. Also some characters, like Doctor are pretty good in both English and Ukrainian. It also feels like sometimes GSC hired random people from the street for both English and Ukrainian for some random characters
@@Left4GamingRyeah, in English it sounds great, VA has a natural "old soldier" voice, while Ukrainian VA was probably told to make that voice and he tried his best)
я не згоден з тобою. для мене якраз англійська звучить пласко і абсолютно беземоційно.//I don't agree with you. English just sounds flat and completely emotionless to me.
@@dipperspace який саме персонаж? Я не казав, що англійська автоматом краща, я описав з подробицями, які персонажі кращі в англійській, а які в українській.
I prefer the Ukrainian VO despite the flaws simply for the matter of authenticity. I can’t stand Slavic bandits and stalkers talking like your average Birmingham citizen
I don't mind them talking like they are from Birmingham... What bothers me is the inconsistency in accents. You got one who sounds like a Ukrainian speaking English. Then one who sounds like he's from Birmingham. Then another from California. Then one with a cartoon villain voice... It's all over the place.
@@Thor.Jorgensen An Ukrainian speaking English and the one who sounds like he's from Birmingham, and an another from California came to bar in the Zone...
@@tonyxfury yes, i know that, but that still doesn't change my words, fundings aside, people (gamers) just don't have any other choice to play on their own language dub, someone might wish to play on Italian, someone in Russian, someone in German, but they left with Ukrainian and English, and now its up to them to consider what sounds to them the best out of choice they have
@@splintergectornathan9045 sure, this can be achieved with bigger budgeting and next project might get these languages VOs as well. Except for Russian, I guess.
I'm playing it in Ukrainian (with English subs of course) and for the most part I think it's better that way. With some exceptions, like Col. Korshunov. Whoever was his English VA knocked it out of the park!
As Ukrainian I really love my native voicing. Some moments just make me replay certain moments to hear it once more. But english one is also really good.
Доктор Далін англійською краще, а Коршунов українською і так вся гра, десь краще англійська, десь українська, але в цілому більш автентично звучить українська з очевидних причин, це ж Чорнобиль, а не Лондон
The game was developed partly in Czech Rep. its good hearing the old VA talent for games like Arma and Kingdom Come Deliverance on the English version, but I set my game to Ukrainian.
Hearing Coops as Korshunov broke it for me. I LOVE him and he delivered a stellar performance, but I just kept thinking of Arma 2 and thinking "He doesn't belong in the Zone!"
I like both very much. The english voice fits me better, especially if you are used to this type of soildier from TV and shows. He has quite some emotion in his lines, but can also carry a exhausted scratchy growl.
I`d glad to see in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 a stalkers who speaks on different languages except english, and ukrainian, or just saying some phrases on it. Russian, Belorussian (but they got banned for obvious reason), Polish, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Moldavian, and etc. That`s would be wonderful
i wish they just had more Ukrainians that try to speak english. you know... too many Irish... Britsh,... Australian people here.... but its not a disaster or off putting
It's not that simple. Sure, there are some Ukrainian actors who are fluent in English and can have a good delivery, and some English VA who can do a good Eastern European accent. But sometimes you get Agatha, who is voiced by the same actress in both English and Ukrainian, has an amazing delivery in Ukrainian but completely butchers English dub
@@Left4GamingR this is not true - Ukrainian gamers always demand the Ukrainian language in games. Moreover, Ukrainians cannot watch English films from with Ukrainian subtitles, Ukrainians watch movies only with full dubbing in Ukrainian
@@_fluffypuppy_ the original game was made with English dubbing, and then there was a dubbing into Ukrainian - so I don't think that the same actress did the dubbing. Ukrainian actors tried to voice in order to get into the lip sync of the English language
Scar's speech about the Shining Zone hits so much better in Ukrainian. He sounds equally off his rocker but wise. In English, it legitimately sounds like a generic villain monologue with only a faint hint of crazy in very very few spots.
It is wonderful that foreigners liked the Ukrainian language. When I play games that have a national identity, such as Kingdom Come or The Witcher, I play first with localization and then in the original language. Indřich, for example, still considering that it is the Czech Republic, sounds more authentic than Henry).
some of them really sound like they are reading from a script and not acting it out. and because i dont know ukrainian, i cant tell how well they are acting out those voices. It seems good though
as a Ukrainian I would say, the Ukrainian language sounds very pathetic and too theatrical. but I listened to an interview with the soldier who voiced 'Scar' - he said he was trying to speak like 'Joker' from the American movies.
Our voiceacting industry is comparatively young, I still remember when UA voiceover became obligatory for foreign movies instead of RU, somewhere in the early 2010s) our VAs are very competent and I love listening to them, but there are not a whole lot of them yet, unfortunately. But they are really good, you'll hear that if you find clips from major movies with UA dub! Also, the discussion around the fact that not all acting/voiceacting should be done in "standard Ukrainian" (like if everyone in all English-speaking movies only spoke with RP), but use all the different variations, imperfections, dialects and accents, - the discussion only just began a few years ago. But we'll definitely get there! Just takes time to develop.
@@katerynasirko1832 i don't agree The dubbing industry was born in our country when the first films were born. Ukrainian dubbing is much better than Russian in terms of quality. Mandatory dubbing was introduced in Ukraine because Russia bought the rights to distribute films on the territory of the USSR and forbade their translation into Ukrainian. When I say that the voice acting is theatrical and pathetic - I am not saying that it is of poor quality - the voice acting is of good quality, I am talking about the voice acting style when a simple thug in the game speaks like an English queen.
@@OlegSimonenko 1) I am aware, I did not say that obligatory UA dubbbing = birth of Ukrainian VA, heck, some UA properties were UA dubbed in Soviet Union, I mentioned that as an example of how we are a young country and popularizing UA voiceovers used to be tough) 2) that's exactly why I mentioned how young the industry is (as a sizeable industry in independent Ukraine) - so far there have been mostly TV and movie dubs, which are mostly done in "proper Ukrainian" and hearing how Ukrainian sounds in everyday life is still comparatively rare even in Ukrainian movies, let alone dubs. We are yet to establish teaching voice actors how to speak different variations of Ukrainian and so on, the way you can get coaches on specific British/American accents nowadays. But I think it will happen with time)
Bruh Degtyarev sounded better in Ukrainian, his english voice just doesn’t match his character back in call of pripyat he sounded calmer yet here he sounded like an drunk Scottish pirate
There were some british or irish accents i liked because some of the characters did look like they were that. I wish some had ukranian accents while speaking english tho. I dont mind a mix of accents becasuse tbf some stalkers now woild be from different countries.
I didn’t play in English, but it’s interesting to hear how the characters sound in English, the work is not bad, I hope that they conveyed the colorful expressions that sound in Ukrainian, as strong words and metaphors
As a Ukrainian I may say that the last phrase (in UA dub) sounded like french to me😅 He said [shchastu biytsu], but it would be better if he says [nehay shchastit'], in Ukraine we use this phrase very often when we wish good luck to someone.
The Commander in English sounds somewhat more military like, the way he speaks is direct and proper, his voice is booming and commanding, the one you'd hear addressing his soldiers in formation, telling how important the mission they were assigned is
Ukrainian dubbing is better quality, but after some time in game, I switched to English becuase it's just more comfortable to play it when I don't have to be glued to subtitles all the time. English is not my native language neither (I am Czech) so it's not like I understand 100% of it, but even if it is like 75%, it's better than nothing. What is weird is that English dub sounds too American, but on other hand, it makes it better understandable than with typical "east slavic accent" as in previous games where they say "zis" instead of this etc.... 😀 But on other hand, this gopnik accent is part of STALKER DNA and it lacks part of atmosphere withou it.
I would play this game in English if they at least had eaestern european accent, and Skif didn't sound like an 18 year old. Doesnt make sense for a guy named Dmitri to sound British
@Happy_Sailor639 accents are a weird thing for non-English dubs in general. For English, everybody learns it, so most people naturally heard non native English accents. How does a French dude trying to speak Ukrainian sounds like? Almost nobody knows, not many outsiders attempted to actually learn and speak Ukrainian. The only accent used in Ukrainian dubs, even in cinema, is a Russian one because it's the only familiar accent to Ukrainian ears. So any attempt to make an accent, even if researched to a real example, would sound too weird
Класно чути українську в іграх. Шкода, що діалоги, схоже, часто писав хтось російськомовний. Не маю часу пограти, але чувак біля поля маків звучить прям топово! Я в захваті!
максимально не погоджуюсь, це просто не так. діалоги деяких персонажів, звісно, складають таке враження, проте, більш ніж впевнений, що це було зроблено спеціально. буквально жива мова, яка вона є в народі. хтось з героїв ніби "перейшов" на українську, а хтось розмовляє ну майже театрально літературною. хіба це не є чудовою репрезентацією реальності? доволі органічно.
@@АудіокнигиукраїнськоювідМакса деякі персонажі говорять не чистою українською мовою, а суржиком, або розмовною мовою. Це прям дуже реалістично, говорю як людина із центральної частини України)
@@whalekillerякась туфта мен Можна було таку озвучку захуярити, що у нас людей немає бля чи що чи говорити не вміємо? Вийшла озвучка досить посередня, ні добре ні погано... Щось таке якесь казкове, перше враження про озвучення було розчарування, бо надія була на щось.. краще
For me, immersion is more important than comprehension so it's Ukrainian voice acting all the way, no subtitles, try to guess what's going on from the context and body language.
7:00 Skif's motivation was very reminiscent of Dude (Lebowski) with his carpet, after the interlocutor's motivational speech about the potential involvement in something big 8:33 Мотивація Скіфа дуже нагадувала Чувака (Лебовскі) з його килимом, після мотиваційної промови співрозмовника про потенційну причетність до чогось великого
UA voicing with Polish lector would be a match made in heaven for me, and many Polish veterans of the serie. But pure Ukrainian is fine too. English voice acting in Slavic settings usually feels off for me. Well except for KCD. This one has an amazing English voice acting.
I play in the Ukrainian dub with Eng sub from day 1. It sounded much better than the English dub. Heck, just listening to the speech tone in English makes me cringe at times. Not to mention the voice of Skif, higher pitched than the Ukrainian voice actor. Just ugh.
I think it's a crime to play this game in english, it makes no sense you are in chernobyl! as a child looking at germans dubbing Arnold Schwarzernegger also made no sense. Play with ukrainian language to get the vibe even if you don't understand it. It will click turst me.
I don't understand Ukranian, but really adored the act, even back in original trilogy, I already loved the voices in Ukranian and all accents! it was ... kind of more realistic I guess... even now when you know story happens in there, I get the same feel... besides acts in both are AAA in my opinion. 👍👍👏👏⬆⬆
To me English is definitely a winner. It's far more natural sounding and fitting the characters better while the Ukrainian is way too theatrical. It's like watching dubbed movie or an actual theater performance, sounds way too exaggerated and fake ruining the immersion including the voices not fitting some characters quite well like for example I went to Lens on my second playthrough playing in Ukrainian and Immediately was like "wtf, why his voice sounds like that?". During combat and random NPC speech it's opposite, Ukrainian is definitely better.
Valid, but I also want to raise a point that our VA industry is still very young and developing - our actors have loads of experience voicing movies by now (hence the theatricality), but this is only the second major game after Metro: Exodus that has ever been voiced in Ukrainian. I hope we will have more gaming studios in the future, more Ukrainian games and maybe even foreign games will get Ukrainian voiceovers in the future!
@@Mellow7883 я надіслала рівно два рази схожий коментар, і якщо ви бачили другий із них, то бачили б і те, яка там розгорнулась дискусія, і не пред'являли б мені, що я бот.
@@Mellow7883 літературна мова це чудово, але не відображає життя. Англомовні люди не звикли до літературного, в англійській традиції прийнято пишатися різними діалектами, акцентами, тощо. В розумінні англомовної людини, вона за стилем мовлення може відрізнити бізнесмена з Нью-Йорку від роботяги з півночі Англії, і їм дивно чути, що люди з різним бекграундом однаково "літературно" розмовляють, наче в дубляжі фільму, а не як вони очікували б від реальних людей.
I'll be honest. Korshunov's voice acting genuinely made the choice for me when it came to siding with the ward. Just a really good performance and a stand up soldier bro, to the end. The same can't be said for certain other voices, with many being so deeply tied to KCD for me that it affected my immersion. Although it was fun to get drunk with "captain Bernard". Anyway as much as I liked some of the voice acting, I kinda wish they had stuck to the style of the first Stalkers, with English VA being spoken with Ukrainian and Russian accents, unless they were genuinely English speaking characters. I would have really appreciated a way to have story characters speak to you in English with an accent, but then have combat voice lines all be Ukrainian, Russian and English depending on the faction, with the Military speaking Ukrainian, the Bandits a mix of Ukrainian and Russian, and the Mercs a mix of Euro languages but mostly English. To be perfectly fair, I think they chose the worst option for VA and then didn't even do it well.
I believe most of the VAs for STALKER 2's English translation are Ukrainian. They just don't sound that way because that's not at all what most Ukrainian and Russia people sound like.
After fighting solder in his bunker i switched to Ukrainian, i felt like i was fighting a homeless guy in London. The Ukrainian voiceover is way more immersive, even though i have to read the subtitles and some of the voices are a bit "meh" and the face animations aren't synced. I play stalker for the *Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke* not the "Oi m8 ye fokin' wot!".
I'm from the Czech Republic and I understand most of the Ukrainian dubbing...Unfortunately, the English dubbing is better in quality and the voices fit the characters better.
As polish guy, i will definitely play Ukrainian version for immersion etc. but i will miss old bandits from original trilogy, bandits in S2 sound less exciting, and from what i saw on YT, some VA seem to be very stiff, like reading from a notebook, without knowing what is the emotional context in given moment.
I genuinely like the delivery from the english VAs(maybe excluding skif), but it feels so jarring and immersion breaking coming from the old games to hear their accents
The only reason I switched back to janky English was because I couldn't spend 90% of the game looking at the bottom of the screen anymore, was driving me nuts
As a Ukrainian, I like Skiff in Ukrainian, but the other two I prefer in English. Ukrainian voice over artists are a bit too TV-like, professional, non-realisic. Not bad by any means, but people don't talk like that)
Ukrainian voice over sounds "juicier" but for unknown reasons Dalin appears a regular enthusiastic scientist in English version but a somewhat shady character in the original. I dunno where the story goes (yet) but Dalin in Ukrainian VoiceOver appears a trickster. I cannot escape a feeling he's lying to me.
Korshunov sounds amazing in both VAs, maybe a little more into the role in the english VA. On the other hand, Dalin and specially Skif are better in the ukrainian VA in my opinion.
Most of the main characters and scenes are voiced well in english, and getting used to the goofy dub of other characters is way better than reading subtitles all the time, and that's even when i can understand some ukrainian, so i really don't get the english speakers pressuring everyone to play in ukrainian.
It's funny, a lot of the reviews from that period were shitting on it for having americans doing accents, but I really would kill for that kind of setup to be used in stalker 2..
Both are pretty good, despite some flaws, but overall English feels better (plus animation has clearly been made for English language). Ukrainian dub sounds a bit unnatural, not bad at all, but I never heard people talking like that IRL. It's a shame that they had to cut out Russian dub, after playing the old trilogy in Russian for well over decade, I got used to it and it just felt more natural. So I opted for Ukrainian dub as the closest alternative. Will use English VA for the second playtrough to compare. But still, it just feels like something is amiss. Or maybe I just miss the old VA cast, not many of the OG's have worked on this game. Hopefuly a few years later, when the dust has settled, GSC will release Russian dub as DLC or extended cut, that would be great.
Якщо ти не чув українську літературну мову, то може ти ніколи не жив в Україні? У мене і в школі, і в університеті - скрізь саме так люди спілкувалися.
@@Mellow7883 I suppose I could've worded it better. Let me amend my statement: "I never heard people talking like that IRL in daily life." You said it yourself: this is the kind of speech you'd normally hear in a university. Or "hear" when reading a book. It sounds a bit too proper and bookish for people surviving in the Zone. Not to mention generational gap: 40+ people usually don't speak Ukrainian all that well. It's all rather immesrion breaking. However, considering the circumstances surrounding production of this game, I'm more than willing to let it slide.
As a German , i can perfectly understand English, but i think Ukrainian sounds better. But im constantly forced to read Subtitles so i loose either concentration on the story or on the Visuals. So thats why i ended up playing in English :(
There won't be a winner and the choice should be based on your personal preference. If developers of a game come from a certain country doesn't mean their native language will sound best to your ears.
Skif is Ukrainian so makes sense to be able to understand the dialogue without subs, i use the english vo for this reason. I really enjoy the energy the Ukrainian spoken vo delivers but find subs very unimmersive.
Hello from Ukraine, It's weird but to my ears/eyes English fits the animation better. Although I'm very glad for Ukrainian option. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that the animation was made with English in mind first.
theese 3 actually dont have a thick ass bri'ish accent so i like english better here. the colonel feels way more respectable and high ranking military in english. Dalin sounds more like a worm, which adds to his character imo. Skif sounfs younger and more reckless which again, suits him since i tend to confront controllers and poltergeists head on :D
The actor who voiced Skif voiced Deadpool and Thor in Ukrainian-language films.
That’s true.
@@1vidolder huh, why? Loved Gothic 1 and 2, so underrated. Must play for stalker fans tbh.
А ще Геральта із Рівії в серіалі відьмак від Нетфлікс
I love Ukrainian dubbing, I first fell in love with it when I watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Tia Dalma's voice is simply incredible.
I'm playing in Ukrainian with subtitles for immersion. It just fits the environment and makes it feel very unique.
Thats the way to play! :D
It is a shame that GSC didn't hire people with slavic accents for English voice over. It would make game atmosphere great and complete!
Agreed, without it it doesn’t really feel like Stalker
It's immersive until you see a black hlopic speaking perfect ukranian XD
Tbh, the most immersive thing would be a mix of multiple languages.
@@Happy_Sailor639 well... we have a shit ton of black people right now in Ukrain. and a lot of them live here since 2000's and already have kids that speak clear Ukrainian. i would say that is no big deal actually.
I am Ukrainian, I will refrain from my opinion.
But I want to say that I am infinitely pleased that many foreigners really liked the Ukrainian localization and played with it.
I am generally pleased that the situation with the Ukrainian language is changing for the better and it is increasingly being added to games :3
Thanks for the video!
This is the first time I can recall seeing such extensive localization for a AAA game.
@@Left4GamingR Metro series
Українець з фурі веселкою на аві, можливо ти тут народився але після 24 лютого відразу виїхав
@@VladIsLove22як думаєш, хто гірше для України: людина з фурі та веселкою на аві, чи людина, яка з пустого місця ділить інших на справжніх і не справжніх українців?
@@slavikpodufalov звісно я краще бо я нео наці, сепремасист, комуніст, расист, сексист (якщо що це був сарказм)гомофоб і трансофоб (це не був)
I prefer Ukrainian Skif, to be honest. While VA is all over the place (some characters feel much better in English, some in Ukrainian), English version of Skif just sounds like... idk, he's alcoholic or something. Ukrainian version clearly shows that he has military background and quite a backbone.
I completely agree. In the Ukrainian voice-over, Skif truly sounds like the main character.
For some reason, English version of Skif has reminded me of V from Cyberpunk, so I like him, even if he sounds almost nothing like V after all
@@Cordis2Die Same for me.
Man, i found you accidentally everywhere. Anyway, as much as ukranian dub are off on some places, english just breaking the fourth wall with its bri'ish accents, to the point it's just annoying.
@@Coole000 100% agree, im from the midlands and its really odd hearing a brummie in the zone. Would have prefered they use Ukrainian VA speaking English but i guess they are too busy with more important things, like kicking Russia's ass...
Це база друже, тримай кавун 🍉
найкращі кавуни з осаки?
@@Opdeit Найкращі в світі кавуни з Херсону 🥰
кавуни з Херсону - то щось неймовірне
Херсоньськи найкращі !!
Fell in love with Skif's Ukrainian voice, and the overall atmosphere is so much better than in English for obvious reasons. I'm even interested in learning the language, I love how it sounds.
As a Ukrainian, who speaks both Ukrainian and English, VA is a mixed bag. Korshunov sounds way better in English, but Ukrainian is not that bad, while Agatha sounds just horrible in English but amazing in Ukrainian, Strelok in Ukrainian is emotionless robot. Also some characters, like Doctor are pretty good in both English and Ukrainian. It also feels like sometimes GSC hired random people from the street for both English and Ukrainian for some random characters
I really loved how Korshunov loses his temper. It’s done so well in both languages!
@@Left4GamingRyeah, in English it sounds great, VA has a natural "old soldier" voice, while Ukrainian VA was probably told to make that voice and he tried his best)
я не згоден з тобою. для мене якраз англійська звучить пласко і абсолютно беземоційно.//I don't agree with you. English just sounds flat and completely emotionless to me.
@@dipperspace який саме персонаж? Я не казав, що англійська автоматом краща, я описав з подробицями, які персонажі кращі в англійській, а які в українській.
@@_fluffypuppy_ всі укр персонажі звучать як погано вмотивовані актори провінційного театру, давайте будемо чесними
I prefer the Ukrainian VO despite the flaws simply for the matter of authenticity. I can’t stand Slavic bandits and stalkers talking like your average Birmingham citizen
Such moments are clearly overlooked.
Oi mate, cheeki breeki to ya🤓
I don't mind them talking like they are from Birmingham...
What bothers me is the inconsistency in accents. You got one who sounds like a Ukrainian speaking English. Then one who sounds like he's from Birmingham. Then another from California. Then one with a cartoon villain voice... It's all over the place.
@@Thor.Jorgensen An Ukrainian speaking English and the one who sounds like he's from Birmingham, and an another from California came to bar in the Zone...
@@boombyte8849 Sounds like the start of a joke.
A shame the punchline was already told.
As Ukrainian, I’m glad to see there are people from around the globe who chose to play in Ukrainian vo. That means a lot to us.
If there was no such comment, I would write the same. I totally agree. That means a lot
kinda yes, but kinda no, its pretty much they left with no choice, they can choose either UA vo, either US vo, there is no other Country dubbing
@ variety of different VOs needs extra funding, but text localization is available.
@@tonyxfury yes, i know that, but that still doesn't change my words, fundings aside, people (gamers) just don't have any other choice to play on their own language dub, someone might wish to play on Italian, someone in Russian, someone in German, but they left with Ukrainian and English, and now its up to them to consider what sounds to them the best out of choice they have
@@splintergectornathan9045 sure, this can be achieved with bigger budgeting and next project might get these languages VOs as well. Except for Russian, I guess.
I am currently playing with English and then on my second playthrough I will be playing with just English subtitles and Ukrainian language.
I'm playing it in Ukrainian (with English subs of course) and for the most part I think it's better that way.
With some exceptions, like Col. Korshunov. Whoever was his English VA knocked it out of the park!
As Ukrainian I really love my native voicing. Some moments just make me replay certain moments to hear it once more. But english one is also really good.
Доктор Далін англійською краще, а Коршунов українською і так вся гра, десь краще англійська, десь українська, але в цілому більш автентично звучить українська з очевидних причин, це ж Чорнобиль, а не Лондон
Мені навпаки Коршунов набагато більше сподобався саме англійською, дуже приємний голос та вельми добре підходить до нього
The game was developed partly in Czech Rep. its good hearing the old VA talent for games like Arma and Kingdom Come Deliverance on the English version, but I set my game to Ukrainian.
Hearing Coops as Korshunov broke it for me. I LOVE him and he delivered a stellar performance, but I just kept thinking of Arma 2 and thinking "He doesn't belong in the Zone!"
@@panzerkiller13 Enemy man 100 meters front
Yeah, recognized a few voices from both Arma and KCD.
Henry's VA should have been skif. They are both always hungry
When you speak fluent Ukrainian, set Ukrainian VO but your eyes are still glued to the subtitles😅
English Skif reminds me of V from Cyberpunk 2077
Haven't played it yet.
tho V sounds twice as better than eng Skif
I'm more reminded of Jesse Pinkman.
In Ukrainian he's literally Deadpool
he does sound somewhat Cali
As a Spanish , who understand english but no ukranian , i prefere the ukranian version, its more realist i think
I like both very much. The english voice fits me better, especially if you are used to this type of soildier from TV and shows. He has quite some emotion in his lines, but can also carry a exhausted scratchy growl.
They really did a great job with Korshunov.
This video doesn't cover all the voices, especially the Birmingham accent
"Holy shit, a Monolith PDAaaaaa"
Why does he say it like that, loool
Both. Both is good.
I`d glad to see in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 a stalkers who speaks on different languages except english, and ukrainian, or just saying some phrases on it. Russian, Belorussian (but they got banned for obvious reason), Polish, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Moldavian, and etc.
That`s would be wonderful
i wish they just had more Ukrainians that try to speak english. you know... too many Irish... Britsh,... Australian people here.... but its not a disaster or off putting
It's not that simple. Sure, there are some Ukrainian actors who are fluent in English and can have a good delivery, and some English VA who can do a good Eastern European accent. But sometimes you get Agatha, who is voiced by the same actress in both English and Ukrainian, has an amazing delivery in Ukrainian but completely butchers English dub
Ukrainian gamers have a strong understanding of English and never create an uproar over the lack of voiceover or translation in their language.
If they had English like the first games I'd use it but I can't with this lmao
@@Left4GamingR this is not true - Ukrainian gamers always demand the Ukrainian language in games. Moreover, Ukrainians cannot watch English films from
with Ukrainian subtitles, Ukrainians watch movies only with full dubbing in Ukrainian
@@_fluffypuppy_ the original game was made with English dubbing, and then there was a dubbing into Ukrainian - so I don't think that the same actress did the dubbing. Ukrainian actors tried to voice in order to get into the lip sync of the English language
Обидва дубляжі дуже професійні. Але я голосую за українську озвучку. Неймовірні голоси, емоції
Потужнометр зашкалює🔥
Scar's speech about the Shining Zone hits so much better in Ukrainian. He sounds equally off his rocker but wise. In English, it legitimately sounds like a generic villain monologue with only a faint hint of crazy in very very few spots.
It is wonderful that foreigners liked the Ukrainian language. When I play games that have a national identity, such as Kingdom Come or The Witcher, I play first with localization and then in the original language. Indřich, for example, still considering that it is the Czech Republic, sounds more authentic than Henry).
Korshunovs english voice actor did a very good job . nice voice he has
Belarus LOVE Ukraine!
🤍❤🤍 Biełaruś razam z VAMI! Trymajciesia!
Дякую 🫂
First playthrough English Second will be Ukrainian 3,4,5,6 didnt decided yet.
Sometimes in game both are good or bad, but at all both are still very comfortable to play and listen.
I love how they made Korshunov so charismatic, as you can see in both languages how strong the person is.
some of them really sound like they are reading from a script and not acting it out. and because i dont know ukrainian, i cant tell how well they are acting out those voices. It seems good though
In this particular scene, both voiceovers are done exceptionally well.
as a Ukrainian I would say, the Ukrainian language sounds very pathetic and too theatrical. but I listened to an interview with the soldier who voiced 'Scar' - he said he was trying to speak like 'Joker' from the American movies.
Our voiceacting industry is comparatively young, I still remember when UA voiceover became obligatory for foreign movies instead of RU, somewhere in the early 2010s) our VAs are very competent and I love listening to them, but there are not a whole lot of them yet, unfortunately. But they are really good, you'll hear that if you find clips from major movies with UA dub!
Also, the discussion around the fact that not all acting/voiceacting should be done in "standard Ukrainian" (like if everyone in all English-speaking movies only spoke with RP), but use all the different variations, imperfections, dialects and accents, - the discussion only just began a few years ago. But we'll definitely get there! Just takes time to develop.
@@katerynasirko1832 i don't agree The dubbing industry was born in our country when the first films were born. Ukrainian dubbing is much better than Russian in terms of quality. Mandatory dubbing was introduced in Ukraine because Russia bought the rights to distribute films on the territory of the USSR and forbade their translation into Ukrainian.
When I say that the voice acting is theatrical and pathetic - I am not saying that it is of poor quality - the voice acting is of good quality, I am talking about the voice acting style when a simple thug in the game speaks like an English queen.
@@OlegSimonenko 1) I am aware, I did not say that obligatory UA dubbbing = birth of Ukrainian VA, heck, some UA properties were UA dubbed in Soviet Union, I mentioned that as an example of how we are a young country and popularizing UA voiceovers used to be tough)
2) that's exactly why I mentioned how young the industry is (as a sizeable industry in independent Ukraine) - so far there have been mostly TV and movie dubs, which are mostly done in "proper Ukrainian" and hearing how Ukrainian sounds in everyday life is still comparatively rare even in Ukrainian movies, let alone dubs. We are yet to establish teaching voice actors how to speak different variations of Ukrainian and so on, the way you can get coaches on specific British/American accents nowadays. But I think it will happen with time)
bald guy looks like mr. Strickland from Back to the Future
Bruh Degtyarev sounded better in Ukrainian, his english voice just doesn’t match his character back in call of pripyat he sounded calmer yet here he sounded like an drunk Scottish pirate
Well everyone would sound like a drunk Scottish pirate if he would have to do what he did for so long.
Both are amazing imo
Honestly half half is good/bad. They should have used the good english VAs and then have the ukrainian good VAs do the other half using english.
There were some british or irish accents i liked because some of the characters did look like they were that. I wish some had ukranian accents while speaking english tho. I dont mind a mix of accents becasuse tbf some stalkers now woild be from different countries.
I didn’t play in English, but it’s interesting to hear how the characters sound in English, the work is not bad, I hope that they conveyed the colorful expressions that sound in Ukrainian, as strong words and metaphors
As long as bandits say "a nu cheeki breeki iv damke" no matter what language you are using, all is well.
As a Ukrainian I may say that the last phrase (in UA dub) sounded like french to me😅
He said [shchastu biytsu], but it would be better if he says [nehay shchastit'], in Ukraine we use this phrase very often when we wish good luck to someone.
Sorry, but Ukrainian voices more emotional, conveys the atmosphere of the conversation
I don't speak or understand a lick of Ukranian but still playing it with og voices as intended.
The Commander in English sounds somewhat more military like, the way he speaks is direct and proper, his voice is booming and commanding, the one you'd hear addressing his soldiers in formation, telling how important the mission they were assigned is
I am Ukrainian and still prefer eng dub, for some reason it seems more serious. Maybe eng dub actors are just more experienced in this field
Excellent cut at 3:53👍
Korshinov Eng VA is absolute cinema
Ukrainian dubbing is better quality, but after some time in game, I switched to English becuase it's just more comfortable to play it when I don't have to be glued to subtitles all the time. English is not my native language neither (I am Czech) so it's not like I understand 100% of it, but even if it is like 75%, it's better than nothing.
What is weird is that English dub sounds too American, but on other hand, it makes it better understandable than with typical "east slavic accent" as in previous games where they say "zis" instead of this etc.... 😀 But on other hand, this gopnik accent is part of STALKER DNA and it lacks part of atmosphere withou it.
I would play this game in English if they at least had eaestern european accent, and Skif didn't sound like an 18 year old. Doesnt make sense for a guy named Dmitri to sound British
Skif really doesn’t sound very expressive in the English version.
Skif is 25, he is not that old. I would say that Ukrainian voice clashes HARD with that, as if Skif smoked a pack of sigs an hour from 13 yo.
@@nickgotvyak5890 he definetly did)
If you don't like Dmitri sounding british, then you probably wouldn't like a black person speaking perfect ukranian :D
@Happy_Sailor639 accents are a weird thing for non-English dubs in general. For English, everybody learns it, so most people naturally heard non native English accents. How does a French dude trying to speak Ukrainian sounds like? Almost nobody knows, not many outsiders attempted to actually learn and speak Ukrainian. The only accent used in Ukrainian dubs, even in cinema, is a Russian one because it's the only familiar accent to Ukrainian ears. So any attempt to make an accent, even if researched to a real example, would sound too weird
Nice comparison 👍English sounds nice 👍but I like Ukrainian better 😉 👍( I love Slavic languages ❤).
Класно чути українську в іграх. Шкода, що діалоги, схоже, часто писав хтось російськомовний. Не маю часу пограти, але чувак біля поля маків звучить прям топово! Я в захваті!
максимально не погоджуюсь, це просто не так. діалоги деяких персонажів, звісно, складають таке враження, проте, більш ніж впевнений, що це було зроблено спеціально. буквально жива мова, яка вона є в народі. хтось з героїв ніби "перейшов" на українську, а хтось розмовляє ну майже театрально літературною. хіба це не є чудовою репрезентацією реальності? доволі органічно.
@whalekiller може ви й маєте рацію... Просто дуже часто персонажі кажуть "якщо що" і мене аж пересмикує...
@@АудіокнигиукраїнськоювідМакса деякі персонажі говорять не чистою українською мовою, а суржиком, або розмовною мовою. Це прям дуже реалістично, говорю як людина із центральної частини України)
@@ЧеркашинМакс ну я ж теж не з космосу. Це говорять персонажі, які спілкуються чистою українською
@@whalekillerякась туфта мен
Можна було таку озвучку захуярити, що у нас людей немає бля чи що чи говорити не вміємо? Вийшла озвучка досить посередня, ні добре ні погано... Щось таке якесь казкове, перше враження про озвучення було розчарування, бо надія була на щось.. краще
For me, immersion is more important than comprehension so it's Ukrainian voice acting all the way, no subtitles, try to guess what's going on from the context and body language.
I wish we had gotten old style of EN voice acting, the ones we got in the first 3 games
7:00 Skif's motivation was very reminiscent of Dude (Lebowski) with his carpet, after the interlocutor's motivational speech about the potential involvement in something big
8:33 Мотивація Скіфа дуже нагадувала Чувака (Лебовскі) з його килимом, після мотиваційної промови співрозмовника про потенційну причетність до чогось великого
UA voicing with Polish lector would be a match made in heaven for me, and many Polish veterans of the serie. But pure Ukrainian is fine too. English voice acting in Slavic settings usually feels off for me.
Well except for KCD. This one has an amazing English voice acting.
"Kurwa" is enough of Polish slang for you
Both are good. Obviously Ukrainian is the most logic, still playing in English.
Idk, for me as Ukrainian English sounds too theatrically while Ukrainian more neutral/natural.
Я полюбила українську озвучку загалом ще з початку 2000х.... Це прекрасно, що мова квітне всюди! Вперед🎉
I play in the Ukrainian dub with Eng sub from day 1. It sounded much better than the English dub. Heck, just listening to the speech tone in English makes me cringe at times. Not to mention the voice of Skif, higher pitched than the Ukrainian voice actor. Just ugh.
I think it's a crime to play this game in english, it makes no sense you are in chernobyl! as a child looking at germans dubbing Arnold Schwarzernegger also made no sense. Play with ukrainian language to get the vibe even if you don't understand it. It will click turst me.
I don't understand Ukranian, but really adored the act, even back in original trilogy, I already loved the voices in Ukranian and all accents! it was ... kind of more realistic I guess... even now when you know story happens in there, I get the same feel... besides acts in both are AAA in my opinion. 👍👍👏👏⬆⬆
Number 1 rule in STALKER - play the game as it's supposed to be played (Hardest Difficulty,Ukrainian Language,simply BE a STALKER)
To me English is definitely a winner. It's far more natural sounding and fitting the characters better while the Ukrainian is way too theatrical. It's like watching dubbed movie or an actual theater performance, sounds way too exaggerated and fake ruining the immersion including the voices not fitting some characters quite well like for example I went to Lens on my second playthrough playing in Ukrainian and Immediately was like "wtf, why his voice sounds like that?".
During combat and random NPC speech it's opposite, Ukrainian is definitely better.
Valid, but I also want to raise a point that our VA industry is still very young and developing - our actors have loads of experience voicing movies by now (hence the theatricality), but this is only the second major game after Metro: Exodus that has ever been voiced in Ukrainian.
I hope we will have more gaming studios in the future, more Ukrainian games and maybe even foreign games will get Ukrainian voiceovers in the future!
Це ви ботоферми запустили і пишите однакові скрізь коментарі? Це як літературну мову так називати?
@@Mellow7883 я надіслала рівно два рази схожий коментар, і якщо ви бачили другий із них, то бачили б і те, яка там розгорнулась дискусія, і не пред'являли б мені, що я бот.
@@Mellow7883 літературна мова це чудово, але не відображає життя. Англомовні люди не звикли до літературного, в англійській традиції прийнято пишатися різними діалектами, акцентами, тощо. В розумінні англомовної людини, вона за стилем мовлення може відрізнити бізнесмена з Нью-Йорку від роботяги з півночі Англії, і їм дивно чути, що люди з різним бекграундом однаково "літературно" розмовляють, наче в дубляжі фільму, а не як вони очікували б від реальних людей.
Ukrainian voicing is f*cking great!
I think Faust is much well dubbed in English. He has that monolith priest craziness and real emotions unlike in Ukrainian
and is it me or have they only used one set of lipsync animations for both languages.....
im pretty sure they were more eng focused when animating
Iit would be cool if Ukrainians also made English version with slavic accent =)
I'll be honest. Korshunov's voice acting genuinely made the choice for me when it came to siding with the ward. Just a really good performance and a stand up soldier bro, to the end.
The same can't be said for certain other voices, with many being so deeply tied to KCD for me that it affected my immersion. Although it was fun to get drunk with "captain Bernard".
Anyway as much as I liked some of the voice acting, I kinda wish they had stuck to the style of the first Stalkers, with English VA being spoken with Ukrainian and Russian accents, unless they were genuinely English speaking characters. I would have really appreciated a way to have story characters speak to you in English with an accent, but then have combat voice lines all be Ukrainian, Russian and English depending on the faction, with the Military speaking Ukrainian, the Bandits a mix of Ukrainian and Russian, and the Mercs a mix of Euro languages but mostly English.
To be perfectly fair, I think they chose the worst option for VA and then didn't even do it well.
I believe most of the VAs for STALKER 2's English translation are Ukrainian. They just don't sound that way because that's not at all what most Ukrainian and Russia people sound like.
@@averagemugTrue, what people consider a "Eastern European" accent in reality is mostly Romanian)
After fighting solder in his bunker i switched to Ukrainian, i felt like i was fighting a homeless guy in London.
The Ukrainian voiceover is way more immersive, even though i have to read the subtitles and some of the voices are a bit "meh" and the face animations aren't synced. I play stalker for the *Cheeki Breeki Iv Damke* not the "Oi m8 ye fokin' wot!".
I'm from the Czech Republic and I understand most of the Ukrainian dubbing...Unfortunately, the English dubbing is better in quality and the voices fit the characters better.
It just doesnt feel right without :" Іди ко мені " These parts were just great
As polish guy, i will definitely play Ukrainian version for immersion etc. but i will miss old bandits from original trilogy, bandits in S2 sound less exciting, and from what i saw on YT, some VA seem to be very stiff, like reading from a notebook, without knowing what is the emotional context in given moment.
не знаю щодо англійської та українська звучить гарно, як у фільмах, дуже якісно - реалістично )
Korshunov is probably the only character who's english VA seems more fitting
I genuinely like the delivery from the english VAs(maybe excluding skif), but it feels so jarring and immersion breaking coming from the old games to hear their accents
Ukrainian sounds nice
The only reason I switched back to janky English was because I couldn't spend 90% of the game looking at the bottom of the screen anymore, was driving me nuts
Korshunov with english va sounds like discount Vinnie Jones
Korshunov sounds badass in English ! i like it much more
Animations are clearly made for EN version
As a Ukrainian, I like Skiff in Ukrainian, but the other two I prefer in English.
Ukrainian voice over artists are a bit too TV-like, professional, non-realisic. Not bad by any means, but people don't talk like that)
Ukrainian voice over sounds "juicier" but for unknown reasons Dalin appears a regular enthusiastic scientist in English version but a somewhat shady character in the original. I dunno where the story goes (yet) but Dalin in Ukrainian VoiceOver appears a trickster. I cannot escape a feeling he's lying to me.
I had no problems with english dub until I heard Hamster.
("May fayvourit customma!")
Korshunov sounds amazing in both VAs, maybe a little more into the role in the english VA. On the other hand, Dalin and specially Skif are better in the ukrainian VA in my opinion.
Most of the main characters and scenes are voiced well in english, and getting used to the goofy dub of other characters is way better than reading subtitles all the time, and that's even when i can understand some ukrainian, so i really don't get the english speakers pressuring everyone to play in ukrainian.
Hearing English Skif feels like I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077
ENG = Oblivion
Ukrainian = immersion
I miss that old slavic english accent from previous games.
@iamrightyouarewrong6730how is that racist?
It's funny, a lot of the reviews from that period were shitting on it for having americans doing accents, but I really would kill for that kind of setup to be used in stalker 2..
@@rageinducingchicken2366 my culture and accent is not for you to make mockery of.
@iamrightyouarewrong6730 no one was mocking anything?
As a Stalker Gamma and original trilogy addict, english lines feel sacrilegious. But the english VA's killed it.
Both are pretty good, despite some flaws, but overall English feels better (plus animation has clearly been made for English language). Ukrainian dub sounds a bit unnatural, not bad at all, but I never heard people talking like that IRL. It's a shame that they had to cut out Russian dub, after playing the old trilogy in Russian for well over decade, I got used to it and it just felt more natural. So I opted for Ukrainian dub as the closest alternative. Will use English VA for the second playtrough to compare. But still, it just feels like something is amiss. Or maybe I just miss the old VA cast, not many of the OG's have worked on this game. Hopefuly a few years later, when the dust has settled, GSC will release Russian dub as DLC or extended cut, that would be great.
Якщо ти не чув українську літературну мову, то може ти ніколи не жив в Україні? У мене і в школі, і в університеті - скрізь саме так люди спілкувалися.
@@Mellow7883 I suppose I could've worded it better. Let me amend my statement: "I never heard people talking like that IRL in daily life." You said it yourself: this is the kind of speech you'd normally hear in a university. Or "hear" when reading a book. It sounds a bit too proper and bookish for people surviving in the Zone. Not to mention generational gap: 40+ people usually don't speak Ukrainian all that well. It's all rather immesrion breaking. However, considering the circumstances surrounding production of this game, I'm more than willing to let it slide.
As a German , i can perfectly understand English, but i think Ukrainian sounds better. But im constantly forced to read Subtitles so i loose either concentration on the story or on the Visuals.
So thats why i ended up playing in English :(
тримай кавун, друже!)
"Tell us what YOU need to know and you can take the gun" lol, dude must have been confused as fuck, but carried on recording.
There won't be a winner and the choice should be based on your personal preference. If developers of a game come from a certain country doesn't mean their native language will sound best to your ears.
I like both of them
Skif is infinitely better in the Ukrainian dub, but I REALLY like the colonel in the English dub
Skif is Ukrainian so makes sense to be able to understand the dialogue without subs, i use the english vo for this reason. I really enjoy the energy the Ukrainian spoken vo delivers but find subs very unimmersive.
Author, in your channel description the region is Ukraine. Are you from there?
@Left4GamingR бля, я спочатку думав, що ти великий вестерний фанат Сталкеру 🙃
Hello from Ukraine, It's weird but to my ears/eyes English fits the animation better. Although I'm very glad for Ukrainian option. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that the animation was made with English in mind first.
theese 3 actually dont have a thick ass bri'ish accent so i like english better here. the colonel feels way more respectable and high ranking military in english. Dalin sounds more like a worm, which adds to his character imo. Skif sounfs younger and more reckless which again, suits him since i tend to confront controllers and poltergeists head on :D
Sometimes one sounds better, sometimes another. Both good. 💪